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Atma Karaka- Research- 2003-atmakaraka 2003












Birth details:

(Date, time and place of birth)





Natal Chart details† :



L a g n a


M o o n


S u n







Position, degree,














Information related to the Atmakaraka Vimsottari Mahadasha in your life: Events, Dates, Relevant Experiences, Nimittas (Omens), Results, Short-term and Long term consequences:





Please indicate whether you have: (a) already passed the Atmakaraka Mahadasha-AK MD

(b)are currently running the AK MD ©or Going to run the AK MD soon (within 5 years)

If a]-please share your experiences during this AK MD and assessment of results.

If b]-please share your experiences of impact of AK MD on your life, so far: good or bad. Indicate your expectation-the likely result at the end of the AK MD based on your experiences so far.










Send to: bonamente108

-Anna; onlyhari- Hari

Thank you, Hari & Anna





† You can also choose to send your chart preferably as a JHD file attachment.

Dear List,

Considering the fact that SJC Lists have more than one thousand members, and interest for this important subject, we started this research

to benefit all of us by using readily available resources in huge number of list participants. No special effort required- everyone has Ak somewhere, experienced MD of AK, or will in the future- answers on questions above don't take more than five minutes of time, but would provide a good data-bank that would help us /all/ derive some valuable and valid conclusions, statistical significance of various variables.

We were confident that everyone on the list would do 'that little something' for the Forum they get so much from, in respect and/or moral obligation to support and enhance this Forum data-base.

To our surprise, we received only 3 /THREE/ responses! No comment necessary, I think. Like it or not, this IS a valid indicator of prevailing profile of List participants.

This initiative will end on Monday, September 15, 2003, whether we receive enough responses for a 'representative sample' for the research or not.

Thank you to those who responded, and those who will do that by Monday.

Best regards,

Hari and Anna






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Dear Anna


Name- Karu

Chart attached


AK is Mars (11th and 6th lord)

Taken many trobles from violence mates in Mars Vim dasa 73-80. The AK dasa was terible. Did not go to any sports or any play, keep away and was looking for something which couldn't understand. Net result was trobles from mates.

11 th and 6th lord

Very easily friends become enemies. If there is no any good link, friendship shall not last.

In 8th house

Indicate debt. Interesting occult, which is not supported by friends (11th). Mars in Capricorn, where Jupiter is week. Very hard.

Dasa 73-80

Seperated from family for study, in 74 and still continue.

Other factors

Jupiter in Mar's Nakshatra. I am happy about that.

Almost all grahas in Horoscope under the influences of AK. Thanks God !!!


Best wishes



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Atma Karaka- Research- 2003-atmakaraka 2003









Pearl Finn



Birth details:

(Date, time and place of birth)


1st Oct 1954


Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, Ireland



Natal Chart details† :



L a g n a


M o o n


S u n







Position, degree,
















Moon in Libra










It is unlikely I will run the Dasa of the AK during this lifetime, I am currently at the end of my Ketu Dasa and will enter Venus Dasa in April 2004.


Being born in Jupiter Dasa with Venus and Moon(AK) in Vishakha ruled by Jupiter meant that during the Jupiter period I would experience the effects of VENUS and MOON. They are said to sit on the head of the Dasa ruler.


The Atmakaraka period is a time of great suffering if our path is not spiritually directed and this I can certainly say I have experienced. The most significant turning point of my life came during the Dasa of SATURN/JUPITER/MOON.

Saturn Dasa ran from 1961 to 1980 and brought many problems with school, teachers, home, family, siblings, substance abuse and all relationships. Saturn rules slavery and I certainly was enslaved to the pursuit of pleasure which never materialised.

During the Dasa of SA/JU/MO three major events happened that transformed (SA lord of 8th) my life and set me on a spiritual path.

1. Due to excessive abuse of substances I was introduced to a 12-step program

2. My 4th youngest sibling died in an accident. This can be read from the D3 where the planet that rules my sister Irene is the MOON and is placed in the 22nd Drekkanna.

3. I broke up with My partner of 5 years

There were other events also but these were the most significant and the key point related to your question was that the ATMAKARAKA MOON was influencing all of Dasa lords being conjoined Saturn, ruling Jupiter and in the Nakshatra, Vishakha ruled by Jupiter.


