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Israel's Capricorn rising chart

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Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/

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Dear friends,


There is an importnat element to keep in mind in all of this. It is the conjunction of 2nd lord Saturn and the most effective point of the 7th house in the Capricorn rising chart for Israel.This placement gives Israel its status in the world, notably in the field of of foreign policy. This is a very helpful natal strength, especially during the time when the Moon is transit afflicted, as it is now. It is also helpful when Saturn is transit afflicted itself, as it will become from April to June 2009.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:25:07 AM Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/

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Dear friends,


The pressure on Israel's foreign policy continues. Turkey also is having some difficulty.




War of words between Israel and Turkey sparks formal complaint

February 15, 2009 - updated 1 hour, 6 minutes ago

Story Highlights



Turkey requests "urgent explanation" for top Israeli military commander's remarks

Commander reportedly criticized Turkey's treatment of Kurdish minority

Tensions stem from Turkey's outspoken criticism of conflict in Gaza

For past decade, Turkey and Israel have enjoyed close military and economic ties








ISTANBUL, Turkey (CNN) -- Turkey's Foreign Ministry summoned Israel's ambassador to the Turkish capital of Ankara on Saturday to issue a formal complaint over a top Israeli commander's reported remarks criticizing Turkey. The complaint is part of the escalating war of words between the two regional allies, stemming from Turkey's outspoken criticism of the recent conflict in Gaza. The Turkish Foreign Ministry said Saturday that it had requested an "urgent explanation" from Ambassador Gabby Levy for recent remarks reportedly made by a top Israeli military commander. According to the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, Maj. Gen. Avi Mizrahi told an international conference that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan should "look in the mirror" before criticizing

Israel. http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/02/14/israel.turkey/index.html

Best wishes.





Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:35:51 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


There is an importnat element to keep in mind in all of this. It is the conjunction of 2nd lord Saturn and the most effective point of the 7th house in the Capricorn rising chart for Israel.This placement gives Israel its status in the world, notably in the field of of foreign policy. This is a very helpful natal strength, especially during the time when the Moon is transit afflicted, as it is now. It is also helpful when Saturn is transit afflicted itself, as it will become from April to June 2009.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:25:07 AM Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/

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Dear friends,


On February 14, 2009 I reached the following conclusion about what may happen in Israel in coming days based on an analysis of the 21 Capricorn rising chart for the country:



1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Today, the following news arrives:


Netanyahu receives key PM support

09:46 GMT, Thursday, 19 February 2009

Netanyahu is in theory supported by a majority of the Israeli parliament

The leader of the far-right Israeli Yisrael Beiteinu party has said he backs Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form the next Israeli government. Yisrael Beiteinu's Avigdor Lieberman made substantial gains in general elections on 10 February. The announcement makes it likely that Mr Netanyahu will be asked by President Shimon Peres to form a government. He can in theory now count on the support of 65 of the Israeli parliament's 120 members [Election results: Kadima: 28 seats, Likud: 27 seats, Yisrael Beiteinu: 15, Labour: 13, Shas: 11, United Torah Judaism: 5].



It will be interesting to follow the developments in coming days.

Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:25:07 AM Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/

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Dear friends,


The events are moving along in line with predictions made on the basis of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel.


Israel's Peres: Netanyahu will form new government






AP – Fri Feb 20, 4:23 am ET

Jerusalem – Israeli President Shimon Peres chose hard-line Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday to form a new Israeli government, giving Netanyahu six weeks to cobble together a coalition. The question now is whether Netanyahu will form a narrow government with his hard-line allies or a broad government along with his centrist rival, Kadima Party leader Tzipi Livni. His choice will have serious ramifications for the Mideast peace process.



For more information about the chart and predictions:


Birth of Israel (Sunday, December 28, 2008)



Accurate prediction for Israel (Thursday, January 29, 2009)




Best wishes,





Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:23:38 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


On February 14, 2009 I reached the following conclusion about what may happen in Israel in coming days based on an analysis of the 21 Capricorn rising chart for the country:



1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Today, the following news arrives:


Netanyahu receives key PM support

09:46 GMT, Thursday, 19 February 2009

Netanyahu is in theory supported by a majority of the Israeli parliament

The leader of the far-right Israeli Yisrael Beiteinu party has said he backs Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form the next Israeli government. Yisrael Beiteinu's Avigdor Lieberman made substantial gains in general elections on 10 February. The announcement makes it likely that Mr Netanyahu will be asked by President Shimon Peres to form a government. He can in theory now count on the support of 65 of the Israeli parliament's 120 members [Election results: Kadima: 28 seats, Likud: 27 seats, Yisrael Beiteinu: 15, Labour: 13, Shas: 11, United Torah Judaism: 5].



It will be interesting to follow the developments in coming days.

Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:25:07 AM Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear friends,


As predicted, a right-wing coalition government is being put together in Israel.

Far right joins Israel coalition

(BBC) 01:02 GMT, Monday, 16 March 2009Israel's Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu has signed acoalition deal with the far-right Yisrael Beiteinu party, officials say. Under the agreement, leader Avigdor Lieberman would become foreign minister, said officials from Mr Netanyahu's Likud party. He is a strong supporter of the Israeli settler movement and opposes exchanging land for peace with the Palestinians. Likud still needs support from other parties to form majority in parliament.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7945351.stm

The Yisrael Beiteinu party is said to be in favour of expanded and consolidated settlement. To the extent that such a "hard-line" stance influences the policy of the new government, it would make a peace agreement more difficult to obtain with the Palestinians.

Best wishes,





Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:25:07 AM Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Dear friends,


On the day before the the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel enters the major and sub-period of Mars, US President Obama will have his first meeting with Israeli Premier Nethanyahu since both men entered office.


Obama hosts Netanyahu as Mideast strains ties

May 18 06:05 AM US /Eastern

US President Barack Obama will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their first meeting on Monday as discord over Mideast peace and Iran 's nuclear bid clouds ties between the close allies. The meeting marks Obama's most testing diplomatic challenge yet after he vowed to vigorously engage in attaining an elusive regional peace as part of a comprehensive strategy to peacefully resolve the Iranian nuclear standoff. Israel 's hawkish premier, who wants a "fresh" approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was set to unveil in the White House meeting his own long-awaited policy for regional peace focused on countering Iran . Yet Obama's hopes appear at odds with Netanyahu, who earned world criticism over his persistent refusal to endorse the creation of a Palestinian state, a bedrock principle of peace efforts in the Middle East for

nearly two decades. And while Obama wishes to make headway on the Palestinian track, Netanyahu's national security advisor Uzi Arad told reporters that the Iranian issue was set to top the leaders' talks in the Oval Office. "There might be some differences in approach, but we are confident that the sense of pragmatism and the desire for progress will drive the discussions," Arad said. Obama himself admitted in March that Netanyahu's right-leaning coalition did not make peacemaking any "easier". Netanyahu is expected to further irk his hosts and the Palestinians by telling Obama that Israel will keep building in existing settlements in the occupied West Bank , a key obstacle in the stuttering peace process. But both US and Israeli officials sought to play down any speculation of an open clash between the two leaders at the key summit.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.ccff6688f11fd21bfd48aa7c11f9b0fb.3c1 & show_article=1


As has been earlier discussed, the period of 4th lord Mars at 5° 17' Leo and 8th house begins on May 19th, 2009. The placement of Mars is made difficult by an aspect from 12th lord Jupiter at 4° 28' Sagittarius and 12th house. Israel is likely to experience a sense of 'loss' of communal harmony, due to a variety of obstacles during this period, and more so, when the natal aspect is aroused through transit affliction. As Mars is the general indicator of the military, it cannot be excluded that such contacts result in military conflict.


1) Transit 2nd lord, Saturn at 20° 55' Leo and MEP of 8th house, is not happily placed and is aspected by natal Rahu. This suggests that there is manipulation ongoing with respect to the status, wealth and relations with the neighbors of Israel. At the same time, transit Saturn is favourably aspecting its own house, as well as the 10th and 5th houses. Transit Saturn begins to move forward and out of these aspects later this week.


In addition, there are two major aspects in coming weeks that raise special concerns:


2) aspect of transit 12th lord Jupiter at 1°-3° Aquarius and 2nd house to natal Mars at 5° Leo (peak mid June 2009)

3) transit of Mars into the aspect of natal Jupiter at 4° 28' Aries and 4th house (exact on 29 May, 2009).


Another date of concern is 23 May, 2009 when

4) transit Sun at 8° Taurus is under the aspect of transit Rahu at 8° Capricorn and 1st house and transit 5th lord Mercury is retrograde at 0° 50' Taurus where it is conjunct natal 8th lord Sun at 0° 56' Taurus. On that day, aspects 2) and 3) will have begun to be felt and 1) is still strongly felt but having begun to separate.


So, what can we expect? The following analytical article is quite revealing about the highly complex political-military situation facing Israel and its ally, the USA.



DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis

May 17, 2009

Netanyahu, Obama met before they won office

In less than a month, aides in Washington and Jerusalem have transmuted the head-on clash forecast for the first meeting between Binyamin Netanyahu has Israel's prime minister and US president Barack Obama Monday, May 18, into a warm, amicable encounter, DEBKAfile's political analysts say.



It is likely President Obama will continue to prod the Israelis to do something meaningful to move towards a resolution of the Palestinian problem. The Israelis, however, remain reluctant to approve the creation of a Palestinian state while the Palestinians refuse to recognise the right of Israel to exist. The Israelis will likely emphasise the precarious position they are in with enemies on all sides, including Syria, which is continuing its efforts to destablise Lebanon and Palestine by supporting terrorism there in order to benefit from destabilising the situation there. The Iran nuclear threat is still very much there and Israel and the USA may still need to resort to military action as other options are proving useless. This is more so, as recent diplomatic contacts by the USA with Iran have revealed that the regime is acting on 'bad faith', resorting to manipulation (lies)

when it suits their purpose. In short, the Iranians are not to be trusted on this issue.


Astrologically, the situation for Israel is not a good one at all. The above mentioned astrological elements, including the affliction of transit Saturn by natal Rahu is showing the complexities. In coming weeks the influences will become less as it begins to move out of the present aspects. At that time, other difficult aspects begin to come into play, with natal and transit Mars, as major- and sub-period lord, severely afflicted. At that time, elections will be held in Palestine and Iran, with Israel's fierce adversaries likely to be re-elected, which will undoubtedly move the prospect of a peaceful solution further away. These developments would be undermining to the communal harmony of Israelis.


In the autumn, there are two major developments:

i) transit 2nd lord Saturn moves into Virgo and 9th house, which is likely to be helpful for Israel's prestige and relations with neighbors.

ii) transit 12th lord Jupiter will become stationary on top of natal 2nd lord Saturn, bringing strains to Israel's foreign policy.


In view of the above astrological dynamics facing Israel, we cannot exclude that something happens in coming days or weeks that prompts it into military action.


Alternatively, as disccussed in the blog Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009), there was a prediction for problems in the Autumn of 2009 for both the USA and Israel.



We will soon see what happens.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/












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Dear friends,


It seems President Obama has given Iran until the end of the year for a diplomatic solution to the nuclear weapons issue.


Obama says he wants progress with Iran by year's end

Mon May 18, 2009 6:20pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama set a rough timetable for his diplomatic outreach to arch-foe Iran for the first time on Monday, saying he wanted to see serious progress by the end of the year.He also held out the prospect of tougher sanctions against Tehran "to ensure that Iran understands we are serious." Obama's comments came after talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which the new Israeli leader was expected to stress Israel's concerns about Iran's nuclear program. Israel believes it is a cover to build atomic weapons.http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSTRE54H4QX20090518


This raises the question if such a statement is seen to be helpful or not by the Israelis. The Israelis have earlier said that the Iranians are six months away from obtaining such weapons and that military strikes cannot be ruled out in order to prevent the Iranians from getting their hand on such weapons. If this assessment is to be believed, the statement by Obama could be seen to be frustrating to the Israelis if they believe it gives the Iranians enough time to complete the program. On the other hand if the assessment is now that the Iranians are not far enough in their program, then this timetable for concrete measures by Obama could be seen to be helpful. In this case, the transit station of Jupiter at 24° Capricorn in the fall would be expected to bring the predicted strains associated with this issue - as that is the time when the USA will have to say if the desired progress is being made or not. If

not, the military option is still on the table.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 8:21:17 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The meeting between Nethanyahu and Obama ended with them not seeing 'eye to eye' on major issues. There are daunting problems that need to be resolved. Of note is the fact that the US President said the unresolved situation in Iran can't go on forever.


Obama expects positive Iranian response

Associated Press - May 18, 2009 – 57 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday he is ready to resume peace talks with the Palestinians immediately, but any agreement is contingent on their acceptance of Israel 's right to exist as a Jewish state. His comments came after a meeting with President Barack Obama, who bluntly told the Israeli leader it was time to get back to the negotiating table. Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for more than two hours at the White House and focused on Mideast peace talks, Iran 's nuclear program and the U.S.-Israeli relationship. Obama said he expects a positive response from his diplomatic outreach to Iran on stopping its nuclear program by the end of the year. The president said the United States wanted to bring Iran into the world community, but declared "we're not going to have talks forever." At the same time, Obama said bluntly that it was important that Netanyahu, a

hard-liner on peace negotiations with the Palestinians, to restart the stalled Mideast peace talks. While his language was gentle, Obama's words were notable nonetheless for being made in public.



