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REPLY: PART II-B and PART III-A of the SA Intl Conf 2010.

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My Dear Thor,


Namasthe. Thanks for being

sensitive and kind.

Wishing you continued success in

your SAMVA work, full of dedication and excellence.

Best Regards







[sAMVA ] On Behalf Of Cosmologer

08 March 2010 00:30


Re: PART II-B and PART III-A of the SA Intl Conf 2010.









My dear







Thank you

again for the extensive written proceedings of the conference. It is very

helpful for those of us who couldn't attend.











Sankara Bhagavadpada <sankara

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology ; SAMVA ;


Cc: <vkchoudhry

Sat, March 6, 2010 10:49:17 AM

PART II-B and PART III-A of the SA Intl Conf 2010. [4



[Attachment(s) from Sankara Bhagavadpada

included below]





Sankara Bhagavadpada [sankara]


06 March 2010 15:16


PART II-B and PART III-A of the SA Intl Conf 2010.





Dear Professor and Learned Members of the SATVA and SAMVA




PART II-B & PART III-A of the Proceedings of

the 5th SA Intl Conference, 2010, appears below. I was unable to copy into this mail, an

important diagram, which is central to PART III-A. This diagram is now

attached, for want of better options. A PDF version is also being attached, for

the benefit of SAMVA Members.


last PART will also follow in a couple of days. Kindly bear with the delay.






Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb 20th, 21st,

2010], at Gurgaon, India:


PART II-B:After-Noon Session

on the First Day:


Technical Discussions:



my talk on “SA Light on Afflictions Hidden in the Div Chartsâ€, the Professor

asked the delegates to seek any clarifications with regard to Charts, if they

so desired. Immediately after the talk, Roop Saranji making the foll observation,

asked Prof Choudhry what should be the correct course of action? ‘Now that,

there is always the possibility of some things being hidden in the Div Charts,

the prospect of having to examine so many Div Charts looks daunting, so what

should be our approach? The Professor replied, that

the Rasi Chart has a great deal to offer, and one must just learn to look

carefully for all major aspects within the RC itself, first, and then going

over to the DCs, only when this is has become necessity, because of some

trouble in that area.’



were several Charts brought up by Amman Sainiji, or by Rakesh Sharmaji, and

Naval Kishoreji, Gaurav Dhamejaji. Some of these questions were raised in the

session, after Tea in the afternoon and some were presented after Roop

Saranji’s talk on the second day. Though I may not be reproducing their

discussions in the exact chronological order in which they occurred, at least,

I’ll try to cover all or most of these discussions, to the extent that my

memory has been able to record, and retain.


Case Study # 1 of Sri



A case of marital discord.


Husband: [14-May-1963,

13:15hrs, (81E51, 25N27), TZ=IST]

Wife: [30-April-1969,

12:19hrs, (86E23, 23N20), TZ=IST]



way of introduction, Sainiji disclosed the following details about this case

study: That the couple (husband & wife), with their two children, had lived

together amicably, for a period of twelve yrs, and thereafter a rift developed,

on the grounds of an allegation levelled by the wife, to the effect that, the

husband was having an illicit relationship with her friend. That in spite of

his best efforts, he could not convince the wife, that he was beyond reproach.

That the man, under such pressure from the nagging wife, had no option, but to

part company with her and the kids, and had moved to another rented apartment.

That this separation did not of course, come in the way of the husband, sending

a sum of money every month to the wife, for the maintenance of his separated




there was no legal dispute as yet, and that the husband, vehemently denies the

charges of an illicit affair with the friend of the wife, etc.



raised one interesting question, ‘Now that, a well-bonded marriage, which had

survived for twelve years, suddenly broke up, may we know from you Professor,

what was responsible for the marriage surviving all these years?



Choudhry replied that, ‘Though the IIH and IVH of the wife’s Cancer Asdt Chart

were strong, yet, Ju, which is the general significator of the husband, being

involved in a close affliction of an orb of 3 degrees, with the Malefics Ke and

Re, in due course, one would have expected, this close affliction from the

Nodes, to ripen, so as to create such a marital discord.’



also pointed out that, things were unfavourable in the husband’s Chart as well:

His Asdt Lord, the Su, was under an exact affliction from the set-back giving

Ke, and the PD of the spouse, Sa was badly placed in the VIH of conflicts.

