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The US dollar

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Hello Thor:


In reading your:



- transit 8th lord Saturn aspects natal 6th lord Jupiter in autumn

months of 2009. Violent events seen. Problems for financial stability

and banks.

- transit stationary Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house closely

aspects natal 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house in late 2009

and early 2010. Obstacles for the military and police. Problems for

manufacturing industry and foreign trade. One source of problem for

industry and trade could be a stronger dollar, if other factors



I find myself wondering how your thinking process worked - how you see

Saturn here indicating a possible strengthening of the US$? This looks

like an opportunity to learn something................. :-)


Warmly, John




Cosmologer wrote:




Hello dear Jason,


It is true, only a few become wealthy in financial investing.

Observed humane behaviour spans a broad range of proclivities

and motivation.


Importantly, the effort is not to use astrology with the aim of

becoming rich. The reason to do so at the mundane level is because

during the present Capitalist age, the development of financial

activity has implications for all. Finanicial data are also

exceedingly easy to obtain, enabling us to gauge the fluctuating

sentiments on the markets in terms of the astrology of an authentic

mundane chart. The making of predictions of more or less strain in

financial markets has been shown to be possible. However, the

forecasting of currency values is hard as so many factors impinge on

it, including influences in other (and in many cases unobserved)

national charts. Moreover, it is one thing to make predictions on such

phenomena based on long experience and another to do so based on

astrology. We have been discussing rather openly on SAMVA list what may

happen for the dollar based on an astrological reading of the SAMVA USA

chart. A strengthening of the dollar is quite possible at this time, as

you also suggest. As you and others here may not have followed much of

the discussion on SAMVA list so I summarise some of it here for your



In terms of the SAMVA USA chart, these are the things we are








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Hello John,


That's a good question.


A dollar strengthening, while not caused by Saturn, would be seen as a coincident expression of "problems", an indication of Saturn's energy as 8th lord.


In other words, if the dollar strengthens (due to other factors) it would make the price competitiveness of US exporters worse, notably of US manufacturers, which are ruled by Mars. We also need to keep in mind that Mars as 10th lord rules foreign trade. During the transit stationary aspect of Saturn as 8th lord to Mars, which has now begun, we can therefore expect obstacles and endings for US manufacturers who export their goods to other parts of the world. A strengthening of the dollar at that time, due to other factors, could be one expression of such problems.


Finally, we'll soon see what problems develop due to this aspect. Given the strength of Mars in the chart, we would expect strains rather than setbacks from this transit aspect. That said, with Mars transit debilitated at the same time, the situation becomes more dicey than otherwise would be the case. As a thought experiment, we could consider what the influence would be if transit Mars were stationary in Capricorn, where it is exalted, during such a transit aspect to the natal placement in the SAMVA USA chart. Likely a lot easier.






Dr. John D. Andre <drjdandreSAMVA Sent: Sat, December 5, 2009 10:41:34 AM The US dollar

Hello Thor:In reading your:


- transit 8th lord Saturn aspects natal 6th lord Jupiter in autumn months of 2009. Violent events seen. Problems for financial stability and banks.

- transit stationary Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house closely aspects natal 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house in late 2009 and early 2010. Obstacles for the military and police. Problems for manufacturing industry and foreign trade. One source of problem for industry and trade could be a stronger dollar, if other factors support."I find myself wondering how your thinking process worked - how you see Saturn here indicating a possible strengthening of the US$? This looks like an opportunity to learn something................. :-) Warmly, John===============================================Cosmologer wrote:


Hello dear Jason,


It is true, only a few become wealthy in financial investing. Observed humane behaviour spans a broad range of proclivities and motivation.


Importantly, the effort is not to use astrology with the aim of becoming rich. The reason to do so at the mundane level is because during the present Capitalist age, the development of financial activity has implications for all. Finanicial data are also exceedingly easy to obtain, enabling us to gauge the fluctuating sentiments on the markets in terms of the astrology of an authentic mundane chart. The making of predictions of more or less strain in financial markets has been shown to be possible. However, the forecasting of currency values is hard as so many factors impinge on it, including influences in other (and in many cases unobserved) national charts. Moreover, it is one thing to make predictions on such phenomena based on long experience and another to do so based on astrology. We have been discussing rather openly on SAMVA list what may happen for the dollar based on an

astrological reading of the SAMVA USA chart. A strengthening of the dollar is quite possible at this time, as you also suggest. As you and others here may not have followed much of the discussion on SAMVA list so I summarise some of it here for your benefit.


In terms of the SAMVA USA chart, these are the things we are following__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 4661 (20091204) __________The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.http://www.eset.com

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Hello list,


The gain in the dollar yesterday was considerable, or 2% against the Yen and 1.3% against the euro.


Gold price slumps as dollar strengthens

23:25 GMT, Friday, 4 December 2009

The gold price has slumped after surprisingly good US unemployment data sent the US dollar higher, making gold a less attractive investment. Gold fell more than $65, or 5%, to $1,161.4 an ounce, down from a record high of $1,226.56 in early trading. After figures showed the US jobless rate falling, the dollar gained 2% on the Japanese yen and 1.3% on the euro.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sat, December 5, 2009 9:44:52 AMRe: The US dollar



Hello list members,


In the past it has proved challenging to predict the relative value of the dollar in terms of other currencies, especially when doing so based on only one national horoscope. In this case, one does not know what the influence in other country or countries is going to be at a given time. Such analysis enables us to discuss the conditions in one chart only, and at best it would give some indication. Even then, a currency value is some of the most difficult to analyse and predict as behavior on the foreign exchange market is driven by a multitude of changing considerations.


That said, the dollar strengthened yesterday.


Dollar Rises Most Since 1999 Versus Yen as Fed Bets Increase


Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar posted its biggest gain since February 1999 against the yen as a better-than-forecast non-farm payrolls report encouraged traders to boost bets on Federal Reserve interest rate increases. The yen fell this week against all of its 16 major counterparts on speculation Japan’s currency will regain its status as the primary funding vehicle for higher-yielding investments. The euro dropped against the Mexican peso and Polish zloty as demand increased for riskier assets that offer more returns. The Fed holds its last policy-setting meeting of the year on Dec. 16.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087 & sid=asuTKrJrCCVA & pos=2


I had earlier suggested the dollar could begin to strengthen on a trend basis. After strengthening for a few days in the 4th week of November, it weakened again in end November and early December. The key factor for a trend strengthening dollar was the clearing of the conjunction aspect of transit stationary Jupiter to natal Sun.


Importantly, this analysis ignored the day to day transits of the planets considered important for the currency in the SAMVA USA chart. Sun, Moon, 2nd house and 11th house are considered important. 2nd lord Sun is placed in the 7th house and 1st lord Moon is placed in the 11th house, giving the US dollar a strong position in the world, even if its value fluctuates. This is seen in the willingness of foreigners to invest in dollar based assets.


Now which of the currency indications may be more important. As the Sun is both the Sun (obviously) and 2nd lord, i.e. embodies two of the four currency indications in the Cancer rising chart, more import should likely be given to its influence than that of the Moon. That said, the Moon is placed in the 11th house, which is the fourth indication in this respect.


While the major aspect involving Jupiter is clearing, the natal Sun should benefit. However, the transits of Sun and/or Moon need to be examined in this regard, as mentioned earlier, when predicting the course of the dollar. I hinted the dollar might strengthen next Monday when the Moon had also become strong in transit, but at the same time invited others to do the whole analysis, including the position of the Sun in transit. No one did. Well, I looked at the transits yesterday and found


on the positive side for the Sun,

- transit 2nd lord Sun moved more closely into a conjunction of the MEP of 5th house, from where it aspects the 11th house.

- transit Jupiter continued to move away from natal Sun.

- transit 10th lord Mars, albeit debilitated, closely aspects natal 2nd house Sun


on the negative side for the Moon,

-transit Moon was still in 12th house, from where it passed through aspect of natal Ketu.


In sum, three of four indications (Sun, 2nd lord, 11th house) were strong, while Moon was weak and afflicted. This seems to have been sufficient for the dollar to strengthen. Moreover, we do still not know the unobserved variable, the transit and period influences in the other country's charts.


On Monday, December 7, 2009, when Moon moves into Cancer and 1st house and Sun is still in MEP of 5th house, while not yet afflicted by natal Saturn as 8th lord, on the US side we could expect that the dollar would hold its ground and even strengthen further as all the currency indications will be strong.


That said, we do not know the state of the unobserved non-US variable. Will it strengthen or weaken, after all this is a relative value that we are considering. We really don´t know unless someone analyses the respective charts. In any event, we can see what happens.


We should also note that the transits in the SAMVA USA chart have become difficult in a number of respects, as indicated in my message yesterday. In view of the complex transit picture, I suggest we simply observe the value of the dollar over the course of coming weeks.






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tue, December 1, 2009 4:39:54 PMRe: The US dollar



Hello list,


The dollar has dropped as transit Moon has entered Taurus and 11th house where it comes under the affliction of natal 6th lord Jupiter at 4° 25' Scorpio and 5th house and natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio. The outlook for the dollar this week is not good in view of these aspects but also the fact that the transit of the Moon through Gemini and 12th house then follows.


Stocks, Commodities Rise on Dubai, China; Dollar Weakens

Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Stocks rallied from Shanghai to New York and the dollar slid as Dubai World said it’s in talks to restructure less than half its debt and Chinese manufacturing grew at the fastest pace in five years. Treasury 10-year notes dropped for the first time in six days. The MSCI World Index advanced 1.7 percent at 11:01 a.m. in New York and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index added 1 percent. The dollar weakened against 14 of the 16 most-traded currencies, Gold rose to a record and oil climbed more than 1 percent. The yen sank as much as 1.3 percent versus the U.S. currency, the most in seven weeks, on speculation the Bank of Japan will try to limit gains even after keeping interest rates unchanged at an emergency meeting today.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087 & sid=a_jbkdGQJAi8 & pos=1







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Fri, November 27, 2009 4:08:40 PMRe: The US dollar



Thank you John,


It requires much analysis of the transits and I don´t have time to do it now. Perhaps other list members are interested to try their hand at performing such analysis. Let us just keep in mind that:


1. the Sun and Moon and 2nd and 11th houses and their lords are most important for currency strength

2. a single national chart is only the other part of the outcome. To confidently predict we would analyse the other country. With regard to the euro-area and Japan there are only tentative (exploratory) charts. For the USD/GBP we have the UK chart. For India, we also have the chart there. So, perhaps the exchange rate between these countries would be the most interesting one to examine.

3. In the SAMVA USA chart, the transit placement of Moon is important. The Moon will be strong and unafflicted until it becomes conjunct Rahu on Monday, Nov. 30. It will then become opposite to Jupiter on late Tuesday Dec 1 or early Wednesday Dec 2 and opposite 8th lord Saturn on Thursday Dec 3. It will then enter Gemini and 12th house on late Thursday Dec. 3, so it would likely be weak on Friday Dec 4th and then strengthen on Monday Dec. 7, etc.

4. We would then need to analyse the Sun in a like manner for the USA.

5. We would also need to analyse other dynamics in the chart to round out the picture - both in terms of short run dynamics and a longer term trend. It is not an easy analysis as many influences are comingling in the final outcome.

6. Finally, we must remind ourselves that these are not mathematical laws. Karma is mysterious. Our minds may not comprehend the overall influences even when studying a chart with a true method. We must retain our humility that we are not perfect beings. However, an honest effort at analysis usually brings us to the point where we can predict in such a manner that we have the probability on our side. Most people, without astrology, have only 50-50 odds, due to unexpected factors. In the US dollar case, the karma was that a crisis in Dubai strengthened the dollar when all were extremely pessimistic for it. While we couldn´t foretell the event, the transits nevertheless suggested a strengthening.


