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Manipulation as per the SAMVA USA chart

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Hello my dear Thor, Rahu-Ketu afflict Venus & 4H and influence houses occupied and aspected. Similarly Jupiter influences the Moon and not afflicts the Moon. Rahu's impact on 10H brings the influence of manipulation.







Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:40 PM

Re: Manipulation as per the SAMVA USA chart



Hello list members,


In a recent post, I raised the question to what extent the SAMVA USA chart shows manipulation within as well as outside of a country.


Now that I have thought about it, Rahu also has an influence on domestic matters through its aspect on 4H and 6H where 4L is placed, as well as on 2H.



The motivation for the US to act proactively on the world comes from the following placements in the SAMVA USA chart:


- strong 2L Sun on MEP of 7H: giving status and sense of justice outside of itself (foreign policy domain)

- strong 1L Moon in 11H: self has strong sense of ideals

- strong 10L Mars in 5H: creative use of physical might- strong 3L Mercury in 7H: enterpeneurial or pro-active in dealing with others


The problems in the national life come from

- Rahu afflicting 10H, 2H, 2L Sun, 6H, 4H: introduces manipulation concerning executive government, status and wealth, relations with neighboring countries, leader and/or leadership, conflict and domestic matters

- 8L Saturn afflicting 2L Sun: brings obstacles and endings to status and wealth, relations with neighboring countries, leader and/or leadership. As the aspect of Saturn to a strong Sun is not exact, reduces the maleficience a bit, but harm can come when transits of malefics are close and many as the Kennedy assassination shows clearly.

- 6L Jupiter afflicts 1L Moon: adamant sense that one is right

- 4L Venus in 6H: conflict disturbs domestic peace


Finally, a very interesting insight:

The fact that Rahu, the ruler of diplomats, is placed in the MEP of the 10th house, which is the indicator of executive government, in the SAMVA USA chart explains why the USA, specifically, the seat of government power, e.g. New York and Washington, have the largest concentration of diplomats anywhere in the world.





Cosmologer <cosmologer >SAMVA Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 4:39:40 AMRe: Manipulation as per the SAMVA USA chart


Hello dear David and list members,



Further to this discssuion, the following news has appeared.


Chavez urges military to be prepared for conflict

Aug 9 09:19 PM US/Eastern

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - President Hugo Chavez told his military on Sunday to be prepared for a possible confrontation with Colombia, warning that Bogota's plans to increase the U.S. military presence at its bases poses a threat to Venezuela. Chavez has issued near daily warnings that Washington could use bases in Colombia to destabilize the region since learning of negotiations to lease seven Colombian military bases to the United States . "The threat against us is growing," Chavez said. "I call on the people and the armed forces, let's go, ready for combat!" http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D99VNB2O1 & show_article=1


Left wing politician, Chavez, a self-styled dictator in Venezueal, has been highly critical of the USA and its economic and social system. He has aligined himself with Castro's Cuba and the left wing government of Peru. He has also sought alliances with countries in the OPEC cartel, as Venezuela is a large oil producer and exporter, including Iran. This has proved to be an irritation to Washington, which would undoubtedly be pleased with the departure of his regime.


We may also recall that last year the USA vehemently criticised Russia for claiming a "sphere of influence" (SOI) in countries on its boarder. Recall that Russia has claimed such a right of influence. It rejected the placement of a US missile shield in pro-western countries on its boarder. Russia then invaded break-away regions of US-ally Georgia and was temporarily ostracized by the Western block. Such tensions appear to still be there even if the the new Obama administration has been trying to mend relations with Russia. In a surreal twist, on the one-year invasion anniversary the other day, President Medvedev of Russia promised that Georgia would one day be punished for its (Georgia's!) invasion of the break-away regions. In any event, if the US is setting up bases in Colombia and indirectly provoking Venezuela by way of the Columbian army making illegal entries into Venezuelan territory, this would suggest the US is covertly following its own SOI policy in Latin America and still actively manipulating other countries. In any event, it is hard to make out what is true in the claims of such leaders, but these are clearly interesting times.


The issue that I have raised is the extent to which the SAMVA USA chart suggests the USA would engage in manipulation, within or outside its boarders. As I see it, there is some suggestion of such a tendency given the afflictions involving Rahu and 8L Saturn. On the other hand, and this may be more important, the chart has such a strong Sun and Jupiter, which would suggest an evolved entity with an enlightened approach as well. So the net result is not an easy thing to assess.






David Hawthorne <davidSAMVA Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2009 9:19:59 PMRE: Manipulation as per the SAMVA USA chart


Dear Thor..


Thank you for your work on this.


Very interesting and plausible.



David Hawthorne




SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of CosmologerSunday, August 09, 2009 10:59 AMSAMVA Subject: Re: Manipulation as per the SAMVA USA chart






Hello dear and list members,




The issue of manipulation in the national life and as seen in a national horoscope is a complex one. One then has to disentangle if the manipulation in the mundane chart is directed against other countries, or within the country itself.




