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Is a bear market ahead?

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Dear friends,


A noted stock market analyst is saying the US stock market is near a possible melt-down. Richard Russell has been following the Dow Jones Industrial Average in terms of critical levels for over half a century. He is said to find that the next critical level is around 7550. If the Dow closes below this level it will be a clear sign of a bear market in US stocks. Yesterday, the Dow closed at 7957. Of course, some would argue the US is already in a bear market, given that the stock market peaked at 14165 on October 9, 2007 and is now far below that level. However, if we accept Russell's logic, the Dow would have to fall by more than 400 points to breach the critical level, giving a signal that a full blown bear market trend is underway. Even then, this is by no means certain. Despite

the serious problems facing the economy, there are three things investors may take comfort in when evaluating the prospects for the economy.



First, the US government and Federal Reserve have pumped significant amounts of money into the system. The following story is eye opening in this regard:




The new money is being used to supplant a lot of wealth wiped out on Wall Street in the 2008 crash of the financial system. A similar approach has been taken in many countries. In theory, this would suggest the ability of the financial system to make loans is supported. Of course, there are many problems with this assumption and the banking firms have become risk-averse and reluctant to lend, even if their funds have been partially replenished. A down-side risk could be increased inflation.



Second, the process of globalisation seems to be still intact. In other words, there have been no real setbacks to the process of increasing global integration through trade in goods and services around the world as well as the international movement of capital and labour - the ability to invest or work in other countries. It is true that there are regimes hostile to US style capitalism, such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc., but these are still few and not seen to be a substantial threat to the globalisation process. The new major players in the global economy, such as China, India and Russia seem to be generally positive to the system. The main threat at this time would be increased protectionism in countries hard hit by the recession, including in the USA or in European countries.



Third, social acceptance of capitalism is being challenged by the crisis. However, a new breed of leaders, like Barack Obama, are pursuing new policies aimed at securing the situation of working people. This may preserve the political stability. A trend towards "populism" has been predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart for the USA in the article Predictions for the USA in 2009.



So, investors have certain things to hang their hopes on, that the stock market will not melt down. At the same time, how these elements fare will help us determine if the crisis will deepen or be gradually resolved.


Astrologically, the situation becomes quite tense towards the middle of this month, as discussed before, when transit debilitated Jupiter becomes conjunct the stationary nodal axis, the financial stability of the USA will be at a low level. The days February 13-14 would be critical in this regard. After the start of the Saturn sub-period on February 17, 2009, things are expected to slow down and the economy to become sluggish for some years. So, it will be interesting to see if a full-blown bear market develops in the stock market or not in coming days.


Finally, it is very difficult to predict the movement of exchange rates, as they reflect so many influences from around the world. We will also see if the dollar moves decisively at that time.


With best wishes,



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Dear Thor, Thanks a lot for ur Wonderfull Articles.Regarding Coming Transists In U.S. chart, On 9 Feb 2009, A New 800 billion dollar stimulus package is expected, To revive the financial constraints the Country is facing.On that Very date The Transist Nodes shall be almost Exactly afflicting Tr deb Jupiter which is lord of h6 of financial stability, Thus it seems the Speculators worldwide would not like this package and Stock markets could move strongly downwards and below 7550 on Dow and could indicate the start of bear phase in U.S.Also could these Nodes i.e. Rahus impact on Tr deb Jupiter has any chances of Manipulating Jupiter. Although it seems unlikely but Could Rahu the Manipulator move the direction of Stocks Upwards !!!.Best

Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 2/5/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologer Is a bear market ahead?samva Date: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 12:21 AM






Dear friends,


A noted stock market analyst is saying the US stock market is near a possible melt-down. Richard Russell has been following the Dow Jones Industrial Average in terms of critical levels for over half a century. He is said to find that the next critical level is around 7550. If the Dow closes below this level it will be a clear sign of a bear market in US stocks. Yesterday, the Dow closed at 7957. Of course, some would argue the US is already in a bear market, given that the stock market peaked at 14165 on October 9, 2007 and is now far below that level. However, if we accept Russell's logic, the Dow would have to fall by more than 400 points to breach the critical level, giving a signal that a full blown bear market trend is underway. Even then, this is by no means certain. Despite

the serious problems facing the economy, there are three things investors may take comfort in when evaluating the prospects for the economy.



First, the US government and Federal Reserve have pumped significant amounts of money into the system. The following story is eye opening in this regard:


http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/ 20816/?ck= 1


The new money is being used to supplant a lot of wealth wiped out on Wall Street in the 2008 crash of the financial system. A similar approach has been taken in many countries. In theory, this would suggest the ability of the financial system to make loans is supported. Of course, there are many problems with this assumption and the banking firms have become risk-averse and reluctant to lend, even if their funds have been partially replenished. A down-side risk could be increased inflation.



Second, the process of globalisation seems to be still intact. In other words, there have been no real setbacks to the process of increasing global integration through trade in goods and services around the world as well as the international movement of capital and labour - the ability to invest or work in other countries. It is true that there are regimes hostile to US style capitalism, such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc., but these are still few and not seen to be a substantial threat to the globalisation process. The new major players in the global economy, such as China, India and Russia seem to be generally positive to the system. The main threat at this time would be increased protectionism in countries hard hit by the recession, including in the USA or in European countries.



Third, social acceptance of capitalism is being challenged by the crisis. However, a new breed of leaders, like Barack Obama, are pursuing new policies aimed at securing the situation of working people. This may preserve the political stability. A trend towards "populism" has been predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart for the USA in the article Predictions for the USA in 2009.

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/predictions- for-usa-in- 2009.html


So, investors have certain things to hang their hopes on, that the stock market will not melt down. At the same time, how these elements fare will help us determine if the crisis will deepen or be gradually resolved.


