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A new chart for China

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Dear Thor and forum members,



This is my first posting on this forum for a few years now although I have been

lurking and continue to read postings on SAMVA when I can.



Over the past 6 months or so, I have been interested in and began investigating

the chart of China. It is my belief that China of today is a very different

China than we knew back in the 50s, 60s and 70s, when it was then under the

leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong. In other words, China is presenting a

different " face " to the world over the last few decades than it once did.


As we have all seen, China has become the leading manufacturer of goods over the

last 20 years and consequently its economy, income and wealth has increased

dramatically in a relatively short time, with high economic growth rates each

year. Since September 2008, these growth rates have slowed, due to the global

financial crisis, but now seem to be picking up again.


China's current economic prosperity can be traced to Deng Xiaoping. It was under

his leadership that four of China's major policies from the Mao era were

changed, virtually reversing Mao's communist ideology. The catch-cry for this

major shift has been from Mao's " putting politics in command " to Deng's " putting

economics in command " .


These major policy changes are known as the " Four Modernizations " and their

focus has been on the following areas of the economy: i) Agriculture, ii)

Industry, iii) Science and Technology and, iv)Defense. These four changes have

lead China to its current world standing with China now known as the world's

" manufacturer of everything " .


It seems to me that because China has now become an economic powerhouse, due to

these four policy reversals, I am of the opinion that China is operating under

a different chart, and that is why I used the term " face " earlier. Though the

political structure has not essentially changed, the government's central

policies have changed leading to China's current prosperity. That is why I now

feel there is a new chart for China.


Deng Xiaoping came to power at the Third Plenum of the 11th National Party

Congress 22 December 1978, and it was also on this day that Deng announced the

official launch of the Four Modernizations. I cannot find any record of the time

of day of the announcement of the Four Modernization policies but I have made an

assumption that it occurred somewhere between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm, giving the

following potential ascendant signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and



Before I examined and assessed each of these ascendant signs, I first determined

what factors would have contributed to China's fairly rapid rise in the world

economy. I deduced that both Mars and Jupiter should be strong and well-placed.

Mars for the speedy (relatively speaking) execution of plans and Jupiter for the

expansion and growth of their economy and infrastructure. After considering each

possible ascendant for these factors and checking against a number of events for

China I have on file since 1978 (though not as many as I would like), I decided

on the Pisces ascendant, which is ruled by Jupiter though not its MT sign.

Further, I settled (at least for now) on the ascending degree of 14.5* Pisces,

which corresponds to the time of 12.32 pm in Beijing.


One of the events I checked is the Tiananmen Square event. This event took place

on 4 June 198 and the military began their operations at 4.00 am, finally

clearing the square at 5.40 am. I used the 4.00 am time as the starting point

where the ascendant was 14*Ar34'. There are a number of factors using this event

chart against the 12.32 pm China chart that pointed to the nature of the event

where many died after the military operation.


Here are the details of my new chart for China:

China (Deng)

22 Dec 1978, 12.32 pm, Beijing

39N55, 116E25, TZ=8 hours, DST=None

Asc. = 14Pi37


The main points in this chart are:

* FMs are: Sun, Venus and Saturn (also Rahu/Ketu) with Venus the MMP and Mars

the MBP.

* The Sun is lord of the 6th and located in the 10th and is strong. The Sun is

not causing any affliction so it promotes the more positive outcomes of the 6th

house – sound financial position, victory over competitors/enemies.

* The Moon, as 5th lord, is weak due to its infancy thus affecting the strength

of Jupiter in the 5th house. The Moon is also afflicted by Rahu from the 6th


* Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are all conjunct the MEP of their house as well as

their relevant aspects to other MEPs.

* Jupiter, as 10th lord, is exalted in the 5th house and is also aspected by 2nd

lord Mars. Jupiter, in turn, aspects the 7th lord Mercury as well as the 5th,

11th, 1st (its own sign) and 9th MEPs.

* Mars, lord of the 2nd in the 10th house, is strong and also supports Jupiter

(Mars' dispositor) by an aspect to Jupiter in the 5th house.

* Saturn, 12th lord in the 6th house, afflicts MMP Venus located in the 8th

house. Saturn is also exalted in the navamsa chart. Ketu also afflicts Venus

from the 12th house. Venus is in its own sign.


Some Analysis Notes


Amongst other things, the 8th house represents multinational companies. I see

that the afflictions to Venus, though it is in its own sign, could mean that

China and its government might experience difficulties with multinational

companies. Financial relations with other countries are also likely to be an

issue too.


Financial matters seems to be reasonably strong in this chart, i.e. Sun, lord of

6th in 10th and Lord of 2nd (Mars) in the 10th also aspecting its dispositor

(Jupiter). Jupiter, 10th lord, is also aspecting the 11th MEP of income. The

currency indicators - strength of Sun, 2nd lord/house and 11th lord/house – also

seem to be in good shape though the secondary indicator, Moon, is weak and



Saturn indicates " heavy " industry (low tech. industries) and is placed in the

6th house where the dispositor, Sun, is strong and well placed, This combination

suggests to me that the manufacturing industries will beat its competitors in

this sector, which China has done. To me the 6th house also indicates pollution,

things that affect the health of the people. Since Saturn is also afflicting 8th

lord Venus in the 8th house then both long-term health issues for its people as

well as international concerns of pollution from China can also be seen.


There are many other things in this chart but I think I have given a summary of

how this chart seems to provide the picture of China as we see it now, at least

that is how I see it.


Test of Ascendant


In this chart, Venus is the MMP and so moves fairly quickly. I will be watching

for events when Venus gets to 14.5* of a sign in the coming months.


As a matter of interest, there are a few important " hits " coming up in 2010,

specifically, between mid September and mid November. For example, on 22

September 2010, transit Mars (2nd lord) approaches the 8th house MEP while Venus

(MMP) is on the 8th house MEP at 14*45' thus afflicting the 8th house MEP as

well as the 2nd house MEP and Mars too. Rahu is at 14*26' Sagittarius (10th

house) and so Rahu and Ketu between them are afflicting the even numbered house

MEPs (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th houses). Saturn (12th lord) is also at

12*38' Virgo afflicting the 7th, 1st, 9th and 4th house MEPs. On the 2 October,

while Venus is still afflicting Mars and the 8th and 2nd MEPs, the Sun (6th

lord) joins Saturn (12th lord) at 14*51' Virgo thus a double affliction to the

7th and 1st house MEPs. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are still continuing to afflict

the house MEPs mentioned earlier. If the 14.5* ascendant is the correct one, we

should definitely some major issues becoming public in that period as most house

MEPs are afflicted at that time.



Having now presented my case for a new chart for China and included thoughts

behind the chart that I have presented, I will now leave it open for discussion

and comment.





Neville Lang

Gold Coast,


15 January 2010

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Dear Neville,


Very nice to see your post.


Surely, there are many points, both historical and astrological, which make sense. However, for the chart to be truly authentic, the match must be perfect. I hope you take my reaction in the spirit of collegiate feedback for the sake of truth. Specifically, I would like to make two points, one on historical interpretation and the second on the astrology of the proposed chart.


First, the history: Deng was a long standing member of the Communist Party, from before the founding of the Chinese Soviet Republic in 1931.[1] He then wrested power as head of the party, but was never its head of state. His influence came from within the party, where he served as Paramount Leader.[2] Given these facts, it is reasonable to ask, was truly a new nation born when he continued with the same regalia (uniform) and party structures as Mao, with the only changes, important as they were, to increase economic liberties while changing from the active authoritarian control of people's lives to a more systematic effort at stopping the spread of "subversive" ideas.



[1] Deng Xiaoping - a long standing member of the party


In the summer of 1919, Deng Xiaoping graduated from the Chongqing Preparatory School. He and 80 schoolmates, participating in a work-study program for Chinese students, were to board a ship for France (traveling steerage). Deng, the youngest of all the Chinese students, had just turned 15. The night before his departure, Deng's father took his son aside and asked him what he hoped to learn in France. He repeated the words he had learned from his teachers: "To learn knowledge and truth from the West in order to save China." Deng Xiaoping had been taught that China was weak and poor, and that the Chinese people must have a modern, Western education to save their country. In October, they arrived in Marseille. He briefly attended middle schools in Bayeux and Châtillon,

but he spent most of his time in France working; first at the Le Creusot Iron and Steel plant in central France, then later as a fitter in the Renault factory in the Paris suburb of Billancourt, as a fireman on a locomotive and as a kitchen helper in restaurants. He barely earned enough to survive. Many of these jobs had brutal working conditions, with workers frequently being injured. Deng would later claim that it was here where he got an initial feel for the evils of the capitalist society. In France, under the influence of his seniors (Zhao Shiyan, Zhou Enlai among others), Deng began to study Marxism and did political propaganda work. In 1921 he joined

the Chinese Communist Youth League in Europe. In the second half of 1923 he joined the Chinese Communist Party and became one of the leading members of the General Branch of the Youth League in Europe. During 1926 Deng studied at Moscow in the then-USSR. He returned to China in early 1926. In 1928 Deng led the Baise Uprising in Guangxi province against the Kuomintang (KMT) government. The uprising soon failed and Deng went to the Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi province. He was a veteran of the Long March, during which Deng served as General Secretary of the Secretariat of the Communist Party. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deng_Xiaoping


[2] China after Mao - Deng's influence within the party

"After Mao's death in 1976 and the arrest of the Gang of Four, blamed for the excesses of the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping quickly wrested power from Mao's anointed successor Hua Guofeng. Although he never became the head of the Party or State himself, Deng was in fact the Paramount Leader of China at that time, his influence within the Party led the country to economic reforms of significant magnitude. The Communist Party subsequently loosened governmental control over citizens' personal lives and the communes were disbanded with many peasants receiving multiple land leases, which greatly increased incentives and agricultural production. This turn of events marked China's transition from a planned economy to a mixed economy with an

increasingly open market environment, a system termed by some "market socialism". The PRC adopted its current constitution on 4 December 1982."



