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A significant increase in tensions ahead

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Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards.

Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK

The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm


Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00)

The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action.

http://www.debka. com/index1. php


Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall

guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST

Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment.

A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council.

http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report

August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00)

The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207


US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00)

The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin.

The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb:

1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September.

2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports.

3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield.

Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure.

Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203


To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed.


The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html

discusses the chart for Iran in more detail.


Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html


In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html


In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time.


These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall.


It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic.




Attachment(s) from Cosmologer

1 of 1 Photo(s)







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Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

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Hello dear list members,


The news shows the tension over Iran is now involving Russia.


US and Russia diverge over Iran

20:19 GMT, Thursday, 10 September 2009 21:19 UK

The US and Russia have given differing responses to Iran's latest proposals on its nuclear programme. The proposals, aimed at ending the impasse over Iran's nuclear ambitions, were submitted to a group of six global powers on Wednesday. The US State Department said the proposals fell short of satisfying international demands. But Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said they contained something to work with.



In the article TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD (August 8, 2009) the following was written.


"Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time. Its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4, which suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony."





PS Jerusalem concerned by Washington's mild rejection of Tehran's meaningless document

DEBKAfile Special Report

September 11, 2009, 9:08 AM (GMT+02:00)

US State Department spokesman, Philip Crowley had only this to say to Iran's long-awaited "proposals" package Thursday night, Sept. 10: It's not really responsive to our core concern, which is Iran's nuclear ambitions," he said, adding: The measures do not address the status of Iran's nuclear program. The document's full contents were not published, except for Tehran's flat refusal to enter into negotiations on its nuclear activities. Moscow says this is "something to work with."







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

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Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon, and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh, Lebanon, on Friday. Israel's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel, according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany.



A copy of Iran’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel. A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee, is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities

Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

Attachment(s) from Cosmologer

1 of 1 Photo(s)








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Hello dear list members,


There are many tensions in the world today, some minor, some major. Here is a partial list:



- Health care reform – Obama fights to enact

- Racism – Republicans attack Obama for lying about health care reform, which Democrats charge is racist.

- East European Missile Shield – Obama backs down to pacify Russia. Poland and Czeck Republic are concerned and seek other defensive solutions from the USA, while Russia is apparently pleased.

- Iran and nuclear weapons – Obama uses diplomacy in an effort to prevent Iran from obtaining such weapons. Israel claims this will not work. the International Energy Agency (IEA) belives Iran is on the threshold of acquiring such bombs and delivery vehicles

- Russia and China put pressure on USA for reform the international financial architechture, including a global reserve currency to replace the US Dollar. The US Dollar remains under pressure while the price of gold surges.

- Trade war with China – Obama passes Tire tariff. China complains to the World Trade Organisation

- Concerns that China’s increasingly sophisticated military could undermine US military power in the Pacific

- War in Afghanistan – support in the USA is low.



- Tension with Iran over nuclear weapons and worries about Israel resorting to a first strike for defenisive purposes

- Increasing tensions with Palestinians over Israeli expanded settlements

- UK to boycott Israeli goods over settlement issues


French President Sarkozy accuses Iran of hiding nuclear weapons program which threatens Israel

- US talks about installing new, better missile shield in Israel and Caucasus






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."


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Hello list members,


The tension continues for Israel concerning Iran's nuclear ambitions and peace with the Palestinians.


AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb

Sep 17 01:23 PM US/Eastern

VIENNA (AP) - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities. It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief. The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP714G0 & show_article=1


Netanyahu to world: Back Israeli self-defense

Associated Press - Sep 17 02:08 PM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli he Jewish New Year holiday, which begins Friday.

He said the U.N. report ignored Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinian rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion, adding that lessons must be learned for future agreements with the Palestinians. He said world leaders cannot wait for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement to affirm Israel's right to protect itself.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP7M1G4 & show_article=1


To bomb, or to bunker? Israel 's Iran choices narrow

16 Sep 2009 12:55:52 GMT.

ANALYSIS- By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war -- earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran 's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China

blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council. That the Obama administration signed on to negotiating without preconditions -- a potential disavowal of the United States's past demand for an enrichment halt -- may only crank up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ticking clock. "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran , the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.



Talks With Iran

14 September 2009 - Germany - Junge Welt - Original Article (German)

The Iran Six – China , Germany , France , Great Britain , Russia and the United States – have decided to accept Tehran ’s invitation for talks. Javier Solana, responsible for the European Union’s foreign policy, had already met with the Iranian leader’s representatives and announced on Friday that he wished to set a definite date for the talks as soon as possible.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottkai sent the EU a five-page letter last Wednesday that contained a list of basic subjects to be considered for long-term negotiations, but stopped short of agreeing to one central demand made by both the United States and European Union. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and other officials had no interest in taking part in discussions centering exclusively on Iran ’s civilian nuclear energy program. Mottaki did mention on Sunday the possibility of including Iran ’s nuclear program on the agenda along with other subjects “provided conditions were suitable.†On the same day, Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi emphasized that the production of nuclear weapons has never been Iran ’s goal. “We regard the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction to be incompatible with our religious, humanitarian and national principles,†he said.

Philip Crowley, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, who at first rejected the Iranian offer as “inadequate,†said on Friday that he was skeptical about the prognosis for success of the talks. "Clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we – the United States and the international community and the UN Security Council – can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future," Crowley said. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted unnamed government officials as saying that U.S. “willingness to proceed was based in part on a recognition that some form of talks had to take place before the United States could make a case for imposing far stronger sanctions on Iran.â€






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:50:56 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon , and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh , Lebanon , on Friday. Israel 's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel , according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran 's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany .



A copy of Iran ’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel . A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee , is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the

Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

Attachment(s) from Cosmologer

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Hello list,


Here is more interesting news concerning Israel and Iran. The tension is clearly up as reflected in the lead story.




Iranian president raises stakes against Israel

Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:07pm IST

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has raised the stakes against Israel by describing the Holocaust as a lie, just as world powers are trying to decide how to deal with the nuclear ambitions of an Iran in political turmoil. "The pretext (Holocaust) for the creation of the Zionist regime (Israel) is false ... It is a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim," he told worshippers at Tehran University at the end of an annual anti-Israel "Qods (Jerusalem) Day" rally. "Confronting the Zionist regime is a national and religious duty."



Clashes Reported as Iranians Hold Demonstrations

September 18, 2009

LONDON — Courting renewed international criticism, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran on Friday called the Holocaust a myth as large crowds marked an annual pro-Palestinian demonstration, and clashes were reported between his supporters and opposition protesters. With sketchy accounts filtering past official media controls, Al Arabiya television in Dubai and the opposition ePersian Radio, based in California, said supporters of opposition candidates in the disputed June 12 election defied official orders from the Revolutionary Guards to avoid using the annual Quds Day, meaning Jerusalem Day, as a cover for protests, Bloomberg News reported. Supporters of reformist candidates in the election maintain that President Ahmadinejad’s landslide victory in the vote was tainted by fraud. Protests over the vote have plunged Iran into

its deepest political crisis since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.



US Mideast envoy fails to strike settlement deal

Sep 18 07:24 AM US/Eastern

US envoy George Mitchell appeared Friday to have failed to secure a key deal on Jewish settlements aimed at paving the way for a resumption of Middle East peace negotiations. The former senator shuttled between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Friday, after having met with both leaders earlier this week. He has been trying to wrest a compromise on the thorny issue that would have led to a three-way meeting between Netanyahu, Abbas and US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of next week's UN General Assembly.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.a092953e6edacc18ddec8153d328c2bd.6b1 & show_article=1


A'jad gets heave-ho from Helmsley Hotel

10:02 AM, September 18, 2009

The New York Helmsley Hotel last night abruptly canceled a long-planned banquet for next week after finding out that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was scheduled to attend and speak, The Post has learned. Helmsley representatives told Ahmadinejad to beat it after being informed by the security group United Against Nuclear Iran that the Israel-hating, Holocaust-denying America basher was going to be in the house next Thursday. Helmsley execs were unaware that Ahmadinejad -- who will be in town for a meeting of the UN General Assembly next week -- was involved in the event until informed by UANI yesterday.





Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:44:42 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Hello list members,


The tension continues for Israel concerning Iran's nuclear ambitions and peace with the Palestinians.


AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb

Sep 17 01:23 PM US/Eastern

VIENNA (AP) - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities. It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief. The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP714G0 & show_article=1


Netanyahu to world: Back Israeli self-defense

Associated Press - Sep 17 02:08 PM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli he Jewish New Year holiday, which begins Friday.