Hope this helps.






Dr. John D. Andre <drjdandreSAMVA Sent: Fri, November 27, 2009 3:07:52 PM The US dollar

Hello Thor:Good call on this:

The lifting of 2) prompted me to predict an improvement in the value of the dollar. However, a closer analysis of the Sun and Moon in transit, showed that this could be delayed, as you also suggest for reasons not explained. The transits in the chart are quite mixed. The period influence is also hard to read, as the sub-period belongs to Saturn as 8th lord and it natally aspects the Sun. Will this bring obstacles or easy gains? That said, we can follow the market today, to see if the transit of Moon into Pisces, albeit into the aspect of natal 6th lord Jupiter, and transit of Sun conjunct natal Mars will manage to help the dollar, even if interest rates are so low (as Jupiter is weak) How long would you expect this bounce to last?Warmly, John======================================================================Cosmologer wrote:


Hello list,


Interesting isn´t it!?



Gold Drops Most Since January After Dollar Index Extends Gains

Nov. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Gold dropped the most since January in London as gains in the dollar damped demand for the precious metal as an alternative asset. The U.S. Dollar Index, a six-currency gauge of the currency’s value, extended its rebound from a 15-month low after Dubai’s efforts to reschedule its debt rattled investors. Prices of other precious metals, crude oil and all six main industrial metals on the London Metal Exchange declined. Gold climbed to a record yesterday.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive & sid=afW7N2C1hAt8


That said, the dollar is still at a very low level.


Thor__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 4642 (20091127) __________The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.http://www.eset.com

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Hello dear list members,


The prediction...



"On Monday, December 7, 2009, when Moon moves into Cancer and 1st house and Sun is still in MEP of 5th house, while not yet afflicted by natal Saturn as 8th lord, on the US side we could expect that the dollar would hold its ground and even strengthen further as all the currency indications will be strong. "


....has come true.


Stock market slides as dollar strengthens

Stocks slump as dollar strengthens, investors seek safe havens

1:12 pm EST, Tuesday December 8, 2009

(AP) -- Investors dumped stocks and sought safe-haven assets like the dollar and Treasurys on signs that the global economy is still struggling.







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Sun, December 6, 2009 8:33:54 AMRe: The US dollar



Hello list,


The gain in the dollar yesterday was considerable, or 2% against the Yen and 1.3% against the euro.


Gold price slumps as dollar strengthens

23:25 GMT, Friday, 4 December 2009

The gold price has slumped after surprisingly good US unemployment data sent the US dollar higher, making gold a less attractive investment. Gold fell more than $65, or 5%, to $1,161.4 an ounce, down from a record high of $1,226.56 in early trading. After figures showed the US jobless rate falling, the dollar gained 2% on the Japanese yen and 1.3% on the euro.



I had earlier suggested the dollar could begin to strengthen on a trend basis. After strengthening for a few days in the 4th week of November, it weakened again in end November and early December. The key factor for a trend strengthening dollar was the clearing of the conjunction aspect of transit stationary Jupiter to natal Sun.


Importantly, this analysis ignored the day to day transits of the planets considered important for the currency in the SAMVA USA chart. Sun, Moon, 2nd house and 11th house are considered important. 2nd lord Sun is placed in the 7th house and 1st lord Moon is placed in the 11th house, giving the US dollar a strong position in the world, even if its value fluctuates. This is seen in the willingness of foreigners to invest in dollar based assets.


Now which of the currency indications may be more important. As the Sun is both the Sun (obviously) and 2nd lord, i.e. embodies two of the four currency indications in the Cancer rising chart, more import should likely be given to its influence than that of the Moon. That said, the Moon is placed in the 11th house, which is the fourth indication in this respect.


While the major aspect involving Jupiter is clearing, the natal Sun should benefit. However, the transits of Sun and/or Moon need to be examined in this regard, as mentioned earlier, when predicting the course of the dollar. I hinted the dollar might strengthen next Monday when the Moon had also become strong in transit, but at the same time invited others to do the whole analysis, including the position of the Sun in transit. No one did. Well, I looked at the transits yesterday and found


on the positive side for the Sun,

- transit 2nd lord Sun moved more closely into a conjunction of the MEP of 5th house, from where it aspects the 11th house.

- transit Jupiter continued to move away from natal Sun.

- transit 10th lord Mars, albeit debilitated, closely aspects natal 2nd house Sun


on the negative side for the Moon,

-transit Moon was still in 12th house, from where it passed through aspect of natal Ketu.


In sum, three of four indications (Sun, 2nd lord, 11th house) were strong, while Moon was weak and afflicted. This seems to have been sufficient for the dollar to strengthen. Moreover, we do still not know the unobserved variable, the transit and period influences in the other country's charts.


On Monday, December 7, 2009, when Moon moves into Cancer and 1st house and Sun is still in MEP of 5th house, while not yet afflicted by natal Saturn as 8th lord, on the US side we could expect that the dollar would hold its ground and even strengthen further as all the currency indications will be strong.


That said, we do not know the state of the unobserved non-US variable. Will it strengthen or weaken, after all this is a relative value that we are considering. We really don´t know unless someone analyses the respective charts. In any event, we can see what happens.


We should also note that the transits in the SAMVA USA chart have become difficult in a number of respects, as indicated in my message yesterday. In view of the complex transit picture, I suggest we simply observe the value of the dollar over the course of coming weeks.






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tue, December 1, 2009 4:39:54 PMRe: The US dollar



Hello list,


The dollar has dropped as transit Moon has entered Taurus and 11th house where it comes under the affliction of natal 6th lord Jupiter at 4° 25' Scorpio and 5th house and natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio. The outlook for the dollar this week is not good in view of these aspects but also the fact that the transit of the Moon through Gemini and 12th house then follows.


Stocks, Commodities Rise on Dubai, China; Dollar Weakens

Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Stocks rallied from Shanghai to New York and the dollar slid as Dubai World said it’s in talks to restructure less than half its debt and Chinese manufacturing grew at the fastest pace in five years. Treasury 10-year notes dropped for the first time in six days. The MSCI World Index advanced 1.7 percent at 11:01 a.m. in New York and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index added 1 percent. The dollar weakened against 14 of the 16 most-traded currencies, Gold rose to a record and oil climbed more than 1 percent. The yen sank as much as 1.3 percent versus the U.S. currency, the most in seven weeks, on speculation the Bank of Japan will try to limit gains even after keeping interest rates unchanged at an emergency meeting today.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087 & sid=a_jbkdGQJAi8 & pos=1







Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Fri, November 27, 2009 4:08:40 PMRe: The US dollar



Thank you John,


It requires much analysis of the transits and I don´t have time to do it now. Perhaps other list members are interested to try their hand at performing such analysis. Let us just keep in mind that:


1. the Sun and Moon and 2nd and 11th houses and their lords are most important for currency strength

2. a single national chart is only the other part of the outcome. To confidently predict we would analyse the other country. With regard to the euro-area and Japan there are only tentative (exploratory) charts. For the USD/GBP we have the UK chart. For India, we also have the chart there. So, perhaps the exchange rate between these countries would be the most interesting one to examine.

3. In the SAMVA USA chart, the transit placement of Moon is important. The Moon will be strong and unafflicted until it becomes conjunct Rahu on Monday, Nov. 30. It will then become opposite to Jupiter on late Tuesday Dec 1 or early Wednesday Dec 2 and opposite 8th lord Saturn on Thursday Dec 3. It will then enter Gemini and 12th house on late Thursday Dec. 3, so it would likely be weak on Friday Dec 4th and then strengthen on Monday Dec. 7, etc.

4. We would then need to analyse the Sun in a like manner for the USA.

5. We would also need to analyse other dynamics in the chart to round out the picture - both in terms of short run dynamics and a longer term trend. It is not an easy analysis as many influences are comingling in the final outcome.

6. Finally, we must remind ourselves that these are not mathematical laws. Karma is mysterious. Our minds may not comprehend the overall influences even when studying a chart with a true method. We must retain our humility that we are not perfect beings. However, an honest effort at analysis usually brings us to the point where we can predict in such a manner that we have the probability on our side. Most people, without astrology, have only 50-50 odds, due to unexpected factors. In the US dollar case, the karma was that a crisis in Dubai strengthened the dollar when all were extremely pessimistic for it. While we couldn´t foretell the event, the transits nevertheless suggested a strengthening.


Hope this helps.






Dr. John D. Andre <drjdandreSAMVA Sent: Fri, November 27, 2009 3:07:52 PM The US dollar

Hello Thor:Good call on this:

The lifting of 2) prompted me to predict an improvement in the value of the dollar. However, a closer analysis of the Sun and Moon in transit, showed that this could be delayed, as you also suggest for reasons not explained. The transits in the chart are quite mixed. The period influence is also hard to read, as the sub-period belongs to Saturn as 8th lord and it natally aspects the Sun. Will this bring obstacles or easy gains? That said, we can follow the market today, to see if the transit of Moon into Pisces, albeit into the aspect of natal 6th lord Jupiter, and transit of Sun conjunct natal Mars will manage to help the dollar, even if interest rates are so low (as Jupiter is weak) How long would you expect this bounce to last?Warmly, John======================================================================Cosmologer wrote:


Hello list,


Interesting isn´t it!?



Gold Drops Most Since January After Dollar Index Extends Gains

Nov. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Gold dropped the most since January in London as gains in the dollar damped demand for the precious metal as an alternative asset. The U.S. Dollar Index, a six-currency gauge of the currency’s value, extended its rebound from a 15-month low after Dubai’s efforts to reschedule its debt rattled investors. Prices of other precious metals, crude oil and all six main industrial metals on the London Metal Exchange declined. Gold climbed to a record yesterday.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive & sid=afW7N2C1hAt8


That said, the dollar is still at a very low level.


Thor__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 4642 (20091127) __________The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.http://www.eset.com

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Hello Thor:


Another good call . . . congrats.


When do you see the next reversal coming?


Warmly, John



Cosmologer wrote:




Hello dear list members,


The prediction...



"On Monday, December 7, 2009, when Moon

moves into Cancer and 1st house and Sun is still in MEP of 5th house,

while not yet afflicted by natal Saturn as 8th lord, on the US side we

could expect that the dollar would hold its ground and even strengthen

further as all the currency indications will be strong. "


....has come true.


Stock market slides as dollar strengthens

Stocks slump as dollar strengthens, investors seek safe havens

1:12 pm EST, Tuesday December 8, 2009

(AP) -- Investors dumped stocks and sought safe-haven assets

like the dollar and Treasurys on signs that the global economy is still









Cosmologer <cosmologer >


Sun, December 6,

2009 8:33:54 AM


The US dollar





Hello list,


The gain in the

dollar yesterday was considerable, or 2% against the Yen and 1.3%

against the euro.


Gold price

slumps as dollar strengthens 

23:25 GMT, Friday, 4 December


The gold

price has slumped after surprisingly good US unemployment data sent the

US dollar higher, making gold a less attractive investment.  Gold

fell more than $65, or 5%, to $1,161.4 an ounce, down from a record

high of $1,226.56 in early trading. After figures showed the US jobless

rate falling, the dollar gained 2% on the Japanese yen and 1.3% on the




I had earlier suggested the dollar could begin to

strengthen on a trend basis. After strengthening for a few days in the

4th week of November, it weakened again in end November and early

December. The key factor for a trend strengthening dollar was the

clearing of the conjunction aspect of transit stationary Jupiter to

natal Sun.


