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I have a dream

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Hello list members,


The US politican Edward Kennedy has died. He was a national leader in the fight for civil rights in the USA and most recently for a national health care system. He was also a backer of President Obama.


At the time of his death transit 4th lord Venus (communal harmony) was exactly conjunct transit Ketu (separation) under afflicting aspect from natal 6th lord Jupiter (health) in the SAMVA USA chart. Meanwhile, transit Jupiter (indicator of powerful men) was exactly afflicted by natal 8th lord Saturn (obstacle and endings). Transit 3rd lord Mercury (communication) was in 3rd house under close aspect of transit Rahu (indicator of cancer disease) in the 7th house. A voice for reform fell silent due to a terminal illness.


Senator Edward M. Kennedy dies at 77







Senator Edward M. Kennedy fought for universal health care to his final days. (File/Mike Theiler/Getty Images)

By Martin F. Nolan

Globe Correspondent / August 26, 2009




Senator Edward M. Kennedy, who carried aloft the torch of a Massachusetts dynasty and championed a liberal ideology during almost a half century in the Senate, but whose personal and political failings may have prevented him from realizing the ultimate prize of the presidency, died Tuesday night at his home in Hyannis Port. He was 77 and had been battling brain cancer.Thor




Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 7:24:31 AMRe: "I have a dream"



Hello my dear ,


Thank you for the assessment of the reading.


An authentic natal horoscope for a country (as in the life of an individual) must explain all events in the life as well as serve as a basis of accurate predictions.


This reading is one more demonstration of the ability of the SAMVA USA chart to explain signficant historical events and trends in the collective life of Americans.






SIHA <vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:52:21 AMRe: "I have a dream"


Hello my dear Thor, Relevant and appropriate analysis of the dimensions of fourth house significations in USA SAMVA Chart.







Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:05 AM

"I have a dream" [1 Attachment]



Hello dear list members,


The fight for equal rights of all sections of society has been a ceaseless struggle in the national life of the USA. This is seen in the fact that the 4th lord Venus is badly placed in the 6th house, suggesting that the communal harmony is beset by conflict. Especially also as FM Ketu afflicts the 4th house, adding a separative quality to the sense of community. Rahu also afflicts the 6th house, where the 4th lord is placed, adding the potential for crisis with regard to conflict. The Civil War was a major crisis intended to expunge slavery from the national life, at the risk of tearing apart the country. Moreover, the 6th lord Jupiter in the 5th house aspects the 1st lord Moon in the 11th house adding a fixed quality to the self-image of the Americans and their goals. The US participation in WW II and Cold War is a testimony to their ideals to stamp out "wrong" in the world (Nazis and Commies). Adding to this we can

note the aspect of 8th lord Saturn in the 5th house to 2nd lord Sun, gives obstacles and endings to the wealth and status of the country as well as its leader. More so as Ketu also afflicts the 8th house and Rahu afflicts the 2nd house.


The most significant event in the civil rights campaign of the 20th century occurred in the summer of 1963, when the leaders of the African American community organised a mass march on Washington to press their demands for civil rights legislation. This would have placed some strain on the young President, John F Kennedy and his administration. The day is now remembered as one of the finest expressions of the hopes and wishes of the African American community.



The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was a large political rally that took place in Washington , D.C. on August 28, 1963. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his historic "I Have a Dream" speech advocating racial harmony at the Lincoln Memorial during the march. The march was organized by a group of civil rights, labor, and religious organizations, under the theme "jobs, and freedom." Estimates of the number of participants varied from 200,000 (police) to over 300,000 (leaders of the march). About 80% of the marchers were African American and 20% white and other ethnic groups. The march is widely credited as helping to pass the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the National Voting Rights Act (1965).

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ March_on_ Washington_ for_Jobs_ and_Freedom


Martin Luther King, Jr.'s efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington , where King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Have_a_Dream The speech is considered to have altered the conciousness of the white community and the world with regard to segregation and unequal treatment of non-white races.


"There, he raised public consciousness of the civil rights movement and established himself as one of the greatest orators in U.S. history."

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Martin_Luther_ King,_Jr.


King delivered his historic speach at around 5.00 pm.

"The size of the crowd -- which swelled to an estimated 250,000 -- led television networks to shift gears and show the march live. At 2 p.m., A. Philip Randolph, delivered the first speech. King began his stirring oration about three hours later."http://www.npr. org/news/ specials/ march40th/ part2.html


At this time, the Saturn-Sun period was operating. Transit Sun was strong and well placed at 11° Leo and 2nd house in exact conjunction with the 4th lord Venus. The day is remembered for its good feeling and authoritative expression of the desires of these peoples for equality. Such influences of fast moving planets has earlier been described in another article:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 05/impact- of-fast-moving- planets.html


At the same time, the FMs in the chart were massively afflicting during the latter part of the summer and into the Autumn. Transit 8th lord Saturn was stationary conjunct the natal 2nd lord Sun. This aspect led to the assassination of President John F Kennedy on November 22, 1963. In late August, Saturn was also aspecting transit 6th lord Jupiter in the 9th house, suggestive of violence. However, while King had been hounded by violence earlier in the Spring, the negative energy was expressed with non-violent determination, based on Gandhi's philosophy of peaceful resistance. Transit Ketu was conjunct natal 4th lord Venus and transit Rahu was in the 12th house, further bringing out the energy of the separation and non-acceptance of blacks by the white community. 3rd lord Mercury, 10th lord Mars and 1st lord Moon were all well placed, but Mars and Moon were afflicted in



The SAMVA USA chart captures these dynamic events vividly.







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