1980 brought Mercury Dasa and for the first time I was interested in spending time learning about life but it was a slow process as my mind was very disturbed. With professional help I succeeded in letting go most of my more destructive addictions and my love of occult knowledge, including western astrology, continued to grow. My career and study in business management started from this time with ME in 7th house in D10 and during ME/RA (who is in Nakshatra of Venus, 5th lord in D10 I left job to start own business)

Another major event that had the AK MOON influence was the birth of my son during MERCURY/MOON/JUPITER.

In D7 the MOON rules the sign associated with the child and is conjoined VENUS in Aries who is in an exchange with MARS in Taurus, hence I have a son who is very popular (Moon) handsome (Venus) and plays every sport (Mars).


Ketu (in 12th) Dasa introduced me to Vedic Astrology, brought me to India, to Sanjay in KE/MOON (AK) and KE/RA to teaching Vedic Philosophy


The upcoming Venus Dasa, at first glance, looks very promising with Venus in its own sign in the 4th house. While it is likely to give me a comfortable home/car, it is influenced by the AK also as MOON and VENUS are both at the same degree in Libra and therefore are conjoined in most Vargas. The Dasa lord takes on the nature of those he conjoins.

The other interesting aspect of the next 20 years is that MARS (5/10 lord) and RAHU (8th) are both conjoined in the Nakshatra PURVASHADHA ruled by VENUS which indicates that their issues will become important during this time. This might suggest that the AK (Moon) will be determined (Mars) to do service (6th) through my work (10th) with students (5th) on foreign (Rahu) occult knowledge (8th) in Ireland, my home (4th).


This is only some of the significations that can be gleaned from my chart and I hope it can be of help in the learning process


Best wishes, Pearl


om tat sat









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Dear Pearl, Laurie, Ilona, Sanjay,

Sarajit, Visti, Hari,Brendan, Ramesh, Sarbani, Sureshbabu, Ramadas, and ALL!


Thanks a lot for sharing- thank you for doing that on the List, as well,

but, please let me use this opportunity to tell other members that they can send info privately, off-list to me too, if they wish;

I'd also ask those who sent mails with events only, to elaborate on their perception re events- if they wish and if they find that

important .


I've shared my experiences with my AK/Lagnesh MD on the List, already- will just give a summary of this exceptionally emotionally charged period,

which started with a huge loss=of my /war torn/ country, and immigration.

It's been almost 10yrs. now,of Moon in 5th experience for me- I guess I am lucky, since most of what I've

experienced was pain related to my son /he was in Mars/Lagnesh MD and Rahu MD now/ and my urge to keep him away from

all 'potential' harm- which he, being unhappy himself, used to manipulate me, fortunately just that- thank GOD he's such a beautiful,

smart, educated, warm and 'straight' person!


I know it's not flattering for me as a parent, but my son benefited more /in keeping himself

away from 'evil' around/ from my suffering and occasional helplessness, than from all my 'wisdom', 'good example', 'capabilities' and

all those socially 'high' values. I am happy I was able to give him THAT since he seemed to need my suffering, my helplessness

somehow 'empowered him. /Well, I had to leave an exceptionally meaningful love relationship I had, to 'cope' with my son's behaviour-

but I think that I did a right thing since parent doesn't have a 'second' chance to do the right thing at the right moment. As I've strongly felt

was happening with my son in that period- in addition to that, lack of understanding for such a major issue in my life, does not feet the needs

I have from a close relationship, as this one really was on many levels- painful though/


We are all healthy and fine, and I am grateful for that. Most people around didn't know how I felt, but pain was occasionally intolerable-

at one point, I started studying jyotish and had tremendous ambivalence towads Sanjay's approach, and many well wishers around didn't

like it as well.. I am grateful for my 'animal' instinct /my MOON again/ which kept me there despite all odds- proof of pooding is...in eating,

and I feel I am a perfect example of what ONLY Sanjay stated- AK/Lagnesh MD is hellish experience- Indeed!

In summary, as you see, what kept me on right path- as a parent, as ...- wasn't my 'brain' that I was so proud of before, but my 'animal'

instincts, Moon..or would you say 'mind' again? I have lots of respect for my Moon now, and if you tell me it was just Moon with cancelled

debilitation, /Sc Moon/ I won't accept that.


One less obvious benefit is that I am more capable of loving other people as they are, and even though I was always trying to be that,

I am less judgmental and more accepting now.. I like change that's happened..


I hope we'll all stay healthy and happy- all is well that ends well, and I hope any pain

that may come in next couple of months to be just mine,

with all those I love spared any pain!