Second, the astrology: There have been many large earthquakes in Chinese history, even in modern times. In this chart, there is no MT sign in 4th house. While Saturn, as general indicator of the earth, is badly placed in the 6th house, it or its 12th house are not afflicted. While aspecting 8th lord Venus, the influence is minimal given the strength of Venus in its own house. The same goes for the aspect of Ketu. For instance, I find no relevant transits for the Sichuan earthquake on May 12, 2008.


Despite the economic reforms, the suppression of political discourse and communication of ideas hostile to the Communist regime in China is a fact. There is no MT lord in the 3rd house. There is no affliction to this house. Moreover, the influence of 7th lord Mercury on the 3rd house, is not consistent with such problems involving the 3rd house as we see in China.


Presently, the Rahu - Mercury period is operating in this chart, with a transit station of Rahu and Ketu closely afflicting the natal nodes in the 6th and 12th houses from the 10th and 4th houses. This would be expected to bring major problems, more so as the Rahu major period in operation.


I have been following another chart, and would be interested in your critical reaction of it. "This event is the founding by Mao Zedong and his cadre in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of the Chinese Soviet Republic (CSR) in Ruijin, Jiangxi province, on November 7, 1931. "



Let me just note that I am still monitoring the rising degree of the proposed chart. Initially, I was looking at 23° but have moved that back a bit, and am studying 26°. In particular, I am waiting to see the result of the present transit station in the chart.


In this chart, the Chinese Socialist Republic chart moved from the period of a 12th lord Jupiter to the period of a 2nd lord Saturn in November 1980. This would explain some improvement in terms of the functional nature of the planets involved, especially considering the affliction of natal Jupiter to the MEP of the 7th, 11th, 1st and 3rd houses. It would be consistent with the ending of the deprivation of freedoms in China at the time of Deng's leadership. Please note the new Constitution arrived in 1982! At the same time, as Saturn is badly placed in the 12th house, the conditions facing the Chinese were still those of poverty. Indeed the country still has a very low per capita income, even if its huge size means its government coffers have swollen, notably since the 2000s. The current period of the 9th lord Mercury in the 11th house of income, began in November 1999. It is consistent with China having a stroke of fortune with regard to

its incomes, more so as Mercury is conjunct Venus as 10th lord of the executive government in the 11th house of income. The Ketu period from 2016 would bring sudden problems for foreign policy, as Ketu is natall conjunct 7th lord Moon in the 9th house. This is the time frame when the Sun period begins in the SAMVA USA chart, consistent with its renewed international prominence.


That said, ultimately it is the accurate predictions that determine the authenticity of a chart.


All the best,






njlastro <nevillelangSAMVA Sent: Fri, January 15, 2010 1:39:46 AM A new chart for ChinaDear Thor and forum members,This is my first posting on this forum for a few years now although I have been lurking and continue to read postings on SAMVA when I can.Over the past 6 months or so, I have been interested in and began investigating the chart of China. It is my belief that China of today is a very different China than we knew back in the 50s, 60s and 70s, when it was then under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong. In other words, China is presenting a different "face" to the world over the last few decades than it once did.As we have all seen, China has

become the leading manufacturer of goods over the last 20 years and consequently its economy, income and wealth has increased dramatically in a relatively short time, with high economic growth rates each year. Since September 2008, these growth rates have slowed, due to the global financial crisis, but now seem to be picking up again.China's current economic prosperity can be traced to Deng Xiaoping. It was under his leadership that four of China's major policies from the Mao era were changed, virtually reversing Mao's communist ideology. The catch-cry for this major shift has been from Mao's "putting politics in command" to Deng's "putting economics in command". These major policy changes are known as the "Four Modernizations" and their focus has been on the following areas of the economy: i) Agriculture, ii) Industry, iii) Science and Technology and, iv)Defense. These four changes have lead China to its current world standing with

China now known as the world's "manufacturer of everything".It seems to me that because China has now become an economic powerhouse, due to these four policy reversals, I am of the opinion that China is operating under a different chart, and that is why I used the term "face" earlier. Though the political structure has not essentially changed, the government's central policies have changed leading to China's current prosperity. That is why I now feel there is a new chart for China.Deng Xiaoping came to power at the Third Plenum of the 11th National Party Congress 22 December 1978, and it was also on this day that Deng announced the official launch of the Four Modernizations. I cannot find any record of the time of day of the announcement of the Four Modernization policies but I have made an assumption that it occurred somewhere between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm, giving the following potential ascendant signs: Capricorn, Aquarius,

Pisces, Aries and Taurus.Before I examined and assessed each of these ascendant signs, I first determined what factors would have contributed to China's fairly rapid rise in the world economy. I deduced that both Mars and Jupiter should be strong and well-placed. Mars for the speedy (relatively speaking) execution of plans and Jupiter for the expansion and growth of their economy and infrastructure. After considering each possible ascendant for these factors and checking against a number of events for China I have on file since 1978 (though not as many as I would like), I decided on the Pisces ascendant, which is ruled by Jupiter though not its MT sign. Further, I settled (at least for now) on the ascending degree of 14.5* Pisces, which corresponds to the time of 12.32 pm in Beijing. One of the events I checked is the Tiananmen Square event. This event took place on 4 June 198 and the military began their operations at 4.00 am, finally

clearing the square at 5.40 am. I used the 4.00 am time as the starting point where the ascendant was 14*Ar34'. There are a number of factors using this event chart against the 12.32 pm China chart that pointed to the nature of the event where many died after the military operation.Here are the details of my new chart for China: China (Deng) 22 Dec 1978, 12.32 pm, Beijing 39N55, 116E25, TZ=8 hours, DST=None Asc. = 14Pi37The main points in this chart are:* FMs are: Sun, Venus and Saturn (also Rahu/Ketu) with Venus the MMP and Mars the MBP.* The Sun is lord of the 6th and located in the 10th and is strong. The Sun is not causing any affliction so it promotes the more positive outcomes of the 6th house – sound financial position, victory over competitors/enemies.* The Moon, as 5th lord, is weak due to its infancy thus affecting the strength of Jupiter in the

5th house. The Moon is also afflicted by Rahu from the 6th house.* Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are all conjunct the MEP of their house as well as their relevant aspects to other MEPs.* Jupiter, as 10th lord, is exalted in the 5th house and is also aspected by 2nd lord Mars. Jupiter, in turn, aspects the 7th lord Mercury as well as the 5th, 11th, 1st (its own sign) and 9th MEPs.* Mars, lord of the 2nd in the 10th house, is strong and also supports Jupiter (Mars' dispositor) by an aspect to Jupiter in the 5th house.* Saturn, 12th lord in the 6th house, afflicts MMP Venus located in the 8th house. Saturn is also exalted in the navamsa chart. Ketu also afflicts Venus from the 12th house. Venus is in its own sign.Some Analysis Notes-------------------Amongst other things, the 8th house represents multinational companies. I see that the afflictions to Venus, though it is in its own sign, could mean that China and its government

might experience difficulties with multinational companies. Financial relations with other countries are also likely to be an issue too.Financial matters seems to be reasonably strong in this chart, i.e. Sun, lord of 6th in 10th and Lord of 2nd (Mars) in the 10th also aspecting its dispositor (Jupiter). Jupiter, 10th lord, is also aspecting the 11th MEP of income. The currency indicators - strength of Sun, 2nd lord/house and 11th lord/house – also seem to be in good shape though the secondary indicator, Moon, is weak and afflicted.Saturn indicates "heavy" industry (low tech. industries) and is placed in the 6th house where the dispositor, Sun, is strong and well placed, This combination suggests to me that the manufacturing industries will beat its competitors in this sector, which China has done. To me the 6th house also indicates pollution, things that affect the health of the people. Since Saturn is also afflicting 8th lord Venus in

the 8th house then both long-term health issues for its people as well as international concerns of pollution from China can also be seen.There are many other things in this chart but I think I have given a summary of how this chart seems to provide the picture of China as we see it now, at least that is how I see it.Test of Ascendant-----------------In this chart, Venus is the MMP and so moves fairly quickly. I will be watching for events when Venus gets to 14.5* of a sign in the coming months. As a matter of interest, there are a few important "hits" coming up in 2010, specifically, between mid September and mid November. For example, on 22 September 2010, transit Mars (2nd lord) approaches the 8th house MEP while Venus (MMP) is on the 8th house MEP at 14*45' thus afflicting the 8th house MEP as well as the 2nd house MEP and Mars too. Rahu is at 14*26' Sagittarius (10th house) and so Rahu and Ketu between them are

afflicting the even numbered house MEPs (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th houses). Saturn (12th lord) is also at 12*38' Virgo afflicting the 7th, 1st, 9th and 4th house MEPs. On the 2 October, while Venus is still afflicting Mars and the 8th and 2nd MEPs, the Sun (6th lord) joins Saturn (12th lord) at 14*51' Virgo thus a double affliction to the 7th and 1st house MEPs. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are still continuing to afflict the house MEPs mentioned earlier. If the 14.5* ascendant is the correct one, we should definitely some major issues becoming public in that period as most house MEPs are afflicted at that time.Having now presented my case for a new chart for China and included thoughts behind the chart that I have presented, I will now leave it open for discussion and comment. Regards,Neville LangGold Coast,Australia15 January 2010---

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Dear Thor,



I have been away for a few days and have just returned. I will respond to your

post as soon as put one together. I did not want you to think that I was

ignoring your post.








SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear Neville,


> Very nice to see your post.


> Surely, there are many points, both historical and astrological, which make

sense. However, for the chart to be truly authentic, the match must be perfect.

I hope you take my reaction in the spirit of collegiate feedback for the sake of

truth. Specifically, I would like to make two points, one on historical

interpretation and the second on the astrology of the proposed chart.


> First, the history: Deng was a long standing member of the Communist Party,

from before the founding of the Chinese Soviet Republic in 1931.[1] He then

wrested power as head of the party, but was never its head of state. His

influence came from within the party, where he served as Paramount Leader.[2]

Given these facts, it is reasonable to ask, was truly a new nation born when he

continued with the same regalia (uniform) and party structures as Mao, with the

only changes, important as they were, to increase economic liberties while

changing from the active authoritarian control of people's lives to a more

systematic effort at stopping the spread of " subversive " ideas.


> [1]Deng Xiaoping - a long standing member of the party

> In the summer of 1919, Deng Xiaoping graduated from the Chongqing Preparatory

School. He and 80 schoolmates, participating in a work-study program for Chinese

students, were to board a ship for France (traveling steerage). Deng, the

youngest of all the Chinese students, had just turned 15.The night before his

departure, Deng's father took his son aside and asked him what he hoped to learn

in France. He repeated the words he had learned from his teachers: " To learn

knowledge and truth from the West in order to save China. " Deng Xiaoping had

been taught that China was weak and poor, and that the Chinese people must have

a modern, Western education to save their country. In October, they arrived in

Marseille. He briefly attended middle schools in Bayeux and Châtillon, but he

spent most of his time in France working; first at the Le Creusot Iron and Steel

plant in central France, then later as a fitter in the Renault factory in the

Paris suburb of

> Billancourt, as a fireman on a locomotive and as a kitchen helper in

restaurants. He barely earned enough to survive. Many of these jobs had brutal

working conditions, with workers frequently being injured. Deng would later

claim that it was here where he got an initial feel for the evils of the

capitalist society. In France, under the influence of his seniors (Zhao Shiyan,

Zhou Enlai among others), Deng began to study Marxism and did political

propaganda work. In 1921 he joined the Chinese Communist Youth League in Europe.

In the second half of 1923 he joined the Chinese Communist Party and became one

of the leading members of the General Branch of the Youth League in Europe.

During 1926 Deng studied at Moscow in the then-USSR. He returned to China in

early 1926. In 1928 Deng led the Baise Uprising in Guangxi province against the

Kuomintang (KMT) government. The uprising soon failed and Deng went to the

Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi province. He was a

> veteran of the Long March, during which Deng served as General Secretary of

the Secretariat of the Communist Party.

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deng_Xiaoping


> [2] China after Mao - Deng's influence within the party

> " After Mao's death in 1976 and the arrest of the Gang of Four, blamed for the

excesses of the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping quickly wrested power from

Mao's anointed successor Hua Guofeng. Although he never became the head of the

Party or State himself, Deng was in fact the Paramount Leader of China at that

time, his influence within the Party led the country to economic reforms of

significant magnitude. The Communist Party subsequently loosened governmental

control over citizens' personal lives and the communes were disbanded with many

peasants receiving multiple land leases, which greatly increased incentives and

agricultural production. This turn of events marked China's transition from a

planned economy to a mixed economy with an increasingly open market environment,

a system termed by some " market socialism " . The PRC adopted its current

constitution on 4 December 1982. "

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Republic_of_China


> Second, the astrology: There have been many large earthquakes in Chinese

history, even in modern times. In this chart, there is no MT sign in 4th house.

While Saturn, as general indicator of the earth, is badly placed in the 6th

house, it or its 12th house are not afflicted. While aspecting 8th lord Venus,

the influence is minimal given the strength of Venus in its own house. The same

goes for the aspect of Ketu. For instance, I find no relevant transits for the

Sichuan earthquake on May 12, 2008.


> Despite the economic reforms, the suppression of political discourse and

communication of ideas hostile to the Communist regime in China is a fact.

There is no MT lord in the 3rd house. There is no affliction to this house.

Moreover, the influence of 7th lord Mercury on the 3rd house, is not consistent

with such problems involving the 3rd house as we see in China.


> Presently, the Rahu - Mercury period is operating in this chart, with a

transit station of Rahu and Ketu closely afflicting the natal nodes in the 6th

and 12th houses from the 10th and 4th houses. This would be expected to bring

major problems, more so as the Rahu major period in operation.


> I have been following another chart, and would be interested in your critical

reaction of it. " This event is the founding by Mao Zedong and his cadre in the

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of the Chinese Soviet Republic (CSR) in Ruijin,

Jiangxi province, on November 7, 1931. "

> http://cosmologer.blogspot.com/2009/10/birth-of-modern-china.html


> Let me just note that I am still monitoring the rising degree of the proposed

chart. Initially, I was looking at 23° but have moved that back a bit, and am

studying 26°. In particular, I am waiting to see the result of the present

transit station in the chart.


> In this chart, the Chinese Socialist Republic chart moved from the period of a

12th lord Jupiter to the period of a 2nd lord Saturn in November 1980. This

would explain some improvement in terms of the functional nature of the planets

involved, especially considering the affliction of natal Jupiter to the MEP of

the 7th, 11th, 1st and 3rd houses. It would be consistent with the ending of the

deprivation of freedoms in China at the time of Deng's leadership. Please note

the new Constitution arrived in 1982! At the same time, as Saturn is badly

placed in the 12th house, the conditions facing the Chinese were still those of

poverty. Indeed the country still has a very low per capita income, even if its

huge size means its government coffers have swollen, notably since the 2000s.

The current period of the 9th lord Mercury in the 11th house of income, began in

November 1999. It is consistent with China having a stroke of fortune with

regard to its incomes,

> more so as Mercury is conjunct Venus as 10th lord of the executive government

in the 11th house of income. The Ketu period from 2016 would bring sudden

problems for foreign policy, as Ketu is natall conjunct 7th lord Moon in the 9th

house. This is the time frame when the Sun period begins in the SAMVA USA chart,

consistent with its renewed international prominence.


> That said, ultimately it is the accurate predictions that determine the

authenticity of a chart.


> All the best,


> Thor




> ________________________________

> njlastro <nevillelang


> Fri, January 15, 2010 1:39:46 AM

> A new chart for China


> Dear Thor and forum members,



> This is my first posting on this forum for a few years now although I have

been lurking and continue to read postings on SAMVA when I can.



> Over the past 6 months or so, I have been interested in and began

investigating the chart of China. It is my belief that China of today is a very

different China than we knew back in the 50s, 60s and 70s, when it was then

under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong. In other words, China is presenting

a different " face " to the world over the last few decades than it once did.


> As we have all seen, China has become the leading manufacturer of goods over

the last 20 years and consequently its economy, income and wealth has increased

dramatically in a relatively short time, with high economic growth rates each

year. Since September 2008, these growth rates have slowed, due to the global

financial crisis, but now seem to be picking up again.


> China's current economic prosperity can be traced to Deng Xiaoping. It was

under his leadership that four of China's major policies from the Mao era were

changed, virtually reversing Mao's communist ideology. The catch-cry for this

major shift has been from Mao's " putting politics in command " to Deng's " putting

economics in command " .


> These major policy changes are known as the " Four Modernizations " and their

focus has been on the following areas of the economy: i) Agriculture, ii)

Industry, iii) Science and Technology and, iv)Defense. These four changes have

lead China to its current world standing with China now known as the world's

" manufacturer of everything " .


> It seems to me that because China has now become an economic powerhouse, due

to these four policy reversals, I am of the opinion that China is  operating

under a different chart, and that is why I used the term " face " earlier. Though

the political structure has not essentially changed, the government's central

policies have changed leading to China's current prosperity. That is why I now

feel there is a new chart for China.


