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Dear Sanjay, Phyl, List,


I am going to try this- to 'think' on Friday evening? YES- Please see my answers bellow.

/This is my 'weak' spot- please somebody correct me these days, while my brain is 'ON'!!/


I've made more/less 'hypothetical' answers to all these Qs,

on Phyl's one,

I think argalas are equally important as other information,

and hope will seem 'less obscure' /to me/ if I get more knowledgeable.



Don't speak English, Sir..







18th & 19th Oct – Vineland, NJ- Sanjay's WW




Can somebody tell me how to reach Vineland Inn by air /except balloon/car/helicopter/feet







Anna is comingSanjay Rath




Friday, September 12, 2003 4:59 AM

|Sri Varaha| Argala



Om Gurave NamahDear Jyotisa

This is the material for you to read/attempt to answer for the workshop. The questions will be discussed at the workshop with some fine illustrations. Try to attempt these questions, even if they are seemingly difficult. The Jyotisa Gurus can lead.


Argalä Theory

Paräsara: BPHS 33.2

maitreya särgalä näma yayä bhävaphalaà dåòham |

sthiraà kheöaphalaà ca syät sä'dhunä kathyate mayä ||

Translation: Maitreya! It (the Jyotiña tool/principle) is named argalä by using which the definite results of the houses and planets are determined. This was enunciated by the seers to me.

During the daçä of a planet that has nothing to do with the second house either by ownership or aspect, do we stop eating? The second house indicates the act of eating and if a planet has nothing to do with it by either ownership or aspect or having some relationship with its lord, it would imply that the house is being ignored and the activities indicated by the house cannot happen. Then how do we eat at all during the period of such a planet?

Argalä means planetary/sign intervention. Argalä is that principle by which every planet or sign affects every other planet or sign in the zodiac. It shows that all activities related to all the houses and planets occur at all times. What we need to know is how these signs and planets are affected by the daçä planet/sign.

Primary argalä

Paräsara: BPHS 33.3

caturthe ca dhane läbhe grahe jïeyä tadargalä |

tadbädhakäù kramät kheöä vyomariñphatåtéyagäù || 3||

Translation: Planets or signs in the fourth, second and eleventh house from any planet or sign have argalä on it. The bädhaka (obstruction) for these argalä are the planets or signs in the tenth, twelfth and third houses respectively.

Questions for discussion

1. Why are the 4th , 2nd & 11th houses chosen for the primary argalä?

'Building blocks' houses for any particular H- primary influence on H in question /4th-direct connection to 1st; second for susteinance; 11th support, easy aspect on 1st.


2. Why does Paräsara use the word ‘bädhaka’ to explain the nature of the virodha argalä (obstruction to argalä)?

badhak', negative, reducing influence=obstruction /pain inflicting? as in badhakesh?/ My Sanskrit is so good (:

3. Explain the reasons for the 10th, 12th & 3rd houses/planets being the obstruction to the argalä in the 4th, 2nd and 11th houses respectively. What are the implications of each argalä and bädhaka?

Paräsara: BPHS 33.4-5

nirbalä nyünasaìkhyä vä bädhakä naiva sammatäù |

tåtéye vyädhikäù päpä yatra maitreya bädhakäù || 4||

taträpi cärgalä jïeyä viparétä dvijottama |

tathäpi kheöabhävänäà phalamargalitaà viduù || 5||

Strengths are determined on the basis of numbers of planets in the argalä and the obstruction respectively. The obstruction is not great if the numbers are equal. However, malefic planets in the third house have a beneficial obstruction (on the eleventh house).

10th- obstructs 4th directly, oposing it /'maraka'/

12th-loss for 1st- 2nd supports 1st /brahma h/- to grow, 1st should have better 'saldo' of ifluence from 2th /in comparison with 12th/


11th house supports 1st, but gets argala from 12th /primary argala for 11th/ can 'Should' be 'obstructed' counreacted by malefic in 3rd, to be fully supportive for the 1st-

3rd-strenght, struggle, courage should prevail- for benefit of 1st /any 1st/

Questions for discussion

4. Explain the examination of argalä and obstruction. What are the other sources of strength for a sign? Can these be used for the determination of argalä and obstruction?

What's stronger- argala or 'obstuction- ctiteria: a/ number of planets causing argala-counterargala b/ strenght of planets


@ aspects- ALL- normal, special, rashi, graha. + resulting AV, I guess?

I am not sure- I haven't done that yet myself


5. Do malefic planets in the 2nd, 4th or 11th cause argalä? If so, is this beneficial or what is its real import?

Yes they do. they protect the house they are in - not lucky, chierful, but still does-in it's own way


6. In Paräsara: BPHS 33.4 ‘vyädhikäù’ is the word used by Santanam whereas tryadhikä is used by G.C.Sharma to define the formation of argalä in the third house by malefic planets. Which is correct and why?

