Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 II OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA II Dear Narasimhaji, Namaste Now I understand something. I am applying the principles to two charts for better understanding. Please correct me if I am wrong. In the horoscope of Sri Aurobindo, the Bhukta Tithi Rasi is Virgo, the 3rd house , which is empty. The 3rd Lord Mercury is Chara AK, & is the 12 th lord of meditation & Moksha.He is in conjunction with the Natural AK , Sun who is very strong in the chart, and forms Budhaditya yoga. The purpose of his life was to get Moksha through meditation and knowledge. His power of meditation was so great, that he attained complete silence of the mind and Nirvana in just three days of beginning of meditation. A part of his life's purpose was to do politics ( Sun with bhukta tithi lord, mercury ). He was a national leader. As the 3rd house of communication is the bhukta tithi rasi, and its lord mercury signify communication and writing, his purpose of life was to spread spiritual knowledge . He was a prolific writer and poet ( Venus ). Please see my chart which is attached. My Bhukta Tithi Rasi is Aquarius, the 5th house which is empty. The 5th lord Saturn ( and Rahu ) is forming Tapaswi Yoga in the 2-8 axis ( Scorpio - Taurus ). Jupiter is aspecting 5th Lord by Graha drishti, even by Rasi Drishti he is aspecting the 5th house and the planets forming Tapaswi Yoga. All these factors points towards the purpose of my life is Tapasya. This can be Bhakti yoga ( 5th house ) or Mantra Sadhana ( 5th house ). Would you please let us know how to calculate the " Bhukta Tithi Point "? Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. - pvr108 varahamihira Friday, October 24, 2003 2:02 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Dilip ji,You can take many examples.(1) Take Srila Prabhupada. His "% tithi left" as perJHora is 60.11. We get 39.89% by subtracting from 100.Times 3 is about 120. Divided by 23, it gives 4+fraction.So his "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo (5th sign).Leo also happens to be the 9th house in his chart andlagna lord Jupiter, 9th lord Sun and Ketu occupy it!Clearly, the reason for his creation was establishment ofsanatana dharma and construction temples.(2) Take Sanjay ji. His "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo. Itcontains Mercury. One purpose for his creation waswriting and spreading scholarship. Lord of Leo, Sun, isin 5th house with 8th lord, showing occult knowledge. Sospreading occult knowledge is his purpose.(3) My "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Ta, in the 9th house. Itis empty and its lord Venus joins 10th lord giving DKYoga.Thus, upholding dharma and performing dharmik karma is mypurpose in life.(4) Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, the greatest spiritualleader of the last century, had "bhukta tithi rasi" in Sc.Its lord Ketu takes part in a tapaswi yoga on Vi-Pi axis,involving AK (Saturn) and AmK (Venus). Sc contains neechaMoon in AL, aspected by Saturn. Thus, his purpose in lifewas to renounce and do tapasya (as tapaswi yoga involvesAK, this tapasya is of the highest order).(5) Pope John Paul II has "bhukta tithi rasi" in Vi, the12th house containing AK. The 12th is the house of givingand liberation. It is also the house of tapasya. Its lordMercury is again associated with Tapaswi yoga (he's withVenus and Ketu, while Saturn aspects them from a trine).Thus, his purpose in life too was to do tapasya and beliberated.[Warning: What follows is my own research.]In fact, I realized that what we find here is not just arasi, but a point. We can map the duration of tithi tothe zodiac and find the exact point and find its positionin all divisional charts. Even though one's creation takesplace in the physical plane by the coming together ofShiva (father) and Shakti (mother), why should one'spurpose of creation be defined only in the physical plane?Why can't it be defined in other vargas?For example, take Swami Vivekananda and Sanjay ji. Bothhave the bhukta tithi rasi in different houses and withdifferent planets. But, if you see dasamsa, you'll see asimilarity. "Bhukta tithi sphuta" is in the 3rd house indasamsa for both. Both were created to make contributionto the society with their writings!Legendary astrologer and author Prof. B.V. Raman andserial killer Jeffrey Dahmer both have bhukta tithi rasiin the 3rd house in rasi chart. However, the former hasbhukta tithi sphuta in the 10th house in navamsa and inthe 5th house in dasamsa (with 3rd lord Sun in it). Thelatter had it in 12th house in navams and in 8th housein dasamsa. Accordingly, the contribution expected fromthem in society was different!I suggest to interested researchers that the exactlongitude of "bhukta tithi sphuta" can be worked out andits placement in various divisions can be examined toclearly understand the purpose of one's creation.May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> It would be nice if you kindly give an example with any chart. > > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee. |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Namah Sivaya “Sun is Shiva in all signs,” the Sun as the Shivalingam. Sun is karaka for the first house. For health purposes use the Jyotir lingam of the Sun. Namah Sivaya Freedom -----Original Message----- Sarajit Poddar [sarajit] Thursday, October 23, 2003 1:22 AM varahamihira RE: |Sri Varaha| Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath || Dear Dilipda, Lagna lord is the protector of the Lagna and hence Jyotirlingam of the Lagna lord should be worshipped for healthy body. Best Wishes Sarajit -----Original Message----- drdilip [drdilip] Wednesday, October 22, 2003 6:57 PM varahamihira Re: |Sri Varaha| Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life II OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA II Dear Karen Ji Namaste, Thank you very much for the nice explanation. This has helped me to understand a great lesson of our Guruji. For benefit to one's health, I think the jyotirlinga associated with the Lagna is to be worshiped. Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. - Karen Skoler varahamihira Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:36 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Dr. Dilip, I heard Sanjay-ji speak of this in this year's East Coast conference briefly. This is what I remember and I hope any errors will be corrected. One tithi is defined as 12 degrees of movement of the Moon with respect to the Sun. Each of the 12 degrees that make up a single tithi can be assigned to each of the 12 rasi depending on the portion of the tithi that has passed. The sign of the derived rasi will determine the jyotirlinga. Sanjay-ji used his own chart as an example. The chart is attached for reference in .jhd format. Moon 19 Aq 58= 319.81 degrees Sun 21Cn 05= 111.07 moon-sun= 208.8/ 12 degrees= 17.408 So 17 tithis have passed and is currently in 18 tithi. Or in other words, 3rd day of the dark half subtracting 15. Most software will do this part.. 17 tithis x 12 degree/tithi = 204 208.8- 204= 4.4 degrees into the tithi Converting this to signs starting from Aries. Fours have passed and the correct sign based on janma tithi is 5 sign i.e Leo. The jyotirlinga for Leo, as given in VRA is Dhusaneswar. This is my understanding of how the jyotirlinga of the tithi is computed. You helped me by writing that this jyotirlinga is the giver of sacred knowledge. I'm wondering if there is also a benefit to one's health as well. Best Wishes, Karen Dear Gurus and learned members, Often we get confused about our purpose in life,- why we have come here, what was the intension of the Supreme Being to send us in this lovely and terrible world! No amount of knowledge found in the books of philosophy can give us satisfaction. A revelation, a spiritual understanding can only quench our thirst for this secrete knowledge. In last year's West Coast Conference, Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath had revealed the way to this sacred knowledge. He told that , the Jyotirlinga associated with the tithi of a person, is the giver of this knowledge. If one constantly does the " Japa " of the Mantra associated with the Jyotirlinga , this knowledge comes easily. .......I confused in understanding this. Would anyone please make me understand what Guruji wanted to say i.e. how to find out the Jyotirlinga associated with the Janma Tithi. Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.528 / Virus Database: 324 - Release 10/16/03 |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 || Jaya Jagannath || Dear Jay, Very clearly spelt out that we just cannot conclude 12 groups of purpose of life from 12 signs. So I suggested why not look into the Planets occupying those signs and those who are aspecting. Probably they can give some clue. If this is true that the sign shows purpose of life, then how easily we can achieve it can be seen from how well the lord is placed and how the Kendra, Konas and the Upachayas from the sign is placed with. Here I am just applying the standard rules and Only Assuming that they might be true as they are logical. Lets see how well it fits in to your chart. For easy reference I am pasting the chart below: +--------------+ |Ra | | |Ma AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |GL | |Su Me | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |JuR | |As Ve | | | |Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Md |Gk |HL |Mo Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+ 8th is the house of occult and there is something related to it which shows your purpose. 8th house is placed with Rahu who happens to be the 7th lord and aspected by Mars, Moon and Ketu who happen to be 4th/ 9th lord, 12th and 3rd lord respectively. This shows that your wife is very strongly related to the purpose of your birth. 7th lord going to the 8th house is not a good indication for the marital life. Added to this the aspect of 4th and 9th brings in the relations of Mother and father also. 9th and 12th shows that you shall be able to fulfill the purpose of life abroad. 3rd lords aspect shows that the brothers are also involved in some way. Its difficult to find out from all these what exactly is the purpose of life, but it shows it revolves around your wife, parents and brothers. Possibly you owe a tremendous sense of duty towards them. Now how successful you are in fulfilling your purpose can “possibly” seen from the placement of the lord of the sign, Jupiter. Jupiter is Debilitated showing, immense difficulties that shall cross your ways. But retrograde, showing that those will disappear the way they come. The upachayas from Pisces have Venus, Saturn and Jupiter himself, showing their indications shall always help you out in fulfilling your purpose and they would indicate, falling into relationships, hard work and broad mindedness and wisdom. You shall be helped by the planets in the Kendras, if they are benefics and here Moon becomes very important. Probably your mother is most instrumental in helping you out in fulfilling the purpose we are discussing. Hope I am not way off the mark. Best Wishes Sarajit J. Weiss [jayhw] Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:57 PM varahamihira Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Narasimha, Sarajit and members, Indeed another fascinating topic of Jyotish but doesn't that 'simply' leave us (again?) with only 12 groups of " purpose of this life " ? Please enlighten me/us. Kindest regards Jay Weiss - Ramesh Gangaramani varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:30 AM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Sarajitji, I would like to know my purpose of life too. My tithi left is 2.78%, hence spent is 97.22%. As per this my Jyotirlingam will be indicated by 12th sign which is Pisces! I am a Leo lagna and Pisces is my 8th house. What would be the purpose of my life? One of the earlier mails indicated Triyambekshwara as my Jyotirlinga that I should pray. Is that right? Thank you for your help and kind regards Ramesh Sarajit Poddar [sarajit] Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:27 AM varahamihira RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath || Dear Dilipda, The percentage of Tithi already spent is 86.23% according to your calculation. Just find what is 86.23% of 12 and you have 10.34 as the reminder. Round up and you have 11 as the Jyotirlingam indicating sign. This is kedarnath as you said and represent 5th house. The mission is knowledge and mantra. What else? See what else is indicated by placement of the planets there and the aspects! Best Wishes Sarajit drdilip [drdilip] Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:35 PM varahamihira Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life II NAMAH SHIVAAYA II Dear Narasimha ji Namaste, Any topic of jyotish gets a new dimension and a higher meaning when you explain. Thanks for explaining so nicely! In my chart, JHL 5 shows krishna saptami and 13.77 % of it is left. This is subtracted from 100 , and we get 86.23. 