> Deng Xiaoping came to power at the Third Plenum of the 11th National Party

Congress 22 December 1978, and it was also on this day that Deng announced the

official launch of the Four Modernizations. I cannot find any record of the time

of day of the announcement of the Four Modernization policies but I have made an

assumption that it occurred somewhere between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm, giving the

following potential ascendant signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and



> Before I examined and assessed each of these ascendant signs, I first

determined what factors would have contributed to China's fairly rapid rise in

the world economy. I deduced that both Mars and Jupiter should be strong and

well-placed. Mars for the speedy (relatively speaking) execution of plans and

Jupiter for the expansion and growth of their economy and infrastructure. After

considering each possible ascendant for these factors and checking against a

number of events for China I have on file since 1978 (though not as many as I

would like), I decided on the Pisces ascendant, which is ruled by Jupiter though

not its MT sign. Further, I settled (at least for now) on the ascending degree

of 14.5* Pisces, which corresponds to the time of 12.32 pm in Beijing.


> One of the events I checked is the Tiananmen Square event. This event took

place on 4 June 198 and the military began their operations at 4.00 am, finally

clearing the square at 5.40 am. I used the 4.00 am time as the starting point

where the ascendant was 14*Ar34'. There are a number of factors using this event

chart against the 12.32 pm China chart that pointed to the nature of the event

where many died after the military operation.


> Here are the details of my new chart for China:

>     China (Deng)

>     22 Dec 1978, 12.32 pm, Beijing

>     39N55, 116E25, TZ=8 hours, DST=None

>     Asc. = 14Pi37


> The main points in this chart are:

> * FMs are: Sun, Venus and Saturn (also Rahu/Ketu) with Venus the MMP and Mars

the MBP.

> * The Sun is lord of the 6th and located in the 10th and is strong. The Sun is

not causing any affliction so it promotes the more positive outcomes of the 6th

house †" sound financial position, victory over competitors/enemies.

> * The Moon, as 5th lord, is weak due to its infancy thus affecting the

strength of Jupiter in the 5th house. The Moon is also afflicted by Rahu from

the 6th house.

> * Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are all conjunct the MEP of their house as well as

their relevant aspects to other MEPs.

> * Jupiter, as 10th lord, is exalted in the 5th house and is also aspected by

2nd lord Mars. Jupiter, in turn, aspects the 7th lord Mercury as well as the

5th, 11th, 1st (its own sign) and 9th MEPs.

> * Mars, lord of the 2nd in the 10th house, is strong and also supports Jupiter

(Mars' dispositor) by an aspect to Jupiter in the 5th house.

> * Saturn, 12th lord in the 6th house, afflicts MMP Venus located in the 8th

house. Saturn is also exalted in the navamsa chart. Ketu also afflicts Venus

from the 12th house. Venus is in its own sign.


> Some Analysis Notes

> -------------------

> Amongst other things, the 8th house represents multinational companies. I see

that the afflictions to Venus, though it is in its own sign, could mean that

China and its government might experience difficulties with multinational

companies. Financial relations with other countries are also likely to be an

issue too.


> Financial matters seems to be reasonably strong in this chart, i.e. Sun, lord

of 6th in 10th and Lord of 2nd (Mars) in the 10th also aspecting its dispositor

(Jupiter). Jupiter, 10th lord, is also aspecting the 11th MEP of income. The

currency indicators - strength of Sun, 2nd lord/house and 11th lord/house †"

also seem to be in good shape though the secondary indicator, Moon, is weak and



> Saturn indicates " heavy " industry (low tech. industries) and is placed in the

6th house where the dispositor, Sun, is strong and well placed, This combination

suggests to me that the manufacturing industries will beat its competitors in

this sector, which China has done. To me the 6th house also indicates pollution,

things that affect the health of the people. Since Saturn is also afflicting 8th

lord Venus in the 8th house then both long-term health issues for its people as

well as international concerns of pollution from China can also be seen.


> There are many other things in this chart but I think I have given a summary

of how this chart seems to provide the picture of China as we see it now, at

least that is how I see it.


> Test of Ascendant

> -----------------

> In this chart, Venus is the MMP and so moves fairly quickly. I will be

watching for events when Venus gets to 14.5* of a sign in the coming months.


> As a matter of interest, there are a few important " hits " coming up in 2010,

specifically, between mid September and mid November. For example, on 22

September 2010, transit Mars (2nd lord) approaches the 8th house MEP while Venus

(MMP) is on the 8th house MEP at 14*45' thus afflicting the 8th house MEP as

well as the 2nd house MEP and Mars too. Rahu is at 14*26' Sagittarius (10th

house) and so Rahu and Ketu between them are afflicting the even numbered house

MEPs (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th houses). Saturn (12th lord) is also at

12*38' Virgo afflicting the 7th, 1st, 9th and 4th house MEPs. On the 2 October,

while Venus is still afflicting Mars and the 8th and 2nd MEPs, the Sun (6th

lord) joins Saturn (12th lord) at 14*51' Virgo thus a double affliction to the

7th and 1st house MEPs. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are still continuing to afflict

the house MEPs mentioned earlier. If the 14.5* ascendant is the correct one, we

should definitely some major

> issues becoming public in that period as most house MEPs are afflicted at

that time.



> Having now presented my case for a new chart for China and included thoughts

behind the chart that I have presented, I will now leave it open for discussion

and comment.




> Regards,

> Neville Lang

> Gold Coast,

> Australia

> 15 January 2010





> ---



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Dear Thor,



In response to your recent post on my proposed new chart for China, I put

forward the follwoing items:





On the issue as to whether China's " Four Modernizations " major policy changes,

announced by Deng on 22 December 1978, constitutes the " birth of a new nation " ,

I must confess that I struggled with this one too well before I put forward my

post on this topic.


In general, the creation of a new nation is usually taken to be the day when the

government of a new type of political system announces or proclaims to the world

that they are in power and leading the country down a certain path. Even here,

there are some other variations as to when a new nation is created. For example

the SAMVA USA chart is focussed on the " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual

Union " , i.e. when the last colony signed in February, and not the ratification

date in March. Other astrologers usually take the Declaration of Independence

for the USA chart (4 July 1776 though a variety of times are used). It is argued

that the Declaration of Independence is the separation event from England and

therefore a " divorce " chart while the " Articles of Confederation " represents an

agreement on how the nation will be governed as a nation into the future. Other

examples use the date on which an agreed change to governing a country comes

into being, such as that of India, Pakistan and Australia – essentially

independence from that date. Some others countries refer to a date when a new

constitution is enacted. So, it has not always been entirely clear, in mundane

astrology, as to the basis of when a new nation is created.


I am aware that my post for a new chart for China might be the first of its

type, based on four major policy changes. The net result has seen a change in

the prosperity for China, and there is still an argument that this prosperity

could be based on an earlier chart and that it could be still short-term.

However, I was convinced that these major four policy changes have had a major

impact on China, on the lives of the Chinese people (some for the better and

some for the worse) and on the world. China is different now then is once was.

Whether the difference is illusionary and short-term, time will tell, but I felt

compelled to put forward this new chart to stimulate debate on such an important

country as China.


As background, through my previous business connections in the Clothing

industry, I have been loosely associated with the changes that have taken place

in the clothing manufacturing industry since the 1980s, and have been involved

with the shift from Australian to mainly Chinese manufacturing of clothing. I

have also had a number of discussions with various people about China, including

a few who were born there but now live in Australia. Those discussions have

given me a better sense of China from a few different angles but, of course, I

have not had any discussions with anyone at the Chinese government level, so my

background information is likely to be biased towards the people that have lived

there and not from the people who are governing China. One person I know who was

born in China is in the clothing industry and goes back several times every year

on business. She has been doing this since the late 80s and has related to me

the changes she has seen in China and the differences in how things are done





On the issue of earthquakes, I am still not convinced that a country's chart

needs to always have an MT sign on the 4th house, though I admit I have not

closely studied the charts of other countries that are prone to earthquakes,

like Japan, Indonesia and Turkey. I take the view that it is the 8th house and

its lord (if an MT sign) that signifies earthquakes and deaths from natural

disasters more so than the 4th house or its lord.


In the new China chart I put forward, for the Earthquake you cited (12 May 2008,

2.28pm, Chengdu, Sichuan Province), I did look at that event before I presented

the new chart for China and saw a number of relevant things. On the date of this

earthquake, both the transiting MMP Venus and FM Sun were both widely afflicting

natal 8th lord Venus from the 2nd house. Additionally, natal Rahu from the 6th

house was afflicting transiting 6th lord Sun exactly. Venus is strong in its MT

sign in the natal chart and so by the one degree orb rule for strong planets, I

concur that the affliction of these two planets is lessened due to the strength

of Venus. However, the karaka for the 4th house is the Moon, and on the day of

this earthquake, the transiting Moon was afflicted by an exact conjunction from

transiting Ketu, the signifier of natural calamities and violent events. The

transiting Moon, though in its own sign in the 5th house, was in the 29th degree

and so was weak and afflicted.