No agreement on Iran , Palestinians in Obama-Netanyahu talks

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 18, 2009, 10:51 PM (GMT+02:00)

US president Barak Obama stood by his demand for a Palestinian state while Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu continued to avoid this formula in their talks at the White House Monday, May 18, their first since both took office. Still the atmosphere in the three-and-a-half hour conversation was friendly and earnest as the two agreed to disagree. Obama stressed that a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat not only to Israel and the US but a destabilizing factor for the world and the region. However, he said he is in the process of reaching out to Iran and is confident he can persuade its leaders that a nuclear bomb is not in their interest either. He refused to set a deadline for their dialogue, and spoke of a few months. These talks can't go on forever while Iran moves ahead with its nuclear program, he said adding: "At the end of the year we'll see where we stand." Netanyahu was

less sanguine: "A nuclear-armed Iran which calls for Israel 's destruction is unacceptable and would give terrorists a nuclear umbrella." The US president called on Israel to stick to the road map as "ratified at Annapolis " (which Netanyahu has rejected). However hard this is, he said, Israel must stop settlement activity. The Palestinians must fight terror. Obama pledged US involvement in peace talks as a strong partner. Netanyahu said he was ready to start talks with the Palestinians immediately. He wanted the Palestinians to rule themselves, but peace means they must recognize Israel as a Jewish state with the right to defend itself and live in security. The US president remarked that Jordan , Egypt and Saudi Arabia should be constructively involved in the Israel-Palestinian peace track and do more to develop relations with Israel . Following the White House summit, Netanyahu will hold talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense

Secretary Robert Gates and members of Congress. He returns to Israel on Tuesday evening.



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 12:45:56 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]



Dear friends,


On the day before the the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel enters the major and sub-period of Mars, US President Obama will have his first meeting with Israeli Premier Nethanyahu since both men entered office.


Obama hosts Netanyahu as Mideast strains ties

May 18 06:05 AM US /Eastern

US President Barack Obama will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their first meeting on Monday as discord over Mideast peace and Iran 's nuclear bid clouds ties between the close allies. The meeting marks Obama's most testing diplomatic challenge yet after he vowed to vigorously engage in attaining an elusive regional peace as part of a comprehensive strategy to peacefully resolve the Iranian nuclear standoff. Israel 's hawkish premier, who wants a "fresh" approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was set to unveil in the White House meeting his own long-awaited policy for regional peace focused on countering Iran . Yet Obama's hopes appear at odds with Netanyahu, who earned world criticism over his persistent refusal to endorse the creation of a Palestinian state, a bedrock principle of peace efforts in the Middle East for

nearly two decades. And while Obama wishes to make headway on the Palestinian track, Netanyahu's national security advisor Uzi Arad told reporters that the Iranian issue was set to top the leaders' talks in the Oval Office. "There might be some differences in approach, but we are confident that the sense of pragmatism and the desire for progress will drive the discussions," Arad said. Obama himself admitted in March that Netanyahu's right-leaning coalition did not make peacemaking any "easier". Netanyahu is expected to further irk his hosts and the Palestinians by telling Obama that Israel will keep building in existing settlements in the occupied West Bank , a key obstacle in the stuttering peace process. But both US and Israeli officials sought to play down any speculation of an open clash between the two leaders at the key summit.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.ccff6688f11fd21bfd48aa7c11f9b0fb.3c1 & show_article=1


As has been earlier discussed, the period of 4th lord Mars at 5° 17' Leo and 8th house begins on May 19th, 2009. The placement of Mars is made difficult by an aspect from 12th lord Jupiter at 4° 28' Sagittarius and 12th house. Israel is likely to experience a sense of 'loss' of communal harmony, due to a variety of obstacles during this period, and more so, when the natal aspect is aroused through transit affliction. As Mars is the general indicator of the military, it cannot be excluded that such contacts result in military conflict.


1) Transit 2nd lord, Saturn at 20° 55' Leo and MEP of 8th house, is not happily placed and is aspected by natal Rahu. This suggests that there is manipulation ongoing with respect to the status, wealth and relations with the neighbors of Israel. At the same time, transit Saturn is favourably aspecting its own house, as well as the 10th and 5th houses. Transit Saturn begins to move forward and out of these aspects later this week.


In addition, there are two major aspects in coming weeks that raise special concerns:


2) aspect of transit 12th lord Jupiter at 1°-3° Aquarius and 2nd house to natal Mars at 5° Leo (peak mid June 2009)

3) transit of Mars into the aspect of natal Jupiter at 4° 28' Aries and 4th house (exact on 29 May, 2009).


Another date of concern is 23 May, 2009 when

4) transit Sun at 8° Taurus is under the aspect of transit Rahu at 8° Capricorn and 1st house and transit 5th lord Mercury is retrograde at 0° 50' Taurus where it is conjunct natal 8th lord Sun at 0° 56' Taurus. On that day, aspects 2) and 3) will have begun to be felt and 1) is still strongly felt but having begun to separate.


So, what can we expect? The following analytical article is quite revealing about the highly complex political-military situation facing Israel and its ally, the USA.



DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis

May 17, 2009

Netanyahu, Obama met before they won office

In less than a month, aides in Washington and Jerusalem have transmuted the head-on clash forecast for the first meeting between Binyamin Netanyahu has Israel's prime minister and US president Barack Obama Monday, May 18, into a warm, amicable encounter, DEBKAfile's political analysts say.



It is likely President Obama will continue to prod the Israelis to do something meaningful to move towards a resolution of the Palestinian problem. The Israelis, however, remain reluctant to approve the creation of a Palestinian state while the Palestinians refuse to recognise the right of Israel to exist. The Israelis will likely emphasise the precarious position they are in with enemies on all sides, including Syria, which is continuing its efforts to destablise Lebanon and Palestine by supporting terrorism there in order to benefit from destabilising the situation there. The Iran nuclear threat is still very much there and Israel and the USA may still need to resort to military action as other options are proving useless. This is more so, as recent diplomatic contacts by the USA with Iran have revealed that the regime is acting on 'bad faith', resorting to manipulation (lies)

when it suits their purpose. In short, the Iranians are not to be trusted on this issue.


Astrologically, the situation for Israel is not a good one at all. The above mentioned astrological elements, including the affliction of transit Saturn by natal Rahu is showing the complexities. In coming weeks the influences will become less as it begins to move out of the present aspects. At that time, other difficult aspects begin to come into play, with natal and transit Mars, as major- and sub-period lord, severely afflicted. At that time, elections will be held in Palestine and Iran, with Israel's fierce adversaries likely to be re-elected, which will undoubtedly move the prospect of a peaceful solution further away. These developments would be undermining to the communal harmony of Israelis.


In the autumn, there are two major developments:

i) transit 2nd lord Saturn moves into Virgo and 9th house, which is likely to be helpful for Israel's prestige and relations with neighbors.

ii) transit 12th lord Jupiter will become stationary on top of natal 2nd lord Saturn, bringing strains to Israel's foreign policy.


In view of the above astrological dynamics facing Israel, we cannot exclude that something happens in coming days or weeks that prompts it into military action.


Alternatively, as disccussed in the blog Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009), there was a prediction for problems in the Autumn of 2009 for both the USA and Israel.



We will soon see what happens.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/











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Dear friends,


While the discussion on the SAMVA list is primarily focused on applying SA astrology to the mundane sphere, it is also sometimes helpful to follow the major areas of contention in difficult situations. This is more so, as the transits in the Capricorn rising chart for Israel are going to be quite difficult in the coming weeks.


Now it emerges, in the wake of the US-Israel summit, that the difference of views on how to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat is apparently growing. Interestingly, the Premier of Israel has stated, given the situation, that Israel will defend itself.


US-Israel summit shadowed by Obama's soft stand on Iranian enrichment

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

May 18, 2009, 4:43 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile's Washington sources report that the gap between US president Barack Obama and Israel prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Iran was wider even than on the Palestinian issue. Overshadowing their outwardly easy conversation was the US president's growing inclination to meet Iran halfway on uranium enrichment and call off UN and American sanctions if Tehran allows international monitoring of the process. Our intelligence sources report that Obama is seriously considering taking up the Anglo-German proposal for an international monitoring mechanism strict enough to preclude Iran's attainment of weapons-grade enriched uranium. The president was convinced by American intelligence and nuclear experts that this can be done. He also believes that nothing will persuade Tehran to cede its right to enrichment activity on its soil. Israeli

intelligence and military experts take the opposite view. They believe the Anglo-German plan gives Iran the perfect cover for concealing its race for a nuclear bomb, a misgiving shared by the political and military establishments of the moderate Arab governments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. It is their view that if Obama adopts this plan, Iran can be sure of arriving at a nuclear weapon capability by the end of 2010. This dispute did not come up in the Obama-Netanyahu conversation. Both skated around the Iranian nuclear threat separately without touching on options outside diplomacy. The US president said he was in the process of "reaching out" to Iran and was confident he could persuade Tehran's rulers that a nuclear weapon was not in their best interest if they wanted to be fully accepted as part of the international community. He did not mention uranium enrichment or a military option

against Iran. Neither would he accept a deadline for negotiations with Tehran, except to say that at the end of the year, "we will see where we stand."


But asked later to comment, Netanyahu said: "We will defend ourselves."


Seen from outside Washington, by Iran's neighbors, Israeli and Arab alike, President Obama has made Iran the gift of seven clear months for developing its nuclear capabilities and enrichment undisturbed. The only thing left to the Israeli prime minister was to commend "the president's firm commitment that Iran will not attain a nuclear weapon."



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:21:22 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


It seems President Obama has given Iran until the end of the year for a diplomatic solution to the nuclear weapons issue.


Obama says he wants progress with Iran by year's end

Mon May 18, 2009 6:20pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama set a rough timetable for his diplomatic outreach to arch-foe Iran for the first time on Monday, saying he wanted to see serious progress by the end of the year.He also held out the prospect of tougher sanctions against Tehran "to ensure that Iran understands we are serious." Obama's comments came after talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which the new Israeli leader was expected to stress Israel's concerns about Iran's nuclear program. Israel believes it is a cover to build atomic weapons.http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSTRE54H4QX20090518


This raises the question if such a statement is seen to be helpful or not by the Israelis. The Israelis have earlier said that the Iranians are six months away from obtaining such weapons and that military strikes cannot be ruled out in order to prevent the Iranians from getting their hand on such weapons. If this assessment is to be believed, the statement by Obama could be seen to be frustrating to the Israelis if they believe it gives the Iranians enough time to complete the program. On the other hand if the assessment is now that the Iranians are not far enough in their program, then this timetable for concrete measures by Obama could be seen to be helpful. In this case, the transit station of Jupiter at 24° Capricorn in the fall would be expected to bring the predicted strains associated with this issue - as that is the time when the USA will have to say if the desired progress is being made or not. If

not, the military option is still on the table.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 8:21:17 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The meeting between Nethanyahu and Obama ended with them not seeing 'eye to eye' on major issues. There are daunting problems that need to be resolved. Of note is the fact that the US President said the unresolved situation in Iran can't go on forever.


Obama expects positive Iranian response

Associated Press - May 18, 2009 – 57 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday he is ready to resume peace talks with the Palestinians immediately, but any agreement is contingent on their acceptance of Israel 's right to exist as a Jewish state. His comments came after a meeting with President Barack Obama, who bluntly told the Israeli leader it was time to get back to the negotiating table. Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for more than two hours at the White House and focused on Mideast peace talks, Iran 's nuclear program and the U.S.-Israeli relationship. Obama said he expects a positive response from his diplomatic outreach to Iran on stopping its nuclear program by the end of the year. The president said the United States wanted to bring Iran into the world community, but declared "we're not going to have talks forever." At the same time, Obama said bluntly that it was important that Netanyahu, a

hard-liner on peace negotiations with the Palestinians, to restart the stalled Mideast peace talks. While his language was gentle, Obama's words were notable nonetheless for being made in public.



No agreement on Iran , Palestinians in Obama-Netanyahu talks

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 18, 2009, 10:51 PM (GMT+02:00)

US president Barak Obama stood by his demand for a Palestinian state while Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu continued to avoid this formula in their talks at the White House Monday, May 18, their first since both took office. Still the atmosphere in the three-and-a-half hour conversation was friendly and earnest as the two agreed to disagree. Obama stressed that a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat not only to Israel and the US but a destabilizing factor for the world and the region. However, he said he is in the process of reaching out to Iran and is confident he can persuade its leaders that a nuclear bomb is not in their interest either. He refused to set a deadline for their dialogue, and spoke of a few months. These talks can't go on forever while Iran moves ahead with its nuclear program, he said adding: "At the end of the year we'll see where we stand." Netanyahu was

less sanguine: "A nuclear-armed Iran which calls for Israel 's destruction is unacceptable and would give terrorists a nuclear umbrella." The US president called on Israel to stick to the road map as "ratified at Annapolis " (which Netanyahu has rejected). However hard this is, he said, Israel must stop settlement activity. The Palestinians must fight terror. Obama pledged US involvement in peace talks as a strong partner. Netanyahu said he was ready to start talks with the Palestinians immediately. He wanted the Palestinians to rule themselves, but peace means they must recognize Israel as a Jewish state with the right to defend itself and live in security. The US president remarked that Jordan , Egypt and Saudi Arabia should be constructively involved in the Israel-Palestinian peace track and do more to develop relations with Israel . Following the White House summit, Netanyahu will hold talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense

Secretary Robert Gates and members of Congress. He returns to Israel on Tuesday evening.



