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New study: US dollar strong

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Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago. Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent. The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same time,

Europe faces worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing. “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,†said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


offered the following insight over a decade ago:


"It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country."

In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.



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As always thank you for the great insight. Since the Euro is poised to go down because of the poor economy in that area this will surely upsurge dollar move.


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologersamva Sent: Mon, February 8, 2010 3:48:52 AM New study: US dollar strong



Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago. Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation- Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent. The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same time,

Europe faces worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing. “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,†said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


offered the following insight over a decade ago:


"It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country."

In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.



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Hello Peter,


You are welcome.


Interestingly, the other country mentioned in the report, the UK, has less favourable currency indications, despite having the famous Pound Sterling.


Sun as 12th lord is at 19° 07' Sagittarius and 4th house where it afflicts the most effective point of the house. While the Sun's dispositor, Jupiter, is well placed, being exalted in Cancer and 11th house, The Sun's aspect reduces its own strength. Moreover, the Moon, as 11th lord, which is thus a dual indicator of currency, is the dispositor of Jupiter, and in turn the dispositor of the Sun. As the Moon is in old age at 28° 20' Gemini and 10th house, it has therefore less than 40% strength. As such, it and the Sun are therefore weak and liable to setbacks during transit afflictions. The saving grace is Venus as 2nd lord, which becomes the third indicator for currency strength. It is well placed and is 90%strong at 25° 27' Capricorn and 5th house, however it is moderately afflicted by Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo and 1st house. Interestingly, Saturn as 6th lord

of financial stability in the 12th house of losses, owned by the Sun, has at times been associated with setabacks in the Pound sterling - as well as being a key influence in the recent UK financial crisis.


In the past 80 years there have been several high profile crisis involving the Pound, resulting in a decline in its value. Its international stature has also been reduced from the mid 20th century, when the Pax Brittanica was replaced by the Pax American, based on the Bretton-Woods international monetary system. When this system came to an end, the US dollar continued to reign as the preeminent international currency.


- In 1931, the Pound was allowed to float from $4.86 to $3.75, resulting in a decline in its value

- In 1940, an agreement with the U.S.A. pegged the pound to the U.S. dollar at a rate of £1 = $4.03. This rate was maintained through the Second World War and became part of the Bretton Woods system which governed post-war exchange rates. Under continuing economic pressure, and despite months of denials that it would do so, on 19 September 1949 the government devalued the pound by 30.5% to $2.80. The move prompted several other currencies to be devalued against the dollar.

- November 19, 1967: The Pound Crisis was a 14% devaluation of the Pound

- September 16, 1992: In British politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the Conservative government was forced to withdraw the Pound Sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep sterling above its agreed lower limit. The UK joined the ERM in October 8, 1990. at a rate of DM 2.95 to the Pound. Some say, the Pound was fixed to the DM at too high a value rate. The Pound crashed out of the ERM on September 16, 1992, at DM of 2.20.



I leave the analysis of the transit and period influences to interested list members.







Peter P <peterannarborSAMVA Sent: Mon, February 8, 2010 2:54:36 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong



As always thank you for the great insight. Since the Euro is poised to go down because of the poor economy in that area this will surely upsurge dollar move.


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologersamva Sent: Mon, February 8, 2010 3:48:52 AM New study: US dollar strong



Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago. Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation- Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent. The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same time,

Europe faces worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing. “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,†said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


offered the following insight over a decade ago:


"It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country."

In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.





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Hello dear Arun,


You are welcome.


Forecasting something as complex as share prices or currency exchange rates is not for the faint of heart. Even if we have the scienctif astrology in terms of the Systems' Approach, it takes a lot of study of a mundane chart to opine on the conditions. Even then, one can never account for all the influences, such as in unknown other mundane charts or of specfic companies. That said, with an authentic mundane chart, the overall condition should be visible. That said, as this is not an exact science, were should as you suggest consider that we are dealing with probabilities, which are hopefully greater than 50 per cent. A final comment on this is that we should try to obtain a balanced reading of the many indicators that due to their functional or general indications affect share prices.


Today, the stock market has rallied strongly.


Feb 9, 2010 | 2:00PM - US Market Open

NASDAQ 2155.7 29.65 1.39%

DJIA 10099.14 190.75 1.93%

S & P 1073.63 16.89 1.6%


This raises the question of what explains it. First, let me make one correction in the reading made yesterday. 3rd lord Mercury is in Capricorn and the 7th house and thus not in its sign of debilitation as erroneously stated. This may be important as Mercury is both 3rd lord of investor sentiments and general indicator of commerce. Today, while transit Moon is badly placed in the 6th house and transit 2nd lord Sun is closely afflicted by natal 8th lord Saturn, it is transit Mercury at 5° Capricorn, where it is in full strength and not afflicted, which is explaining the resurgence in stocks.


A side note. The nodes are in the early stages of de-stationing this week, which could reduce the overall strain. However, in the SAMVA USA chart, the nodes are in an applying conjunction with natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius and 6th house - which becomes exact in the week of 21 March. Hence, the indications of Venus are therefore likely to experience strain in the coming seven weeks or so as the nodes move over its natal place.


In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before the Sun enters the 8th house.


I then reply in UPPER CASE directly in your message.




ps Here is my message on the stock market from yesterday


Re: SAMVA] Stocks rally, then drop

Mon, February 8, 2010 9:35:51 PM



Hello list,


The US stock market has been volatile of late and the major rise from March 2009 to early January 2010, seems to have stalled. In the second hald of January 2010, the stock market gave back some of the earlier gains and seems to be on the defensive. The media is suggesting that the international financial market is having concerns about all the public debt needing to be financed, including in Europe. On Friday, after several days of stocks being hammered down, the stock market rallied at the close of the session, with the Dow closing just above 10,000. Today, the market declined, with the Dow closing around 9,900. What would explain such volatile developmens in these two days?


First, recall the salient factors in the SAMVA USA chart that bespeak of difficulty, such as the aspects of transit Saturn and nodes in the chart. That said, the factors that explain the changes from one day to the next involve the faster moving planets, including the Sun and the Moon. When the stock market rallied on Friday, transit Sun was in applying conjunction with its own natal placement and transit Moon had just emerged from a conjunction of natal Ketu to become conjunct the 4th house MEP. At the same time, transit Mercury was in old age in the 6th house while transit Venus was in old age in the 7th house. The market

actually wasn´t doing that well on Friday. It was clawing its way back above 10,000, just barely. When the market fell today, the Moon was conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn and transit Sun had moved into the aspect of natal Saturn. Over the weekend there were other notable transit changes. Transit Mercury moved out of the 6th house and into [correction: Capricorn], and the 7th house. Meanwhile, transit Venus moved into the 8th house.








Arun <abirla2001SAMVA Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 1:45:01 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong





Dear Mr. Thor,


Thanks for your indepth Analysis, truely amazing and wonderful explanations. BUT after reading the posts I have a few questions :-


I dont really know how to do any analysis as per SA but my interest is growing with each passing day and after reading the posts.




With the knowledge of SA and the way you breakdown each and every planets influence; Is it possible that with this knowledge one can possibly forecast a near term trend of the Stock Markets as well as Currencies; If not to 100% accuracy levels but lets say to a level of 80 to 90% accuracy.



For Example on 11th Feb. Several Economic Indicators are due for release which will provide clues to the Job Market situation in US. Is it possible to predict the outcome in advance before these numbers are released as SAMVA USA Chart and movement of planets are available to calculate the possible outcome.



It is critical to be able to judge the right time to convert the foreign exchange in my line of business as I have suffered heavey losses after putting in a lot of hard work in earning foreign Exchange in Export Business only to see all the profits getting washed away when converting the Earnings to Local Currency. Only If I can learn to know the right time to make the right moves can provide much needed help.




To be able to learn and understand SA approach is catching my imagination and interest and I hope to be able to start devoting time and effort in coming few months. With Prof. Choudhary Jee and Yourself, giving so much support and intresting posts I am sure it will be a wonderful experience.










Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 1:30:30 AMRe: New study: US dollar strong [3 Attachments]



Hello Peter,


You are welcome.


Interestingly, the other country mentioned in the report, the UK, has less favourable currency indications, despite having the famous Pound Sterling.


Sun as 12th lord is at 19° 07' Sagittarius and 4th house where it afflicts the most effective point of the house. While the Sun's dispositor, Jupiter, is well placed, being exalted in Cancer and 11th house, The Sun's aspect reduces its own strength. Moreover, the Moon, as 11th lord, which is thus a dual indicator of currency, is the dispositor of Jupiter, and in turn the dispositor of the Sun. As the Moon is in old age at 28° 20' Gemini and 10th house, it has therefore less than 40% strength. As such, it and the Sun are therefore weak and liable to setbacks during transit afflictions. The saving grace is Venus as 2nd lord, which becomes the third indicator for currency strength. It is well placed and is 90%strong at 25° 27' Capricorn and 5th house, however it is moderately afflicted by Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo and 1st house. Interestingly, Saturn as 6th lord

of financial stability in the 12th house of losses, owned by the Sun, has at times been associated with setabacks in the Pound sterling - as well as being a key influence in the recent UK financial crisis.


