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[SJC: Achyuta Gurukul] matching-This life Karma

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Dear Ron,


I'm a bit late in reading your message- now that I've gone through this tread, you and members who commented set up the example how many can work together and add to common growth of knowledge. I really think this is the only way we all can benefit on.


What attracted my attention is your assessment of /one/ curse and 'this life curse'

I am life-long believer in 'this life karma' karma created in this life, good or bad, and it does affects us in this life for better or worse, during this life-time. I also believe that how we grow can be understood also, which 'immediate karma' we created. I was brought up this way, and I feel I have many proofs, that for many, many, events, good or bad in our lives /or our children, family/are pretty directly affected by deeds and misdeeds we,

or those close ones, committed in this life time. I am strong believer in karma in a broader since, multigenerational, national, our 'species' karma /our mind and consciousness/,

and I have full appreciation of that fact. However, what we do today may not /most of the time do not/, creates karma that will fructify in some distant future lives that we naturally don't know anything about.


I understand that in our lives BOTH work. However, personally, being God loving, God-fearful person, I put LOTS of weight on 'THIS LIFE KARMA and what I've seen in MY own life and in lives of other people, it does matter a allot it works consistently! Besides, it brings RESPONSIBILITY into the picture,

and thus improving lives in a marvelous way! It also empowers us, to stick to right path, however inconvenient, painful and costly may be /is?/

Or short cuts benefits backfiring consistently.


I do believe that prayers and faith in God do help with those previous lives karma: can and doe alleviate the pain, to the extent SET BY CURRENT LIFE KARMA, too. Or enhance reduce past karmas blessing 'earned' depending on THIS LIFE KARMA.


If one is self-centered using other people for /petty- IMO it always is / gratification, not long will it take when one will hit the rock. This is the most 'innocent example I am using to illustrate importance of this.


In a way, that's if not only /as I suspect/ than certainly 'one of' strong determinants of a quality of life of a person, his children, family, nation.

Who can harm other people, even kill, and NOT expect to face multiplied amount of 'punishment and sorrow.

I sometimes wonder when I see people being UNGRATEFUL, greedy, self-centered, that it's unintelligent to be on an evil path- it 'PAYS' to be honest, considerate and respectful of others in a 'same life boat' traveling with us. Sure, Catch 22 for those unwilling to make effort, endure hardships, for as I usually say, 'if being honest and of good integrity doesn't cost anything, everyone will be honest and of good integrity'. Since it's never the case, only those ready to endure whatever comes and distracts them from the 'right path' can deserve these noble attributes /which is a good business rule!/


Praying to God to give us strength to stay on the right path is equally if not more important that past lives sins, curses.


I wish if you would elaborate on 'this life curses' and how you came to understand that.

My understanding is a result of my faith, upbringing,learning... and I feel JOTAS is amazingly full of symbolic which does encompass I think,

this life karma-and reaping it there. I knew from childhood that what I do will affect my future choices, or lack of the, my family and what will, hopefully outlast my physical body.


I've read on GJ, a prayer that so nicely explains human problems with all said above,

so here it is:

A PRAYER. Dear Lord, So far today I am doing all right. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfishor self-indulgent. I have not whined, cursed or eaten any chocolate. However, I am going to get out of bed in a few minutes and I will need alot more help after that. Amen Anna,





Ron Bach

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:10 AM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] matching-an interesting case study

Aum Namo Bhagvate HrishikeshayaaRespected Gurudeva, Guruji(s), Dear Prashant and friends, Sorry, I forgot to mention one very important thing about curses in my previous reply to this thread. Here it is: 1) There can ONLY be ONE major curse in any chart. 2) All other curses [generated by respective planets] are subsidiary or secondary curses. 3) Curses are ALWAYS seen by Graha Dristi and NEVER by Rashi Dristi [important, because I have had discussions with other shishyas who started looking at curses from Rashi Dristi - which is not possible]. 4) Curses are always from Graha Dristi because curses are DESIRES [Graha = Desires, Rashi = Circumstance or Scenario]. 5) A curse can also be generated if someone is put in a sorrowful state [strong]. May not necessarily be shrappa.Hopefully, with the above, "the poet's" chart may thus be analyzed for curses therein. With that...please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever and you all take care too. Aum Namo NarayanaKind regards and best wishes from Ron Bachhumbleshishya wrote:

Aum Namo Bhagvate HrishikeshayaaRespected Gurudeva, Guruji(s), Dear Prashant and friends, I just took a quick glance at the charts provided in attachment by you and yes, even I mainly focused on the guy's chart [the poet]. Even I refrained from counting Upa Padas as we don't know which count shows Annette over here. However, it is obvious that the guy was burnt badly by his former relationships. You are right about the curses, however, he has a serious curse from this life as well [probably one of his former spouse, I would guess]. As you are aware, graha dristi from Saturn, Mars, and also Rahu generate the curse. While the dristi on Lagna shows curse from past life [in his case Mars], the dristi on Arudha Lagna [AL] shows curse from this life. Saturn over there, therefore leads me to believe that the present life curse is from one of his former relationships as it lords the 7th house as well. As always, Saturn + Moon immediately triggers Kali [in my mind] and I believe that remedies related to Kali will help. However, I will refrain from giving any mantras and I am sure you are more knowledgable than me to give him the right ones. Fasting on Friday would be a must for this person, especially considering that the lord of his Upa Pada is in shasta-ashtaka sthana in a parivartan. Rahu is debilitated and vargottama [in Sagittarius/Dhanu in both Rasi and Navamsa]. No wonder this person is secretive about his private life. A quick look at his Saptamsa confirms that he should have at least one child [daughter] with whom he should feel very close and attached. Anyways, I did this reading in quite a hurry, so there is a possibility that I missed a lot or may even be wrong about Saptamsa [will look in details when time permits]. In the meantime....Please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever and you all take care too. P.s.: Have hardly glanced at Annette's chart [girl's chart]. Will do so at a later stage. Perhaps someone else could pick up this thread? Many thanks in advance. Aum Namo NarayanaKind regards and best wishes from, Ron Bachprashantnarang wrote:


respected gurus,

here is a very interesting case study for matching. annette is the girl, poet is the male.

they both want to marry, but are scared as both had failures in their love & marriage lives earlier. (i haven't counted no of upapadas they had; i don't know))

my emphasis was on guy's horoscope, since the girl approached me to see the guy's chart first.

4th(al +ul), 7th houses were badly afflicted, 4th & 8th exchange, that too badhaka involved, ju in bdhak sign; all these factors indicate lot of problems. there is madan yoga too with retro 7th lord, which is also 8th lord. a7, al & ul r compatible , but 8th lord in ul creates problems.

if we see transits too, ke transits over natal sat in ul, sat transits over natal ke in 12th, both trines to 8th -ve the badhakesh.

now the interesting nimitta happened, when we were discussing the male's chart , we got distracted by a cat & a crow simulatneously. crow is saturn or departed soul, ketu for cat(?), both r in trines to badhakesh venus & venus related matter -marriage was under discussion.

though there seems to b a curse of a departed soul, the man doesn't share much abt his life on the net.

the girl wants to know the remedies, because she is going marry him under any circumstances.

guna/koota milan , if someone can tell the no. of points, i've nt checked that as of now.

any suggestions, remedies & feedback are most welcome. plz correct if i was wrong anywhere in my analysis.


prashant narang[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]Send a blank mailTo : - To : -

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