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CHINA: a tentative new chart

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Hello dear list members,



I have been looking into possible birth times for China in either September 21 or October 1, 1949. Due to my dissatisfaction with the matches for major significant events on these dates, I have performed further research into the history of modern China. During those investigations, I have come upon an event that I am now exploring as the birth of modern China. The event is the founding by Mao Zedong and his Communist Party of

the "Chinese Soviet Republic " on November 7, 1931. This event is potentially the creation of the national entity that is modern China. Not many know that Mao actually created a new China in 1931 and that the Peoples Republic of China was his second such act. Moroever, until 1937, is known as the 'Two China' period as also the Republic of China (ROC) existed under the leadership of generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The CSR was supported by the Soviet Union, while the ROC was supported by the Western powers. However, the single or red thread in the story of the CSR and its transition into the PRC is Mao himself and the struggle of the CCP for rule over China. In this regard

we may note that China has a continuos history of empires from around 1600 BCE, a period stetching over almost 4 millennia. During this time, the emperors have been the 'central organising principle' of the nation. Mao assumed this modern role, filling the vacum in Chinese society created in the Revolution of 1911. However, he did so in the name of a new ideology, communism as defined by him. As such, he founded a new dynasty in the name of the CCP and not his direct descendants. While the Chinese Soviet Republic was formally abandoned in 1937, as a gesture of peace with the KMT to fight Japan in the Sino-Japanese war (1937-1945). Importantly, Mao was ingenious in meeting the demands of the KMT in this regard, and as soon as was convenient to do so, Mao's efforts to unite China under his rule continued. As Japan's fortunes in WW II began to wane, Mao was able to turn his undivided attention to

conquering the KMT. Those efforts succeeded in 1949 when the KMT fled to Taiwan, an island earlier taken over by Japan. The ROC has continued there, but is increasingly isolated given the might of the Communist regime on mainland China.


As a first pass, I have rectified a 23° Capricorn rising chart for this day, with Ruijin, in the Jiangxi province, as the capital. I have decided to share with you the historical and astrological evidence and would be interested in the views of list members.


First, here is some of the historical information I have gathered.


History of China

The history of humanity in what is now China is traced back into the ancient mists of time. The history of China as a national entity goes back to the Shang Dynasty, which ruled from around 1600 BCE. The origins of Chinese culture, literature and philosophy, however, developed later, in the feudal Zhou Dynasty, from around 1000 BCE to around 300 BCE. The Zhou Dynasty broke apart into individual city states, creating the Warring States period. However, in 221 BCE, Qin Shi Huang united the various warring kingdoms and created the first Chinese empire. The dynasties of China developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor to directly control the vast territories. The dynasties alternated between periods of political unity and disunity and occasionally becoming dominated by foreign Asian peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Han Chinese population. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia , carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create the modern Chinese culture.



Chinese Soviet Republic (CSR)

The Chinese Soviet Republic was a state established in November 1931 by the future Communist Party of China leader Mao Zedong, legendary general Zhu De and others. Mao Zedong was CSR State Chair and Prime Minister - at once the Head of the State and of its Government. It was from this "small state within a state" that he gained the experience in mobile warfare and peasant organization that he later used to accomplish the Communist conquest of China in the late 1940s. The CSR was destroyed by the Kuomintang (KMT)'s National

Revolutionary Army in a series of Encirclement Campaigns eventually designed by the German general Hans von Seeckt.


On November 7, 1931, the anniversary of the 1917 Russian Bolshevik Revolution, with the help of the Soviet Union, a National Soviet People's Delegates Conference took place in Ruijin , Jiangxi province, which was selected as the national capital. " Chinese Soviet Republic " was born, even though the majority of China was still under the control of the nationalist Government of the Republic of China. On that day, they had an open ceremony for the new country,

and Mao Zedong and other Communists attended the military parade. Because it had its own bank, printed its own money, collected tax through its own tax bureau, therefore, it is considered as the beginning of Two Chinas.