In the past 80 years there have been several high profile crisis involving the Pound, resulting in a decline in its value. Its international stature has also been reduced from the mid 20th century, when the Pax Brittanica was replaced by the Pax American, based on the Bretton-Woods international monetary system. When this system came to an end, the US dollar continued to reign as the preeminent international currency.


- In 1931, the Pound was allowed to float from $4.86 to $3.75, resulting in a decline in its value

- In 1940, an agreement with the U.S.A. pegged the pound to the U.S. dollar at a rate of £1 = $4.03. This rate was maintained through the Second World War and became part of the Bretton Woods system which governed post-war exchange rates. Under continuing economic pressure, and despite months of denials that it would do so, on 19 September 1949 the government devalued the pound by 30.5% to $2.80. The move prompted several other currencies to be devalued against the dollar.

- November 19, 1967: The Pound Crisis was a 14% devaluation of the Pound

- September 16, 1992: In British politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the Conservative government was forced to withdraw the Pound Sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep sterling above its agreed lower limit. The UK joined the ERM in October 8, 1990. at a rate of DM 2.95 to the Pound. Some say, the Pound was fixed to the DM at too high a value rate. The Pound crashed out of the ERM on September 16, 1992, at DM of 2.20.



I leave the analysis of the transit and period influences to interested list members.







Peter P <peterannarbor@ >SAMVA Mon, February 8, 2010 2:54:36 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong


As always thank you for the great insight. Since the Euro is poised to go down because of the poor economy in that area this will surely upsurge dollar move.


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Mon, February 8, 2010 3:48:52 AM New study: US dollar strong



Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago. Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation- Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent. The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same time,

Europe faces worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing. “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,†said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


offered the following insight over a decade ago:


"It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country."

In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.



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Dear Thor,i am sure you must have heard all news every few seconds that germany is about to fund Greece's debt and that means every participating country in eurozone will be bailed out by germany?a huge undertaking?

i also thought that dollar has been becoming stronger because of debt problems in eurozone countries?what happens to dollar now?has this been in the astrology cards or this just a mirage we seeing?thank you as always

vinodOn Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:







Hello dear Arun,


You are welcome.


Forecasting something as complex as share prices or currency exchange rates is not for the faint of heart. Even if we have the scienctif astrology in terms of the Systems' Approach, it takes a lot of study of a mundane chart to opine on the conditions. Even then, one can never account for all the influences, such as in unknown other mundane charts or of specfic companies. That said, with an authentic mundane chart, the overall condition should be visible. That said, as this is not an exact science, were should as you suggest consider that we are dealing with probabilities, which are hopefully greater than 50 per cent. A final comment on this is that we should try to obtain a balanced reading of the many indicators that due to their functional or general indications affect share prices.


Today, the stock market has rallied strongly.


Feb 9, 2010 | 2:00PM - US Market Open 

NASDAQ 2155.7  29.65  1.39%

DJIA 10099.14  190.75  1.93%

S & P 1073.63  16.89  1.6%


This raises the question of what explains it. First, let me make one correction in the reading made yesterday. 3rd lord Mercury is in Capricorn and the 7th house and thus not in its sign of debilitation as erroneously stated. This may be important as Mercury is both 3rd lord of investor sentiments and general indicator of commerce. Today, while transit Moon is badly placed in the 6th house and transit 2nd lord Sun is closely afflicted by natal 8th lord Saturn, it is transit Mercury at 5° Capricorn, where it is in full strength and not afflicted, which is explaining the resurgence in stocks.


A side note. The nodes are in the early stages of de-stationing this week, which could reduce the overall strain.  However, in the SAMVA USA chart, the nodes are in an applying conjunction with natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius and 6th house - which becomes exact in the week of 21 March. Hence, the indications of Venus are therefore likely to experience strain in the coming seven weeks or so as the nodes move over its natal place. 


In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before the Sun enters the 8th house. 


I then reply in UPPER CASE directly in your message.




ps Here is my message on the stock market from yesterday


Re: SAMVA] Stocks rally, then drop

Mon, February 8, 2010 9:35:51 PM



Hello list,


The US stock market has been volatile of late and the major rise from March 2009 to early January 2010, seems to have stalled. In the second hald of January 2010, the stock market gave back some of the earlier gains and seems to be on the defensive. The media is suggesting that the international financial market is having concerns about all the public debt needing to be financed, including in Europe. On Friday, after several days of stocks being hammered down, the stock market rallied at the close of the session, with the Dow closing just above 10,000. Today, the market declined, with the Dow closing around 9,900. What would explain such volatile developmens in these two days?


First, recall the salient factors in the SAMVA USA chart that bespeak of difficulty, such as the aspects of transit Saturn and nodes in the chart. That said, the factors that explain the changes from one day to the next involve the faster moving planets, including the Sun and the Moon. When the stock market rallied on Friday, transit Sun was in applying conjunction with its own natal placement and transit Moon had just emerged from a conjunction of natal Ketu to become conjunct the 4th house MEP. At the same time, transit Mercury was in old age in the 6th house while transit Venus was in old age in the 7th house. The market

actually wasn´t doing that well on Friday. It was clawing its way back above 10,000, just barely. When the market fell today, the Moon was conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn and transit Sun had moved into the aspect of natal Saturn. Over the weekend there were other notable transit changes. Transit Mercury moved out of the 6th house and into [correction: Capricorn], and the 7th house. Meanwhile, transit Venus moved into the 8th house.








Arun <abirla2001SAMVA

Tue, February 9, 2010 1:45:01 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong





Dear Mr. Thor,


Thanks for your indepth Analysis, truely amazing and wonderful explanations. BUT after reading the posts I have a few questions :-


I dont really know how to do any analysis as per SA but my interest is growing with each passing day and after reading the posts.




With the knowledge of SA and the way you breakdown each and every planets influence; Is it possible that with this knowledge one can possibly forecast a near term trend of the Stock Markets as well as Currencies; If not to 100% accuracy levels but lets say to a level of 80 to 90% accuracy.




For Example on 11th Feb. Several Economic Indicators are due for release which will provide clues to the Job Market situation in US. Is it possible to predict the outcome in advance before these numbers are released as SAMVA USA Chart and movement of planets are available to calculate the possible outcome.



It is critical to be able to judge the right time to convert the foreign exchange in my line of business as I have suffered heavey losses after putting in a lot of hard work in earning foreign Exchange in Export Business only to see all the profits getting washed away when converting the Earnings to Local Currency. Only If I can learn to know the right time to make the right moves can provide much needed help.





To be able to learn and understand SA approach is catching my imagination and interest and I hope to be able to start devoting time and effort in coming few months. With Prof. Choudhary Jee and Yourself, giving so much support and intresting posts I am sure it will be a wonderful experience.










Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA

Tue, February 9, 2010 1:30:30 AMRe: New study: US dollar strong [3 Attachments] 



Hello Peter,


You are welcome.


Interestingly, the other country mentioned in the report, the UK, has less favourable currency indications, despite having the famous Pound Sterling.


Sun as 12th lord is at 19° 07' Sagittarius and 4th house where it afflicts the most effective point of the house. While the Sun's dispositor, Jupiter, is well placed, being exalted in Cancer and 11th house, The Sun's aspect reduces its own strength. Moreover, the Moon, as 11th lord, which is thus a dual indicator of currency, is the dispositor of Jupiter, and in turn the dispositor of the Sun. As the Moon is in old age at 28° 20' Gemini and 10th house, it has therefore less than 40% strength. As such, it and the Sun are therefore weak and liable to setbacks during transit afflictions. The saving grace is Venus as 2nd lord, which becomes the third indicator for currency strength. It is well placed and is 90%strong at 25° 27' Capricorn and 5th house, however it is moderately afflicted by Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo and 1st house.  Interestingly, Saturn as 6th lord

of financial stability in the 12th house of losses, owned by the Sun, has at times been associated with setabacks in the Pound sterling - as well as being a key influence in the recent UK financial crisis.


In the past 80 years there have been several high profile crisis involving the Pound, resulting in a decline in its value. Its international stature has also been reduced from the mid 20th century, when the Pax Brittanica was replaced by the Pax American, based on the Bretton-Woods international monetary system. When this system came to an end, the US dollar continued to reign as the preeminent international currency.


