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Hello dear list members,


I have written the following article on my blog:

Saturday, August 8, 2009










We live in interesting times and this autumn will be no exception. The coming transit station of Jupiter at 23° 10’ Capricorn will be interesting for the fact that it will connect into the charts of many important countries, including the USA, Israel, Iran, UK, India and Russia, suggesting some international tension at that time.


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Hello list members,




Drudge report is reporting that the coming week will be tense.


Testing week for bond investors; Tensions ahead of record $75B debt sale...


Testing week for US bond investors

By Michael Mackenzie in New York

Published: August 10 2009 18:23 | Last updated: August 10 2009 18:23

US bond investors are braced for a testing week, dominated by record $75bn in debt sales by the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve’s policy meeting, which concludes on Wednesday. Treasury yields have been rising and are back at levels last seen in early June, with the yield on 10-year notes trading at 3.84 per cent on Monday.



In terms of the SAMVA USA chart, the growing tension will shortly be linked to transit of 6th lord Jupiter, in its sign of debilitation, stationary conjunct the natal 2nd lord Sun in the 7th house. At the present time, however, it is the close aspect of transit stationary Ketu to natal Jupiter that is keeping things difficult with respect to the indications of Jupiter (finance, monetary policy, interest rates, etc.) or 6th house (financial stability concerns due to servicing of debts, conflict, health issues, etc), with sudden even violent setbacks possible (Ketu influence).








Cosmologer <cosmologersamva Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2009 10:44:05 PM Blog: TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD



Hello dear list members,


I have written the following article on my blog:

Saturday, August 8, 2009










We live in interesting times and this autumn will be no exception. The coming transit station of Jupiter at 23° 10’ Capricorn will be interesting for the fact that it will connect into the charts of many important countries, including the USA, Israel, Iran, UK, India and Russia, suggesting some international tension at that time.


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Cosmologer wrote:

> Hello Brian,


> Thanks for the news sources, which look interesting. You are right, one is at

a disadvantage monitoring the whole range of developments in a country from

afar. I may tend to focus on a range of major media outlets that give straight

information concerning financial, economic, political (incl. war, elections,

etc) and natural disaster events. Such news stories come up on all the news

outlets. That said, you are right, some additional news sources may be helpful.

That said, I have seen that specialised or upstart news sources may be biased in

their own way. Huffington Post is an example of a left leaning information

service. Perhaps we should read http://realclearpolitics.com/ for a comaparable

right wing take on the issues. In any event, it is a good suggestion to broaden

the information sources as is practically feasible for us, who do this as a

leisurely activity.


And Drudge, of course, is right leaning.

> Regarding the prediction for a " Good time in the USA " , it was written on in

April based on the Triple-transit report in Jyotish Tools. Is it possible this

calculation does not sufficiently reflect the updated rules as per SA? Moreover,

the calculation was for a happy face on days when in fact there were also

challenging transits during the summer, such as the Saturn transit in the 2nd

house MEP and the aspect of a stationary Ketu to natal Jupiter, transit of

Jupiter in 8th house, etc. Perhaps you can comment on that.


If you recall during the testing of the triple transit reports I was not

satisfied as I felt most of the reports were far more negative than what

really happens. However the Professor wanted me to keep them in. I

think the best astrologers can look at the horoscope and transits and

see the possibilities. Other stuff is included mainly as an aid for

understanding some of the principles.


> Alternatively, some news stories that receive top billing, suggesting strains,

such as the protest over Health care reform in August, may only be upsetting to

a select group of informed citizens while the majority of people are simply

enjoying life, when the transits are easy. In this regard, the experience may be

different from one state to the next and between people who are informed voters

dedicated to either party and those who are less intrested in politics. This

raises the question if the major news media are reporting may be more accurate

as the overall experience than the narrower news media. Perhaps you can also

comment on that.



