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More on tension over Iran [Was: Iran 'concealed nuc...]

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Hello dear list members,


Here are new stories about the tension over Iran's nuclear programme.


Is the U.S. Preparing to Bomb Iran?

ABCNEWS | Oct. 6, 2009

The Pentagon is always making plans, but based on a little-noticed funding request recently sent to Congress, the answer to that question appears to be yes. First, some background: Back in October 2007, ABC News reported that the Pentagon had asked Congress for $88 million in the emergency Iraq/Afghanistan war funding request to develop a gargantuan bunker-busting bomb called the Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP). It's a 30,000-pound bomb designed to hit targets buried 200 feet below ground. Back then, the Pentagon cited an "urgent operational need" for the new weapon. Now the Pentagon is shifting spending from other programs to fast forward the development and procurement of the Massive Ordnance Penetrator. The Pentagon comptroller sent a request to shift the funds to the House and Senate Appropriations and

Armed Services Committees over the summer. Click here to see a copy of the Pentagon's request, provided to ABC News. http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/reprogramming_memo_091006.pdf


The comptroller said the Pentagon planned to spend $19.1 million to procure four of the bombs, $28.3 million to accelerate the bomb's "development and testing", and $21 million to accelerate the integration of the bomb onto B-2 stealth bombers.

'Urgent Operational Need'

The notification was tucked inside a 93-page "reprogramming" request that included a couple hundred other more mundane items. Why now? The notification says simply, "The Department has an Urgent Operational Need (UON) for the capability to strike hard and deeply buried targets in high threat environments. The MOP is the weapon of choice to meet the requirements of the UON." It further states that the request is endorsed by Pacific Command (which has responsibility over North Korea) and Central Command (which has responsibility over Iran).



Iran says some countries offer it nuclear fuel

Wed Oct 7, 2009 7:45am EDT

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday that some countries had offered to provide Iran with uranium enriched to 20 percent for use as nuclear reactor fuel, the official IRNA news agency reported. Iran has always insisted on its right to carry out its own enrichment of uranium for a nuclear program which it says is for purely peaceful purposes, mainly to generate electricity. It rejects Western suspicions its real intention is to build an atomic bomb, which would require uranium enriched to around 90 percent.


Ahmadinejad made no mention of Iran sending its uranium abroad for further enrichment. So far no purchasing agreement had been finalized, he said.



Chávez jokes about helping Iran build nuclear bomb

guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 7 October 2009 10.10 BST

Venezuela's president Hugo Chávez joked about helping Iran build a nuclear bomb.


It's not yet clear whether the prospect of joining this exclusive club was the motivation for the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, to have a quip about nuclear weapons yesterday. But that is where he finds himself after asking his mining minister during a televised cabinet meeting: "How's the uranium for Iran? For the atomic bomb?" Chávez's mocking drew sniggers from cabinet members. Rodolfo Sanz, the mining minister who had turned up late, grinned. The comments were made after it emerged last month that Iran was helping Venezuela detect uranium deposits. Chávez has repeatedly said that all countries should end their nuclear weapons programmes, while insisting that Iran and Venezuela have a "sovereign right" to pursue peaceful nuclear ambitions. But that has failed to reassure the US State Department, which is worried about

the possibility of nuclear transfers between Iran and Venezuela. Chávez has vowed to press ahead with plans to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in Venezuela. He insisted he was not planning to send uranium to Iran, which has significant uranium deposits of its own and currently has no need to import uranium. "They are going to start saying that we are going to make an atomic bomb," Chávez said.









Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Fri, October 2, 2009 9:10:03 AMRe: Iran 'concealed nuclear facility'



Hello dear list members,


In following this story to its conclusion, here is the latest installment. It seems Iran has been given two weeks to comply. We can now wait and see what comes up by the middle of this month.