Warm regards/as per this occasion, seems suitable, loll/






Pearl Finn

; gjlist ; varahamihira ; bonamente108 ; onlyhari

Sunday, September 14, 2003 5:00 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Atma Karaka Research

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In a message dated 9/14/2003 7:20:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, anmar writes:




I don't have the form on this research project and if I need the form please send it to me. In my AK dasa of Mars, the lord of my lagna, I finally came down to earth and began my path to becoming a human being. The years before that were all about renouncing the world and I finally became more honest.


I got married, had children, left a financially rewarding but dissatisfying career to become an astrologer, received two advanced degrees. It was as if I finally became who I wanted to become... later in life... in my '40's.


Emotionally it wasn't always easy but more mature.


Now my Mars is severely combust and in Navamsa conjoined Sun and Saturn in the 12th. I think you have my chart.







Dear Pearl, Laurie, Ilona, Sanjay,

Sarajit, Visti, Hari,Brendan, Ramesh, Sarbani, Sureshbabu, Ramadas, and ALL!

Thanks a lot for sharing- thank you for doing that on the List, as well,

but, please let me use this opportunity to tell other members that they can send info privately, off-list to me too, if they wish;

I'd also ask those who sent mails with events only, to elaborate on their perception re events- if they wish and if they find that

important .

I've shared my experiences with my AK/Lagnesh MD on the List, already- will just give a summary of this exceptionally emotionally charged period,

which started with a huge loss=of my /war torn/ country, and immigration.

It's been almost 10yrs. now,of Moon in 5th experience for me- I guess I am lucky, since most of what I've

experienced was pain related to my son /he was in Mars/Lagnesh MD and Rahu MD now/ and my urge to keep him away from

all 'potential' harm- which he, being unhappy himself, used to manipulate me, fortunately just that- thank GOD he's such a beautiful,

smart, educated, warm and 'straight' person!

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Dear Breandan,

Thanks a lot,

seems were very productive with your AK. I always kind of knew what my life was to look alike, but in AK MD /and Lagnesh, don't forget!!/

I had to do what I have to, not what I was used to and I was best at..Lol. Had to fight for child already born 'perfect' as all children are, ah..

Yours is success story, unless you didn't feel that, which I doubt. Yes, I've seen your chart /who Sanjay friend is- story, remember?/

I will send you form to your address, if you wish to look at, and use, and expand if you wish /chart I have- found Lo and La, even/you can send directly to me; it's not busy these days on the lists,

'parents are not here', but some people find this uncomfortable /me to/ medium to share private things- so to ALL- just send to me, I will respond.









Monday, September 15, 2003 12:24 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Atma Karaka Research

In a message dated 9/14/2003 7:20:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, anmar writes:Anna,I don't have the form on this research project and if I need the form please send it to me. In my AK dasa of Mars, the lord of my lagna, I finally came down to earth and began my path to becoming a human being. The years before that were all about renouncing the world and I finally became more honest. I got married, had children, left a financially rewarding but dissatisfying career to become an astrologer, received two advanced degrees. It was as if I finally became who I wanted to become... later in life... in my '40's.Emotionally it wasn't always easy but more mature.Now my Mars is severely combust and in Navamsa conjoined Sun and Saturn in the 12th. I think you have my chart. Regards,Brendan

Dear Pearl, Laurie, Ilona, Sanjay,Sarajit, Visti, Hari,Brendan, Ramesh, Sarbani, Sureshbabu, Ramadas, and ALL! Thanks a lot for sharing- thank you for doing that on the List, as well,but, please let me use this opportunity to tell other members that they can send info privately, off-list to me too, if they wish;I'd also ask those who sent mails with events only, to elaborate on their perception re events- if they wish and if they find thatimportant . I've shared my experiences with my AK/Lagnesh MD on the List, already- will just give a summary of this exceptionally emotionally charged period, which started with a huge loss=of my /war torn/ country, and immigration.It's been almost 10yrs. now,of Moon in 5th experience for me- I guess I am lucky, since most of what I've experienced was pain related to my son /he was in Mars/Lagnesh MD and Rahu MD now/ and my urge to keep him away fromall 'potential' harm- which he, being unhappy himself, used to manipulate me, fortunately just that- thank GOD he's such a beautiful, smart, educated, warm and 'straight' person! |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||


My sincere apologies too for the delay. I too was away from the

internet due to an apartment move. I got my internet access working

yesterday night.