86.23*3= 258.69. Dividing it by 25 , we get 10 and some fraction, rounding it up, we get 11. Thus the sign in my case is aquarius. The jyotirlinga is kedarnath. Aquarius is my 5th house in rasi chart. What is the purpose then of my creation? Mantra sadhana ? Devotion to Lord ? Please explain. Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. - pvr108 varahamihira Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:07 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Om Namashshivaayai Cha Namashshivaaya Dear Karen, Namaste. As the mantra I wrote at the beginning says, Moon and Sun symbolize Shivaa (Parvati) and Shiva respectively. It is their union that produces us all, for various purposes. Your mail captured it well and you remembered Sanjay's teaching so well. BTW, there is an easier way to compute this, if you have JHLite. In JHora or JHoraLite, look at the % of tithi left (both give it). Subtract the number from 100. Multiply the result with 3. Divide the resulting number by 25 and round it up to get an integer. That gives the index to the sign (1=Ar, 2=Ta and so on). Example: In my chart, JHoraLite shows Krishna Chaturdasi and shows the % of tithi left as 85.99%. Now, subtracting 85.99 from 100, I get 100-85.99=14.01. Multiplying with 3, I get 14.01x3=42.03. Dividing 42.03 by 25, I get (1+some fraction). Rounding it *up*, the integer I get is 2. So the sign in my case is Taurus (2nd sign). This sign shows the purpose of one's creation. In my case, Taurus is my 9th house as well as Lagnamsaka. It shows dharma as the purpose of my creation by my parents. Sanjay spoke on this in great detail last year at the west coast seminar too. Get those CDs from Lakshmi! There is one more thing. I don't remember if this was recorded in any of the CD's or not, but Sanjay mentioned using AK and AmK instead of Sun and Moon too (I remember that the first time Sanjay mentioned it was when we were all driving to Lakshmi's house one evening for dinner, but he may have mentioned it in a subsequent class too. I am not sure). Sun and Moon show the natural (naisargika/viswa/universal) atma and mana. They are relevant as far as creation (nisarga) is concerned. Naisargika karakatwas are lorded by Brahma, while chara karakwas are ruled by Vishnu. The individual atma and mana are shown by AK and AmK. They are more relevant as far as one's activities and spiritual progress are concerned (which are a Vishnu thing and not a Brahma thing)!! Sanjay mentioned doing similar calculations based on AK and AmK too. I leave it to you to interpret this... May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > II OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA II > > Dear Dr. Dilip, > > I heard Sanjay-ji speak of this in this year's East Coast conference briefly. This is what I remember and I hope any errors will be corrected. > > One tithi is defined as 12 degrees of movement of the Moon with respect to the Sun. Each of the 12 degrees that make up a single tithi can be assigned to each of the 12 rasi depending on the portion of the tithi that has passed. The sign of the derived rasi will determine the jyotirlinga. > > Sanjay-ji used his own chart as an example. The chart is attached for reference in .jhd format. > > Moon 19 Aq 58= 319.81 degrees > Sun 21Cn 05= 111.07 > > moon-sun= 208.8/ 12 degrees= > > 17.408 > > So 17 tithis have passed and is currently in 18 tithi. Or in other words, 3rd day of the dark half subtracting 15. Most software will do this part.. > > 17 tithis x 12 degree/tithi = 204 > 208.8- 204= 4.4 degrees into the tithi > Converting this to signs starting from Aries. Fours have passed and the correct sign based on janma tithi is 5 sign i.e Leo. > > The jyotirlinga for Leo, as given in VRA is Dhusaneswar. > > This is my understanding of how the jyotirlinga of the tithi is computed. You helped me by writing that this jyotirlinga is the giver of sacred knowledge. I'm wondering if there is also a benefit to one's health as well. > > Best Wishes, > Karen > > > Dear Gurus and learned members, > > Often we get confused about our purpose in life,- why we have come here, what was the intension of the Supreme Being to send us in this lovely and terrible world! No amount of knowledge found in the books of philosophy can give us satisfaction. A revelation, a spiritual understanding can only quench our thirst for this secrete knowledge. > > In last year's West Coast Conference, Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath had revealed the way to this sacred knowledge. He told that , the Jyotirlinga associated with the tithi of a person, is the giver of this knowledge. If one constantly does the " Japa " of the Mantra associated with the Jyotirlinga , this knowledge comes easily. > > ......I confused in understanding this. Would anyone please make me understand what Guruji wanted to say i.e. how to find out the Jyotirlinga associated with the Janma Tithi. > > Warm regards > Dilip Banerjee. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.528 / Virus Database: 324 - Release 10/16/03 |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Dear Narasimha, At 08:31 PM 10/23/03 +0000, you wrote: >Anyway, I quickly hacked it in to JHora. If there is interest, I >could just leave it in JHora code, so that people get it in the next >version. While I was at it, I just added the sphuta (not just rasi). >The exact sphuta can be computed based on bhukta tithi and it can be >shown in all divisional charts! That's great work, and I appreciated the example charts you gave in your other email. I made good use of the " Special Point " feature in JHora (the version that you sent to SJC gurus), which I believe you will make available to others in the next upgrade. Using that, I calculated the Bhukta Tithi Sphuta first by hand, and then entered it as a Special Point. Then, I could get it in all of the divisional charts. Beautiful! Thanks for your work on this....... Best wishes, Robert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA visit <> Ph: 541.318.0248 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Dear Sarajit and all, Interesting topic indeed- seems we all, no mater how old we are, struggle with that 'purpose in life'. ...Till recently I thought I knew my purpose of life-Now, however I am not sure what it was all about...And I have a hard proof of my ignorance here at hands: 11th H- AQ is my 8th, with Rahu there, lord of eight? With my rectified chart, as per KP Rahu will be Lagna sub-lord /I do have as per my self-assessment, lots of AQ "flavour- idealism"- as per others' ass. as well/ Is death purpose of life- ??ha, ha.. Please correct me and enlighten me before I get to face 'the purpose of life' in less than a year /89.01% left- 11H-which is 8th/ Thanks a lot, Anna - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:25 PM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Jay, Very clearly spelt out that we just cannot conclude 12 groups of purpose of life from 12 signs. So I suggested why not look into the Planets occupying those signs and those who are aspecting. Probably they can give some clue. If this is true that the sign shows purpose of life, then how easily we can achieve it can be seen from how well the lord is placed and how the Kendra, Konas and the Upachayas from the sign is placed with. Here I am just applying the standard rules and Only Assuming that they might be true as they are logical. Lets see how well it fits in to your chart. For easy reference I am pasting the chart below: +--------------+ |Ra | | |Ma AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |GL | |Su Me | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |JuR | |As Ve | | | |Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Md |Gk |HL |Mo Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+ 8th is the house of occult and there is something related to it which shows your purpose. 8th house is placed with Rahu who happens to be the 7th lord and aspected by Mars, Moon and Ketu who happen to be 4th/ 9th lord, 12th and 3rd lord respectively. This shows that your wife is very strongly related to the purpose of your birth. 7th lord going to the 8th house is not a good indication for the marital life. Added to this the aspect of 4th and 9th brings in the relations of Mother and father also. 9th and 12th shows that you shall be able to fulfill the purpose of life abroad. 3rd lords aspect shows that the brothers are also involved in some way. Its difficult to find out from all these what exactly is the purpose of life, but it shows it revolves around your wife, parents and brothers. Possibly you owe a tremendous sense of duty towards them. Now how successful you are in fulfilling your purpose can “possibly” seen from the placement of the lord of the sign, Jupiter. Jupiter is Debilitated showing, immense difficulties that shall cross your ways. But retrograde, showing that those will disappear the way they come. The upachayas from Pisces have Venus, Saturn and Jupiter himself, showing their indications shall always help you out in fulfilling your purpose and they would indicate, falling into relationships, hard work and broad mindedness and wisdom. You shall be helped by the planets in the Kendras, if they are benefics and here Moon becomes very important. Probably your mother is most instrumental in helping you out in fulfilling the purpose we are discussing. Hope I am not way off the mark. Best Wishes Sarajit J. Weiss [jayhw] Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:57 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Narasimha, Sarajit and members, Indeed another fascinating topic of Jyotish but doesn't that 'simply' leave us (again?) with only 12 groups of "purpose of this life" ? Please enlighten me/us. Kindest regards Jay Weiss - Ramesh Gangaramani varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:30 AM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Sarajitji, I would like to know my purpose of life too. My tithi left is 2.78%, hence spent is 97.22%. As per this my Jyotirlingam will be indicated by 12th sign which is Pisces! I am a Leo lagna and Pisces is my 8th house. What would be the purpose of my life? One of the earlier mails indicated Triyambekshwara as my Jyotirlinga that I should pray. Is that right? Thank you for your help and kind regards Ramesh Sarajit Poddar [sarajit]Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:27 AMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Dilipda, The percentage of Tithi already spent is 86.23% according to your calculation. Just find what is 86.23% of 12 and you have 10.34 as the reminder. Round up and you have 11 as the Jyotirlingam indicating sign. This is kedarnath as you said and represent 5th house. The mission is knowledge and mantra. What else? See what else is indicated by placement of the planets there and the aspects! Best Wishes Sarajit drdilip [drdilip] Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:35 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life II NAMAH SHIVAAYA II Dear Narasimha ji Namaste, Any topic of jyotish gets a new dimension and a higher meaning when you explain. Thanks for explaining so nicely! In my chart, JHL 5 shows krishna saptami and 13.77 % of it is left. This is subtracted from 100 , and we get 86.23. 86.23*3= 258.69. Dividing it by 25 , we get 10 and some fraction, rounding it up, we get 11. Thus the sign in my case is aquarius. The jyotirlinga is kedarnath. Aquarius is my 5th house in rasi chart. What is the purpose then of my creation? Mantra sadhana ? Devotion to Lord ? Please explain. Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. - pvr108 varahamihira Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:07 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Om Namashshivaayai Cha NamashshivaayaDear Karen,Namaste.As the mantra I wrote at the beginning says, Moon and Sun symbolize Shivaa (Parvati) and Shiva respectively. It is their union that produces us all, for various purposes. Your mail captured it well and you remembered Sanjay's teaching so well.BTW, there is an easier way to compute this, if you have JHLite.In JHora or JHoraLite, look at the % of tithi left (both give it). Subtract the number from 100. Multiply the result with 3. Divide the resulting number by 25 and round it up to get an integer. That gives the index to the sign (1=Ar, 2=Ta and so on).Example: In my chart, JHoraLite shows Krishna Chaturdasi and shows the % of tithi left as 85.99%. Now, subtracting 85.99 from 100, I get 100-85.99=14.01. Multiplying with 3, I get 14.01x3=42.03. Dividing 42.03 by 25, I get (1+some fraction). Rounding it *up*, the integer I get is 2. So the sign in my case is Taurus (2nd sign).This sign shows the purpose of one's creation. In my case, Taurus is my 9th house as well as Lagnamsaka. It shows dharma as the purpose of my creation by my parents.Sanjay spoke on this in great detail last year at the west coast seminar too. Get those CDs from Lakshmi!There is one more thing. I don't remember if this was recorded in any of the CD's or not, but Sanjay mentioned using AK and AmK instead of Sun and Moon too (I remember that the first time Sanjay mentioned it was when we were all driving to Lakshmi's house one evening for dinner, but he may have mentioned it in a subsequent class too. I am not sure). Sun and Moon show the natural (naisargika/viswa/universal) atma and mana. They are relevant as far as creation (nisarga) is concerned. Naisargika karakatwas are lorded by Brahma, while chara karakwas are ruled by Vishnu. The individual atma and mana are shown by AK and AmK. They are more relevant as far as one's activities and spiritual progress are concerned (which are a Vishnu thing and not a Brahma thing)!!Sanjay mentioned doing similar calculations based on AK and AmK too. I leave it to you to interpret this...May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> II OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA II> > Dear Dr. Dilip,> > I heard Sanjay-ji speak of this in this year's East Coast conference briefly. This is what I remember and I hope any errors will be corrected.> > One tithi is defined as 12 degrees of movement of the Moon with respect to the Sun. Each of the 12 degrees that make up a single tithi can be assigned to each of the 12 rasi depending on the portion of the tithi that has passed. The sign of the derived rasi will determine the jyotirlinga.> > Sanjay-ji used his own chart as an example. The chart is attached for reference in .jhd format. > > Moon 19 Aq 58= 319.81 degrees> Sun 21Cn 05= 111.07> > moon-sun= 208.8/ 12 degrees=> > 17.408 > > So 17 tithis have passed and is currently in 18 tithi. Or in other words, 3rd day of the dark half subtracting 15. Most software will do this part..> > 17 tithis x 12 degree/tithi = 204> 208.8- 204= 4.4 degrees into the tithi> Converting this to signs starting from Aries. Fours have passed and the correct sign based on janma tithi is 5 sign i.e Leo.> > The jyotirlinga for Leo, as given in VRA is Dhusaneswar.> > This is my understanding of how the jyotirlinga of the tithi is computed. You helped me by writing that this jyotirlinga is the giver of sacred knowledge. I'm wondering if there is also a benefit to one's health as well.> > Best Wishes,> Karen> > > Dear Gurus and learned members,> > Often we get confused about our purpose in life,- why we have come here, what was the intension of the Supreme Being to send us in this lovely and terrible world! No amount of knowledge found in the books of philosophy can give us satisfaction. A revelation, a spiritual understanding can only quench our thirst for this secrete knowledge.> > In last year's West Coast Conference, Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath had revealed the way to this sacred knowledge. He told that , the Jyotirlinga associated with the tithi of a person, is the giver of this knowledge. If one constantly does the " Japa" of the Mantra associated with the Jyotirlinga , this knowledge comes easily. > > ......I confused in understanding this. Would anyone please make me understand what Guruji wanted to say i.e. how to find out the Jyotirlinga associated with the Janma Tithi.> > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee. |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 cont'... ....before in Swati stellium, on October 25, in Libra, Rahu gets all the nectar left - N.Anna varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 10:55 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Sarajit and all, Interesting topic indeed- seems we all, no mater how old we are, struggle with that 'purpose in life'. ...Till recently I thought I knew my purpose of life-Now, however I am not sure what it was all about...And I have a hard proof of my ignorance here at hands: 11th H- AQ is my 8th, with Rahu there, lord of eight? With my rectified chart, as per KP Rahu will be Lagna sub-lord /I do have as per my self-assessment, lots of AQ "flavour- idealism"- as per others' ass. as well/ Is death purpose of life- ??ha, ha.. Please correct me and enlighten me before I get to face 'the purpose of life' in less than a year /89.01% left- 11H-which is 8th/ Thanks a lot, Anna - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:25 PM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Jay, Very clearly spelt out that we just cannot conclude 12 groups of purpose of life from 12 signs. So I suggested why not look into the Planets occupying those signs and those who are aspecting. Probably they can give some clue. If this is true that the sign shows purpose of life, then how easily we can achieve it can be seen from how well the lord is placed and how the Kendra, Konas and the Upachayas from the sign is placed with. Here I am just applying the standard rules and Only Assuming that they might be true as they are logical. Lets see how well it fits in to your chart. For easy reference I am pasting the chart below: +--------------+ |Ra | | |Ma AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |GL | |Su Me | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |JuR | |As Ve | | | |Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Md |Gk |HL |Mo Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+ 8th is the house of occult and there is something related to it which shows your purpose. 