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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Sanjay,

Third time writing this mail, something crashed... desparate..

another try:

Primary argalä

Paräsara: BPHS 33.3

caturthe ca dhane läbhe grahe jïeyä tadargalä |

tadbädhakäù kramät kheöä vyomariñphatåtéyagäù || 3||

Translation: Planets or signs in the fourth, second and eleventh house

from any planet or sign have argalä on it. The bädhaka (obstruction) for

these argalä are the planets or signs in the tenth, twelfth and third

houses respectively.


1. Why are the 4th , 2nd & 11th houses chosen for the primary argalä?


2nd house indicates Shri Mahavishnu a real sustainer without whom

nothing would exist, so by means of prana, and at the grosser level of

food, finance etc, this house intervenes on the lagna or person and his


4th house is a house of Matru, who provides life and intervenes on our

personality and sustainance. This house also rules sukha, faith and

house which provides shelter for this body. 11th house rules desires and

goals which intervenes on janma or birth which is motivated by desires

as per the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.


2. Why does Paräsara use the word 'bädhaka' to explain the nature of the

virodha argalä (obstruction to argalä)?


Badhakesha means Vighnesha or Ganesha, the one who removes the

obstacles. So Ganesha is capable of removing any influence..


3. Explain the reasons for the 10th, 12th & 3rd houses/planets being the

obstruction to the argalä in the 4th,


2nd and 11th houses respectively. What are the implications of each

argalä and bädhaka?

10th house rules karma which may lead us to Patala or Swarga, The karma

we perform will intervene upon the happiness or sukha. For example,

papas may indicate bad karma, and even may destroy parents and a house.

12th house rules sins and rina, It is the house of expense, So the

expense will annihilate cash, and poverty may deny a person from food.

Past rina may destroy or distance a native from a family etc..

3rd house indicates parakrama or ahimsa, which will intervene on the

extent of gains and the type of goals. One's own courage and self will

may add to income and success


Paräsara: BPHS 33.4-5

nirbalä nyünasaìkhyä vä bädhakä naiva sammatäù |

tåtéye vyädhikäù päpä yatra maitreya bädhakäù || 4||

taträpi cärgalä jïeyä viparétä dvijottama |

tathäpi kheöabhävänäà phalamargalitaà viduù || 5||

Strengths are determined on the basis of numbers of planets in the

argalä and the obstruction respectively. The obstruction is not great if

the numbers are equal. However, malefic planets in the third house have

a beneficial obstruction (on the eleventh house).


4. Explain the examination of argalä and obstruction. What are the other

sources of strength for a sign? Can these be used for the determination

of argalä and obstruction?


Atmakarak may increase the strength of a sign as well as greater number

of grahas. Such signs will have stronger influence in terms of argala

and virodha argala

5. Do malefic planets in the 2nd, 4th or 11th cause argalä? If so, is

this beneficial or what is its real import?


Papas argala cannot be beneficial. Malefics in 2nd will deprive of food

and cash and live this body in want. Papas in 4th would cause pain to

mother and lack of faith and comforts. Even proper medicines will not be

there. For example even mangal which is bhoomi putra would terrible

damage mother and give house on bad locations, what else to speak?

Malefics in 11th are good for income but not in evolutionary manner.

Tanou Tana Danda Hara, the house of punishment... 11th house and

ekadashi tithi?! Shadripu influence is too strong..

6. In Paräsara: BPHS 33.4 'vyädhikäù' is the word used by Santanam

whereas tryadhikä is used by G.C.Sharma to define the formation of

argalä in the third house by malefic planets. Which is correct and why?


Although I am in the process of learning Sanskrit, I think tryadhika is


7. The third house causes bädhaka (obstruction) to the argalä in the

11th house, yet the malefic planets in the 3rd house cause a beneficial

argalä. What does this mean in terms of real life expectations of

events? What exactly is meant by Viparéta argalä?


Vipareta argala is the reverse argala. Three malefics in 3rd house will

add to tremendous parakrama, a person would get what he/she wants.. No

other graham in 11th can redirect or stop this.. Even if benefics are in

11th a strong parakarama may give gains in malefic ways..