Mainstream news in the United States is owned by large corporate

interests and their news is very biased for their own gain. This is an

unfortunate situation. Citizens here are very upset by the health care

reform but often over misunderstanding of the bills proposed most of

which are in draft. Many people are ill-informed. Some elderly

people on Medicare are protesting government health care yet just ask

them if they want to give up their Medicare? In this country " people

simply enjoying life " are probably either on drugs or not paying

attention. People protesting at their congressman's town hall might do

better to protest at their health insurance corporate headquarters. The

CEOs who run these companies and live high on the hog while their policy

holders are being denied claims need the feel the heat. Health care in

the US is a racket. Perhaps the real study we need to do with the US

chart that lends itself to corporate tyranny. And the US has had a long

history of it.


- Brian

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Cosmologer wrote:

> Brian Conrad wrote:

> " The CEOs who run these companies and live high on the hog while their policy

holders are being denied claims need the feel the heat. Health care in the US is

a racket. Perhaps the real study we need to do with the US chart that lends

itself to corporate tyranny. And the US has had a long history of it. "


> Brian, if you can furnish me with a few significant events that highiligh what

you claim, I will be pleased to analyse the SAMVA USA chart for an explanation.


First off you might want to watch this report from a recent Bill Moyer's

show. It's what I was referring to regarding corporate health care

CEOs. It is very eye opening.




When I have time I may throw together a few examples of corporate

tyranny but history is laden with them so I'm surprised you aren't aware

of them. Perhaps others would like to add a few too. There are quite a

few events but then we all aren't college professors and shouldn't be

expected to provide academic examples.


> Already we have brought out that natal Rahu afflicts the 10th, 2nd, 4th and

6th houses. This would be expected to bring manipulation to these house

indications, which include the government administration (10), foreign trade

(10), wealth (2), status (2), real estate (4), natural resources (2), communal

harmony (2, 4 and 6), financial stability (4), health services (4), judiciary

system (6), conflict (6). With 4th lord Venus also placed in the 6th house, the

comforts of the people and their communal harmony are further undermined by the

aspect of Rahu to the 6th house, as well as Ketu's aspect to the 4th house.

Jupiter, the 6th lord of big business and CEOs and Mars as 10th lord of also

industrial concerns, are also affected. To this we can add that the 2nd lord Sun

is aspected (but not afflicted) by natal 8th lord Saturn, adding to the

senstivity of that house and its indications to transit afflictions. The

indications of the top leadership of the

> country are thus also affected.


> It is a fact that the USA places far greater emphasis on the rights of

individuals to private property and the freedom to pursue their happiness.

That might be debatable these days. Ask people who got sold bad loans

and are losing their homes.

> In other words, the sanctity of private property is greater in the USA than in

some other countries that emphasise social limits to individual liberities and

property rights in the name of collective goals, like China, Malaysia, Cuba,

Venezuela, Iran, etc.

You'll always have countries that limit freedoms and some that may

provide more than the US does.

> The US laws grant businesses (legal entities) the same rights as individuals

in this regard. Hence, big businesses are free to expand without social

considerations. The Democrats lean in the direction of social accountability of

businesses while the Republicans resist it. It could be argued that this

empahsis in the USA is due to the influence of Rahu and Saturn in the chart.


Corporations did not have personhood when the country started out. The

founders had a bad taste in their mouth from their experiences with the

British East India Company. Hence they limited corporate lifespan to 40

years. It was only after the Civil War did they gain the rights of an

individual as well as perpetual life. They were also supposed to

service the public good. Many feel they now run amok, damage the

environment and the economy in the process.



> Brian Conrad wrote:

> " If you recall during the testing of the triple transit reports I was not

satisfied as I felt most of the reports were far more negative than what really

happens. However the Professor wanted me to keep them in. "


> Actually, if anything, the triple transit reports may have needed to be more

negative to reflect the developments in early August, when the protests over

health care reforms erupted.


Triple transits need weighting and there are no tables for that.


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Hello list,


In addition to the transits mentioned in the previous post, we should also pay special attention to the transit of sub-period lord Saturn, which rules the 8th house of obstacles and endings in the 20° Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart.


