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Strains on President Obama

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Hello list,



Three things, in this ongoing effort to track major news stories in order to see how strains may be devloping in the USA this fall. I hope you are finding it useful.


1. There is much criticism in the media of President Obama, which is consistent with the transit of 6th lord Jupiter on natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart.


Al-Qaida predicts Obama's fall by Muslim nation

Monday Sept.. 14, 2009, Associated Press– 2 hrs 38 mins ago

CAIRO – Al-Qaida on Tuesday released a new 106-minute long video predicting President Barack Obama's downfall at the hands of the Muslim world. The Arabic-language video, entitled "The West and the Dark Tunnel," is part of series of messages by the organization marking the eighth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Bin Laden released a short message of his own on Sept. 14.



[NY Governor] Paterson blames weak Obama record for friction

September 22, 2009

Well, this is going to make David Paterson a lot of friends in the White House, as he tries to put himself in the president's shoes:

“If you look at it from their perspective, they haven’t exactly been able to govern in the first year of their administration in the way that other administrations have, where you would have, theoretically, a period in which the new administration is allowed to pass the needed pieces of legislation.â€

One of the things that has made the White House angriest at Paterson is his linking his woes to the president's. The last time was about race, of course, which made it worse.



Obama the impotent

The disappointment with Barack Obama is tangible – on climate change and financial reform Europe leads while the US lags

Guardian.co.uk - Tuesday 22 September 2009 13.00 BST

Much hope has been invested in Barack Obama's ability to strike a new course for the US following eight years of Bush administration unpopularity. Yet many in the US and abroad are impatient with the pace of progress under the Obama administration. The president made the rounds on five news talkshows on Sunday as he pressed his policies and vision, preparing for what is likely to be a difficult week.



Analysis: Why everyone is saying no to Obama

JPost.com - Sep 22, 2009 9:47

Everybody is saying no to the American president these days. And it's not just that they're saying no, it's also the way they're saying no. The Saudis twice said no to his request for normalization gestures towards Israel (at Barack Obama's meeting with King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia, and in Washington at meetings with Hillary Clinton). Who says no to the American president twice? What must they think of Obama in the desert kingdom? The North Koreans said no to repeated attempts at talks, by test-launching long-range missiles in April; Russia and China keep on saying no to tougher sanctions on Iran; the Iranians keep saying no to offers of talks by saying

they're willing to talk about everything except a halt to uranium enrichment; Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is saying no by refusing to meet with Binyamin Netanyahu until Israel freezes all settlement construction; the Israelis said no by refusing to agree to a settlement freeze, or even a settlement moratorium until and unless the Arabs ante up their normalization gestures. Which brings us back to the original Saudi no. The only thing Obama did manage to get Bibi and Abbas to say yes to is a photo-op at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in NY. Mazel tov.

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1253198168048 & pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull


2. With the aspects to natal 6th lord Jupiter by transit 8th lord Saturn (itself transit afflicted by Rahu) and transit Ketu, there are concerns over terrorist violence in the USA.


Terror arrest sparks gov't warning on mass transit

Sep 22, 6:25 AM (ET)

DENVER (AP) - An airport shuttle driver under arrest in Colorado may have been planning with others to detonate backpack bombs on New York City trains in a terrorism plot similar to past attacks on London's and Madrid's mass-transit systems, officials said. The investigation into the possible terror plot has prompted counterterrorism officials to warn mass-transit systems around the nation to step up patrols.



FBI Issues Warnings For Stadiums, Hotels & Transit

Sep 22, 2009 7:10 pm US/Eastern

- Investigation Into Possible Terror Plot Prompts FBI To Warn Mass-Transit Systems Around U.S.

- Feds Believe Up To 12 Suspects Could Be Involved In Possible Madrid-Like Attack On NYC Subways

Counterterrorism officials have issued security bulletins to police around the nation about terrorists' desire to attack stadiums, entertainment complexes and hotels -- the latest in a flurry of such internal warnings as investigators chase a possible bomb plot in Denver and New York. In the two bulletins -- sent to police departments Monday and obtained by The Associated Press -- officials said they know of no specific plots against such sites, but urged law enforcement and private companies to be vigilant. These two bulletins followed on the heels of a similar warning about the vulnerabilities of mass transit systems.



3. The dollar and lending markets are showing the strains in accordance with transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart.