Importantly, this analysis ignored the day to day

transits of the planets considered important for the currency in

the SAMVA USA chart. Sun, Moon, 2nd house and 11th house are considered

important. 2nd lord Sun is placed in the 7th house and 1st lord Moon is

placed in the 11th house, giving the US dollar a strong position in the

world, even if its value fluctuates. This is seen in the willingness of

foreigners to invest in dollar based assets. 


Now which of the currency indications may be more

important. As the Sun is both the Sun (obviously) and 2nd lord, i.e.

embodies two of the four currency indications in the Cancer rising

chart, more import should likely be given to its influence than that of

the Moon. That said, the Moon is placed in the 11th house, which is the

fourth indication in this respect. 


While the major aspect involving Jupiter is clearing,

the natal Sun should benefit. However, the transits of Sun and/or Moon

need to be examined in this regard, as mentioned earlier, when

predicting the course of the dollar. I hinted the dollar might

strengthen next Monday when the Moon had also become strong in transit,

but at the same time invited others to do the whole analysis,

including the position of the Sun in transit. No one did. Well, I

looked at the transits yesterday and found


on the positive side for the Sun,

- transit 2nd lord Sun moved more closely into a

conjunction of the  MEP of 5th house, from where it aspects the 11th


- transit Jupiter continued to move away from natal


- transit 10th lord Mars, albeit debilitated, closely

aspects natal 2nd house Sun


on the negative side for the Moon,

-transit Moon was still in 12th house, from where it

passed through aspect of natal Ketu.


In sum, three of four indications (Sun, 2nd lord, 11th

house) were strong, while Moon was weak and afflicted. This seems to

have been sufficient for the dollar to strengthen. Moreover, we do

still not know the unobserved variable, the transit and period

influences in the other country's charts.


On Monday, December 7, 2009, when Moon moves into

Cancer and 1st house and Sun is still in MEP of 5th house, while not

yet afflicted by natal Saturn as 8th lord, on the US side we could

expect that the dollar would hold its ground and even strengthen

further as all the currency indications will be strong.


That said, we do not know the state of the unobserved

non-US variable. Will it strengthen or weaken, after all this is a

relative value that we are considering. We really don´t know unless

someone analyses the respective charts. In any event, we can see what



We should also note that the transits in the SAMVA USA

chart have become difficult in a number of respects, as indicated in my

message yesterday. In view of the complex transit picture, I suggest we

simply observe the value of the dollar over the course of coming weeks.










Cosmologer <cosmologer >


Tue, December 1,

2009 4:39:54 PM


The US dollar






Hello list,


The dollar has dropped as transit Moon

has entered Taurus and 11th house where it comes under the affliction

of natal 6th lord Jupiter at 4° 25' Scorpio and 5th house and natal 8th

lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio. The outlook for the dollar this week is

not good in view of these aspects but also the fact that the transit of

the Moon through Gemini and 12th house then follows.


Stocks, Commodities Rise

on Dubai, China; Dollar Weakens

Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Stocks rallied

from Shanghai to New York and the dollar slid as Dubai World said it’s

in talks to restructure less than half its debt and Chinese

manufacturing grew at the fastest pace in five years. Treasury 10-year

notes dropped for the first time in six days. The MSCI World Index advanced 1.7

percent at 11:01 a.m. in New York and the Standard & Poor’s 500

Index added 1 percent. The dollar weakened against 14 of the 16

most-traded currencies, Gold rose to a record and oil climbed more than

1 percent. The yen sank as much as 1.3 percent versus the U.S.

currency, the most in seven weeks, on speculation the Bank of Japan

will try to limit gains even after keeping interest rates unchanged at

an emergency meeting today.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087 & sid=a_jbkdGQJAi8 & pos=1









Cosmologer <cosmologer >


Fri, November

27, 2009 4:08:40 PM


The US dollar






Thank you John,


It requires much analysis of the transits and I don´t

have time to do it now. Perhaps other list members are interested to

try their hand at performing such analysis. Let us just keep in mind



1. the Sun and Moon and 2nd and 11th houses and their

lords are most important for currency strength

2. a single national chart is only the other part of

the outcome. To confidently predict we would analyse the other country.

With regard to the euro-area and Japan there are only tentative

(exploratory) charts. For the USD/GBP we have the UK chart. For India,

we also have the chart there. So, perhaps the exchange rate between

these countries would be the most interesting one to examine.

3. In the SAMVA USA chart, the transit placement of

Moon is important. The Moon will be strong and unafflicted until it

becomes conjunct Rahu on Monday, Nov. 30. It will then become

opposite to Jupiter on late Tuesday Dec 1 or early Wednesday Dec 2 and

opposite 8th lord Saturn on Thursday Dec 3. It will then enter Gemini

and 12th house on late Thursday Dec. 3, so it would likely be weak on

Friday Dec 4th and then strengthen on Monday Dec. 7, etc.

4. We would then need to analyse the Sun in a like

manner for the USA.

5. We would also need to analyse other dynamics in the

chart to round out the picture - both in terms of short run dynamics

and a longer term trend. It is not an easy analysis as many influences

are comingling in the final outcome. 

6. Finally, we must remind ourselves that these are

not mathematical laws. Karma is mysterious. Our minds may not

comprehend the overall influences even when studying a chart with a

true method. We must retain our humility that we are not perfect

beings. However, an honest effort at analysis usually brings us to the

point where we can predict in such a manner that we have the

probability on our side. Most people, without astrology, have only

50-50 odds, due to unexpected factors. In the US dollar case, the karma

was that a crisis in Dubai strengthened the dollar when all were

extremely pessimistic for it. While we couldn´t foretell the event, the

transits nevertheless suggested a strengthening.


Hope this helps.








John D. Andre <drjdandre >


Fri, November

27, 2009 3:07:52 PM


US dollar




Hello Thor:


Good call on this:


The lifting of 2) prompted me to predict an

improvement in the value of the dollar. However, a closer analysis of

the Sun and Moon in transit, showed that this could be delayed, as you

also suggest for reasons not explained. The transits in the chart are

quite mixed. The period influence is also hard to read, as the

sub-period belongs to Saturn as 8th lord and it natally aspects the

Sun. Will this bring obstacles or easy gains? That said, we can follow

the market today, to see if the transit of Moon into Pisces, albeit

into the aspect of natal 6th lord Jupiter, and transit of Sun conjunct

natal Mars will manage to help the dollar, even if interest rates

are so low (as Jupiter is weak)


How long would you expect this bounce to



Warmly, John



Cosmologer wrote:




Hello list,


Interesting isn´t it!?



Gold Drops Most Since January After Dollar

Index Extends Gains

Nov. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Gold dropped the most since

January in London as gains in the dollar damped demand for the precious

metal as an alternative asset. The U.S. Dollar

Index, a six-currency gauge of the currency’s value, extended

its rebound from a 15-month low after Dubai’s efforts to reschedule its

debt rattled investors. Prices of other precious metals, crude oil and

all six main industrial metals on the London Metal Exchange declined.

Gold climbed to a record yesterday.


http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive & sid=afW7N2C1hAt8


That said, the dollar is still at a very low level.










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Hello dear John,


Studying financial variables that reflect global influences, like the dollar, is

not only time consuming but complicated. The astrological factors to consider

are many and it is better to study several important mundane charts if one has

them. Even then, one should be mindful that astrology, a study of human karma,

is not an instrument to read causal influence for high or low financial values!

Life is more complicated than that. For instance, a higher value may be good at

one time, but a higher still value may be adverse at another time. It all

depends on the circumstances.


In general, as I mentioned earlier, when the stationary transit affliction of

natal 2nd lord Sun had lifted, there was likely be some trend improvement. This

is due to the fact that we have seen the dollar suppressed to very low levels

this autumn and it would thus be expected to rise when the weight was lifted, so

to speak. In past weeks I have examined the other factors that would be expected

to have an influence to look a few days ahead and made some calls.


I don´t have more time to devote to this particular area, but we can follow the

dollar moving forward and examine the transits if there are big swings.



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Hello dear Arun,


First let me say that I really don´t have time for extensive analysis of financial assets. This will be my last post on the matter for a while.


The natal 2nd lord Sun, an important indicator of currency strength in the SAMVA USA chart, is at this time conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn. This could bring some obstacles but also easy gains. It will then shortly move into the sign Sagittarius which falls in the 6th house. At the same time, its dispositor, transit 6th lord Jupiter, is now debilitated and old age in transit in the final degrees of the sign Capricorn. Jupiter will then, on December 21, move into the sign Aquarius, which is in the malefic 8th house in the SAMVA USA chart. Saturn, as sub-period lord, will thus soon become the dispositor of transit Jupiter and in turn the Sun. Saturn also aspects the Sun in the SAMVA USA chart, bringing both obstacles but also easy gains. The dispositor of Saturn in transit is Mercury and it is transiting the sign Sagittarius for the next two months. As it is badly

placed, this reduces the strength of transit Saturn, which is now stationary afflicting natal 10th lord Mars. This transit aspect could bring problems for the government, export manufacturers and troops. Moreover, transit Rahu has moved into Sagittarius and 6th house where it is now stationary afflicting natal Venus, the major period lord. This transit could have a dampening effect on the housing market and communal harmony. In sum, the above transits are not seen to be helpful to the dollar.


That said, as I have said before, astrology helps us to detect the easy or challenging periods in life. It is not always certain that this corresponds to a high or low value of things like relative currency values. A low currency has its benefits (strong price competitive position) as well as its costs (reduced purchasing power abroad). The net influence is to boost the external balance which over time tends to strengthen the currency. A high currency has its benefits (strong purchasing power abroad) but also its costs (reduced price competitiveness for exports). The net influence tends to reduce the external balance and currency strength going forward. Currencies tend to follow irregular cycles, bounded by high and low values. The dollar is now very low in value, historically speaking, but it has recently shown signs of recovery.


Currency values are the repository of all types of information from all over the world and millions of decisions, which reflect energies at work in mundane charts, known and unknown. Even then history shows that the USA is something of a "first among equals" when it comes to currency strength, in terms of either the relative value of the currency or the prices foreigners charge it for lendig it assets in its own currency (investing in dollar denominated assets). The natal potential seen for currency strength, as indicated by the Sun, 2nd lord, Moon and 11th house. Both the Sun and Moon are strong and powerfully influencing in the SAMVA USA chart.

Again, the period and transit energies are not helpful for the coming months. As earlier stated, it was the transit station of Jupiter over the natal Sun which brought concerns about the rise in US debt and questions about the reserve status of the US dollar this autumn. This transit contributed to the suppression of the relative value of the dollar (in terms of other currencies). As the aspect lifted, it was expected some weight would be lifted off the dollar and it likely has.


However, as noted above the transit energies in the SAMVA USA chart are not easy going forward, while the Sun is badly placed in transit. It is also hard to say excactly how the balance of these energies will manifest in terms of relative currency values. Will the dollar continue at its present low level now that natal Sun is no longer afflicted while transit Sun is afflicted by natal Saturn and soon to become badly placed, while also other difficult transits are at work but involving other indications, those of Venus and Mars? It is hard to say.


It is hard to see a further decline in the dollar but it is also hard to argue the above influences will contrtibute to strengthen it very much based on the SAMVA USA chart. Again, there is a lot of unknown information or uncertainty involved and we will soon see how the dollar evolves.