On the issue of manipulation in the country, there are plenty of cases, where some people have held out for many decades various conspiracy theories. The attached link is to one such case, the assassination of John F Kennedy. Most government findings concluded that there was only one gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, who was mysteriously killed shortly after the assassination by a man with ties to organised crime, Jack Ruby. Oswald himself shouted out to the media shortly before being shotout that he was just a patsy in a conspiracy.




A rather provocative documentary exists suggesting it was the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that orchestrated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, TX on 22 November 1963.*








This raises the question of motive. What benefit would the CIA have had from doing such a dastardly thing. The documentary suggests the leaders of the CIA were caught up in a power struggle with the young President.




In April 1961, President Kennedy angered the intelligence community by failing to provide air cover for the invasion of Cuba, the so-called Bay of Pigs, which the CIA apparently orchestrated on April 17 – April 19, 1961. The invasion was an unmitigated disaster and a big embarrassment to the US intelligence establishment as well as infuriating the Cuban emigre community in the USA. The failure was blamed on Kennedy's decision not to provide the required support.




Evidently, in 1963, shortly before his assassination President Kennedy was also planning to bring back the 15,000 military advisors that President Eisenhover had sent to Vietnam in 1959. The CIA knew about this and was supposedly against it.




Given the power struggle, there is some evidence to suggest that President Kennedy was planning to reorganise the intelligence community, in effect by dismembering the secret and unaccountable organisation that is (was) the CIA and in doing so remove its significant power, including to unilaterally go in and destabilise foreign governments. Supposedly the CIA got wind of this plan and decided to pre-empt it by taking the young President out in an elaborate and throughly planned assassination.




Of course, these are conspiracy theories and as such have to be taken with a grain of salt. However, as discussed in the post concerning the scope for manipulation in the SAMVA USA chart, the placement of


- Rahu, the planet of secret manipulations and illegal actions, on top of the most effective point (MEP) of the 10th house , which rules the executive arm of the government, and


- aspect of Saturn as 8th lord of obstacles & endings to 2nd lord Sun as general indicator of the President


raise questions if such a tendency exists in the national life and the extent to which it could be expressed.




, the question is therefore how to interpret the above placements in terms of the degree of manipulation and if such manipulation would be consistent with it being expressed abroad and in the domestic arena.








*) See also SAMVA USA chart: the assassination of President Kennedy (December 20, 2007) http://cosmologer.blogspot.com/2007/12/samva-usa-chart-assassination-of.html


including a graph showing the highly malefic aspects in the chart on that day











Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2009 9:28:40 AM Manipulation as per the SAMVA USA chart




Hello list,




I was just conversing with an SA astrologer off-list about US tendency to use manipulation in its foreign policy and what could be said about it in terms of the SAMVA USA chart.




First, let us look at some cases of US intervention abroad, some of which may be considered ranging from manipulation to outright hostilities. We can see e.g. the support of the South Korean government and the outbreak of war on the Korean peninsula (1950), the coup in Iran with the Shah put on the throne (1953) and the subsequent coup (1979) which some suggest involved the US, the coup in Vietnam (1963) and the break out of war (1964), the coup in Chilean and the fall of Allende (1973), the bungled attempt at an invasion of Cuba or the Bay of Pigs (1962), the regime change in El Salvador (1979), the Panama coup attempt (1988) and invasion (1989), invasion of Kuwait (1991) and Iraq (2003). This list clearly reveals the involvement of the USA abroad and the lengths to which it is ready to go to alter a political situation in its favour. At the same time, the fact that the US has reluctantly tolerated the Castro regime on Cuba, Jong-Il regime in North Korea, Mullah regime in Iran, al-Assad regime in Syria, Chavez regime in Venezuela, etc. reveals that there are limits to which the USA must contend with in its intervention.





Astrologically, it is interesting to see the many strengths in the SAMVA USA chart, set against some weaknesses and afflictions. Let us consider the chart as it were the chart of an individual. We know that if an individual has Rahu on the 10th house MEP, we would expect to see some manipulative tendencies in its professional activities and also with respect to the 2nd, 4th and 6th house.




In the US case, we can then consider the natal strengths, from the


a) strong 2nd lord Sun on 7th house MEP (just and powerful influence on others),


b) strong 10th lord Mars in the 5th house (powerful physical ability,


c) strong 6th lord Jupiter in 5th house (ability in contest) and


d) strong Moon as 1st lord in 11th house (high ideals).




With b) and c) in mutual aspect with d), there is great fame (b-d), but with (c-d) comes fixity of attitude that can result in conflict.




One would expect such an individual to be a powerful influence in its environment.




The afflictions are however notable, from the placement of


a) Rahu on the 10th house MEP,


b) Ketu on the 4th house MEP,


c) the aspect of 8th lord Saturn in the 5th house to 2nd lord Sun in the 7th house




From these we would be expected to see frequent strains, even setbacks.




Add to this the bad placement of the 4th lord Venus in the afflicted 6th house, and we would expect to see periods of unhappiness over conflict and health issues and manipulations (Rahu influence) and injustices (Ketu influence).




In sum, such an individual, with high ideals and considerable ability, could be expected to resort to manipulation of others for self perceived noble ends. Of course, with the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 10th houses influenced by Rahu, there would be some risk of such an individual being at times selfish and deluded in its actions.







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