Astrologically, the situation becomes quite tense towards the middle of this month, as discussed before, when transit debilitated Jupiter becomes conjunct the stationary nodal axis, the financial stability of the USA will be at a low level. The days February 13-14 would be critical in this regard. After the start of the Saturn sub-period on February 17, 2009, things are expected to slow down and the economy to become sluggish for some years. So, it will be interesting to see if a full-blown bear market develops in the stock market or not in coming days.


Finally, it is very difficult to predict the movement of exchange rates, as they reflect so many influences from around the world. We will also see if the dollar moves decisively at that time.


With best wishes,



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Dear Ajay,


Thank you for the kind words.


Yes, we will soon see how the markets react to the need for huge amounts of additional borrowing by the US government.


In the SAMVA USA chart, natal RAHU at 17° 47' Aries is conjunct the most effective point of the 10th house at 20° 00' Aries. This suggests that there would be some tendency for manipulation due to desire for material gain with regard to the indications of affected houses.

- 10th house (owned by Mars), e.g. foreign trade and the administration,

- 6th house (o.b. Jupiter), e.g. debts, financial stability, public health, courts, enemity,

- 2nd house (o.b. Sun), e.g. wealth, status and relations with neighbors, communal harmony,

- 4th house (o.b. Venus), e.g. fixed assets, basic education, communal harmony.


The influence is only 50% in the chart and this degree of influence would be fully felt some 125 years from the birth of the country in 1781 - or around 1906, the year of the San Francisco earthquake. The influence could also be seen when Rahu afflicts the planets owning the houses mentioned.


At the present time, we see Rahu conjunct 6th lord Jupiter, which is debilitated in transit. While the conjunction is only weakly influencing Mercury as 3rd lord in the chart, the influence is only felt generally in the national life. However, as Jupiter is still the sub-period lord, its influence is nevertheless prounced at this time. We can therefore conclude that if there were some manipulation with respect to debts, financial stability, etc. it would conceivably take the following form to e.g.


a) underrepresent the true (bad) state of the economy or public finances

b) overrepresent the ability of the government to pay back the loan

c) manipulate other aspects of the market, to boost stock prices or the dollar


The aim would be to induce the lenders to offer sufficient loans and at cheap rates. Such efforts would then be expected to fail, a characteristic of such Rahuian manipulation efforts, especially after transit Sun enters Aquarius and the 8th house on Feburary 12th as this transit suggests a decline in the dollar and share prices.


One more comment, if such manipulation were taking place, I don´t think it would involve President Obama or his cabinet. This raises the question by which mechanism such manipulation would manifest, if seen in a national chart. Moroever, as I have no information on it, please consider the above thoughts only speculative, or inferences based on some elements in the chart.


Best wishes,






ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 6, 2009 12:33:41 PMRe: Is a bear market ahead?




Dear Thor, Thanks a lot for ur Wonderfull Articles.Regarding Coming Transists In U.S. chart, On 9 Feb 2009, A New 800 billion dollar stimulus package is expected, To revive the financial constraints the Country is facing.On that Very date The Transist Nodes shall be almost Exactly afflicting Tr deb Jupiter which is lord of h6 of financial stability, Thus it seems the Speculators worldwide would not like this package and Stock markets could move strongly downwards and below 7550 on Dow and could indicate the start of bear phase in U.S.Also could these Nodes i.e. Rahus impact on Tr deb Jupiter has any chances of Manipulating Jupiter. Although it seems unlikely but Could Rahu the Manipulator move the direction of Stocks Upwards !!!.Best Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 2/5/09,

Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologer Is a bear market ahead?samva Date: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 12:21 AM






Dear friends,


A noted stock market analyst is saying the US stock market is near a possible melt-down. Richard Russell has been following the Dow Jones Industrial Average in terms of critical levels for over half a century. He is said to find that the next critical level is around 7550. If the Dow closes below this level it will be a clear sign of a bear market in US stocks. Yesterday, the Dow closed at 7957. Of course, some would argue the US is already in a bear market, given that the stock market peaked at 14165 on October 9, 2007 and is now far below that level. However, if we accept Russell's logic, the Dow would have to fall by more than 400 points to breach the critical level, giving a signal that a full blown bear market trend is underway. Even then, this is by no means certain. Despite

the serious problems facing the economy, there are three things investors may take comfort in when evaluating the prospects for the economy.



First, the US government and Federal Reserve have pumped significant amounts of money into the system. The following story is eye opening in this regard:


http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/ 20816/?ck= 1


The new money is being used to supplant a lot of wealth wiped out on Wall Street in the 2008 crash of the financial system. A similar approach has been taken in many countries. In theory, this would suggest the ability of the financial system to make loans is supported. Of course, there are many problems with this assumption and the banking firms have become risk-averse and reluctant to lend, even if their funds have been partially replenished. A down-side risk could be increased inflation.



Second, the process of globalisation seems to be still intact. In other words, there have been no real setbacks to the process of increasing global integration through trade in goods and services around the world as well as the international movement of capital and labour - the ability to invest or work in other countries. It is true that there are regimes hostile to US style capitalism, such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc., but these are still few and not seen to be a substantial threat to the globalisation process. The new major players in the global economy, such as China, India and Russia seem to be generally positive to the system. The main threat at this time would be increased protectionism in countries hard hit by the recession, including in the USA or in European countries.



Third, social acceptance of capitalism is being challenged by the crisis. However, a new breed of leaders, like Barack Obama, are pursuing new policies aimed at securing the situation of working people. This may preserve the political stability. A trend towards "populism" has been predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart for the USA in the article Predictions for the USA in 2009.

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/predictions- for-usa-in- 2009.html


So, investors have certain things to hang their hopes on, that the stock market will not melt down. At the same time, how these elements fare will help us determine if the crisis will deepen or be gradually resolved.


Astrologically, the situation becomes quite tense towards the middle of this month, as discussed before, when transit debilitated Jupiter becomes conjunct the stationary nodal axis, the financial stability of the USA will be at a low level. The days February 13-14 would be critical in this regard. After the start of the Saturn sub-period on February 17, 2009, things are expected to slow down and the economy to become sluggish for some years. So, it will be interesting to see if a full-blown bear market develops in the stock market or not in coming days.