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 12:45:56 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]



Dear friends,


On the day before the the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel enters the major and sub-period of Mars, US President Obama will have his first meeting with Israeli Premier Nethanyahu since both men entered office.


Obama hosts Netanyahu as Mideast strains ties

May 18 06:05 AM US /Eastern

US President Barack Obama will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their first meeting on Monday as discord over Mideast peace and Iran 's nuclear bid clouds ties between the close allies. The meeting marks Obama's most testing diplomatic challenge yet after he vowed to vigorously engage in attaining an elusive regional peace as part of a comprehensive strategy to peacefully resolve the Iranian nuclear standoff. Israel 's hawkish premier, who wants a "fresh" approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was set to unveil in the White House meeting his own long-awaited policy for regional peace focused on countering Iran . Yet Obama's hopes appear at odds with Netanyahu, who earned world criticism over his persistent refusal to endorse the creation of a Palestinian state, a bedrock principle of peace efforts in the Middle East for

nearly two decades. And while Obama wishes to make headway on the Palestinian track, Netanyahu's national security advisor Uzi Arad told reporters that the Iranian issue was set to top the leaders' talks in the Oval Office. "There might be some differences in approach, but we are confident that the sense of pragmatism and the desire for progress will drive the discussions," Arad said. Obama himself admitted in March that Netanyahu's right-leaning coalition did not make peacemaking any "easier". Netanyahu is expected to further irk his hosts and the Palestinians by telling Obama that Israel will keep building in existing settlements in the occupied West Bank , a key obstacle in the stuttering peace process. But both US and Israeli officials sought to play down any speculation of an open clash between the two leaders at the key summit.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.ccff6688f11fd21bfd48aa7c11f9b0fb.3c1 & show_article=1


As has been earlier discussed, the period of 4th lord Mars at 5° 17' Leo and 8th house begins on May 19th, 2009. The placement of Mars is made difficult by an aspect from 12th lord Jupiter at 4° 28' Sagittarius and 12th house. Israel is likely to experience a sense of 'loss' of communal harmony, due to a variety of obstacles during this period, and more so, when the natal aspect is aroused through transit affliction. As Mars is the general indicator of the military, it cannot be excluded that such contacts result in military conflict.


1) Transit 2nd lord, Saturn at 20° 55' Leo and MEP of 8th house, is not happily placed and is aspected by natal Rahu. This suggests that there is manipulation ongoing with respect to the status, wealth and relations with the neighbors of Israel. At the same time, transit Saturn is favourably aspecting its own house, as well as the 10th and 5th houses. Transit Saturn begins to move forward and out of these aspects later this week.


In addition, there are two major aspects in coming weeks that raise special concerns:


2) aspect of transit 12th lord Jupiter at 1°-3° Aquarius and 2nd house to natal Mars at 5° Leo (peak mid June 2009)

3) transit of Mars into the aspect of natal Jupiter at 4° 28' Aries and 4th house (exact on 29 May, 2009).


Another date of concern is 23 May, 2009 when

4) transit Sun at 8° Taurus is under the aspect of transit Rahu at 8° Capricorn and 1st house and transit 5th lord Mercury is retrograde at 0° 50' Taurus where it is conjunct natal 8th lord Sun at 0° 56' Taurus. On that day, aspects 2) and 3) will have begun to be felt and 1) is still strongly felt but having begun to separate.


So, what can we expect? The following analytical article is quite revealing about the highly complex political-military situation facing Israel and its ally, the USA.



DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis

May 17, 2009

Netanyahu, Obama met before they won office

In less than a month, aides in Washington and Jerusalem have transmuted the head-on clash forecast for the first meeting between Binyamin Netanyahu has Israel's prime minister and US president Barack Obama Monday, May 18, into a warm, amicable encounter, DEBKAfile's political analysts say.



It is likely President Obama will continue to prod the Israelis to do something meaningful to move towards a resolution of the Palestinian problem. The Israelis, however, remain reluctant to approve the creation of a Palestinian state while the Palestinians refuse to recognise the right of Israel to exist. The Israelis will likely emphasise the precarious position they are in with enemies on all sides, including Syria, which is continuing its efforts to destablise Lebanon and Palestine by supporting terrorism there in order to benefit from destabilising the situation there. The Iran nuclear threat is still very much there and Israel and the USA may still need to resort to military action as other options are proving useless. This is more so, as recent diplomatic contacts by the USA with Iran have revealed that the regime is acting on 'bad faith', resorting to manipulation (lies)

when it suits their purpose. In short, the Iranians are not to be trusted on this issue.


Astrologically, the situation for Israel is not a good one at all. The above mentioned astrological elements, including the affliction of transit Saturn by natal Rahu is showing the complexities. In coming weeks the influences will become less as it begins to move out of the present aspects. At that time, other difficult aspects begin to come into play, with natal and transit Mars, as major- and sub-period lord, severely afflicted. At that time, elections will be held in Palestine and Iran, with Israel's fierce adversaries likely to be re-elected, which will undoubtedly move the prospect of a peaceful solution further away. These developments would be undermining to the communal harmony of Israelis.


In the autumn, there are two major developments:

i) transit 2nd lord Saturn moves into Virgo and 9th house, which is likely to be helpful for Israel's prestige and relations with neighbors.

ii) transit 12th lord Jupiter will become stationary on top of natal 2nd lord Saturn, bringing strains to Israel's foreign policy.


In view of the above astrological dynamics facing Israel, we cannot exclude that something happens in coming days or weeks that prompts it into military action.


Alternatively, as disccussed in the blog Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009), there was a prediction for problems in the Autumn of 2009 for both the USA and Israel.



We will soon see what happens.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/











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Dear firends,


The following news appears today concerning the Iran nuclear issue. This is likely to make the situation more worrisome for the Israelis.


Iran says it tests missile, Israel within range

AFP – May 20, 2009 -1 hr 27 mins ago

TEHRAN, Iran – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran test-fired a new advanced missile Wednesday with a range of about 1,200 miles, far enough to strike Israel, southeastern Europe and U.S. bases in the Middle East. The announcement will not reassure the U.S. government, coming just two days after President Barack Obama declared a readiness to seek deeper international sanctions against Iran if it shunned U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. Obama said he expected a positive response to his outreach for opening a dialogue with Iran by the end of the year.



Interestingly, this news arrives as the transit aspects in the Capricorn chart are again becoming more difficult notably as Sun and Mercury become afflicted in transit.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:26:06 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


While the discussion on the SAMVA list is primarily focused on applying SA astrology to the mundane sphere, it is also sometimes helpful to follow the major areas of contention in difficult situations. This is more so, as the transits in the Capricorn rising chart for Israel are going to be quite difficult in the coming weeks.


Now it emerges, in the wake of the US-Israel summit, that the difference of views on how to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat is apparently growing. Interestingly, the Premier of Israel has stated, given the situation, that Israel will defend itself.


US-Israel summit shadowed by Obama's soft stand on Iranian enrichment

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

May 18, 2009, 4:43 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile's Washington sources report that the gap between US president Barack Obama and Israel prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Iran was wider even than on the Palestinian issue. Overshadowing their outwardly easy conversation was the US president's growing inclination to meet Iran halfway on uranium enrichment and call off UN and American sanctions if Tehran allows international monitoring of the process. Our intelligence sources report that Obama is seriously considering taking up the Anglo-German proposal for an international monitoring mechanism strict enough to preclude Iran's attainment of weapons-grade enriched uranium. The president was convinced by American intelligence and nuclear experts that this can be done. He also believes that nothing will persuade Tehran to cede its right to enrichment activity on its soil. Israeli

intelligence and military experts take the opposite view. They believe the Anglo-German plan gives Iran the perfect cover for concealing its race for a nuclear bomb, a misgiving shared by the political and military establishments of the moderate Arab governments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. It is their view that if Obama adopts this plan, Iran can be sure of arriving at a nuclear weapon capability by the end of 2010. This dispute did not come up in the Obama-Netanyahu conversation. Both skated around the Iranian nuclear threat separately without touching on options outside diplomacy. The US president said he was in the process of "reaching out" to Iran and was confident he could persuade Tehran's rulers that a nuclear weapon was not in their best interest if they wanted to be fully accepted as part of the international community. He did not mention uranium enrichment or a military option

against Iran. Neither would he accept a deadline for negotiations with Tehran, except to say that at the end of the year, "we will see where we stand."


But asked later to comment, Netanyahu said: "We will defend ourselves."


Seen from outside Washington, by Iran's neighbors, Israeli and Arab alike, President Obama has made Iran the gift of seven clear months for developing its nuclear capabilities and enrichment undisturbed. The only thing left to the Israeli prime minister was to commend "the president's firm commitment that Iran will not attain a nuclear weapon."



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:21:22 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


It seems President Obama has given Iran until the end of the year for a diplomatic solution to the nuclear weapons issue.


Obama says he wants progress with Iran by year's end

Mon May 18, 2009 6:20pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama set a rough timetable for his diplomatic outreach to arch-foe Iran for the first time on Monday, saying he wanted to see serious progress by the end of the year.He also held out the prospect of tougher sanctions against Tehran "to ensure that Iran understands we are serious." Obama's comments came after talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which the new Israeli leader was expected to stress Israel's concerns about Iran's nuclear program. Israel believes it is a cover to build atomic weapons.http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSTRE54H4QX20090518


This raises the question if such a statement is seen to be helpful or not by the Israelis. The Israelis have earlier said that the Iranians are six months away from obtaining such weapons and that military strikes cannot be ruled out in order to prevent the Iranians from getting their hand on such weapons. If this assessment is to be believed, the statement by Obama could be seen to be frustrating to the Israelis if they believe it gives the Iranians enough time to complete the program. On the other hand if the assessment is now that the Iranians are not far enough in their program, then this timetable for concrete measures by Obama could be seen to be helpful. In this case, the transit station of Jupiter at 24° Capricorn in the fall would be expected to bring the predicted strains associated with this issue - as that is the time when the USA will have to say if the desired progress is being made or not. If

not, the military option is still on the table.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 8:21:17 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The meeting between Nethanyahu and Obama ended with them not seeing 'eye to eye' on major issues. There are daunting problems that need to be resolved. Of note is the fact that the US President said the unresolved situation in Iran can't go on forever.


Obama expects positive Iranian response

Associated Press - May 18, 2009 – 57 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday he is ready to resume peace talks with the Palestinians immediately, but any agreement is contingent on their acceptance of Israel 's right to exist as a Jewish state. His comments came after a meeting with President Barack Obama, who bluntly told the Israeli leader it was time to get back to the negotiating table. Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for more than two hours at the White House and focused on Mideast peace talks, Iran 's nuclear program and the U.S.-Israeli relationship. Obama said he expects a positive response from his diplomatic outreach to Iran on stopping its nuclear program by the end of the year. The president said the United States wanted to bring Iran into the world community, but declared "we're not going to have talks forever." At the same time, Obama said bluntly that it was important that Netanyahu, a

hard-liner on peace negotiations with the Palestinians, to restart the stalled Mideast peace talks. While his language was gentle, Obama's words were notable nonetheless for being made in public.



No agreement on Iran , Palestinians in Obama-Netanyahu talks

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 18, 2009, 10:51 PM (GMT+02:00)

US president Barak Obama stood by his demand for a Palestinian state while Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu continued to avoid this formula in their talks at the White House Monday, May 18, their first since both took office. Still the atmosphere in the three-and-a-half hour conversation was friendly and earnest as the two agreed to disagree. Obama stressed that a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat not only to Israel and the US but a destabilizing factor for the world and the region. However, he said he is in the process of reaching out to Iran and is confident he can persuade its leaders that a nuclear bomb is not in their interest either. He refused to set a deadline for their dialogue, and spoke of a few months. These talks can't go on forever while Iran moves ahead with its nuclear program, he said adding: "At the end of the year we'll see where we stand." Netanyahu was

less sanguine: "A nuclear-armed Iran which calls for Israel 's destruction is unacceptable and would give terrorists a nuclear umbrella." The US president called on Israel to stick to the road map as "ratified at Annapolis " (which Netanyahu has rejected). However hard this is, he said, Israel must stop settlement activity. The Palestinians must fight terror. Obama pledged US involvement in peace talks as a strong partner. Netanyahu said he was ready to start talks with the Palestinians immediately. He wanted the Palestinians to rule themselves, but peace means they must recognize Israel as a Jewish state with the right to defend itself and live in security. The US president remarked that Jordan , Egypt and Saudi Arabia should be constructively involved in the Israel-Palestinian peace track and do more to develop relations with Israel . Following the White House summit, Netanyahu will hold talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense

Secretary Robert Gates and members of Congress. He returns to Israel on Tuesday evening.



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 12:45:56 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]



Dear friends,


On the day before the the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel enters the major and sub-period of Mars, US President Obama will have his first meeting with Israeli Premier Nethanyahu since both men entered office.