He said the U.N. report ignored Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinian rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion, adding that lessons must be learned for future agreements with the Palestinians. He said world leaders cannot wait for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement to affirm Israel's right to protect itself.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP7M1G4 & show_article=1


To bomb, or to bunker? Israel 's Iran choices narrow

16 Sep 2009 12:55:52 GMT.

ANALYSIS- By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war -- earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran 's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China

blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council. That the Obama administration signed on to negotiating without preconditions -- a potential disavowal of the United States's past demand for an enrichment halt -- may only crank up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ticking clock. "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran , the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.



Talks With Iran

14 September 2009 - Germany - Junge Welt - Original Article (German)

The Iran Six – China , Germany , France , Great Britain , Russia and the United States – have decided to accept Tehran ’s invitation for talks. Javier Solana, responsible for the European Union’s foreign policy, had already met with the Iranian leader’s representatives and announced on Friday that he wished to set a definite date for the talks as soon as possible.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottkai sent the EU a five-page letter last Wednesday that contained a list of basic subjects to be considered for long-term negotiations, but stopped short of agreeing to one central demand made by both the United States and European Union. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and other officials had no interest in taking part in discussions centering exclusively on Iran ’s civilian nuclear energy program. Mottaki did mention on Sunday the possibility of including Iran ’s nuclear program on the agenda along with other subjects “provided conditions were suitable.†On the same day, Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi emphasized that the production of nuclear weapons has never been Iran ’s goal. “We regard the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction to be incompatible with our religious, humanitarian and national principles,†he said.

Philip Crowley, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, who at first rejected the Iranian offer as “inadequate,†said on Friday that he was skeptical about the prognosis for success of the talks. "Clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we – the United States and the international community and the UN Security Council – can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future," Crowley said. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted unnamed government officials as saying that U.S. “willingness to proceed was based in part on a recognition that some form of talks had to take place before the United States could make a case for imposing far stronger sanctions on Iran.â€






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:50:56 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon , and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh , Lebanon , on Friday. Israel 's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel , according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran 's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany .



A copy of Iran ’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel . A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee , is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the

Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

Attachment(s) from Cosmologer

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Hello list,


Israel is not letting up on the pressure on Iran.


Israel says still has military option on Iran

21 Sep 2009 10:02:08 GMT

JERUSALEM, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Israel has not given up the option of a military response to Tehran's nuclear programme, a senior official said on Monday, after Russia's president said his Israeli counterpart assured him it would not attack Iran. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon was asked by Reuters if that comment by Israeli President Shimon Peres, as reported on Sunday by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, was a guarantee there would be no Israeli strike on Iran. Ayalon replied: "It is certainly not a guarantee.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 4:24:46 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Here is more interesting news concerning Israel and Iran. The tension is clearly up as reflected in the lead story.




Iranian president raises stakes against Israel

Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:07pm IST

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has raised the stakes against Israel by describing the Holocaust as a lie, just as world powers are trying to decide how to deal with the nuclear ambitions of an Iran in political turmoil. "The pretext (Holocaust) for the creation of the Zionist regime (Israel) is false ... It is a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim," he told worshippers at Tehran University at the end of an annual anti-Israel "Qods (Jerusalem) Day" rally. "Confronting the Zionist regime is a national and religious duty."



Clashes Reported as Iranians Hold Demonstrations

September 18, 2009

LONDON — Courting renewed international criticism, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran on Friday called the Holocaust a myth as large crowds marked an annual pro-Palestinian demonstration, and clashes were reported between his supporters and opposition protesters. With sketchy accounts filtering past official media controls, Al Arabiya television in Dubai and the opposition ePersian Radio, based in California, said supporters of opposition candidates in the disputed June 12 election defied official orders from the Revolutionary Guards to avoid using the annual Quds Day, meaning Jerusalem Day, as a cover for protests, Bloomberg News reported. Supporters of reformist candidates in the election maintain that President Ahmadinejad’s landslide victory in the vote was tainted by fraud. Protests over the vote have plunged Iran into

its deepest political crisis since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.



US Mideast envoy fails to strike settlement deal

Sep 18 07:24 AM US/Eastern

US envoy George Mitchell appeared Friday to have failed to secure a key deal on Jewish settlements aimed at paving the way for a resumption of Middle East peace negotiations. The former senator shuttled between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Friday, after having met with both leaders earlier this week. He has been trying to wrest a compromise on the thorny issue that would have led to a three-way meeting between Netanyahu, Abbas and US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of next week's UN General Assembly.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.a092953e6edacc18ddec8153d328c2bd.6b1 & show_article=1


A'jad gets heave-ho from Helmsley Hotel

10:02 AM, September 18, 2009

The New York Helmsley Hotel last night abruptly canceled a long-planned banquet for next week after finding out that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was scheduled to attend and speak, The Post has learned. Helmsley representatives told Ahmadinejad to beat it after being informed by the security group United Against Nuclear Iran that the Israel-hating, Holocaust-denying America basher was going to be in the house next Thursday. Helmsley execs were unaware that Ahmadinejad -- who will be in town for a meeting of the UN General Assembly next week -- was involved in the event until informed by UANI yesterday.





Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:44:42 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Hello list members,


The tension continues for Israel concerning Iran's nuclear ambitions and peace with the Palestinians.


AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb

Sep 17 01:23 PM US/Eastern

VIENNA (AP) - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities. It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief. The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP714G0 & show_article=1


Netanyahu to world: Back Israeli self-defense

Associated Press - Sep 17 02:08 PM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli he Jewish New Year holiday, which begins Friday.

He said the U.N. report ignored Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinian rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion, adding that lessons must be learned for future agreements with the Palestinians. He said world leaders cannot wait for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement to affirm Israel's right to protect itself.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP7M1G4 & show_article=1


To bomb, or to bunker? Israel 's Iran choices narrow

16 Sep 2009 12:55:52 GMT.

ANALYSIS- By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war -- earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran 's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China

blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council. That the Obama administration signed on to negotiating without preconditions -- a potential disavowal of the United States's past demand for an enrichment halt -- may only crank up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ticking clock. "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran , the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.



Talks With Iran

14 September 2009 - Germany - Junge Welt - Original Article (German)

The Iran Six – China , Germany , France , Great Britain , Russia and the United States – have decided to accept Tehran ’s invitation for talks. Javier Solana, responsible for the European Union’s foreign policy, had already met with the Iranian leader’s representatives and announced on Friday that he wished to set a definite date for the talks as soon as possible.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottkai sent the EU a five-page letter last Wednesday that contained a list of basic subjects to be considered for long-term negotiations, but stopped short of agreeing to one central demand made by both the United States and European Union. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and other officials had no interest in taking part in discussions centering exclusively on Iran ’s civilian nuclear energy program. Mottaki did mention on Sunday the possibility of including Iran ’s nuclear program on the agenda along with other subjects “provided conditions were suitable.†On the same day, Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi emphasized that the production of nuclear weapons has never been Iran ’s goal. “We regard the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction to be incompatible with our religious, humanitarian and national principles,†he said.

Philip Crowley, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, who at first rejected the Iranian offer as “inadequate,†said on Friday that he was skeptical about the prognosis for success of the talks. "Clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we – the United States and the international community and the UN Security Council – can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future," Crowley said. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted unnamed government officials as saying that U.S. “willingness to proceed was based in part on a recognition that some form of talks had to take place before the United States could make a case for imposing far stronger sanctions on Iran.â€






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:50:56 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon , and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh , Lebanon , on Friday. Israel 's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel , according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran 's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany .



A copy of Iran ’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel . A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee , is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the

Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

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Hello list,


More information about developments in Israel.


Dozens of Israeli warplanes fly low over Gaza in show of muscle for Iran

September 22, 2009, 12:30 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile's military sources report that dozens of low-flying Israeli Air Force warplanes coasted over the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip for two hours Monday, Sept. 21 in a show of strength unparalleled since 100 IAF jets practiced long-distance flights in June 2008 against Russian-made S-300 anti-missile systems based in Greece. The show of air strength, over Gaza City and the southern towns of Deir el Balakh, Khan Younes and Rafah ,was timed for prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu's departure for New York and defense minister Ehud Barak's arrival in Washington for talks with defense secretary Robert Gates. It was planned by the two Israeli leaders - and prompted by chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi - in the realization of the need to restore some bite to Israel's deterrent strength against a hostile Iran and its proxies, Hizballah and Hamas. This strength was badly dented by a spate of

ill-judged statements over last weekend.










Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 10:59:13 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Israel is not letting up on the pressure on Iran.