Name: Shivpal Kulhari


Birth details: July 26, 1967, 17:48:45, Ambala Cantonment, India


Natal Chart details:


Lagna - Saggitarius - 16' 19 " - PSha 1

Moon - Pisces - 6' 45 " - UBha 2

Sun - Cancer - 9' 26 " - Push 2

Atmakaraka - Rahu - Aries - 8' 59 " - Ashwini 3



Information related to the Atmakaraka Vimsottari Mahadasha in your

life: Events, Dates, Relevant Experiences, Nimittas (Omens),

Results, Short-term and Long term consequences:


My AK (Rahu) MD will begin in 2048 and I think it will liberate me

from this life (if I manage to survive till then).


Sat/Rahu - I was a kid in grades 6th to 8th. dont remember anything

significant except that it wasn't a good period. I was the youngest

in my class and perpetually suffering from asthma and very weak

physically so was always bullied by everyone. had a strong interest

in physics and chemistry, especially explosives.


Mer/Moon/Rahu - was in military training, met with an accident and

was hospitalised for 10 days or so. It was a very narrow escape and

got saved due to a helmet.


Mer/Rahu - I was in the armed forces and moved from active field duty

to Intelligence and learnt chinese language.


Ketu/Rahu - Initially a good time but by the end of it, it became the

worst period of my life mentally, so many fights and stress.

Materially it was the best.


Best Regards,


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hi anna,

i also feel like tellin u abt my ak experiences, but my ak md is

never gonna come in this life.

if ak ad is of any use, then tell me..

warm regards & best wishes





varahamihira , " Shivpal Kulhari "

<shivkulhari> wrote:

> || Om Gurave Namah ||


> My sincere apologies too for the delay. I too was away from the

> internet due to an apartment move. I got my internet access


> yesterday night.


> Name: Shivpal Kulhari


> Birth details: July 26, 1967, 17:48:45, Ambala Cantonment, India


> Natal Chart details:


> Lagna - Saggitarius - 16' 19 " - PSha 1

> Moon - Pisces - 6' 45 " - UBha 2

> Sun - Cancer - 9' 26 " - Push 2

> Atmakaraka - Rahu - Aries - 8' 59 " - Ashwini 3



> Information related to the Atmakaraka Vimsottari Mahadasha in your

> life: Events, Dates, Relevant Experiences, Nimittas (Omens),

> Results, Short-term and Long term consequences:


> My AK (Rahu) MD will begin in 2048 and I think it will liberate me

> from this life (if I manage to survive till then).


> Sat/Rahu - I was a kid in grades 6th to 8th. dont remember


> significant except that it wasn't a good period. I was the


> in my class and perpetually suffering from asthma and very weak

> physically so was always bullied by everyone. had a strong


> in physics and chemistry, especially explosives.


> Mer/Moon/Rahu - was in military training, met with an accident and

> was hospitalised for 10 days or so. It was a very narrow escape


> got saved due to a helmet.


> Mer/Rahu - I was in the armed forces and moved from active field


> to Intelligence and learnt chinese language.


> Ketu/Rahu - Initially a good time but by the end of it, it became


> worst period of my life mentally, so many fights and stress.

> Materially it was the best.


> Best Regards,

> Shiv

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Dear Prashant,


Thanks for tour concern.

You did have AD's of AK if you wish to comment on these- you can send to my

or Hari's address directly,


Best regards,




" prashantnarang " <prashantnarang

<varahamihira >

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:18 PM

|Sri Varaha| Re: Atma Karaka Research



> hi anna,

> i also feel like tellin u abt my ak experiences, but my ak md is

> never gonna come in this life.

> if ak ad is of any use, then tell me..

> warm regards & best wishes

> prashant




> varahamihira , " Shivpal Kulhari "

> <shivkulhari> wrote:

> > || Om Gurave Namah ||

> >

> > My sincere apologies too for the delay. I too was away from the

> > internet due to an apartment move. I got my internet access

> working

> > yesterday night.

> >

> > Name: Shivpal Kulhari

> >

> > Birth details: July 26, 1967, 17:48:45, Ambala Cantonment, India

> >

> > Natal Chart details:

> >

> > Lagna - Saggitarius - 16' 19 " - PSha 1

> > Moon - Pisces - 6' 45 " - UBha 2

> > Sun - Cancer - 9' 26 " - Push 2

> > Atmakaraka - Rahu - Aries - 8' 59 " - Ashwini 3

> >

> >

> > Information related to the Atmakaraka Vimsottari Mahadasha in your

> > life: Events, Dates, Relevant Experiences, Nimittas (Omens),

> > Results, Short-term and Long term consequences:

> >

> > My AK (Rahu) MD will begin in 2048 and I think it will liberate me

> > from this life (if I manage to survive till then).