Obama tightens noose on Tehran: Three conditions for Geneva 2

DEBKAfile Special Report - October 1, 2009, 10:44 PM (GMT+02:00)

In a special comment Thursday night, Oct. 1, President Barack Obama administered a cold shower to the Iranian delegate Saeed Jalili and European official Javier Solana, who earlier in the day at the end of the six-power meeting with Iran in Geneva, smilingly announced a second round of talks would take place within weeks. In a side meeting, Jalili also had a one-on-one meeting with US undersecretary of state William Burns, who did not join the announcement. Obama's first condition for another round of talks was that International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors be given "unfettered access within two weeks" to Iran's newly-discovered uranium enrichment facility near Qom. His second: "Iran must prove its program is peaceful." Iran had already announce that inspection would be allowed but, according to DEBKAfile's military sources, "unfettered access" would expose additional secret plants

hidden at the Qom underground site whose sole function is to support a military program. The US president's third condition was no less problematic for Iran: "The IAEA has proposed in principle that Iran transfer its enrichment production to a third country." Iran has a right to peaceful energy, he said, but rights also carry obligations. This condition means that Iran must pack up its enrichment facilities and rely on a third country, a proposition it rejected in the past when put by Russia. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said he is willing to "purchase" enriched uranium from Russia, but Tehran would never give up Iran's "right" to make its own fissile fuel in any circumstances. Obama said distinctly that today's meeting was a constructive meeting but it must be followed by concrete actions. "The burden is now on Iran." He added: "We are willing to engage Iran but our patience is not unlimited." He did not say the word sanctions

only that Iran's non-compliance would be met with international pressure and isolation.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 8:58:18 AMRe: Iran 'concealed nuclear facility'



Hello list,


Now word has been released of an Obama administration proposal to punish the Iranian regime if it does not quickly comply with international demands for a full disclosure of its nuclear activities.


US eyes energy, financial sanctions on Iran

Associated Press – September 29, 2009, 1 hr 24 mins ago

NEW YORK – The Obama administration is planning to push for new sanctions against Iran, targeting its energy, financial and telecommunications sectors if it does not comply with international demands to come clean about its nuclear program, according to U.S. officials. The officials said the U.S. would expand its own penalties against Iranian companies and press for greater international sanctions against foreign firms, largely European, that do business in the country unless Iran can prove that its nuclear activities are not aimed at developing an atomic weapon. Among the ideas being considered are asset freezes and travel bans against Iranian and foreign businesses and individuals who do business in those areas, the officials said. The officials spoke Monday on condition of anonymity because the measures were still under review.



We can consider that the prediction for increased tensions this autumn has been realised, including that it would be based on new information about the Iranians. However, in view of the applying aspect of Rahu to Saturn, which becomes exact on October 5, it is likely the tensions will increase further. In particular, a meeting is scheduled on Thursday, October 1, 2009 between the US and Iranian authorities. Some decisions are likely to be made at that meeting. There are also some difficult aspects seen for the USA through October, especially in the middle of the month. After the afflicting aspects end, the tensions are expected to die down. We'll see how it goes.






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 9:00:02 PMRe: Iran 'concealed nuclear facility'



Hello list,


Iran keeps raising the stakes.


Iran tests advanced missiles, raising more concern

AP – September 28, 2009 – 36 mins ago

TEHRAN, Iran – Iran tested its most advanced missiles Monday to cap two days of war games, raising more international concern and stronger pressure to quickly come clean on the newly revealed nuclear site Tehran was secretly constructing. State television said the powerful Revolutionary Guard, which controls Iran 's missile program, successfully tested upgraded versions of the medium-range Shahab-3 and Sajjil missiles. Both can carry warheads and reach up to 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometers), putting Israel, U.S. military bases in the Middle East, and parts of Europe within striking distance. The missile tests were meant to flex Iran 's military might and show readiness for any military threat.



