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Permanent Residency Question ?

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In a message dated 9/9/2003 12:06:38 AM Eastern Standard Time, anmar writes:




I like to think our physical life/world is largely destiny but that we are 100% free to surrender our heart and mind to God at any time, any place but here again good spiritual samscaras from past lives can make this easier for us.


I think we agree on this.





Sometimes It doesn't work- I understand that it is not God's plan for me.

At least I am in peace with myself, that I did everything I could- no regret, no guilt, genuine acceptance instead.

Besides, how does your opinion fits Jyotish?


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Dear Brendan,


Just had a look at your chart, when this message arrived- it's public, no spying meant..

Yes, you are right, I agree with you- all pain in life is related to resistance to surrender to God, power of nature.

But that's easier said than done- I've been longing for painless surrender, but my pride, perhaps

doesn't allow me to give up illusion of control of 'my destiny'. So I am 'dying' for different reasons in different

periods of life, fully emotionally invested in what I consider worthwhile, and at the end I appear at least a bit smarter

for the next phase, when my ego starts seducing me again..Yes, I learned how to leave most precious things

in my life in God's hands, where they belong anyway, but never before I paid my due of suffering. Better something than nothing..

With full trust there is no resistance-no pain.


But, Brendan, full surrender to God must be so terribly 'impersonal', dispassionate, fire, zest, infatuation, exaltation, simply cannot grow on

that ground, and life would lose it's taste..are we meant to surrender? really- 'no pain no gain' seems to apply to most humans activities.

I am too far from that point of total surrender, and still very much 'human', not nearly a saint /unless my AK MD nearing an end brings last blow/


Mars return is coming, how are you doing?

I wish you the best of mars' in a long period ahead.








Tuesday, September 09, 2003 11:47 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Permanent Residency Question ?

In a message dated 9/9/2003 12:06:38 AM Eastern Standard Time, anmar writes:Anna,I like to think our physical life/world is largely destiny but that we are 100% free to surrender our heart and mind to God at any time, any place but here again good spiritual samscaras from past lives can make this easier for us.I think we agree on this.Regards,Brendan

Sometimes It doesn't work- I understand that it is not God's plan for me.At least I am in peace with myself, that I did everything I could- no regret, no guilt, genuine acceptance instead. Besides, how does your opinion fits Jyotish? Reg|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Guru's and Learned Members,


I was off from this group for few days and when I am back today, I saw many replies to my original question on "Permanet Residency" ( Ref : message No : 10203).


Thank you all for the contributions and knowledge transfer, I have learned a great deal in this area. Also thanks to Sureshbabu Ji for taking time to type the slokas fro JP. This is particularly helpful to me, as I do not have the hard/soft copy of J.P yet, trying to get one soon.


I have read all the posts so far and I have the following, and request you to clarify for me:-


1) Am I correct in saying: Venus aspecting 12th from Paka Lagna called Vyayapa ?


2) When a family ( for example, Husband, Wife and say 3 children ) travells to a different country and takes permanent residency and/or citizenship of that country, what are the indications in all the family members:

a) Every one's chart is show the principles we have discussed so far


b) Or Minor children and/or dependent spouse's does not have to qualify the priciples in order to get the permanent residency because, those are not the primary applicants in getting the permanent residency process.


c) In other words, evey native have to qualify for the principles to get the permanent residency.


d) Does one/some of the family members can contribute for getting/not getting the permanent residency.


e) Here I am trying to understand on how I can apply the principles to a un-married person -vs- married with married and with children.


I would really appreciate for your help on the above, so that my doubts are cleared.


RegardsRao--- original message---

"Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel> Tue Sep 9, 2003 2:03 pm RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Permanent Residency Question ?

Dear Sureshbabu,

An excellent effort. This has saved me a lot of bother. Thank you.

Chandrashekhar.Sureshbabu Chandra [crsureshbabu]Tuesday, September 09, 2003 9:16 AMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: Permanent Residency Question ?


Dear ChandraShekar ji and Others,

Namaste. In Jataka Parijatha, Adyaya 11 (volume III), chapter on"First and Second Bhava phala", four slokas starting from 22, talkabout Foreign residence.

I am typing the four verses, for the benefit of those that maynothave JP...

Begin Quote from Jataka Parijatha *************

22) A person will abide in the place of his birth when a planetoccupying the 12th place from that of the lord of Lagna happens to bein Exaltation, or in a friendly house or is aspected by a planet thatis friendly or is in exlatation or when that Rasi is occupied by afriendly planet.

23) When the lord of the 12th house from that occupied by the lord ofthe Lagna is the latter's enemy or is in depression or weak, theperson born goes to a foreign country. He will abide permenantly thereif the 'vyayapa' referred to above be aspected by venus in thecapacity of a friend. His haunt will be a small township if the sameVyayapa be eclipsed by the Sun; if the Vyayapa be posessed ofstrength, the haunt will be a wealthy municipality.

24) When the lord of the 12th place from that occupied by the lord ofthe Lagna is in a kendra or Trikona from the 1st bhava, and in a Rasiwhich is friend's house, it's own or it's exaltation sign and hasauspicious planets on each side, the person born will be a sojournerin regions pleasing to the heart. If the vyayap referred to above beaspected by Jupiter, the Moon or Venus, he goes to a charminglybeautiful land; but if this Vyayapa occupy the 2nd place from the lordof the Lagna and be un-friendly to the latter, the person will abidein his Native land.

25) When a moveable sign is in the Lagna and it's lord is in amoveable Rasi and aspected by planets occupying moveable Rasis, theperson born will have his fortune in a foreign country. When animmoveable sign is in Lagna and it's Lord is also in an immoveablesign and aspected by planets occupying immoveable signs the personwill be in his own country, exceedingly properous and posessed ofabundant wealth.

End Quote ***********

Although the fourth shloka above is not talking about 12th fromPaka lagna, the other three slokhas clearly indicate 12th house/Lordfrom Paka lagna should be seen for foreign residence. Also, in ancienttimes, going to foreign lands was probably considered as mis-fortune.If Vyayapa is strong and friendly to Lagna lord then the native willlive in native land, if not, he will wander abount. And the type ofplaces (countries) he goes to is seen from the dignity of Vyayapa.

Hope this helps...

Best Regards,-Suresh.



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