- In 1931, the Pound was allowed to float from $4.86 to $3.75, resulting in a decline in its value

- In 1940, an agreement with the U.S.A. pegged the pound to the U.S. dollar at a rate of £1 = $4.03. This rate was maintained through the Second World War and became part of the Bretton Woods system which governed post-war exchange rates. Under continuing economic pressure, and despite months of denials that it would do so, on 19 September 1949 the government devalued the pound by 30.5% to $2.80. The move prompted several other currencies to be devalued against the dollar.

- November 19, 1967: The Pound Crisis was a 14% devaluation of the Pound

- September 16, 1992: In British politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the Conservative government was forced to withdraw the Pound Sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep sterling above its agreed lower limit. The UK joined the ERM in October 8, 1990. at a rate of DM 2.95 to the Pound. Some say, the Pound was fixed to the DM at too high a value rate. The Pound crashed out of the ERM on September 16, 1992, at DM of 2.20.



I leave the analysis of the transit and period influences to interested list members.







Peter P <peterannarbor@ >SAMVA

Mon, February 8, 2010 2:54:36 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong


As always thank you for the great insight. Since the Euro is poised to go down because of the poor economy in that area this will surely upsurge dollar move.


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Mon, February 8, 2010 3:48:52 AM

New study: US dollar strong 



Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains 

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago.  Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation- Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent.  The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same time,

Europe faces worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing.  “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,” said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.


http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


 offered the following insight over a decade ago: 


" It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency.  The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country. "


In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.



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Hello dear Vinod,


I have heard about this as a rumor but not as a fact. Is it a fact? I add some thoughts on this. There seem to be many views on whether it is right to bail-out Greece or not. Those who favour to give Greece assistance say it is important to prevent the local crisis spreading and becoming a "systemic event". Those who oppose to give Greece aid, say it carries a "moral hazard" to encourage other profligate states and Greece in the future to keep on spending. I expect the former camp will win out, because all stand to lose if there is a major sovereign crisis in Europe. Assuming they have the resources to lend to Greece on favourable terms, it should be done. However, we should recall the EU is a regulatory and confederate entity and not a strong political entity with a federal government with taxing powers. This recalls the difficulty of the USA as a confederation, which led

to the creation of the US Constitution to make a "more perfect union".


As for the astrology of the dollar, as I mentioned earlier, we can see what the conditions are on the US side with the SAMVA USA chart, but we don´t really have a verified chart for the EU (euro) or Germany. Interested list members may examine the attached chart for German unification, which seems to be promising.


German political unification: 3 October 1990, 0:00 am (-1:00), Berlin (52N32, 13E25), 10° 41' Cancer rising. A Cancer ascendant make a country caring (see e.g. Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart: Marshall assistance to Europe after WWII), however, the transits at the present time would be very difficult, with transit 6th lord Jupiter on MEP of 8th house and aspecting 2nd house of wealth. This suggest debts weigh on common resources and wealth. Transit 8th lord Saturn is on 3rd house MEP and aspects 5th house, 9th house and 12th house. This suggests obstalces and endings for these indications. Transit 10th lord Mars is debilitated and conjunct 1st house MEP, natal Ketu and natal 6th lord Jupiter. The executive government could see a setback. Overall such aspects would be consistent with a very tough time financially in Germany.


The aspects in the summer of 2010 in the SAMVA USA chart also suggest difficulty in this regard.






Vinod Modi <modivinod62SAMVA Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 11:50:57 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong

Dear Thor,i am sure you must have heard all news every few seconds that germany is about to fund Greece's debt and that means every participating country in eurozone will be bailed out by germany?a huge undertaking?i also thought that dollar has been becoming stronger because of debt problems in eurozone countries?what happens to dollar now?has this been in the astrology cards or this just a mirage we seeing?thank you as alwaysvinod

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:






Hello dear Arun,


You are welcome.


Forecasting something as complex as share prices or currency exchange rates is not for the faint of heart. Even if we have the scienctif astrology in terms of the Systems' Approach, it takes a lot of study of a mundane chart to opine on the conditions. Even then, one can never account for all the influences, such as in unknown other mundane charts or of specfic companies. That said, with an authentic mundane chart, the overall condition should be visible. That said, as this is not an exact science, were should as you suggest consider that we are dealing with probabilities, which are hopefully greater than 50 per cent. A final comment on this is that we should try to obtain a balanced reading of the many indicators that due to their functional or general indications affect share prices.


Today, the stock market has rallied strongly.


Feb 9, 2010 | 2:00PM - US Market Open

NASDAQ 2155.7 29.65 1.39%

DJIA 10099.14 190.75 1.93%

S & P 1073.63 16.89 1.6%


This raises the question of what explains it. First, let me make one correction in the reading made yesterday. 3rd lord Mercury is in Capricorn and the 7th house and thus not in its sign of debilitation as erroneously stated. This may be important as Mercury is both 3rd lord of investor sentiments and general indicator of commerce. Today, while transit Moon is badly placed in the 6th house and transit 2nd lord Sun is closely afflicted by natal 8th lord Saturn, it is transit Mercury at 5° Capricorn, where it is in full strength and not afflicted, which is explaining the resurgence in stocks.


A side note. The nodes are in the early stages of de-stationing this week, which could reduce the overall strain. However, in the SAMVA USA chart, the nodes are in an applying conjunction with natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius and 6th house - which becomes exact in the week of 21 March. Hence, the indications of Venus are therefore likely to experience strain in the coming seven weeks or so as the nodes move over its natal place.


In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before the Sun enters the 8th house.


I then reply in UPPER CASE directly in your message.




ps Here is my message on the stock market from yesterday


Re: SAMVA] Stocks rally, then drop

Mon, February 8, 2010 9:35:51 PM



Hello list,


The US stock market has been volatile of late and the major rise from March 2009 to early January 2010, seems to have stalled. In the second hald of January 2010, the stock market gave back some of the earlier gains and seems to be on the defensive. The media is suggesting that the international financial market is having concerns about all the public debt needing to be financed, including in Europe. On Friday, after several days of stocks being hammered down, the stock market rallied at the close of the session, with the Dow closing just above 10,000. Today, the market declined, with the Dow closing around 9,900. What would explain such volatile developmens in these two days?


First, recall the salient factors in the SAMVA USA chart that bespeak of difficulty, such as the aspects of transit Saturn and nodes in the chart. That said, the factors that explain the changes from one day to the next involve the faster moving planets, including the Sun and the Moon. When the stock market rallied on Friday, transit Sun was in applying conjunction with its own natal placement and transit Moon had just emerged from a conjunction of natal Ketu to become conjunct the 4th house MEP. At the same time, transit Mercury was in old age in the 6th house while transit Venus was in old age in the 7th house. The market actually wasn´t doing that well on Friday. It was clawing its way back above 10,000, just barely. When the market fell today, the Moon was conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn and transit Sun had moved

into the aspect of natal Saturn. Over the weekend there were other notable transit changes. Transit Mercury moved out of the 6th house and into [correction: Capricorn], and the 7th house. Meanwhile, transit Venus moved into the 8th house.








Arun <abirla2001SAMVA Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 1:45:01 PM

Re: New study: US dollar strong





Dear Mr. Thor,


Thanks for your indepth Analysis, truely amazing and wonderful explanations. BUT after reading the posts I have a few questions :-


I dont really know how to do any analysis as per SA but my interest is growing with each passing day and after reading the posts.





With the knowledge of SA and the way you breakdown each and every planets influence; Is it possible that with this knowledge one can possibly forecast a near term trend of the Stock Markets as well as Currencies; If not to 100% accuracy levels but lets say to a level of 80 to 90% accuracy.




For Example on 11th Feb. Several Economic Indicators are due for release which will provide clues to the Job Market situation in US. Is it possible to predict the outcome in advance before these numbers are released as SAMVA USA Chart and movement of planets are available to calculate the possible outcome.




It is critical to be able to judge the right time to convert the foreign exchange in my line of business as I have suffered heavey losses after putting in a lot of hard work in earning foreign Exchange in Export Business only to see all the profits getting washed away when converting the Earnings to Local Currency. Only If I can learn to know the right time to make the right moves can provide much needed help.





To be able to learn and understand SA approach is catching my imagination and interest and I hope to be able to start devoting time and effort in coming few months. With Prof. Choudhary Jee and Yourself, giving so much support and intresting posts I am sure it will be a wonderful experience.













Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 1:30:30 AMRe: New study: US dollar strong [3 Attachments]



Hello Peter,


You are welcome.


Interestingly, the other country mentioned in the report, the UK, has less favourable currency indications, despite having the famous Pound Sterling.


