Guest guest Posted August 2, 2009 Report Share Posted August 2, 2009 Hello dear Ajay, I reply in your message. Thor ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Sunday, August 2, 2009 4:08:40 AMRe: SAMVA USA chart and the stock market Dear Thor,Thanks a lot for ur informative Articles. WELCOME In U.S. chart the Sub period of Saturn is in Progress. RIGHTIn first week of October Tr Saturn shall be transiting thru Virgo, At that time it Shall be in infancy and its dispositor Mercury shall also be under exact aspect of Tr Rahu, And it seems Rahu shall highly afflict Tr Saturn & Tr Mercury for few days, Also Tr Jupiter shall Conjunt Natal Sun. Saturn in U.S. chart is lord of easy gains and is Placed in h5 of Speculation.Now Could this bring a Sudden and Strong downtrend in U.S. & World Markets and do u think that the Pattern of Volatility shall be on same lines as We saw in January 2008 when Tr Jupiter had exactly afflicted Tr Saturn & Tr weak Venus was afflicted by Tr Ketu. YES, THERE COULD BE INCREASED VOLATILITY, OR A VISIBLE INCREASE IN THE STRAIN FOR INVESTORS. THE DEGREE OF PRICE CHANGE IS ALWAYS HARD TO PREDICT. ON THE ONE HAND, WE EXPECT THE ECONOMY TO HAVE BEGUN TO SIGNAL A POSITIVE CHANGE. ON THE OTHER HAND, THESE ASPECTS ARE EXPECTED TO INTRODUCE SHORT TERM NEGATIVE NEWS OR DEVELOPMENTS. ON JANUARY 18, 2008, WHEN THE US STOCK MARKET TOOK A TUMBLE, IT WAS ALSO IMPORTANT FOR INVESTOR SENTIMENTS THAT TRANSIT MARS, THE GENERAL INDICATOR OF COURAGE, COMMENCED A LONG STAY IN GEMINI/H12 FROM MID SEPTEMBER 2007 TO EARLY MAY 2008. WE SHOULD ALSO RECALL THAT THE SUB PERIOD OF JUPITER WAS IN PROGRESS IN EARLY 2008, PLACING FINANCIAL STABILITY INTO CENTER STAGE, WITH MANY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND BANKING EXECUTIVIES IN DISTRESS. DURING EARLY 2008, TRANSIT MARS ALSO CAME UNDER THE CLOSE ASPECT OF TRANSIT RAHU IN 8TH HOUSE, WHICH CONTRIBUTED TO THE EVAPORATION OF INVESTOR CONFIDENCE AT THAT TIME. I WROTE AN ARTICLE ON THIS ON JAN. 5, 2008, AFTER PROFESSOR CHOUDHRY HAD EARLIER IDENTIFIED THIS INFLUENCE ON SAMVA LIST. SEE ALSO: The troublesome transit of Mars in Gemini (Saturday, January 5, 2008) TRANSIT MARS WILL AGAIN BE IN GEMINI/H12 FROM AUGUST 17 TO OCTOBER 6, 2009. HOWEVER, THE ASEPCT FROM TRANSIT RAHU TO TRANSIT SATURN AND ITS DISPOSITOR, MERCURY, AS WELL AS THE ASPECT FROM SATURN TO TRANSIT KETU WILL TAKE PLACE WHEN THE NODES AND SATURN ARE TRAVELING AT NORMAL SPEED, WHICH WOULD MODERATE THE INFLUENCE SOMEWHAT. THE ASPECT INVOLVING SATURN AND THE NODES PEAKS ON OCTOBER 5, WHILE 8TH LORD SATURN AND 3RD LORD MERCURY WILL BECOME EXACTLY CONJUNCT ON SEPTEMBER 20 AS MERCURY WILL BE IN RETROGRADE MOTION. ON THAT SAME DAY, THE NODAL ASPECT TO NATAL 6TH LORD JUPITER BECOMES EXACT. EVIDENTLY, THESE WOULD NOT BE EASY DAYS FOR THE MARKET. In Indian Chart Saturn is lord of h10, but is closely influenced by h6 lord Venus, Thus Saturn also acquires some significations of financial stability. And it seems there could be strong volatility in Indian Markets also. OK, BUT HAVEN´T STUDIED THE TRANSITS THERE. I Wanted to know ur views on this Tr affliction of Weak Tr Saturn by Tr Rahu. Can for few days this Could lead to Strong Corrections in Various financial Markets World Wide. YES, IT IS LIKELY THAT MARKET SENTIMENTS WILL BE HARMED BY THESE TRANSITS, THAT SAID, THE EMPHASIS ON FINANCIAL STABILITY WILL NO BE THE KEY AS IN 2008 DUE TO THE CHANGE OF SUB-PERIOD LORD, BUT