Transit Saturn at 26° 56' Leo/H2 is now exactly afflicted by natal Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio/H5. Natal 8th lord Saturn is over 60% strong and aspects natal 2nd lord Sun in 7th house.

Transit 3rd lord Mercury at 24° Leo is now dually afflicted by transit and natal Saturn. Natal 3rd lord Mercury is placed in the 7th house where it is unafflicted and barely combust.

Transit 10th lord Mars at 29° Taurus/H11 is also dually afflicted by tr and rx Saturn. Natal Mars is strong in Scorpio/H5 where it receives a strong aspect from 1st lord Moon.


The following news story should therefore not come as a surprise.


7 die, 91 wounded in blast near NATO HQ in Kabul

AP – 58 mins ago

KABUL – A suicide car bomb exploded Saturday outside the main gate of NATO's headquarters five days before Afghanistan's presidential election, killing seven and wounding 91 in the biggest attack in the Afghan capital in six months. The bomber evaded several rings of Afghan police and detonated his explosives on the doorstep of the international military headquarters, an assault possibly aimed at sending the message that the Taliban can attack anywhere as Afghans gear up for their second-ever direct presidential election. Militants have warned Afghans not to vote and have threatened to attack voting sites. The NATO headquarters — where top commander U.S. Gen. Stanley McChrystal is based — sits beside the U.S. Embassy and shares the same street as the

presidential palace. The explosion was the first major attack in Kabul since February, when eight Taliban militants struck three government buildings simultaneously in the heart of the city, an assault that killed 20 people and the eight assailants....The Taliban claimed responsibility and said the target was the NATO headquarters and the U.S. Embassy some 150 yards (meters) down the street. A top Kabul police official blamed al-Qaida. Brig. Gen. E. Tremblay, the spokesman for the NATO-led force, said some soldiers in the International Security Assistance Force were wounded in the 8:35 a.m. blast. He did not say how many. The explosion occurred 30 yards (meters) from NATO's front gate, he said. Pointing to the civilian casualties, Tremblay said the Taliban were "indiscriminately killing civilians."…The blast killed seven

Afghans and wounded 91, Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi, the spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of Defense, said….The chief of Kabul's criminal investigation department, Abdul Ghafar Sayadzada, said 600 pounds (272 kilograms) of explosives were used, and that because of the amount he suspected al-Qaida was involved. The attacker passed three police checkpoints, Sayadzada said….A Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, claimed responsibility for the blast and said the bomb contained 1,100 pounds (500 kilograms) of explosives. Mujahid at first said the bomber was on foot, then later called back and said it was a suicide car bomb attack….Security has increased over the last several weeks in preparation for Thursday's vote.




PS regarding the transit of Jupiter in Capricorn/H7 of the SAMVA USA chart we may also note the following story about increased tensions in domain of US foreign policy:


The White House Talks on the Phone with Russia and Georgia

Kommersant, Russia Original Article (Russian) - By Nargiz Asa - Translated By Marina Lavrinocivh - 6 August 2009

While approaching the one year anniversary in August of the war in the Caucasus region and increasing tensions on the border between Georgia and South Ossetia, Washington is demonstrating increasing anxiety in connection with the possibility of a renewal of military conflict. President Barack Obama said that on Tuesday while talking on the phone with his Russian colleague Dmitry Medvedev. Meanwhile, the USA’s vice president, Joe Biden, called his Georgian colleague, President Mikhail Saakashvili, and asked him to show restraint. Having thought of “reconsidering†their relations with the Russian Federation, Washington is not interested in new

tensions in the region. However, it is not going to stop supporting Georgia.



The following story also explains how the US is using financial support (money grants) in its foreign policy efforts.