Sun as 12th lord is at 19° 07' Sagittarius and 4th house where it afflicts the most effective point of the house. While the Sun's dispositor, Jupiter, is well placed, being exalted in Cancer and 11th house, The Sun's aspect reduces its own strength. Moreover, the Moon, as 11th lord, which is thus a dual indicator of currency, is the dispositor of Jupiter, and in turn the dispositor of the Sun. As the Moon is in old age at 28° 20' Gemini and 10th house, it has therefore less than 40% strength. As such, it and the Sun are therefore weak and liable to setbacks during transit afflictions. The saving grace is Venus as 2nd lord, which becomes the third indicator for currency strength. It is well placed and is 90%strong at 25° 27' Capricorn and 5th house, however it is moderately afflicted by Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo and 1st house. Interestingly, Saturn as 6th lord

of financial stability in the 12th house of losses, owned by the Sun, has at times been associated with setabacks in the Pound sterling - as well as being a key influence in the recent UK financial crisis.


In the past 80 years there have been several high profile crisis involving the Pound, resulting in a decline in its value. Its international stature has also been reduced from the mid 20th century, when the Pax Brittanica was replaced by the Pax American, based on the Bretton-Woods international monetary system. When this system came to an end, the US dollar continued to reign as the preeminent international currency.


- In 1931, the Pound was allowed to float from $4.86 to $3.75, resulting in a decline in its value

- In 1940, an agreement with the U.S.A. pegged the pound to the U.S. dollar at a rate of £1 = $4.03. This rate was maintained through the Second World War and became part of the Bretton Woods system which governed post-war exchange rates. Under continuing economic pressure, and despite months of denials that it would do so, on 19 September 1949 the government devalued the pound by 30.5% to $2.80. The move prompted several other currencies to be devalued against the dollar.

- November 19, 1967: The Pound Crisis was a 14% devaluation of the Pound

- September 16, 1992: In British politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the Conservative government was forced to withdraw the Pound Sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep sterling above its agreed lower limit. The UK joined the ERM in October 8, 1990. at a rate of DM 2.95 to the Pound. Some say, the Pound was fixed to the DM at too high a value rate. The Pound crashed out of the ERM on September 16, 1992, at DM of 2.20.



I leave the analysis of the transit and period influences to interested list members.







Peter P <peterannarbor@ >SAMVA Mon, February 8, 2010 2:54:36 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong


As always thank you for the great insight. Since the Euro is poised to go down because of the poor economy in that area this will surely upsurge dollar move.


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Mon, February 8, 2010 3:48:52 AM New study: US dollar strong



Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago. Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation- Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent. The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same time, Europe faces

worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing. “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,†said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


offered the following insight over a decade ago:


"It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country."

In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.










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Hello dear list members,


Following up on my comments on Tuesday, where I suggested:


> In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the

> SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive

> note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition

> aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before

> the Sun enters the 8th house.


Well, the stock market was stronger on Wednesday and today, Thursday, when transit Moon entered Capricorn and the 7th house of the SAMVA USA chart, the Dow Jones index rose another 100 points (see attached graphical file).






Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 7:55:13 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong



Hello dear Arun,


You are welcome.


Forecasting something as complex as share prices or currency exchange rates is not for the faint of heart. Even if we have the scienctif astrology in terms of the Systems' Approach, it takes a lot of study of a mundane chart to opine on the conditions. Even then, one can never account for all the influences, such as in unknown other mundane charts or of specfic companies. That said, with an authentic mundane chart, the overall condition should be visible. That said, as this is not an exact science, were should as you suggest consider that we are dealing with probabilities, which are hopefully greater than 50 per cent. A final comment on this is that we should try to obtain a balanced reading of the many indicators that due to their functional or general indications affect share prices.


Today, the stock market has rallied strongly.


Feb 9, 2010 | 2:00PM - US Market Open

NASDAQ 2155.7 29.65 1.39%

DJIA 10099.14 190.75 1.93%

S & P 1073.63 16.89 1.6%


This raises the question of what explains it. First, let me make one correction in the reading made yesterday. 3rd lord Mercury is in Capricorn and the 7th house and thus not in its sign of debilitation as erroneously stated. This may be important as Mercury is both 3rd lord of investor sentiments and general indicator of commerce. Today, while transit Moon is badly placed in the 6th house and transit 2nd lord Sun is closely afflicted by natal 8th lord Saturn, it is transit Mercury at 5° Capricorn, where it is in full strength and not afflicted, which is explaining the resurgence in stocks.


A side note. The nodes are in the early stages of de-stationing this week, which could reduce the overall strain. However, in the SAMVA USA chart, the nodes are in an applying conjunction with natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius and 6th house - which becomes exact in the week of 21 March. Hence, the indications of Venus are therefore likely to experience strain in the coming seven weeks or so as the nodes move over its natal place.


In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before the Sun enters the 8th house.


I then reply in UPPER CASE directly in your message.




ps Here is my message on the stock market from yesterday


Re: SAMVA] Stocks rally, then drop

Mon, February 8, 2010 9:35:51 PM



Hello list,


The US stock market has been volatile of late and the major rise from March 2009 to early January 2010, seems to have stalled. In the second hald of January 2010, the stock market gave back some of the earlier gains and seems to be on the defensive. The media is suggesting that the international financial market is having concerns about all the public debt needing to be financed, including in Europe. On Friday, after several days of stocks being hammered down, the stock market rallied at the close of the session, with the Dow closing just above 10,000. Today, the market declined, with the Dow closing around 9,900. What would explain such volatile developmens in these two days?


First, recall the salient factors in the SAMVA USA chart that bespeak of difficulty, such as the aspects of transit Saturn and nodes in the chart. That said, the factors that explain the changes from one day to the next involve the faster moving planets, including the Sun and the Moon. When the stock market rallied on Friday, transit Sun was in applying conjunction with its own natal placement and transit Moon had just emerged from a conjunction of natal Ketu to become conjunct the 4th house MEP. At the same time, transit Mercury was in old age in the 6th house while transit Venus was in old age in the 7th house. The market actually wasn´t doing that well on Friday. It was clawing its way back above 10,000, just barely. When the market fell today, the Moon was conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn and transit Sun had moved

into the aspect of natal Saturn. Over the weekend there were other notable transit changes. Transit Mercury moved out of the 6th house and into [correction: Capricorn], and the 7th house. Meanwhile, transit Venus moved into the 8th house.








Arun <abirla2001SAMVA Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 1:45:01 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong





Dear Mr. Thor,


Thanks for your indepth Analysis, truely amazing and wonderful explanations. BUT after reading the posts I have a few questions :-


I dont really know how to do any analysis as per SA but my interest is growing with each passing day and after reading the posts.




With the knowledge of SA and the way you breakdown each and every planets influence; Is it possible that with this knowledge one can possibly forecast a near term trend of the Stock Markets as well as Currencies; If not to 100% accuracy levels but lets say to a level of 80 to 90% accuracy.



For Example on 11th Feb. Several Economic Indicators are due for release which will provide clues to the Job Market situation in US. Is it possible to predict the outcome in advance before these numbers are released as SAMVA USA Chart and movement of planets are available to calculate the possible outcome.



It is critical to be able to judge the right time to convert the foreign exchange in my line of business as I have suffered heavey losses after putting in a lot of hard work in earning foreign Exchange in Export Business only to see all the profits getting washed away when converting the Earnings to Local Currency. Only If I can learn to know the right time to make the right moves can provide much needed help.




To be able to learn and understand SA approach is catching my imagination and interest and I hope to be able to start devoting time and effort in coming few months. With Prof. Choudhary Jee and Yourself, giving so much support and intresting posts I am sure it will be a wonderful experience.










Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 1:30:30 AMRe: New study: US dollar strong [3 Attachments]



Hello Peter,


You are welcome.


Interestingly, the other country mentioned in the report, the UK, has less favourable currency indications, despite having the famous Pound Sterling.


Sun as 12th lord is at 19° 07' Sagittarius and 4th house where it afflicts the most effective point of the house. While the Sun's dispositor, Jupiter, is well placed, being exalted in Cancer and 11th house, The Sun's aspect reduces its own strength. Moreover, the Moon, as 11th lord, which is thus a dual indicator of currency, is the dispositor of Jupiter, and in turn the dispositor of the Sun. As the Moon is in old age at 28° 20' Gemini and 10th house, it has therefore less than 40% strength. As such, it and the Sun are therefore weak and liable to setbacks during transit afflictions. The saving grace is Venus as 2nd lord, which becomes the third indicator for currency strength. It is well placed and is 90%strong at 25° 27' Capricorn and 5th house, however it is moderately afflicted by Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo and 1st house. Interestingly, Saturn as 6th lord

of financial stability in the 12th house of losses, owned by the Sun, has at times been associated with setabacks in the Pound sterling - as well as being a key influence in the recent UK financial crisis.


In the past 80 years there have been several high profile crisis involving the Pound, resulting in a decline in its value. Its international stature has also been reduced from the mid 20th century, when the Pax Brittanica was replaced by the Pax American, based on the Bretton-Woods international monetary system. When this system came to an end, the US dollar continued to reign as the preeminent international currency.