Secondary Argalä

Paräsara: BPHS 33.6

païcamaà cärgalästhänaà navamaà tadvirodhakåt |

tamograhabhavä sä ca vyatyayäj jïäyate dvija || 6||

The secondary argalä is caused by planets/sign in the fifth house and

this is obstructed (virodha) by the planets/sign in the ninth house. The

nodes 'tamo-graha' also have the argalä and obstruction of the

planets/signs in the same manner but are reckoned in the reverse i.e.

the 2nd, 4th and 11th etc houses are to counted in the reverse

(anti-zodiacal) for them 9since they are always retrograde).


8. Which other houses (in addition to the fifth house) are also reckoned

for the secondary argalä and what is the basis for this? Which houses

are seen for the obstruction to these secondary argalä?


Secondary argal is seen in 9th and 8th houses. Ninth is dharma, guiding

principles for any bhava, sadharmi, or sharer of the same tatwa ..8th

house deals with longevity of any house (counted from it of course)..

Virodha argala houses are 5th which indicates dhi shakti or its loss,

and 6th house of enemies or shardipus which may destroy longevity..


9. Why are the argalä for the nodes reckoned in the reverse? Is this

applicable (1) only to Ketu or (2) both the nodes or (3) all the

tamo-graha - Mars, Saturn, Rähu & Ketu?


I think ketu only, always vakra ghati..

10. Why should the ninth house cause virodha argalä to the fifth house?

Discuss the implications of this and other virodha argalä. Does the

virodha argalä of the 6th house reduce longevity? If so would this imply

reduction in longevity due to çaòripu (six weaknesses) or enemy?


5th house rules dhi shakti and mantra, if any papa is placed in 9th

house,it will damage dharma, and how can a person have dhi shakti or

practice mantra? I see no difference between enemies and shad ripu,. Who

can be a worse enemy than our own ripus.. In terms of grahas,(living

beings), enemies may destroy longevity


Paräsara: BPHS 33.7

ekagrahä kaniñöhä sä dvigrahä madhyamä småtä |

argalä dvyadhikotpannä munibhiù kathitottamä || 7||


11. Does the number of planets indicate the strength of the argalä? If

kaniñöhä (little finger) is the nature/strength of the argalä of one

planet and madhyamä (middle finger) is the nature/strength of the argalä

of two planets, then what would you understand if anämika (ring finger),

tarjani (index finger) & aëguñöhäna (thumb) are used? In such a case,

what is the strength of control? Can this imply planets in only one

argalä sign or more than one argalä sign?



Yes, both number of planets and their strength such as dignity determine

the strength of argala. The controller is Akash Tatwa, Guru and Ketu

grahas and Atmakaraka, absolutely the strongest.. The more grahas the

stronger argala. If argala over one house comes from many argala signs

the house is more important.. This is for the time being.. Will continue

upon your request


Primary argalä

Paräsara: BPHS 33.3

caturthe ca dhane läbhe grahe jïeyä tadargalä |

tadbädhakäù kramät kheöä vyomariñphatåtéyagäù || 3||

Translation: Planets or signs in the fourth, second and eleventh house

from any planet or sign have argalä on it. The bädhaka (obstruction) for

these argalä are the planets or signs in the tenth, twelfth and third

houses respectively.


1. Why are the 4th , 2nd & 11th houses chosen for the primary argalä?


2nd house indicates Shri Mahavishnu a real sustainer without whom

nothing would exist, so by means of prana, and at the grosser level of

food, finance etc, this house intervenes on the lagna or person and his


4th house is a house of Matru, who provides life and intervenes on our

personality and sustainance. This house also rules sukha, faith and

house which provides shelter for this body. 11th house rules desires and

goals which intervenes on janma or birth which is motivated by desires

as per the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.


2. Why does Paräsara use the word 'bädhaka' to explain the nature of the

virodha argalä (obstruction to argalä)?


Badhakesha means Vighnesha or Ganesha, the one who removes the

obstacles. So Ganesha is capable of removing any influence..


3. Explain the reasons for the 10th, 12th & 3rd houses/planets being the

obstruction to the argalä in the 4th,


2nd and 11th houses respectively. What are the implications of each

argalä and bädhaka?

