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President Obama and fmr VP Cheney in public quarrel

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Dear friends,


President Obama has gotten into a clash with the former Bush administration over the proper balance between national security needs and constitutional rights. The debate centers on the decision of the Bush administration to imprison foreign terrorist suspects at the Guantanomo prison without any rights since 2001. Clearly, Obama is making good on his election promise to close the prison and is basing his stand on constitutional rights and the need to defend the image of the USA in the world (1st lord of self and 2nd lord of status). The issue also extends to the encroachment by the authorities on liberties of US citizens guaranteed in the US Constitution and in the name of national security. Meanwhile, Cheney is defending the former policy on the urgent need to protect from significant dangers of foreign terrorist aggression, as highlighted

in the 9/11 event (as seen in e.g. affliction of Ketu to 4th, 12, 8th and 10th houses). As I have earlier written about the SAMVA USA chart, the placement of an exalted Moon as 1st lord of self in the 11th house of hopes and ideals is linked to the magnificent founding documents of the USA, including the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, which were created in the Moon dasa. The US Constitution was written in the Saturn bukhti, with a focus on a complete overhaul of the executive government, legislature and judiciary. Meanwhile the USA was itself founded in the Sun dasa, signifying the birth of a new power. Interestingly, the birth took place during the Ketu bukhti when foreign agression was taking place on its soil.



President Obama: U.S. 'went off course' fighting terror

5/21/09 7:35 AM EDT

President Barack Obama declared defiantly Thursday that the U.S. "went off course" in fighting terrorism over the past eight years, and said his policies will "better protect" the country against al Qaeda. In a remarkable split-screen presentation of opposing worldviews, former Vice President Dick Cheney spoke across town moments later, saying he supported the controversial policies "when they were made, and without hesitation would do so again in the same circumstances."

http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0509/22804.html#ixzz0GEITG5F8 & B



The tension is clearly seen in the present transit afflictions in the SAMVA USA chart at this time:

- transit Rahu at 8° 09' Capricorn and 7th house afflicts natal 1st lord Moon at 7° 19' Taurus and 11th house. -

- transit Rahu also afflicts transit 2nd lord Sun at 7° Taurus this weekend.

- transit 8th lord Saturn at 21° Leo afflicts the 2nd house (owned by the Sun), 11th house (where transit Sun is now placed) and 4th house (involving communal harmony)


As Moon and Sun are strong natally, and the affliction of the nodes is not stationary and the affliction of Saturn is still close but separating, we can expect this to blow over.


That said, in early June, the Sun will move into the aspect of Saturn, at which time the nodal affliction to the Moon will still be quite close. There could be some more tension at that time.


Best wishes,




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