Israel says still has military option on Iran

21 Sep 2009 10:02:08 GMT

JERUSALEM, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Israel has not given up the option of a military response to Tehran's nuclear programme, a senior official said on Monday, after Russia's president said his Israeli counterpart assured him it would not attack Iran. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon was asked by Reuters if that comment by Israeli President Shimon Peres, as reported on Sunday by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, was a guarantee there would be no Israeli strike on Iran. Ayalon replied: "It is certainly not a guarantee.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 4:24:46 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Here is more interesting news concerning Israel and Iran. The tension is clearly up as reflected in the lead story.




Iranian president raises stakes against Israel

Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:07pm IST

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has raised the stakes against Israel by describing the Holocaust as a lie, just as world powers are trying to decide how to deal with the nuclear ambitions of an Iran in political turmoil. "The pretext (Holocaust) for the creation of the Zionist regime (Israel) is false ... It is a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim," he told worshippers at Tehran University at the end of an annual anti-Israel "Qods (Jerusalem) Day" rally. "Confronting the Zionist regime is a national and religious duty."



Clashes Reported as Iranians Hold Demonstrations

September 18, 2009

LONDON — Courting renewed international criticism, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran on Friday called the Holocaust a myth as large crowds marked an annual pro-Palestinian demonstration, and clashes were reported between his supporters and opposition protesters. With sketchy accounts filtering past official media controls, Al Arabiya television in Dubai and the opposition ePersian Radio, based in California, said supporters of opposition candidates in the disputed June 12 election defied official orders from the Revolutionary Guards to avoid using the annual Quds Day, meaning Jerusalem Day, as a cover for protests, Bloomberg News reported. Supporters of reformist candidates in the election maintain that President Ahmadinejad’s landslide victory in the vote was tainted by fraud. Protests over the vote have plunged Iran into

its deepest political crisis since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.



US Mideast envoy fails to strike settlement deal

Sep 18 07:24 AM US/Eastern

US envoy George Mitchell appeared Friday to have failed to secure a key deal on Jewish settlements aimed at paving the way for a resumption of Middle East peace negotiations. The former senator shuttled between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Friday, after having met with both leaders earlier this week. He has been trying to wrest a compromise on the thorny issue that would have led to a three-way meeting between Netanyahu, Abbas and US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of next week's UN General Assembly.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.a092953e6edacc18ddec8153d328c2bd.6b1 & show_article=1


A'jad gets heave-ho from Helmsley Hotel

10:02 AM, September 18, 2009

The New York Helmsley Hotel last night abruptly canceled a long-planned banquet for next week after finding out that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was scheduled to attend and speak, The Post has learned. Helmsley representatives told Ahmadinejad to beat it after being informed by the security group United Against Nuclear Iran that the Israel-hating, Holocaust-denying America basher was going to be in the house next Thursday. Helmsley execs were unaware that Ahmadinejad -- who will be in town for a meeting of the UN General Assembly next week -- was involved in the event until informed by UANI yesterday.





Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:44:42 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Hello list members,


The tension continues for Israel concerning Iran's nuclear ambitions and peace with the Palestinians.


AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb

Sep 17 01:23 PM US/Eastern

VIENNA (AP) - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities. It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief. The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP714G0 & show_article=1


Netanyahu to world: Back Israeli self-defense

Associated Press - Sep 17 02:08 PM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli he Jewish New Year holiday, which begins Friday.

He said the U.N. report ignored Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinian rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion, adding that lessons must be learned for future agreements with the Palestinians. He said world leaders cannot wait for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement to affirm Israel's right to protect itself.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP7M1G4 & show_article=1


To bomb, or to bunker? Israel 's Iran choices narrow

16 Sep 2009 12:55:52 GMT.

ANALYSIS- By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war -- earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran 's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China

blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council. That the Obama administration signed on to negotiating without preconditions -- a potential disavowal of the United States's past demand for an enrichment halt -- may only crank up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ticking clock. "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran , the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.



Talks With Iran

14 September 2009 - Germany - Junge Welt - Original Article (German)

The Iran Six – China , Germany , France , Great Britain , Russia and the United States – have decided to accept Tehran ’s invitation for talks. Javier Solana, responsible for the European Union’s foreign policy, had already met with the Iranian leader’s representatives and announced on Friday that he wished to set a definite date for the talks as soon as possible.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottkai sent the EU a five-page letter last Wednesday that contained a list of basic subjects to be considered for long-term negotiations, but stopped short of agreeing to one central demand made by both the United States and European Union. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and other officials had no interest in taking part in discussions centering exclusively on Iran ’s civilian nuclear energy program. Mottaki did mention on Sunday the possibility of including Iran ’s nuclear program on the agenda along with other subjects “provided conditions were suitable.†On the same day, Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi emphasized that the production of nuclear weapons has never been Iran ’s goal. “We regard the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction to be incompatible with our religious, humanitarian and national principles,†he said.

Philip Crowley, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, who at first rejected the Iranian offer as “inadequate,†said on Friday that he was skeptical about the prognosis for success of the talks. "Clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we – the United States and the international community and the UN Security Council – can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future," Crowley said. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted unnamed government officials as saying that U.S. “willingness to proceed was based in part on a recognition that some form of talks had to take place before the United States could make a case for imposing far stronger sanctions on Iran.â€






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:50:56 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon , and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh , Lebanon , on Friday. Israel 's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel , according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran 's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany .



A copy of Iran ’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel . A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee , is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the

Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

Attachment(s) from Cosmologer

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Hello dear list members,


Here is the latest on the war of words between Israel and Iran, plus a piece on Obama.


Ahmadinejad warns against military attack on Iran

Sep 22, 6:17 AM (ET)

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed Tuesday his country is now stronger than ever and warned that the Iranian military will "cut the hand" of anyone who dares attack the nation. Ahmadinejad spoke at an army parade in Tehran that showcased Iranian military might and marked the anniversary of the start of the 1980-1988 Iraq-Iran war. The war, launched by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, claimed an estimated 1 million lives. "Our armed forces will cut the hand of anyone in the world before it pulls the trigger against the Iranian nation," said Ahmadinejad.



Iran regime 'weaker than people think': Netanyahu

Sep 22 07:16 PM US/Eastern

Iran's regime is "weaker than people think" and now is the time for world leaders to press it hard on its suspect nuclear activities, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday. "I'd like to believe that the international community understands that Iran has to be pressed strongly, there are ways of pressing this regime right now because it's weak," Netanyahu told CNN. "It's weaker than people think. It doesn't enjoy the support of its own people," he said, adding that the prospect of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons "threatens world peace in a way that very few events could possibly threaten it."

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.a107751183efc761a95b7687cb8acd74.931 & show_article=1


Iran says makes new model of nuclear centrifuges

Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:25pm IST

TEHRAN, Sept 22 (Reuters) - Iran has built a new generation of centrifuges for enriching uranium and is testing them, the official news agency IRNA quoted its nuclear energy agency chief as saying on Tuesday. "Iranian scientists have made a new generation of centrifuges that are currently undergoing necessary tests," Ali Akbar Salehi told a Tehran news conference as reported by IRNA. "Chains of 10 centrifuges are now under test," he said, and the number in each chain "will be gradually increased."



And here is one more story on international perceptions of President Obama linked to his efforts to reform the health care system and his foreign policy initiatives.


“Make It or Break It†Time for Obama

The flagship healthcare reform has ground to a halt, and his actual achievements in foreign policy have not stood up to the lofty rhetoric of his speeches.

22 September 2009 - Finland - Helsingin Sanomat - Original Article (Finnish)

America is ready to lead again – or at least that is what Barack Obama promised in his inaugural speech eight months ago. This week will go far in showing if he is able to deliver on his promise.




I need to take a break from posting, but members are, as ever, invited and encouraged to post.








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 10:59:13 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Israel is not letting up on the pressure on Iran.


Israel says still has military option on Iran

21 Sep 2009 10:02:08 GMT

JERUSALEM, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Israel has not given up the option of a military response to Tehran's nuclear programme, a senior official said on Monday, after Russia's president said his Israeli counterpart assured him it would not attack Iran. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon was asked by Reuters if that comment by Israeli President Shimon Peres, as reported on Sunday by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, was a guarantee there would be no Israeli strike on Iran. Ayalon replied: "It is certainly not a guarantee.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 4:24:46 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Here is more interesting news concerning Israel and Iran. The tension is clearly up as reflected in the lead story.




Iranian president raises stakes against Israel

Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:07pm IST

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has raised the stakes against Israel by describing the Holocaust as a lie, just as world powers are trying to decide how to deal with the nuclear ambitions of an Iran in political turmoil. "The pretext (Holocaust) for the creation of the Zionist regime (Israel) is false ... It is a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim," he told worshippers at Tehran University at the end of an annual anti-Israel "Qods (Jerusalem) Day" rally. "Confronting the Zionist regime is a national and religious duty."