Media Control and Censorship


Suppression of opposing political ideas and control of the means to present

opposing ideas to the public via the media would, in my view, be seen as a

Saturn influence. In my proposed chart, natal Saturn is just wide of afflicting

the 3rd house MEP from the 6th house. I am still testing the ascending degree in

this chart, as it is speculative, so if the ascending degree was a little more

than 14.5* then it does place Saturn as afflicting the 3rd house MEP in the

natal chart. If the actual ascending degree is also less than 19* then Saturn

would not afflict the 6th house MEP because of strong Sun nor the 8th house MEP

because of the strong Venus, and Saturn cannot afflict its own 12th house MEP.


In the case of the recent issue (made public on 13 January 2010) where Google

proposed to leave China because of allegedly state-backed hacking of its

intellectual property, on this day we see a triple conjunction of transiting Sun

(6th lord), Venus (8th lord) and Rahu in the 10th house. This configuration can

be construed as a focus (Rahu) on a dispute (6th lord Sun) between a

multinational corporation (8th lord) and Chinese government policies (Sun and

10th house). At the same time, transiting Rahu in the 10th house is also

afflicting natal Rahu in the 6th house of disputes. This event has now raised

relationship/business issues between the USA and China.


Dasa period


In my original post, I did not mention the current dasa period. In my proposed

chart, the current period is Rahu/Mercury. The sub period began on 18 April 2008

and changes to Rahu/Ketu on 5 November 2010, if the current ascending degree is

correct. In December 2008 to February 2009, transiting Ketu was stationed on the

15* of Cancer, in the 5th house, and afflicted the sub-period lord Mercury,

natally 7th lord placed in the 9th house. We know that due to the global

financial crisis in the west at that time, exports (7th house) of consumer goods

(5th house) from China to the world were affected.


As you stated, we can see that transiting Rahu and Ketu are afflicting their

natal positions since the end of November until early April 2010, and this chart

is running the main period of Rahu. Usually, we might expect to see some public

exposure of a scandal either in the government or in the administration. Given

the tight control that the state has on the media, it might be unlikely that we

will hear about any kind of internal scandal. However, the recent Google issue,

during this Rahu to Rahu affliction has raised a slight issue between China and



A similar example of transit Rahu to natal Rahu in the SAMVA USA chart occurred

around the 26 January 1998. On this date, President Clinton announced that " he

did not have sexual relations with that woman... " . In this case, transiting Rahu

was in the 2nd and afflicted natal Rahu in the 10th house signifying the

president and government.


If my proposed chart is correct, the next stationary degree of transiting

Rahu/Ketu is at 18* Sagittarius/Gemini from early June to late July 2010. Since

natal Saturn is at 20*, the affliction of Rahu from the 10th house on the 12th

lord Saturn in the 6th house, should raise some issues related to losses (12th

house) in China's (10th house) financial investments (6th house). The impact by

transiting Rahu on natal Saturn should begin to be seen towards the end of March



Interestingly, transiting Jupiter (10th lord) is currently passing through the

12th house and reaches 20* Aquarius, opposite natal Saturn (12th lord in 6th

house) around mid March. At this 20* position, it will also be impacted by

transiting Ketu from the 4th house. If my proposed new chart for China is

correct then we should see some effects of these afflictions and weakness of

10th lord Jupiter at this time. Since the 10th lord signifies the government,

these malefic influences are likely to involve or create tensions for the

Chinese government, perhaps related to foreign debt matters.





While my proposed new chart for China is based on a major change/reversal to

four central policies that have greatly impacted on China's economy, and my

proposed chart is not based on the more usual change of political governance,

there is an argument to question whether this alone is sufficient to warrant a

new chart for a country. However, I feel that these policy changes have had a

great impact on the governance of and external relationships with China and,

therefore, I am of the view that it does warrant a new chart.


I hope that I have sufficiently addressed the issues you raised and, as I have

stated earlier, I am still assessing the ascending degree, which might vary over

time as future events transpire.






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Dear Neville,



In general, while I remain somewhat sceptical of the historical basis of this chart, your ideas are well worth exploring. Importantly, we can follow the predictions. I also make some comments in BOLD in the text.


Best regards,







njlastro <nevillelangSAMVA Sent: Wed, January 20, 2010 1:37:02 AM Re: A new chart for ChinaDear Thor,In response to your recent post on my proposed new chart for China, I put forward the follwoing items:Historical/Political--------------------On the issue as to whether China's "Four Modernizations" major policy changes, announced by Deng on 22 December 1978, constitutes the "birth of a new nation", I must confess that I struggled with this one too well before I put forward my post on this topic.

IT IS GOOD TO EXAMINE ALL POSSIBILITIES.In general, the creation of a new nation is usually taken to be the day when the government of a new type of political system announces or proclaims to the world that they are in power and leading the country down a certain path.



Even here, there are some other variations as to when a new nation is created. For example the SAMVA USA chart is focussed on the "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union", i.e. when the last colony (BY THAT TIME THEY WERE ALL STATES WITH THEIR OWN CONSTITUTIONS) signed (THE LAW TO RATIFY WAS APPROVED AND SIGNED) in February, and not the ratification date in March (ACTUALLY, THE FORMAL SIGNATURE). (SEE ALSO: http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Perpetual_ Union FOR FURTHER IMPORTANT INGREDIENTS). Other astrologers usually take the Declaration of Independence for the USA chart (4 July 1776 though a variety of times are used). (YES, THERE SEEMS TO BE CONFUSION IN THIS REGARD) It is argued that the

Declaration of Independence is the separation event from England and therefore a "divorce" chart (YES, THIS ARGUMENT WAS MADE ON SATVA IN THE LATE 1990S) while the "Articles of Confederation" represents an agreement on how the nation will be governed as a nation into the future (ACTUALLY, AS THE WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE EXPLAINS,THE FORMATION OF A PERPETUAL UNION REPRESENTS THE LEGAL CREATION OF A NATION). Other examples use the date on which an agreed change to governing a country comes into being, such as that of India, Pakistan and Australia – essentially independence from that date (YOU CAN ADD ISRAEL TO THAT LIST). Some others countries refer to a date when a new constitution is enacted (PROFESSOR CHOUDHRY AND I ARE OF THE VIEW THAT EVENTS HAVING TO DO WITH THE GOVERNING RULES ARE LESS IMPORTANT THAN ACUTAL FOOUNDING EVENTS, UNLESS IT CAN BE SHOWN THAT THE TWO GO HAND IN HAND). So, it has not always been entirely clear, in mundane

astrology, as to the basis of when a new nation is created (YES, THERE IS ALSO SOME MYSTERY INVOLVED IN THE CREATION OF COLLECTIVE ENTITIES, AS THEY DO NOT TAKE SUCH EVIDENT PHYSICAL BIRTH!).I am aware that my post for a new chart for China might be the first of its type, based on four major policy changes (OK). The net result has seen a change in the prosperity for China, and there is still an argument that this prosperity could be based on an earlier chart and that it could be still short-term. However, I was convinced that these major four policy changes have had a major impact on China, on the lives of the Chinese people (some for the better and some for the worse) and on the world (OK). China is different now then is once was (ALL COUNTRIES AND BEINGS EVOLVE OVER TIME). Whether the difference is illusionary and short-term, time will tell (RIGHT), but I felt compelled to put forward this new chart to stimulate debate on

such an important country as China (GOOD).As background, through my previous business connections in the Clothing industry, I have been loosely associated with the changes that have taken place in the clothing manufacturing industry since the 1980s, and have been involved with the shift from Australian to mainly Chinese manufacturing of clothing. I have also had a number of discussions with various people about China, including a few who were born there but now live in Australia. Those discussions have given me a better sense of China from a few different angles but, of course (THERE IS OFTEN A CRITICAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE CONCIOUSNESS. THE IDEAS THAT MOVE NATIONAL POPULATIONS AS A WHOLE TEND TO BE MUCH SLOWER IN FORMING AND LONGER IN DURATION THAN THAT OF INDIVIDUALS), I have not had any discussions with anyone at the Chinese government level, so my background information is likely to be biased

towards the people that have lived there and not from the people who are governing China (YOUR APPROACH IS EXCELLENT. TO RECTIFY A NATIONAL CHART REQUIRES QUITE AN IMMERSION IN THE NATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND HISTORY). One person I know who was born in China is in the clothing industry and goes back several times every year on business. She has been doing this since the late 80s and has related to me the changes she has seen in China and the differences in how things are done now.Earthquakes-----------On the issue of earthquakes, I am still not convinced that a country's chart needs to always have an MT sign on the 4th house, though I admit I have not closely studied the charts of other countries that are prone to earthquakes, like Japan, Indonesia and Turkey. I take the view that it is the 8th house and its lord (if an MT sign) that signifies earthquakes and deaths from natural disasters more so than the 4th house or its lord. (CERTAINLY,