> >

> > Sat/Rahu - I was a kid in grades 6th to 8th. dont remember

> anything

> > significant except that it wasn't a good period. I was the

> youngest

> > in my class and perpetually suffering from asthma and very weak

> > physically so was always bullied by everyone. had a strong

> interest

> > in physics and chemistry, especially explosives.

> >

> > Mer/Moon/Rahu - was in military training, met with an accident and

> > was hospitalised for 10 days or so. It was a very narrow escape

> and

> > got saved due to a helmet.

> >

> > Mer/Rahu - I was in the armed forces and moved from active field

> duty

> > to Intelligence and learnt chinese language.

> >

> > Ketu/Rahu - Initially a good time but by the end of it, it became

> the

> > worst period of my life mentally, so many fights and stress.

> > Materially it was the best.

> >

> > Best Regards,

> > Shiv




> |Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira



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Dear Anna,


I'm in the same category as some other people. I have yet to face my AK

however will do in a few years. Likewise if anything else is of

interest/value all you have to do is ask.


By the way, good luck with your research, it promises to be interesting.




" prashantnarang " <prashantnarang

<varahamihira >

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 6:18 PM

|Sri Varaha| Re: Atma Karaka Research



> hi anna,

> i also feel like tellin u abt my ak experiences, but my ak md is

> never gonna come in this life.

> if ak ad is of any use, then tell me..

> warm regards & best wishes

> prashant




> varahamihira , " Shivpal Kulhari "

> <shivkulhari> wrote:

> > || Om Gurave Namah ||

> >

> > My sincere apologies too for the delay. I too was away from the

> > internet due to an apartment move. I got my internet access

> working

> > yesterday night.

> >

> > Name: Shivpal Kulhari

> >

> > Birth details: July 26, 1967, 17:48:45, Ambala Cantonment, India

> >

> > Natal Chart details:

> >

> > Lagna - Saggitarius - 16' 19 " - PSha 1

> > Moon - Pisces - 6' 45 " - UBha 2

> > Sun - Cancer - 9' 26 " - Push 2

> > Atmakaraka - Rahu - Aries - 8' 59 " - Ashwini 3

> >

> >

> > Information related to the Atmakaraka Vimsottari Mahadasha in your

> > life: Events, Dates, Relevant Experiences, Nimittas (Omens),

> > Results, Short-term and Long term consequences:

> >

> > My AK (Rahu) MD will begin in 2048 and I think it will liberate me

> > from this life (if I manage to survive till then).

> >

> > Sat/Rahu - I was a kid in grades 6th to 8th. dont remember

> anything

> > significant except that it wasn't a good period. I was the

> youngest

> > in my class and perpetually suffering from asthma and very weak

> > physically so was always bullied by everyone. had a strong

> interest

> > in physics and chemistry, especially explosives.

> >

> > Mer/Moon/Rahu - was in military training, met with an accident and

> > was hospitalised for 10 days or so. It was a very narrow escape

> and

> > got saved due to a helmet.

> >

> > Mer/Rahu - I was in the armed forces and moved from active field

> duty

> > to Intelligence and learnt chinese language.

> >

> > Ketu/Rahu - Initially a good time but by the end of it, it became

> the

> > worst period of my life mentally, so many fights and stress.

> > Materially it was the best.

> >

> > Best Regards,

> > Shiv




> |Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira



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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Anna and Hari,

Here is my details.But so far I had not gone through AK-Chandra's Dasa.

Anyhow both of you can do some research and try to get some results.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.


Atma Karaka- Research- 2003

















H.Ramadas Rao

















Position, degree,



L a g n a: Makara 16Deg.



M o o n:Makara 29 deg.54’



S u n: Meena 9Deg8’31.57”,U.Bhadra Pada-2












Events, Dates, Relevant Information, Nimittas, Results, : Suffered from severe Typhiod- Dec.1960 to Feb.1961.


