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Re : On the relative influence of major and sub periods

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Hello dear Jolastro,


You are most welcome.


Indeed, has developed and perfected SA through his insight and experience. I find it rewarding to particpate in that process at the mundane level.






Astro Zem <zemastroSAMVA Sent: Wed, December 2, 2009 6:04:55 PMRe : On the relative influence of major and sub periods



Hello Thor,Thank you very much for sharing your work and your discussion with Prof Choudhry. The relative influence of dasa and bukhti period is a very interesting point to investigate.Best regards,Jolastro




De : Cosmologer <cosmologerÀ : SAMVA Envoyé le : Mer 2 Décembre 2009, 17 h 52 min 09 sObjet : On the relative influence of major and sub periods



Hello dear list members,


In the course of my investigations into the dasa-bukhti periods in the SAMVA USA chart, I began to think that there might be reason to revise the weight of influences between dasa (major) and bukhti (sub) periods. The result of my research has shown clear characteristics in US history fitting each major period, but of course also the influence of sub-periods. This was a surprise given an old SA rule I had in my head for a long time that said that bukhti periods had a greater influence than dasa periods, such that the Bukhti accounts for 80% and the Dasa to accounts for 20% of the total period influences.


Today, I wrote and asked him if he had found reason to revise this weight scheme. His reply was that


“Though unquantified, SA view revolves around that keeping in view the dasa of FB or FM planet.â€


I further asked him to confirm my understanding of his reply


"Though unquantified, ..."


Do you mean to say that no such relative weights need apply when considering the dasa and bukhti influences?


"...SA view revolves around that keeping in view the dasa of FB or FM planet."


Indeed, it is good to remind also that the main focus should be on the functional nature of the influence.


His reply was


"Yes. No dependable quantification is feasible."


This is a great relief to have an understanding of SA theory that is consistent with what my recent research of historical trends as per periods in the SAMVA USA chart is showing.


Accordingly, I have revised the relevant section in the blog article POWER OF THE SUN to read:


“Each major period is divided into bukhtis or sub-periods, which follow a prescribed order and are of unequal length. The influence is critically tied to the functional nature of each planet in the chart, i.e. if the planet rules a functional benefic or a functional malefic house. There is no way to quantify the relative influences of the major and sub-period operating. The influence is to be read as per functional nature and influence in the natal chart.â€


I also removed the mention of the old weights in this article.


If you haven´t done so, I encourage interested parties to read my three last articles providing insight into major periods and sub periods. They really show in a striking manner the influence of the different periods, offering yet another stellar confirmation of this chart as the authentic national horoscope for the USA.


http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 11/power- of-sun.html

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 11/boom-bust- and-war.html

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 11/from-gilded- age-to-progressi ve-era.html








Cosmologer <cosmologer >SAMVA Wed, December 2, 2009 9:06:16 AMRe: Blog: POWER OF THE SUN


Hello dear list members,


As the article is quite long, I offer below an abbreviated version with e.g. the Sun sub-period influences shortened in the SAMVA USA chart for easier comprehension.




POWER OF THE SUN (Saturday, November 28, 2009)











In vedic astrology the planetary periods play a major role in explaining the trends in life. In this article, the 120 year dasa cycle is explained and its application demonstrated in terms of Sun major period and Sun sub-period influences as per the SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union) .Planetary periods and their duration in yearsSun: 6Moon: 10Mars: 7Rahu: 18Jupiter: 16Saturn: 19Mercury: 17Ketu: 7Venus: 20Each major period is divided into bukhtis or sub-periods, which follow a prescribed order and are of unequal length. In the SAMVA USA chart, the influence of each planet may be described in the key words below.



Sun: Wealth, status, banks, currency, President, authority, easy gains and foreign affairs. A strong and influentially placed Sun gives strength to the above indications but also periodic problems.


The SUN rules the following indications in the chartLord of 2nd house: Wealth, status, relation with neighborsPlaced in 7th house: Foreign affairs, tourismGeneral indications: President, government leaders, banks, currency, authority, orderAspects 7th house: foreign affairs, tourismAspects 1st house: Self, fameAspected by 8th lord Saturn in the 5th house: Easy gains, inheritance, mining, obstacles, deathAspect of Rahu to 2nd house: Manipulation of and crisis with regard to wealth and status Importantly, the Sun is very powerfully placed and influential in the SAMVA USA chart. Its placement is consistent with USA being a country with major influence in the world and its leader, the US President being supremely powerful. That said, there are also problems in view of the aspects of Saturn and Rahu.


Let us examine the two earlier major periods of the Sun and see what influences where preeminent at that time. Remember, that the major period describes the trend, while transits signify the important events.SUN DASA during the 1st dasa cycle: April 9 1776 to April 10 1782Main results: Formation of the country on February 2, 1781. All the states agree on a principle of Westward expansion, which is linked to the aspect of 8th lord Saturn to Sun as 2nd lord of wealth (easy gains, inheritance) . The colonists were victorious over the British Empire in September 1781, effectively ending the American Revolutionary War. This is linked to the powerful Sun. In doing so, the USA secured control over vast territories by the new nation. Again, this is linked to the aspect of the 8th lord to the 2nd lord.SUN DASA during the 2nd dasa cycle: April 9 1896 to April 10 1902Main results: Roughly one hundred years after its founding, the USA had grown in might on the world stage, although it was not quite yet at the zenith.