10th house rules karma which may lead us to Patala or Swarga, The karma

we perform will intervene upon the happiness or sukha. For example,

papas may indicate bad karma, and even may destroy parents and a house.

12th house rules sins and rina, It is the house of expense, So the

expense will annihilate cash, and poverty may deny a person from food.

Past rina may destroy or distance a native from a family etc..

3rd house indicates parakrama or ahimsa, which will intervene on the

extent of gains and the type of goals. One's own courage and self will

may add to income and success


Paräsara: BPHS 33.4-5

nirbalä nyünasaìkhyä vä bädhakä naiva sammatäù |

tåtéye vyädhikäù päpä yatra maitreya bädhakäù || 4||

taträpi cärgalä jïeyä viparétä dvijottama |

tathäpi kheöabhävänäà phalamargalitaà viduù || 5||

Strengths are determined on the basis of numbers of planets in the

argalä and the obstruction respectively. The obstruction is not great if

the numbers are equal. However, malefic planets in the third house have

a beneficial obstruction (on the eleventh house).


4. Explain the examination of argalä and obstruction. What are the other

sources of strength for a sign? Can these be used for the determination

of argalä and obstruction?


Atmakarak may increase the strength of a sign as well as greater number

of grahas. Such signs will have stronger influence in terms of argala

and virodha argala

5. Do malefic planets in the 2nd, 4th or 11th cause argalä? If so, is

this beneficial or what is its real import?


Papas argala cannot be beneficial. Malefics in 2nd will deprive of food

and cash and live this body in want. Papas in 4th would cause pain to

mother and lack of faith and comforts. Even proper medicines will not be

there. For example even mangal which is bhoomi putra would terrible

damage mother and give house on bad locations, what else to speak?

Malefics in 11th are good for income but not in evolutionary manner.

Tanou Tana Danda Hara, the house of punishment... 11th house and

ekadashi tithi?! Shadripu influence is too strong..

6. In Paräsara: BPHS 33.4 'vyädhikäù' is the word used by Santanam

whereas tryadhikä is used by G.C.Sharma to define the formation of

argalä in the third house by malefic planets. Which is correct and why?


Although I am in the process of learning Sanskrit, I think tryadhika is


7. The third house causes bädhaka (obstruction) to the argalä in the

11th house, yet the malefic planets in the 3rd house cause a beneficial

argalä. What does this mean in terms of real life expectations of

events? What exactly is meant by Viparéta argalä?


Vipareta argala is the reverse argala. Three malefics in 3rd house will

add to tremendous parakrama, a person would get what he/she wants.. No

other graham in 11th can redirect or stop this.. Even if benefics are in

11th a strong parakarama may give gains in malefic ways..

Secondary Argalä

Paräsara: BPHS 33.6

païcamaà cärgalästhänaà navamaà tadvirodhakåt |

tamograhabhavä sä ca vyatyayäj jïäyate dvija || 6||

The secondary argalä is caused by planets/sign in the fifth house and

this is obstructed (virodha) by the planets/sign in the ninth house. The

nodes 'tamo-graha' also have the argalä and obstruction of the

planets/signs in the same manner but are reckoned in the reverse i.e.

the 2nd, 4th and 11th etc houses are to counted in the reverse

(anti-zodiacal) for them 9since they are always retrograde).


8. Which other houses (in addition to the fifth house) are also reckoned

for the secondary argalä and what is the basis for this? Which houses

are seen for the obstruction to these secondary argalä?


Secondary argal is seen in 9th and 8th houses. Ninth is dharma, guiding

principles for any bhava, sadharmi, or sharer of the same tatwa ..8th

house deals with longevity of any house (counted from it of course)..

Virodha argala houses are 5th which indicates dhi shakti or its loss,

and 6th house of enemies or shardipus which may destroy longevity..


9. Why are the argalä for the nodes reckoned in the reverse? Is this

applicable (1) only to Ketu or (2) both the nodes or (3) all the

tamo-graha - Mars, Saturn, Rähu & Ketu?


I think ketu only, always vakra ghati..