Birth of Younger brother – 3-01-1965,

Passed 10th standard 1st class-May 1967

Joined B.Sc- July 1968,

Passed B.Sc- May 1971

Visited Mantralayam ( Sri Raghavendra Swamiji’s brindavan )-Sept.1971

Got a Small job – March,1,1972

Joined Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.,Mangalore- August,17,1973,went to Cochin for training.

Training completed and returned back to Mangalore-31/1/1975,Started learning Palmistry.

Got promotion : 1/7/1978

MARRIAGE: 17/11/1978

Visited Tirupaty and Mantralaya – Jan.1979

Birth of Son: 14/10/1979

Resigned and went to Libya,National Petrochemicals Co.-23/11/1981

News of abortion to wife : Jan.1982

Returned back from Libya-31/05/1982

Joined Kuwait Oil Company through another contract : 13/06/1983

Diabetes confirmed : August,16,1983

Contract job in K.O.C.terminated : 28/02/1985

Joined Kuwait National Petroleum Company : 14/04/1985

Younger brother expired : 31/10/1985

Family joined at Kuwait : 19/11/1985

Daughter born: 27/05/1987

Performed Sri Durga Shanti Homam : Sept.1987

Confirmed news from Hospital about congential heart problem ( hole in the heart ) to daugher : 25/05/1988

Wife admitted to Hospital due to Pericarditis : 25/02/1990

Wife Returned back from Hospital: 2/3/1990

Wife again relapsed from severe Pericarditis and admitted to Hospital : 11/07/1990

Emergency travel to India due to wife’s sickness : 26/07/1990

Wife admitted to Hospital in Mangalore : 27/07/1990

Minor surgery to wife : 28/07/1990

Performed Mrityunaja Shanti Homam and Shani Shanti Homam: Sept.1990

Wife undergone major surgery of Pericardiactomy : 4/10/1990

Daughter undergone open heart surgery : 4/02/1991

Started Marthanda Fortune Services in Surathkal ( Near Mangalore ) : April.1991

Initiation of Mother Bhuvaneshwari Mantra from Diksha Guru : 28/04/1991

Till 28/04/1992,saw a lot of dreams which are connected sadhana of Bhuvaneshwari Mantra.

Completion of Sadhana : 28/04/1992 early morning.

Information about visa for returning back to Kuwait ; 28/04/1992.

Joined back to K.N.P.C.Kuwait : 17/05/1992

New house warming ceremony ( Pushkara-House name ) : 2/12/1992

Performed Naaga –Brahma Mandala – 18/04/1995

Performed Sapta Shati Chandika Yajna : 6/02/1998

Performed marriage of one of my niece ( In my absence by wife ) : 16/05/1998

Salary increased by a big amount : 1/09/2001

Conducted Marriage to my 2nd niece ( wife’s elder brother’s daughter ) : 25/10/2001

Appointed as Jyotish Guru from SJC : 8/05/2003

Father expired : 26/06/2003

Salary revise and grade change information : 2/09/2003 ( W.e.f. 1/4/2003 )







Short-term and Long term consequences:Between 26/07/1990 and 16/05/1992,I was in India due to Kuwait-Iraq war,wife’s severe illness ,treatment,cured,daughter’s open heart surgery etc.




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Dear Phyllis,


I humbly -ASK,

You had ADs, hope will help, too.

I've had very strange experiences, and that made me think about research, as

you know.


Thanks a lot for good wishes-

I go to Sanjay's WW in October, would you join me? Would be nice!


You can send to my address, List seems pleasantly active!





" Phyl Chubb MA " <aboutyou

<varahamihira >

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:23 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Atma Karaka Research



> Dear Anna,


> I'm in the same category as some other people. I have yet to face my AK

> however will do in a few years. Likewise if anything else is of

> interest/value all you have to do is ask.


> By the way, good luck with your research, it promises to be interesting.


> Phyllis

> -

> " prashantnarang " <prashantnarang

> <varahamihira >

> Tuesday, September 16, 2003 6:18 PM

> |Sri Varaha| Re: Atma Karaka Research



> > hi anna,

> > i also feel like tellin u abt my ak experiences, but my ak md is

> > never gonna come in this life.

> > if ak ad is of any use, then tell me..

> > warm regards & best wishes

> > prashant

> >

> >

> >

> > varahamihira , " Shivpal Kulhari "

> > <shivkulhari> wrote:

> > > || Om Gurave Namah ||

> > >

> > > My sincere apologies too for the delay. I too was away from the

> > > internet due to an apartment move. I got my internet access

> > working

> > > yesterday night.