Finally, it is very difficult to predict the movement of exchange rates, as they reflect so many influences from around the world. We will also see if the dollar moves decisively at that time.


With best wishes,



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Psst...http://finance.google.com/finance?q=TLTIt already underway...It began in Dec 08--- On Sat, 2/7/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: Is a bear market ahead?SAMVA Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009, 2:09 AM


Dear Ajay,


Thank you for the kind words.


Yes, we will soon see how the markets react to the need for huge amounts of additional borrowing by the US government.


In the SAMVA USA chart, natal RAHU at 17° 47' Aries is conjunct the most effective point of the 10th house at 20° 00' Aries. This suggests that there would be some tendency for manipulation due to desire for material gain with regard to the indications of affected houses.

- 10th house (owned by Mars), e.g. foreign trade and the administration,

- 6th house (o.b. Jupiter), e.g. debts, financial stability, public health, courts, enemity,

- 2nd house (o.b. Sun), e.g. wealth, status and relations with neighbors, communal harmony,

- 4th house (o.b. Venus), e.g. fixed assets, basic education, communal harmony.


The influence is only 50% in the chart and this degree of influence would be fully felt some 125 years from the birth of the country in 1781 - or around 1906, the year of the San Francisco earthquake. The influence could also be seen when Rahu afflicts the planets owning the houses mentioned.


At the present time, we see Rahu conjunct 6th lord Jupiter, which is debilitated in transit. While the conjunction is only weakly influencing Mercury as 3rd lord in the chart, the influence is only felt generally in the national life. However, as Jupiter is still the sub-period lord, its influence is nevertheless prounced at this time. We can therefore conclude that if there were some manipulation with respect to debts, financial stability, etc. it would conceivably take the following form to e.g.


a) underrepresent the true (bad) state of the economy or public finances

b) overrepresent the ability of the government to pay back the loan

c) manipulate other aspects of the market, to boost stock prices or the dollar


The aim would be to induce the lenders to offer sufficient loans and at cheap rates. Such efforts would then be expected to fail, a characteristic of such Rahuian manipulation efforts, especially after transit Sun enters Aquarius and the 8th house on Feburary 12th as this transit suggests a decline in the dollar and share prices.


One more comment, if such manipulation were taking place, I don´t think it would involve President Obama or his cabinet. This raises the question by which mechanism such manipulation would manifest, if seen in a national chart. Moroever, as I have no information on it, please consider the above thoughts only speculative, or inferences based on some elements in the chart.


Best wishes,






ajay sehg <ajaysehg >SAMVA Friday, February 6, 2009 12:33:41 PMRe: Is a bear market ahead?




Dear Thor, Thanks a lot for ur Wonderfull Articles.Regarding Coming Transists In U.S. chart, On 9 Feb 2009, A New 800 billion dollar stimulus package is expected, To revive the financial constraints the Country is facing.On that Very date The Transist Nodes shall be almost Exactly afflicting Tr deb Jupiter which is lord of h6 of financial stability, Thus it seems the Speculators worldwide would not like this package and Stock markets could move strongly downwards and below 7550 on Dow and could indicate the start of bear phase in U.S.Also could these Nodes i.e. Rahus impact on Tr deb Jupiter has any chances of Manipulating Jupiter. Although it seems unlikely but Could Rahu the Manipulator move the direction of Stocks Upwards !!!.Best Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu,


Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologer > Is a bear market ahead?samva Thursday, February 5, 2009, 12:21 AM






Dear friends,


A noted stock market analyst is saying the US stock market is near a possible melt-down. Richard Russell has been following the Dow Jones Industrial Average in terms of critical levels for over half a century. He is said to find that the next critical level is around 7550. If the Dow closes below this level it will be a clear sign of a bear market in US stocks. Yesterday, the Dow closed at 7957. Of course, some would argue the US is already in a bear market, given that the stock market peaked at 14165 on October 9, 2007 and is now far below that level. However, if we accept Russell's logic, the Dow would have to fall by more than 400 points to breach the critical level, giving a signal that a full blown bear market trend is underway. Even then, this is by no means certain. Despite

the serious problems facing the economy, there are three things investors may take comfort in when evaluating the prospects for the economy.



First, the US government and Federal Reserve have pumped significant amounts of money into the system. The following story is eye opening in this regard:


http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/ 20816/?ck= 1


The new money is being used to supplant a lot of wealth wiped out on Wall Street in the 2008 crash of the financial system. A similar approach has been taken in many countries. In theory, this would suggest the ability of the financial system to make loans is supported. Of course, there are many problems with this assumption and the banking firms have become risk-averse and reluctant to lend, even if their funds have been partially replenished. A down-side risk could be increased inflation.



Second, the process of globalisation seems to be still intact. In other words, there have been no real setbacks to the process of increasing global integration through trade in goods and services around the world as well as the international movement of capital and labour - the ability to invest or work in other countries. It is true that there are regimes hostile to US style capitalism, such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc., but these are still few and not seen to be a substantial threat to the globalisation process. The new major players in the global economy, such as China, India and Russia seem to be generally positive to the system. The main threat at this time would be increased protectionism in countries hard hit by the recession, including in the USA or in European countries.



Third, social acceptance of capitalism is being challenged by the crisis. However, a new breed of leaders, like Barack Obama, are pursuing new policies aimed at securing the situation of working people. This may preserve the political stability. A trend towards "populism" has been predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart for the USA in the article Predictions for the USA in 2009.

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/predictions- for-usa-in- 2009.html


So, investors have certain things to hang their hopes on, that the stock market will not melt down. At the same time, how these elements fare will help us determine if the crisis will deepen or be gradually resolved.