- In 1931, the Pound was allowed to float from $4.86 to $3.75, resulting in a decline in its value

- In 1940, an agreement with the U.S.A. pegged the pound to the U.S. dollar at a rate of £1 = $4.03. This rate was maintained through the Second World War and became part of the Bretton Woods system which governed post-war exchange rates. Under continuing economic pressure, and despite months of denials that it would do so, on 19 September 1949 the government devalued the pound by 30.5% to $2.80. The move prompted several other currencies to be devalued against the dollar.

- November 19, 1967: The Pound Crisis was a 14% devaluation of the Pound

- September 16, 1992: In British politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the Conservative government was forced to withdraw the Pound Sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep sterling above its agreed lower limit. The UK joined the ERM in October 8, 1990. at a rate of DM 2.95 to the Pound. Some say, the Pound was fixed to the DM at too high a value rate. The Pound crashed out of the ERM on September 16, 1992, at DM of 2.20.



I leave the analysis of the transit and period influences to interested list members.







Peter P <peterannarbor@ >SAMVA Mon, February 8, 2010 2:54:36 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong


As always thank you for the great insight. Since the Euro is poised to go down because of the poor economy in that area this will surely upsurge dollar move.


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Mon, February 8, 2010 3:48:52 AM New study: US dollar strong



Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago. Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation- Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent. The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same time,

Europe faces worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing. “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,†said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


offered the following insight over a decade ago:


"It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country."

In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.







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Hello Peter,


Financial astrology is a subset of mundane astrology. To become profiencent in it you must have a background in finance and also have a strong grounding in a scientific form of astrology. I have relied on Systems' Approach astrology and applied it in the mundane area since 1998. I think it is the most effective scientific method of horoscopic interpretation and prediction there is. The best way to learn it is from reading 's most recently revised books, to study the material on his web site (www.yournetastrologer.com) and to try to apply it on your own. As you know, SAMVA list was created for this purpose, to allow astrologers to become proficient in mundane astrology by sharing the fruits of their research, testing their charts with prediction and getting feedback from other astrologers. Some astrologers here have tried to

apply astrology in the field of financial astrology. I have not been consistent in this effort, as my interest is mundane astrology in general. However, the advantage of financial astrology is that there is so much information on measurements of assets prices, volumes traded, etc. to allow an easy identification of the results. At the same time, with a national horoscope we should realise that can expect to only explain and foretell truly national developments with regard to finances - the broad based trends and those assets which are truly national, like the currency.


In the field of economic astrology, a study of the astrology of the economy which underpins the financial system, we can follow such things as wages, prices, consumption, investments, key sectors, employment, the national debt, the budget of the government, the monetary policy, etc.


As an example of the power of using an effective method of astrology with an authentic natal chart, I share with you the following insight. In the famous work of Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwarts A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960. Iin chapter 4.1 The Rebound 1897-1902 - Changes in money, income, prices and velocity it says



"The final years of the century saw a dramatic reversal of economic conditions. The stock of money had fluctuated about roughly a constant level from 1892 to 1897, in June 1896 it was lower than in June 1892, in June 1897 about the same as in June 1892. From then on it rebounded upward at an extraordinary rate...to 1902 - a cumulative increase of 80 per cent in five years."


This took place during the Sun major period in the SAMVA USA chart from April 1896 to April 1902. Is it a coincidence that such a mighty rebound occurred in monetary and economic conditions, which are a key indication of the Sun, during its major period? I don´t think so.


To read more on this period:

POWER OF THE SUN (November 28, 2009)





PS Feel free to sign your posts.




Peter P <peterannarborSAMVA Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 11:52:26 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong



Thank you Thor,


I am not an active trader of stock market or currency trader but some day I would love to learn Financial Astrology. Do you have any suggestion for books?


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 3:11:33 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong [1 Attachment]




Hello dear list members,


Following up on my comments on Tuesday, where I suggested:


> In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the

> SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive

> note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition

> aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before

> the Sun enters the 8th house.


Well, the stock market was stronger on Wednesday and today, Thursday, when transit Moon entered Capricorn and the 7th house of the SAMVA USA chart, the Dow Jones index rose another 100 points (see attached graphical file).






Cosmologer <cosmologer >SAMVA Tue, February 9, 2010 7:55:13 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong


Hello dear Arun,


You are welcome.


Forecasting something as complex as share prices or currency exchange rates is not for the faint of heart. Even if we have the scienctif astrology in terms of the Systems' Approach, it takes a lot of study of a mundane chart to opine on the conditions. Even then, one can never account for all the influences, such as in unknown other mundane charts or of specfic companies. That said, with an authentic mundane chart, the overall condition should be visible. That said, as this is not an exact science, were should as you suggest consider that we are dealing with probabilities, which are hopefully greater than 50 per cent. A final comment on this is that we should try to obtain a balanced reading of the many indicators that due to their functional or general indications affect share prices.


Today, the stock market has rallied strongly.


Feb 9, 2010 | 2:00PM - US Market Open

NASDAQ 2155.7 29.65 1.39%

DJIA 10099.14 190.75 1.93%

S & P 1073.63 16.89 1.6%


This raises the question of what explains it. First, let me make one correction in the reading made yesterday. 3rd lord Mercury is in Capricorn and the 7th house and thus not in its sign of debilitation as erroneously stated. This may be important as Mercury is both 3rd lord of investor sentiments and general indicator of commerce. Today, while transit Moon is badly placed in the 6th house and transit 2nd lord Sun is closely afflicted by natal 8th lord Saturn, it is transit Mercury at 5° Capricorn, where it is in full strength and not afflicted, which is explaining the resurgence in stocks.


A side note. The nodes are in the early stages of de-stationing this week, which could reduce the overall strain. However, in the SAMVA USA chart, the nodes are in an applying conjunction with natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius and 6th house - which becomes exact in the week of 21 March. Hence, the indications of Venus are therefore likely to experience strain in the coming seven weeks or so as the nodes move over its natal place.


In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before the Sun enters the 8th house.


I then reply in UPPER CASE directly in your message.




ps Here is my message on the stock market from yesterday


Re: SAMVA] Stocks rally, then drop

Mon, February 8, 2010 9:35:51 PM



Hello list,


The US stock market has been volatile of late and the major rise from March 2009 to early January 2010, seems to have stalled. In the second hald of January 2010, the stock market gave back some of the earlier gains and seems to be on the defensive. The media is suggesting that the international financial market is having concerns about all the public debt needing to be financed, including in Europe. On Friday, after several days of stocks being hammered down, the stock market rallied at the close of the session, with the Dow closing just above 10,000. Today, the market declined, with the Dow closing around 9,900. What would explain such volatile developmens in these two days?


First, recall the salient factors in the SAMVA USA chart that bespeak of difficulty, such as the aspects of transit Saturn and nodes in the chart. That said, the factors that explain the changes from one day to the next involve the faster moving planets, including the Sun and the Moon. When the stock market rallied on Friday, transit Sun was in applying conjunction with its own natal placement and transit Moon had just emerged from a conjunction of natal Ketu to become conjunct the 4th house MEP. At the same time, transit Mercury was in old age in the 6th house while transit Venus was in old age in the 7th house. The market actually wasn´t doing that well on Friday. It was clawing its way back above 10,000, just barely. When the market fell today, the Moon was conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn and transit Sun had moved

into the aspect of natal Saturn. Over the weekend there were other notable transit changes. Transit Mercury moved out of the 6th house and into [correction: Capricorn], and the 7th house. Meanwhile, transit Venus moved into the 8th house.








Arun <abirla2001 >SAMVA Tue, February 9, 2010 1:45:01 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong




Dear Mr. Thor,


Thanks for your indepth Analysis, truely amazing and wonderful explanations. BUT after reading the posts I have a few questions :-


I dont really know how to do any analysis as per SA but my interest is growing with each passing day and after reading the posts.




With the knowledge of SA and the way you breakdown each and every planets influence; Is it possible that with this knowledge one can possibly forecast a near term trend of the Stock Markets as well as Currencies; If not to 100% accuracy levels but lets say to a level of 80 to 90% accuracy.



For Example on 11th Feb. Several Economic Indicators are due for release which will provide clues to the Job Market situation in US. Is it possible to predict the outcome in advance before these numbers are released as SAMVA USA Chart and movement of planets are available to calculate the possible outcome.



It is critical to be able to judge the right time to convert the foreign exchange in my line of business as I have suffered heavey losses after putting in a lot of hard work in earning foreign Exchange in Export Business only to see all the profits getting washed away when converting the Earnings to Local Currency. Only If I can learn to know the right time to make the right moves can provide much needed help.




To be able to learn and understand SA approach is catching my imagination and interest and I hope to be able to start devoting time and effort in coming few months. With Prof. Choudhary Jee and Yourself, giving so much support and intresting posts I am sure it will be a wonderful experience.