CONCERN AS YOU SUGGEST WILL BE ON "EASY GAINS" AND TO THIS WE MAY ADD THE "OBSTACLES AND ENDINGS" AND "BELIEFS OF THE PEOPLE" OR THE "LEGITIMACY" OF WHAT IS GOING ON. IN THIS REGARD, WHEN THE TRANSIT OF 6TH LORD JUPITER ON NATAL 2ND LORD SUN IS EXPECTED TO MANIFEST STRAIN ON THE US LEADERSHIP AND COULD BY ITSELF RENEW "FINANCIAL STABILITY" CONCERNS INVOLVING THE GOVERNMENT (AS OPPOSED TO THE BANKS IN 2008), WITH AN INFLUENCE ALSO ON THE STOCK MARKETS. THE FOCUS IN THE FALL OF 2009 COULD THUS BE ON THE US DOLLAR AND LONG TERM INTEREST RATES ON THE GOVERNMENT DEBT, WHICH COULD ALSO BE SEEN TO GROW RAPIDLY AT THAT TIME. Warm Regards. Ajay. --- On Sat, 1/8/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Cosmologer <cosmologer SAMVA USA chart and the stock marketsamva Date: Saturday, 1 August, 2009, 4:02 PM Hello list members, I have been asked off-list if I "agree that the current direct aspect of natal FM Sa on transit Sa will cause the stock market to make a big correction before resumption of the move up. Stock market has been going up in almost a straight line of recent." We may recall that earlier this year Saturn was moving in retrograde motion at a decelerating speed when it passed the aspect of natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio/H5. At that time, the stock market was reaching its low point (on March 9). There were other difficult aspects at that time, including the conjunction of stationary Rahu and debilitated 6th lord Jupiter in Capricorn/H7. By comparison, Saturn is at the present time moving in direct motion at accelerating or normal speed, crossing the point where it is aspected by natal Saturn, 26° 46' Leo/H2 in mid August. At this time, transit stationary Rahu is in Capricorn/H7, casting an aspect to the strong natal 1st lord Moon in Taurus/H7 while transit stationary Ketu in Cancer/H1 is aspecting natal Jupiter in Scorpio/H5. As a result, some volatility may be felt, but any pullback in the stock market would likely see share prices remaining well above the levels we saw at the beginning of the year. I think there is more reason to be concerned about the conditions from May to August 2010 when i) the transit nodes become stationary exactly on top of the natal nodes in Libra/H4 and Aries/H10 in the SAMVA USA chart and ii) transit 6th lord Jupiter in Pisces/H9 becomes mutually afflicting with transit 8th lord Saturn in Virgo/H3 and natal 6th lord Jupiter in Scorpio/H5. The markets could take a hit at that time. Thor See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 2, 2009 Report Share Posted August 2, 2009 Dear Thor,Thanks for Ur Guidance.I wanted to clear few more doubts.In U.S. Chart Saturn is lord of easy gains but by Placement, it is placed in h5 of Speculation. few days earlier Prof V.K.C. Ji had guided in an article that a planet gains the significations of that particular house by placement wheather it is closer or away from mep of that house. So, in this Case as Saturn is placed in h5, So it gains the Significations of Speculationactivities & of h5 by placement and also of h8. Thus affliction of weak Saturn could lead to distruption in Speculation activities which means Stocks markets would take a hit.