Astrologically, the situation becomes quite tense towards the middle of this month, as discussed before, when transit debilitated Jupiter becomes conjunct the stationary nodal axis, the financial stability of the USA will be at a low level. The days February 13-14 would be critical in this regard. After the start of the Saturn sub-period on February 17, 2009, things are expected to slow down and the economy to become sluggish for some years. So, it will be interesting to see if a full-blown bear market develops in the stock market or not in coming days.


Finally, it is very difficult to predict the movement of exchange rates, as they reflect so many influences from around the world. We will also see if the dollar moves decisively at that time.


With best wishes,



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Hello Andrew Thomas Wu,


Thanks for the link.


If you look further back, you will see that there was a rush into US securities in late 2008 which led to rise in the bonds, also accompanied by a strengthening in the dollar. The bond levels are now close to 100 - but in recent days they have declined more. The prediction for increased financial concerns ahead has been realised. We will now see how this trend continues in the next days and week.


Best wishes,







Andrew Thomas Wu <andrewngmmSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 6, 2009 7:33:50 PMRe: Is a bear market ahead?




Psst...http://finance.google.com/finance?q=TLTIt already underway...It began in Dec 08--- On Sat, 2/7/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: Is a bear market ahead?SAMVA Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009, 2:09 AM





Dear Ajay,


Thank you for the kind words.


Yes, we will soon see how the markets react to the need for huge amounts of additional borrowing by the US government.


In the SAMVA USA chart, natal RAHU at 17° 47' Aries is conjunct the most effective point of the 10th house at 20° 00' Aries. This suggests that there would be some tendency for manipulation due to desire for material gain with regard to the indications of affected houses.

- 10th house (owned by Mars), e.g. foreign trade and the administration,

- 6th house (o.b. Jupiter), e.g. debts, financial stability, public health, courts, enemity,

- 2nd house (o.b. Sun), e.g. wealth, status and relations with neighbors, communal harmony,

- 4th house (o.b. Venus), e.g. fixed assets, basic education, communal harmony.


The influence is only 50% in the chart and this degree of influence would be fully felt some 125 years from the birth of the country in 1781 - or around 1906, the year of the San Francisco earthquake. The influence could also be seen when Rahu afflicts the planets owning the houses mentioned.


At the present time, we see Rahu conjunct 6th lord Jupiter, which is debilitated in transit. While the conjunction is only weakly influencing Mercury as 3rd lord in the chart, the influence is only felt generally in the national life. However, as Jupiter is still the sub-period lord, its influence is nevertheless prounced at this time. We can therefore conclude that if there were some manipulation with respect to debts, financial stability, etc. it would conceivably take the following form to e.g.


a) underrepresent the true (bad) state of the economy or public finances

b) overrepresent the ability of the government to pay back the loan

c) manipulate other aspects of the market, to boost stock prices or the dollar


The aim would be to induce the lenders to offer sufficient loans and at cheap rates. Such efforts would then be expected to fail, a characteristic of such Rahuian manipulation efforts, especially after transit Sun enters Aquarius and the 8th house on Feburary 12th as this transit suggests a decline in the dollar and share prices.


One more comment, if such manipulation were taking place, I don´t think it would involve President Obama or his cabinet. This raises the question by which mechanism such manipulation would manifest, if seen in a national chart. Moroever, as I have no information on it, please consider the above thoughts only speculative, or inferences based on some elements in the chart.


Best wishes,






ajay sehg <ajaysehg >SAMVA Friday, February 6, 2009 12:33:41 PMRe: Is a bear market ahead?




Dear Thor, Thanks a lot for ur Wonderfull Articles.Regarding Coming Transists In U.S. chart, On 9 Feb 2009, A New 800 billion dollar stimulus package is expected, To revive the financial constraints the Country is facing.On that Very date The Transist Nodes shall be almost Exactly afflicting Tr deb Jupiter which is lord of h6 of financial stability, Thus it seems the Speculators worldwide would not like this package and Stock markets could move strongly downwards and below 7550 on Dow and could indicate the start of bear phase in U.S.Also could these Nodes i.e. Rahus impact on Tr deb Jupiter has any chances of Manipulating Jupiter. Although it seems unlikely but Could Rahu the Manipulator move the direction of Stocks Upwards !!!.Best Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 2/5/09,

Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologer > Is a bear market ahead?samva Thursday, February 5, 2009, 12:21 AM






Dear friends,


A noted stock market analyst is saying the US stock market is near a possible melt-down. Richard Russell has been following the Dow Jones Industrial Average in terms of critical levels for over half a century. He is said to find that the next critical level is around 7550. If the Dow closes below this level it will be a clear sign of a bear market in US stocks. Yesterday, the Dow closed at 7957. Of course, some would argue the US is already in a bear market, given that the stock market peaked at 14165 on October 9, 2007 and is now far below that level. However, if we accept Russell's logic, the Dow would have to fall by more than 400 points to breach the critical level, giving a signal that a full blown bear market trend is underway. Even then, this is by no means certain. Despite

the serious problems facing the economy, there are three things investors may take comfort in when evaluating the prospects for the economy.



First, the US government and Federal Reserve have pumped significant amounts of money into the system. The following story is eye opening in this regard:


http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/ 20816/?ck= 1


The new money is being used to supplant a lot of wealth wiped out on Wall Street in the 2008 crash of the financial system. A similar approach has been taken in many countries. In theory, this would suggest the ability of the financial system to make loans is supported. Of course, there are many problems with this assumption and the banking firms have become risk-averse and reluctant to lend, even if their funds have been partially replenished. A down-side risk could be increased inflation.



Second, the process of globalisation seems to be still intact. In other words, there have been no real setbacks to the process of increasing global integration through trade in goods and services around the world as well as the international movement of capital and labour - the ability to invest or work in other countries. It is true that there are regimes hostile to US style capitalism, such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc., but these are still few and not seen to be a substantial threat to the globalisation process. The new major players in the global economy, such as China, India and Russia seem to be generally positive to the system. The main threat at this time would be increased protectionism in countries hard hit by the recession, including in the USA or in European countries.