Arun <abirla2001SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 5:27:46 PMRe: [systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] Re: The US dollarDear Mr. Thor,I am into Export Business and earn income in USD which eventually needs to be converted to Indian Rupee. As per your prediction USD is to become stronger in December as well as January 2010. The Surprising Unemployment report gave a Major Boost to value of USD; also today the Trade Deficit data has come in support of USD again.BUT despite of all this Indian Stock Markets are maintaining high levels and continues to gain and are not at all showing signs of weakness - This is pushing the value of USD lower

when converted to Indian Rupees. The Irony is that USD has increased in value and has gained against major currencies BUT is not showing major increase against INR. I sincerely wish to know when Will Indian Stock Markets show weakness (after 10 Dec 2009) which in turn will allow USD to gain on Indian Rupee. We have been suffering losses since last many months and after all the hard work when we convert our USD to INR we really are very depressed. Pls advise.Thanks.Best Regards,Arun Birla.________________________________Cosmologer <cosmologerSystemsApproachToVedic Astrology Cc: samva Sent: Fri, December 4, 2009 1:18:26 PM[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] Re: The US dollar Hello dear Jason,It is true, only a few become wealthy in financial investing. Observed humane behaviour spans a broad range of proclivities and motivation. Importantly, the effort is not to use astrology with the aim of becoming rich. The reason to do so at the mundane level is because during the present Capitalist age, the development of financial activity has implications for all. Finanicial data are also exceedingly easy to obtain, enabling us to gauge the fluctuating sentiments on the markets in terms of the astrology of an authentic mundane chart. The making of predictions of more or less strain in financial markets has been shown

to be possible. However, the forecasting of currency values is hard as so many factors impinge on it, including influences in other (and in many cases unobserved) national charts. Moreover, it is one thing to make predictions on such phenomena based on long experience and another to do so based on astrology. We have been discussing rather openly on SAMVA list what may happen for the dollar based on an astrological reading of the SAMVA USA chart. A strengtheningof the dollar is quite possible at this time, as you also suggest. As you and others here may not have followed much of the discussion on SAMVA list so I summarise some of it here for your benefit. In terms of the SAMVA USA chart, these are the things we are following VENUS-SATURN PERIOD- Venus major period involves Venus as 4th lord badly placed in the 6th house, which is afflicted by Rahu and the 4th house is afflicted by Ketu.

6th lord Jupiter is well placed in the 5th house, in aspect with an exalted 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. There has been lot of infrastructure development. Supremely rich people have emerged based on some market based activity. Social fairness issues have become descisive. Housing has become the source of a housing bubble and financial crash. This period lasts until April 2016.- Saturn sub-period involves Saturn as 8th lord well placed in Scorpio and 5th house but in slight old age and aspecting Sun as 2nd lord. Ketu afflicts the 8th house of obstacles and endings, easy gains and beliefs of the people. This period is expected to bring a sluggish development of the economy, a focus on traditional activiti es and things mined from the ground, difficulties for the US President and perhaps sudden disturbing events.JUPITER- transit stationary and debilitated 6th lord Jupiter at 23° 20' Capricorn and 7th

house is conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn in the autumn months of 2009. This transit brought concerns about the debt and the dollar, as predicted. The value of the dollar became very low.- transit Jupiter begins to leave the conjunction of the Sun in the third week of November. Some improvement in the value of the dollar expected, given also the strength of Sun and Moon in transit.- transit Jupiter, while in the 7th house, enters into aspect of natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio and 5th house. Violent events possible (several multiple murders seen). Obstacles to financial stability and banks. - transit Jupiter entering Aquarius and the 8th house of the chart. Weakeness and problems for monetary policy and financial stability.SATURN- transit 8th lord Saturn aspects natal 6th lord Jupiter in autumn months of 2009. Violent events seen. Problems for financial stability and banks.-

transit stationary Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house closely asepcts natal 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house in late 2009 and early 2010. Obstacles for the military and police. Problems for manufacturing industry and foreign trade. One source of problem for industry and trade could be a stronger dollar, if other factors support.RAHU- transit stationary Rahu at 27° Sagittarius and 6th house (and Ketu in Gemini/12th) is conjunct natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius in late 2009 and early 2010. This is likely to disturb the sentiments, the housing market and communal harmony.-transit stationary Rahu at 18° Sagittarius and 6th house in aspect to natal Rahu at 17° 47' Aries and 10th house in summer of 2010. This is likely to bring a fresh upset to the market, perhaps a second round for the present crisis.KETU- transit stationary Ketu at 18° Gemini and 12th house

in aspect to natal Ketu at 18° Libra and 4th house in summer of 2010. This asepct could result in a sudden upsetting event.MARS- transit debilitation of 10th lord Mars in Cancer and 1st house during the 4th quarter of 2009 and first half of 2010. Foreign trade and manufacturing industry become more prominent, but weakness is seen.JUPITER-SATURN- transit 8th lord Saturn in early Virgo and 3rd house in mutual aspect to transit 6th lord Jupiter in Pisces and 9th house in summer of 2010. For part of this time, natal 6th lord Jupiter will be aspected by the transit planets. These aspect is likely to produce violent events and difficulty for easy gains, financial stability, etc..Agains, mirroring what we see around us, not many people have strong karma in their charts for wealth by investing or speculation. Fewer still also have an interest in astrology or the spiritual side of life. For

others, there may karma that actually indicates a danger of losses in financial or housing investments. The range of human experiences is broad indeed! The value of astrology is that it shows ones capabilities as well as limits and how to manage. The wise heed its advice and work with what they have. Contented persons are grateful for their gifts and humble in the presence of their limits. In my view, it is helpful to have an interest in astrology and the spiritual side of life and a real blessing to come across a great teacher like .Thor____________ _________ _________ __jason smith <jasonsmith108@ gmail.com>SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrologyThu, December 3, 2009 5:41:55 PMRe: [systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] The US

dollarLet us wait and see if my prediction for a stronger dollar in December andJanuary comes true.On another note, a person is better off reading a high quality weeklypublication on the US and Global economies than keeping up with thesensational flavor of the hour.When numbers come in, like unemployment, we should use 10% change, as ruleof thumb to gauge if its worth mentioning. Check significant lows/highs,add/subtract 10% and that gives you a good idea how things are moving.Regarding financial markets and equities, I think that this will remain amystery to most astrologers. If this knowledge is firmly in hand, one maybecome extremely wealthy. We can see from the natal chart of manyastrologers that such is unlikely.The move of Jupiter to Aquarius isn't positive for the USA for all 6H,andbank concerns.Jason SmithOn Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Cosmologer

<cosmologer > wrote:>>> Hello dear Jason,>> We certainly live in interesting times.>> Reading the economy and the dollar is not easy, not only due to problems of> analysing many influences, but also due to the global nature of influences.> Allow me however, to ad a few comments. While my aim is to help clarify the> many issues involved from an economic and astrological standpoint, I realise> it may also complicate the picture. Hopefully, we can at least begin to see> the main strands of the factors involved.>> First, the assessment of the strength of the US dollar could acknowledge> that the weakness of the dollar at the present time owes primarily to three> factors>> 1) the extraordinarily low interest rates in the USA (due to the financial> crash and recession). This situation has created an outflow

out of US dollar> based capital in the so-called 'carry trade' which many worry may create a> new bubble in the global economy. The low interest rates in Japan created a> similar carry trade in the recent global bubble.> The debiliation of Jupiter in transit is likely the chief astrological> factor associated with the weakness of US monetary policy. This weakness is> likely to be with us after Jupiter moves through Aquarius and 8th house in> the SAMVA USA chart.>> 2) concerns that the time of Pax Americana, the dominance of the US dollar> as an international reserve currency, is over.> The astrological explanation for this is the recent station of Jupiter as> 6th lord conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart. This affliction> is now lifting.>> The lifting of 2) prompted me to predict an improvement in the value of the> dollar.

However, a closer analysis of the Sun and Moon in transit, showed> that this could be delayed, as you also suggest for reasons not explained.> The transits in the chart are quite mixed. The period influence is also hard> to read, as the sub-period belongs to Saturn as 8th lord and it natally> aspects the Sun. Will this bring obstacles or easy gains? That said, we can> follow the market today, to see if the transit of Moon into Pisces, albeit> into the aspect of natal 6th lord Jupiter, and transit of Sun conjunct natal> Mars will manage to help the dollar, even if interest rates are so low (as> Jupiter is weak)>> 3) The dollar is also influenced by the US trade balance.> Actually, for the past two decades there has been a concern that a> "disorderly adjustment" in the dollar could be provoked by the persisting US> trade deficits and evers increasing foreign debt of

the USA. This is> undoubtedly a big factor in 2).>> In the SAMVA USA chart, Mars as 10th lord rules foreign trade. The MEP of> the 10th house is afflicted by Rahu (and Ketu), suggesting problems of> manipulation involving this area of national life. Looking at transit Rahu,> we see it has recently moved into the 6th house of financial stability> (problems with debt). This suggests, concerns over financial stability may> become pronounced, especially when it afflicts natal 4th lord Venus (fixed> assets), the MEPs of the houses involved at 20° and its own natal placement> at 18° Aries. So next year we need to watch this. Moreover, the strong natal> 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house will soon become afflicted by a> stationary 8th lord Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house. This is likely to> bring strains involving obstacles and endings to the indications

of Mars.> Fortunately, Mars is strong an well apsected by natal 1st lord Moon,> protecting these indications. In short, the US dollar could become involved> in this situation, albeit it is hard to see how in the globally> interconnected world. How will the low interest rates, some improvement in> the US economy and problems with trade affect the dollar? How will the low> dollar affect the trade? It should help reduce imports and raise exports,> but is that happening?>> As for the state of the US economy, yesterday, the number of new claimants> of unemployment benefits has declined more than expected. Earlier consumer> demand figures were seen to improve. Housing starts was also registering> some improvement. So, in fact, the anecdotal data has continued to paint a> picture of gradual improvement in the economy, even if it is of course in a> sorry

state.>> Thor>>> ____________ _________ _________ __> jason smith <jasonsmith108@ gmail.com <jasonsmith108% 40gmail.com> >> SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrology<SystemsApproachToV edicAstrology% 40. com>> Wed, November 25, 2009 6:48:17 PM> Re: [systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Happy Thanksgiving!>> Dear List members,>> I second the gratitude for Professor C and the SA. Here in the USA, I hope> that we can all be grateful for what we do have and give to others with our> full hearts. And God willing, we'll receive the same.>> On another note: If there is a chance for the USD to strengthen, it can> come> in the months of December and January. The GDP numbers for the USA came out>

recently and they have painted a poor picture of the economy. The> fluctuations in job and housing numbers should continue for a while and> keep> giving avid news followers and reporters a warped picture.>> Jason Smith>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Shayn Smith <mactunesmith@ <mactunesmith% 40>> >wrote:>> >> >> > Dear and List Members,> > As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., I would like to take> > this time to offer thanks for the remarkable gift of Systems' Approach to> > Vedic Astrology given to us by . Also, much admiration> and> > appreciation go out to the list members who faithfully promote SATVA

and> > share their wonderful wisdom on these lists, including dear Thor who> > tirelessly produces brilliant insights into the mundane sphere.> >> > I have learned so much from all of you...> >> > Warm regards,> > Shayn Smith> > Boulder, Colorado> > USA> >> >

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I think ultimately Dollar will win against all major currencies because the history shows that dollar has always rebounded. Government has bail out major corporation but it is making money out of it. Once it start raising rates, the dollar will ultimately start going up.




Cosmologer <cosmologerSystemsApproachToVedic Astrology Cc: samva Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 2:33:16 AM Re: The US dollar




Hello dear Arun,


First let me say that I really don´t have time for extensive analysis of financial assets. This will be my last post on the matter for a while.