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Sun, 2/8/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: SAMVA USA chart and the stock marketSAMVA Date: Sunday, 2 August, 2009, 1:58 AM Hello dear Ajay, I reply in your message. Thor ajay sehg <ajaysehg >SAMVA Sunday, August 2, 2009 4:08:40 AMRe: SAMVA USA chart and the stock market Dear Thor,Thanks a lot for ur informative Articles. WELCOME In U.S. chart the Sub period of Saturn is in Progress. RIGHTIn first week of October Tr Saturn shall be transiting thru Virgo, At that time it Shall be in infancy and its dispositor Mercury shall also be under exact aspect of Tr Rahu, And it seems Rahu shall highly afflict Tr Saturn & Tr Mercury for few days, Also Tr Jupiter shall Conjunt Natal Sun. Saturn in U.S. chart is lord of easy gains and is Placed in h5 of Speculation.Now Could this bring a Sudden and Strong downtrend in U.S. & World Markets and do u think that the Pattern of Volatility shall be on same lines as We saw in January 2008 when Tr Jupiter had exactly afflicted Tr Saturn & Tr weak Venus was afflicted by Tr Ketu. YES, THERE COULD BE INCREASED VOLATILITY, OR A VISIBLE INCREASE IN THE STRAIN FOR INVESTORS. THE DEGREE OF PRICE CHANGE IS ALWAYS HARD TO PREDICT. ON THE ONE HAND, WE EXPECT THE ECONOMY TO HAVE BEGUN TO SIGNAL A POSITIVE CHANGE. ON THE OTHER HAND, THESE ASPECTS ARE EXPECTED TO INTRODUCE SHORT TERM NEGATIVE NEWS OR DEVELOPMENTS. ON JANUARY 18, 2008, WHEN THE US STOCK MARKET TOOK A TUMBLE, IT WAS ALSO IMPORTANT FOR INVESTOR SENTIMENTS THAT TRANSIT MARS, THE GENERAL INDICATOR OF COURAGE, COMMENCED A LONG STAY IN GEMINI/H12 FROM MID SEPTEMBER 2007 TO EARLY MAY 2008. WE SHOULD ALSO RECALL THAT THE SUB PERIOD OF JUPITER WAS IN PROGRESS IN EARLY 2008, PLACING FINANCIAL STABILITY INTO CENTER STAGE, WITH MANY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND BANKING EXECUTIVIES IN DISTRESS. DURING EARLY 2008, TRANSIT MARS ALSO CAME UNDER THE CLOSE ASPECT OF TRANSIT RAHU IN 8TH HOUSE, WHICH CONTRIBUTED TO THE EVAPORATION OF INVESTOR CONFIDENCE AT THAT TIME. I WROTE AN ARTICLE ON THIS ON JAN. 5, 2008, AFTER PROFESSOR CHOUDHRY HAD EARLIER IDENTIFIED THIS INFLUENCE ON SAMVA LIST. SEE ALSO: The troublesome transit of Mars in Gemini (Saturday, January 5, 2008) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 01/troublesome- transit-of- mars-in-gemini. html TRANSIT MARS WILL AGAIN BE IN GEMINI/H12 FROM AUGUST 17 TO OCTOBER 6, 2009. HOWEVER, THE ASEPCT FROM TRANSIT RAHU TO TRANSIT SATURN AND ITS DISPOSITOR, MERCURY, AS WELL AS THE ASPECT FROM SATURN TO TRANSIT KETU WILL TAKE PLACE WHEN THE NODES AND SATURN ARE TRAVELING AT NORMAL SPEED, WHICH WOULD MODERATE THE INFLUENCE SOMEWHAT. THE ASPECT INVOLVING SATURN AND THE NODES PEAKS ON OCTOBER 5, WHILE 8TH LORD SATURN AND 3RD LORD MERCURY WILL BECOME EXACTLY CONJUNCT ON SEPTEMBER 20 AS MERCURY WILL BE IN RETROGRADE MOTION. ON THAT SAME DAY, THE NODAL ASPECT TO NATAL 6TH LORD JUPITER BECOMES EXACT. EVIDENTLY, THESE WOULD NOT BE EASY DAYS FOR THE MARKET. In Indian Chart Saturn is lord of h10, but is closely influenced by h6 lord Venus, Thus Saturn also acquires some significations of financial stability. And it seems there could be strong volatility in Indian Markets also. OK, BUT HAVEN´T STUDIED THE TRANSITS THERE. I Wanted to know ur views on this Tr affliction of Weak Tr Saturn by Tr Rahu. Can for few days this Could lead to Strong Corrections in Various financial Markets World Wide. YES, IT IS LIKELY THAT MARKET SENTIMENTS WILL BE HARMED BY THESE TRANSITS, THAT SAID, THE EMPHASIS ON FINANCIAL STABILITY WILL NO BE THE KEY AS IN 2008 DUE TO THE CHANGE OF SUB-PERIOD LORD, BUT CONCERN AS YOU SUGGEST