Clashes Reported as Iranians Hold Demonstrations

September 18, 2009

LONDON — Courting renewed international criticism, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran on Friday called the Holocaust a myth as large crowds marked an annual pro-Palestinian demonstration, and clashes were reported between his supporters and opposition protesters. With sketchy accounts filtering past official media controls, Al Arabiya television in Dubai and the opposition ePersian Radio, based in California, said supporters of opposition candidates in the disputed June 12 election defied official orders from the Revolutionary Guards to avoid using the annual Quds Day, meaning Jerusalem Day, as a cover for protests, Bloomberg News reported. Supporters of reformist candidates in the election maintain that President Ahmadinejad’s landslide victory in the vote was tainted by fraud. Protests over the vote have plunged Iran into

its deepest political crisis since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.



US Mideast envoy fails to strike settlement deal

Sep 18 07:24 AM US/Eastern

US envoy George Mitchell appeared Friday to have failed to secure a key deal on Jewish settlements aimed at paving the way for a resumption of Middle East peace negotiations. The former senator shuttled between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Friday, after having met with both leaders earlier this week. He has been trying to wrest a compromise on the thorny issue that would have led to a three-way meeting between Netanyahu, Abbas and US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of next week's UN General Assembly.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.a092953e6edacc18ddec8153d328c2bd.6b1 & show_article=1


A'jad gets heave-ho from Helmsley Hotel

10:02 AM, September 18, 2009

The New York Helmsley Hotel last night abruptly canceled a long-planned banquet for next week after finding out that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was scheduled to attend and speak, The Post has learned. Helmsley representatives told Ahmadinejad to beat it after being informed by the security group United Against Nuclear Iran that the Israel-hating, Holocaust-denying America basher was going to be in the house next Thursday. Helmsley execs were unaware that Ahmadinejad -- who will be in town for a meeting of the UN General Assembly next week -- was involved in the event until informed by UANI yesterday.





Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:44:42 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Hello list members,


The tension continues for Israel concerning Iran's nuclear ambitions and peace with the Palestinians.


AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb

Sep 17 01:23 PM US/Eastern

VIENNA (AP) - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities. It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief. The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP714G0 & show_article=1


Netanyahu to world: Back Israeli self-defense

Associated Press - Sep 17 02:08 PM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli he Jewish New Year holiday, which begins Friday.

He said the U.N. report ignored Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinian rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion, adding that lessons must be learned for future agreements with the Palestinians. He said world leaders cannot wait for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement to affirm Israel's right to protect itself.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP7M1G4 & show_article=1


To bomb, or to bunker? Israel 's Iran choices narrow

16 Sep 2009 12:55:52 GMT.

ANALYSIS- By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war -- earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran 's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China

blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council. That the Obama administration signed on to negotiating without preconditions -- a potential disavowal of the United States's past demand for an enrichment halt -- may only crank up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ticking clock. "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran , the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.



Talks With Iran

14 September 2009 - Germany - Junge Welt - Original Article (German)

The Iran Six – China , Germany , France , Great Britain , Russia and the United States – have decided to accept Tehran ’s invitation for talks. Javier Solana, responsible for the European Union’s foreign policy, had already met with the Iranian leader’s representatives and announced on Friday that he wished to set a definite date for the talks as soon as possible.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottkai sent the EU a five-page letter last Wednesday that contained a list of basic subjects to be considered for long-term negotiations, but stopped short of agreeing to one central demand made by both the United States and European Union. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and other officials had no interest in taking part in discussions centering exclusively on Iran ’s civilian nuclear energy program. Mottaki did mention on Sunday the possibility of including Iran ’s nuclear program on the agenda along with other subjects “provided conditions were suitable.†On the same day, Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi emphasized that the production of nuclear weapons has never been Iran ’s goal. “We regard the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction to be incompatible with our religious, humanitarian and national principles,†he said.

Philip Crowley, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, who at first rejected the Iranian offer as “inadequate,†said on Friday that he was skeptical about the prognosis for success of the talks. "Clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we – the United States and the international community and the UN Security Council – can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future," Crowley said. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted unnamed government officials as saying that U.S. “willingness to proceed was based in part on a recognition that some form of talks had to take place before the United States could make a case for imposing far stronger sanctions on Iran.â€






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:50:56 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon , and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh , Lebanon , on Friday. Israel 's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel , according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran 's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany .



A copy of Iran ’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel . A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee , is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the

Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello list,


Here is a story about tensions in Israel.


Unrest continues for third day in East Jerusalem

Story Highlights

- Leader of the Islamic movement in Israel arrested, questioned for inciting violence

- Palestinian youths throw stones at police, who are trying to break them up

- Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat accuses Israel of provoking tensions

- Erakat: "Israel is lighting matches in the hope of sparking a fire"

October 6, 2009 - updated 4 hours, 11 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli police on Tuesday arrested Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the Islamic movement in Israel, in the third consecutive day of unrest in East Jerusalem, police said. Palestinian youths throw stones at Israeli security forces, which tried to disperse them in East Jerusalem. Salah, an Israeli-Arab and former mayor of the Haifa District city of Umm el-Fahm, was arrested in Wadi Joz in East Jerusalem and was being questioned by police for incitement, Jerusalem police spokesman Shmulik ben Rubi said. Tuesday's arrest came amid scattered clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Fri, September 18, 2009 12:44:42 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Hello list members,


The tension continues for Israel concerning Iran's nuclear ambitions and peace with the Palestinians.


AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb

Sep 17 01:23 PM US/Eastern

VIENNA (AP) - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities. It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief. The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP714G0 & show_article=1


Netanyahu to world: Back Israeli self-defense

Associated Press - Sep 17 02:08 PM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli he Jewish New Year holiday, which begins Friday.

He said the U.N. report ignored Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinian rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion, adding that lessons must be learned for future agreements with the Palestinians. He said world leaders cannot wait for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement to affirm Israel's right to protect itself.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP7M1G4 & show_article=1


To bomb, or to bunker? Israel 's Iran choices narrow

16 Sep 2009 12:55:52 GMT.

ANALYSIS- By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war -- earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran 's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China

blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council. That the Obama administration signed on to negotiating without preconditions -- a potential disavowal of the United States's past demand for an enrichment halt -- may only crank up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ticking clock. "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran , the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.



Talks With Iran

14 September 2009 - Germany - Junge Welt - Original Article (German)

The Iran Six – China , Germany , France , Great Britain , Russia and the United States – have decided to accept Tehran ’s invitation for talks. Javier Solana, responsible for the European Union’s foreign policy, had already met with the Iranian leader’s representatives and announced on Friday that he wished to set a definite date for the talks as soon as possible.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottkai sent the EU a five-page letter last Wednesday that contained a list of basic subjects to be considered for long-term negotiations, but stopped short of agreeing to one central demand made by both the United States and European Union. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and other officials had no interest in taking part in discussions centering exclusively on Iran ’s civilian nuclear energy program. Mottaki did mention on Sunday the possibility of including Iran ’s nuclear program on the agenda along with other subjects “provided conditions were suitable.†On the same day, Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi emphasized that the production of nuclear weapons has never been Iran ’s goal. “We regard the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction to be incompatible with our religious, humanitarian and national principles,†he said.

Philip Crowley, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, who at first rejected the Iranian offer as “inadequate,†said on Friday that he was skeptical about the prognosis for success of the talks. "Clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we – the United States and the international community and the UN Security Council – can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future," Crowley said. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted unnamed government officials as saying that U.S. “willingness to proceed was based in part on a recognition that some form of talks had to take place before the United States could make a case for imposing far stronger sanctions on Iran.â€






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:50:56 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon , and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh , Lebanon , on Friday. Israel 's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel , according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran 's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany .



A copy of Iran ’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel . A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee , is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the

Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

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Hello list,


The international news uses words in their headlines like "tensions simmer"


Police deploy in Jerusalem as tensions simmer

Oct 6 03:57 AM US/Eastern

Israeli police deployed in force throughout Jerusalem on Tuesday ahead of a mass annual march, as tensions simmered in the Holy City after two days of clashes with Palestinian youths. "We are maintaining a state of alert and are deploying in force," Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben Rubi told AFP, adding that about 2,000 police officers and border guards were on the streets.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.9be4d25296f566e8700263e9d8411c2b.791 & show_article=1


For what its worth, the tense situation over Iran's nuclear ambitions may be affecting the Israelis in other ways.