Obama hosts Netanyahu as Mideast strains ties

May 18 06:05 AM US /Eastern

US President Barack Obama will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their first meeting on Monday as discord over Mideast peace and Iran 's nuclear bid clouds ties between the close allies. The meeting marks Obama's most testing diplomatic challenge yet after he vowed to vigorously engage in attaining an elusive regional peace as part of a comprehensive strategy to peacefully resolve the Iranian nuclear standoff. Israel 's hawkish premier, who wants a "fresh" approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was set to unveil in the White House meeting his own long-awaited policy for regional peace focused on countering Iran . Yet Obama's hopes appear at odds with Netanyahu, who earned world criticism over his persistent refusal to endorse the creation of a Palestinian state, a bedrock principle of peace efforts in the Middle East for

nearly two decades. And while Obama wishes to make headway on the Palestinian track, Netanyahu's national security advisor Uzi Arad told reporters that the Iranian issue was set to top the leaders' talks in the Oval Office. "There might be some differences in approach, but we are confident that the sense of pragmatism and the desire for progress will drive the discussions," Arad said. Obama himself admitted in March that Netanyahu's right-leaning coalition did not make peacemaking any "easier". Netanyahu is expected to further irk his hosts and the Palestinians by telling Obama that Israel will keep building in existing settlements in the occupied West Bank , a key obstacle in the stuttering peace process. But both US and Israeli officials sought to play down any speculation of an open clash between the two leaders at the key summit.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.ccff6688f11fd21bfd48aa7c11f9b0fb.3c1 & show_article=1


As has been earlier discussed, the period of 4th lord Mars at 5° 17' Leo and 8th house begins on May 19th, 2009. The placement of Mars is made difficult by an aspect from 12th lord Jupiter at 4° 28' Sagittarius and 12th house. Israel is likely to experience a sense of 'loss' of communal harmony, due to a variety of obstacles during this period, and more so, when the natal aspect is aroused through transit affliction. As Mars is the general indicator of the military, it cannot be excluded that such contacts result in military conflict.


1) Transit 2nd lord, Saturn at 20° 55' Leo and MEP of 8th house, is not happily placed and is aspected by natal Rahu. This suggests that there is manipulation ongoing with respect to the status, wealth and relations with the neighbors of Israel. At the same time, transit Saturn is favourably aspecting its own house, as well as the 10th and 5th houses. Transit Saturn begins to move forward and out of these aspects later this week.


In addition, there are two major aspects in coming weeks that raise special concerns:


2) aspect of transit 12th lord Jupiter at 1°-3° Aquarius and 2nd house to natal Mars at 5° Leo (peak mid June 2009)

3) transit of Mars into the aspect of natal Jupiter at 4° 28' Aries and 4th house (exact on 29 May, 2009).


Another date of concern is 23 May, 2009 when

4) transit Sun at 8° Taurus is under the aspect of transit Rahu at 8° Capricorn and 1st house and transit 5th lord Mercury is retrograde at 0° 50' Taurus where it is conjunct natal 8th lord Sun at 0° 56' Taurus. On that day, aspects 2) and 3) will have begun to be felt and 1) is still strongly felt but having begun to separate.


So, what can we expect? The following analytical article is quite revealing about the highly complex political-military situation facing Israel and its ally, the USA.



DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis

May 17, 2009

Netanyahu, Obama met before they won office

In less than a month, aides in Washington and Jerusalem have transmuted the head-on clash forecast for the first meeting between Binyamin Netanyahu has Israel's prime minister and US president Barack Obama Monday, May 18, into a warm, amicable encounter, DEBKAfile's political analysts say.



It is likely President Obama will continue to prod the Israelis to do something meaningful to move towards a resolution of the Palestinian problem. The Israelis, however, remain reluctant to approve the creation of a Palestinian state while the Palestinians refuse to recognise the right of Israel to exist. The Israelis will likely emphasise the precarious position they are in with enemies on all sides, including Syria, which is continuing its efforts to destablise Lebanon and Palestine by supporting terrorism there in order to benefit from destabilising the situation there. The Iran nuclear threat is still very much there and Israel and the USA may still need to resort to military action as other options are proving useless. This is more so, as recent diplomatic contacts by the USA with Iran have revealed that the regime is acting on 'bad faith', resorting to manipulation (lies)

when it suits their purpose. In short, the Iranians are not to be trusted on this issue.


Astrologically, the situation for Israel is not a good one at all. The above mentioned astrological elements, including the affliction of transit Saturn by natal Rahu is showing the complexities. In coming weeks the influences will become less as it begins to move out of the present aspects. At that time, other difficult aspects begin to come into play, with natal and transit Mars, as major- and sub-period lord, severely afflicted. At that time, elections will be held in Palestine and Iran, with Israel's fierce adversaries likely to be re-elected, which will undoubtedly move the prospect of a peaceful solution further away. These developments would be undermining to the communal harmony of Israelis.


In the autumn, there are two major developments:

i) transit 2nd lord Saturn moves into Virgo and 9th house, which is likely to be helpful for Israel's prestige and relations with neighbors.

ii) transit 12th lord Jupiter will become stationary on top of natal 2nd lord Saturn, bringing strains to Israel's foreign policy.


In view of the above astrological dynamics facing Israel, we cannot exclude that something happens in coming days or weeks that prompts it into military action.


Alternatively, as disccussed in the blog Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009), there was a prediction for problems in the Autumn of 2009 for both the USA and Israel.



We will soon see what happens.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/











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Dear friends,


As predicted, the tension surrounding Israel (and Iran) is now deepening.


US Senators press Obama on 'risk' for Israel

May 20, 2009

WASHINGTON (AFP) — A vast majority of US senators on Tuesday urged President Barack Obama to mind the "risks" to Israel in any Middle East peace accord as he presses for a two-state solution to the six-decade conflict. "As we work closely with our democratic ally, Israel, we must take into account the risks it will face in any peace agreement," 76 of the 100 senators wrote Obama in a letter released to reporters. "Without a doubt, our two governments will agree on some issues and disagree on others, but the United States friendship with Israel requires that we work closely together as we recommit ourselves to our historic role of a trusted friend and

active mediator," they wrote.



Israeli official blasts focus on 2-state idea

May 20 11:01 AM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Media focus on the idea of a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, favored by President Barack Obama, is "childish and stupid," said an aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday. The aide's statement reflected efforts by Netanyahu to deflect attention away from the issue during his just-completed trip to Washington.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D98A2IK00 & show_article=1


Israeli settlers reject Obama call to halt building

Tue May 19, 2009 6:54am EDT

JERUSALEM, May 19 (Reuters) - Jewish settler leaders on Tuesday shrugged off U.S. President Barack Obama's call for Israel to halt settlement building in the occupied West Bank, saying Palestinians needed to "halt terror first". Dani Dayan, chairman of the West Bank settlers' umbrella organisation Yesha Council, said he felt assured that domestic political support would allow settlers to continue to live in the occupied West Bank.




Iran tests missile as election race starts

Wed May 20, 2009 7:14pm EDT

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday Iran had tested a missile that defense analysts say could hit Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf, a move likely to fuel Western concern about Tehran's nuclear ambitions. Washington voiced concern after Ahmadinejad announced the test on the same day campaigning for the Iran's June 12 presidential election officially started. U.S. President Barack Obama "has long been concerned" by any development in Iran's missile program, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. A U.S. official said the test was a "step in the wrong direction".



Israel has no adequate interceptor for Iran's new long-range missile

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 20, 2009, 11:10 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile's military sources report that Israel, the US and Europe were taken aback by Iran's successful launch Wednesday, May 20, of a two-stage, solid-fueled 2,000-kilometer range missile, but most of all by the accuracy of its aim in destroying its target, as proudly claimed by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Western military sources told us later: "Iran is at least two or three years ahead of Israel's missile defenses." US President Barack Obama "has long been concerned" by any development in Iran's missile program, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.



Nasrallah places his Hizballah on war preparedness

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 18, 2009, 11:41 PM (GMT+02:00)

Placed on a war footing

During a videotaped speech haranguing Israel for staging threatening military maneuvers, Hizballah's leader Hassan Nasrallah Monday night, May 18, ordered the call-up of reserves and placed his terrorist militia on a state of war preparedness. Earlier, our military sources reported that Hizballah was exploiting the alleged flight of suspected Israeli spies from Lebanon across the border into Israel to drum up border tension.




Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 3:12:48 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear firends,


The following news appears today concerning the Iran nuclear issue. This is likely to make the situation more worrisome for the Israelis.


Iran says it tests missile, Israel within range

AFP – May 20, 2009 -1 hr 27 mins ago

TEHRAN, Iran – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran test-fired a new advanced missile Wednesday with a range of about 1,200 miles, far enough to strike Israel, southeastern Europe and U.S. bases in the Middle East. The announcement will not reassure the U.S. government, coming just two days after President Barack Obama declared a readiness to seek deeper international sanctions against Iran if it shunned U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. Obama said he expected a positive response to his outreach for opening a dialogue with Iran by the end of the year.



Interestingly, this news arrives as the transit aspects in the Capricorn chart are again becoming more difficult notably as Sun and Mercury become afflicted in transit.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:26:06 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


While the discussion on the SAMVA list is primarily focused on applying SA astrology to the mundane sphere, it is also sometimes helpful to follow the major areas of contention in difficult situations. This is more so, as the transits in the Capricorn rising chart for Israel are going to be quite difficult in the coming weeks.


Now it emerges, in the wake of the US-Israel summit, that the difference of views on how to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat is apparently growing. Interestingly, the Premier of Israel has stated, given the situation, that Israel will defend itself.


US-Israel summit shadowed by Obama's soft stand on Iranian enrichment

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

May 18, 2009, 4:43 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile's Washington sources report that the gap between US president Barack Obama and Israel prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Iran was wider even than on the Palestinian issue. Overshadowing their outwardly easy conversation was the US president's growing inclination to meet Iran halfway on uranium enrichment and call off UN and American sanctions if Tehran allows international monitoring of the process. Our intelligence sources report that Obama is seriously considering taking up the Anglo-German proposal for an international monitoring mechanism strict enough to preclude Iran's attainment of weapons-grade enriched uranium. The president was convinced by American intelligence and nuclear experts that this can be done. He also believes that nothing will persuade Tehran to cede its right to enrichment activity on its soil. Israeli

intelligence and military experts take the opposite view. They believe the Anglo-German plan gives Iran the perfect cover for concealing its race for a nuclear bomb, a misgiving shared by the political and military establishments of the moderate Arab governments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. It is their view that if Obama adopts this plan, Iran can be sure of arriving at a nuclear weapon capability by the end of 2010. This dispute did not come up in the Obama-Netanyahu conversation. Both skated around the Iranian nuclear threat separately without touching on options outside diplomacy. The US president said he was in the process of "reaching out" to Iran and was confident he could persuade Tehran's rulers that a nuclear weapon was not in their best interest if they wanted to be fully accepted as part of the international community. He did not mention uranium enrichment or a military option

against Iran. Neither would he accept a deadline for negotiations with Tehran, except to say that at the end of the year, "we will see where we stand."


But asked later to comment, Netanyahu said: "We will defend ourselves."


Seen from outside Washington, by Iran's neighbors, Israeli and Arab alike, President Obama has made Iran the gift of seven clear months for developing its nuclear capabilities and enrichment undisturbed. The only thing left to the Israeli prime minister was to commend "the president's firm commitment that Iran will not attain a nuclear weapon."



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:21:22 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


It seems President Obama has given Iran until the end of the year for a diplomatic solution to the nuclear weapons issue.


Obama says he wants progress with Iran by year's end

Mon May 18, 2009 6:20pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama set a rough timetable for his diplomatic outreach to arch-foe Iran for the first time on Monday, saying he wanted to see serious progress by the end of the year.He also held out the prospect of tougher sanctions against Tehran "to ensure that Iran understands we are serious." Obama's comments came after talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which the new Israeli leader was expected to stress Israel's concerns about Iran's nuclear program. Israel believes it is a cover to build atomic weapons.http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSTRE54H4QX20090518


This raises the question if such a statement is seen to be helpful or not by the Israelis. The Israelis have earlier said that the Iranians are six months away from obtaining such weapons and that military strikes cannot be ruled out in order to prevent the Iranians from getting their hand on such weapons. If this assessment is to be believed, the statement by Obama could be seen to be frustrating to the Israelis if they believe it gives the Iranians enough time to complete the program. On the other hand if the assessment is now that the Iranians are not far enough in their program, then this timetable for concrete measures by Obama could be seen to be helpful. In this case, the transit station of Jupiter at 24° Capricorn in the fall would be expected to bring the predicted strains associated with this issue - as that is the time when the USA will have to say if the desired progress is being made or not. If

not, the military option is still on the table.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 8:21:17 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The meeting between Nethanyahu and Obama ended with them not seeing 'eye to eye' on major issues. There are daunting problems that need to be resolved. Of note is the fact that the US President said the unresolved situation in Iran can't go on forever.


Obama expects positive Iranian response

Associated Press - May 18, 2009 – 57 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday he is ready to resume peace talks with the Palestinians immediately, but any agreement is contingent on their acceptance of Israel 's right to exist as a Jewish state. His comments came after a meeting with President Barack Obama, who bluntly told the Israeli leader it was time to get back to the negotiating table. Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for more than two hours at the White House and focused on Mideast peace talks, Iran 's nuclear program and the U.S.-Israeli relationship. Obama said he expects a positive response from his diplomatic outreach to Iran on stopping its nuclear program by the end of the year. The president said the United States wanted to bring Iran into the world community, but declared "we're not going to have talks forever." At the same time, Obama said bluntly that it was important that Netanyahu, a

hard-liner on peace negotiations with the Palestinians, to restart the stalled Mideast peace talks. While his language was gentle, Obama's words were notable nonetheless for being made in public.