WILL BE ON "EASY GAINS" AND TO THIS WE MAY ADD THE "OBSTACLES AND ENDINGS" AND "BELIEFS OF THE PEOPLE" OR THE "LEGITIMACY" OF WHAT IS GOING ON. IN THIS REGARD, WHEN THE TRANSIT OF 6TH LORD JUPITER ON NATAL 2ND LORD SUN IS EXPECTED TO MANIFEST STRAIN ON THE US LEADERSHIP AND COULD BY ITSELF RENEW "FINANCIAL STABILITY" CONCERNS INVOLVING THE GOVERNMENT (AS OPPOSED TO THE BANKS IN 2008), WITH AN INFLUENCE ALSO ON THE STOCK MARKETS. THE FOCUS IN THE FALL OF 2009 COULD THUS BE ON THE US DOLLAR AND LONG TERM INTEREST RATES ON THE GOVERNMENT DEBT, WHICH COULD ALSO BE SEEN TO GROW RAPIDLY AT THAT TIME. Warm Regards. Ajay. --- On Sat, 1/8/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote: Cosmologer <cosmologer > SAMVA USA chart and the stock marketsamva Saturday, 1 August, 2009, 4:02 PM Hello list members, I have been asked off-list if I "agree that the current direct aspect of natal FM Sa on transit Sa will cause the stock market to make a big correction before resumption of the move up. Stock market has been going up in almost a straight line of recent." We may recall that earlier this year Saturn was moving in retrograde motion at a decelerating speed when it passed the aspect of natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio/H5. At that time, the stock market was reaching its low point (on March 9). There were other difficult aspects at that time, including the conjunction of stationary Rahu and debilitated 6th lord Jupiter in Capricorn/H7. By comparison, Saturn is at the present time moving in direct motion at accelerating or normal speed, crossing the point where it is aspected by natal Saturn, 26° 46' Leo/H2 in mid August. At this time, transit stationary Rahu is in Capricorn/H7, casting an aspect to the strong natal 1st lord Moon in Taurus/H7 while transit stationary Ketu in Cancer/H1 is aspecting natal Jupiter in Scorpio/H5. As a result, some volatility may be felt, but any pullback in the stock market would likely see share prices remaining well above the levels we saw at the beginning of the year. I think there is more reason to be concerned about the conditions from May to August 2010 when i) the transit nodes become stationary exactly on top of the natal nodes in Libra/H4 and Aries/H10 in the SAMVA USA chart and ii) transit 6th lord Jupiter in Pisces/H9 becomes mutually afflicting with transit 8th lord Saturn in Virgo/H3 and natal 6th lord Jupiter in Scorpio/H5. The markets could take a hit at that time. Thor See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. recommends that you upgrade to the new and safer Internet Explorer 8. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 2, 2009 Report Share Posted August 2, 2009 Hello dear Ajay and list members, Yes, indeed, we must keep in mind all the relevant factors. The fact that the non-MT sign Scorpio falls in the fifth house in the SAMVA USA chart would suggest that the 5th house significations are not especially important for the USA. However, with the placement of three planets there, e.g. 6th lord Jupiter, 10th lord Mars and 8th lord Saturn, the importance is raised manifold. The indications of the planetary lordship are then intermingled with the qualities of the house and together these are brought to the fore in the national life. As per, the following indications are associated with or find expression in the fifth house - financial stability and conflict (6L) "The sixth house rules public