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Northern Ireland

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Further to my article on the Republic of Ireland (http://cosmologer.blogspot.com/2009/12/republic-of-ireland.html), there seems to be tension brewing in Northern Ireland.


Republican terrorists plan 'Christmas spectacular' attack on British troops

8:30PM GMT 05 Dec 2009

Republican terrorists are planning to launch a "Christmas spectacular" attack on British troops in Northern Ireland, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.


Intelligence chiefs believe dissident republicans will "ramp-up" attempts to murder British troops and police officers in a series of shooting and bomb attacks in the next few weeks.

Documents seen by The Sunday Telegraph also state that the terrorists now have access to an armoury of weapons and explosives and are believed to be receiving help from disaffected members of the Provisional IRA. The report adds that the Real IRA, the most prominent of the dissident groups, has been "targeting" several Army bases in the province, including Masserene barracks, where two British soldiers were shot dead in March (see story below). The current threat level posed by republican terrorists is described as "severe", the official definition of which means that an attack remains "highly likely".



This raises the issue of a chart for Northern Ireland. The majority preference of the population of Northern Ireland has been to remain within the UK. If Northern Ireland is simply an entity of the Union, the 1801 Union chart should be used there. However, the issue is not straight forward. The developments facing people in England, Wales and Scotland have been seen to be different, with the much more tragic experiences of the people of Northern Ireland, especially during the Troubles. That said, the Troubles intimately involved the government, police and military forces of Great Britain. So, the two are clearly linked.


In the following article on the UK chart, it was argued that the Union was basically unchanged after the larger part of Ireland (what became the Republic of Ireland in 1948/49) left the Union.


Changes to the Union in 1927Changes to the Union in the early 20th century did not alter the governing institutions or symbols of the country. In the early 20th century, the push for Irish independence accelerated. Following the 1916 rebellion, a separate parliamentary election in Ireland in 1918, elected the Sinn Fein party into majority with 66 seats[3]. On 21 January 1919, 27 of the parliamentarians (with 35 in British prison and 4 having been killed) gathered in the Mansion House in Dublin to establish an Irish Free State (Dáil Éireann). After the partition of Ireland into South and North Ireland on May 3, 1921, the UK agreed in principle on December 6, 1921 to the Anglo-Irish Treaty allowing the Irish Free State to secede from the Union. The Irish Free State created by the Treaty came into force on 6 December 1922 by royal proclamation after its constitution had been enacted by the Third

Dáil and the British parliament[4]. The Dominion of Northern Ireland decided to remain in the UK. Due to this change, it was on 12th April 1927, over four years later, that King George R.I. issued the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act, 1927, which provided “…for the alteration of the Royal Style and Titles and of the Style of Parliament.†In the act it was stated that “It shall be lawful for His Most Gracious Majesty, by His Royal Proclamation under the Great Seal of the Realm, issued within six months after the passing of this Act, to make such alteration in the style and titles at present appertaining to the Crown as to His Majesty may seem fit.[2]†Hence, this change in the Union was not seen by the Crown to herald the creation of a new union but simply to be an alteration of the existing one.http://cosmologer.blogspot.com/2009/01/horoscope-of-united-kingdom.html


Real IRA claims responsibility for Antrim barracks murder

10:50PM GMT 08 Mar 2009




The "South Antrim unit" of the splinter group claimed responsibility in a coded phone call to the Sunday Tribune newspaper in Dublin. In a statement, the paper said: "The caller said he made no apologies for targeting British soldiers while they continued to occupy Ireland and also said he made no apologies for targeting the pizza delivery men who, he said, were collaborating with the British by servicing them."...The faction was behind the Omagh bombing of 1998, which killed 29 people, and is suspected of planting a 300lb car bomb in Co Down in January which was defused by bomb disposal experts...The two soldiers - the first to be murdered in the province of Ulster for more than a decade – were hit by a burst of automatic weapon fire as they took delivery of take-away pizzas outside the Massereene Barracks in Antrim on Saturday night.



Astrologically, the Mars-Saturn period was operating in the evening of March 7, 2009, when the murders were committed. Natal Saturn in the 12th house of the 16° Virgo rising chart was aspecting transit Mars (indicator of soldiers) as 8th lord of obstacles and endings in the 6th house, while transit 12th lord Sun was aspecting transit 6th lord Saturn. Clearly, the transit and period influneces at that time were consistent with a terrorist attack.


If we look at the transits around Christmas time 2009, say December 24th, we note that Mars-Mercury period is operating. The major problem at this time is the dual affliction of 4th lord Jupiter in the chart, which will have entered Aquarius and the 6th house at this time, where it comes under the aspect of natal 6th lord Saturn in the 12th house. Moreover, transit 8th lord Mars will be exactly opposite natal 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house. Moreover, transit 1st lord Mercury will be stationary in the 4th house, where it will be conjunct the transit stationary nodal axis for about one week. The nodes will also be conjunct natal 11th lord Moon in the 10th house. Hence, there would seem to be potential for an event that disturbs the communal harmony during the holidays, linked to the indications of Jupiter and the 5th house.


[side note: Earlier it has been predicted based on the Union chart that the trend economic conditions in the UK and the financial crisis should begin to ease when the Mars-Saturn period ended on June 28, 2009. That said, the transits in late December 2009 are consistent with some difficulty in the housing sector of the economy and this would likely remain difficult until Jupiter moves into Pisces and the 6th house.]

That said, this leaves the question of examining other alternatives. In particular, there are two acts which may be considered the founding for the entity that is Northern Ireland


Government of Ireland Act (3 May 1921 )



Northern Ireland Act (November 19, 1998)



I'd be interested if others have a view on this.





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