The U.S. Is Willing to Pay for Russia’s Collapse

Segodnya, Russia - Original Article (Russian) - By Andrey Kuzminov - Translated By Olga Kerzhner - 3 August 2009

According to statements made at the end of last week by Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Philip H. Gordon, during 2009, the U.S. Department of State plans to spend nearly 30 million dollars to encourage democratic reform in Russia. Apparently, despite the financial crisis, the United States will not abandon its approach of "weakening the enemy from within," and will continue to engage in what Washington calls, "the development of democracy in Russia." Based on official information from the U.S. State Department, part of the allocated funds will be spent to

support Russia's independent media. It's not difficult to guess who will be on America's list of grant recipients, especially since, following the recent death of human rights defender Natalia Estemirova, the State Department once again began to exaggerate the issue of human rights in Russia.



In regard to this we may also recall 's earlier prediction based on the SAMVA USA chart transits this autumn involving Jupiter and Sun that the US may withdraw such direct financial support from regimes that are not using it as intended to arrest the spread of terrorism coming from their countries.





Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 9:02:03 AMRe: Blog: TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]


Hello dear list members,


Here are a number of stories that correspond to the transits in the SAMVA USA chart, notably the transit of Jupiter as 6th lord of e.g. 1) health services, 2) conflict and 3) financial stability now in its sign of debilitation (weakness, concerns). This suggests its many indications may face problems at this time. There are also other transit influences such as the mutual aspect of tr 8th lord Saturn to tr 10th lord Mars (Afghanistan war) and opposition of tr 6th lord Jupiter and 2nd lord Sun (Pres. Obama and health care reform). Let's look at some of the stories being reported:


1. The US health care system has suddenly become important during this transit of Jupiter. However, the focus on the reforms is to improve the delivery of health services to ordinary Americans as predicted in the article Predictions for the USA in 2009 (December 31, 2008) in the Venus-Saturn sub-period in the SAMVA USA chart. In this news story the new papers of a foreign country (UK) are criticising US health care system for exactly this failure, but remember that Obama is trying to fix it.


Home > News > World > Americas

Obama's healthcare plan

The brutal truth about America’s healthcare

An extraordinary report from Guy Adams in Los Angeles at the music arena that has been turned into a makeshift medical centre

Saturday, 15 August 2009

They came in their thousands, queuing through the night to secure one of the coveted wristbands offering entry into a strange parallel universe where medical care is a free and basic right and not an expensive luxury. Some of these Americans had walked miles simply to have their blood pressure checked, some had slept in their cars in the hope of getting an eye-test or a mammogram, others had brought their children for immunisations that could end up saving their life.




2. Conflict can take many forms.


The US war effort in Afghanistan is not going so well.



In Taliban heartland, coalition's made little headway after 8 years

By Nancy A. Youssef | McClatchy Newspapers

ZHARI DISTRICT , Afghanistan — Two miles from the gates of an isolated Canadian military base in southern Afghanistan lies Sangsar, the village where the Taliban's harsh interpretation of Islam was born.



The protests over the health care system are also a form of conflict.


Obama denounces emphasis on health care protests

AP News - Aug 14, 2009 14:50 EST

President Barack Obama on Friday denounced what he suggested was news media overemphasis on scenes of angry protesters at town-hall meetings on health care. "TV loves a ruckus," Obama said.



3. Financial stability can take many forms.


Here is a story about how rich Americans have hid their money from US tax authorities abroad. Now Uncle Sam is going after them.


US preparing to prosecute 150 UBS account holders

Published: August 14, 2009 - Updated 17 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US authorities are building cases for possible criminal prosecution of some 150 wealthy American clients of Swiss banking giant UBS as part of a probe into tax evasion, the New York Times reported Friday.



Here is a story about the biggest bank failure in the USA in 2009. Note that the tension concerning this bank failure is far less than when such developments took place during the Venus-Jupiter period. Now, during the Venus-Saturn period, the focus is more on the sluggish economy.