amity, relations with neighbors, general health of the public, political stability, financial solvency of the nation, litigations, judicial functioning, communal harmony in the country and labor relations" - banking and executives (Jupiter) "JUPITER : Diplomatic attaches, advisors to head of state, teachers, judiciary and banking systems. It acts as significator for the ninth house." - easy gains, legitimacy, obstacles and endings (8L) "The eighth house rules beliefs of the masses, red-tapism, speed of execution of works, delays and obstructions, accidents, fatal accidents, epidemics, gold and precious stones, legacies, capital gains, floods, earthquakes, cyclones, storms, etc." - labourers, mining, old people (Saturn) "SATURN : Civil servants, low technology industry and mines. It acts as significator for the fourth and eighth houses." - foreign trade and executive branch of government (10L) "The tenth house rules executive, parliament, administration, foreign trade, law and order." - enterprise and industry (Mars), "MARS : Army and police. It rules anti-social elements when under the influence of Rahu or the lord of the eighth or twelfth house. Mars acts as significator for the third and tenth houses." The above indications then find expression in terms of the following areas: - speculation, investments, children, univerisities and emotional stability (5H) "The fifth house rules intellectuals, emotional stability, communal harmony, speculative nature of the people, investments, stock exchange, children, population, universities, morals and values of the people". To this we could add that the exalted 1st lord Moon in Taurus/H11 aspects both Jupiter and Mars, influencing favourably their indications in terms of - Self and fame in the world (L1) "The general conditions of the country as a whole, people and their general outlook, state of law and order, public health, government, reputation, valor and its position in the world." - Masses and the administrator (Moon) "MOON : The Administrator, masses, natural resources and acts as significator for the fourth and seventh houses." To this we can add that planets with other aspects or influences in the chart: - 6th lord Jupiter afflicts natal 1st lord Moon - 6th lord Jupiter is dispositor of badly placed 4th lord Venus in Sagittarius/H6 - 6th house of Jupiter is afflicted by Rahu and the 4th house is afflicted by the nodal axis - 8th lord Saturn afflicts the natal 2nd lord Sun in Capricorn/H7 - the 8th house of Saturn is afflicted by Ketu in Libra/H4 - 10th lord Mars favourably aspects 1st lord Moon - 10th house of Mars is afflicted by the nodal axis (Rahu in Aries/H10 and Ketu in Cancer/H4) We may also consider the following navamsa placements: - Jupiter as 12th lord of Capricorn ascendant in Leo/H8 with 8th lord Sun (strong in D-1, but weak and afflicted in D-9) - Mars as 4th lord in Libra/H10 (strong in both D-1 and D-9) - Saturn as 2nd lord in Pisces/H3 with 7th lord Moon and FM Ketu (strong in both but afflicted in D-9) - Venus as 10th lord in Scorpio/H11 (strong in D-9 but weak in D-1) The results of all of these indications come to the fore during periods and transits of the relevant planet(s). Thor ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Sunday, August 2, 2009 11:39:02 AMRe: SAMVA USA chart and the stock market Dear Thor,Thanks for Ur Guidance.I wanted to clear few more doubts.In U.S. Chart Saturn is lord of easy gains but by Placement, it is placed in h5 of Speculation. few days earlier Prof V.K.C. Ji had guided in an article that a planet gains the significations of that particular house by placement wheather it is closer or away from mep of that house. So, in this Case as Saturn is placed in h5, So it gains the Significations of Speculationactivities & of h5 by placement and also of h8. Thus affliction of weak Saturn could lead to distruption in Speculation activities which means Stocks markets would take a hit.