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Conjunction of transit 8th lord Saturn and MEP of 2nd house

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Dear friends,


Here is some more information:


First, a general obeservation. While rising, unemployment remained fairly

moderate in 1890 and 1891. Income levels also were high. Normally, Saturn is

strong in Leo and the afflictions to the MEP of the 2nd house were short lived.



By contrast in 2008 and 2009, Saturn has been highly afflicted, resulting in a

rise in unemployment. The conjunction with the MEP of the 2nd house in 2009 will

be more long lasting. For the comparison, here are some events that took place

in 1890 and 1891.



Three major legislations were enacted into law in 1890 and two of them had to be

repealed a few years later due to their unintended effects on finance and



July 2, 1890. The Sherman Antitrust Act (Sherman Act, was the first United

States Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies. It falls under antitrust




The Sherman Silver Purchase Act was enacted in 1890 as a United States federal

law (repealed in 1893)



The McKinley Tariff of 1890 set the average ad valorem tariff rate for imports

to the United States at 48.4%, and protected manufacturing. Its chief proponent

was Congressman and future President William McKinley (repealed in 1893).



November 20. Barker Brothers & Co., bankers, suspended and made an assignment.

The senior member of the firm had been in active business for fifty-three years.


December 1. First day of the run on the Keystone National Bank, which, though

temporarily allayed, finally led to the suspension of the bank, the exposure of

its fraudulent methods and those of other bank officers and of City Treasure




December, Battle of Wounded Knee – 200 Native American women and children

massacred by U.S. troops.



Advances in information processing and communication in 1890:

a) Punched cards and a card-sorting device, used by Herman Hollerith in the

1890 U.S. census to sort statistical data.

b) Typewriters are in common use in offices.




March 20. The keystone Bank closed by order of the Controller of the Currency.

later investigation showed gross frauds by the president, cashier and other



March 28. Reading Railway offices and station at Kaighn's Point destroyed by

fire. loss, about $80,000. Cresswell's Eagle Iron Foundry, 812-820 Race Street,

burned. Loss, $75,000.



December. The Baltimore Crisis was a diplomatic incident that took place between

Chile and the United States of America as the result of US intervention in the

Rebellion of 1891.



Advances in photography, cinematography and printing in 1891:

a) Large press prints and folds 90,000 4-page papers an hour.

b) Telephoto lens is attached to the camera.

c) Edison's assistant, Dickson, builds the Kinetograph motion picture camera.



During the Saturn period, an increased focus on living conditions of working

people took place:

How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York (1891) was a

pioneering work of photojournalism by Jacob Riis, documenting the squalid living

conditions in New York City slums in the 1880s. It served as a basis for future

muckraking journalism by exposing the slums to New York City's upper and middle





Best wishes,




SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> The conjunction of transit 8th lord Saturn and the most effective point of

the 2nd house at 20° Leo in the SAMVA USA chart happens every 28-30

years. This transit has taken place approximately in the following years. While

these conjunctions

> - vary in length, direction and exactness

> - take place during different periods

> - involve different aspects and placements of other planets.

> nevertheless, looking at the history of the USA when such conjunctions have

previously taken place, may be helpful to gain insights into what to expect in

coming months.


> 1802 Rahu/Jupiter period

> 1831 Saturn/Saturn

> 1861 Mercury/Mars

> 1890 Venus/Saturn

> 1920 Rahu/Rahu

> 1950 Jupiter/Mars

> 1979 Mercury/Moon20382009 Venus/Saturn


> Conjunctions

> 1802 30.08.1802-13.09.1802 (2 weeks, dir)

> 1831 October (short, dir), February 1832 (short, ret) and July (short, dir)

> 1861 August (short, dir)

> 1890 October (short, dir), March 1891 (short, ret), July (short, dir)

> 1920 August (short, dir)

> 1949 September (short, dir), April-June 1950 (long, ret/dir)

> 1979 15.11.1978-01.02.1979 (10 weeks, dir/ret) & 03.08.1979†" 27.08.1979 (3

weeks, dir)

> 2009 13.09.2008-06.10.2008 (3 weeks, dir) & 11.04.2009-21.06.2009 (9 weeks,

ret/dir, not exact)

> 2038


> Of special interest is the fact that there has been one Venus/Saturn major

and sub-period combination before in US history which was also accompanied by

this conjunction in Leo. In fact the conjunction took place three

times, briefly but exact, in 1890 and 1891. A study of this period in US

history may reveal some events suggesting strains associated with the

indications of the 2nd house, due to obstructions and endings. Some attempt at

making this historical comparison was made in the article


> Predictions for the USA in 2009 

> (December 31, 2008)

> http://cosmologer.blogspot.com/2008/12/predictions-for-usa-in-2009.html


> We can also recall that in September 2008, transit Saturn passed briefly over

this point. At that time, it was highly afflicted by transit Jupiter in the 6th

house, itself afflicted by natal Rahu in the 10th house, during the

Venus/Jupiter period. At that time, the entire US financial system went kaput. I

don't expect such fireworks this time around, notably as the conjunction only

barely goes within 1° orb in May and then separates in June. Moreover, it is

not afflicted during the time. However, the as Saturn is stationary there for a

couple of months, the impact will be felt.


> Best wishes,


> Thor 


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