8th house is placed with Rahu who happens to be the 7th lord and aspected by Mars, Moon and Ketu who happen to be 4th/ 9th lord, 12th and 3rd lord respectively. This shows that your wife is very strongly related to the purpose of your birth. 7th lord going to the 8th house is not a good indication for the marital life. Added to this the aspect of 4th and 9th brings in the relations of Mother and father also. 9th and 12th shows that you shall be able to fulfill the purpose of life abroad. 3rd lords aspect shows that the brothers are also involved in some way. Its difficult to find out from all these what exactly is the purpose of life, but it shows it revolves around your wife, parents and brothers. Possibly you owe a tremendous sense of duty towards them. Now how successful you are in fulfilling your purpose can “possibly” seen from the placement of the lord of the sign, Jupiter. Jupiter is Debilitated showing, immense difficulties that shall cross your ways. But retrograde, showing that those will disappear the way they come. The upachayas from Pisces have Venus, Saturn and Jupiter himself, showing their indications shall always help you out in fulfilling your purpose and they would indicate, falling into relationships, hard work and broad mindedness and wisdom. You shall be helped by the planets in the Kendras, if they are benefics and here Moon becomes very important. Probably your mother is most instrumental in helping you out in fulfilling the purpose we are discussing. Hope I am not way off the mark. Best Wishes Sarajit J. Weiss [jayhw] Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:57 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Narasimha, Sarajit and members, Indeed another fascinating topic of Jyotish but doesn't that 'simply' leave us (again?) with only 12 groups of "purpose of this life" ? Please enlighten me/us. Kindest regards Jay Weiss - Ramesh Gangaramani varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:30 AM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Sarajitji, I would like to know my purpose of life too. My tithi left is 2.78%, hence spent is 97.22%. As per this my Jyotirlingam will be indicated by 12th sign which is Pisces! I am a Leo lagna and Pisces is my 8th house. What would be the purpose of my life? One of the earlier mails indicated Triyambekshwara as my Jyotirlinga that I should pray. Is that right? Thank you for your help and kind regards Ramesh Sarajit Poddar [sarajit]Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:27 AMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Dilipda, The percentage of Tithi already spent is 86.23% according to your calculation. Just find what is 86.23% of 12 and you have 10.34 as the reminder. Round up and you have 11 as the Jyotirlingam indicating sign. This is kedarnath as you said and represent 5th house. The mission is knowledge and mantra. What else? See what else is indicated by placement of the planets there and the aspects! Best Wishes Sarajit drdilip [drdilip] Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:35 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life II NAMAH SHIVAAYA II Dear Narasimha ji Namaste, Any topic of jyotish gets a new dimension and a higher meaning when you explain. Thanks for explaining so nicely! In my chart, JHL 5 shows krishna saptami and 13.77 % of it is left. This is subtracted from 100 , and we get 86.23. 86.23*3= 258.69. Dividing it by 25 , we get 10 and some fraction, rounding it up, we get 11. Thus the sign in my case is aquarius. The jyotirlinga is kedarnath. Aquarius is my 5th house in rasi chart. What is the purpose then of my creation? Mantra sadhana ? Devotion to Lord ? Please explain. Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. - pvr108 varahamihira Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:07 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Om Namashshivaayai Cha NamashshivaayaDear Karen,Namaste.As the mantra I wrote at the beginning says, Moon and Sun symbolize Shivaa (Parvati) and Shiva respectively. It is their union that produces us all, for various purposes. Your mail captured it well and you remembered Sanjay's teaching so well.BTW, there is an easier way to compute this, if you have JHLite.In JHora or JHoraLite, look at the % of tithi left (both give it). Subtract the number from 100. Multiply the result with 3. Divide the resulting number by 25 and round it up to get an integer. That gives the index to the sign (1=Ar, 2=Ta and so on).Example: In my chart, JHoraLite shows Krishna Chaturdasi and shows the % of tithi left as 85.99%. Now, subtracting 85.99 from 100, I get 100-85.99=14.01. Multiplying with 3, I get 14.01x3=42.03. Dividing 42.03 by 25, I get (1+some fraction). Rounding it *up*, the integer I get is 2. So the sign in my case is Taurus (2nd sign).This sign shows the purpose of one's creation. In my case, Taurus is my 9th house as well as Lagnamsaka. It shows dharma as the purpose of my creation by my parents.Sanjay spoke on this in great detail last year at the west coast seminar too. Get those CDs from Lakshmi!There is one more thing. I don't remember if this was recorded in any of the CD's or not, but Sanjay mentioned using AK and AmK instead of Sun and Moon too (I remember that the first time Sanjay mentioned it was when we were all driving to Lakshmi's house one evening for dinner, but he may have mentioned it in a subsequent class too. I am not sure). Sun and Moon show the natural (naisargika/viswa/universal) atma and mana. They are relevant as far as creation (nisarga) is concerned. Naisargika karakatwas are lorded by Brahma, while chara karakwas are ruled by Vishnu. The individual atma and mana are shown by AK and AmK. They are more relevant as far as one's activities and spiritual progress are concerned (which are a Vishnu thing and not a Brahma thing)!!Sanjay mentioned doing similar calculations based on AK and AmK too. I leave it to you to interpret this...May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> II OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA II> > Dear Dr. Dilip,> > I heard Sanjay-ji speak of this in this year's East Coast conference briefly. This is what I remember and I hope any errors will be corrected.