Iran flexes missile muscles, is unfazed by big power demands

September 28, 2009, 6:33 PM (GMT+02:00)

Iran tested two surface-to-surface missiles, the Shehab 3 and Sejil Monday, Sept. 28, Day 2 of its "missile war simulation" exercise. The Sejil is known to be powered by solid fuel. Both have a range of up to 2,000 km., putting Israel , the entire Middle East including US bases and southern Europe within striking distance. Sunday, short and medium-range missile were tested. In Washington, the administration turned up the heat on Tehran by warning that the Six-Power talks opening in Geneva Thursday would demand international inspectors be allowed immediate and full access to personnel who designed and built Iran's underground enrichment plant near Qom and receive the documents of its construction. According to DEBKAfile's Iranian sources, Tehran will not only reject the demand but place any discussion of its nuclear activities firmly out of bounds. Iranian leaders have repeatedly stated their "nuclear

rights" are non-negotiable…US defense secretary, Robert Gates, while admitting for the first time that Iran could have a nuclear bomb within a year if it so decided, stressed: "The only way you end up not having a nuclear-capable Iran is for the Iranian government to decide their security is diminished by having those weapons."








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 4:06:08 AMRe: Iran 'concealed nuclear facility' [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]



Hello dear list members,


As reported by www.drudgereport.com the tension over the nuclear issue seems to be increasing.


Iran test-fires short-range missiles...'Could reach Israel'...Revolutionary Guards begin war games...Venezuela exploring uranium deposits with Russia...China to display upgraded missiles in parade...India raises nuclear stakes; Can make high-yield weapons...


In addition to the Jupiter station on sensitive placements in national charts, the tightening aspect of Rahu to Saturn is likely also at work in creating global tensions


Up until now we have discussed this international crisis primarily in terms of the USA, Israel and Iran, with passing mention of UK, India and Russia. Now we read the following:


India raises nuclear stakes

September 27 2009 22:30

India can now build nuclear weapons with the same destructive power as those in the arsenals of the world’s major nuclear powers, according to New Delhi ’s senior atomic officials. They said India had built weapons with yields of up to 200 kilotons, which would be considered a “proper strategic deterrent†by the global community. A nuclear weapon above 50 kilotons is considered high yield. India ’s enhanced capability gives it a considerable edge over Pakistan , its nuclear-armed arch-rival. Iran faces talks or sanctions, say diplomats - Sep-27Editorial Comment: Time to confront Iran’s deceptions - Sep-27India’s declaration came as Iran launched war games on Sunday, testing short-range missiles, just days after announcing it had been building a second uranium enrichment plant. Western governments seized upon this as further evidence that Tehran was in breach of UN obligations.



In the article TENSE AUTUMN AHEAD (August 8, 2009), the following was predicted for India based on this aspect:

"In the Taurus rising chart of India, natal 6th lord Venus at 22° 33' Cancer/H3 will become opposite transit stationary 8th lord Jupiter at 23° 10' Capricorn/H9. This suggests the strain of violent developments. However, we should note that this aspect never becomes exact, which reduces the strain from the transit. Nevertheless tensions or obstacles or endings involving inititiatives of the Indian government concerning conflict, financial or health issues could become prominent in the national life of India at that time, more so as the dual malefic Venus-Ketu period is operating and transit Ketu will be exactly conjunct the Moon as 1st lord of self at that time."



There is another difficult aspects running in the India Independence chart, including aspect between transit and natal nodes. Since September 14, the Sun-Sun period has begun operating, which would be helpful. However, the transits take precedence. has in an earlier message given a comprehensive prediction for India at this time.


Other countries are also being discussed in the news with respect to this issue.


China to display upgraded missiles in Oct 1 parade

BEIJING, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Upgraded missiles will feature prominently in China's Oct 1 military parade which celebrates 60 years of Communist Party rule, the Xinhua news agency said, citing a commander of the service that controls nuclear weapons. The parade of goose-stepping soldiers, well-rehearsed school children and flowery floats will illustrate the nation's priorities of modernisation and military strength. Foreign observers will be watching to see what weapons the People's Liberation Army shows off. The 108 missiles on display will include two types of surface-to-surface conventional missiles, a land-based cruise missile, surface-to-surface intermediate and long-range missiles that can be equipped with either nuclear or conventional warheads, and nuclear-capable intercontinental missiles, said Yu Jixun, deputy Commander of the PLA's

Second Artillery Force. "All five types of missiles are solid-fuelled, with smaller bodies... In the past, missiles were mostly liquid-fuelled and their bodies were huge," Yu said.