Israel intercepts plane overflying nuclear reactor

Oct 6 08:35 AM US/Eastern

The Israeli air force scrambled fighter jets on Tuesday after a light aircraft flew into restricted air space over its nuclear reactor in the southern Negev desert, the military said. The warplanes intercepted the aircraft and forced it to land at a nearby airstrip, where the two pilots were handed over to civilian authorities for investigation, an army spokeswoman said. Police had no immediate comment but Israeli media reported that the two men, from central Israel, claimed to have lost their way. Aircraft are forbidden from flying over the reactor near the desert town of Dimona.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.850d132430e5d74066fe3cd4b0e54957.831 & show_article=1






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 3:54:51 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Here is a story about tensions in Israel.


Unrest continues for third day in East Jerusalem

Story Highlights

- Leader of the Islamic movement in Israel arrested, questioned for inciting violence

- Palestinian youths throw stones at police, who are trying to break them up

- Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat accuses Israel of provoking tensions

- Erakat: " Israel is lighting matches in the hope of sparking a fire"

October 6, 2009 - updated 4 hours, 11 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli police on Tuesday arrested Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the Islamic movement in Israel , in the third consecutive day of unrest in East Jerusalem , police said. Palestinian youths throw stones at Israeli security forces, which tried to disperse them in East Jerusalem . Salah, an Israeli-Arab and former mayor of the Haifa District city of Umm el-Fahm, was arrested in Wadi Joz in East Jerusalem and was being questioned by police for incitement, Jerusalem police spokesman Shmulik ben Rubi said. Tuesday's arrest came amid scattered clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Fri, September 18, 2009 12:44:42 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Hello list members,


The tension continues for Israel concerning Iran's nuclear ambitions and peace with the Palestinians.


AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb

Sep 17 01:23 PM US/Eastern

VIENNA (AP) - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities. It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief. The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP714G0 & show_article=1


Netanyahu to world: Back Israeli self-defense

Associated Press - Sep 17 02:08 PM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli he Jewish New Year holiday, which begins Friday.

He said the U.N. report ignored Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinian rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion, adding that lessons must be learned for future agreements with the Palestinians. He said world leaders cannot wait for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement to affirm Israel's right to protect itself.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP7M1G4 & show_article=1


To bomb, or to bunker? Israel 's Iran choices narrow

16 Sep 2009 12:55:52 GMT.

ANALYSIS- By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war -- earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran 's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China

blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council. That the Obama administration signed on to negotiating without preconditions -- a potential disavowal of the United States's past demand for an enrichment halt -- may only crank up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ticking clock. "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran , the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.



Talks With Iran

14 September 2009 - Germany - Junge Welt - Original Article (German)

The Iran Six – China , Germany , France , Great Britain , Russia and the United States – have decided to accept Tehran ’s invitation for talks. Javier Solana, responsible for the European Union’s foreign policy, had already met with the Iranian leader’s representatives and announced on Friday that he wished to set a definite date for the talks as soon as possible.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottkai sent the EU a five-page letter last Wednesday that contained a list of basic subjects to be considered for long-term negotiations, but stopped short of agreeing to one central demand made by both the United States and European Union. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and other officials had no interest in taking part in discussions centering exclusively on Iran ’s civilian nuclear energy program. Mottaki did mention on Sunday the possibility of including Iran ’s nuclear program on the agenda along with other subjects “provided conditions were suitable.†On the same day, Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi emphasized that the production of nuclear weapons has never been Iran ’s goal. “We regard the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction to be incompatible with our religious, humanitarian and national principles,†he said.

Philip Crowley, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, who at first rejected the Iranian offer as “inadequate,†said on Friday that he was skeptical about the prognosis for success of the talks. "Clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we – the United States and the international community and the UN Security Council – can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future," Crowley said. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted unnamed government officials as saying that U.S. “willingness to proceed was based in part on a recognition that some form of talks had to take place before the United States could make a case for imposing far stronger sanctions on Iran.â€






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:50:56 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon , and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh , Lebanon , on Friday. Israel 's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel , according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran 's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany .



A copy of Iran ’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel . A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee , is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the

Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

Attachment(s) from Cosmologer

1 of 1 Photo(s)








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Hello list,


Here is a news update on the tense situation:


Iran: Israel's threats inexplicable

10.09.09, 23:19 / Israel News

Iran's ambassador to UN demands Security Council take steps against comments made by Ephraim Sneh, who said Israel would attack Iran if sanctions weren't in place by Christmas. Iran's ambassador to the UN, Mohammad Khazaee, sent a letter of protest to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moonin which he wrote that "there is no explanation for Israel's continuing threats against Tehran". He was referring to an interview given by former Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh to the

Sunday Times in which he said that if Iran were not further sanctioned by this Christmas Israel would attack the country.



Iran moves to impose gasoline rationing ready for showdown with US

DEBKAfile Special Report - Tehran plans to slash the supply of subsided gasoline to the public by 45 percent and ration individual purchases to 55 liters per month, down from the 100 allowed at present. This announcement Wednesday, Oct. 8, by Iranian oil minister Massoud Mirkazemi was Tehran's second step ahead of an expected showdown with the West over its nuclear program.



Tehran accuses US in case of missing Iranian nuclear scientist

October 8, 2009, 6:23 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile Special Report - Iran's foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki charged Wednesday, Oct. 7 that Tehran had "documents that prove US interference" in the disappearance of the nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri during a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia earlier this year. He spoke after attending an Iranian cabinet meeting. Six days after meeting the six powers on its nuclear program in Geneva, Tehran appears to be preparing a new crisis. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly denied having any information "on this individual." Some Saudi sources claimed the scientist asked the kingdom for political asylum but this was denied by Riyadh.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 4:07:37 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


The international news uses words in their headlines like "tensions simmer"


Police deploy in Jerusalem as tensions simmer

Oct 6 03:57 AM US/Eastern

Israeli police deployed in force throughout Jerusalem on Tuesday ahead of a mass annual march, as tensions simmered in the Holy City after two days of clashes with Palestinian youths. "We are maintaining a state of alert and are deploying in force," Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben Rubi told AFP, adding that about 2,000 police officers and border guards were on the streets.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.9be4d25296f566e8700263e9d8411c2b.791 & show_article=1


For what its worth, the tense situation over Iran's nuclear ambitions may be affecting the Israelis in other ways.


Israel intercepts plane overflying nuclear reactor

Oct 6 08:35 AM US/Eastern

The Israeli air force scrambled fighter jets on Tuesday after a light aircraft flew into restricted air space over its nuclear reactor in the southern Negev desert, the military said. The warplanes intercepted the aircraft and forced it to land at a nearby airstrip, where the two pilots were handed over to civilian authorities for investigation, an army spokeswoman said. Police had no immediate comment but Israeli media reported that the two men, from central Israel , claimed to have lost their way. Aircraft are forbidden from flying over the reactor near the desert town of Dimona .

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.850d132430e5d74066fe3cd4b0e54957.831 & show_article=1






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 3:54:51 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Here is a story about tensions in Israel.


Unrest continues for third day in East Jerusalem

Story Highlights

- Leader of the Islamic movement in Israel arrested, questioned for inciting violence

- Palestinian youths throw stones at police, who are trying to break them up

- Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat accuses Israel of provoking tensions

- Erakat: " Israel is lighting matches in the hope of sparking a fire"

October 6, 2009 - updated 4 hours, 11 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli police on Tuesday arrested Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the Islamic movement in Israel , in the third consecutive day of unrest in East Jerusalem , police said. Palestinian youths throw stones at Israeli security forces, which tried to disperse them in East Jerusalem . Salah, an Israeli-Arab and former mayor of the Haifa District city of Umm el-Fahm, was arrested in Wadi Joz in East Jerusalem and was being questioned by police for incitement, Jerusalem police spokesman Shmulik ben Rubi said. Tuesday's arrest came amid scattered clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Fri, September 18, 2009 12:44:42 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Hello list members,


The tension continues for Israel concerning Iran's nuclear ambitions and peace with the Palestinians.


AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb

Sep 17 01:23 PM US/Eastern

VIENNA (AP) - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities. It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief. The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP714G0 & show_article=1


Netanyahu to world: Back Israeli self-defense

Associated Press - Sep 17 02:08 PM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli he Jewish New Year holiday, which begins Friday.