Colonial BancGroup and Pennsylvania thrift shut

Aug 14, 8:58 PM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - Regulators on Friday shut down Colonial BancGroup Inc., a big lender in real estate development that marked the biggest U.S. bank failure this year, and a small bank in Pennsylvania . The closures boosted to 74 the number of federally insured banks that have failed in 2009. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was appointed receiver of Montgomery, Ala.-based Colonial, with about $25 billion in assets, and Dwelling House Savings and Loan Association, located in Pittsburgh . The agency approved the sale of Colonial's $20 billion in deposits and about $22 billion of its assets to BB & T Corp., which is based in Winston-Salem , N.C. The failed bank's 346 branches in Alabama , Florida , Georgia , Nevada and Texas will reopen at the normal times starting on Saturday as offices of BB & T, the FDIC said.

http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090815/D9A30GHG0.htmlWe live in interesting times and this autumn will be no exception. The coming transit station of Jupiter at 23° 10’ Capricorn will be interesting for the fact that it will connect into the charts of many important countries, including the USA, Israel, Iran, UK, India and Russia, suggesting some international tension at that time.


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SAMVA USA chart (PU)_15Aug2009.jpg

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  • 2 months later...

Hello dear list members,


The UK is in the throes of its longest recession in over half a century.


Record recession for UK economy

20:48 GMT, Friday, 23 October 2009 21:48 UK

The UK economy unexpectedly contracted by 0.4% between July and September, according to official figures, meaning the country is still in recession. It is the first time UK gross domestic product (GDP) has contracted for six consecutive quarters, since quarterly figures were first recorded in 1955.



In an article I wrote on August 8, 2009, the following was seen for the UK this autumn:


TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD (August 8, 2009)

In the horoscope of the United Kingdom, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests that the communal harmony, real estate and natural resources in this country will come under strain at that time.



Indeed, with manufacturing firms hard hit and unemployment on the rise, many homeowners are in distress and those losing their homes are on the increase.


Where the recession has hit hardest

09:11 GMT, Friday, 23 October 2009 10:11 UK



Postal strikes delay 40% of mail

21:28 GMT, Friday, 23 October 2009 22:28 UK

The nationwide postal workers' strikes have delayed about 30 million letters, some 40% of a typical day's post, Royal Mail has revealed.







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Postal strikes delay 40% of mail






Paul Moffett, Communication Workers' Union (CWU) Suffolk regional secretary

The nationwide postal workers' strikes have delayed about 30 million letters, some 40% of a typical day's post, Royal Mail has revealed.





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Postal strikes delay 40% of mail






Paul Moffett, Communication Workers' Union (CWU) Suffolk regional secretary

The nationwide postal workers' strikes have delayed about 30 million letters, some 40% of a typical day's post, Royal Mail has revealed.







Postal strikes delay 40% of mail






Paul Moffett, Communication Workers' Union (CWU) Suffolk regional secretary

The nationwide postal workers' strikes have delayed about 30 million letters, some 40% of a typical day's post, Royal Mail has revealed.


Since June 2009, the Mars-Mercury period has been operating, having been in the difficult Mars-Saturn period from May 2008, when the greatest problems befell the economy. With 1st lord Mercury natally well placed, albeit in slight old age, in Scorpio and the 3rd house, the country would have an active and ruling disposition. When Mercury is strong in transit, things would be expected to right themselves. However, presently, Mercury is in old age in Virgo and 1st house about to move into the 2nd house. There are two planets transiting through the sign of Virgo at present, including 2nd lord Venus, which is debilitated in this sign, and transit 6th lord Saturn, the indicator of working people and functional lord of financial stability, which is natally badly placed and infant in the 12th house, suggesting some vulnerability to

financial instability. Both these planets are now weakened by the placement of Mercury in old age, but their condition should improve after Mercury and Venus both enter Libra and the 2nd house in early November. In addition to this, we can keep in mind that in addition to Venus there are three other planets are currently debilitated and weak in transit, including Jupiter, Mars and Sun. This is making things vulnerable all over. Moreover, transit 8th lord Mars is now conjunt natal 4th lord Jupiter at 10° Cancer and aspecting transit 12th lord Sun in the 2nd house.