Third, social acceptance of capitalism is being challenged by the crisis. However, a new breed of leaders, like Barack Obama, are pursuing new policies aimed at securing the situation of working people. This may preserve the political stability. A trend towards "populism" has been predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart for the USA in the article Predictions for the USA in 2009.

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/predictions- for-usa-in- 2009.html


So, investors have certain things to hang their hopes on, that the stock market will not melt down. At the same time, how these elements fare will help us determine if the crisis will deepen or be gradually resolved.


Astrologically, the situation becomes quite tense towards the middle of this month, as discussed before, when transit debilitated Jupiter becomes conjunct the stationary nodal axis, the financial stability of the USA will be at a low level. The days February 13-14 would be critical in this regard. After the start of the Saturn sub-period on February 17, 2009, things are expected to slow down and the economy to become sluggish for some years. So, it will be interesting to see if a full-blown bear market develops in the stock market or not in coming days.


Finally, it is very difficult to predict the movement of exchange rates, as they reflect so many influences from around the world. We will also see if the dollar moves decisively at that time.


With best wishes,



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Dear Thor,Thanks a lot for ur Inputs.Yes It would be very interesting to see in the coming week as to how The Double Faced Rahu, The Manipulator & the Afflictor, behaves.Now as Jupiter is weak in Tr, So chances are Rahu shall Afflict it. Any how the coming week is going to be very Important from Astrological analytical View. Best Regards. Ajay.--- On Fri, 2/6/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: Is a bear market ahead?SAMVA Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 10:09 AM





Dear Ajay,


Thank you for the kind words.


Yes, we will soon see how the markets react to the need for huge amounts of additional borrowing by the US government.


In the SAMVA USA chart, natal RAHU at 17° 47' Aries is conjunct the most effective point of the 10th house at 20° 00' Aries. This suggests that there would be some tendency for manipulation due to desire for material gain with regard to the indications of affected houses.

- 10th house (owned by Mars), e.g. foreign trade and the administration,

- 6th house (o.b. Jupiter), e.g. debts, financial stability, public health, courts, enemity,

- 2nd house (o.b. Sun), e.g. wealth, status and relations with neighbors, communal harmony,

- 4th house (o.b. Venus), e.g. fixed assets, basic education, communal harmony.


The influence is only 50% in the chart and this degree of influence would be fully felt some 125 years from the birth of the country in 1781 - or around 1906, the year of the San Francisco earthquake. The influence could also be seen when Rahu afflicts the planets owning the houses mentioned.


At the present time, we see Rahu conjunct 6th lord Jupiter, which is debilitated in transit. While the conjunction is only weakly influencing Mercury as 3rd lord in the chart, the influence is only felt generally in the national life. However, as Jupiter is still the sub-period lord, its influence is nevertheless prounced at this time. We can therefore conclude that if there were some manipulation with respect to debts, financial stability, etc. it would conceivably take the following form to e.g.


a) underrepresent the true (bad) state of the economy or public finances

b) overrepresent the ability of the government to pay back the loan

c) manipulate other aspects of the market, to boost stock prices or the dollar


The aim would be to induce the lenders to offer sufficient loans and at cheap rates. Such efforts would then be expected to fail, a characteristic of such Rahuian manipulation efforts, especially after transit Sun enters Aquarius and the 8th house on Feburary 12th as this transit suggests a decline in the dollar and share prices.


One more comment, if such manipulation were taking place, I don´t think it would involve President Obama or his cabinet. This raises the question by which mechanism such manipulation would manifest, if seen in a national chart. Moroever, as I have no information on it, please consider the above thoughts only speculative, or inferences based on some elements in the chart.


Best wishes,






ajay sehg <ajaysehg >SAMVA Friday, February 6, 2009 12:33:41 PMRe: Is a bear market ahead?




Dear Thor, Thanks a lot for ur Wonderfull Articles.Regarding Coming Transists In U.S. chart, On 9 Feb 2009, A New 800 billion dollar stimulus package is expected, To revive the financial constraints the Country is facing.On that Very date The Transist Nodes shall be almost Exactly afflicting Tr deb Jupiter which is lord of h6 of financial stability, Thus it seems the Speculators worldwide would not like this package and Stock markets could move strongly downwards and below 7550 on Dow and could indicate the start of bear phase in U.S.Also could these Nodes i.e. Rahus impact on Tr deb Jupiter has any chances of Manipulating Jupiter. Although it seems unlikely but Could Rahu the Manipulator move the direction of Stocks Upwards !!!.Best Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 2/5/09,

Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologer > Is a bear market ahead?samva Thursday, February 5, 2009, 12:21 AM






Dear friends,


A noted stock market analyst is saying the US stock market is near a possible melt-down. Richard Russell has been following the Dow Jones Industrial Average in terms of critical levels for over half a century. He is said to find that the next critical level is around 7550. If the Dow closes below this level it will be a clear sign of a bear market in US stocks. Yesterday, the Dow closed at 7957. Of course, some would argue the US is already in a bear market, given that the stock market peaked at 14165 on October 9, 2007 and is now far below that level. However, if we accept Russell's logic, the Dow would have to fall by more than 400 points to breach the critical level, giving a signal that a full blown bear market trend is underway. Even then, this is by no means certain. Despite

the serious problems facing the economy, there are three things investors may take comfort in when evaluating the prospects for the economy.



First, the US government and Federal Reserve have pumped significant amounts of money into the system. The following story is eye opening in this regard:


http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/ 20816/?ck= 1


The new money is being used to supplant a lot of wealth wiped out on Wall Street in the 2008 crash of the financial system. A similar approach has been taken in many countries. In theory, this would suggest the ability of the financial system to make loans is supported. Of course, there are many problems with this assumption and the banking firms have become risk-averse and reluctant to lend, even if their funds have been partially replenished. A down-side risk could be increased inflation.