Venezuela exploring uranium deposits with Russia

AP – Sun Sep 27, 3:58 am ET

PORLAMAR, Venezuela – Venezuela 's science and technology minister said his country is working with Russia to detect deposits of uranium but withdrew an earlier denial that the country was also working with Iran . Jesse Chacon originally denied the reports that Venezuela is receiving support from Iran to seek uranium, but clarified later Saturday that his comments were only in regard to Russia and that exploration efforts with Iran fall under the direction of Venezuela's Mining Ministry.








Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:26:37 PMRe: Iran 'concealed nuclear facility'



Hello list,


The Israeli's appear litterally to be going ballistic over the latest development in Iran.


Netanyahu to U.S. : Time is now for action on Iran nukes

Last update - 23:35 26/09/2009

Now is the time to act to halt the Iranian nuclear program, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Senators and Congress members over the weekend. The prime minister's message, which he made in telephone conversations, came a day after evidence of a clandestine Iranian nuclear facility was presented by U.S. President Barack Obama and the leaders of Britain and France at the G-20 economic summit in Pittsburgh . "If not now, then when?" Netanyahu reportedly asked in the conversations with American officials.



US giant bunker-buster bomb project rushed since Iran 's Qom site discovered

September 27, 2009, 4:08 PM (GMT+02:00)

The Pentagon has brought forward to December 2009 the target-date for producing the first 15-ton super bunker-buster bomb (GBU-57A/B) Massive Ordinance Penetrator, which can reach a depth of 60.09 meters underground before exploding. DEBKAfile's military sources report that top defense agencies and air force units were also working against the clock to adapt the bay of a B2a Stealth bomber for carrying and delivering the bomb. The Pentagon has ordered the number of bombs rolling off the production line increased from four to ten - a rush job triggered in May by the discovery that Iran was hiding a second uranium enrichment plant under a mountain near Qom - a discovery which prompted this week's international outcry. Congress has since quietly inserted the necessary funding in the 2009 budget.



Too late to stop Tehran , Obama aims to stifle an Israeli attack

September 26, 2009

Maestro Barack Obama's histrionics in New York and Pittsburgh Thursday and Friday, Sept. 24-25 - and his threat of "confrontation" for Iran 's concealment of its nuclear capabilities - were water off a duck's back for Tehran , whose nuclear weapons program has gone too far to stop by words or even sanctions. The Islamic regime only responded with more defiance, announcing that its second uranium enrichment plant near Qom would become operational soon.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:10:07 AMRe: Iran 'concealed nuclear facility' [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Cosmologer included below]


Hello list,


The international tension regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions has mounted due to news off a new nuclear plant in the country, inside a mountain and near the holy city of Qom. The concern is that Iran is developing a nuclear bomb. President Ahmadinejad denies charges Iran is developing a nuclear bomb and says the plant is in line with UN regulations. It's existence however was a secret until now. Ahamdinejad has frequently asserted that the state of Israel will end and that the Holocaust where 6 million Jews were killed is a lie. Israel is therefore very uneasy about this neighbor of theirs getting nuclear weapons and has suggested it may strike at Iran's nuclear facilities to set their plans back, as it has done before in Iraq and Syria. The risk is that such action would destabilise the region and President Obama has taken leaderhip in attempting

to resolve the problem peacefully. After the discovery of the plant, the leaders of the USA, France and UK went on stage together last Friday to warn Iran of tough rules if it did not comply with UN regulations. Russia, in the past has given diplomatic support to Iran, even exclaimed its concerns over the plant. China, however, is not in favour of sanctions. President Obama has said talks are scheduled with President Ahmadinejad later this week. State Secretary Clinton yesterday said she welcomes word from Iran that UN inspectors will be allowed access to inspect the new plant. Today, Iran tested short range missiles in a show of force.