THE NATAL POTENTIAL SHOULD BE THERE. WHEN NO MT LORD IN 4TH HOUSE, THE COUNTRY MAY HAVE LESS ISSUES TO DEAL WITH,IN REGARD TO THOSE INDICATIONS, UNLESS THE HOUSE ITSELF IS AFFLICTED).In the new China chart I put forward, for the Earthquake you cited (12 May 2008, 2.28pm, Chengdu, Sichuan Province), I did look at that event before I presented the new chart for China and saw a number of relevant things. On the date of this earthquake, both the transiting MMP Venus and FM Sun were both widely afflicting natal 8th lord Venus from the 2nd house. Additionally, natal Rahu from the 6th house was afflicting transiting 6th lord Sun exactly. Venus is strong in its MT sign in the natal chart and so by the one degree orb rule for strong planets (THE ABSENCE OF A STATIONARY FM INFLUENCE IS SUSPECT IN SUCH A LARGE EVENT), I concur that the affliction of these two planets is lessened due to the strength of Venus. However, the karaka for the 4th house is

the Moon, and on the day of this earthquake, the transiting Moon was afflicted by an exact conjunction from transiting Ketu, the signifier of natural calamities and violent events. The transiting Moon, though in its own sign in the 5th house, was in the 29th degree and so was weak and afflicted (IN MY EXPERIENCE, FAST MOVING PLANETS MAY CEMENT THE AGGREGATE INFLUENCES, BUT NOT PRODUCE MAJOR EVENTS BY THEMSELVES). Media Control and Censorship----------------------------Suppression of opposing political ideas and control of the means to present opposing ideas to the public via the media would, in my view, be seen as a Saturn influence. In my proposed chart, natal Saturn is just wide of afflicting the 3rd house MEP from the 6th house. I am still testing the ascending degree in this chart, as it is speculative, so if the ascending degree was a little more than 14.5* then it does place Saturn as afflicting the 3rd house MEP in the natal

chart (OK). If the actual ascending degree is also less than 19* then Saturn would not afflict the 6th house MEP because of strong Sun nor the 8th house MEP because of the strong Venus, and Saturn cannot afflict its own 12th house MEP (OK).In the case of the recent issue (made public on 13 January 2010) where Google proposed to leave China because of allegedly state-backed hacking of its intellectual property, on this day we see a triple conjunction of transiting Sun (6th lord), Venus (8th lord) and Rahu in the 10th house. This configuration can be construed as a focus (Rahu) on a dispute (6th lord Sun) between a multinational corporation (8th lord) and Chinese government policies (Sun and 10th house).(THERE WERE ALSO DEVELOPMENTS INVOLVING THE COLLECTIVE HARMONY IN THE MONTHS OF MAY 2009 AND DECEMBER 2009) At the same time, transiting Rahu in the 10th house is also afflicting natal Rahu in the 6th house of disputes. This

event has now raised relationship/business issues between the USA and China.Dasa period-----------In my original post, I did not mention the current dasa period. In my proposed chart, the current period is Rahu/Mercury. The sub period began on 18 April 2008 and changes to Rahu/Ketu on 5 November 2010, if the current ascending degree is correct. In December 2008 to February 2009, transiting Ketu was stationed on the 15* of Cancer, in the 5th house, and afflicted the sub-period lord Mercury, natally 7th lord placed in the 9th house. We know that due to the global financial crisis in the west at that time, exports (7th house) of consumer goods (5th house) from China to the world were affected. As you stated, we can see that transiting Rahu and Ketu are afflicting their natal positions since the end of November until early April 2010, and this chart is running the main period of Rahu. Usually, we might expect to see some public

exposure of a scandal either in the government or in the administration (OK). Given the tight control that the state has on the media, it might be unlikely that we will hear about any kind of internal scandal. However, the recent Google issue, during this Rahu to Rahu affliction has raised a slight issue between China and USA. A similar example of transit Rahu to natal Rahu in the SAMVA USA chart occurred around the 26 January 1998. On this date, President Clinton announced that "he did not have sexual relations with that woman...". In this case, transiting Rahu was in the 2nd and afflicted natal Rahu in the 10th house signifying the president and government.If my proposed chart is correct, the next stationary degree of transiting Rahu/Ketu is at 18* Sagittarius/Gemini from early June to late July 2010. Since natal Saturn is at 20*, the affliction of Rahu from the 10th house on the 12th lord Saturn in the 6th house, should raise some

issues related to losses (12th house) in China's (10th house) financial investments (6th house). The impact by transiting Rahu on natal Saturn should begin to be seen towards the end of March 2010.Interestingly, transiting Jupiter (10th lord) is currently passing through the 12th house and reaches 20* Aquarius, opposite natal Saturn (12th lord in 6th house) around mid March. At this 20* position, it will also be impacted by transiting Ketu from the 4th house. If my proposed new chart for China is correct then we should see some effects of these afflictions and weakness of 10th lord Jupiter at this time. Since the 10th lord signifies the government, these malefic influences are likely to involve or create tensions for the Chinese government, perhaps related to foreign debt matters.Conclusion---------------While my proposed new chart for China is based on a major change/reversal to four central policies that have greatly

impacted on China's economy, and my proposed chart is not based on the more usual change of political governance, there is an argument to question whether this alone is sufficient to warrant a new chart for a country. However, I feel that these policy changes have had a great impact on the governance of and external relationships with China and, therefore, I am of the view that it does warrant a new chart.I hope that I have sufficiently addressed the issues you raised (THE PREDICTIONS WILL GIVE AMPLE GUIDANCE) and, as I have stated earlier, I am still assessing the ascending degree, which might vary over time as future events transpire.

OK, WE WILL FOLLOW IT.Regards,Neville---

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Dear Thor,



Thank you for your comments on my recent post, particluarly for clarifying the

fact that the " colonies " were in fact states at that time. I overlooked this



Like all good research, it is a good thing to have two or more proposed charts

for testing over time. I feel sure that in the coming months, as we focus on

China, we may be able to eliminate one or more China charts and find the one

that is the right chart responding to ongoing events, just like the work you did

for the SAMVA USA chart.


I am not " married " to the chart I proposed but thought it worthwhile to put

forward for the reasons I have already outlined. I am certain that we should be

able to determine whether my proposed chart or your proposed China chart (or

none of them) is viable by mid-2010.


Like you, I would also like to find the right chart for China.










SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear Neville,


> In general, while I remain somewhat sceptical of the historical basis of

this chart, your ideas are well worth exploring. Importantly, we can follow the

predictions. I also make some comments in BOLD in the text.


> Best regards,


> Thor




> ________________________________


> njlastro <nevillelang


> Wed, January 20, 2010 1:37:02 AM

> Re: A new chart for China




> In general, the creation of a new nation is usually taken to be the day when

the government of a new type of political system announces or proclaims to the

world that they are in power and leading the country down a certain path.




> Even here, there are some other variations as to when a new nation is created.

For example the SAMVA USA chart is focussed on the " Articles of Confederation

and Perpetual Union " , i.e. when the last colony (BY THAT TIME THEY WERE ALL


SIGNED) in February, and not the ratification date in March (ACTUALLY, THE

FORMAL SIGNATURE). (SEE ALSO: http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Perpetual_

Union FOR FURTHER IMPORTANT INGREDIENTS). Other astrologers usually take the

Declaration of Independence for the USA chart (4 July 1776 though a variety of

times are used). (YES, THERE SEEMS TO BE CONFUSION IN THIS REGARD) It is argued

that the Declaration of Independence is the separation event from England and

therefore a " divorce " chart (YES, THIS ARGUMENT WAS MADE ON SATVA IN THE LATE

1990S)  while the " Articles of Confederation " represents an agreement on how

the nation will be governed as a



examples use the date on which an agreed change to governing a country comes

into being, such as that of India, Pakistan and Australia †" essentially

independence from that date (YOU CAN ADD ISRAEL TO THAT LIST). Some others

countries refer to a date when a new constitution is enacted (PROFESSOR CHOUDHRY



GO HAND IN HAND). So, it has not always been entirely clear, in mundane

astrology, as to the basis of when a new nation is created (YES, THERE IS ALSO




> I am aware that my post for a new chart for China might be the first of its

type, based on four major policy changes (OK). The net result has seen a change

in the prosperity for China, and there is still an argument that this prosperity

could be based on an earlier chart and that it could be still short-term.

However, I was convinced that these major four policy changes have had a major

impact on China, on the lives of the Chinese people (some for the better and

some for the worse) and on the world (OK). China is different now then is once

was (ALL COUNTRIES AND BEINGS EVOLVE OVER TIME). Whether the difference is

illusionary and short-term, time will tell (RIGHT), but I felt compelled to put

forward this new chart to stimulate debate on such an important country as China



> As background, through my previous business connections in the Clothing

industry, I have been loosely associated with the changes that have taken place

in the clothing manufacturing industry since the 1980s, and have been involved

with the shift from Australian to mainly Chinese manufacturing of clothing. I

have also had a number of discussions with various people about China, including

a few who were born there but now live in Australia. Those discussions have

given me a better sense of China from a few different angles but, of course




not had any discussions with anyone at the Chinese government level, so my

background information is likely to be biased towards the people that have lived

there and not from the people who



I know who was born in China is in the clothing industry and goes back several

times every year on business. She has been doing this since the late 80s and has

related to me the changes she has seen in China and the differences in how

things are done now.