10. Why should the ninth house cause virodha argalä to the fifth house?

Discuss the implications of this and other virodha argalä. Does the

virodha argalä of the 6th house reduce longevity? If so would this imply

reduction in longevity due to çaòripu (six weaknesses) or enemy?


5th house rules dhi shakti and mantra, if any papa is placed in 9th

house,it will damage dharma, and how can a person have dhi shakti or

practice mantra? I see no difference between enemies and shad ripu,. Who

can be a worse enemy than our own ripus.. In terms of grahas,(living

beings), enemies may destroy longevity


Paräsara: BPHS 33.7

ekagrahä kaniñöhä sä dvigrahä madhyamä småtä |

argalä dvyadhikotpannä munibhiù kathitottamä || 7||


11. Does the number of planets indicate the strength of the argalä? If

kaniñöhä (little finger) is the nature/strength of the argalä of one

planet and madhyamä (middle finger) is the nature/strength of the argalä

of two planets, then what would you understand if anämika (ring finger),

tarjani (index finger) & aëguñöhäna (thumb) are used? In such a case,

what is the strength of control? Can this imply planets in only one

argalä sign or more than one argalä sign?



Yes, both number of planets and their strength such as dignity determine

the strength of argala. The controller is Akash Tatwa, Guru and Ketu

grahas and Atmakaraka, absolutely the strongest.. The more grahas the

stronger argala. If argala over one house comes from many argala signs

the house is more important.. This is for the time being.. Will continue

upon your request


Primary argalä

Paräsara: BPHS 33.3

caturthe ca dhane läbhe grahe jïeyä tadargalä |

tadbädhakäù kramät kheöä vyomariñphatåtéyagäù || 3||

Translation: Planets or signs in the fourth, second and eleventh house

from any planet or sign have argalä on it. The bädhaka (obstruction) for

these argalä are the planets or signs in the tenth, twelfth and third

houses respectively.


1. Why are the 4th , 2nd & 11th houses chosen for the primary argalä?


2nd house indicates Shri Mahavishnu a real sustainer without whom

nothing would exist, so by means of prana, and at the grosser level of

food, finance etc, this house intervenes on the lagna or person and his


4th house is a house of Matru, who provides life and intervenes on our

personality and sustainance. This house also rules sukha, faith and

house which provides shelter for this body. 11th house rules desires and

goals which intervenes on janma or birth which is motivated by desires

as per the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.


2. Why does Paräsara use the word 'bädhaka' to explain the nature of the

virodha argalä (obstruction to argalä)?


Badhakesha means Vighnesha or Ganesha, the one who removes the

obstacles. So Ganesha is capable of removing any influence..


3. Explain the reasons for the 10th, 12th & 3rd houses/planets being the

obstruction to the argalä in the 4th,


2nd and 11th houses respectively. What are the implications of each

argalä and bädhaka?

10th house rules karma which may lead us to Patala or Swarga, The karma

we perform will intervene upon the happiness or sukha. For example,

papas may indicate bad karma, and even may destroy parents and a house.

12th house rules sins and rina, It is the house of expense, So the

expense will annihilate cash, and poverty may deny a person from food.

Past rina may destroy or distance a native from a family etc..

3rd house indicates parakrama or ahimsa, which will intervene on the

extent of gains and the type of goals. One's own courage and self will

may add to income and success


Paräsara: BPHS 33.4-5

nirbalä nyünasaìkhyä vä bädhakä naiva sammatäù |

tåtéye vyädhikäù päpä yatra maitreya bädhakäù || 4||

taträpi cärgalä jïeyä viparétä dvijottama |

tathäpi kheöabhävänäà phalamargalitaà viduù || 5||

Strengths are determined on the basis of numbers of planets in the

argalä and the obstruction respectively. The obstruction is not great if

the numbers are equal. However, malefic planets in the third house have

a beneficial obstruction (on the eleventh house).


4. Explain the examination of argalä and obstruction. What are the other

sources of strength for a sign? Can these be used for the determination

of argalä and obstruction?


Atmakarak may increase the strength of a sign as well as greater number

of grahas. Such signs will have stronger influence in terms of argala

and virodha argala

5. Do malefic planets in the 2nd, 4th or 11th cause argalä? If so, is

this beneficial or what is its real import?