Dollar Declines to One-Year Low Before Fed Decision

Sept. 23 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar weakened to a one-year low against the euro on speculation Federal Reserve policy makers will signal today this will keep interest rates low, diminishing the allure of U.S. assets. The greenback fell versus 13 of its 16 major counterparts after a government report showed New Zealand’s economy unexpectedly expanded for the first time in six quarters, spurring investors to buy higher-yielding assets. The U.S. dollar also declined on concern Group of 20 leaders, meeting in Pittsburgh starting tomorrow, will call for a reduction in global trade imbalances that may cause further gains in the dollar’s counterparts.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087 & sid=aZvn4Dj5CU38


Fed Growth Effort May Be Undermined by ‘Tight’ Credit

Sept. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s efforts to stoke a U.S. economic recovery may be undermined by the central bank’s other goal of restoring the banking system to health. The Federal Open Market Committee, at the conclusion tomorrow of a two-day meeting, will probably maintain its assessment that “tight†bank credit is impeding growth, said economists including former Fed Governor Lyle Gramley. Lending contracted for five straight weeks through Sept. 9, a drop that in part reflects Fed orders to banks to raise more capital and toughen lending standards, analysts say.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109 & sid=a1d1bhwQ8qrw


While such an effort is always liable to selectivity bias, please note that headline stories are picked at a glance relating to the predictions made. Importantly, the headlines appear on the major news web sites. They are also news stories written by independent news people around the world. Even if no significant event takes place due to strength of natal Sun, when the headlines are followed day by day, a consistent picture emerges of strains relating to this planet in the chart that are in line with the predictions made. This method worked well in documenting strains in Israel earlier this year, as reported on my blog.


Accurate prediction for Israel (January 29, 2009)http://cosmologer.blogspot.com/2009/01/accurate-prediction-for-israel.html



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Hello list,


One more important news story showing the transit stationary Jupiter as 6th lord of conflict conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun of the leader in the 7th house of foreign policy of the SAMVA USA chart.


Stern Obama confronts Israeli, Palestinian leaders

AP – 1 hr 30 mins ago

NEW YORK – Bristling with impatience, President Barack Obama sternly prodded Israeli and Palestinian leaders to relaunch Mideast peace negotiations Tuesday, grasping a newly personal role in their historic standoff. He won an awkward, stone-faced handshake but no other apparent progress beyond a promise to talk about more talks. There had been hopes for weeks that there might be more to show from the first meeting of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas since Netanyahu took office in March — perhaps even a dramatic announcement by Obama of the resumption of the Mideast peace negotiations that broke off over a year ago. That wasn't to be. Despite months of effort, the sides remain far apart on a staunch Palestinian precondition for talks: that Israel halt all construction of

Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory. Obama has publicly echoed that demand to Israeli leaders — though the Palestinians noted with displeasure that he used the word "restrain" on Tuesday rather than "halt" or "freeze."



The President is impatient, even stressed, trying to resolve a international conflict. I don´t know what other list members think, but to me a clear pattern is emerging...






Cosmologer <cosmologersamva Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 12:53:21 AM Strains on President Obama



Hello list,



Three things, in this ongoing effort to track major news stories in order to see how strains may be devloping in the USA this fall. I hope you are finding it useful.


1. There is much criticism in the media of President Obama, which is consistent with the transit of 6th lord Jupiter on natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart.


Al-Qaida predicts Obama's fall by Muslim nation

Monday Sept.. 14, 2009, Associated Press– 2 hrs 38 mins ago

CAIRO – Al-Qaida on Tuesday released a new 106-minute long video predicting President Barack Obama's downfall at the hands of the Muslim world. The Arabic-language video, entitled "The West and the Dark Tunnel," is part of series of messages by the organization marking the eighth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Bin Laden released a short message of his own on Sept. 14.

http://news./s/ap/20090922/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_al_qaida_video - Tuesday 22 September 2009 13.00 BST

Much hope has been invested in Barack Obama's ability to strike a new course for the US following eight years of Bush administration unpopularity. Yet many in the US and abroad are impatient with the pace of progress under the Obama administration. The president made the rounds on five news talkshows on Sunday as he pressed his policies and vision, preparing for what is likely to be a difficult week.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2009/sep/22/obama-un-climate-change-europe - Sep 22, 2009 9:47

Everybody is saying no to the American president these days. And it's not just that they're saying no, it's also the way they're saying no. The Saudis twice said no to his request for normalization gestures towards Israel (at Barack Obama's meeting with King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia, and in Washington at meetings with Hillary Clinton). Who says no to the American president twice? What must they think of Obama in the desert kingdom? The North Koreans said no to repeated attempts at talks, by test-launching long-range missiles in April; Russia and China keep on saying no to tougher sanctions on Iran; the Iranians keep saying no to offers of talks by saying they're willing to talk about everything except a halt to uranium enrichment; Palestinian

Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is saying no by refusing to meet with Binyamin Netanyahu until Israel freezes all settlement construction; the Israelis said no by refusing to agree to a settlement freeze, or even a settlement moratorium until and unless the Arabs ante up their normalization gestures. Which brings us back to the original Saudi no. The only thing Obama did manage to get Bibi and Abbas to say yes to is a photo-op at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in NY. Mazel tov.

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1253198168048 & pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull



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