> Earthquakes

> -----------

> On the issue of earthquakes, I am still not convinced that a country's chart

needs to always have an MT sign on the 4th house, though I admit I have not

closely studied the charts of other countries that are prone to earthquakes,

like Japan, Indonesia and Turkey. I take the view that it is the 8th house and

its lord (if an MT sign) that signifies earthquakes and deaths from natural

disasters more so than the 4th house or its lord. (CERTAINLY, THE NATAL





> In the new China chart I put forward, for the Earthquake you cited (12 May

2008, 2.28pm, Chengdu, Sichuan Province), I did look at that event before I

presented the new chart for China and saw a number of relevant things. On the

date of this earthquake, both the transiting MMP Venus and FM Sun were both

widely afflicting natal 8th lord Venus from the 2nd house. Additionally, natal

Rahu from the 6th house was afflicting transiting 6th lord Sun exactly. Venus is

strong in its MT sign in the natal chart and so by the one degree orb rule for


LARGE EVENT), I concur that the affliction of these two planets is lessened due

to the strength of Venus. However, the karaka for the 4th house is the Moon, and

on the day of this earthquake, the transiting Moon was afflicted by an exact

conjunction from transiting Ketu, the signifier of natural calamities and

violent events. The transiting

> Moon, though in its own sign in the 5th house, was in the 29th degree and so




> Media Control and Censorship

> ----------------------------

> Suppression of opposing political ideas and control of the means to present

opposing ideas to the public via the media would, in my view, be seen as a

Saturn influence. In my proposed chart, natal Saturn is just wide of afflicting

the 3rd house MEP from the 6th house. I am still testing the ascending degree in

this chart, as it is speculative, so if the ascending degree was a little more

than 14.5* then it does place Saturn as afflicting the 3rd house MEP in the

natal chart (OK). If the actual ascending degree is also less than 19* then

Saturn would not afflict the 6th house MEP because of strong Sun nor the 8th

house MEP because of the strong Venus, and Saturn cannot afflict its own 12th

house MEP (OK).


> In the case of the recent issue (made public on 13 January 2010) where Google

proposed to leave China because of allegedly state-backed hacking of its

intellectual property, on this day we see a triple conjunction of transiting Sun

(6th lord), Venus (8th lord) and Rahu in the 10th house. This configuration can

be construed as a focus (Rahu) on a dispute (6th lord Sun) between a

multinational corporation (8th lord) and Chinese government policies (Sun and


THE MONTHS OF MAY 2009 AND DECEMBER 2009) At the same time, transiting Rahu in

the 10th house is also afflicting natal Rahu in the 6th house of disputes. This

event has now raised relationship/business issues between the USA and China.


> Dasa period

> -----------

> In my original post, I did not mention the current dasa period. In my proposed

chart, the current period is Rahu/Mercury. The sub period began on 18 April 2008

and changes to Rahu/Ketu on 5 November 2010, if the current ascending degree is

correct. In December 2008 to February 2009, transiting Ketu was stationed on the

15* of Cancer, in the 5th house, and afflicted the sub-period lord Mercury,

natally 7th lord placed in the 9th house. We know that due to the global

financial crisis in the west at that time, exports (7th house) of consumer goods

(5th house) from China to the world were affected.


> As you stated, we can see that transiting Rahu and Ketu are afflicting their

natal positions since the end of November until early April 2010, and this chart

is running the main period of Rahu. Usually, we might expect to see some public

exposure of a scandal either in the government or in the administration (OK).

Given the tight control that the state has on the media, it might be unlikely

that we will hear about any kind of internal scandal. However, the recent Google

issue, during this Rahu to Rahu affliction has raised a slight issue between

China and USA.


> A similar example of transit Rahu to natal Rahu in the SAMVA USA chart

occurred around the 26 January 1998. On this date, President Clinton announced

that " he did not have sexual relations with that woman... " . In this case,

transiting Rahu was in the 2nd and afflicted natal Rahu in the 10th house

signifying the president and government.


> If my proposed chart is correct, the next stationary degree of transiting

Rahu/Ketu is at 18* Sagittarius/Gemini from early June to late July 2010. Since

natal Saturn is at 20*, the affliction of Rahu from the 10th house on the 12th

lord Saturn in the 6th house, should raise some issues related to losses (12th

house) in China's (10th house) financial investments (6th house). The impact by

transiting Rahu on natal Saturn should begin to be seen towards the end of March



> Interestingly, transiting Jupiter (10th lord) is currently passing through the

12th house and reaches 20* Aquarius, opposite natal Saturn (12th lord in 6th

house) around mid March. At this 20* position, it will also be impacted by

transiting Ketu from the 4th house. If my proposed new chart for China is

correct then we should see some effects of these afflictions and weakness of

10th lord Jupiter at this time. Since the 10th lord signifies the government,

these malefic influences are likely to involve or create tensions for the

Chinese government, perhaps related to foreign debt matters.



> Conclusion

> ---------------

> While my proposed new chart for China is based on a major change/reversal to

four central policies that have greatly impacted on China's economy, and my

proposed chart is not based on the more usual change of political governance,

there is an argument to question whether this alone is sufficient to warrant a

new chart for a country. However, I feel that these policy changes have had a

great impact on the governance of and external relationships with China and,

therefore, I am of the view that it does warrant a new chart.


> I hope that I have sufficiently addressed the issues you raised (THE

PREDICTIONS WILL GIVE AMPLE GUIDANCE) and, as I have stated earlier, I am still

assessing the ascending degree, which might vary over time as future events






> Regards,

> Neville





> ---



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Dear Neville,


You are welcome and thanks for your contribution. Indeed, it is good to have the contribution of a seasoned astrologer like yourself on SAMVA.


I agree, one should never feel a sense of over-attachment to a single chart, especially ones that are being tested. At the same time, I must admit that I have invested a lot of time and effort in showing the merits of the SAMVA USA chart since its discovery on December 30, 2006. Then again, it continues to show its worth in ongoing use.


When I have time, I hope to thoroughly reconsider some charts that have earlier been presented on my blog as tentatively rectified, including for China, Japan and Russia. Your entry on China is a good impetus for that work. Your greater proximity to that country is an asset. Certainly, it benefitted my own work on the USA chart that I lived in the country for a long time. As is the case for the charts of the USA, India and the UK, the charts for Israel and Iran seem to be authentic.


If there are other competent mundane astrologers following our discussion, they are invited to weigh in on this topic of the rectification of horoscopes for important countries, including that of China. Certainly, the times ahead promise to be interesting in many respects for mundane astrologers and then it is especially rewarding to be able to follow and anticipate the events in terms of an authentic chart.


Best wishes,







njlastro <nevillelangSAMVA Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 5:24:23 AM Re: A new chart for ChinaDear Thor,Thank you for your comments on my recent post, particluarly for clarifying the fact that the "colonies" were in fact states at that time. I overlooked this fact.Like all good research, it is a good thing to have two or more proposed charts for testing over time. I feel sure that in the coming months, as we focus on China, we may be able to eliminate one or more China charts and find the one that is the right chart responding to ongoing events, just like the work you did for the SAMVA USA chart. I am not "married" to the chart I proposed but thought it worthwhile

to put forward for the reasons I have already outlined. I am certain that we should be able to determine whether my proposed chart or your proposed China chart (or none of them) is viable by mid-2010.Like you, I would also like to find the right chart for China.Regards,NevilleSAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:>> Dear Neville,> > In general, while I remain somewhat sceptical of the historical basis of this chart, your ideas are well worth exploring. Importantly, we can follow the predictions. I also make some comments in BOLD in the text.> > Best regards,> > Thor> > > > ________________________________> > njlastro <nevillelang> SAMVA > Wed, January 20, 2010 1:37:02 AM> Re: A new chart for China> > IT IS GOOD TO EXAMINE ALL POSSIBILITIES.> > In general, the creation of a new nation is usually taken to be the day when the government of a new type of political system announces or proclaims to the world that they are in power and leading the country down a certain path. > I DO NOT THINK THIS DEFINITION IS SUFFICIENTLY GENERAL TO REFLECT ALL POSSIBILITIES. THE DISCUSSION THAT FOLLOWS EXPLAINS THAT FURTHER.> > Even here, there are some other variations as to when a new nation is created. For example the SAMVA USA chart is focussed on the "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union", i.e. when the last colony (BY THAT TIME THEY WERE ALL STATES WITH THEIR OWN CONSTITUTIONS) signed