Papas argala cannot be beneficial. Malefics in 2nd will deprive of food

and cash and live this body in want. Papas in 4th would cause pain to

mother and lack of faith and comforts. Even proper medicines will not be

there. For example even mangal which is bhoomi putra would terrible

damage mother and give house on bad locations, what else to speak?

Malefics in 11th are good for income but not in evolutionary manner.

Tanou Tana Danda Hara, the house of punishment... 11th house and

ekadashi tithi?! Shadripu influence is too strong..

6. In Paräsara: BPHS 33.4 'vyädhikäù' is the word used by Santanam

whereas tryadhikä is used by G.C.Sharma to define the formation of

argalä in the third house by malefic planets. Which is correct and why?


Although I am in the process of learning Sanskrit, I think tryadhika is


7. The third house causes bädhaka (obstruction) to the argalä in the

11th house, yet the malefic planets in the 3rd house cause a beneficial

argalä. What does this mean in terms of real life expectations of

events? What exactly is meant by Viparéta argalä?


Vipareta argala is the reverse argala. Three malefics in 3rd house will

add to tremendous parakrama, a person would get what he/she wants.. No

other graham in 11th can redirect or stop this.. Even if benefics are in

11th a strong parakarama may give gains in malefic ways..

Secondary Argalä

Paräsara: BPHS 33.6

païcamaà cärgalästhänaà navamaà tadvirodhakåt |

tamograhabhavä sä ca vyatyayäj jïäyate dvija || 6||

The secondary argalä is caused by planets/sign in the fifth house and

this is obstructed (virodha) by the planets/sign in the ninth house. The

nodes 'tamo-graha' also have the argalä and obstruction of the

planets/signs in the same manner but are reckoned in the reverse i.e.

the 2nd, 4th and 11th etc houses are to counted in the reverse

(anti-zodiacal) for them 9since they are always retrograde).


8. Which other houses (in addition to the fifth house) are also reckoned

for the secondary argalä and what is the basis for this? Which houses

are seen for the obstruction to these secondary argalä?


Secondary argal is seen in 9th and 8th houses. Ninth is dharma, guiding

principles for any bhava, sadharmi, or sharer of the same tatwa ..8th

house deals with longevity of any house (counted from it of course)..

Virodha argala houses are 5th which indicates dhi shakti or its loss,

and 6th house of enemies or shardipus which may destroy longevity..


9. Why are the argalä for the nodes reckoned in the reverse? Is this

applicable (1) only to Ketu or (2) both the nodes or (3) all the

tamo-graha - Mars, Saturn, Rähu & Ketu?


I think ketu only, always vakra ghati..

10. Why should the ninth house cause virodha argalä to the fifth house?

Discuss the implications of this and other virodha argalä. Does the

virodha argalä of the 6th house reduce longevity? If so would this imply

reduction in longevity due to çaòripu (six weaknesses) or enemy?


5th house rules dhi shakti and mantra, if any papa is placed in 9th

house,it will damage dharma, and how can a person have dhi shakti or

practice mantra? I see no difference between enemies and shad ripu,. Who

can be a worse enemy than our own ripus.. In terms of grahas,(living

beings), enemies may destroy longevity


Paräsara: BPHS 33.7

ekagrahä kaniñöhä sä dvigrahä madhyamä småtä |

argalä dvyadhikotpannä munibhiù kathitottamä || 7||


11. Does the number of planets indicate the strength of the argalä? If

kaniñöhä (little finger) is the nature/strength of the argalä of one

planet and madhyamä (middle finger) is the nature/strength of the argalä

of two planets, then what would you understand if anämika (ring finger),

tarjani (index finger) & aëguñöhäna (thumb) are used? In such a case,

what is the strength of control? Can this imply planets in only one

argalä sign or more than one argalä sign?



Yes, both number of planets and their strength such as dignity determine

the strength of argala. The controller is Akash Tatwa, Guru and Ketu

grahas and Atmakaraka, absolutely the strongest.. The more grahas the

stronger argala. If argala over one house comes from many argala signs

the house is more important.. This is for the time being.. Will continue

upon your request




Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotisha Guru at

Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre India



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