Moreover the Nodes had nearly frozen at the same position as the Natal Ke and

Ra-and this is known to create difficult stresses.



Professor’s overall verdict was that this separation is difficult to resolve,

and so it is likely to continue along the same lines.


Case Study # 2 of Sri



In this case, both husband and wife were Pisces Asdts.


Husband: [11-July-1967,

23:35Hrs, (77E13, 28N40), TZ=IST]

MEP=17degs 10mts.

Wife: [17-June-1975,

0:45hrs, (77E13, 28N40), TZ=IST]



It was again a case of marital discord.



brought up this example, just to illustrate, how while classical Vedic

Astrology’s ‘compatibility test’ had given this pair of Charts, a fairly

high score of 25 points; in practical life, the couple had a lot of disharmony

in their marital life, and his other

significant point was that, the SA, by contrast, does not give a favourable

compatibility verdict, and what is more, even pinpoints, which are the areas

of difficulty in married life. He said, the husband had contacted

him and that the couple no longer live together, though there has been no

formal legal divorce.



Choudhry, stated that this couple, are unlikely to go for a legal separation,

and from the feedback that they are not even doing the remedial measures,

he held that the deadlock will continue in the same fashion, without the

situation resolving itself into one way or the other.


Case Study # 3 of Sri



This once again concerned a marital discord between the

husband and wife.



[31-01-1967, 9:30am,

(77E13, 28N40), TZ=IST]

Pisces Asdt, MEP=2degs



[23-06-1973, 12:00hrs,

(77E13, 28N40), TZ=IST]


Virgo Asdt, MEP=2degs






the data was made available by Sainiji, Professor’s verdict, was

not sought, for want of adequate time.







Case Study # 4 of Sri



Elder Brother:

[9-10-1957, 13:56hrs, (75E54, 31N31), TZ=IST]

Capricorn Asdt


Younger Brother:


17:40hrs, (75E54, 31N31), TZ=IST]

Sagittarius Asdt , MEP=

1deg, 48mts.



was the fourth of the CSs brought up by Sainiji. It was a dispute between an

elder brother and his younger brother, concerning inheritance. The question

was, which of the two brothers will become the inheritor, the elder one or the

younger one? This question was posed to the Professor.


at the two Charts, the elder brother’s Capricorn Asdt Chart first, Professor

said: “Here Ma, ruling assets, though placed in

the IXH, is very combust and also closely afflicted by the MMP [Most Malefic

Planet], Su, and the Inheritance Lord, the Su is itself closely afflicted, by

the loss giving Malefic Ju, and as the Su sub-period is also running, till June

2010, the elder brother has less chances of securing the inheritance.â€


over to the younger brother’s Chart, next, Professor commented, more or less,

like this: “Here, the Lord of inheritance is

placed in the H of gains, without any affliction, and the Asdt Lord Ju is also placed

in the H of gains, and aspecting the Lord of Fortune, which aspects the Asdt in

turn, these factors are favourable for him to gain the inheritance.â€


The favourable Ve sub-period:[28-10-’09 to 28-8-‘12]


The favourable Su sub-period:[28-8-’12 to 04-07-‘13]



Proceedings of the Fifth SA Intl Conf[Feb

20th, 21st, 2010], at Gurgaon, India:


PART III-A:Fore-Noon Session on the Second Day:


Sri Roop Saranji’s Talk: “Structure of the Horoscope and the

Logic behind the Moola-Trikona Signsâ€:



this talk, the speaker’s main intention was

to bring to the surface, the significance of the Moola Trikona Rasis in Vedic

Astrology-because, they form the bedrock of the analytically beautiful Systems

Approach, which has created.


entire presentation revolved around the understanding of a certain mystic

diagram [Yantra], called the ‘Kala-Purusha Mandala’, or the ‘Sarvato-Bhadra

Yantra’. See this Yantra displayed in the attached file.




then explained the meaning of this ‘SarvatoBhadra Yantra’. He said, this was perhaps the earliest form of the

‘Horoscope’, in which the Triangle [Trikona] pointing upwards represents Shiva

[Cosmic Male Principle] and the Triangle [Trikona] pointing downwards

represents, Shakti [Cosmic Female Principle].