The natal 2nd lord Sun, an important indicator of currency strength in the SAMVA USA chart, is at this time conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn. This could bring some obstacles but also easy gains. It will then shortly move into the sign Sagittarius which falls in the 6th house. At the same time, its dispositor, transit 6th lord Jupiter, is now debilitated and old age in transit in the final degrees of the sign Capricorn. Jupiter will then, on December 21, move into the sign Aquarius, which is in the malefic 8th house in the SAMVA USA chart. Saturn, as sub-period lord, will thus soon become the dispositor of transit Jupiter and in turn the Sun. Saturn also aspects the Sun in the SAMVA USA chart, bringing both obstacles but also easy gains. The dispositor of Saturn in transit is Mercury and it is transiting the sign Sagittarius for the next two months. As it is badly

placed, this reduces the strength of transit Saturn, which is now stationary afflicting natal 10th lord Mars. This transit aspect could bring problems for the government, export manufacturers and troops. Moreover, transit Rahu has moved into Sagittarius and 6th house where it is now stationary afflicting natal Venus, the major period lord. This transit could have a dampening effect on the housing market and communal harmony. In sum, the above transits are not seen to be helpful to the dollar.


That said, as I have said before, astrology helps us to detect the easy or challenging periods in life. It is not always certain that this corresponds to a high or low value of things like relative currency values. A low currency has its benefits (strong price competitive position) as well as its costs (reduced purchasing power abroad). The net influence is to boost the external balance which over time tends to strengthen the currency. A high currency has its benefits (strong purchasing power abroad) but also its costs (reduced price competitiveness for exports). The net influence tends to reduce the external balance and currency strength going forward. Currencies tend to follow irregular cycles, bounded by high and low values. The dollar is now very low in value, historically speaking, but it has recently shown signs of recovery.


Currency values are the repository of all types of information from all over the world and millions of decisions, which reflect energies at work in mundane charts, known and unknown. Even then history shows that the USA is something of a "first among equals" when it comes to currency strength, in terms of either the relative value of the currency or the prices foreigners charge it for lendig it assets in its own currency (investing in dollar denominated assets). The natal potential seen for currency strength, as indicated by the Sun, 2nd lord, Moon and 11th house. Both the Sun and Moon are strong and powerfully influencing in the SAMVA USA chart.

Again, the period and transit energies are not helpful for the coming months. As earlier stated, it was the transit station of Jupiter over the natal Sun which brought concerns about the rise in US debt and questions about the reserve status of the US dollar this autumn. This transit contributed to the suppression of the relative value of the dollar (in terms of other currencies). As the aspect lifted, it was expected some weight would be lifted off the dollar and it likely has.


However, as noted above the transit energies in the SAMVA USA chart are not easy going forward, while the Sun is badly placed in transit. It is also hard to say excactly how the balance of these energies will manifest in terms of relative currency values. Will the dollar continue at its present low level now that natal Sun is no longer afflicted while transit Sun is afflicted by natal Saturn and soon to become badly placed, while also other difficult transits are at work but involving other indications, those of Venus and Mars? It is hard to say.


It is hard to see a further decline in the dollar but it is also hard to argue the above influences will contrtibute to strengthen it very much based on the SAMVA USA chart. Again, there is a lot of unknown information or uncertainty involved and we will soon see how the dollar evolves.





Arun <abirla2001 >SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrologyThu, December 10, 2009 5:27:46 PMRe: [systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Re: The US dollarDear Mr. Thor,I am into Export Business and earn income in USD which eventually needs to be converted to Indian Rupee. As per your prediction USD is to become stronger in December as well as January 2010. The Surprising Unemployment report gave a Major Boost to value of USD; also today the Trade Deficit data has come in support of USD again.BUT despite of all this Indian Stock Markets are maintaining high levels and continues to gain and are not at all showing signs of weakness - This is pushing the value of USD

lower when converted to Indian Rupees. The Irony is that USD has increased in value and has gained against major currencies BUT is not showing major increase against INR. I sincerely wish to know when Will Indian Stock Markets show weakness (after 10 Dec 2009) which in turn will allow USD to gain on Indian Rupee. We have been suffering losses since last many months and after all the hard work when we convert our USD to INR we really are very depressed. Pls advise.Thanks.Best Regards,Arun Birla.____________ _________ _________ __Cosmologer <cosmologer >SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrology@ .

comCc: samva Fri, December 4, 2009 1:18:26 PM[systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Re: The US dollar Hello dear Jason,It is true, only a few become wealthy in financial investing. Observed humane behaviour spans a broad range of proclivities and motivation. Importantly, the effort is not to use astrology with the aim of becoming rich. The reason to do so at the mundane level is because during the present Capitalist age, the development of financial activity has implications for all. Finanicial data are also exceedingly easy to obtain, enabling us to gauge the fluctuating sentiments on the markets in terms of the astrology of an authentic mundane chart. The making of predictions of more or less strain in financial

markets has been shown to be possible. However, the forecasting of currency values is hard as so many factors impinge on it, including influences in other (and in many cases unobserved) national charts. Moreover, it is one thing to make predictions on such phenomena based on long experience and another to do so based on astrology. We have been discussing rather openly on SAMVA list what may happen for the dollar based on an astrological reading of the SAMVA USA chart. A strengtheningof the dollar is quite possible at this time, as you also suggest. As you and others here may not have followed much of the discussion on SAMVA list so I summarise some of it here for your benefit. In terms of the SAMVA USA chart, these are the things we are following VENUS-SATURN PERIOD- Venus major period involves Venus as 4th lord badly placed in the 6th house, which is afflicted by Rahu and the 4th

house is afflicted by Ketu. 6th lord Jupiter is well placed in the 5th house, in aspect with an exalted 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. There has been lot of infrastructure development. Supremely rich people have emerged based on some market based activity. Social fairness issues have become descisive. Housing has become the source of a housing bubble and financial crash. This period lasts until April 2016.- Saturn sub-period involves Saturn as 8th lord well placed in Scorpio and 5th house but in slight old age and aspecting Sun as 2nd lord. Ketu afflicts the 8th house of obstacles and endings, easy gains and beliefs of the people. This period is expected to bring a sluggish development of the economy, a focus on traditional activiti es and things mined from the ground, difficulties for the US President and perhaps sudden disturbing events.JUPITER- transit stationary and debilitated 6th lord Jupiter at

23° 20' Capricorn and 7th house is conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn in the autumn months of 2009. This transit brought concerns about the debt and the dollar, as predicted. The value of the dollar became very low.- transit Jupiter begins to leave the conjunction of the Sun in the third week of November. Some improvement in the value of the dollar expected, given also the strength of Sun and Moon in transit.- transit Jupiter, while in the 7th house, enters into aspect of natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio and 5th house. Violent events possible (several multiple murders seen). Obstacles to financial stability and banks. - transit Jupiter entering Aquarius and the 8th house of the chart. Weakeness and problems for monetary policy and financial stability.SATURN- transit 8th lord Saturn aspects natal 6th lord Jupiter in autumn months of 2009. Violent events seen. Problems for financial

stability and banks.- transit stationary Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house closely asepcts natal 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house in late 2009 and early 2010. Obstacles for the military and police. Problems for manufacturing industry and foreign trade. One source of problem for industry and trade could be a stronger dollar, if other factors support.RAHU- transit stationary Rahu at 27° Sagittarius and 6th house (and Ketu in Gemini/12th) is conjunct natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius in late 2009 and early 2010. This is likely to disturb the sentiments, the housing market and communal harmony.-transit stationary Rahu at 18° Sagittarius and 6th house in aspect to natal Rahu at 17° 47' Aries and 10th house in summer of 2010. This is likely to bring a fresh upset to the market, perhaps a second round for the present crisis.KETU- transit stationary Ketu at

18° Gemini and 12th house in aspect to natal Ketu at 18° Libra and 4th house in summer of 2010. This asepct could result in a sudden upsetting event.MARS- transit debilitation of 10th lord Mars in Cancer and 1st house during the 4th quarter of 2009 and first half of 2010. Foreign trade and manufacturing industry become more prominent, but weakness is seen.JUPITER-SATURN- transit 8th lord Saturn in early Virgo and 3rd house in mutual aspect to transit 6th lord Jupiter in Pisces and 9th house in summer of 2010. For part of this time, natal 6th lord Jupiter will be aspected by the transit planets. These aspect is likely to produce violent events and difficulty for easy gains, financial stability, etc..Agains, mirroring what we see around us, not many people have strong karma in their charts for wealth by investing or speculation. Fewer still also have an interest in astrology or the spiritual

side of life. For others, there may karma that actually indicates a danger of losses in financial or housing investments. The range of human experiences is broad indeed! The value of astrology is that it shows ones capabilities as well as limits and how to manage. The wise heed its advice and work with what they have. Contented persons are grateful for their gifts and humble in the presence of their limits. In my view, it is helpful to have an interest in astrology and the spiritual side of life and a real blessing to come across a great teacher like .Thor____________ _________ _________ __jason smith <jasonsmith108@ gmail.com>SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrologyThu, December 3, 2009 5:41:55 PMRe: [systemsApproachToV

edicAstrology] The US dollarLet us wait and see if my prediction for a stronger dollar in December andJanuary comes true.On another note, a person is better off reading a high quality weeklypublication on the US and Global economies than keeping up with thesensational flavor of the hour.When numbers come in, like unemployment, we should use 10% change, as ruleof thumb to gauge if its worth mentioning. Check significant lows/highs,add/subtract 10% and that gives you a good idea how things are moving.Regarding financial markets and equities, I think that this will remain amystery to most astrologers. If this knowledge is firmly in hand, one maybecome extremely wealthy. We can see from the natal chart of manyastrologers that such is unlikely.The move of Jupiter to Aquarius isn't positive for the USA for all 6H,andbank concerns.Jason SmithOn Thu, Nov 26, 2009

at 4:07 AM, Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote:>>> Hello dear Jason,>> We certainly live in interesting times.>> Reading the economy and the dollar is not easy, not only due to problems of> analysing many influences, but also due to the global nature of influences.> Allow me however, to ad a few comments. While my aim is to help clarify the> many issues involved from an economic and astrological standpoint, I realise> it may also complicate the picture. Hopefully, we can at least begin to see> the main strands of the factors involved.>> First, the assessment of the strength of the US dollar could acknowledge> that the weakness of the dollar at the present time owes primarily to three> factors>> 1) the extraordinarily low interest rates in the USA (due to the financial> crash and recession). This situation

has created an outflow out of US dollar> based capital in the so-called 'carry trade' which many worry may create a> new bubble in the global economy. The low interest rates in Japan created a> similar carry trade in the recent global bubble.> The debiliation of Jupiter in transit is likely the chief astrological> factor associated with the weakness of US monetary policy. This weakness is> likely to be with us after Jupiter moves through Aquarius and 8th house in> the SAMVA USA chart.>> 2) concerns that the time of Pax Americana, the dominance of the US dollar> as an international reserve currency, is over.> The astrological explanation for this is the recent station of Jupiter as> 6th lord conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart. This affliction> is now lifting.>> The lifting of 2) prompted me to predict an improvement in the value of