No agreement on Iran , Palestinians in Obama-Netanyahu talks

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 18, 2009, 10:51 PM (GMT+02:00)

US president Barak Obama stood by his demand for a Palestinian state while Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu continued to avoid this formula in their talks at the White House Monday, May 18, their first since both took office. Still the atmosphere in the three-and-a-half hour conversation was friendly and earnest as the two agreed to disagree. Obama stressed that a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat not only to Israel and the US but a destabilizing factor for the world and the region. However, he said he is in the process of reaching out to Iran and is confident he can persuade its leaders that a nuclear bomb is not in their interest either. He refused to set a deadline for their dialogue, and spoke of a few months. These talks can't go on forever while Iran moves ahead with its nuclear program, he said adding: "At the end of the year we'll see where we stand." Netanyahu was

less sanguine: "A nuclear-armed Iran which calls for Israel 's destruction is unacceptable and would give terrorists a nuclear umbrella." The US president called on Israel to stick to the road map as "ratified at Annapolis " (which Netanyahu has rejected). However hard this is, he said, Israel must stop settlement activity. The Palestinians must fight terror. Obama pledged US involvement in peace talks as a strong partner. Netanyahu said he was ready to start talks with the Palestinians immediately. He wanted the Palestinians to rule themselves, but peace means they must recognize Israel as a Jewish state with the right to defend itself and live in security. The US president remarked that Jordan , Egypt and Saudi Arabia should be constructively involved in the Israel-Palestinian peace track and do more to develop relations with Israel . Following the White House summit, Netanyahu will hold talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense

Secretary Robert Gates and members of Congress. He returns to Israel on Tuesday evening.



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 12:45:56 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]



Dear friends,


On the day before the the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel enters the major and sub-period of Mars, US President Obama will have his first meeting with Israeli Premier Nethanyahu since both men entered office.


Obama hosts Netanyahu as Mideast strains ties

May 18 06:05 AM US /Eastern

US President Barack Obama will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their first meeting on Monday as discord over Mideast peace and Iran 's nuclear bid clouds ties between the close allies. The meeting marks Obama's most testing diplomatic challenge yet after he vowed to vigorously engage in attaining an elusive regional peace as part of a comprehensive strategy to peacefully resolve the Iranian nuclear standoff. Israel 's hawkish premier, who wants a "fresh" approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was set to unveil in the White House meeting his own long-awaited policy for regional peace focused on countering Iran . Yet Obama's hopes appear at odds with Netanyahu, who earned world criticism over his persistent refusal to endorse the creation of a Palestinian state, a bedrock principle of peace efforts in the Middle East for

nearly two decades. And while Obama wishes to make headway on the Palestinian track, Netanyahu's national security advisor Uzi Arad told reporters that the Iranian issue was set to top the leaders' talks in the Oval Office. "There might be some differences in approach, but we are confident that the sense of pragmatism and the desire for progress will drive the discussions," Arad said. Obama himself admitted in March that Netanyahu's right-leaning coalition did not make peacemaking any "easier". Netanyahu is expected to further irk his hosts and the Palestinians by telling Obama that Israel will keep building in existing settlements in the occupied West Bank , a key obstacle in the stuttering peace process. But both US and Israeli officials sought to play down any speculation of an open clash between the two leaders at the key summit.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.ccff6688f11fd21bfd48aa7c11f9b0fb.3c1 & show_article=1


As has been earlier discussed, the period of 4th lord Mars at 5° 17' Leo and 8th house begins on May 19th, 2009. The placement of Mars is made difficult by an aspect from 12th lord Jupiter at 4° 28' Sagittarius and 12th house. Israel is likely to experience a sense of 'loss' of communal harmony, due to a variety of obstacles during this period, and more so, when the natal aspect is aroused through transit affliction. As Mars is the general indicator of the military, it cannot be excluded that such contacts result in military conflict.


1) Transit 2nd lord, Saturn at 20° 55' Leo and MEP of 8th house, is not happily placed and is aspected by natal Rahu. This suggests that there is manipulation ongoing with respect to the status, wealth and relations with the neighbors of Israel. At the same time, transit Saturn is favourably aspecting its own house, as well as the 10th and 5th houses. Transit Saturn begins to move forward and out of these aspects later this week.


In addition, there are two major aspects in coming weeks that raise special concerns:


2) aspect of transit 12th lord Jupiter at 1°-3° Aquarius and 2nd house to natal Mars at 5° Leo (peak mid June 2009)

3) transit of Mars into the aspect of natal Jupiter at 4° 28' Aries and 4th house (exact on 29 May, 2009).


Another date of concern is 23 May, 2009 when

4) transit Sun at 8° Taurus is under the aspect of transit Rahu at 8° Capricorn and 1st house and transit 5th lord Mercury is retrograde at 0° 50' Taurus where it is conjunct natal 8th lord Sun at 0° 56' Taurus. On that day, aspects 2) and 3) will have begun to be felt and 1) is still strongly felt but having begun to separate.


So, what can we expect? The following analytical article is quite revealing about the highly complex political-military situation facing Israel and its ally, the USA.



DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis

May 17, 2009

Netanyahu, Obama met before they won office

In less than a month, aides in Washington and Jerusalem have transmuted the head-on clash forecast for the first meeting between Binyamin Netanyahu has Israel's prime minister and US president Barack Obama Monday, May 18, into a warm, amicable encounter, DEBKAfile's political analysts say.



It is likely President Obama will continue to prod the Israelis to do something meaningful to move towards a resolution of the Palestinian problem. The Israelis, however, remain reluctant to approve the creation of a Palestinian state while the Palestinians refuse to recognise the right of Israel to exist. The Israelis will likely emphasise the precarious position they are in with enemies on all sides, including Syria, which is continuing its efforts to destablise Lebanon and Palestine by supporting terrorism there in order to benefit from destabilising the situation there. The Iran nuclear threat is still very much there and Israel and the USA may still need to resort to military action as other options are proving useless. This is more so, as recent diplomatic contacts by the USA with Iran have revealed that the regime is acting on 'bad faith', resorting to manipulation (lies)

when it suits their purpose. In short, the Iranians are not to be trusted on this issue.


Astrologically, the situation for Israel is not a good one at all. The above mentioned astrological elements, including the affliction of transit Saturn by natal Rahu is showing the complexities. In coming weeks the influences will become less as it begins to move out of the present aspects. At that time, other difficult aspects begin to come into play, with natal and transit Mars, as major- and sub-period lord, severely afflicted. At that time, elections will be held in Palestine and Iran, with Israel's fierce adversaries likely to be re-elected, which will undoubtedly move the prospect of a peaceful solution further away. These developments would be undermining to the communal harmony of Israelis.


In the autumn, there are two major developments:

i) transit 2nd lord Saturn moves into Virgo and 9th house, which is likely to be helpful for Israel's prestige and relations with neighbors.

ii) transit 12th lord Jupiter will become stationary on top of natal 2nd lord Saturn, bringing strains to Israel's foreign policy.


In view of the above astrological dynamics facing Israel, we cannot exclude that something happens in coming days or weeks that prompts it into military action.


Alternatively, as disccussed in the blog Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009), there was a prediction for problems in the Autumn of 2009 for both the USA and Israel.



We will soon see what happens.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/











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Dear friends,


www.DrugeReport.com is reporting considerable tensions in Israel over this weekend:


Netanyahu defies Obama...

Will build in existing settlements...POLL: Half of Israelis back immediate strike on Iran...Iran general says could stop Israel in 'one strike'...



Netanyahu defies Obama on Israeli settlement freeze

24 May 2009 14:19:15 GMT

Source: Reuters

JERUSALEM, May 24 (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rebuffed U.S. calls to impose a freeze on all settlement activity in the occupied West Bank, setting the stage for friction with President Barack Obama.


SAMVA message on May 18, 2009:


Another date of concern is 23 May, 2009 when

4) transit Sun at 8° Taurus is under the aspect of transit Rahu at 8° Capricorn and 1st house and transit 5th lord Mercury is retrograde at 0° 50' Taurus where it is conjunct natal 8th lord Sun at 0° 56' Taurus.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:20:59 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


As predicted, the tension surrounding Israel (and Iran) is now deepening.


US Senators press Obama on 'risk' for Israel

May 20, 2009

WASHINGTON (AFP) — A vast majority of US senators on Tuesday urged President Barack Obama to mind the "risks" to Israel in any Middle East peace accord as he presses for a two-state solution to the six-decade conflict. "As we work closely with our democratic ally, Israel , we must take into account the risks it will face in any peace agreement," 76 of the 100 senators wrote Obama in a letter released to reporters. "Without a doubt, our two governments will agree on some issues and disagree on others, but the United States friendship with Israel requires that we work closely together as we recommit ourselves to our historic role of a trusted friend and active mediator," they wrote.



Israeli official blasts focus on 2-state idea

May 20 11:01 AM US /Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Media focus on the idea of a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, favored by President Barack Obama, is "childish and stupid," said an aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday. The aide's statement reflected efforts by Netanyahu to deflect attention away from the issue during his just-completed trip to Washington .

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D98A2IK00 & show_article=1


Israeli settlers reject Obama call to halt building

Tue May 19, 2009 6:54am EDT

JERUSALEM, May 19 (Reuters) - Jewish settler leaders on Tuesday shrugged off U.S. President Barack Obama's call for Israel to halt settlement building in the occupied West Bank, saying Palestinians needed to "halt terror first". Dani Dayan, chairman of the West Bank settlers' umbrella organisation Yesha Council, said he felt assured that domestic political support would allow settlers to continue to live in the occupied West Bank .




Iran tests missile as election race starts

Wed May 20, 2009 7:14pm EDT

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday Iran had tested a missile that defense analysts say could hit Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf, a move likely to fuel Western concern about Tehran's nuclear ambitions. Washington voiced concern after Ahmadinejad announced the test on the same day campaigning for the Iran 's June 12 presidential election officially started. U.S. President Barack Obama "has long been concerned" by any development in Iran 's missile program, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. A U.S. official said the test was a "step in the wrong direction".



Israel has no adequate interceptor for Iran 's new long-range missile

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 20, 2009, 11:10 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile's military sources report that Israel, the US and Europe were taken aback by Iran's successful launch Wednesday, May 20, of a two-stage, solid-fueled 2,000-kilometer range missile, but most of all by the accuracy of its aim in destroying its target, as proudly claimed by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Western military sources told us later: " Iran is at least two or three years ahead of Israel 's missile defenses." US President Barack Obama "has long been concerned" by any development in Iran 's missile program, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.



Nasrallah places his Hizballah on war preparedness

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 18, 2009, 11:41 PM (GMT+02:00)

Placed on a war footing

During a videotaped speech haranguing Israel for staging threatening military maneuvers, Hizballah's leader Hassan Nasrallah Monday night, May 18, ordered the call-up of reserves and placed his terrorist militia on a state of war preparedness. Earlier, our military sources reported that Hizballah was exploiting the alleged flight of suspected Israeli spies from Lebanon across the border into Israel to drum up border tension.




Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 3:12:48 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear firends,


The following news appears today concerning the Iran nuclear issue. This is likely to make the situation more worrisome for the Israelis.


Iran says it tests missile, Israel within range

AFP – May 20, 2009 -1 hr 27 mins ago

TEHRAN, Iran – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran test-fired a new advanced missile Wednesday with a range of about 1,200 miles, far enough to strike Israel, southeastern Europe and U.S. bases in the Middle East. The announcement will not reassure the U.S. government, coming just two days after President Barack Obama declared a readiness to seek deeper international sanctions against Iran if it shunned U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. Obama said he expected a positive response to his outreach for opening a dialogue with Iran by the end of the year.



Interestingly, this news arrives as the transit aspects in the Capricorn chart are again becoming more difficult notably as Sun and Mercury become afflicted in transit.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:26:06 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


While the discussion on the SAMVA list is primarily focused on applying SA astrology to the mundane sphere, it is also sometimes helpful to follow the major areas of contention in difficult situations. This is more so, as the transits in the Capricorn rising chart for Israel are going to be quite difficult in the coming weeks.


Now it emerges, in the wake of the US-Israel summit, that the difference of views on how to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat is apparently growing. Interestingly, the Premier of Israel has stated, given the situation, that Israel will defend itself.


US-Israel summit shadowed by Obama's soft stand on Iranian enrichment

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

May 18, 2009, 4:43 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile's Washington sources report that the gap between US president Barack Obama and Israel prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Iran was wider even than on the Palestinian issue. Overshadowing their outwardly easy conversation was the US president's growing inclination to meet Iran halfway on uranium enrichment and call off UN and American sanctions if Tehran allows international monitoring of the process. Our intelligence sources report that Obama is seriously considering taking up the Anglo-German proposal for an international monitoring mechanism strict enough to preclude Iran's attainment of weapons-grade enriched uranium. The president was convinced by American intelligence and nuclear experts that this can be done. He also believes that nothing will persuade Tehran to cede its right to enrichment activity on its soil. Israeli

intelligence and military experts take the opposite view. They believe the Anglo-German plan gives Iran the perfect cover for concealing its race for a nuclear bomb, a misgiving shared by the political and military establishments of the moderate Arab governments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. It is their view that if Obama adopts this plan, Iran can be sure of arriving at a nuclear weapon capability by the end of 2010. This dispute did not come up in the Obama-Netanyahu conversation. Both skated around the Iranian nuclear threat separately without touching on options outside diplomacy. The US president said he was in the process of "reaching out" to Iran and was confident he could persuade Tehran's rulers that a nuclear weapon was not in their best interest if they wanted to be fully accepted as part of the international community. He did not mention uranium enrichment or a military option

against Iran. Neither would he accept a deadline for negotiations with Tehran, except to say that at the end of the year, "we will see where we stand."