Second, the process of globalisation seems to be still intact. In other words, there have been no real setbacks to the process of increasing global integration through trade in goods and services around the world as well as the international movement of capital and labour - the ability to invest or work in other countries. It is true that there are regimes hostile to US style capitalism, such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc., but these are still few and not seen to be a substantial threat to the globalisation process. The new major players in the global economy, such as China, India and Russia seem to be generally positive to the system. The main threat at this time would be increased protectionism in countries hard hit by the recession, including in the USA or in European countries.



Third, social acceptance of capitalism is being challenged by the crisis. However, a new breed of leaders, like Barack Obama, are pursuing new policies aimed at securing the situation of working people. This may preserve the political stability. A trend towards "populism" has been predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart for the USA in the article Predictions for the USA in 2009.

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/predictions- for-usa-in- 2009.html


So, investors have certain things to hang their hopes on, that the stock market will not melt down. At the same time, how these elements fare will help us determine if the crisis will deepen or be gradually resolved.


Astrologically, the situation becomes quite tense towards the middle of this month, as discussed before, when transit debilitated Jupiter becomes conjunct the stationary nodal axis, the financial stability of the USA will be at a low level. The days February 13-14 would be critical in this regard. After the start of the Saturn sub-period on February 17, 2009, things are expected to slow down and the economy to become sluggish for some years. So, it will be interesting to see if a full-blown bear market develops in the stock market or not in coming days.


Finally, it is very difficult to predict the movement of exchange rates, as they reflect so many influences from around the world. We will also see if the dollar moves decisively at that time.


With best wishes,



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Dear Ajay,


Indeed, it will be interesting to follow.


One additional idea came to me, as regards the form of the

manipulation by Rahu's aspect to 6th lord Jupiter. It could be that

the US congressional leaders overstate the seriousness facing the US

economy to obtain a majority vote for the gigantic funding request.

The result could be approval by the congress but a sharply negative

appraisal by the markets with one or all of the following:


- a rise in the funding cost (interest rate on public borrowing)

- a drop in the stock prices

- a drop in the dollar.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , ajay sehg <ajaysehg wrote:




> Dear Thor,


> Thanks a lot for ur Inputs.


> Yes It would be very interesting to see in the coming week as to

how The Double Faced  Rahu,  The Manipulator & the Afflictor, behaves.


> Now as Jupiter is weak in Tr, So chances are Rahu shall Afflict

it.  Any how the coming week is going to be very Important from

Astrological analytical View.


> Best Regards.

>     Ajay.


> --- On Fri, 2/6/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Cosmologer <cosmologer

> Re: Is a bear market ahead?


> Friday, February 6, 2009, 10:09 AM



Dear Ajay,


> Thank you for the kind words.


> Yes, we will soon see how the markets react to the need for huge

amounts of additional borrowing by the US government.


> In the SAMVA USA chart, natal RAHU at 17° 47' Aries is conjunct the

most effective point of the 10th house at 20° 00' Aries. This

suggests that there would be some tendency for manipulation due to

desire for material gain with regard to the indications of affected


> - 10th house (owned by Mars), e.g. foreign trade and the


> - 6th house (o.b. Jupiter), e.g. debts, financial stability, public

health, courts, enemity,

> - 2nd house (o.b. Sun), e.g. wealth, status and relations with

neighbors, communal harmony,

> - 4th house (o.b. Venus), e.g. fixed assets, basic education,

communal harmony.


> The influence is only 50% in the chart and this degree of influence

would be fully felt some 125 years from the birth of the country in

1781 - or around 1906, the year of the San Francisco earthquake. The

influence could also be seen when Rahu afflicts the planets owning

the houses mentioned.


> At the present time, we see Rahu conjunct 6th lord Jupiter, which

is debilitated in transit. While the conjunction is only weakly

influencing Mercury as 3rd lord in the chart, the influence is only

felt generally in the national life. However, as Jupiter is still the

sub-period lord, its influence is nevertheless prounced at this

time. We can therefore conclude that if there were some manipulation

with respect to debts, financial stability, etc. it would conceivably

take the following form to e.g.


> a) underrepresent the true (bad) state of the economy or public


> b) overrepresent the ability of the government to pay back the loan

> c) manipulate other aspects of the market, to boost stock prices or

the dollar


> The aim would be to induce the lenders to offer sufficient loans

and at cheap rates. Such efforts would then be expected to fail, a

characteristic of such Rahuian manipulation efforts, especially after

transit Sun enters Aquarius and the 8th house on Feburary 12th as

this transit suggests a decline in the dollar and share prices.


> One more comment, if such manipulation were taking place, I don´t

think it would involve President Obama or his cabinet. This raises

the question by which mechanism such manipulation would manifest, if

seen in a national chart. Moroever, as I have no information on it,

please consider the above thoughts only speculative, or inferences

based on some elements in the chart.


> Best wishes,


> Thor






> ajay sehg <ajaysehg >


> Friday, February 6, 2009 12:33:41 PM

> Re: Is a bear market ahead?


Dear Thor,


> Thanks a lot for ur Wonderfull Articles.


> Regarding Coming Transists In U.S. chart, On 9 Feb 2009, A New 800

billion dollar stimulus package is expected, To revive the financial

constraints the Country is facing.


> On that Very date The Transist Nodes shall be almost Exactly

afflicting Tr deb Jupiter which is lord of h6 of financial stability,

Thus it seems the Speculators worldwide would not like this package

and Stock markets could move strongly downwards and  below 7550 on

Dow and could indicate the start of bear phase in U.S.


> Also could these Nodes i.e. Rahus impact on Tr deb Jupiter has any

chances of Manipulating Jupiter. Although it seems unlikely but

Could  Rahu the Manipulator move the direction of 

Stocks  Upwards !!!.


> Best Regards.

>      Ajay.


> --- On Thu, 2/5/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote:


> Cosmologer <cosmologer >

> Is a bear market ahead?