Cosmologer <cosmologer >SAMVA Tue, February 9, 2010 1:30:30 AMRe: New study: US dollar strong [3 Attachments]



Hello Peter,


You are welcome.


Interestingly, the other country mentioned in the report, the UK, has less favourable currency indications, despite having the famous Pound Sterling.


Sun as 12th lord is at 19° 07' Sagittarius and 4th house where it afflicts the most effective point of the house. While the Sun's dispositor, Jupiter, is well placed, being exalted in Cancer and 11th house, The Sun's aspect reduces its own strength. Moreover, the Moon, as 11th lord, which is thus a dual indicator of currency, is the dispositor of Jupiter, and in turn the dispositor of the Sun. As the Moon is in old age at 28° 20' Gemini and 10th house, it has therefore less than 40% strength. As such, it and the Sun are therefore weak and liable to setbacks during transit afflictions. The saving grace is Venus as 2nd lord, which becomes the third indicator for currency strength. It is well placed and is 90%strong at 25° 27' Capricorn and 5th house, however it is moderately afflicted by Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo and 1st house. Interestingly, Saturn as 6th lord

of financial stability in the 12th house of losses, owned by the Sun, has at times been associated with setabacks in the Pound sterling - as well as being a key influence in the recent UK financial crisis.


In the past 80 years there have been several high profile crisis involving the Pound, resulting in a decline in its value. Its international stature has also been reduced from the mid 20th century, when the Pax Brittanica was replaced by the Pax American, based on the Bretton-Woods international monetary system. When this system came to an end, the US dollar continued to reign as the preeminent international currency.


- In 1931, the Pound was allowed to float from $4.86 to $3.75, resulting in a decline in its value

- In 1940, an agreement with the U.S.A. pegged the pound to the U.S. dollar at a rate of £1 = $4.03. This rate was maintained through the Second World War and became part of the Bretton Woods system which governed post-war exchange rates. Under continuing economic pressure, and despite months of denials that it would do so, on 19 September 1949 the government devalued the pound by 30.5% to $2.80. The move prompted several other currencies to be devalued against the dollar.

- November 19, 1967: The Pound Crisis was a 14% devaluation of the Pound

- September 16, 1992: In British politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the Conservative government was forced to withdraw the Pound Sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep sterling above its agreed lower limit. The UK joined the ERM in October 8, 1990. at a rate of DM 2.95 to the Pound. Some say, the Pound was fixed to the DM at too high a value rate. The Pound crashed out of the ERM on September 16, 1992, at DM of 2.20.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Pound_sterling# The_1976_ sterling_ crisis


I leave the analysis of the transit and period influences to interested list members.







Peter P <peterannarbor@ >SAMVA Mon, February 8, 2010 2:54:36 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong


As always thank you for the great insight. Since the Euro is poised to go down because of the poor economy in that area this will surely upsurge dollar move.


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Mon, February 8, 2010 3:48:52 AM New study: US dollar strong



Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago. Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation- Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent. The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same time,

Europe faces worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing. “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,†said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


offered the following insight over a decade ago:


"It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country."

In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.



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Hello my dear ,


Thank you for letting us know. I am aware that your precious time is devoted to helping the many people who turn to you for needed relief through the analysis and remedies of astrology, so it is fully understood. That said, when we have your insights, it is always a blessing.






<vkchoudhrySAMVA Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 7:03:19 AMRe: New study: US dollar strong

Hello my dear Thor,


I could not get time to look into this.


Best wishes,








Wednesday, February 10, 2010 12:52 PM

Re: New study: US dollar strong [1 Attachment]



Hello dear Vinod,


I have heard about this as a rumor but not as a fact. Is it a fact? I add some thoughts on this. There seem to be many views on whether it is right to bail-out Greece or not. Those who favour to give Greece assistance say it is important to prevent the local crisis spreading and becoming a "systemic event". Those who oppose to give Greece aid, say it carries a "moral hazard" to encourage other profligate states and Greece in the future to keep on spending. I expect the former camp will win out, because all stand to lose if there is a major sovereign crisis in Europe. Assuming they have the resources to lend to Greece on favourable terms, it should be done. However, we should recall the EU is a regulatory and confederate entity and not a strong political entity with a federal government with taxing powers. This recalls the difficulty of the USA as a confederation, which led

to the creation of the US Constitution to make a "more perfect union".


As for the astrology of the dollar, as I mentioned earlier, we can see what the conditions are on the US side with the SAMVA USA chart, but we don´t really have a verified chart for the EU (euro) or Germany. Interested list members may examine the attached chart for German unification, which seems to be promising.


German political unification: 3 October 1990, 0:00 am (-1:00), Berlin (52N32, 13E25), 10° 41' Cancer rising. A Cancer ascendant make a country caring (see e.g. Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart: Marshall assistance to Europe after WWII), however, the transits at the present time would be very difficult, with transit 6th lord Jupiter on MEP of 8th house and aspecting 2nd house of wealth. This suggest debts weigh on common resources and wealth. Transit 8th lord Saturn is on 3rd house MEP and aspects 5th house, 9th house and 12th house. This suggests obstalces and endings for these indications. Transit 10th lord Mars is debilitated and conjunct 1st house MEP, natal Ketu and natal 6th lord Jupiter. The executive government could see a setback. Overall such aspects would be consistent with a very tough time financially in Germany.


The aspects in the summer of 2010 in the SAMVA USA chart also suggest difficulty in this regard.






Vinod Modi <modivinod62@ gmail.com>SAMVA Tue, February 9, 2010 11:50:57 PMRe: New study: US dollar strongDear Thor,i am sure you must have heard all news every few seconds that germany is about to fund Greece's debt and that means every participating country in eurozone will be bailed out by germany?a huge undertaking?i also thought that dollar has been becoming stronger because of debt problems in eurozone countries?what happens to dollar now?has this been in the astrology cards or this just a mirage we seeing?thank you as alwaysvinod

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote:






Hello dear Arun,


You are welcome.


Forecasting something as complex as share prices or currency exchange rates is not for the faint of heart. Even if we have the scienctif astrology in terms of the Systems' Approach, it takes a lot of study of a mundane chart to opine on the conditions. Even then, one can never account for all the influences, such as in unknown other mundane charts or of specfic companies. That said, with an authentic mundane chart, the overall condition should be visible. That said, as this is not an exact science, were should as you suggest consider that we are dealing with probabilities, which are hopefully greater than 50 per cent. A final comment on this is that we should try to obtain a balanced reading of the many indicators that due to their functional or general indications affect share prices.


Today, the stock market has rallied strongly.


Feb 9, 2010 | 2:00PM - US Market Open

NASDAQ 2155.7 29.65 1.39%

DJIA 10099.14 190.75 1.93%

S & P 1073.63 16.89 1.6%


This raises the question of what explains it. First, let me make one correction in the reading made yesterday. 3rd lord Mercury is in Capricorn and the 7th house and thus not in its sign of debilitation as erroneously stated. This may be important as Mercury is both 3rd lord of investor sentiments and general indicator of commerce. Today, while transit Moon is badly placed in the 6th house and transit 2nd lord Sun is closely afflicted by natal 8th lord Saturn, it is transit Mercury at 5° Capricorn, where it is in full strength and not afflicted, which is explaining the resurgence in stocks.


A side note. The nodes are in the early stages of de-stationing this week, which could reduce the overall strain. However, in the SAMVA USA chart, the nodes are in an applying conjunction with natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius and 6th house - which becomes exact in the week of 21 March. Hence, the indications of Venus are therefore likely to experience strain in the coming seven weeks or so as the nodes move over its natal place.


In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before the Sun enters the 8th house.


I then reply in UPPER CASE directly in your message.




ps Here is my message on the stock market from yesterday


Re: SAMVA] Stocks rally, then drop

Mon, February 8, 2010 9:35:51 PM



Hello list,


The US stock market has been volatile of late and the major rise from March 2009 to early January 2010, seems to have stalled. In the second hald of January 2010, the stock market gave back some of the earlier gains and seems to be on the defensive. The media is suggesting that the international financial market is having concerns about all the public debt needing to be financed, including in Europe. On Friday, after several days of stocks being hammered down, the stock market rallied at the close of the session, with the Dow closing just above 10,000. Today, the market declined, with the Dow closing around 9,900. What would explain such volatile developmens in these two days?