He said the U.N. report ignored Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinian rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion, adding that lessons must be learned for future agreements with the Palestinians. He said world leaders cannot wait for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement to affirm Israel's right to protect itself.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP7M1G4 & show_article=1


To bomb, or to bunker? Israel 's Iran choices narrow

16 Sep 2009 12:55:52 GMT.

ANALYSIS- By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war -- earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran 's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China

blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council. That the Obama administration signed on to negotiating without preconditions -- a potential disavowal of the United States's past demand for an enrichment halt -- may only crank up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ticking clock. "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran , the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.



Talks With Iran

14 September 2009 - Germany - Junge Welt - Original Article (German)

The Iran Six – China , Germany , France , Great Britain , Russia and the United States – have decided to accept Tehran ’s invitation for talks. Javier Solana, responsible for the European Union’s foreign policy, had already met with the Iranian leader’s representatives and announced on Friday that he wished to set a definite date for the talks as soon as possible.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottkai sent the EU a five-page letter last Wednesday that contained a list of basic subjects to be considered for long-term negotiations, but stopped short of agreeing to one central demand made by both the United States and European Union. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and other officials had no interest in taking part in discussions centering exclusively on Iran ’s civilian nuclear energy program. Mottaki did mention on Sunday the possibility of including Iran ’s nuclear program on the agenda along with other subjects “provided conditions were suitable.†On the same day, Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi emphasized that the production of nuclear weapons has never been Iran ’s goal. “We regard the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction to be incompatible with our religious, humanitarian and national principles,†he said.

Philip Crowley, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, who at first rejected the Iranian offer as “inadequate,†said on Friday that he was skeptical about the prognosis for success of the talks. "Clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we – the United States and the international community and the UN Security Council – can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future," Crowley said. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted unnamed government officials as saying that U.S. “willingness to proceed was based in part on a recognition that some form of talks had to take place before the United States could make a case for imposing far stronger sanctions on Iran.â€






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:50:56 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon , and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh , Lebanon , on Friday. Israel 's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel , according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran 's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany .



A copy of Iran ’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel . A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee , is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the

Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

Attachment(s) from Cosmologer

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Hello list,


The Iran nuclear issue is still at the top of the international agenda. I attach the chart for Israel and discuss it at the end of this message.


Obama charts grand new strategy for isolating Iran

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Report - October 9, 2009, 5:55 PM (GMT+02:00)

Under cover of the Geneva encounter with Iran, US president Barack Obama has enlisted Russia, France and Israel for launching an ambitious new initiative designed to isolate Iran, deter Israel from a military strike and turn the big power order in the Middle East on its head. http://debka.com/headline.php?hid=6304


US wants bunker-buster fast, denies Iran is reason

Associated Press – 57 mins ago

WASHINGTON – The Pentagon is speeding up delivery of a colossal bomb designed to destroy hidden weapons bunkers buried underground and shielded by 10,000 pounds of reinforced concrete. Call it Plan B for dealing with Iran, which recently revealed a long-suspected nuclear site deep inside a mountain near the holy city of Qom. The 15-ton behemoth — called the "massive ordnance penetrator," or MOP — will be the largest non-nuclear bomb in the U.S. arsenal and will carry 5,300 pounds of explosives. The bomb is about 10 times more powerful than the weapon it is designed to replace.



Clinton in talks with Russians about Iran

Associated Press – 34 mins ago

MOSCOW – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was meeting with Russian leaders on Tuesday to urge their support in pressuring Iran to prove its nuclear program is peaceful. In talks with Russia's president and foreign minister, Clinton is trying to gauge Moscow's willingness to back specific measures that could be imposed on Iran if it fails to comply with international demands to come clean on its atomic activities. At the beginning of her meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Clinton said they would be discussing "important matters, both between our two countries but including important matters we are working on globally." Beyond Iran, the two diplomats were expected to discuss a recent Obama administration decision to scale back a Bush-era proposal for an anti-missile shield in Europe.



Russia halts TOR-M1, S-300 air, missile defense missiles to Iran

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report - October 12, 2009, 2:55 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile's military sources report that Russia's abrupt suspension of consignments of advanced Tor-M1 air defense missiles and S-300 anti-missile systems has left Tehran high and dry for effective weapons to defend itself and its nuclear facilities against attacks. Our Iranian sources disclose that extreme frustration prompted the boasts of Revolutionary Guards Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami Sunday, Oct. 11, that Tehran's hi-tech missiles can repel any attack against the country. He spoke in the northern town of Sarri. Regarding sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic, he said: "Today, the US is experiencing demise despite its great economic, defensive and military power, but the Islamic Iran has remained abloom amid waves of animosities and blaze of sanctions and the nation's power and capability are getting stronger every day." Salami went on to sing the praises of the Revolutionary Guards, its power and its missile capability for confronting enemy threats. Our Sejil missiles, he said, can repel any threat and attack.



Israel postpones at last minute joint Juniper Cobra exercise with US

DEBKAfile Special Report - October 12, 2009, 9:43 AM (GMT+02:00)

US and Israeli forces were already poised to launch their joint Juniper Cobra strategic missile defense exercise, which takes place every two years, to begin Monday Oct. 12, when at noon an Israeli military spokesman suddenly announced its postponement by one week. The announcement came three days after Turkey called off its sixth annual international air maneuver when the US and Italy pulled out in protest against the Israeli air force's last-minute exclusion by Ankara. It also followed a statement in Tehran by Revolutionary Guards Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami that Iran's high-tech Sejil missiles can repel any threat and attack on the country.



Please note that the 21° Capricorn rising chart for Israel begins the Mars-Rahu period on October 15, 2009. On the morning of October 16, transit 7th lord Moon joins transit 2nd lord Saturn under the gaze of transit Rahu. Fortunately, natal Rahu is not afflicting at this time, still the tension should be palpable at this time in Israel.






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sun, October 11, 2009 10:01:16 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Here is a news update on the tense situation:


Iran: Israel 's threats inexplicable

10.09.09, 23:19 / Israel News

I ran 's ambassador to UN demands Security Council take steps against comments made by Ephraim Sneh, who said Israel would attack Iran if sanctions weren't in place by Christmas. Iran 's ambassador to the UN, Mohammad Khazaee, sent a letter of protest to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moonin which he wrote that "there is no explanation for Israel 's continuing threats against Tehran ". He was referring to an interview given by former Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh to the Sunday Times in which he said that if Iran were not further sanctioned by this Christmas Israel would attack the country.



Iran moves to impose gasoline rationing ready for showdown with US

DEBKAfile Special Report - Tehran plans to slash the supply of subsided gasoline to the public by 45 percent and ration individual purchases to 55 liters per month, down from the 100 allowed at present. This announcement Wednesday, Oct. 8, by Iranian oil minister Massoud Mirkazemi was Tehran 's second step ahead of an expected showdown with the West over its nuclear program.



Tehran accuses US in case of missing Iranian nuclear scientist

October 8, 2009, 6:23 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile Special Report - Iran's foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki charged Wednesday, Oct. 7 that Tehran had "documents that prove US interference" in the disappearance of the nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri during a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia earlier this year. He spoke after attending an Iranian cabinet meeting. Six days after meeting the six powers on its nuclear program in Geneva , Tehran appears to be preparing a new crisis. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly denied having any information "on this individual." Some Saudi sources claimed the scientist asked the kingdom for political asylum but this was denied by Riyadh .







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 4:07:37 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


The international news uses words in their headlines like "tensions simmer"


Police deploy in Jerusalem as tensions simmer

Oct 6 03:57 AM US/Eastern

Israeli police deployed in force throughout Jerusalem on Tuesday ahead of a mass annual march, as tensions simmered in the Holy City after two days of clashes with Palestinian youths. "We are maintaining a state of alert and are deploying in force," Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben Rubi told AFP, adding that about 2,000 police officers and border guards were on the streets.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.9be4d25296f566e8700263e9d8411c2b.791 & show_article=1


For what its worth, the tense situation over Iran's nuclear ambitions may be affecting the Israelis in other ways.


Israel intercepts plane overflying nuclear reactor

Oct 6 08:35 AM US/Eastern

The Israeli air force scrambled fighter jets on Tuesday after a light aircraft flew into restricted air space over its nuclear reactor in the southern Negev desert, the military said. The warplanes intercepted the aircraft and forced it to land at a nearby airstrip, where the two pilots were handed over to civilian authorities for investigation, an army spokeswoman said. Police had no immediate comment but Israeli media reported that the two men, from central Israel , claimed to have lost their way. Aircraft are forbidden from flying over the reactor near the desert town of Dimona .

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.850d132430e5d74066fe3cd4b0e54957.831 & show_article=1






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 3:54:51 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Here is a story about tensions in Israel.