the> dollar. However, a closer analysis of the Sun and Moon in transit, showed> that this could be delayed, as you also suggest for reasons not explained.> The transits in the chart are quite mixed. The period influence is also hard> to read, as the sub-period belongs to Saturn as 8th lord and it natally> aspects the Sun. Will this bring obstacles or easy gains? That said, we can> follow the market today, to see if the transit of Moon into Pisces, albeit> into the aspect of natal 6th lord Jupiter, and transit of Sun conjunct natal> Mars will manage to help the dollar, even if interest rates are so low (as> Jupiter is weak)>> 3) The dollar is also influenced by the US trade balance.> Actually, for the past two decades there has been a concern that a> "disorderly adjustment" in the dollar could be provoked by the persisting US> trade deficits and evers

increasing foreign debt of the USA. This is> undoubtedly a big factor in 2).>> In the SAMVA USA chart, Mars as 10th lord rules foreign trade. The MEP of> the 10th house is afflicted by Rahu (and Ketu), suggesting problems of> manipulation involving this area of national life. Looking at transit Rahu,> we see it has recently moved into the 6th house of financial stability> (problems with debt). This suggests, concerns over financial stability may> become pronounced, especially when it afflicts natal 4th lord Venus (fixed> assets), the MEPs of the houses involved at 20° and its own natal placement> at 18° Aries. So next year we need to watch this. Moreover, the strong natal> 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house will soon become afflicted by a> stationary 8th lord Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house. This is likely to> bring strains involving obstacles and

endings to the indications of Mars.> Fortunately, Mars is strong an well apsected by natal 1st lord Moon,> protecting these indications. In short, the US dollar could become involved> in this situation, albeit it is hard to see how in the globally> interconnected world. How will the low interest rates, some improvement in> the US economy and problems with trade affect the dollar? How will the low> dollar affect the trade? It should help reduce imports and raise exports,> but is that happening?>> As for the state of the US economy, yesterday, the number of new claimants> of unemployment benefits has declined more than expected. Earlier consumer> demand figures were seen to improve. Housing starts was also registering> some improvement. So, in fact, the anecdotal data has continued to paint a> picture of gradual improvement in the economy, even if it is of course in

a> sorry state.>> Thor>>> ____________ _________ _________ __> jason smith <jasonsmith108@ gmail.com <jasonsmith108% 40gmail.com> >> SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrology<SystemsApproachToV edicAstrology% 40. com>> Wed, November 25, 2009 6:48:17 PM> Re: [systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Happy Thanksgiving!>> Dear List members,>> I second the gratitude for Professor C and the SA. Here in the USA, I hope> that we can all be grateful for what we do have and give to others with our> full hearts. And God willing, we'll receive the same.>> On another note: If there is a chance for the USD to strengthen, it can> come> in the months of December and January. The GDP numbers for the USA came

out> recently and they have painted a poor picture of the economy. The> fluctuations in job and housing numbers should continue for a while and> keep> giving avid news followers and reporters a warped picture.>> Jason Smith>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Shayn Smith <mactunesmith@ <mactunesmith% 40>> >wrote:>> >> >> > Dear and List Members,> > As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., I would like to take> > this time to offer thanks for the remarkable gift of Systems' Approach to> > Vedic Astrology given to us by . Also, much admiration> and> > appreciation go out to the list members who faithfully promote

SATVA and> > share their wonderful wisdom on these lists, including dear Thor who> > tirelessly produces brilliant insights into the mundane sphere.> >> > I have learned so much from all of you...> >> > Warm regards,> > Shayn Smith> > Boulder, Colorado> > USA> >> >

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Hello Peter,


Certainly, this fall it was predicted that the many concerns expressed about the dollars demise were overblown. Indeed, the natal potential for currency is strong indeed in the SAMVA USA chart.






Peter P <peterannarborSAMVA Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 1:26:38 PMRe: Re: The US dollar



I think ultimately Dollar will win against all major currencies because the history shows that dollar has always rebounded. Government has bail out major corporation but it is making money out of it. Once it start raising rates, the dollar will ultimately start going up.




Cosmologer <cosmologerSystemsApproachToVedic Astrology Cc: samva Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 2:33:16 AM Re: The US dollar




Hello dear Arun,


First let me say that I really don´t have time for extensive analysis of financial assets. This will be my last post on the matter for a while.


The natal 2nd lord Sun, an important indicator of currency strength in the SAMVA USA chart, is at this time conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn. This could bring some obstacles but also easy gains. It will then shortly move into the sign Sagittarius which falls in the 6th house. At the same time, its dispositor, transit 6th lord Jupiter, is now debilitated and old age in transit in the final degrees of the sign Capricorn. Jupiter will then, on December 21, move into the sign Aquarius, which is in the malefic 8th house in the SAMVA USA chart. Saturn, as sub-period lord, will thus soon become the dispositor of transit Jupiter and in turn the Sun. Saturn also aspects the Sun in the SAMVA USA chart, bringing both obstacles but also easy gains. The dispositor of Saturn in transit is Mercury and it is transiting the sign Sagittarius for the next two months. As it is badly

placed, this reduces the strength of transit Saturn, which is now stationary afflicting natal 10th lord Mars. This transit aspect could bring problems for the government, export manufacturers and troops. Moreover, transit Rahu has moved into Sagittarius and 6th house where it is now stationary afflicting natal Venus, the major period lord. This transit could have a dampening effect on the housing market and communal harmony. In sum, the above transits are not seen to be helpful to the dollar.


That said, as I have said before, astrology helps us to detect the easy or challenging periods in life. It is not always certain that this corresponds to a high or low value of things like relative currency values. A low currency has its benefits (strong price competitive position) as well as its costs (reduced purchasing power abroad). The net influence is to boost the external balance which over time tends to strengthen the currency. A high currency has its benefits (strong purchasing power abroad) but also its costs (reduced price competitiveness for exports). The net influence tends to reduce the external balance and currency strength going forward. Currencies tend to follow irregular cycles, bounded by high and low values. The dollar is now very low in value, historically speaking, but it has recently shown signs of recovery.


Currency values are the repository of all types of information from all over the world and millions of decisions, which reflect energies at work in mundane charts, known and unknown. Even then history shows that the USA is something of a "first among equals" when it comes to currency strength, in terms of either the relative value of the currency or the prices foreigners charge it for lendig it assets in its own currency (investing in dollar denominated assets). The natal potential seen for currency strength, as indicated by the Sun, 2nd lord, Moon and 11th house. Both the Sun and Moon are strong and powerfully influencing in the SAMVA USA chart.

Again, the period and transit energies are not helpful for the coming months. As earlier stated, it was the transit station of Jupiter over the natal Sun which brought concerns about the rise in US debt and questions about the reserve status of the US dollar this autumn. This transit contributed to the suppression of the relative value of the dollar (in terms of other currencies). As the aspect lifted, it was expected some weight would be lifted off the dollar and it likely has.


However, as noted above the transit energies in the SAMVA USA chart are not easy going forward, while the Sun is badly placed in transit. It is also hard to say excactly how the balance of these energies will manifest in terms of relative currency values. Will the dollar continue at its present low level now that natal Sun is no longer afflicted while transit Sun is afflicted by natal Saturn and soon to become badly placed, while also other difficult transits are at work but involving other indications, those of Venus and Mars? It is hard to say.


It is hard to see a further decline in the dollar but it is also hard to argue the above influences will contrtibute to strengthen it very much based on the SAMVA USA chart. Again, there is a lot of unknown information or uncertainty involved and we will soon see how the dollar evolves.





Arun <abirla2001 >SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrologyThu, December 10, 2009 5:27:46 PMRe: [systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Re: The US dollarDear Mr. Thor,I am into Export Business and earn income in USD which eventually needs to be converted to Indian Rupee. As per your prediction USD is to become stronger in December as well as January 2010. The Surprising Unemployment report gave a Major Boost to value of USD; also today the Trade Deficit data has come in support of USD again.BUT despite of all this Indian Stock Markets are maintaining high levels and continues to gain and are not at all showing signs of weakness - This is pushing the value of USD

lower when converted to Indian Rupees. The Irony is that USD has increased in value and has gained against major currencies BUT is not showing major increase against INR. I sincerely wish to know when Will Indian Stock Markets show weakness (after 10 Dec 2009) which in turn will allow USD to gain on Indian Rupee. We have been suffering losses since last many months and after all the hard work when we convert our USD to INR we really are very depressed. Pls advise.Thanks.Best Regards,Arun Birla.____________ _________ _________ __Cosmologer <cosmologer >SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrology@ .

comCc: samva Fri, December 4, 2009 1:18:26 PM[systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Re: The US dollar Hello dear Jason,It is true, only a few become wealthy in financial investing. Observed humane behaviour spans a broad range of proclivities and motivation. Importantly, the effort is not to use astrology with the aim of becoming rich. The reason to do so at the mundane level is because during the present Capitalist age, the development of financial activity has implications for all. Finanicial data are also exceedingly easy to obtain, enabling us to gauge the fluctuating sentiments on the markets in terms of the astrology of an authentic mundane chart. The making of predictions of more or less strain in financial

markets has been shown to be possible. However, the forecasting of currency values is hard as so many factors impinge on it, including influences in other (and in many cases unobserved) national charts. Moreover, it is one thing to make predictions on such phenomena based on long experience and another to do so based on astrology. We have been discussing rather openly on SAMVA list what may happen for the dollar based on an astrological reading of the SAMVA USA chart. A strengtheningof the dollar is quite possible at this time, as you also suggest. As you and others here may not have followed much of the discussion on SAMVA list so I summarise some of it here for your benefit. In terms of the SAMVA USA chart, these are the things we are following VENUS-SATURN PERIOD- Venus major period involves Venus as 4th lord badly placed in the 6th house, which is afflicted by Rahu and the 4th

house is afflicted by Ketu. 6th lord Jupiter is well placed in the 5th house, in aspect with an exalted 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. There has been lot of infrastructure development. Supremely rich people have emerged based on some market based activity. Social fairness issues have become descisive. Housing has become the source of a housing bubble and financial crash. This period lasts until April 2016.- Saturn sub-period involves Saturn as 8th lord well placed in Scorpio and 5th house but in slight old age and aspecting Sun as 2nd lord. Ketu afflicts the 8th house of obstacles and endings, easy gains and beliefs of the people. This period is expected to bring a sluggish development of the economy, a focus on traditional activiti es and things mined from the ground, difficulties for the US President and perhaps sudden disturbing events.JUPITER- transit stationary and debilitated 6th lord Jupiter at

23° 20' Capricorn and 7th house is conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn in the autumn months of 2009. This transit brought concerns about the debt and the dollar, as predicted. The value of the dollar became very low.- transit Jupiter begins to leave the conjunction of the Sun in the third week of November. Some improvement in the value of the dollar expected, given also the strength of Sun and Moon in transit.- transit Jupiter, while in the 7th house, enters into aspect of natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio and 5th house. Violent events possible (several multiple murders seen). Obstacles to financial stability and banks. - transit Jupiter entering Aquarius and the 8th house of the chart. Weakeness and problems for monetary policy and financial stability.SATURN- transit 8th lord Saturn aspects natal 6th lord Jupiter in autumn months of 2009. Violent events seen. Problems for financial

stability and banks.- transit stationary Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house closely asepcts natal 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house in late 2009 and early 2010. Obstacles for the military and police. Problems for manufacturing industry and foreign trade. One source of problem for industry and trade could be a stronger dollar, if other factors support.RAHU- transit stationary Rahu at 27° Sagittarius and 6th house (and Ketu in Gemini/12th) is conjunct natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius in late 2009 and early 2010. This is likely to disturb the sentiments, the housing market and communal harmony.-transit stationary Rahu at 18° Sagittarius and 6th house in aspect to natal Rahu at 17° 47' Aries and 10th house in summer of 2010. This is likely to bring a fresh upset to the market, perhaps a second round for the present crisis.KETU- transit stationary Ketu at