First, recall the salient factors in the SAMVA USA chart that bespeak of difficulty, such as the aspects of transit Saturn and nodes in the chart. That said, the factors that explain the changes from one day to the next involve the faster moving planets, including the Sun and the Moon. When the stock market rallied on Friday, transit Sun was in applying conjunction with its own natal placement and transit Moon had just emerged from a conjunction of natal Ketu to become conjunct the 4th house MEP. At the same time, transit Mercury was in old age in the 6th house while transit Venus was in old age in the 7th house. The market actually wasn´t doing that well on Friday. It was clawing its way back above 10,000, just barely. When the market fell today, the Moon was conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn and transit Sun had moved

into the aspect of natal Saturn. Over the weekend there were other notable transit changes. Transit Mercury moved out of the 6th house and into [correction: Capricorn], and the 7th house. Meanwhile, transit Venus moved into the 8th house.








Arun <abirla2001 >SAMVA Tue, February 9, 2010 1:45:01 PM Re: New study: US dollar strong





Dear Mr. Thor,


Thanks for your indepth Analysis, truely amazing and wonderful explanations. BUT after reading the posts I have a few questions :-


I dont really know how to do any analysis as per SA but my interest is growing with each passing day and after reading the posts.





With the knowledge of SA and the way you breakdown each and every planets influence; Is it possible that with this knowledge one can possibly forecast a near term trend of the Stock Markets as well as Currencies; If not to 100% accuracy levels but lets say to a level of 80 to 90% accuracy.




For Example on 11th Feb. Several Economic Indicators are due for release which will provide clues to the Job Market situation in US. Is it possible to predict the outcome in advance before these numbers are released as SAMVA USA Chart and movement of planets are available to calculate the possible outcome.




It is critical to be able to judge the right time to convert the foreign exchange in my line of business as I have suffered heavey losses after putting in a lot of hard work in earning foreign Exchange in Export Business only to see all the profits getting washed away when converting the Earnings to Local Currency. Only If I can learn to know the right time to make the right moves can provide much needed help.





To be able to learn and understand SA approach is catching my imagination and interest and I hope to be able to start devoting time and effort in coming few months. With Prof. Choudhary Jee and Yourself, giving so much support and intresting posts I am sure it will be a wonderful experience.













Cosmologer <cosmologer >SAMVA Tue, February 9, 2010 1:30:30 AMRe: New study: US dollar strong [3 Attachments]



Hello Peter,


You are welcome.


Interestingly, the other country mentioned in the report, the UK, has less favourable currency indications, despite having the famous Pound Sterling.


Sun as 12th lord is at 19° 07' Sagittarius and 4th house where it afflicts the most effective point of the house. While the Sun's dispositor, Jupiter, is well placed, being exalted in Cancer and 11th house, The Sun's aspect reduces its own strength. Moreover, the Moon, as 11th lord, which is thus a dual indicator of currency, is the dispositor of Jupiter, and in turn the dispositor of the Sun. As the Moon is in old age at 28° 20' Gemini and 10th house, it has therefore less than 40% strength. As such, it and the Sun are therefore weak and liable to setbacks during transit afflictions. The saving grace is Venus as 2nd lord, which becomes the third indicator for currency strength. It is well placed and is 90%strong at 25° 27' Capricorn and 5th house, however it is moderately afflicted by Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo and 1st house. Interestingly, Saturn as 6th lord

of financial stability in the 12th house of losses, owned by the Sun, has at times been associated with setabacks in the Pound sterling - as well as being a key influence in the recent UK financial crisis.


In the past 80 years there have been several high profile crisis involving the Pound, resulting in a decline in its value. Its international stature has also been reduced from the mid 20th century, when the Pax Brittanica was replaced by the Pax American, based on the Bretton-Woods international monetary system. When this system came to an end, the US dollar continued to reign as the preeminent international currency.


- In 1931, the Pound was allowed to float from $4.86 to $3.75, resulting in a decline in its value

- In 1940, an agreement with the U.S.A. pegged the pound to the U.S. dollar at a rate of £1 = $4.03. This rate was maintained through the Second World War and became part of the Bretton Woods system which governed post-war exchange rates. Under continuing economic pressure, and despite months of denials that it would do so, on 19 September 1949 the government devalued the pound by 30.5% to $2.80. The move prompted several other currencies to be devalued against the dollar.

- November 19, 1967: The Pound Crisis was a 14% devaluation of the Pound

- September 16, 1992: In British politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the Conservative government was forced to withdraw the Pound Sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep sterling above its agreed lower limit. The UK joined the ERM in October 8, 1990. at a rate of DM 2.95 to the Pound. Some say, the Pound was fixed to the DM at too high a value rate. The Pound crashed out of the ERM on September 16, 1992, at DM of 2.20.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Pound_sterling# The_1976_ sterling_ crisis


I leave the analysis of the transit and period influences to interested list members.







Peter P <peterannarbor@ >SAMVA Mon, February 8, 2010 2:54:36 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong


As always thank you for the great insight. Since the Euro is poised to go down because of the poor economy in that area this will surely upsurge dollar move.


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Mon, February 8, 2010 3:48:52 AM New study: US dollar strong



Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago. Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation- Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent. The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same time, Europe faces

worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing. “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,†said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


offered the following insight over a decade ago:


"It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country."

In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.



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Thank you so much for the great detailed insight. Your work is always appreciated. Thank you. Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 2:34:18 AMRe: New study: US dollar strong



Hello Peter,


Financial astrology is a subset of mundane astrology. To become profiencent in it you must have a background in finance and also have a strong grounding in a scientific form of astrology. I have relied on Systems' Approach astrology and applied it in the mundane area since 1998. I think it is the most effective scientific method of horoscopic interpretation and prediction there is. The best way to learn it is from reading 's most recently revised books, to study the material on his web site (www.yournetastrolog er.com) and to try to apply it on your own. As you know, SAMVA list was created for this purpose, to allow astrologers to become proficient in mundane astrology by sharing the fruits of their research, testing their charts with prediction and getting feedback from other astrologers.

Some astrologers here have tried to

apply astrology in the field of financial astrology. I have not been consistent in this effort, as my interest is mundane astrology in general. However, the advantage of financial astrology is that there is so much information on measurements of assets prices, volumes traded, etc. to allow an easy identification of the results. At the same time, with a national horoscope we should realise that can expect to only explain and foretell truly national developments with regard to finances - the broad based trends and those assets which are truly national, like the currency.


In the field of economic astrology, a study of the astrology of the economy which underpins the financial system, we can follow such things as wages, prices, consumption, investments, key sectors, employment, the national debt, the budget of the government, the monetary policy, etc.


As an example of the power of using an effective method of astrology with an authentic natal chart, I share with you the following insight. In the famous work of Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwarts A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960. Iin chapter 4.1 The Rebound 1897-1902 - Changes in money, income, prices and velocity it says



"The final years of the century saw a dramatic reversal of economic conditions. The stock of money had fluctuated about roughly a constant level from 1892 to 1897, in June 1896 it was lower than in June 1892, in June 1897 about the same as in June 1892. From then on it rebounded upward at an extraordinary rate...to 1902 - a cumulative increase of 80 per cent in five years."


This took place during the Sun major period in the SAMVA USA chart from April 1896 to April 1902. Is it a coincidence that such a mighty rebound occurred in monetary and economic conditions, which are a key indication of the Sun, during its major period? I don´t think so.


To read more on this period:

POWER OF THE SUN (November 28, 2009)

http://cosmologer. blogspot. com/2009/ 11/power- of-sun.html




PS Feel free to sign your posts.




Peter P <peterannarbor@ >SAMVA Thu, February 11, 2010 11:52:26 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong



Thank you Thor,


I am not an active trader of stock market or currency trader but some day I would love to learn Financial Astrology. Do you have any suggestion for books?


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologer >SAMVA Thu, February 11, 2010 3:11:33 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong [1 Attachment]




Hello dear list members,


Following up on my comments on Tuesday, where I suggested:


> In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the

> SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive

> note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition

> aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before

> the Sun enters the 8th house.


Well, the stock market was stronger on Wednesday and today, Thursday, when transit Moon entered Capricorn and the 7th house of the SAMVA USA chart, the Dow Jones index rose another 100 points (see attached graphical file).






Cosmologer <cosmologer >SAMVA Tue, February 9, 2010 7:55:13 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong


Hello dear Arun,


You are welcome.


Forecasting something as complex as share prices or currency exchange rates is not for the faint of heart. Even if we have the scienctif astrology in terms of the Systems' Approach, it takes a lot of study of a mundane chart to opine on the conditions. Even then, one can never account for all the influences, such as in unknown other mundane charts or of specfic companies. That said, with an authentic mundane chart, the overall condition should be visible. That said, as this is not an exact science, were should as you suggest consider that we are dealing with probabilities, which are hopefully greater than 50 per cent. A final comment on this is that we should try to obtain a balanced reading of the many indicators that due to their functional or general indications affect share prices.


Today, the stock market has rallied strongly.