> samva

> Thursday, February 5, 2009, 12:21 AM


Dear friends,


> A noted stock market analyst is saying the US stock market is near

a possible melt-down. Richard Russell has been following the Dow

Jones Industrial Average in terms of critical levels for over half a

century. He is said to find that the next

critical level is around 7550. If the Dow closes below this level it

will be a clear sign of a bear market in US stocks. Yesterday, the

Dow closed at 7957. Of course, some would argue the US is already in

a bear market, given that the stock market peaked at 14165 on October

9, 2007 and is now far below that level. However, if we accept

Russell's logic, the Dow would have to fall by more than 400 points

to breach the critical level, giving a signal that a full blown bear

market trend is underway. Even then, this is by no means certain. 

Despite the serious problems facing the economy, there are three

things investors may take comfort in when evaluating the prospects

for the economy.



> First, the US government and Federal Reserve have pumped

significant amounts of money into the system. The following story is

eye opening in this regard:


> http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/ 20816/?

ck= 1


> The new money is being used to supplant a lot of wealth wiped out

on Wall Street in the 2008 crash of the financial system. A similar

approach has been taken in many countries. In theory, this would

suggest the ability of the financial system to make loans is

supported. Of course, there are many problems with this assumption

and the banking firms have become risk-averse and reluctant to lend,

even if their funds have been partially replenished. A down-side risk

could be increased inflation.



> Second, the process of globalisation seems to be still intact. In

other words, there have been no real setbacks to the process of

increasing global integration through trade in goods and services

around the world as well as the international movement of capital and

labour - the ability to invest or work in other countries. It is true

that there are regimes hostile to US style capitalism, such as North

Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc., but these are still few and not seen to

be a substantial threat to the globalisation process. The new major

players in the global economy, such as China, India and Russia seem

to be generally positive to the system. The main threat at this time

would be increased protectionism in countries hard hit by the

recession, including in the USA or in European countries.



> Third, social acceptance of capitalism is being challenged by the

crisis. However, a new breed of leaders, like Barack Obama, are

pursuing new policies aimed at securing the situation of working

people. This may preserve the political stability. A trend

towards " populism " has been predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart

for the USA in the article Predictions for the USA in 2009.

> http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/predictions- for-usa-in-



> So, investors have certain things to hang their hopes on, that the

stock market will not melt down. At the same time, how these elements

fare will help us determine if the crisis will deepen or be gradually



> Astrologically, the situation becomes quite tense towards the

middle of this month, as discussed before, when transit debilitated

Jupiter becomes conjunct the stationary nodal axis, the financial

stability of the USA will be at a low level. The days February 13-14

would be critical in this regard. After the start of the Saturn sub-

period on February 17, 2009, things are expected to slow down and the

economy to become sluggish for some years. So, it will be interesting

to see if a full-blown bear market develops in the stock market or

not in coming days.


> Finally, it is very difficult to predict the movement of exchange

rates, as they reflect so many influences from around the world. We

will also see if the dollar moves decisively at that time. 


> With best wishes,


> Thor


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Dear friends,


One evident manifestation of the conjunction of transit stationary Rahu (crisis) and Jupiter as 6th lord (conflict, controversy and debts) in the SAMVA USA chart is a crisis of controversy over fiscal policy in the USA.



Debate on stimulus package to resume Monday

February 7, 2009 -- Updated 0203 GMT (1003 HKT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. senators spent part of Saturday debating the massive economic recovery package after a group of lawmakers reached a compromise agreement that trimmed billions in spending from an earlier version. GOP Sens. Arlen Specter and Susan Collins leave a meeting Friday night in Sen. Harry Reid's office. The senators debated from noon to about 3:45 p.m. ET and will return Monday afternoon for more discussion. A vote could come Tuesday on the plan, which President Obama has touted as a tonic for the nation's badly battered economy. However, there were strong opinions on both sides of the debate.



Obama faces tough week; stimulus, bailout on tap

Associated Press – February 8, 2009, 22 mins ago

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama plunges into a difficult test of his leadership this week, struggling to get a divided Congress to agree on his economic recovery package while pitching a new plan to ease loans to consumers and businesses.



Stimulus will lead to 'disaster,' Republican warns










February 8, 2009 -- Updated 2324 GMT (0724 HKT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Leading Republicans warned Sunday that the Obama administration's $800 billion-plus economic stimulus effort will lead to what one called a "financial disaster." The country will "pay dearly" if it executes the president's stimulus plans, Sen. Richard Shelby says. "Everybody on the street in America understands that," said Sen. Richard Shelby, the ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee. "This is not the right road to go. We'll pay dearly."



Best wishes,






cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2009 11:37:25 AM Re: Is a bear market ahead?Dear Ajay,Indeed, it will be interesting to follow.One additional idea came to me, as regards the form of the manipulation by Rahu's aspect to 6th lord Jupiter. It could be that the US congressional leaders overstate the seriousness facing the US economy to obtain a majority vote for the gigantic funding request. The result could be approval by the congress but a sharply negative appraisal by the markets with one or all of the following:- a rise in the funding cost (interest rate on public borrowing)- a drop in the stock prices - a drop in

the dollar.Best wishes,ThorSAMVA , ajay sehg <ajaysehg wrote:>> > > Dear Thor,> > Thanks a lot for ur Inputs.> > Yes It would be very interesting to see in the coming week as to how The Double Faced Rahu, The Manipulator & the Afflictor, behaves.> > Now as Jupiter is weak in Tr, So chances are Rahu shall Afflict it. Any how the coming week is going to be very Important from Astrological analytical View. > > Best Regards.> Ajay.> > --- On Fri, 2/6/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:> > Cosmologer <cosmologer> Re: Is a bear market ahead?> SAMVA > Friday, February 6, 2009, 10:09 AM> > > > > > > > > Dear Ajay,> > Thank you for the kind words.> > Yes, we will soon see how the markets react to the need for huge amounts of additional borrowing by the US government.> > In the SAMVA USA chart, natal RAHU at 17° 47' Aries is conjunct the most effective point of the 10th house at 20° 00' Aries. This suggests that there would be some tendency for manipulation due to desire for material gain with regard to the indications of affected houses.> - 10th house (owned by Mars), e.g. foreign trade and the administration,> - 6th house (o.b. Jupiter), e.g. debts, financial stability, public