18° Gemini and 12th house in aspect to natal Ketu at 18° Libra and 4th house in summer of 2010. This asepct could result in a sudden upsetting event.MARS- transit debilitation of 10th lord Mars in Cancer and 1st house during the 4th quarter of 2009 and first half of 2010. Foreign trade and manufacturing industry become more prominent, but weakness is seen.JUPITER-SATURN- transit 8th lord Saturn in early Virgo and 3rd house in mutual aspect to transit 6th lord Jupiter in Pisces and 9th house in summer of 2010. For part of this time, natal 6th lord Jupiter will be aspected by the transit planets. These aspect is likely to produce violent events and difficulty for easy gains, financial stability, etc..Agains, mirroring what we see around us, not many people have strong karma in their charts for wealth by investing or speculation. Fewer still also have an interest in astrology or the spiritual

side of life. For others, there may karma that actually indicates a danger of losses in financial or housing investments. The range of human experiences is broad indeed! The value of astrology is that it shows ones capabilities as well as limits and how to manage. The wise heed its advice and work with what they have. Contented persons are grateful for their gifts and humble in the presence of their limits. In my view, it is helpful to have an interest in astrology and the spiritual side of life and a real blessing to come across a great teacher like .Thor____________ _________ _________ __jason smith <jasonsmith108@ gmail.com>SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrologyThu, December 3, 2009 5:41:55 PMRe: [systemsApproachToV

edicAstrology] The US dollarLet us wait and see if my prediction for a stronger dollar in December andJanuary comes true.On another note, a person is better off reading a high quality weeklypublication on the US and Global economies than keeping up with thesensational flavor of the hour.When numbers come in, like unemployment, we should use 10% change, as ruleof thumb to gauge if its worth mentioning. Check significant lows/highs,add/subtract 10% and that gives you a good idea how things are moving.Regarding financial markets and equities, I think that this will remain amystery to most astrologers. If this knowledge is firmly in hand, one maybecome extremely wealthy. We can see from the natal chart of manyastrologers that such is unlikely.The move of Jupiter to Aquarius isn't positive for the USA for all 6H,andbank concerns.Jason SmithOn Thu, Nov 26, 2009

at 4:07 AM, Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote:>>> Hello dear Jason,>> We certainly live in interesting times.>> Reading the economy and the dollar is not easy, not only due to problems of> analysing many influences, but also due to the global nature of influences.> Allow me however, to ad a few comments. While my aim is to help clarify the> many issues involved from an economic and astrological standpoint, I realise> it may also complicate the picture. Hopefully, we can at least begin to see> the main strands of the factors involved.>> First, the assessment of the strength of the US dollar could acknowledge> that the weakness of the dollar at the present time owes primarily to three> factors>> 1) the extraordinarily low interest rates in the USA (due to the financial> crash and recession). This situation

has created an outflow out of US dollar> based capital in the so-called 'carry trade' which many worry may create a> new bubble in the global economy. The low interest rates in Japan created a> similar carry trade in the recent global bubble.> The debiliation of Jupiter in transit is likely the chief astrological> factor associated with the weakness of US monetary policy. This weakness is> likely to be with us after Jupiter moves through Aquarius and 8th house in> the SAMVA USA chart.>> 2) concerns that the time of Pax Americana, the dominance of the US dollar> as an international reserve currency, is over.> The astrological explanation for this is the recent station of Jupiter as> 6th lord conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart. This affliction> is now lifting.>> The lifting of 2) prompted me to predict an improvement in the value of

the> dollar. However, a closer analysis of the Sun and Moon in transit, showed> that this could be delayed, as you also suggest for reasons not explained.> The transits in the chart are quite mixed. The period influence is also hard> to read, as the sub-period belongs to Saturn as 8th lord and it natally> aspects the Sun. Will this bring obstacles or easy gains? That said, we can> follow the market today, to see if the transit of Moon into Pisces, albeit> into the aspect of natal 6th lord Jupiter, and transit of Sun conjunct natal> Mars will manage to help the dollar, even if interest rates are so low (as> Jupiter is weak)>> 3) The dollar is also influenced by the US trade balance.> Actually, for the past two decades there has been a concern that a> "disorderly adjustment" in the dollar could be provoked by the persisting US> trade deficits and evers

increasing foreign debt of the USA. This is> undoubtedly a big factor in 2).>> In the SAMVA USA chart, Mars as 10th lord rules foreign trade. The MEP of> the 10th house is afflicted by Rahu (and Ketu), suggesting problems of> manipulation involving this area of national life. Looking at transit Rahu,> we see it has recently moved into the 6th house of financial stability> (problems with debt). This suggests, concerns over financial stability may> become pronounced, especially when it afflicts natal 4th lord Venus (fixed> assets), the MEPs of the houses involved at 20° and its own natal placement> at 18° Aries. So next year we need to watch this. Moreover, the strong natal> 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house will soon become afflicted by a> stationary 8th lord Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house. This is likely to> bring strains involving obstacles and

endings to the indications of Mars.> Fortunately, Mars is strong an well apsected by natal 1st lord Moon,> protecting these indications. In short, the US dollar could become involved> in this situation, albeit it is hard to see how in the globally> interconnected world. How will the low interest rates, some improvement in> the US economy and problems with trade affect the dollar? How will the low> dollar affect the trade? It should help reduce imports and raise exports,> but is that happening?>> As for the state of the US economy, yesterday, the number of new claimants> of unemployment benefits has declined more than expected. Earlier consumer> demand figures were seen to improve. Housing starts was also registering> some improvement. So, in fact, the anecdotal data has continued to paint a> picture of gradual improvement in the economy, even if it is of course in

a> sorry state.>> Thor>>> ____________ _________ _________ __> jason smith <jasonsmith108@ gmail.com <jasonsmith108% 40gmail.com> >> SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrology<SystemsApproachToV edicAstrology% 40. com>> Wed, November 25, 2009 6:48:17 PM> Re: [systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Happy Thanksgiving!>> Dear List members,>> I second the gratitude for Professor C and the SA. Here in the USA, I hope> that we can all be grateful for what we do have and give to others with our> full hearts. And God willing, we'll receive the same.>> On another note: If there is a chance for the USD to strengthen, it can> come> in the months of December and January. The GDP numbers for the USA came

out> recently and they have painted a poor picture of the economy. The> fluctuations in job and housing numbers should continue for a while and> keep> giving avid news followers and reporters a warped picture.>> Jason Smith>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Shayn Smith <mactunesmith@ <mactunesmith% 40>> >wrote:>> >> >> > Dear and List Members,> > As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., I would like to take> > this time to offer thanks for the remarkable gift of Systems' Approach to> > Vedic Astrology given to us by . Also, much admiration> and> > appreciation go out to the list members who faithfully promote

SATVA and> > share their wonderful wisdom on these lists, including dear Thor who> > tirelessly produces brilliant insights into the mundane sphere.> >> > I have learned so much from all of you...> >> > Warm regards,> > Shayn Smith> > Boulder, Colorado> > USA> >> >

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Hello list,


Dollar Rises, Stocks Fall as Greek Downgrade Fans Safety Demand

Dec. 17 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar rose to the highest level in three months against the euro while stocks and commodities fell as Greece’s debt downgrade fanned concern that spiraling national debts may hamper the global economic recovery.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087 & sid=aYkFDaywNN.o & pos=1


This is an indication of how a problem in one country can have an influence on the relative value of the currencies of other countries. Having an authentic chart for all other countries would increase the knowledge of the overall transit and period influences, helping to make a well rounded assessment (if one had time to do it!).






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 5:57:38 PMRe: Re: The US dollar



Hello Peter,


Certainly, this fall it was predicted that the many concerns expressed about the dollars demise were overblown. Indeed, the natal potential for currency is strong indeed in the SAMVA USA chart.






Peter P <peterannarborSAMVA Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 1:26:38 PMRe: Re: The US dollar



I think ultimately Dollar will win against all major currencies because the history shows that dollar has always rebounded. Government has bail out major corporation but it is making money out of it. Once it start raising rates, the dollar will ultimately start going up.




Cosmologer <cosmologerSystemsApproachToVedic Astrology Cc: samva Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 2:33:16 AM Re: The US dollar




Hello dear Arun,


First let me say that I really don´t have time for extensive analysis of financial assets. This will be my last post on the matter for a while.


The natal 2nd lord Sun, an important indicator of currency strength in the SAMVA USA chart, is at this time conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn. This could bring some obstacles but also easy gains. It will then shortly move into the sign Sagittarius which falls in the 6th house. At the same time, its dispositor, transit 6th lord Jupiter, is now debilitated and old age in transit in the final degrees of the sign Capricorn. Jupiter will then, on December 21, move into the sign Aquarius, which is in the malefic 8th house in the SAMVA USA chart. Saturn, as sub-period lord, will thus soon become the dispositor of transit Jupiter and in turn the Sun. Saturn also aspects the Sun in the SAMVA USA chart, bringing both obstacles but also easy gains. The dispositor of Saturn in transit is Mercury and it is transiting the sign Sagittarius for the next two months. As it is badly

placed, this reduces the strength of transit Saturn, which is now stationary afflicting natal 10th lord Mars. This transit aspect could bring problems for the government, export manufacturers and troops. Moreover, transit Rahu has moved into Sagittarius and 6th house where it is now stationary afflicting natal Venus, the major period lord. This transit could have a dampening effect on the housing market and communal harmony. In sum, the above transits are not seen to be helpful to the dollar.


That said, as I have said before, astrology helps us to detect the easy or challenging periods in life. It is not always certain that this corresponds to a high or low value of things like relative currency values. A low currency has its benefits (strong price competitive position) as well as its costs (reduced purchasing power abroad). The net influence is to boost the external balance which over time tends to strengthen the currency. A high currency has its benefits (strong purchasing power abroad) but also its costs (reduced price competitiveness for exports). The net influence tends to reduce the external balance and currency strength going forward. Currencies tend to follow irregular cycles, bounded by high and low values. The dollar is now very low in value, historically speaking, but it has recently shown signs of recovery.


Currency values are the repository of all types of information from all over the world and millions of decisions, which reflect energies at work in mundane charts, known and unknown. Even then history shows that the USA is something of a "first among equals" when it comes to currency strength, in terms of either the relative value of the currency or the prices foreigners charge it for lendig it assets in its own currency (investing in dollar denominated assets). The natal potential seen for currency strength, as indicated by the Sun, 2nd lord, Moon and 11th house. Both the Sun and Moon are strong and powerfully influencing in the SAMVA USA chart.

Again, the period and transit energies are not helpful for the coming months. As earlier stated, it was the transit station of Jupiter over the natal Sun which brought concerns about the rise in US debt and questions about the reserve status of the US dollar this autumn. This transit contributed to the suppression of the relative value of the dollar (in terms of other currencies). As the aspect lifted, it was expected some weight would be lifted off the dollar and it likely has.


However, as noted above the transit energies in the SAMVA USA chart are not easy going forward, while the Sun is badly placed in transit. It is also hard to say excactly how the balance of these energies will manifest in terms of relative currency values. Will the dollar continue at its present low level now that natal Sun is no longer afflicted while transit Sun is afflicted by natal Saturn and soon to become badly placed, while also other difficult transits are at work but involving other indications, those of Venus and Mars? It is hard to say.


It is hard to see a further decline in the dollar but it is also hard to argue the above influences will contrtibute to strengthen it very much based on the SAMVA USA chart. Again, there is a lot of unknown information or uncertainty involved and we will soon see how the dollar evolves.