Feb 9, 2010 | 2:00PM - US Market Open

NASDAQ 2155.7 29.65 1.39%

DJIA 10099.14 190.75 1.93%

S & P 1073.63 16.89 1.6%


This raises the question of what explains it. First, let me make one correction in the reading made yesterday. 3rd lord Mercury is in Capricorn and the 7th house and thus not in its sign of debilitation as erroneously stated. This may be important as Mercury is both 3rd lord of investor sentiments and general indicator of commerce. Today, while transit Moon is badly placed in the 6th house and transit 2nd lord Sun is closely afflicted by natal 8th lord Saturn, it is transit Mercury at 5° Capricorn, where it is in full strength and not afflicted, which is explaining the resurgence in stocks.


A side note. The nodes are in the early stages of de-stationing this week, which could reduce the overall strain. However, in the SAMVA USA chart, the nodes are in an applying conjunction with natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50' Sagittarius and 6th house - which becomes exact in the week of 21 March. Hence, the indications of Venus are therefore likely to experience strain in the coming seven weeks or so as the nodes move over its natal place.


In conclusion, it is more likely than not, based on a reading of the SAMVA USA chart only, that the stocks will continue on a positive note this week, as Mercury and Mars move in an applying opposition aspect, and especially after the Moon enters the 7th house and before the Sun enters the 8th house.


I then reply in UPPER CASE directly in your message.




ps Here is my message on the stock market from yesterday


Re: SAMVA] Stocks rally, then drop

Mon, February 8, 2010 9:35:51 PM



Hello list,


The US stock market has been volatile of late and the major rise from March 2009 to early January 2010, seems to have stalled. In the second hald of January 2010, the stock market gave back some of the earlier gains and seems to be on the defensive. The media is suggesting that the international financial market is having concerns about all the public debt needing to be financed, including in Europe. On Friday, after several days of stocks being hammered down, the stock market rallied at the close of the session, with the Dow closing just above 10,000. Today, the market declined, with the Dow closing around 9,900. What would explain such volatile developmens in these two days?


First, recall the salient factors in the SAMVA USA chart that bespeak of difficulty, such as the aspects of transit Saturn and nodes in the chart. That said, the factors that explain the changes from one day to the next involve the faster moving planets, including the Sun and the Moon. When the stock market rallied on Friday, transit Sun was in applying conjunction with its own natal placement and transit Moon had just emerged from a conjunction of natal Ketu to become conjunct the 4th house MEP. At the same time, transit Mercury was in old age in the 6th house while transit Venus was in old age in the 7th house. The market actually wasn´t doing that well on Friday. It was clawing its way back above 10,000, just barely. When the market fell today, the Moon was conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn and transit Sun had moved

into the aspect of natal Saturn. Over the weekend there were other notable transit changes. Transit Mercury moved out of the 6th house and into [correction: Capricorn], and the 7th house. Meanwhile, transit Venus moved into the 8th house.








Arun <abirla2001 >SAMVA Tue, February 9, 2010 1:45:01 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong




Dear Mr. Thor,


Thanks for your indepth Analysis, truely amazing and wonderful explanations. BUT after reading the posts I have a few questions :-


I dont really know how to do any analysis as per SA but my interest is growing with each passing day and after reading the posts.




With the knowledge of SA and the way you breakdown each and every planets influence; Is it possible that with this knowledge one can possibly forecast a near term trend of the Stock Markets as well as Currencies; If not to 100% accuracy levels but lets say to a level of 80 to 90% accuracy.



For Example on 11th Feb. Several Economic Indicators are due for release which will provide clues to the Job Market situation in US. Is it possible to predict the outcome in advance before these numbers are released as SAMVA USA Chart and movement of planets are available to calculate the possible outcome.



It is critical to be able to judge the right time to convert the foreign exchange in my line of business as I have suffered heavey losses after putting in a lot of hard work in earning foreign Exchange in Export Business only to see all the profits getting washed away when converting the Earnings to Local Currency. Only If I can learn to know the right time to make the right moves can provide much needed help.




To be able to learn and understand SA approach is catching my imagination and interest and I hope to be able to start devoting time and effort in coming few months. With Prof. Choudhary Jee and Yourself, giving so much support and intresting posts I am sure it will be a wonderful experience.










Cosmologer <cosmologer >SAMVA Tue, February 9, 2010 1:30:30 AMRe: New study: US dollar strong [3 Attachments]



Hello Peter,


You are welcome.


Interestingly, the other country mentioned in the report, the UK, has less favourable currency indications, despite having the famous Pound Sterling.


Sun as 12th lord is at 19° 07' Sagittarius and 4th house where it afflicts the most effective point of the house. While the Sun's dispositor, Jupiter, is well placed, being exalted in Cancer and 11th house, The Sun's aspect reduces its own strength. Moreover, the Moon, as 11th lord, which is thus a dual indicator of currency, is the dispositor of Jupiter, and in turn the dispositor of the Sun. As the Moon is in old age at 28° 20' Gemini and 10th house, it has therefore less than 40% strength. As such, it and the Sun are therefore weak and liable to setbacks during transit afflictions. The saving grace is Venus as 2nd lord, which becomes the third indicator for currency strength. It is well placed and is 90%strong at 25° 27' Capricorn and 5th house, however it is moderately afflicted by Ketu at 22° 59' Virgo and 1st house. Interestingly, Saturn as 6th lord

of financial stability in the 12th house of losses, owned by the Sun, has at times been associated with setabacks in the Pound sterling - as well as being a key influence in the recent UK financial crisis.


In the past 80 years there have been several high profile crisis involving the Pound, resulting in a decline in its value. Its international stature has also been reduced from the mid 20th century, when the Pax Brittanica was replaced by the Pax American, based on the Bretton-Woods international monetary system. When this system came to an end, the US dollar continued to reign as the preeminent international currency.


- In 1931, the Pound was allowed to float from $4.86 to $3.75, resulting in a decline in its value

- In 1940, an agreement with the U.S.A. pegged the pound to the U.S. dollar at a rate of £1 = $4.03. This rate was maintained through the Second World War and became part of the Bretton Woods system which governed post-war exchange rates. Under continuing economic pressure, and despite months of denials that it would do so, on 19 September 1949 the government devalued the pound by 30.5% to $2.80. The move prompted several other currencies to be devalued against the dollar.

- November 19, 1967: The Pound Crisis was a 14% devaluation of the Pound

- September 16, 1992: In British politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the Conservative government was forced to withdraw the Pound Sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep sterling above its agreed lower limit. The UK joined the ERM in October 8, 1990. at a rate of DM 2.95 to the Pound. Some say, the Pound was fixed to the DM at too high a value rate. The Pound crashed out of the ERM on September 16, 1992, at DM of 2.20.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Pound_sterling# The_1976_ sterling_ crisis


I leave the analysis of the transit and period influences to interested list members.







Peter P <peterannarbor@ >SAMVA Mon, February 8, 2010 2:54:36 PMRe: New study: US dollar strong


As always thank you for the great insight. Since the Euro is poised to go down because of the poor economy in that area this will surely upsurge dollar move.


Thank you.




Cosmologer <cosmologer >samva Mon, February 8, 2010 3:48:52 AM New study: US dollar strong



Hello list,


The following news story offers an interesting insight concerning the inherent strength of the currency of the USA, the dollar.



Weak Dollar Illusory as Correlated Trade Shows Gains

Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- For all the concern over the $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit and record debt load, the dollar is as valuable now as 35 years ago. Measured against a basket of currencies from the Group of 10 nations proportioned by how they trade against each other, the greenback is up about 3 percent since 1975, according to Bloomberg Correlation- Weighted Currency Indexes. That was four years after the Bretton Woods agreement, set up in 1944 to link currencies to the price of gold, collapsed. The U.K. pound has dropped 34 percent and the Canadian dollar has fallen 6 percent. The U.S. dollar gained 6 percent since November after losing 12 percent in the first 11 months of 2009 as measured by the Bloomberg index. Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. will grow faster than the rest of the developed world this year and 2011. At the same


Europe faces worsening finances in Greece, Spain and Portugal, Japan’s economy is struggling and concerns about valuations in emerging markets are increasing. “To quote Mark Twain, the reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated,†said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., which manages about $40 billion in assets.

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087 & sid=aR2jMWnUvZf4 & pos=5


offered the following insight over a decade ago:


"It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun/ the second house and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country."

In the SAMVA USA chart, the dollar would tend to be a strong currency on account of the strong 2nd lord Sun placed in the MEP of the 7th house and strong 1st lord Moon in the 11th house. That said, there would be fluctuating fortunes as per period and transit influences. For instance, in the autumn of 2009, when transit stationary 6th lord Jupiter was conjunct natal Sun in the chart, the dollar reached its trough (low point). It was also predicted that concerns over the 'dollars demise' at that time were exaggerated. This prediction has been proven. Moreover, as predicted, the dollar has tended to rise since Jupiter moved on and ceased to afflict the natal Sun.



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