Cosmologer <cosmologersamva Sent: Sat, August 8, 2009 10:44:05 PM Blog: TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD



Hello dear list members,


I have written the following article on my blog:

Saturday, August 8, 2009










We live in interesting times and this autumn will be no exception. The coming transit station of Jupiter at 23° 10’ Capricorn will be interesting for the fact that it will connect into the charts of many important countries, including the USA, Israel, Iran, UK, India and Russia, suggesting some international tension at that time.


To read more:





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Hello dear list,


Another prediction has come true based on the SAMVA USA chart.


In addition to the struggle over the health care reform legislation this autumn, which has placed great strain on the President Obama, now comes word of the following:


Obama declares H1N1 emergency

October 25, 2009 -- Updated 0359 GMT

Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus. "The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities," Obama said in a statement.



In the article TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD on August 8, 2009, the following was written:


"As for the transit station of Jupiter, we may note that in the case of the USA, Jupiter is 6th lord of conflict, financial (in)stability and health matters. This energy will place a strain on the 2nd house indications of wealth, status and relations with neighboring countries. As Sun is the general indicator of the leader of a country, the strain will also affect the US President and top leadership. Moreover, the Sun is quite strong in the SAMVA USA chart and transit afflictions thus normally produce a temporary strain rather than a setback. "







Cosmologer <cosmologersamva Sent: Sat, August 8, 2009 10:44:05 PM Blog: TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD



Hello dear list members,


I have written the following article on my blog:

Saturday, August 8, 2009










We live in interesting times and this autumn will be no exception. The coming transit station of Jupiter at 23° 10’ Capricorn will be interesting for the fact that it will connect into the charts of many important countries, including the USA, Israel, Iran, UK, India and Russia, suggesting some international tension at that time.


To read more:




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello list,


Recently, the Obama administration has sent out a message to the Afghanistan leadership that it is not satisfied with the efforts to fight terrorism. As a result, they US government has now signalled a distancing in relations - as predicted.


Clinton: 'We're not interested in staying in Afghanistan' long-term




November 15, 2009 1:28 p.m. EST

(CNN) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday the primary U.S. mission in Afghanistan is defeating al Qaeda, rather than making a long-term commitment to rebuild the country. We're not interested in staying in Afghanistan; we're not interested in any long-term presence there," Clinton told the NBC program "Meet the Press.We want to get al Qaeda, we want to disrupt, dismantle and defeat those who attacked us, and we want to be able to give the Afghans the tools that they need to be able to defend themselves," Clinton said.








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sun, October 25, 2009 8:57:37 AMRe: Blog: TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD



Hello dear list,


Another prediction has come true based on the SAMVA USA chart.


In addition to the struggle over the health care reform legislation this autumn, which has placed great strain on the President Obama, now comes word of the following:


Obama declares H1N1 emergency

October 25, 2009 -- Updated 0359 GMT

Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus. "The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities," Obama said in a statement.



In the article TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD on August 8, 2009, the following was written:


"As for the transit station of Jupiter, we may note that in the case of the USA, Jupiter is 6th lord of conflict, financial (in)stability and health matters. This energy will place a strain on the 2nd house indications of wealth, status and relations with neighboring countries. As Sun is the general indicator of the leader of a country, the strain will also affect the US President and top leadership. Moreover, the Sun is quite strong in the SAMVA USA chart and transit afflictions thus normally produce a temporary strain rather than a setback. "







Cosmologer <cosmologersamva Sent: Sat, August 8, 2009 10:44:05 PM Blog: TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD



Hello dear list members,


I have written the following article on my blog:

Saturday, August 8, 2009










We live in interesting times and this autumn will be no exception. The coming transit station of Jupiter at 23° 10’ Capricorn will be interesting for the fact that it will connect into the charts of many important countries, including the USA, Israel, Iran, UK, India and Russia, suggesting some international tension at that time.


To read more:




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