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Sun, 2/8/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: SAMVA USA chart and the stock marketSAMVA Date: Sunday, 2 August, 2009, 1:58 AM Hello dear Ajay, I reply in your message. Thor ajay sehg <ajaysehg >SAMVA Sunday, August 2, 2009 4:08:40 AMRe: SAMVA USA chart and the stock market Dear Thor,Thanks a lot for ur informative Articles. WELCOME In U.S. chart the Sub period of Saturn is in Progress. RIGHTIn first week of October Tr Saturn shall be transiting thru Virgo, At that time it Shall be in infancy and its dispositor Mercury shall also be under exact aspect of Tr Rahu, And it seems Rahu shall highly afflict Tr Saturn & Tr Mercury for few days, Also Tr Jupiter shall Conjunt Natal Sun. Saturn in U.S. chart is lord of easy gains and is Placed in h5 of Speculation.Now Could this bring a Sudden and Strong downtrend in U.S. & World Markets and do u think that the Pattern of Volatility shall be on same lines as We saw in January 2008 when Tr Jupiter had exactly afflicted Tr Saturn & Tr weak Venus was afflicted by Tr Ketu. YES, THERE COULD BE INCREASED VOLATILITY, OR A VISIBLE INCREASE IN THE STRAIN FOR INVESTORS. THE DEGREE OF PRICE CHANGE IS ALWAYS HARD TO PREDICT. ON THE ONE HAND, WE EXPECT THE ECONOMY TO HAVE BEGUN TO SIGNAL A POSITIVE CHANGE. ON THE OTHER HAND, THESE ASPECTS ARE EXPECTED TO INTRODUCE SHORT TERM NEGATIVE NEWS OR DEVELOPMENTS. ON JANUARY 18, 2008, WHEN THE US STOCK MARKET TOOK A TUMBLE, IT WAS ALSO IMPORTANT FOR INVESTOR SENTIMENTS THAT TRANSIT MARS, THE GENERAL INDICATOR OF COURAGE, COMMENCED A LONG STAY IN GEMINI/H12 FROM MID SEPTEMBER 2007 TO EARLY MAY 2008. WE SHOULD ALSO RECALL THAT THE SUB PERIOD OF JUPITER WAS IN PROGRESS IN EARLY 2008, PLACING FINANCIAL STABILITY INTO CENTER STAGE, WITH MANY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND BANKING EXECUTIVIES IN DISTRESS. DURING EARLY 2008, TRANSIT MARS ALSO CAME UNDER THE CLOSE ASPECT OF TRANSIT RAHU IN 8TH HOUSE, WHICH CONTRIBUTED TO THE EVAPORATION OF INVESTOR CONFIDENCE AT THAT TIME. I WROTE AN ARTICLE ON THIS ON JAN. 5, 2008, AFTER PROFESSOR CHOUDHRY HAD EARLIER IDENTIFIED THIS INFLUENCE ON SAMVA LIST. SEE ALSO: The troublesome transit of Mars in Gemini (Saturday, January 5, 2008) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2008/ 01/troublesome- transit-of- mars-in-gemini. html TRANSIT MARS WILL AGAIN BE IN GEMINI/H12 FROM AUGUST 17 TO OCTOBER 6, 2009. HOWEVER, THE ASEPCT FROM TRANSIT RAHU TO TRANSIT SATURN AND ITS DISPOSITOR, MERCURY, AS WELL AS THE ASPECT FROM SATURN TO TRANSIT KETU WILL TAKE PLACE WHEN THE NODES AND SATURN ARE TRAVELING AT NORMAL SPEED, WHICH WOULD MODERATE THE INFLUENCE SOMEWHAT. THE ASPECT INVOLVING SATURN AND THE NODES PEAKS ON OCTOBER 5, WHILE 8TH LORD SATURN AND 3RD LORD MERCURY WILL BECOME EXACTLY CONJUNCT ON SEPTEMBER 20 AS MERCURY WILL BE IN RETROGRADE MOTION. ON THAT SAME DAY, THE NODAL ASPECT TO NATAL 6TH LORD