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What house represents Minority people in Mundane astrology?

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Dear Friends,


Can you tell me which Bhava (House) represents the minority people of a country in Mundane astrology?


If there are more than one minority people how do you select house for each minority?


I am interested in Sri Lankan Tamils who are the next to the Sinhalese people in population, after Tamils come the Muslims then comes other people such as Indian Tamils (Estate workers) and Burgers.


Hope you would help !





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Dear JaffnaMan,


This is an interesting question.


First, the question should be addressed with reference to an authentic birth chart for a given country. Then this issue should emerge through a reading of planets and houses.


Second, we should note that a minority denotes different things in different countries. Some minorities may separate themselves on the basis of ethnic origin, religious belief, work ethic, or desire to integrate in the broader society. For instance, in the USA, the Asian community, which is a minority, has in recent years, fared comparatively better than some other minorities, possibly due to their less different ethnicity from the majority whites, passive religious approach, deisre to work hard and interest in integrating in the broader society.


That said, to read the general influences, we can say the following about the general (nature of the planet) and functional indications (nature as per lordship of a MT house) of the planets:


General indications of planets:

SATURN referes to those people who work hard for less pay. However, this can be a large section of society and thus does not refer specifically to minorites.


KETU is a planet that embodies an energy of separation. As such this influence can be felt with regard to disadvantaged groups in a country and also those who are separated from place of origin.


RAHU is a planet that suggests manipulation for the gain of material desire. Some groups are possibly victimised by this, such as those trapped in slaveholding or social isolation. In such cases, one would expect to see Rahu afflicting in the chart.


Functional indications of planets:

The 12th house and its lord represent losses and foreign people in a chart. This energy also embodies separation through long distance or remoteness. Living far away from ones home can be difficult. Some immigrants react to this psychological tension by becoming the most ferverent patriots of their new home.


To understand the influence that religious background plays in this, we could examine the 9th house, Jupiter and Sun, all of which represent religion and spirituality in a country.


These are just a few things that come to mind with regard to your question.


Perhaps can offer his esteemed insights.


Best wishes,






Jaffnaman - <jaffnaman23samva Sent: Friday, February 6, 2009 6:08:18 AM What house represents Minority people in Mundane astrology?





Dear Friends,


Can you tell me which Bhava (House) represents the minority people of a country in Mundane astrology?


If there are more than one minority people how do you select house for each minority?


I am interested in Sri Lankan Tamils who are the next to the Sinhalese people in population, after Tamils come the Muslims then comes other people such as Indian Tamils (Estate workers) and Burgers.


Hope you would help !





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