> > One tithi is defined as 12 degrees of movement of the Moon with respect to the Sun. Each of the 12 degrees that make up a single tithi can be assigned to each of the 12 rasi depending on the portion of the tithi that has passed. The sign of the derived rasi will determine the jyotirlinga.> > Sanjay-ji used his own chart as an example. The chart is attached for reference in .jhd format. > > Moon 19 Aq 58= 319.81 degrees> Sun 21Cn 05= 111.07> > moon-sun= 208.8/ 12 degrees=> > 17.408 > > So 17 tithis have passed and is currently in 18 tithi. Or in other words, 3rd day of the dark half subtracting 15. Most software will do this part..> > 17 tithis x 12 degree/tithi = 204> 208.8- 204= 4.4 degrees into the tithi> Converting this to signs starting from Aries. Fours have passed and the correct sign based on janma tithi is 5 sign i.e Leo.> > The jyotirlinga for Leo, as given in VRA is Dhusaneswar.> > This is my understanding of how the jyotirlinga of the tithi is computed. You helped me by writing that this jyotirlinga is the giver of sacred knowledge. I'm wondering if there is also a benefit to one's health as well.> > Best Wishes,> Karen> > > Dear Gurus and learned members,> > Often we get confused about our purpose in life,- why we have come here, what was the intension of the Supreme Being to send us in this lovely and terrible world! No amount of knowledge found in the books of philosophy can give us satisfaction. A revelation, a spiritual understanding can only quench our thirst for this secrete knowledge.> > In last year's West Coast Conference, Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath had revealed the way to this sacred knowledge. He told that , the Jyotirlinga associated with the tithi of a person, is the giver of this knowledge. If one constantly does the " Japa" of the Mantra associated with the Jyotirlinga , this knowledge comes easily. > > ......I confused in understanding this. Would anyone please make me understand what Guruji wanted to say i.e. how to find out the Jyotirlinga associated with the Janma Tithi.> > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee. |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 OOPS- Dear Sarajit, Wrong calculation bellow, sorry. Please have a look at this one calculation, I didn't see the whole thread before. Now I follow what Narasimha wrote My t.left is 89,01%- minus 100=10.99 times 3=32,97 32,97: 23=1,3 -------------- Taurus: 11H, Ve badhakesh I see somebody mentioned dividing by 25, I chose to go by Narasimha. Please tell me if it's correct. Hope I did wrong again! Badhaka stana life purpose, oh what a glorious life! Warmest wishes, Anna - N.Anna varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 11:03 PM Fw: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life cont'... ....before in Swati stellium, on October 25, in Libra, Rahu gets all the nectar left - N.Anna varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 10:55 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Sarajit and all, Interesting topic indeed- seems we all, no mater how old we are, struggle with that 'purpose in life'. ...Till recently I thought I knew my purpose of life-Now, however I am not sure what it was all about...And I have a hard proof of my ignorance here at hands: 11th H- AQ is my 8th, with Rahu there, lord of eight? With my rectified chart, as per KP Rahu will be Lagna sub-lord /I do have as per my self-assessment, lots of AQ "flavour- idealism"- as per others' ass. as well/ Is death purpose of life- ??ha, ha.. Please correct me and enlighten me before I get to face 'the purpose of life' in less than a year /89.01% left- 11H-which is 8th/ Thanks a lot, Anna - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:25 PM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Jay, Very clearly spelt out that we just cannot conclude 12 groups of purpose of life from 12 signs. So I suggested why not look into the Planets occupying those signs and those who are aspecting. Probably they can give some clue. If this is true that the sign shows purpose of life, then how easily we can achieve it can be seen from how well the lord is placed and how the Kendra, Konas and the Upachayas from the sign is placed with. Here I am just applying the standard rules and Only Assuming that they might be true as they are logical. Lets see how well it fits in to your chart. For easy reference I am pasting the chart below: +--------------+ |Ra | | |Ma AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |GL | |Su Me | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |JuR | |As Ve | | | |Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Md |Gk |HL |Mo Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+ 8th is the house of occult and there is something related to it which shows your purpose. 8th house is placed with Rahu who happens to be the 7th lord and aspected by Mars, Moon and Ketu who happen to be 4th/ 9th lord, 12th and 3rd lord respectively. This shows that your wife is very strongly related to the purpose of your birth. 7th lord going to the 8th house is not a good indication for the marital life. Added to this the aspect of 4th and 9th brings in the relations of Mother and father also. 9th and 12th shows that you shall be able to fulfill the purpose of life abroad. 