Unrest continues for third day in East Jerusalem

Story Highlights

- Leader of the Islamic movement in Israel arrested, questioned for inciting violence

- Palestinian youths throw stones at police, who are trying to break them up

- Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat accuses Israel of provoking tensions

- Erakat: " Israel is lighting matches in the hope of sparking a fire"

October 6, 2009 - updated 4 hours, 11 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli police on Tuesday arrested Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the Islamic movement in Israel , in the third consecutive day of unrest in East Jerusalem , police said. Palestinian youths throw stones at Israeli security forces, which tried to disperse them in East Jerusalem . Salah, an Israeli-Arab and former mayor of the Haifa District city of Umm el-Fahm, was arrested in Wadi Joz in East Jerusalem and was being questioned by police for incitement, Jerusalem police spokesman Shmulik ben Rubi said. Tuesday's arrest came amid scattered clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Fri, September 18, 2009 12:44:42 AMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Hello list members,


The tension continues for Israel concerning Iran's nuclear ambitions and peace with the Palestinians.


AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb

Sep 17 01:23 PM US/Eastern

VIENNA (AP) - Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities. It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief. The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP714G0 & show_article=1


Netanyahu to world: Back Israeli self-defense

Associated Press - Sep 17 02:08 PM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli he Jewish New Year holiday, which begins Friday.

He said the U.N. report ignored Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinian rocket attacks that preceded Israel's invasion, adding that lessons must be learned for future agreements with the Palestinians. He said world leaders cannot wait for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement to affirm Israel's right to protect itself.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9AP7M1G4 & show_article=1


To bomb, or to bunker? Israel 's Iran choices narrow

16 Sep 2009 12:55:52 GMT.

ANALYSIS- By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war -- earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran 's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China

blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council. That the Obama administration signed on to negotiating without preconditions -- a potential disavowal of the United States's past demand for an enrichment halt -- may only crank up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ticking clock. "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran , the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.



Talks With Iran

14 September 2009 - Germany - Junge Welt - Original Article (German)

The Iran Six – China , Germany , France , Great Britain , Russia and the United States – have decided to accept Tehran ’s invitation for talks. Javier Solana, responsible for the European Union’s foreign policy, had already met with the Iranian leader’s representatives and announced on Friday that he wished to set a definite date for the talks as soon as possible.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottkai sent the EU a five-page letter last Wednesday that contained a list of basic subjects to be considered for long-term negotiations, but stopped short of agreeing to one central demand made by both the United States and European Union. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and other officials had no interest in taking part in discussions centering exclusively on Iran ’s civilian nuclear energy program. Mottaki did mention on Sunday the possibility of including Iran ’s nuclear program on the agenda along with other subjects “provided conditions were suitable.†On the same day, Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi emphasized that the production of nuclear weapons has never been Iran ’s goal. “We regard the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction to be incompatible with our religious, humanitarian and national principles,†he said.

Philip Crowley, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, who at first rejected the Iranian offer as “inadequate,†said on Friday that he was skeptical about the prognosis for success of the talks. "Clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we – the United States and the international community and the UN Security Council – can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future," Crowley said. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted unnamed government officials as saying that U.S. “willingness to proceed was based in part on a recognition that some form of talks had to take place before the United States could make a case for imposing far stronger sanctions on Iran.â€






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:50:56 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Hello list,


Today, the following news appeared.


UN criticizes rocket attack on Israel

updated 3 hours, 32 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The United Nations has condemned Friday's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon , and urged both sides "to exercise maximum restraint." Italian soldiers with UNIFIL and Lebanese security forces inspect a rocket site in Qlayleh , Lebanon , on Friday. Israel 's military fired between 12 and 18 artillery shells into southern Lebanon Friday shortly after the rocket attack on northern Israel , according to the Israeli military and a Lebanese army official. There were no casualties in either incident.



Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

September 11, 2009 -- Updated 1355 GMT

(CNN) -- An online news organization has published what it said is a copy of Iran 's proposals to the United Nations which were supposed to address international concerns about its nuclear program. This week, Iran distributed its proposals to the diplomatic representatives of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany .



A copy of Iran ’s nuclear proposal






PS. Israel has 2nd lord Saturn in 7th house on the MEP, giving status related to ancient things. It has 12th lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house, which is consistent with a religion that is far removed in time from its source.


Ancient synagogue found in Israel

updated 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- In what was slated to be the site of a new 122-room hotel, archaeologists say they have discovered one of the world's oldest synagogues in Northern Israel . A large carved stone found during excavations of the recently uncovered synagogue. The site, which was unearthed as preparations were being made for construction of the hotel near the Sea of Galilee , is believed to date back some 2000 years from 50BCE to 100CE. In the middle of the 120 square meter main hall of the synagogue archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven branched menorah . "We are dealing with an exciting and unique find," said excavation director and Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni. The menorah engraving is the first of its kind to be discovered from the

Early Roman period according Avshalom-Gorni who said the site joins just six synagogue locations that are know to date from the same time. She said synagogues from this period were extremely rare in part because many Jews during that time were in the habit of visiting the main temple in Jerusalem three times a year as opposed to attending local houses of worship.











Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:25:37 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead



Dear Ajay,


In my article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009) I wrote the following:


"When the functional malefic Jupiter becomes stationary conjunct either 24° Cancer or 24° Capricorn, where the 2nd lord is placed in both the horoscope of Israel and USA, this area of life becomes caught up in strain. As the placement involves the 7th house, the common focus on the area of foreign policy. At such times, both nations become engaged in similar problems. Of course, the nature of the problems is slightly different based on the functional malefic nature of Jupiter in the charts and its placement either in the 1st or 7th houses in transit. For Israel, this transit affliction creates problems with 12th house issues of e.g. "loss" of status in foreign policy sphere, whereas for the USA, the problem has more to do with the 6th house issues of e.g. "conflict" involving the nation's status in foreign policy."



At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the transits-to-transit aspects, but there are a few things to worry about in this regard also. The transit tension is already high, with transit 12th lord Jupiter opposite to natal 2nd lord Saturn while transit 2nd lord Saturn has just now moved into the aspect of transit Rahu. September, will likely be troublesome as well.


If someone had time to study the charts of prior wars, we could more confidently predict the likely outcome given the transit and period influences this fall. That said, we can try to make an educated guess.


As for October, a major transit to note is the conjunction of transit 4th lord Mars, the sub-period lord, with the transit nodal axis in early Cancer in early October. Natal Mars is badly placed and afflicted by Jupiter in the 12th house. Israel has to endure a constant siege in its national life. We can definitely expect problems in this regard for the 4th house indications of Israel in the first half of October.


We can also note that transit 10th lord Venus in Leo and 8th house will briefly come under the aspect of natal Rahu in the 4th house in the first days of October. This could be a difficult time for the Israeli government.


Then there is the conjunction of transit 9th lord Mercury of luck with transit 2nd lord Saturn of status in early Virgo and the 9th house. While both planets will then be under the aspect of transit Rahu, the conjunct boosts the power of both planets to withstand the transit affliction. However, we need to always keep in mind the exact opposition of transit 12th lord Jupiter to natal 2nd lord Saturn. There will be steady tension for Israel at that time.


So, what do we make of all of these aspects? Certainly, the situation faced by Israel will be quite difficult this fall and the first half of October will not be easy. Nor will the latter part of October be less difficult when the aspect of transit Rahu to natal 8th lord Sun in early Taurus/H5 becomes exact.


The weakness of sub-period lord Mars natally and in transit indicates the country may well have to face an increasingly dangerous situation that will be upsetting to the communal harmony. There could be setbacks related to land and natural resources. It is also likely the military morale will be low or setbacks for the military or police. While a tense autumn is also seen for the USA and a number of countries this fall, we do not know what the USA will do. Will it look the other way as Iran acquires nuclear weapons capability? Possibly. If so, Israel may be forced to not to do anything about it. Likely it does not have military capability to root out the nuclear underground labs in Iran by itself. The USA could, but likely not Israel. Israel could, of course, enter into a conventional war with Iran, but this would likely turn into a regional conflagragation,

which could turn out to be harmful for Israel.