Territorial expansion continued with Hawaii annexed and Utah becoming a state. The Treaty of Paris in 1898 gave the United States control of the former Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam. During this period, the USA also became a power broker in China, highlighting the influence of the Sun on 7th house of foreign policy. Gold was discovered in the Klondike in 1896. This was followed by the passage of the Gold Standard Act in 1900 ending a period of bimetallism which had resulted in a debasement of the currency. This is very much linked to the strong Sun as general indicator of currency, but also to the aspect of Saturn, which is the general indicator of mining things from the ground. President William McKinley, Jr. was assassinated on September 14, 1901, which is linked to the aspect of 8th lord of death to the Sun. During the second Sun major period, the Progressive Age was born, with relatively more communal harmony concerning

earlier disputes over injustices or inequalities.SUN DASA during the 3rd dasa cycle: April 9 2016 to April 10 2022This major period is ahead of us. The US has become the preeminent country in the world and will likely retain this status for some more time. The influence of the strong Sun is expected to have a major effect on the national life during its period. An examination of the sub-periods in the national history is also instructive in this regard.The Bukhti periods of the Sun during the 1st dasa cycle (1776-1896)Sun/Sun: April 9, 1776 to July 28 1776- (a pre-natal period) The 13 colonies declare independence and push into motion the legal creation of a confederate

union.Moon/Sun: October 9 1791 to April 9, 1792

- The Bill of Rights is introduced, heralding a major advance in US civil rights. Mars/Sun: May 4, 1798 to September 9, 1798- Increase in power of federal government along with increase of states rights.Rahu/Sun: October 27, 1813 – September 21, 1814- Treaty of Ghent, ending War of 1812 is signed by the UK and USA. This treaty ended British efforts to restrict US foreign trade and to claim territories in America.Jupiter/Sun: October 22, 1827 to August 9, 1828- A new Federal tax on imports provokes controversy in some states- Railroad construction expands, increasing access to new territoriesSaturn/Sun: April 1, 1843 to March 13, 1844- President Polk elected, who favors the annexation of Texas- State government of Oregon moves into sphere of US Federal governmentMercury/Sun: July 4,1858 to May 10,1859- Dispute over government authority in Utah

resolved- US foreign policy power increases- Tensions grow concerning slavery in the USAKetu/Sun: November 6, 1870 to March 13, 1871- Treaty of Washington settles territorial claims concerning the USA- Voting rights of African Americans strengthenedVenus/Sun: August 10, 1879 to August 9, 1880- Civil rights advances, with Habeas Corpus legal reform- Progressive tax changes introduced.The Bukhti periods of the Sun during the 2nd dasa cycle (1896-2016)Sun/Sun: April 9, 1896 to July 28, 1896- Gold standard debated to strengthen the basis of the currency (dollar)- Gold is discovered in AlaskaMoon/Sun: October 9, 1911 to April 9, 1912- Two new states are added to the Union: New Mexico and Arizona.- Standard Oil is broken up as a monopoly.Mars/Sun: May 4, 1918 to September 9,

1918- USA ends World War I and brokers a peaceRahu/Sun: October 27, 1933 – September 21, 1934- The first term of a progressive new President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt- Major changes in government restore order and confidence during the Depression.Jupiter/Sun: October

22, 1947 to August 9, 1948- Following World War II, the USA becomes leader of the “free worldâ€- The USA organizes economic and military resources at home and around the world to combat Communism, including the founding of international organizations.Saturn/Sun: April 1, 1963 to March 13, 1964- President John F. Kennedy is assassinated on November 22, 1963 and is replaced by Lyndon Baines Johnson.- Civil Rights act proposed on June 11, 1963 by President Kennedy is enacted on July 2, 1964 by President Johnson.- The Beatles electrify American youth in early 1964.Mercury/Sun: July 4, 1978 to May 10, 1979- US President Carter brokers a peace deal in the middle East.- Following the tragic killing of San Francisco Mayor Moscone, a woman is elected to the position, Diane Feinstein- USA establishes formal diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of ChinaKetu/Sun: November 6, 1990 to March 13, 1991- USA leads an international coalition of military forces to free

KuwaitVenus/Sun: August 10, 1999 to August 9, 2000- Microsoft, the largest US software company, is found to violate US anti-trust laws- US gives back the Panama canal, strengthening ties with Latin American countries- US government shares technological advances with populationConclusionWhile it is

sometimes hard to disentangle period and transit influences in a chart as well as the ever present natal influences, it is nevertheless possible to discern certain salient influences during the Sun periods in the SAMVA USA chart. The Sun tends to bring out the authority of the US government at home, bringing order to the national life when it seems to be sorely needed, but also the massive influence and stature of this country abroad. Indeed, with such a strong Sun, the USA has earned the title of 'Superpower' . Moreover, as the Sun is the 2nd lord, which rules wealth, it is no surprise the country has also been termed an "Empire of Wealth." These energies find their way into the national life most prominently during the Sun periods.






Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Sat, November 28, 2009 1:22:54 PM Blog: POWER OF THE SUN


Hello dear list members,


I hope you find the following article of interest, even if on the long side.


Saturday, November 28, 2009






In vedic astrology the planetary periods play a major role in explaining the trends in life. In this article, the 120 year dasa cycle is explained and its application demonstrated in terms of Sun major period and Sun sub-period influences as per the SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union) The Vimosattari dasa-bukhti cycle consists of the major periods of 9 planetary bodies in vedic astrology. The major periods of individual planets are of the following order and length.


To read more:

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 11/power- of-sun.html




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