(THE LAW TO RATIFY WAS APPROVED AND SIGNED) in February, and not the ratification date in March (ACTUALLY, THE FORMAL SIGNATURE). (SEE ALSO: http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Perpetual_ Union FOR FURTHER IMPORTANT INGREDIENTS). Other astrologers usually take the Declaration of Independence for the USA chart (4 July 1776 though a variety of times are used). (YES, THERE SEEMS TO BE CONFUSION IN THIS REGARD) It is argued that the Declaration of Independence is the separation event from England and therefore a "divorce" chart (YES, THIS ARGUMENT WAS MADE ON SATVA IN THE LATE 1990S) while the "Articles of Confederation" represents an agreement on how the nation will be governed as a> nation into the future (ACTUALLY, AS THE WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE EXPLAINS,THE FORMATION OF A PERPETUAL UNION REPRESENTS THE LEGAL CREATION OF A NATION). Other examples use the date on which an agreed change to governing a country comes

into being, such as that of India, Pakistan and Australia â€" essentially independence from that date (YOU CAN ADD ISRAEL TO THAT LIST). Some others countries refer to a date when a new constitution is enacted (PROFESSOR CHOUDHRY AND I ARE OF THE VIEW THAT EVENTS HAVING TO DO WITH THE GOVERNING RULES ARE LESS IMPORTANT THAN ACUTAL FOOUNDING EVENTS, UNLESS IT CAN BE SHOWN THAT THE TWO GO HAND IN HAND). So, it has not always been entirely clear, in mundane astrology, as to the basis of when a new nation is created (YES, THERE IS ALSO SOME MYSTERY INVOLVED IN THE CREATION OF COLLECTIVE ENTITIES, AS THEY DO NOT TAKE SUCH EVIDENT PHYSICAL BIRTH!).> > I am aware that my post for a new chart for China might be the first of its type, based on four major policy changes (OK). The net result has seen a change in the prosperity for China, and there is still an argument that this prosperity could be based on an earlier

chart and that it could be still short-term. However, I was convinced that these major four policy changes have had a major impact on China, on the lives of the Chinese people (some for the better and some for the worse) and on the world (OK). China is different now then is once was (ALL COUNTRIES AND BEINGSÂ EVOLVEÂ OVER TIME). Whether the difference is illusionary and short-term, time will tell (RIGHT), but I felt compelled to put forward this new chart to stimulate debate on such an important country as China (GOOD).> > As background, through my previous business connections in the Clothing industry, I have been loosely associated with the changes that have taken place in the clothing manufacturing industry since the 1980s, and have been involved with the shift from Australian to mainly Chinese manufacturing of clothing. I have also had a number of discussions with various people about China, including a few who were born

there but now live in Australia. Those discussions have given me a better sense of China from a few different angles but, of course (THERE IS OFTEN A CRITICAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE CONCIOUSNESS. THE IDEAS THAT MOVE NATIONAL POPULATIONS AS A WHOLE TEND TO BE MUCH SLOWER IN FORMING AND LONGER IN DURATION THAN THAT OF INDIVIDUALS), I have not had any discussions with anyone at the Chinese government level, so my background information is likely to be biased towards the people that have lived there and not from the people who> are governing China (YOUR APPROACH IS EXCELLENT. TO RECTIFY A NATIONAL CHART REQUIRES QUITE AN IMMERSION IN THE NATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND HISTORY). One person I know who was born in China is in the clothing industry and goes back several times every year on business. She has been doing this since the late 80s and has related to me the changes she has seen in China and

the differences in how things are done now.> > Earthquakes> -----------> On the issue of earthquakes, I am still not convinced that a country's chart needs to always have an MT sign on the 4th house, though I admit I have not closely studied the charts of other countries that are prone to earthquakes, like Japan, Indonesia and Turkey. I take the view that it is the 8th house and its lord (if an MT sign) that signifies earthquakes and deaths from natural disasters more so than the 4th house or its lord. (CERTAINLY, THE NATAL POTENTIAL SHOULD BE THERE. WHEN NO MT LORD IN 4TH HOUSE, THE COUNTRY MAY HAVE LESS ISSUES TO DEAL WITH,IN REGARD TO THOSE INDICATIONS, UNLESS THE HOUSE ITSELF IS AFFLICTED).> > In the new China chart I put forward, for the Earthquake you cited (12 May 2008, 2.28pm, Chengdu, Sichuan Province), I did look at that event before I presented the new chart for China and saw a number of

relevant things. On the date of this earthquake, both the transiting MMP Venus and FM Sun were both widely afflicting natal 8th lord Venus from the 2nd house. Additionally, natal Rahu from the 6th house was afflicting transiting 6th lord Sun exactly. Venus is strong in its MT sign in the natal chart and so by the one degree orb rule for strong planets (THE ABSENCE OF A STATIONARY FM INFLUENCE IS SUSPECT IN SUCH A LARGE EVENT), I concur that the affliction of these two planets is lessened due to the strength of Venus. However, the karaka for the 4th house is the Moon, and on the day of this earthquake, the transiting Moon was afflicted by an exact conjunction from transiting Ketu, the signifier of natural calamities and violent events. The transiting> Moon, though in its own sign in the 5th house, was in the 29th degree and so was weak and afflicted (IN MY EXPERIENCE, FAST MOVING PLANETS MAY CEMENT THE AGGREGATEÂ INFLUENCES, BUT NOT

PRODUCE MAJOR EVENTS BY THEMSELVES). > > Media Control and Censorship> ----------------------------> Suppression of opposing political ideas and control of the means to present opposing ideas to the public via the media would, in my view, be seen as a Saturn influence. In my proposed chart, natal Saturn is just wide of afflicting the 3rd house MEP from the 6th house. I am still testing the ascending degree in this chart, as it is speculative, so if the ascending degree was a little more than 14.5* then it does place Saturn as afflicting the 3rd house MEP in the natal chart (OK). If the actual ascending degree is also less than 19* then Saturn would not afflict the 6th house MEP because of strong Sun nor the 8th house MEP because of the strong Venus, and Saturn cannot afflict its own 12th house MEP (OK).> > In the case of the recent issue (made public on 13 January 2010) where Google proposed to leave China

because of allegedly state-backed hacking of its intellectual property, on this day we see a triple conjunction of transiting Sun (6th lord), Venus (8th lord) and Rahu in the 10th house. This configuration can be construed as a focus (Rahu) on a dispute (6th lord Sun) between a multinational corporation (8th lord) and Chinese government policies (Sun and 10th house).(THERE WERE ALSOÂ DEVELOPMENTS INVOLVING THEÂ COLLECTIVE HARMONYÂ IN THE MONTHS OF MAY 2009 ANDÂ DECEMBER 2009) At the same time, transiting Rahu in the 10th house is also afflicting natal Rahu in the 6th house of disputes. This event has now raised relationship/business issues between the USA and China.> > Dasa period> -----------> In my original post, I did not mention the current dasa period. In my proposed chart, the current period is Rahu/Mercury. The sub period began on 18 April 2008 and changes to Rahu/Ketu on 5 November 2010, if the

current ascending degree is correct. In December 2008 to February 2009, transiting Ketu was stationed on the 15* of Cancer, in the 5th house, and afflicted the sub-period lord Mercury, natally 7th lord placed in the 9th house. We know that due to the global financial crisis in the west at that time, exports (7th house) of consumer goods (5th house) from China to the world were affected. > > As you stated, we can see that transiting Rahu and Ketu are afflicting their natal positions since the end of November until early April 2010, and this chart is running the main period of Rahu. Usually, we might expect to see some public exposure of a scandal either in the government or in the administration (OK). Given the tight control that the state has on the media, it might be unlikely that we will hear about any kind of internal scandal. However, the recent Google issue, during this Rahu to Rahu affliction has raised a slight issue between China

and USA. > > A similar example of transit Rahu to natal Rahu in the SAMVA USA chart occurred around the 26 January 1998. On this date, President Clinton announced that "he did not have sexual relations with that woman...". In this case, transiting Rahu was in the 2nd and afflicted natal Rahu in the 10th house signifying the president and government.> > If my proposed chart is correct, the next stationary degree of transiting Rahu/Ketu is at 18* Sagittarius/Gemini from early June to late July 2010. Since natal Saturn is at 20*, the affliction of Rahu from the 10th house on the 12th lord Saturn in the 6th house, should raise some issues related to losses (12th house) in China's (10th house) financial investments (6th house). The impact by transiting Rahu on natal Saturn should begin to be seen towards the end of March 2010.> > Interestingly, transiting Jupiter (10th lord) is currently passing through the 12th

house and reaches 20* Aquarius, opposite natal Saturn (12th lord in 6th house) around mid March. At this 20* position, it will also be impacted by transiting Ketu from the 4th house. If my proposed new chart for China is correct then we should see some effects of these afflictions and weakness of 10th lord Jupiter at this time. Since the 10th lord signifies the government, these malefic influences are likely to involve or create tensions for the Chinese government, perhaps related to foreign debt matters.> > > Conclusion> ---------------> While my proposed new chart for China is based on a major change/reversal to four central policies that have greatly impacted on China's economy, and my proposed chart is not based on the more usual change of political governance, there is an argument to question whether this alone is sufficient to warrant a new chart for a country. However, I feel that these policy changes have had a

great impact on the governance of and external relationships with China and, therefore, I am of the view that it does warrant a new chart.> > I hope that I have sufficiently addressed the issues you raised (THE PREDICTIONS WILL GIVE AMPLE GUIDANCE)Â and, as I have stated earlier, I am still assessing the ascending degree, which might vary over time as future events transpire.> OK, WE WILL FOLLOW IT.> > > > Regards,> Neville> > > > > ---> >

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