The Chinese Soviet Republic continued to exist formally after the fall of the Jiangxi soviet, as the communists still controlled some areas like the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi Soviet. It was officially dissolved on 22 September 1937, when the Chinese Communist Party issued, in the context of the Second United Front, its manifesto on unity with the Kuomintang, as the Second sino-japanese war was only a few weeks old.



“It was in the eastern part of that province that on 7 November 1931, the anniversary of the October Revolution, the consolidation and extension of the main base led to the procalamation of a Chinese Republic of Soviets, with Mao presiding over the Council of People’s Commissars. Until its final triumph in 1949, Chinese Communism was to go thorugh many incarnation and terrible setbacks, but the main model was establisehd here: concentrating the energy of the revolution on the construction of a state, and focusing the efforts of that state, which was to be warlike by nature, on forming a strong army to crush the enemoy, which was the central government of Nanjing, presided over by Chinag



The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, 1999, Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Adrezej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek and Jean-Louis Margolin, Harvard.


http://books.google.com/books?id=H1jsgYCoRioC & pg=PA471 & lpg=PA471 & dq=China+proclamation+November+7,+1931 & source=bl & ots=cYtpROHgh5 & sig=sASFSuD6IUYCJefmQMJF3zfSffU & hl=is & ei=RcDISv-gJsS24Qa667HHAQ & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=3#v=onepage & q=november%201931 & f=true


In November 1931, the First All-China Soviet Congress was convened in Ruijin , Jiangxi and it founded the Chinese Soviet Republic as a national regime and established separate state and military structures to operate at the national level. While direct control over the military was taken away from Mao Zedong, he was appointed to the new post of Chair of the Soviet government. Xiang Ying and Zhang Guotao were appointed as his deputies. Zhu De was appointed chair of the newly established Central Revolutionary Military Commission, with Peng Dehuai and

Wang Jiaxiang as his deputies. The Congress also adopted a Constitution for the Republic that designated it as a "democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry." However, there was no pretence that the Soviet was anything other than a communist one-party dictatorship. In the remote rural area there were no industrial workers, the proletariat consisted almost entirely of village artisans, handicraftsmen, and farm laborers. This notwithstadning, the Constitution acknowledged that "only the proletariat can lead the broad masses to socialism," and thus they were to have extra representation in the Soviet.



Kuomintang of China (KMT)

The Kuomintang of China, abbreviated KMT; translated as the Chinese Nationalist Party, is a political party of the Republic of China (ROC), commonly known as Taiwan since the 1970s…The KMT was founded by Song Jiaoren and Sun Yat-sen shortly after the Xinhai Revolution. Later led by Chiang Kai-shek, it ruled much of China from 1928 until its retreat to Taiwan in 1949 after defeat by the Communist Party of China (CPC) during the Chinese Civil War.



Chinese Civil War

The Chinese Civil War was fought between the Kuomintang (KMT or Chinese Nationalist Party) and the Communist Party of China (CPC). The war began in April 1927, amidst the Northern Expedition. The war represented an ideological split between the Western-supported Nationalist KMT and the Soviet-supported Communist CPC. In communist historiography the war was also known as the "War of Liberation." The civil war carried on intermittently until the Second Sino-Japanese War interrupted it, resulting in the two parties forming a Second United Front. The Japanese assault and occupation of Eastern China was an opportunistic attack made possible by China 's internal turmoil[citation needed]. Japan 's campaign was defeated in 1945, marking the end of World War II, and China 's full-scale civil war resumed in 1946. After a further four years, 1950 saw a cessation of major hostilities—with the newly founded People's Republic of China controlling mainland China (including Hainan Island), and the Republic of China's jurisdiction being restricted to Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu and several outlying Fujianese islands. To this day, since no armistice or peace treaty has ever been signed, there is controversy as to whether the Civil War has legally ended. Today, the two sides of the Taiwan strait have close economic ties.