Arun <abirla2001 >SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrologyThu, December 10, 2009 5:27:46 PMRe: [systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Re: The US dollarDear Mr. Thor,I am into Export Business and earn income in USD which eventually needs to be converted to Indian Rupee. As per your prediction USD is to become stronger in December as well as January 2010. The Surprising Unemployment report gave a Major Boost to value of USD; also today the Trade Deficit data has come in support of USD again.BUT despite of all this Indian Stock Markets are maintaining high levels and continues to gain and are not at all showing signs of weakness - This is pushing the value of USD

lower when converted to Indian Rupees. The Irony is that USD has increased in value and has gained against major currencies BUT is not showing major increase against INR. I sincerely wish to know when Will Indian Stock Markets show weakness (after 10 Dec 2009) which in turn will allow USD to gain on Indian Rupee. We have been suffering losses since last many months and after all the hard work when we convert our USD to INR we really are very depressed. Pls advise.Thanks.Best Regards,Arun Birla.____________ _________ _________ __Cosmologer <cosmologer >SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrology@ .

comCc: samva Fri, December 4, 2009 1:18:26 PM[systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Re: The US dollar Hello dear Jason,It is true, only a few become wealthy in financial investing. Observed humane behaviour spans a broad range of proclivities and motivation. Importantly, the effort is not to use astrology with the aim of becoming rich. The reason to do so at the mundane level is because during the present Capitalist age, the development of financial activity has implications for all. Finanicial data are also exceedingly easy to obtain, enabling us to gauge the fluctuating sentiments on the markets in terms of the astrology of an authentic mundane chart. The making of predictions of more or less strain in financial

markets has been shown to be possible. However, the forecasting of currency values is hard as so many factors impinge on it, including influences in other (and in many cases unobserved) national charts. Moreover, it is one thing to make predictions on such phenomena based on long experience and another to do so based on astrology. We have been discussing rather openly on SAMVA list what may happen for the dollar based on an astrological reading of the SAMVA USA chart. A strengtheningof the dollar is quite possible at this time, as you also suggest. As you and others here may not have followed much of the discussion on SAMVA list so I summarise some of it here for your benefit. In terms of the SAMVA USA chart, these are the things we are following VENUS-SATURN PERIOD- Venus major period involves Venus as 4th lord badly placed in the 6th house, which is afflicted by Rahu and the 4th

house is afflicted by Ketu. 6th lord Jupiter is well placed in the 5th house, in aspect with an exalted 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. There has been lot of infrastructure development. Supremely rich people have emerged based on some market based activity. Social fairness issues have become descisive. Housing has become the source of a housing bubble and financial crash. This period lasts until April 2016.- Saturn sub-period involves Saturn as 8th lord well placed in Scorpio and 5th house but in slight old age and aspecting Sun as 2nd lord. Ketu afflicts the 8th house of obstacles and endings, easy gains and beliefs of the people. This period is expected to bring a sluggish development of the economy, a focus on traditional activiti es and things mined from the ground, difficulties for the US President and perhaps sudden disturbing events.JUPITER- transit stationary and debilitated 6th lord Jupiter at

23° 20' Capricorn and 7th house is conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn in the autumn months of 2009. This transit brought concerns about the debt and the dollar, as predicted. The value of the dollar became very low.- transit Jupiter begins to leave the conjunction of the Sun in the third week of November. Some improvement in the value of the dollar expected, given also the strength of Sun and Moon in transit.- transit Jupiter, while in the 7th house, enters into aspect of natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio and 5th house. Violent events possible (several multiple murders seen). Obstacles to financial stability and banks. - transit Jupiter entering Aquarius and the 8th house of the chart. Weakeness and problems for monetary policy and financial stability.SATURN- transit 8th lord Saturn aspects natal 6th lord Jupiter in autumn months of 2009. Violent events seen. Problems for financial

stability and banks.- transit stationary Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house closely asepcts natal 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house in late 2009 and early 2010. Obstacles for the military and police. Problems for manufacturing industry and foreign trade. One source of problem for industry and trade could be a stronger dollar, if other factors support.RAHU- transit stationary Rahu at 27° Sagittarius and 6th house (and Ketu in Gemini/12th) is conjunct natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius in late 2009 and early 2010. This is likely to disturb the sentiments, the housing market and communal harmony.-transit stationary Rahu at 18° Sagittarius and 6th house in aspect to natal Rahu at 17° 47' Aries and 10th house in summer of 2010. This is likely to bring a fresh upset to the market, perhaps a second round for the present crisis.KETU- transit stationary Ketu at

18° Gemini and 12th house in aspect to natal Ketu at 18° Libra and 4th house in summer of 2010. This asepct could result in a sudden upsetting event.MARS- transit debilitation of 10th lord Mars in Cancer and 1st house during the 4th quarter of 2009 and first half of 2010. Foreign trade and manufacturing industry become more prominent, but weakness is seen.JUPITER-SATURN- transit 8th lord Saturn in early Virgo and 3rd house in mutual aspect to transit 6th lord Jupiter in Pisces and 9th house in summer of 2010. For part of this time, natal 6th lord Jupiter will be aspected by the transit planets. These aspect is likely to produce violent events and difficulty for easy gains, financial stability, etc..Agains, mirroring what we see around us, not many people have strong karma in their charts for wealth by investing or speculation. Fewer still also have an interest in astrology or the spiritual

side of life. For others, there may karma that actually indicates a danger of losses in financial or housing investments. The range of human experiences is broad indeed! The value of astrology is that it shows ones capabilities as well as limits and how to manage. The wise heed its advice and work with what they have. Contented persons are grateful for their gifts and humble in the presence of their limits. In my view, it is helpful to have an interest in astrology and the spiritual side of life and a real blessing to come across a great teacher like .Thor____________ _________ _________ __jason smith <jasonsmith108@ gmail.com>SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrologyThu, December 3, 2009 5:41:55 PMRe: [systemsApproachToV

edicAstrology] The US dollarLet us wait and see if my prediction for a stronger dollar in December andJanuary comes true.On another note, a person is better off reading a high quality weeklypublication on the US and Global economies than keeping up with thesensational flavor of the hour.When numbers come in, like unemployment, we should use 10% change, as ruleof thumb to gauge if its worth mentioning. Check significant lows/highs,add/subtract 10% and that gives you a good idea how things are moving.Regarding financial markets and equities, I think that this will remain amystery to most astrologers. If this knowledge is firmly in hand, one maybecome extremely wealthy. We can see from the natal chart of manyastrologers that such is unlikely.The move of Jupiter to Aquarius isn't positive for the USA for all 6H,andbank concerns.Jason SmithOn Thu, Nov 26, 2009

at 4:07 AM, Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote:>>> Hello dear Jason,>> We certainly live in interesting times.>> Reading the economy and the dollar is not easy, not only due to problems of> analysing many influences, but also due to the global nature of influences.> Allow me however, to ad a few comments. While my aim is to help clarify the> many issues involved from an economic and astrological standpoint, I realise> it may also complicate the picture. Hopefully, we can at least begin to see> the main strands of the factors involved.>> First, the assessment of the strength of the US dollar could acknowledge> that the weakness of the dollar at the present time owes primarily to three> factors>> 1) the extraordinarily low interest rates in the USA (due to the financial> crash and recession). This situation

has created an outflow out of US dollar> based capital in the so-called 'carry trade' which many worry may create a> new bubble in the global economy. The low interest rates in Japan created a> similar carry trade in the recent global bubble.> The debiliation of Jupiter in transit is likely the chief astrological> factor associated with the weakness of US monetary policy. This weakness is> likely to be with us after Jupiter moves through Aquarius and 8th house in> the SAMVA USA chart.>> 2) concerns that the time of Pax Americana, the dominance of the US dollar> as an international reserve currency, is over.> The astrological explanation for this is the recent station of Jupiter as> 6th lord conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun in the SAMVA USA chart. This affliction> is now lifting.>> The lifting of 2) prompted me to predict an improvement in the value of

the> dollar. However, a closer analysis of the Sun and Moon in transit, showed> that this could be delayed, as you also suggest for reasons not explained.> The transits in the chart are quite mixed. The period influence is also hard> to read, as the sub-period belongs to Saturn as 8th lord and it natally> aspects the Sun. Will this bring obstacles or easy gains? That said, we can> follow the market today, to see if the transit of Moon into Pisces, albeit> into the aspect of natal 6th lord Jupiter, and transit of Sun conjunct natal> Mars will manage to help the dollar, even if interest rates are so low (as> Jupiter is weak)>> 3) The dollar is also influenced by the US trade balance.> Actually, for the past two decades there has been a concern that a> "disorderly adjustment" in the dollar could be provoked by the persisting US> trade deficits and evers

increasing foreign debt of the USA. This is> undoubtedly a big factor in 2).>> In the SAMVA USA chart, Mars as 10th lord rules foreign trade. The MEP of> the 10th house is afflicted by Rahu (and Ketu), suggesting problems of> manipulation involving this area of national life. Looking at transit Rahu,> we see it has recently moved into the 6th house of financial stability> (problems with debt). This suggests, concerns over financial stability may> become pronounced, especially when it afflicts natal 4th lord Venus (fixed> assets), the MEPs of the houses involved at 20° and its own natal placement> at 18° Aries. So next year we need to watch this. Moreover, the strong natal> 10th lord Mars at 10° Scorpio and 5th house will soon become afflicted by a> stationary 8th lord Saturn at 10° Virgo and 3rd house. This is likely to> bring strains involving obstacles and

endings to the indications of Mars.> Fortunately, Mars is strong an well apsected by natal 1st lord Moon,> protecting these indications. In short, the US dollar could become involved> in this situation, albeit it is hard to see how in the globally> interconnected world. How will the low interest rates, some improvement in> the US economy and problems with trade affect the dollar? How will the low> dollar affect the trade? It should help reduce imports and raise exports,> but is that happening?>> As for the state of the US economy, yesterday, the number of new claimants> of unemployment benefits has declined more than expected. Earlier consumer> demand figures were seen to improve. Housing starts was also registering> some improvement. So, in fact, the anecdotal data has continued to paint a> picture of gradual improvement in the economy, even if it is of course in

a> sorry state.>> Thor>>> ____________ _________ _________ __> jason smith <jasonsmith108@ gmail.com <jasonsmith108% 40gmail.com> >> SystemsApproachToVe dicAstrology<SystemsApproachToV edicAstrology% 40. com>> Wed, November 25, 2009 6:48:17 PM> Re: [systemsApproachToV edicAstrology] Happy Thanksgiving!>> Dear List members,>> I second the gratitude for Professor C and the SA. Here in the USA, I hope> that we can all be grateful for what we do have and give to others with our> full hearts. And God willing, we'll receive the same.>> On another note: If there is a chance for the USD to strengthen, it can> come> in the months of December and January. The GDP numbers for the USA came

out> recently and they have painted a poor picture of the economy. The> fluctuations in job and housing numbers should continue for a while and> keep> giving avid news followers and reporters a warped picture.>> Jason Smith>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Shayn Smith <mactunesmith@ <mactunesmith% 40>> >wrote:>> >> >> > Dear and List Members,> > As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., I would like to take> > this time to offer thanks for the remarkable gift of Systems' Approach to> > Vedic Astrology given to us by . Also, much admiration> and> > appreciation go out to the list members who faithfully promote

SATVA and> > share their wonderful wisdom on these lists, including dear Thor who> > tirelessly produces brilliant insights into the mundane sphere.> >> > I have learned so much from all of you...> >> > Warm regards,> > Shayn Smith> > Boulder, Colorado> > USA> >> >

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