The 23° 42' Cancer rising chart shows Rahu-Moon period operarting. The following transit afflictions are present:

- transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter is conjunct the MEP of the 7th house of foreign policy, aspecting also the 11th house of friends and income, 1st house of self and 3rd house of initiatives. This transit suggests a conflictual situation with others and due to own actions.

- transit 8th lord Saturn at 2° Virgo is exactly opposite natal 10th lord Mars at 2° Pisces and debilitated 3rd lord Mercury at 3° 42' Pisces in the 9th house. Obstacles and endings concerning words and actions.

- These planets are further afflicted by transit Rahu and Ketu at 3° 56' Capricorn and Cancer, respectively, as is natal 6th lord Jupiter at 5° 30' Cancer. Sudden events may arise.

- Transit 4th lord Venus at 14° Leo and 2nd house is conjunct natal Saturn. Communal harmony is likely to be disturbed by the latest tensions.

- Transit 10th lord Mars is at 25° 39' Gemini and 12th house under aspect by natal Ketu at 23° 40' Aquarius and 8th house. The public image of Iran is weaker at this time.


Granted that some of the afflictions are separating, the Jupiter station is not. Moreover, the affliction involving the planets in early Pisces, notably 3rd lord Mercury, will keep pressure on Iran over its actions and pronouncements. The transits in the chart for Iran have been difficult since the summer and they were accompanied by a domestic crisis, which now appears to have died down. However, it is also a surprise given this chart, the extent to which Iran has been able to push other countries into a corner with its suspect actions, which it claims is for peaceful purposes, without experiencing some direct repercussions.


The next week or two are likely to be tense as the aspect of transit Rahu to transit Saturn and that of transit Saturn to natal Mercury and that of transit Ketu to natal Mercury become exact. Let us hope for the best. The chart suggests what Iran says or does next may be decisive.


Iran tests short-range missiles

06:36 GMT, Sunday, 27 September 2009 07:36 UK

Iran has tested two short-range missiles during a military exercise, Iranian state television reports. It said the missiles fired were of the Tondar and Fateh 110 type. A multiple missile launcher was also tested. Iran 's elite Revolutionary Guards announced on Saturday it would hold several days of military exercises over the next several days. The tests come as tensions between Iran and the West are on the rise over Tehran 's nuclear ambitions. Earlier this week, Iran disclosed that it was building a second uranium enrichment plant. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insisted that the plant, near the holy city of Qom , was being built in line with UN regulations. He also said it was open for inspection by UN experts. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a cautious welcome to Iran 's announcement that it would open

the facility. Leaders of the US , Britain and France have accused Tehran of building a new plant in breach of UN rules. They raised the prospect of new, tough sanctions against Iran if it does not fully co-operate with global powers.



'Ahmadinejad has enough uranium to go whole way'

Saturday, 26 September 2009

The crisis in relations with Iran escalated ominously yesterday after the leaders of the US , Britain and France accused the regime in Tehran of operating a secret uranium enrichment facility buried deep in a mountain bunker near the ancient religious city of Qom . Barack Obama called Iran 's activity "a direct challenge" to the international community. The accusations were made public in an extraordinary joint statement by the US President, flanked by Gordon Brown and the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy before the start of the G20 economic summit in Pittsburgh . Iran had previously insisted that its plant at Natanz, which is open to international inspection, was the only one involved in enrichment. The new revelation sharply raises the stakes at a time when Israel has been signalling that military strikes against Iran are on the table.

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/nuclear-showdown-with-iran-escalates-1793483.html | Switch to Fully Featured Visit Your Group | Terms of Use | Un








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