Second Sino-Japanese war

The Second Sino-Japanese War (July 7, 1937 – September 9, 1945) was a military conflict fought between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan. From 1937 to 1941, China fought Japan with some economic help from Germany (until 1938) and the Soviet Union (1937-1940). After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the war merged into the greater conflict of World War II as a major front in the Pacific Theatre. The Second Sino-Japanese War was the largest Asian war in the twentieth century. Although the two countries had fought intermittently since 1931, full-scale war

started in earnest in 1937 and ended only with the surrender of Japan in 1945. The war was the result of a decades-long Japanese imperialist policy aiming to dominate China politically and militarily to secure its vast raw material reserves and other resources. At the same time, the rising tide of Chinese nationalism and notions of self determination stoked the coals of war. Before 1937, China and Japan fought in small, localized engagements in so-called "incidents". Yet the two sides, for a variety of reasons, refrained from fighting a total war. In 1931, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria by Imperial Japan's Kwantung Army

followed the "Mukden Incident". The last of these incidents was the Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 1937, marking the beginning of full scale war between the two countries.



CSR and KMT join to fight Japan

The Second United Front was the alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the Second Sino-Japanese War or World War II, which suspended the Chinese Civil War from 1937 to 1946…It was a moment rarely seen during wars- where both sides join together to face a greater threat…The alliance that was created with the Communists was in name only and the Communists hardly ever engaged the Japanese in conventional battles but proved efficient in guerrilla warfare. The level of actual co-operation and co-ordination between the CCP and KMT during World War II was minimal. In the midst of the Second United Front, the Communists and the Kuomintang were still vying for territorial advantage in "Free China" (i.e. those areas not occupied by the Japanese or ruled by

puppet governments). The situation came to a head in late 1940 and early 1941 when there were major clashes between the Communist and KMT forces. In December 1940, Chiang Kai-shek demanded that the CCP’s New Fourth Army evacuate Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces . Under intense pressure, the New Fourth Army commanders complied, but they were ambushed by Nationalist troops and soundly defeated in January 1941. This clash, which would be known as the New Fourth Army Incident, weakened the CCP position in Central China and effectively ended any substantive co-operation between the Nationalists and the Communists and both sides

concentrated on jockeying for position in the inevitable Civil War. Within the Japanese occupied provinces the KMT and CCP forces carried on warfare with each other, with the Communists eventually destroying or absorbing the KMT forces or driving them into the puppet forces of the Japanese. By the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Communists were in control of nearly all of the areas of North China not controlled by Japan or its puppet forces.



In any event, when the Kuomintang (KMT) and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) joined in the Second Front there was a cessation of the Chinese Civil War, shortly after the outbreak of the Sino-Japan war. As part of the cessation of the Civil War, the KMT, in its resolution on February 21, 1937, demanded the


"Dissolution of the so-called "Chinese Soviet Republic,"


In return, the CCP, which saw it essential to safeguard its future by making compromises with the KMT, declared on September 22, 1937:


"This party abolishes the present Soviet government,... "


Source: The China White Paper: August 1949, United States. Dept. of State, Lyman Van Slyke, pages 48-50


http://books.google.com/books?id=HuB6gPHeP_cC & pg=PA151 & lpg=PA151 & dq=Lyman+Van+Slyke+Chinese+Communist+movement & source=bl & ots=EFv28RnbQP & sig=ufdJNy1ScuGOSL3zmXlqzbLP-08 & hl=is & ei=bZDISrHgHZK04Qbf4rzHAQ & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=6#v=onepage & q=Soviet%20Republic & f=false



Importantly, the CCP it did not abolish the national entity, only the government. This was of course a formal gesture, as the organisation of the military campaign of the CCP continued in the hands of Mao and his generals. Moroever, as this was a temporary truce, to fight a common enemy, which both had reasons to do, hostilities between the CCP and KMT broke out not long afterwards.