> > >

> > > Name: Shivpal Kulhari

> > >

> > > Birth details: July 26, 1967, 17:48:45, Ambala Cantonment, India

> > >

> > > Natal Chart details:

> > >

> > > Lagna - Saggitarius - 16' 19 " - PSha 1

> > > Moon - Pisces - 6' 45 " - UBha 2

> > > Sun - Cancer - 9' 26 " - Push 2

> > > Atmakaraka - Rahu - Aries - 8' 59 " - Ashwini 3

> > >

> > >

> > > Information related to the Atmakaraka Vimsottari Mahadasha in your

> > > life: Events, Dates, Relevant Experiences, Nimittas (Omens),

> > > Results, Short-term and Long term consequences:

> > >

> > > My AK (Rahu) MD will begin in 2048 and I think it will liberate me

> > > from this life (if I manage to survive till then).

> > >

> > > Sat/Rahu - I was a kid in grades 6th to 8th. dont remember

> > anything

> > > significant except that it wasn't a good period. I was the

> > youngest

> > > in my class and perpetually suffering from asthma and very weak

> > > physically so was always bullied by everyone. had a strong

> > interest

> > > in physics and chemistry, especially explosives.

> > >

> > > Mer/Moon/Rahu - was in military training, met with an accident and

> > > was hospitalised for 10 days or so. It was a very narrow escape

> > and

> > > got saved due to a helmet.

> > >

> > > Mer/Rahu - I was in the armed forces and moved from active field

> > duty

> > > to Intelligence and learnt chinese language.

> > >

> > > Ketu/Rahu - Initially a good time but by the end of it, it became

> > the

> > > worst period of my life mentally, so many fights and stress.

> > > Materially it was the best.

> > >

> > > Best Regards,

> > > Shiv

> >

> >

> >

> > |Om Tat Sat|

> > http://www.varahamihira

> >

> >

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Dear Anna,


I'll put the need to go over my AD's on the pile of things to do. Don't

expect to hear from me for +/- 3 days. I would love to join you at the WW

but since I live on the other coast and in Canada there is little chance of

that happening. The thought of needing to take up engraving frequently

crosses my mind when I think of the price of plane tickets etc. The other

sad fact is that the Canadian dollar is sadly devalued. As much as there

finally is a lot of talk about stopping this artifical condition, I doubt

that will happen for a while as the American dollar can't take much more. Oh

well, the politicians do their thing and us common folk are the one'w who

pay the price.


There, now you have heard my morning lament! Do enjoy the conference and if

you haven't heard from me in 3 days jolly well write and demand to know

where the information is.




" N.Anna " <anmar

<varahamihira >

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:17 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Atma Karaka Research



> Dear Phyllis,


> I humbly -ASK,

> You had ADs, hope will help, too.

> I've had very strange experiences, and that made me think about research,


> you know.


> Thanks a lot for good wishes-

> I go to Sanjay's WW in October, would you join me? Would be nice!

> Anna

> You can send to my address, List seems pleasantly active!

> Anna



> -

> " Phyl Chubb MA " <aboutyou

> <varahamihira >

> Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:23 PM

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Atma Karaka Research



> > Dear Anna,

> >

> > I'm in the same category as some other people. I have yet to face my AK

> > however will do in a few years. Likewise if anything else is of

> > interest/value all you have to do is ask.

> >

> > By the way, good luck with your research, it promises to be interesting.

> >

> > Phyllis

> > -

> > " prashantnarang " <prashantnarang

> > <varahamihira >

> > Tuesday, September 16, 2003 6:18 PM

> > |Sri Varaha| Re: Atma Karaka Research

> >

> >

> > > hi anna,

> > > i also feel like tellin u abt my ak experiences, but my ak md is

> > > never gonna come in this life.

> > > if ak ad is of any use, then tell me..

> > > warm regards & best wishes

> > > prashant

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > varahamihira , " Shivpal Kulhari "

> > > <shivkulhari> wrote:

> > > > || Om Gurave Namah ||

> > > >

> > > > My sincere apologies too for the delay. I too was away from the

> > > > internet due to an apartment move. I got my internet access

> > > working

> > > > yesterday night.