health, courts, enemity,> - 2nd house (o.b. Sun), e.g. wealth, status and relations with neighbors, communal harmony,> - 4th house (o.b. Venus), e.g. fixed assets, basic education, communal harmony.> > The influence is only 50% in the chart and this degree of influence would be fully felt some 125 years from the birth of the country in 1781 - or around 1906, the year of the San Francisco earthquake. The influence could also be seen when Rahu afflicts the planets owning the houses mentioned.> > At the present time, we see Rahu conjunct 6th lord Jupiter, which is debilitated in transit. While the conjunction is only weakly influencing Mercury as 3rd lord in the chart, the influence is only felt generally in the national life. However, as Jupiter is still the sub-period lord, its influence is nevertheless prounced at this time. We can

therefore conclude that if there were some manipulation with respect to debts, financial stability, etc. it would conceivably take the following form to e.g. > > a) underrepresent the true (bad) state of the economy or public finances> b) overrepresent the ability of the government to pay back the loan> c) manipulate other aspects of the market, to boost stock prices or the dollar> > The aim would be to induce the lenders to offer sufficient loans and at cheap rates. Such efforts would then be expected to fail, a characteristic of such Rahuian manipulation efforts, especially after transit Sun enters Aquarius and the 8th house on Feburary 12th as this transit suggests a decline in the dollar and share prices.> > One more comment, if such manipulation were taking place, I don´t think it would

involve President Obama or his cabinet. This raises the question by which mechanism such manipulation would manifest, if seen in a national chart. Moroever, as I have no information on it, please consider the above thoughts only speculative, or inferences based on some elements in the chart.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > > > > > ajay sehg <ajaysehg >> SAMVA > Friday, February 6, 2009 12:33:41 PM> Re: Is a bear market ahead?> > > > > > > > Dear Thor, > > Thanks a lot for ur Wonderfull Articles.> > Regarding Coming Transists In U.S. chart, On 9 Feb 2009, A New 800 billion dollar stimulus package is expected, To revive the financial constraints the Country is facing.>

> On that Very date The Transist Nodes shall be almost Exactly afflicting Tr deb Jupiter which is lord of h6 of financial stability, Thus it seems the Speculators worldwide would not like this package and Stock markets could move strongly downwards and below 7550 on Dow and could indicate the start of bear phase in U.S.> > Also could these Nodes i.e. Rahus impact on Tr deb Jupiter has any chances of Manipulating Jupiter. Although it seems unlikely but Could Rahu the Manipulator move the direction of Stocks Upwards !!!.> > Best Regards.> Ajay.> > --- On Thu, 2/5/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote:> > Cosmologer <cosmologer >> Is a bear market ahead?> samva > Thursday, February 5, 2009, 12:21

AM> > > > > > > > Dear friends,> > A noted stock market analyst is saying the US stock market is near a possible melt-down. Richard Russell has been following the Dow Jones Industrial Average in terms of critical levels for over half a century. He is said to find that the next critical level is around 7550. If the Dow closes below this level it will be a clear sign of a bear market in US stocks. Yesterday, the Dow closed at 7957. Of course, some would argue the US is already in a bear market, given that the stock market peaked at 14165 on October 9, 2007 and is now far below that level. However, if we accept Russell's logic, the Dow would have to fall by more than 400 points to breach the critical level, giving a signal that a full blown bear market trend is underway. Even

then, this is by no means certain. Despite the serious problems facing the economy, there are three things investors may take comfort in when evaluating the prospects for the economy.> > MORE MONEY> First, the US government and Federal Reserve have pumped significant amounts of money into the system. The following story is eye opening in this regard:> > http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/ 20816/?ck= 1> > The new money is being used to supplant a lot of wealth wiped out on Wall Street in the 2008 crash of the financial system. A similar approach has been taken in many countries. In theory, this would suggest the ability of the financial system to make loans is supported. Of course, there

are many problems with this assumption and the banking firms have become risk-averse and reluctant to lend, even if their funds have been partially replenished. A down-side risk could be increased inflation.> > CONTINUED GLOBALISATION> Second, the process of globalisation seems to be still intact. In other words, there have been no real setbacks to the process of increasing global integration through trade in goods and services around the world as well as the international movement of capital and labour - the ability to invest or work in other countries. It is true that there are regimes hostile to US style capitalism, such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc., but these are still few and not seen to be a substantial threat to the globalisation process. The new major players in the global economy, such as China, India and Russia

seem to be generally positive to the system. The main threat at this time would be increased protectionism in countries hard hit by the recession, including in the USA or in European countries. > > SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE OF CAPITALISM> Third, social acceptance of capitalism is being challenged by the crisis. However, a new breed of leaders, like Barack Obama, are pursuing new policies aimed at securing the situation of working people. This may preserve the political stability. A trend towards "populism" has been predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart for the USA in the article Predictions for the USA in 2009.> http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/predictions- for-usa-in- 2009.html> > So, investors have certain things to hang their hopes on, that the stock market will not melt down.

At the same time, how these elements fare will help us determine if the crisis will deepen or be gradually resolved.> > Astrologically, the situation becomes quite tense towards the middle of this month, as discussed before, when transit debilitated Jupiter becomes conjunct the stationary nodal axis, the financial stability of the USA will be at a low level. The days February 13-14 would be critical in this regard. After the start of the Saturn sub-period on February 17, 2009, things are expected to slow down and the economy to become sluggish for some years. So, it will be interesting to see if a full-blown bear market develops in the stock market or not in coming days. > > Finally, it is very difficult to predict the movement of exchange rates, as they reflect so many influences from around the world. We will also see if the dollar

moves decisively at that time. > > With best wishes,> > Thor>---

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