I'd be interested in 's view on this.









ajay sehg <ajaysehgSAMVA Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:10:31 PMRe: A significant increase in tensions ahead





Dear Thor,Your Predictions on Israel & U.S. made earlier seems to come true.Looking at Israel Chart it seems it might get into a Quite difficult time from 5 Oct till around 15 Oct, When its Main / Sub Period lord Mars shall be Very Weak & Afflicted. Also the lord of h2 Saturn Placed in house of foreign affairs Shall also be weak & afflicted in Tr & Tr Malefic Jup shall be afflicting Natal Sat also.U.S. & Israel both seem to have quite troublesome times.Thus It seems Israel might be tempted to undertake Air strikes on Iran, As It cannot allow a Nuclear Armed Iran right under its Nose as the Passage of time might turn into its Disadvantage.Looking at these Charts What do u Think on this issue.Warm Regards. Ajay.--- On Thu, 10/9/09, Cosmologer

<cosmologer wrote:

Cosmologer <cosmologerRe: A significant increase in tensions aheadSAMVA Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 4:25 AM



Hello list,


As predicted, US and Israel tensions with regard to Iran's ambitious plan to develop nuclear energy, which it is claimed will give the Iranians the capacity to develop nuclear weapons, is seen to be increasing at this time. This development is taking place as expected with

- transit Jupiter moving ever closer to the exact conjunction with natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart (September 25) and

- transit Ketu's aspect to natal Jupiter moving closer to the exact point (September 20).


That said, the transit station of Jupiter at around 23° - 24° Capricorn from September until November is the key factor in this regard.





Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability

DEBKAfile Special Report - September 10, 2009, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed the New York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that they have concluded in recent months that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky, spring for a nuclear weapon." The White House is quoted as saying that "Iran has deliberately stopped short of the critical last steps to make a bomb." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. DEBKAfile's military sources say these steps add up to a new US intelligence assessment that Iran is now in position for deciding at any moment to take that last, extremely short step, toward making a bomb - or even two.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6258


Iran 'closer to nuclear weapon'

19:11 GMT, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:11 UK The US says Iran is - at the least - keeping its nuclear options open

Iran is moving closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb, the US envoy has told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Glyn Davies told the meeting Iran was nearly or already in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce a bomb, if it was further enriched. Iran denies seeking anything beyond a civilian nuclear power programme.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/middle_ east/8246110. stm Iran crosses nuclear red line

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis - September 10, 2009, 10:06 AM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. http://www.debka. com/index1. php Iran sanctions likely as nuclear talks stall guardian.co. uk, Monday 7 September 2009 12.00 BST Nuclear watchdog chief ElBaradei says talks at stalemate after Ahmadinejad refuses to suspend uranium enrichment. A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a "stalemate", and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to rule out a compromise. Speaking to journalists, Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran that: "From our point of view, Iran's nuclear issue is over.We will never negotiate over the obvious rights of the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said, a clear signal that his government was not prepared to suspend the enrichment of uranium, as demanded by the UN security council. http://www.guardian .co.uk/world/ 2009/sep/ 07/iran-sanction s-ahmadinejad- nuclear




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:37:04 PM A significant increase in tensions ahead [1 Attachment][Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]




Hello list members,


We live in interesting times and the coming months will likely be no exception.


On July 31, 2009, transit Jupiter reentered the sign of Capricorn in retrograde motion. From 10 September to 16 November it will move from 25° 00' Capricorn to 23° 10' and back to 25° again. Transit Jupiter turns stationary direct on October 12, 2009 at 23° 10'. During this transit, Jupiter will closely influence planets natally placed around 23°-24° Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Cancer.


Regarding what the influences will be, we first look to see if it is a functional benefic or functional malefic in a chart. In addition to that, we may note that as Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn it loses strength and its expression changes. As per , the debilitated Jupiter "...makes a person selfish and divests the native of the power to adhere to the social norms/morality" (Source: http://www.yourneta strologer. com/learn_ astrology33. htm). As such, the power of a functional benefic Jupiter is reduced, while as a functional malefic planet (as the ruler of 6th, 8th or 12th houses), the weakened Jupiter gains the power to inflict more harm.


In the blog article Ties that bind: Israel-USA (March 27, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/ties-that- bind-israel- usa.html

I pointed out the shared destiny of Israel and USA with respect to the placement of their 2nd lords at 23°-24° Capricorn and Cancer, but both in the MEP of their respective 7th houses. In the case of the USA, the 2nd lord is the magnificent Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn, while in the case of Israel it is the contracting Saturn at 23° 17' Cancer. The USA has 20° Cancer rising while Israel has 20° 56' Capricorn rising. Moreover, as Jupiter becomes 12th lord for Israel and 6th lord for Jupiter the influences of the closer opposition of the 12th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn to its 2nd lord, will manifest slightly later but more strongly. In this regard, the transit Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal Sun in the SAMVA USA chart on September 25, 2009, while in the case of Israel the exact opposition aspect takes place on October 5, 2009. We may also note that

transit Ketu's aspect to natal Juptier at 4° 25' Scorpio/H5 becomes exact on September 20, and this aspect will have been increasing the tension during the transit station of this summer. We can also recall that the USA is running the Venus-Saturn period, while Israel is running a much less helpful Mars-Mars period, where setbacks to the indications of the 4th house and the general indications of Mars are possible, as 4th lord Mars is natally badly placed in the 8th house under the close aspect of 12th lord Juptier in the 12th house. In this regard we may note that in early October, transit Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, where it will be debilitated, infant and conjunct transit Ketu. Not a good contact for such a natally weak and afflicted major and sub-period lord. At that time, transit 8th lord Sun will also be moving into the aspect of transit Jupiter. Given all these contacts, there is likely to be a greatly heightened

tension in Israel in the first half of October.


In any event, we can expect the influence involving transit Jupiter to be felt earlier - and in fact, if we look closely at the news reports, we can see that already there are developments afoot in these countries.


Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday


DEBKAfile Special report

August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)

According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6212


Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive, DEBKAfile's military sources report. US Air Force spokesman Andy Bourland announced Monday, Aug. 3 that if Congress shifts enough funds to the program, Northrop Grumman Corp's radar-evading "stealth" B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP, which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010.

"The Air force and Department of Defense are looking at ways to accelerate the program," he said. http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6207 US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 31, 2009, 3:58 PM (GMT+02:00) The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration' s first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September. 2. If diplomacy fails, Washington will embark on the phased introduction of increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran, such as an embargo on exporting refined oil products including gasoline to Iran and a blockade on its sea ports. 3. If Iran continues to forge ahead with its nuclear and missile development, the US will resort to its military options. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the American visitors shared with Israeli leaders their specific plans of actions with details of the resources they planned to wield. Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure. Our Jerusalem sources report that the Netanyahu government will study the new Obama administration' s program and decide how to approach it. On the one hand, Israel's political and defense leaders were provided with the first detailed and coherent Washington has devised for dealing with the prospective Iranian nuclear menace.

http://www.debka. com/headline. php?hid=6203 To this we can add that the chart for Iran is highly exposed to these developments with 23° 42' Cancer rising in the chart and 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer/H1, with transit Ketu to become exactly conjunct this placement on September 5, 2009. Further, we can note that transit Saturn at 3° Virgo will be exactly afflicted by transit Rahu at 3° Capricorn on October 5, 2009. From this we may deduct that there are several difficult aspects at work in coming weeks and months that will raise tensions significantly and may even result in violent clashes - although I find the aspects in the summer of 2010 more indicative of such a development. In this regard, we may also recall President Obama's meesage to Iran, that it will look for concrete steps in Iran to meet the concerns of the international community with regard to its intentions concerning the development of nuclear weapons before the end

of 2009. As such, the US seems to have ruled out any military action before that time. That said, new information concerning the development in Iran could of course change that plan. In any event, the transits are difficult in the Iranian chart already this summer, and will remain difficult in coming months as well, as earlier discussed. The article Nuclear Iran (April 23, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/nuclear- iran.html discusses the chart for Iran in more detail. Even the 20° 44' Gemini rising chart of the Union of Russia and Belarus is not excempt from the tensions at this time, when its 7th lord Jupiter will become transit stationary at 23° 10' Capricorn and the 8th house under exact affliction from natal Rahu at 23° 20' Virgo/H4. This suggests the foreign policy initiatives will become beset by obstacles and endings while experiencing a crisis due to manipulations that upset the collective harmony. See for example the article Another accurate prediction for Russia (March 8, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/another- accurate- prediction- for-russia. html In the UK, the transit station of 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house will come under the close aspect of natal Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo/H1. This suggests the crisis will affect the communal harmony in this country as well. Further information about this chart may be found at The horoscope of the United Kingdom (January 24, 2009) http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 01/horoscope- of-united- kingdom.html In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduced the likelihood of such an outcome a bit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflictual, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the 1st lord Moon at that time. These additional contacts in the case of Russia, UK and India further support the notion that there will be significant tensions, even setbacks, in the international arena this fall. It should be noted that the charts for Israel and the Union of Russia and Belarus are being tested with predictions, with recent predictions having added to the confidence that they are indeed authentic charts for the collective karma of these nations. The charts for India, the USA and UK have long since been established as authentic. Thor

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