> > > >

> > > > Name: Shivpal Kulhari

> > > >

> > > > Birth details: July 26, 1967, 17:48:45, Ambala Cantonment, India

> > > >

> > > > Natal Chart details:

> > > >

> > > > Lagna - Saggitarius - 16' 19 " - PSha 1

> > > > Moon - Pisces - 6' 45 " - UBha 2

> > > > Sun - Cancer - 9' 26 " - Push 2

> > > > Atmakaraka - Rahu - Aries - 8' 59 " - Ashwini 3

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Information related to the Atmakaraka Vimsottari Mahadasha in your

> > > > life: Events, Dates, Relevant Experiences, Nimittas (Omens),

> > > > Results, Short-term and Long term consequences:

> > > >

> > > > My AK (Rahu) MD will begin in 2048 and I think it will liberate me

> > > > from this life (if I manage to survive till then).

> > > >

> > > > Sat/Rahu - I was a kid in grades 6th to 8th. dont remember

> > > anything

> > > > significant except that it wasn't a good period. I was the

> > > youngest

> > > > in my class and perpetually suffering from asthma and very weak

> > > > physically so was always bullied by everyone. had a strong

> > > interest

> > > > in physics and chemistry, especially explosives.

> > > >

> > > > Mer/Moon/Rahu - was in military training, met with an accident and

> > > > was hospitalised for 10 days or so. It was a very narrow escape

> > > and

> > > > got saved due to a helmet.

> > > >

> > > > Mer/Rahu - I was in the armed forces and moved from active field

> > > duty

> > > > to Intelligence and learnt chinese language.

> > > >

> > > > Ketu/Rahu - Initially a good time but by the end of it, it became

> > > the

> > > > worst period of my life mentally, so many fights and stress.

> > > > Materially it was the best.

> > > >

> > > > Best Regards,

> > > > Shiv

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > |Om Tat Sat|

> > > http://www.varahamihira

> > >

> > >

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D ear Hari and Anna,

Please find the details desired by you.I was attending to some religious duties and hence the delay. I am certain you will pardon the delay.


Atma Karaka- Research- 2003-atmakaraka 2003









Chandrashekhar Sharma.



Birth details:

(Date, time and place of birth)


26th January 1946, 4.20 a.m. Chandrapur, India.Time Zone: 5.30 east of GMT.79E18,19N57



Natal Chart details† :



L a g n a


M o o n


S u n







Position, degree,


















Information related to the Atmakaraka Vimsottari Mahadasha in your life: Events, Dates, Relevant Experiences, Nimittas (Omens), Results, Short-term and Long term consequences:





Please indicate whether you have: (a) already passed the Atmakaraka Mahadasha-AK MD

(b)are currently running the AK MD ©or Going to run the AK MD soon (within 5 years)

If a]-please share your experiences during this AK MD and assessment of results.

If b]-please share your experiences of impact of AK MD on your life, so far: good or bad. Indicate your expectation-the likely result at the end of the AK MD based on your experiences so far.


I ran dasha of Atmakaraka from 3.9.1961 to 3.9.1980.

The beginning of the Dasha was when I was doing my Engineering(Sat Antar) passed(Mercury antar), got a Govt. Job(Mercury antar) got married, resigned from Job and started my independent Profession during the notice period at end of Mars antar (Mars Antar). My carear graph was rising all through Rahu Antar and my son was born during this time. subsequent Jupiter antar also kept the graph rising and I was one of the few Insurance assessors having no limit for surveys conducted.From Mercury antar onwards I had to travel a lot in connection with both my Job and Profession.

This was entirely in keeping with my expectations.








Send to: bonamente108

-Anna; onlyhari- Hari

Thank you, Hari & Anna





† You can also choose to send your chart preferably as a JHD file attachment.

Dear List,

Considering the fact that SJC Lists have more than one thousand members, and interest for this important subject, we started this research

to benefit all of us by using readily available resources in huge number of list participants. No special effort required- everyone has Ak somewhere, experienced MD of AK, or will in the future- answers on questions above don't take more than five minutes of time, but would provide a good data-bank that would help us /all/ derive some valuable and valid conclusions, statistical significance of various variables.

We were confident that everyone on the list would do 'that little something' for the Forum they get so much from, in respect and/or moral obligation to support and enhance this Forum data-base.

To our surprise, we received only 3 /THREE/ responses! No comment necessary, I think. Like it or not, this IS a valid indicator of prevailing profile of List participants.

This initiative will end on Monday, September 15, 2003, whether we receive enough responses for a 'representative sample' for the research or not.

Thank you to those who responded, and those who will do that by Monday.

Best regards,

Hari and Anna





|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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