People's Republic of China

After its victory in the Chinese Civil War, the Communist Party of China (CCP) led by Mao Zedong gained control of most of Mainland China . On 1 October 1949, they established the People's Republic of China as a Socialist State headed by a "Democratic Dictatorship" with the CCP as the only legal political party, thus, laying claim as the successor state of the ROC. The central government of the Chinese Nationalist Party led by Chiang Kai-shek was forced to retreat to the island of Taiwan that it had occupied at

the end of World War II, and moved the ROC government there. Major armed hostilities ceased in 1950 but no peace treaty has been signed. An estimated 36 million died during the Great Chinese Famine of 1958–61.



The history of the People's Republic of China details the history of mainland China since October 1, 1949, when, after a near complete victory by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the Chinese Civil War, Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China (PRC) from atop Tiananmen (the gate of heavenly peace). The PRC has for several decades been synonymous with China , but it is only the most recent political entity to govern mainland China , preceded by the Republic of China (ROC) and thousands of years

of imperial dynasties.




Capricorn ascendant fits well with the 'personality' of the Chinese people. It is a sign owned by Saturn, a planet characterised as being stern and representing old things. Indeed, the country is based on a history stretching back into the hoary mists of time and is based on a phenomenal cultural legacy.


According to Author & Astrologer V.K. Choudhry, the rising sign Capricorn

"...is a negative, non-human, earthy and semi-fruitful sign. It signifies tact, cheating, lethargy and melancholic nature if its ruler, Saturn, is weak....Capricornians are social as Venus rules their tenth house. They are conservative, selfish and selective in approach. They are secretive, pensive, organised, proud and fastidious. They are vigilant and tactful. They have compromising nature in order to achieve leadership...They long for leadership, political power, practice of law and business. Their major pursuits in life include acquisition of assets, partnerships and social contacts for personal benefits and selfish ends...The significator for the soul, the Sun and significator for morality and generosity, Jupiter, are functional malefics for Capricornians."



The major elements in the natal potential of the chart are as follows:

- 2nd lord Saturn is in the MEP of the 12th house of losses and foreign things. By itself, this is not a good placement for status, wealth or relations with neighboring countries. It is interesting that in its history of the 20th century, China enjoyed preeminent status in marginal countries like communist Albania under Enver Hoxa, the North Korean dynasty of Sun Il Jung and the islamist Republic of Iran.

- 10th lord Venus is conjunct 9th lord Mercury in the 11th house. There is fortune in the international presence and it is rooted in ideals (equality, order, centralisation of political power, decentralised progressive economy, foreign trade, etc.). There is one problematic affliction of FM Rahu in the 3rd house of initiatives, which closely afflicts 4th lord Mars in the 11th house. This placement would explain the many gigantic earthquakes which have befallen China. It would also explain a tendency to manipulate peoples expression to maintain central power. This tendency would greatly reduce the happiness of the


A debilitated 8th lord Sun is on the MEP of the 10th house, afflicting also the 4th house. There have been frequent large earthquakes, with loss of life and property. The powerful placement of the Sun, while giving obstacles and endings, also gives China a power status in the world. With the prominent influence of 8th lord on 4th house, there would be the atheistic tendency of the Communists, albeit the placement of 10th lord Venus and 9th lord Mercury find expression in the 11th house of ideals.

Another grave affliction is that of Ketu being conjunct the 7th lord Moon in the 9th house. This suggests sudden setbacks in foreign policy. As 12th lord Jupiter is at the edge of the MEP of the 7th house, there are foreign entanglements, which are not that helpful.


We can also look at the following significant events. The chart must explain these and should there be major events identified that do not match the history, this would be reason enough to reconsider the chart.


Significant event 1: The Long March, 1934, for two years

Moon-Saturn period.


Significant event 2: Cultural revolution, May 1966, for ten years

Jupiter-Jupiter period


Significant event 2: Tangshan earthquake, 28 July 1976

Jupiter- Moon period


Significant event 3: Tinnamen Square protests, 4 June 1989

Saturn-Venus period




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