I don't know what Santnam and Sharma said, Hope I know what Sanjay said- one who said the same as S.R. is the correct one- see 7

7. The third house causes bädhaka (obstruction) to the argalä in the 11th house, yet the malefic planets in the 3rd house cause a beneficial argalä. What does this mean in terms of real life expectations of events? What exactly is meant by Viparéta argalä?

Easy gain /11th/, and strugle, bravery, strenght /pain, 3rd/- malefic promises success /11th gain- BUT NOT EASY- through struggle, strife- after intial set-back can succeed..

as VRY- diminishing, overcoming obstacles /negativity/ =success. /2 negatives=positive; malefic and resistance=success/



Secondary Argalä

Paräsara: BPHS 33.6

païcamaà cärgalästhänaà navamaà tadvirodhakåt |

tamograhabhavä sä ca vyatyayäj jïäyate dvija || 6||

The secondary argalä is caused by planets/sign in the fifth house and this is obstructed (virodha) by the planets/sign in the ninth house. The nodes ‘tamo-graha’ also have the argalä and obstruction of the planets/signs in the same manner but are reckoned in the reverse i.e. the 2nd, 4th and 11th etc houses are to counted in the reverse (anti-zodiacal) for them 9since they are always retrograde).

Questions for discussion

8. Which other houses (in addition to the fifth house) are also reckoned for the secondary argalä and what is the basis for this? Which houses are seen for the obstruction to these secondary argalä?

6th and 8th

9. Why are the argalä for the nodes reckoned in the reverse? Is this applicable (1) only to Ketu or (2) both the nodes or (3) all the tamo-graha – Mars, Saturn, Rähu & Ketu?

Because they are almost always retrograde.

To Nodes only


10. Why should the ninth house cause virodha argalä to the fifth house? Discuss the implications of this and other virodha argalä. Does the virodha argalä of the 6th house reduce longevity? If so would this imply reduction in longevity due to çaòripu (six weaknesses) or enemy?

I think : 4th H has PRIMARY argala, and 5th is it's second, thus positive to 1st /referrence 1st/ 9H is sixtth to that primary argala house that, /secondary argala-5th apllies to, THUS obstructing 5th./9th is enemy house to 4th?/


Allong this line, next primary argala is SECOND /from referrence 1st/ and 6th is positive to 2nd, but 8th is maraka and obstructs. /food and health relationship, 8th is enemy's house for it.

-Does 6th reduce longevity? NO, it causes growth of 1st, I THINK?

Please somebody HELP!

Paräsara: BPHS 33.7

ekagrahä kaniñöhä sä dvigrahä madhyamä småtä |

argalä dvyadhikotpannä munibhiù kathitottamä || 7||

Questions for discussion

11. Does the number of planets indicate the strength of the argalä? If kaniñöhä (little finger) is the nature/strength of the argalä of one planet and madhyamä (middle finger) is the nature/strength of the argalä of two planets, then what would you understand if anämika (ring finger), tarjani (index finger) & aëguñöhäna (thumb) are used? In such a case, what is the strength of control? Can this imply planets in only one argalä sign or more than one argalä sign?

In this manner, study the remaining sloka from Båhat Paräsara Horä Çaçtra and list out your questions and doubts.

a/yes; b/ number of argalas c/more than one argala signs

12. Paräsara BPHS 33.8-18 Lost my Sanskrit Dictionary


räçito grahataçcäpi vijïeyä dvividhä'rgalä |

nirbädhakä suphaladä viphalä ca sabädhakä || 8||


yatra räçau sthitaù kheöastasya päkäntaraà yadä |

tasmin käle phalaà jïeyaà nirviçaìkaà dvijottama || 9||


argaläà pratibandhaïca kathamäìghricaturthayoù |

dvitryaìghrayoçca mitho vipra cintayediti me matam || 10||


pade lagne made väpi niräbhäsärgalä yadä |

tadä jäto'tivikhyäto bahubhägyayuto bhavet || 11||


yasya päpaù çubho väpi grahastiñöhet çubhärgale |

tena drañörekñitaà lagnaà präbalyäyopakalpyate || 12||


särgale ca dhane vipra dhanadhänyasamanvitaù |

tåtéye sodarädénäà sukhamuktaà manéñibhiù || 13||


caturthe särgale gehapaçubandhukulairyutaù |

païcame putrapauträdisaàyuto buddhimännaraù || 14||


ñañöhe ripubhayaà käme dhanadärasukhaà bahu |

añöame jäyate kañöaà dharme bhägyodayo bhavet || 15||


daçame räjasammänaà läbhe läbhasamanvitaù |

särgale ca vyaye vipra vyayädhikyaà prajäyate || 16||


çubhagrahärgaläyäà tu saukhyaà bahuvidhaà bhavet |

madhyaà päpärgaläyäà ca miçräyämapi cottamam || 17||


lagnapaïcamabhägyeñu särgaleñu dvijottama |

jätaçca jäyate räjä bhägyavän nätra saàçayaù || 18||

--____________________Best Regards,Sanjay Rathhttp://srath.com |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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