JUPITER BECOMES EXACT. EVIDENTLY, THESE WOULD NOT BE EASY DAYS FOR THE MARKET. In Indian Chart Saturn is lord of h10, but is closely influenced by h6 lord Venus, Thus Saturn also acquires some significations of financial stability. And it seems there could be strong volatility in Indian Markets also. OK, BUT HAVEN´T STUDIED THE TRANSITS THERE. I Wanted to know ur views on this Tr affliction of Weak Tr Saturn by Tr Rahu. Can for few days this Could lead to Strong Corrections in Various financial Markets World Wide. YES, IT IS LIKELY THAT MARKET SENTIMENTS WILL BE HARMED BY THESE TRANSITS, THAT SAID, THE EMPHASIS ON FINANCIAL STABILITY WILL NO BE THE KEY AS IN 2008 DUE TO THE CHANGE OF SUB-PERIOD LORD, BUT CONCERN AS YOU SUGGEST WILL BE ON "EASY GAINS" AND TO THIS WE MAY ADD THE "OBSTACLES AND ENDINGS" AND "BELIEFS OF THE PEOPLE" OR THE "LEGITIMACY" OF WHAT IS GOING ON. IN THIS REGARD, WHEN THE TRANSIT OF 6TH LORD JUPITER ON NATAL 2ND LORD SUN IS EXPECTED TO MANIFEST STRAIN ON THE US LEADERSHIP AND COULD BY ITSELF RENEW "FINANCIAL STABILITY" CONCERNS INVOLVING THE GOVERNMENT (AS OPPOSED TO THE BANKS IN 2008), WITH AN INFLUENCE ALSO ON THE STOCK MARKETS. THE FOCUS IN THE FALL OF 2009 COULD THUS BE ON THE US DOLLAR AND LONG TERM INTEREST RATES ON THE GOVERNMENT DEBT, WHICH COULD ALSO BE SEEN TO GROW RAPIDLY AT THAT TIME. Warm Regards. Ajay. --- On Sat, 1/8/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote: Cosmologer <cosmologer > SAMVA USA chart and the stock marketsamva Saturday, 1 August, 2009, 4:02 PM Hello list members, I have been asked off-list if I "agree that the current direct aspect of natal FM Sa on transit Sa will cause the stock market to make a big correction before resumption of the move up. Stock market has been going up in almost a straight line of recent." We may recall that earlier this year Saturn was moving in retrograde motion at a decelerating speed when it passed the aspect of natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio/H5. At that time, the stock market was reaching its low point (on March 9). There were other difficult aspects at that time, including the conjunction of stationary Rahu and debilitated 6th lord Jupiter in Capricorn/H7. By comparison, Saturn is at the present time moving in direct motion at accelerating or normal speed, crossing the point where it is aspected by natal Saturn, 26° 46' Leo/H2 in mid August. At this time, transit stationary Rahu is in Capricorn/H7, casting an aspect to the strong natal 1st lord Moon in Taurus/H7 while transit stationary Ketu in Cancer/H1 is aspecting natal Jupiter in Scorpio/H5. As a result, some volatility may be felt, but any pullback in the stock market would likely see share prices remaining well above the levels we saw at the beginning of the year. I think there is more reason to be concerned about the conditions from May to August 2010 when i) the transit nodes become stationary exactly on top of the natal nodes in Libra/H4 and Aries/H10 in the SAMVA USA chart and ii) transit 6th lord Jupiter in Pisces/H9 becomes mutually afflicting with transit 8th lord Saturn in Virgo/H3 and natal 6th lord Jupiter in Scorpio/H5. The markets could take a hit at that time. Thor See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. recommends that you upgrade to the new and safer Internet Explorer 8. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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