But asked later to comment, Netanyahu said: "We will defend ourselves."


Seen from outside Washington, by Iran's neighbors, Israeli and Arab alike, President Obama has made Iran the gift of seven clear months for developing its nuclear capabilities and enrichment undisturbed. The only thing left to the Israeli prime minister was to commend "the president's firm commitment that Iran will not attain a nuclear weapon."



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:21:22 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


It seems President Obama has given Iran until the end of the year for a diplomatic solution to the nuclear weapons issue.


Obama says he wants progress with Iran by year's end

Mon May 18, 2009 6:20pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama set a rough timetable for his diplomatic outreach to arch-foe Iran for the first time on Monday, saying he wanted to see serious progress by the end of the year.He also held out the prospect of tougher sanctions against Tehran "to ensure that Iran understands we are serious." Obama's comments came after talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which the new Israeli leader was expected to stress Israel's concerns about Iran's nuclear program. Israel believes it is a cover to build atomic weapons.http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSTRE54H4QX20090518


This raises the question if such a statement is seen to be helpful or not by the Israelis. The Israelis have earlier said that the Iranians are six months away from obtaining such weapons and that military strikes cannot be ruled out in order to prevent the Iranians from getting their hand on such weapons. If this assessment is to be believed, the statement by Obama could be seen to be frustrating to the Israelis if they believe it gives the Iranians enough time to complete the program. On the other hand if the assessment is now that the Iranians are not far enough in their program, then this timetable for concrete measures by Obama could be seen to be helpful. In this case, the transit station of Jupiter at 24° Capricorn in the fall would be expected to bring the predicted strains associated with this issue - as that is the time when the USA will have to say if the desired progress is being made or not. If

not, the military option is still on the table.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 8:21:17 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The meeting between Nethanyahu and Obama ended with them not seeing 'eye to eye' on major issues. There are daunting problems that need to be resolved. Of note is the fact that the US President said the unresolved situation in Iran can't go on forever.


Obama expects positive Iranian response

Associated Press - May 18, 2009 – 57 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday he is ready to resume peace talks with the Palestinians immediately, but any agreement is contingent on their acceptance of Israel 's right to exist as a Jewish state. His comments came after a meeting with President Barack Obama, who bluntly told the Israeli leader it was time to get back to the negotiating table. Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for more than two hours at the White House and focused on Mideast peace talks, Iran 's nuclear program and the U.S.-Israeli relationship. Obama said he expects a positive response from his diplomatic outreach to Iran on stopping its nuclear program by the end of the year. The president said the United States wanted to bring Iran into the world community, but declared "we're not going to have talks forever." At the same time, Obama said bluntly that it was important that Netanyahu, a

hard-liner on peace negotiations with the Palestinians, to restart the stalled Mideast peace talks. While his language was gentle, Obama's words were notable nonetheless for being made in public.



No agreement on Iran , Palestinians in Obama-Netanyahu talks

DEBKAfile Special Report

May 18, 2009, 10:51 PM (GMT+02:00)

US president Barak Obama stood by his demand for a Palestinian state while Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu continued to avoid this formula in their talks at the White House Monday, May 18, their first since both took office. Still the atmosphere in the three-and-a-half hour conversation was friendly and earnest as the two agreed to disagree. Obama stressed that a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat not only to Israel and the US but a destabilizing factor for the world and the region. However, he said he is in the process of reaching out to Iran and is confident he can persuade its leaders that a nuclear bomb is not in their interest either. He refused to set a deadline for their dialogue, and spoke of a few months. These talks can't go on forever while Iran moves ahead with its nuclear program, he said adding: "At the end of the year we'll see where we stand." Netanyahu was

less sanguine: "A nuclear-armed Iran which calls for Israel 's destruction is unacceptable and would give terrorists a nuclear umbrella." The US president called on Israel to stick to the road map as "ratified at Annapolis " (which Netanyahu has rejected). However hard this is, he said, Israel must stop settlement activity. The Palestinians must fight terror. Obama pledged US involvement in peace talks as a strong partner. Netanyahu said he was ready to start talks with the Palestinians immediately. He wanted the Palestinians to rule themselves, but peace means they must recognize Israel as a Jewish state with the right to defend itself and live in security. The US president remarked that Jordan , Egypt and Saudi Arabia should be constructively involved in the Israel-Palestinian peace track and do more to develop relations with Israel . Following the White House summit, Netanyahu will hold talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense

Secretary Robert Gates and members of Congress. He returns to Israel on Tuesday evening.



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 12:45:56 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]



Dear friends,


On the day before the the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel enters the major and sub-period of Mars, US President Obama will have his first meeting with Israeli Premier Nethanyahu since both men entered office.


Obama hosts Netanyahu as Mideast strains ties

May 18 06:05 AM US /Eastern

US President Barack Obama will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their first meeting on Monday as discord over Mideast peace and Iran 's nuclear bid clouds ties between the close allies. The meeting marks Obama's most testing diplomatic challenge yet after he vowed to vigorously engage in attaining an elusive regional peace as part of a comprehensive strategy to peacefully resolve the Iranian nuclear standoff. Israel 's hawkish premier, who wants a "fresh" approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was set to unveil in the White House meeting his own long-awaited policy for regional peace focused on countering Iran . Yet Obama's hopes appear at odds with Netanyahu, who earned world criticism over his persistent refusal to endorse the creation of a Palestinian state, a bedrock principle of peace efforts in the Middle East for

nearly two decades. And while Obama wishes to make headway on the Palestinian track, Netanyahu's national security advisor Uzi Arad told reporters that the Iranian issue was set to top the leaders' talks in the Oval Office. "There might be some differences in approach, but we are confident that the sense of pragmatism and the desire for progress will drive the discussions," Arad said. Obama himself admitted in March that Netanyahu's right-leaning coalition did not make peacemaking any "easier". Netanyahu is expected to further irk his hosts and the Palestinians by telling Obama that Israel will keep building in existing settlements in the occupied West Bank , a key obstacle in the stuttering peace process. But both US and Israeli officials sought to play down any speculation of an open clash between the two leaders at the key summit.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.ccff6688f11fd21bfd48aa7c11f9b0fb.3c1 & show_article=1


As has been earlier discussed, the period of 4th lord Mars at 5° 17' Leo and 8th house begins on May 19th, 2009. The placement of Mars is made difficult by an aspect from 12th lord Jupiter at 4° 28' Sagittarius and 12th house. Israel is likely to experience a sense of 'loss' of communal harmony, due to a variety of obstacles during this period, and more so, when the natal aspect is aroused through transit affliction. As Mars is the general indicator of the military, it cannot be excluded that such contacts result in military conflict.


1) Transit 2nd lord, Saturn at 20° 55' Leo and MEP of 8th house, is not happily placed and is aspected by natal Rahu. This suggests that there is manipulation ongoing with respect to the status, wealth and relations with the neighbors of Israel. At the same time, transit Saturn is favourably aspecting its own house, as well as the 10th and 5th houses. Transit Saturn begins to move forward and out of these aspects later this week.


In addition, there are two major aspects in coming weeks that raise special concerns:


2) aspect of transit 12th lord Jupiter at 1°-3° Aquarius and 2nd house to natal Mars at 5° Leo (peak mid June 2009)

3) transit of Mars into the aspect of natal Jupiter at 4° 28' Aries and 4th house (exact on 29 May, 2009).


Another date of concern is 23 May, 2009 when

4) transit Sun at 8° Taurus is under the aspect of transit Rahu at 8° Capricorn and 1st house and transit 5th lord Mercury is retrograde at 0° 50' Taurus where it is conjunct natal 8th lord Sun at 0° 56' Taurus. On that day, aspects 2) and 3) will have begun to be felt and 1) is still strongly felt but having begun to separate.


So, what can we expect? The following analytical article is quite revealing about the highly complex political-military situation facing Israel and its ally, the USA.



DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis

May 17, 2009

Netanyahu, Obama met before they won office

In less than a month, aides in Washington and Jerusalem have transmuted the head-on clash forecast for the first meeting between Binyamin Netanyahu has Israel's prime minister and US president Barack Obama Monday, May 18, into a warm, amicable encounter, DEBKAfile's political analysts say.



It is likely President Obama will continue to prod the Israelis to do something meaningful to move towards a resolution of the Palestinian problem. The Israelis, however, remain reluctant to approve the creation of a Palestinian state while the Palestinians refuse to recognise the right of Israel to exist. The Israelis will likely emphasise the precarious position they are in with enemies on all sides, including Syria, which is continuing its efforts to destablise Lebanon and Palestine by supporting terrorism there in order to benefit from destabilising the situation there. The Iran nuclear threat is still very much there and Israel and the USA may still need to resort to military action as other options are proving useless. This is more so, as recent diplomatic contacts by the USA with Iran have revealed that the regime is acting on 'bad faith', resorting to manipulation (lies)

when it suits their purpose. In short, the Iranians are not to be trusted on this issue.


Astrologically, the situation for Israel is not a good one at all. The above mentioned astrological elements, including the affliction of transit Saturn by natal Rahu is showing the complexities. In coming weeks the influences will become less as it begins to move out of the present aspects. At that time, other difficult aspects begin to come into play, with natal and transit Mars, as major- and sub-period lord, severely afflicted. At that time, elections will be held in Palestine and Iran, with Israel's fierce adversaries likely to be re-elected, which will undoubtedly move the prospect of a peaceful solution further away. These developments would be undermining to the communal harmony of Israelis.


In the autumn, there are two major developments:

i) transit 2nd lord Saturn moves into Virgo and 9th house, which is likely to be helpful for Israel's prestige and relations with neighbors.

ii) transit 12th lord Jupiter will become stationary on top of natal 2nd lord Saturn, bringing strains to Israel's foreign policy.


In view of the above astrological dynamics facing Israel, we cannot exclude that something happens in coming days or weeks that prompts it into military action.


Alternatively, as disccussed in the blog Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009), there was a prediction for problems in the Autumn of 2009 for both the USA and Israel.



We will soon see what happens.


Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/











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Dear friends,


The strain in relations between Israel and the USA is a challenge to the Israeli government, which is uneasy about the demands of the USA for it to stop settlement activity and to support the creation of a Palestinian state before the Palestinians accept the existence of Israel.


The major and sub-period of Mars as 4th lord, badly placed in the 8th house and under aspect from 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house, is undermining the communal harmony and putting a difficult focus on "land issues", which are shrouded in obstacles (4th lord in 8th house) and with difficult foreign entanglements (aspect from 12th lord in 12th house).


U.S.-Israeli relationship takes new direction

Tue Jun 2, 2009 5:24pm IST

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Pressure. Defiance. Collision. After George W. Bush's terms of endearment for Israel -- a country he once described as a "light unto nations" -- a different terminology is being used to describe its cloudy relationship with his successor, Barack Obama. At odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Palestinian statehood and Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the new U.S. president will try to patch ties with the Muslim world in an address he will deliver in Egypt on Thursday. Israelis and Arabs will be listening carefully for one of Obama's expected messages -- policy Netanyahu has met with defiant words -- that creation of a Palestinian state is essential for peace and settlement expansion must stop. The U.S.-Israeli rift after eight

years of a Bush presidency that pursued statehood only late in its second term and turned a blind eye to settlement building is raising questions over whether a close alliance will deteriorate into alienation.



Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.




Such a policy development is likely to make things stressful in the area of relations with their Palestinian neighbors, as indicated by the news report and predicted based on this chart.


Best wishes,







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:25:07 AM Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/

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Guest guest

Dear friends,


The situation in Israel seems to continue tense, as the following newsstory from yesterday shows, highlighting the tension over the new US position to freeze West bank settlements by the Israelis.


Far-right wing activists launch anti-Obama campaign

Jun 3, 2009 19:13 | Updated Jun 4, 2009 16:24

Chanting "No, you can't!" and waving signs bearing messages in a similar vein, nearly 200 people held a demonstration outside the US Consulate on the capital's Rehov Agron on Wednesday evening, protesting the growing American pressure to stop construction in West Bank settlements. Speakers at the event included MK Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) and Esther Pollard, the wife of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard. All brought a similar message - that the American government does not have the right to dictate where Jews may or may not live within the Land of Israel.

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1244034988150 & pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull



Today, President Obama also gave a policy speech in Cairo, Egypt, appealing for peace and reconciliation in the region.


Obama in Egypt reaches out to Muslim world

June 4, 2009

(CNN) -- President Obama delivered his long-awaited and wide-ranging speech Thursday on American and Muslim relations, offering a hand of friendship to Islam and addressing an array of quandaries and conflicts dividing the two cultures. President Obama, speaking in Cairo, Egypt, urges a new chapter in ties between the U.S. and the Muslim world. At Egypt's Cairo University, Obama quoted from the Quran as he expounded on Islam's glories and rights, the legitimate rights of Israel and the Palestinians, Iranian nuclear aspirations, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, women's rights, economic development, and religious rights and democracy in the Muslim




The Israeli media report confirms that the settlement (land) issue is at the heart of Israel concerns, which is fitting given the Mars/Mars period has just begun and Mars is 4th lord in the chart, ruling land and fixed assets.


Obama raps Israel, Palestinians, Arabs for Middle East stalemate

DEBKAfile Report

June 4, 2009, 2:52 PM (GMT+02:00)

US president Barack Obama stressed the need for mutual respect and tolerance among the world's faiths, denigrated al Qaeda and extremism, said the US "does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements," will respect all elected peaceful governments provided they respect their peoples, and called for universal human and women's rights to be upheld. His much awaited speech to more than a billion Muslims which quoted extensively from the Koran, but also the Bible and the Talmud, won cheers from the selected 3,000 strong audience in Cairo University's Great Hall Thursday, June 4.