names for this Yantra were, he said: ‘Tara Yantra’, ‘Prakrti Yantra’, ‘Shakti

Yantra’ and that it was basically a ‘Kala-Purusha Mandala’[‘Mandala’ also

meaning Yantra, and ‘Kala Purusha’ is the ‘God of Time’, the God of Astrology].



numbers represent the Rasis, which are twelve in number. In a way, he said, ‘though this is kind of the

Horoscope of KalaPurusha, the same patterns also obtain in the Horoscopes of

human beings’.



he said, the Mesha, Mithuna and Tula Rasis, which are numbered respectively:1,

3, and 7 represent the ‘Shakti Kona’. Very significantly, he pointed out that the six inner Triangles[representing, not only the

Rasis [but also generally the corresponding Houses]:{1,3,5,7,9, 11,} represent

the ‘intrinsic or internal sphere or internal endowments’ with which we

have come into this Earth plane, whereas

the remaining 6 Rasis, namely:{2,4,6,8,10,12}, represent what is given to the

individual from the environment[Desa, Kaala, etc,...], as a fruit of his

works and strivings, so these six Rasis[and generally, the corresponding

Houses], represent the external sphere in the life of an individual.

Referring to the upward pointing Male Triangle[‘Shiva Kona’], he said, [1]

stands for the Male Mars Energy, [5]stands for the Male Solar Energy and [9]

stands for the Male Jupiterean Energy. By contrast, he added that the downward

pointing Female Triangle [which is the ‘Shakti Kona’] represents the Rasis,

belonging to Mercury, Venus and Saturn.



he pointed out that the ‘Inner Rasis[and Houses]’ are formed by the

intersection of the Shiva Kona with the Shakti Kona. ‘Trikona’ means Triangle, and ‘Moola-Trikona’, would mean

‘Foundational Triangle’. Then he the things which all of us know, namely

that the sphere of [1]{Rasi and House} stands for the body, [3], for the ‘Drive

within’, [5], for Intelligence and Emotional power, [7], for vasanas

[desires from past lives carried forward into this life] and innate

desires, [9], for blessedness in destiny, [11] for ‘Karma-Phala’, or the fruit

of one’s actions, in this life as ‘Gains’.



explaining the internal sphere in the above manner, turning to the external

sphere, represented by the 6 Rasis and Houses: {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}; he

added, that [2] stood for ‘financial strength’ and status in the outer world,

[4] stood for family life, assets, mind[which is reflective of happenings in

the outer world, and hence also belongs to the external category, [6] stood for

losses due to opponents, and general obstacles, [8], for aging, degradation of

all life processes, and [12], for outflow of monies, whether losses or

expenditures, etc.


Roop Saranji, after making all these preliminary observations on the Kala

Purusha Mandala, pointed out that, the seven Mula Trikona Signs[MTS] of Vedic

Astrology being:{1,4,5,6,7,9,11}, all of them are being reproduced in

this Yantra, with the exception of the Rasis

[3][Mithuna] alone, which seems to be an intruder, and which does not fit into

the primordial set of the MTSs, and the Rasis, [4] and [6], which are

conspicuous by their absence.



then proceeded in a manner so as to show why we must exclude [3], and add

[4] and [6], and thus arrive at the set of seven MT Rasis, mentioned

above. This logic, I could not however understand from first principles, but it

amounted to transferring [3], from the sphere of Shakti, to the sphere of

Shiva, because of an empirical observation, which we all know to be very true,

namely that, ‘while women are born with intuition, in men, the same faculty is

not always present from birth itself, but has to be often awakened through

meditation’ [saranji].



now gave a new meaning to the MTSs, in that, he said, the MTSs are intrinsic, internal endowments, which

remain invariant throughout an individual’s life, and thus may be considered to

constitute, the ‘basic design of the individual’.



on the Trikona structure of any Horoscope, he said, the Shakti Houses, III,

VII, XI, resemble the Shakti MTSs, [3], [7], and [11]. In a similar way, the

Shiva Houses, I, V, IX, resemble the Shiva MTSs [called Trines]: [1],[5], [9].



concluded his talk with the important statement: ‘As

the Systems Approach of gives a central role to the Mula

Trikona Rasis of the Planets, I have tried to give a Vedic- philosophical

basis, for the primacy of the MoolaTrikona Rasis, in the same Systems



Professor remarked at the end of the talk that this was a

good presentation.




























Attachment(s) from Sankara


4 of 4 File(s)
















































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