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 3:46:46 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The strain in relations between Israel and the USA is a challenge to the Israeli government, which is uneasy about the demands of the USA for it to stop settlement activity and to support the creation of a Palestinian state before the Palestinians accept the existence of Israel.


The major and sub-period of Mars as 4th lord, badly placed in the 8th house and under aspect from 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house, is undermining the communal harmony and putting a difficult focus on "land issues", which are shrouded in obstacles (4th lord in 8th house) and with difficult foreign entanglements (aspect from 12th lord in 12th house).


U.S.-Israeli relationship takes new direction

Tue Jun 2, 2009 5:24pm IST

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Pressure. Defiance. Collision. After George W. Bush's terms of endearment for Israel -- a country he once described as a "light unto nations" -- a different terminology is being used to describe its cloudy relationship with his successor, Barack Obama. At odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Palestinian statehood and Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the new U.S. president will try to patch ties with the Muslim world in an address he will deliver in Egypt on Thursday. Israelis and Arabs will be listening carefully for one of Obama's expected messages -- policy Netanyahu has met with defiant words -- that creation of a Palestinian state is essential for peace and settlement expansion must stop. The U.S.-Israeli rift after eight years of a Bush presidency that pursued statehood only late in its

second term and turned a blind eye to settlement building is raising questions over whether a close alliance will deteriorate into alienation.



Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.




Such a policy development is likely to make things stressful in the area of relations with their Palestinian neighbors, as indicated by the news report and predicted based on this chart.


Best wishes,







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:25:07 AM Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/

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Guest guest

Dear friends,


DrudgeReport.com is devoted to Obama's speech on US relations with the Muslim world, with a number of headlines about it. Must be a sobering moment for the Israeli hardline government to see that he means business in realigning US Foreign Policy in the Middle East, evidently at the expense of the Special relationship with Israel (althoug some would doubt this realignment could go very far).


Obama calls for new beginning between USA, Muslims...'ANY WORLD ORDER THAT ELEVATES ONE NATION OVER ANOTHER WILL FAIL'...'Iran should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with its responsibilities'... Reiterates support for Palestinian state...Admits US involvement in Iran coup in 1953...Says extremists exploit tension between Islam, West...Reaction...Iranian leader: USA 'deeply hated' in region...Says 'sweet talk' not enough for

Muslims...'Obama really buttered them up in Cairo'...US Muslims: Speech 1st step in fixing ties...


Transit 12th lord JUPITER in 2nd house opposite natal 4th lord MARS in 8th house, with an orb just 2° is being felt. The fact that transit Mars is moving out of aspect with natal Jupiter is helpful. Transit 8th lord SUN on MEP of 5th house is adding to make a tense day for Israel with regard to its special relationship with the USA.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 3:51:31 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The situation in Israel seems to continue tense, as the following newsstory from yesterday shows, highlighting the tension over the new US position to freeze West bank settlements by the Israelis.


Far-right wing activists launch anti-Obama campaign

Jun 3, 2009 19:13 | Updated Jun 4, 2009 16:24

Chanting "No, you can't!" and waving signs bearing messages in a similar vein, nearly 200 people held a demonstration outside the US Consulate on the capital's Rehov Agron on Wednesday evening, protesting the growing American pressure to stop construction in West Bank settlements. Speakers at the event included MK Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) and Esther Pollard, the wife of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard. All brought a similar message - that the American government does not have the right to dictate where Jews may or may not live within the Land of Israel.

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1244034988150 & pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull



Today, President Obama also gave a policy speech in Cairo, Egypt, appealing for peace and reconciliation in the region.


Obama in Egypt reaches out to Muslim world

June 4, 2009

(CNN) -- President Obama delivered his long-awaited and wide-ranging speech Thursday on American and Muslim relations, offering a hand of friendship to Islam and addressing an array of quandaries and conflicts dividing the two cultures. President Obama, speaking in Cairo, Egypt, urges a new chapter in ties between the U.S. and the Muslim world. At Egypt's Cairo University, Obama quoted from the Quran as he expounded on Islam's glories and rights, the legitimate rights of Israel and the Palestinians, Iranian nuclear aspirations, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, women's rights, economic development, and religious rights and democracy in the Muslim world.



The Israeli media report confirms that the settlement (land) issue is at the heart of Israel concerns, which is fitting given the Mars/Mars period has just begun and Mars is 4th lord in the chart, ruling land and fixed assets.


Obama raps Israel, Palestinians, Arabs for Middle East stalemate

DEBKAfile Report

June 4, 2009, 2:52 PM (GMT+02:00)

US president Barack Obama stressed the need for mutual respect and tolerance among the world's faiths, denigrated al Qaeda and extremism, said the US "does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements," will respect all elected peaceful governments provided they respect their peoples, and called for universal human and women's rights to be upheld. His much awaited speech to more than a billion Muslims which quoted extensively from the Koran, but also the Bible and the Talmud, won cheers from the selected 3,000 strong audience in Cairo University's Great Hall Thursday, June 4.



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 3:46:46 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The strain in relations between Israel and the USA is a challenge to the Israeli government, which is uneasy about the demands of the USA for it to stop settlement activity and to support the creation of a Palestinian state before the Palestinians accept the existence of Israel.


The major and sub-period of Mars as 4th lord, badly placed in the 8th house and under aspect from 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house, is undermining the communal harmony and putting a difficult focus on "land issues", which are shrouded in obstacles (4th lord in 8th house) and with difficult foreign entanglements (aspect from 12th lord in 12th house).


U.S.-Israeli relationship takes new direction

Tue Jun 2, 2009 5:24pm IST

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Pressure. Defiance. Collision. After George W. Bush's terms of endearment for Israel -- a country he once described as a "light unto nations" -- a different terminology is being used to describe its cloudy relationship with his successor, Barack Obama. At odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Palestinian statehood and Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the new U.S. president will try to patch ties with the Muslim world in an address he will deliver in Egypt on Thursday. Israelis and Arabs will be listening carefully for one of Obama's expected messages -- policy Netanyahu has met with defiant words -- that creation of a Palestinian state is essential for peace and settlement expansion must stop. The U.S.-Israeli rift after eight years of a Bush presidency that pursued statehood only late in its

second term and turned a blind eye to settlement building is raising questions over whether a close alliance will deteriorate into alienation.



Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.




Such a policy development is likely to make things stressful in the area of relations with their Palestinian neighbors, as indicated by the news report and predicted based on this chart.


Best wishes,







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:25:07 AM Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/








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Dear friends,


Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu has given a speech where he accepts the creation of a Palestinian state. At the same time, he attaches important conditions which the Palestinian leadership swiftly rejects.


Netanyahu endorses Palestinian independence

Associated Press– 20 mins ago

JERUSALEM – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu endorsed an independent Palestinian state beside Israel for the first time on Sunday, dramatically reversing himself in the face of U.S. pressure but attaching conditions the Palestinians swiftly rejected.



Israel PM calls for demilitarized Palestinian state

updated 22 minutes ago


Story Highlights

- Palestinian legislator accuses Netanyahu of calling for creation of ghetto state

- Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel could agree to peace with a Palestinian state

- Demilitarized state could not have army or control its airspace, he says

- Before Sunday, Netanyahu had not endorsed a two-state solution


(CNN) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Israel could accept a peace agreement with a "demilitarized Palestinian state" as its neighbor. In his first speech accepting the concept of a two-state solution for the Middle East conflict, Netanyahu set rigid conditions for moving forward. Among them: unequivocal Palestinian recognition of Israel as the Jewish national state with Jerusalem as its capital, and full demilitarization for a Palestinian state -- no army, no rockets or missiles, no control of airspace. "I say this in a clear voice -- if we receive a guarantee of this demilitarized unit, we will be prepared to reach agreement to a demilitarized Palestine side by side with the Jewish

state," Netanyahu said, according to a direct translation of his speech during delivery at Bar Elan University. Initial Palestinian reaction was negative, with Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti saying Netanyahu was calling for creation of a ghetto state. "He is proving there is no partner for peace in Israel," Barghouti told CNN



Best wishes,









Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:27:56 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


Here is one more story confirming the problems facing Israel with regard to indications of Mars as 4th lord in the chart, now that the Mars-Mars period has begun in the Capricorn rising chart.


Carter warns US and Israel on collision course

Jun 14 08:12 AM US/Eastern

Israel is headed for a clash with main ally the United States over the issue of Jewish settlements, former US president Jimmy Carter said in an interview on Sunday. Asked by the liberal Haaretz newspaper whether the Jewish state was looking at a "head-on collision" with the United States if it doesn't comply with Washington 's demands, Carter said "Yes." The former president, who brokered the historic peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1979, said Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank were the biggest hurdle in the hobbled Middle East peace process, saying they were "illegal and (an) obstacle to peace." The administration of US President Barack Obama has repeatedly called on Israel to halt all settlement activity in the occupied West Bank, which is viewed as one of the key obstacles in the

stalled Middle East peace process.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.f2acd17e4d1a4dffa33ba0d23e5b9c74.3a1 & show_article=1


The prediction made last year for Israel during the Mars-Mars period has come true:


"The upcoming Mars sub period is likely to bring increased problems and upsets for the country."



Importantly, the nature of the problems has been in line with the natal condition of Mars as 4th lord of land. Mars is badly placed in the 8th house of obstacles. The real problems, however, emanate from the close aspect from 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house to natal Mars, as well as the affliction to the 8th house itself from Rahu in the MEP of the 4th house. During this period of the 4th lord we can therefore expect Israel to receive setabacks such as



- international pressure on ending further settlements

- similar pressure for the creation of a Palestinian state next to Israel

- developments seen to threaten to the country from abroad, such as Iran's nuclear program and hostile announcements

- general disturbance for the communal harmony from the above


Best wishes,







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 9:24:53 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]


Dear friends,


As predicted tensions remain high for Israel in the Mars-Mars period, with natal 4th lord Mars in the 8th house receiving an aspect from both natal 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house and transit stationary Jupiter in the 2nd house. The 4th house rules land and fixed assets, hence the conflict is about land and involves communal harmony, which would be disturbed because of the developments.


In fact, there is a simmering conflict with the new foreign policy of President Obama to create a Palestinian state. The Israeli's don´t seem to accept this while the Palestinians refuse to accept the existence of the state of Israel. Obama has also said the Israeli's most stop their settlements in disputed territories. Finally, the Israeli's feel the USA is acting a bit slowly in dealing with the prospect of an imminent nuclear menace coming from Iran. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is to give a foreign policy speech on Sunday. While the news papers are suggesting he will tow the US line, it is quite possible he may not and that the public disagreement with the USA increase.


Obama Holds 'Constructive' Talks With Netanyahu Ahead of Major Speech

FOXNews.com - Tuesday, June 09, 2009

With the Obama administration insisting that Israel freeze all settlement construction and accept the idea of a Palestinian state -- two demands Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has resisted -- it's unclear whether the two leaders found common ground in their conversation. Days before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers an address on the future of relations between the Jewish state and the Arab world, President Obama had what the White House called a "constructive" conversation with the Israeli leader -- despite ongoing tensions between the two allies. Middle East envoy George Mitchell also was in Israel Tuesday to speak with Israeli leaders and try to temper what has become a very public disagreement. Obama spoke by phone for 20 minutes with Netanyahu Monday, following up on his speech to the Muslim world from Cairo last

week. "The president reiterated the principal elements of his Cairo speech, including his commitment to Israel's security. He indicated that he looked forward to hearing the prime minister's upcoming speech outlining his views on peace and security," the White House said in a written statement.



Israel PM told to keep silent on 'Palestinian state'

Jun 11 10:17 AM US/Eastern

The heat is on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from within his own party to resist US pressure and not utter the words "Palestinian state" in a keenly-awaited policy speech. "The expression Palestinian state should not be used," Likud MP Miri Regev said on Thursday, echoing the sentiment of several other members of Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party ahead of Sunday's speech. To date, the hawkish prime minister has not endorsed the concept of a Palestinian state and has defied US pressure to freeze construction activity in West Bank settlements that are home to more than 280,000 Israelis.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.5db8a9e14846dcf7617e256838954851.6d1 & show_article=1


Binyamin Netanyahu may yield to two-state solution after pressure from Obama

The Times - June 12, 2009 (Jerusalem) - Binyamin Netanyahu is expected to endorse a “two-state solution†in a much-heralded speech this weekend, but he may stall on American demands to freeze Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Feeling the squeeze between the US Administration, which wants a moratorium on settlement growth and a commitment to a Palestinian state, and his national-religious coalition, which favours neither, the Israeli Prime Minister appears likely to try to steer a middle course.



Earlier analysis has painted a picture of fundamental conflict of interests.


Obama's charm offensive for radical rulers abandons Israel to Iranian threat

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis - May 23, 2009

The new US president's dramatic global policy steps have easily dwarfed the knotty Israeli-Palestinian peace issue handed down from one US president to the next over decades. Barack Obama's outstretched hand to Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Iran's best friend in the Americas, on April 17, at the summit of American leaders in Port of Prince, made the talk surrounding Special Middle East Envoy George Mitchell's mission to Jerusalem and Ramallah this week sound eerily like voices from the past.



Netanyahu heads for collision with Obama administration

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis - May 28, 2009

Israeli PM Netanyahu vows to stop Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb

Israeli president Shimon Peres' task in Washington on May 4-5 is to blunt the sharp edge the White House is honing to force Israel to toe the new Washington line on the Palestinians, Syria and Iran. Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu can expect the full force of a bludgeon to be wielded in his White House talks on May 18.



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 11:34:46 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]


Dear friends,


DrudgeReport.com is devoted to Obama's speech on US relations with the Muslim world, with a number of headlines about it. Must be a sobering moment for the Israeli hardline government to see that he means business in realigning US Foreign Policy in the Middle East, evidently at the expense of the Special relationship with Israel (althoug some would doubt this realignment could go very far).


Obama calls for new beginning between USA, Muslims...'ANY WORLD ORDER THAT ELEVATES ONE NATION OVER ANOTHER WILL FAIL'...'Iran should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with its responsibilities'... Reiterates support for Palestinian state...Admits US involvement in Iran coup in 1953...Says extremists exploit tension between Islam, West...Reaction...Iranian leader:

USA 'deeply hated' in region...Says 'sweet talk' not enough for Muslims...'Obama really buttered them up in Cairo'...US Muslims: Speech 1st step in fixing ties...


Transit 12th lord JUPITER in 2nd house opposite natal 4th lord MARS in 8th house, with an orb just 2° is being felt. The fact that transit Mars is moving out of aspect with natal Jupiter is helpful. Transit 8th lord SUN on MEP of 5th house is adding to make a tense day for Israel with regard to its special relationship with the USA.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 3:51:31 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The situation in Israel seems to continue tense, as the following newsstory from yesterday shows, highlighting the tension over the new US position to freeze West bank settlements by the Israelis.


Far-right wing activists launch anti-Obama campaign

Jun 3, 2009 19:13 | Updated Jun 4, 2009 16:24

Chanting "No, you can't!" and waving signs bearing messages in a similar vein, nearly 200 people held a demonstration outside the US Consulate on the capital's Rehov Agron on Wednesday evening, protesting the growing American pressure to stop construction in West Bank settlements. Speakers at the event included MK Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) and Esther Pollard, the wife of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard. All brought a similar message - that the American government does not have the right to dictate where Jews may or may not live within the Land of Israel.

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1244034988150 & pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull



Today, President Obama also gave a policy speech in Cairo, Egypt, appealing for peace and reconciliation in the region.


Obama in Egypt reaches out to Muslim world

June 4, 2009

(CNN) -- President Obama delivered his long-awaited and wide-ranging speech Thursday on American and Muslim relations, offering a hand of friendship to Islam and addressing an array of quandaries and conflicts dividing the two cultures. President Obama, speaking in Cairo, Egypt, urges a new chapter in ties between the U.S. and the Muslim world. At Egypt's Cairo University, Obama quoted from the Quran as he expounded on Islam's glories and rights, the legitimate rights of Israel and the Palestinians, Iranian nuclear aspirations, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, women's rights, economic development, and religious rights and democracy in the Muslim world.



The Israeli media report confirms that the settlement (land) issue is at the heart of Israel concerns, which is fitting given the Mars/Mars period has just begun and Mars is 4th lord in the chart, ruling land and fixed assets.


Obama raps Israel, Palestinians, Arabs for Middle East stalemate

DEBKAfile Report

June 4, 2009, 2:52 PM (GMT+02:00)

US president Barack Obama stressed the need for mutual respect and tolerance among the world's faiths, denigrated al Qaeda and extremism, said the US "does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements," will respect all elected peaceful governments provided they respect their peoples, and called for universal human and women's rights to be upheld. His much awaited speech to more than a billion Muslims which quoted extensively from the Koran, but also the Bible and the Talmud, won cheers from the selected 3,000 strong audience in Cairo University's Great Hall Thursday, June 4.



Best wishes,






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 3:46:46 PMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart



Dear friends,


The strain in relations between Israel and the USA is a challenge to the Israeli government, which is uneasy about the demands of the USA for it to stop settlement activity and to support the creation of a Palestinian state before the Palestinians accept the existence of Israel.


The major and sub-period of Mars as 4th lord, badly placed in the 8th house and under aspect from 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house, is undermining the communal harmony and putting a difficult focus on "land issues", which are shrouded in obstacles (4th lord in 8th house) and with difficult foreign entanglements (aspect from 12th lord in 12th house).


U.S.-Israeli relationship takes new direction

Tue Jun 2, 2009 5:24pm IST

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Pressure. Defiance. Collision. After George W. Bush's terms of endearment for Israel -- a country he once described as a "light unto nations" -- a different terminology is being used to describe its cloudy relationship with his successor, Barack Obama. At odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Palestinian statehood and Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the new U.S. president will try to patch ties with the Muslim world in an address he will deliver in Egypt on Thursday. Israelis and Arabs will be listening carefully for one of Obama's expected messages -- policy Netanyahu has met with defiant words -- that creation of a Palestinian state is essential for peace and settlement expansion must stop. The U.S.-Israeli rift after eight years of a Bush presidency that pursued statehood only late in its

second term and turned a blind eye to settlement building is raising questions over whether a close alliance will deteriorate into alienation.



Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22:33 AMRe: Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


In a message on SAMVA on February 14, the following was posted:



"Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has [62,5%]strength, giving it [minimum] resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of [February 14, 2009] Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn [as 2nd lord] will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development [but only to the extent that we recall that Sun is natally weak in the chart]. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has [some] importance. It helps

that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Now the following news appears, concerning plans to expand Jewish settlements in contested areas:


New town may be death blow to hopes for Israel peace

Jerusalem (The Times) - April 4, 2009

The sign in big, red Hebrew letters reads “Welcome to Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hillsâ€. A three-lane road with roundabouts leads up the hill to a police station and street lamps line the flyover that links the new town to neighbouring Ma'aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements in Israel. There are no houses, cars or people in Mevasseret Adumim: it is a town laid out, waiting to be built. That is because international pressure has so far prevented construction from going ahead. The area is the last piece of open land linking Arab East Jerusalem to the West Bank and critics said that to develop it would bury the very notion of a two-state solution to the Middle East crisis. According to reports in the Israeli media, the area has been earmarked for development under a secret accord between Binyamin Netanyahu, the new, conservative

Israeli Prime Minister, and his ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Better known under its old British mandate name, E1, it is the most controversial development project in the region, one that diplomats and observers warn will trigger the collapse of the weakened Palestinian Authority, or drive it into armed resistance again.




Such a policy development is likely to make things stressful in the area of relations with their Palestinian neighbors, as indicated by the news report and predicted based on this chart.


Best wishes,







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:25:07 AM Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


It is further confirmation that when the political crisis in Israel developed the natal Moon, as 7th lord at 15° 57' Capricorn in the 7th house of the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel was severely afflicted by

- transit debilitated 12th lord Jupiter conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house

- transit stationary Ketu at 15° 12' Cancer and 7th house.


While the Moon is well placed in the chart it is weakened by being debilitated in Navamsa chart. More importantly, look at what the Moon rules in this chart, as mentioned in the blog:


"According to the System’s Approach (SA), the indications under strain are the 7th house which rules "cabinet and internal affairs, pleasures, pleasure and amusement resorts, tourism, bond of relationships amongst masses and business establishments, foreign affairs and agreements" and the Moon which rules "the Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.""



While the strain will now begin to die down assocated with a) the separation of the conjunction of Jupiter and the nodal axis and b) the nodes continuing to move away from the Moon and going out of 1° orb on March 1, 2009, transit Jupiter as 12th lord has yet to become exactly conjunct the Moon; on February 17th. The political tension is therefore likely to remain for some more days. Moreover, as a) transit 4th lord Mars is becoming conjunct transit Rahu and then transit Jupiter in coming days. This could be associated with a brief disturbance to the communal harmony, more so as transit 8th lord has now entered the 2nd house.


These transits are consistent with strains surrounding the creation of a new government coalition.


Looking forward there is another difficult aspect forming involving transit 2nd lord Saturn which is transiting in the sign Leo and 8th house. As Leo is owned by the Sun, Saturn gains strength moving through this sign. So in stead of having 50% strength due to bad placement, Saturn has 75% strength, giving it resistance to affliction. Moreover, we should recall that Saturn as 2nd lord is a major benefic planet for Capricorns. has suggested that for Capricorn ascendants the transit of Saturn in Leo will generally "cause obstructions/delays in promotions, stress in relationships and causes financial worries."



Another factor to consider is that as of today Saturn has moved in retrograde motion in Leo and the 8th house into a 5° orb aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 52' Aries in the 4th house. This aspect is within 1° orb from April 12, 2009 and becomes exact in May, when Saturn goes direct at 20° 55' Leo from May 14-20. Moreover, Saturn will at that time be EXACTLY conjunct the most effective point of the 8th house, from where it also aspects the 10th , 2nd and 5th houses. In itself, this is a helpful development. This is interesting for one more reason. The Moon-Sun period ends on May 19th. During the sub-period of the Sun, the passage of another planet through the sign, Leo, which is owned by the Sun, has more importance. It helps that the Sun will be strong in transit for most of this time as it passes through the signs Aries/H4 and Taurus/H5.


From the above we can infer the following


1) it would not be surprising if a new government is formed around a hard-line stance on foreign policy. The course chosen by the new government in coming months will likely not be easy


2) in the 2nd quarter of the year there will be pronounced strains or problems for the indications of Saturn, as lord of

- the common or working people and civil servants (general)

- activities having to do with traditional activities or mining (general)

- the economy (general and 2nd lord)

- wealth and status (2nd lord).

- relations with neighbors (2nd lord)


Finally, the Mars-Mars period begins on May 19, 2009 and runs until October 15, 2009. Mars is 4th lord and is natally placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings. It is natally afflicted by 12th lord Jupiter in the 12th house. The Mars - Jupiter period runs from November 2010 to October 2011. This period could be associated with obstacles or losses with regard to e.g. land, natural resources or communal harmony.


Best wishes,








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:09:25 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart


Dear friends,


With the conjunction of transit 12th lord Jupiter and transit stationary Rahu becoming exact today at 15° 12' Capricorn and 1st house in the national horoscope for Israel, the variegated strains in the national life are clearly visible.


In addition to the political uncertainty, Hamas has again, in violation of an informal cease-fire, launched rocket attacks aimed at civilian targets in Israel.


Gaza militants fire rockets into Israel



February 13, 2009 – 36 mins ago





Jerusalem (AP) – An agreement between Hamas and Israel to bring quiet to the war-torn Gaza Strip could be announced within days, Hamas officials said, as rocket fired from the territory Friday further strained an informal cease-fire.


Two rockets fired by Gaza militants hit near a communal farm and the town of Sderot, the Israeli military said. No one was injured and no armed group took responsibility for the attack.



In a blog on Thursday, January 29, 2009, Accurate prediction for Israel, in the section Looking ahead it was stated:


"Given the charged and unresolved state of affairs, it will be interesting to follow the developments in coming weeks when transit 12th lord Jupiter will become conjunct the transit nodal axis and oppose the natal Moon. At that time, there could be further losses for Israel in relation to the indications of the Moon."



Best wishes,






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:54:28 PMRe: Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart

Hello my dear Thor,


Congrats for the predictions and getting confidence in the Capricorn rising chart of Israel.


Best wishes.







Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:58 AM

Correct predictions based on Israel's Capricorn rising chart






Dear friends,


Based on the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel


- first, it was correctly predicted that more violence was likely around January 5 when transit Sun became exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. This prediction was realised when Israel's military invaded Gaza on January 3:


>> To review the logic of the prediction (sidereal placements):> The entry of the Israel Army into Gaza took place when transit> Sun at 19° 32' Sagittarius and 12th house had moved into the trinal> aspect of natal Rahu at 20° 53' Aries and 4th house - slightly over> 1° orb. The aspect becomes exact at 00:23 am (Israel time) on> January 5th.- second, it was correctly predicted that tensions would die down from middle of January. Today, January 17, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire with transit Sun at 3° 48' Capricorn and 1st house.


Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza

21:56 GMT, Saturday, 17 January 2009

Israel is to halt its three-week military offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. He said Israel had achieved its aims and the unilateral ceasefire would start at 0200 (2400 GMT).

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/7835794. stm


Prediction in message #102142 on Political Astrology list on Mon Jan 5, 2009 7:53 am

"As Jupiter moves out of its afflicting aspect to natal Sun today andas transit Sun is also seperating from the adverse aspect from natalRahu, and moves out of the 12th house on January 15, things arelikely on an improving trend for some weeks. That said, the nodalstation continuing on top of the natal 7th lord Moon, will keepconsiderable pressure on Israels' foreign policy and domestic peacethrough February. Significant problems are likely in late January,however, due to the conjunction of Sun with the stationary nodal axisfollowing an eclipse on the natal Moon."



- thirdly, some significant event is expected later this month.



"The nodal station harming the Moon is expected to keep things tense for some months and has already resulted in a setback for peace in the country and placed a strain on the country's foreign policy.

Around January 29, when the sub-period lord Sun becomes conjunct stationary Rahu in transit, thus adding to the affilction of natal Moon, there could be a significant event. When Jupiter becomes conjunct Rahu, some losses could materialise."

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/birth- of-israel. html


Best wishes,











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:34:50 PM Blog: Birth of Israel


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birth of Israel



There is an ongoing debate among astrologers about the birth of the State of Israel. Some view the founding moment to have been when Israel unilaterally declared independence while others have focused on a process set out by the United Nations for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine culminating in the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/







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