3rd lords aspect shows that the brothers are also involved in some way. Its difficult to find out from all these what exactly is the purpose of life, but it shows it revolves around your wife, parents and brothers. Possibly you owe a tremendous sense of duty towards them. Now how successful you are in fulfilling your purpose can “possibly” seen from the placement of the lord of the sign, Jupiter. Jupiter is Debilitated showing, immense difficulties that shall cross your ways. But retrograde, showing that those will disappear the way they come. The upachayas from Pisces have Venus, Saturn and Jupiter himself, showing their indications shall always help you out in fulfilling your purpose and they would indicate, falling into relationships, hard work and broad mindedness and wisdom. You shall be helped by the planets in the Kendras, if they are benefics and here Moon becomes very important. Probably your mother is most instrumental in helping you out in fulfilling the purpose we are discussing. Hope I am not way off the mark. Best Wishes Sarajit J. Weiss [jayhw] Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:57 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Narasimha, Sarajit and members, Indeed another fascinating topic of Jyotish but doesn't that 'simply' leave us (again?) with only 12 groups of "purpose of this life" ? Please enlighten me/us. Kindest regards Jay Weiss - Ramesh Gangaramani varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:30 AM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Sarajitji, I would like to know my purpose of life too. My tithi left is 2.78%, hence spent is 97.22%. As per this my Jyotirlingam will be indicated by 12th sign which is Pisces! I am a Leo lagna and Pisces is my 8th house. What would be the purpose of my life? One of the earlier mails indicated Triyambekshwara as my Jyotirlinga that I should pray. Is that right? Thank you for your help and kind regards Ramesh Sarajit Poddar [sarajit]Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:27 AMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Dilipda, The percentage of Tithi already spent is 86.23% according to your calculation. Just find what is 86.23% of 12 and you have 10.34 as the reminder. Round up and you have 11 as the Jyotirlingam indicating sign. This is kedarnath as you said and represent 5th house. The mission is knowledge and mantra. What else? See what else is indicated by placement of the planets there and the aspects! Best Wishes Sarajit drdilip [drdilip] Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:35 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life II NAMAH SHIVAAYA II Dear Narasimha ji Namaste, Any topic of jyotish gets a new dimension and a higher meaning when you explain. Thanks for explaining so nicely! In my chart, JHL 5 shows krishna saptami and 13.77 % of it is left. This is subtracted from 100 , and we get 86.23. 86.23*3= 258.69. Dividing it by 25 , we get 10 and some fraction, rounding it up, we get 11. Thus the sign in my case is aquarius. The jyotirlinga is kedarnath. Aquarius is my 5th house in rasi chart. What is the purpose then of my creation? Mantra sadhana ? Devotion to Lord ? Please explain. Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. - pvr108 varahamihira Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:07 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Om Namashshivaayai Cha NamashshivaayaDear Karen,Namaste.As the mantra I wrote at the beginning says, Moon and Sun symbolize Shivaa (Parvati) and Shiva respectively. It is their union that produces us all, for various purposes. Your mail captured it well and you remembered Sanjay's teaching so well.BTW, there is an easier way to compute this, if you have JHLite.In JHora or JHoraLite, look at the % of tithi left (both give it). Subtract the number from 100. Multiply the result with 3. Divide the resulting number by 25 and round it up to get an integer. That gives the index to the sign (1=Ar, 2=Ta and so on).Example: In my chart, JHoraLite shows Krishna Chaturdasi and shows the % of tithi left as 85.99%. Now, subtracting 85.99 from 100, I get 100-85.99=14.01. Multiplying with 3, I get 14.01x3=42.03. Dividing 42.03 by 25, I get (1+some fraction). Rounding it *up*, the integer I get is 2. So the sign in my case is Taurus (2nd sign).This sign shows the purpose of one's creation. In my case, Taurus is my 9th house as well as Lagnamsaka. It shows dharma as the purpose of my creation by my parents.Sanjay spoke on this in great detail last year at the west coast seminar too. Get those CDs from Lakshmi!There is one more thing. I don't remember if this was recorded in any of the CD's or not, but Sanjay mentioned using AK and AmK instead of Sun and Moon too (I remember that the first time Sanjay mentioned it was when we were all driving to Lakshmi's house one evening for dinner, but he may have mentioned it in a subsequent class too. I am not sure). Sun and Moon show the natural (naisargika/viswa/universal) atma and mana. They are relevant as far as creation (nisarga) is concerned. Naisargika karakatwas are lorded by Brahma, while chara karakwas are ruled by Vishnu. The individual atma and mana are shown by AK and AmK. They are more relevant as far as one's activities and spiritual progress are concerned (which are a Vishnu thing and not a Brahma thing)!!Sanjay mentioned doing similar calculations based on AK and AmK too. I leave it to you to interpret this...May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> II OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA II> > Dear Dr. Dilip,> > I heard Sanjay-ji speak of this in this year's East Coast conference briefly. This is what I remember and I hope any errors will be corrected.> > One tithi is defined as 12 degrees of movement of the Moon with respect to the Sun. Each of the 12 degrees that make up a single tithi can be assigned to each of the 12 rasi depending on the portion of the tithi that has passed. The sign of the derived rasi will determine the jyotirlinga.> > Sanjay-ji used his own chart as an example. The chart is attached for reference in .jhd format. > > Moon 19 Aq 58= 319.81 degrees> Sun 21Cn 05= 111.07> > moon-sun= 208.8/ 12 degrees=> > 17.408 > > So 17 tithis have passed and is currently in 18 tithi. Or in other words, 3rd day of the dark half subtracting 15. Most software will do this part..> > 17 tithis x 12 degree/tithi = 204> 208.8- 204= 4.4 degrees into the tithi> Converting this to signs starting from Aries. Fours have passed and the correct sign based on janma tithi is 5 sign i.e Leo.> > The jyotirlinga for Leo, as given in VRA is Dhusaneswar.> > This is my understanding of how the jyotirlinga of the tithi is computed. You helped me by writing that this jyotirlinga is the giver of sacred knowledge. I'm wondering if there is also a benefit to one's health as well.> > Best Wishes,> Karen> > > Dear Gurus and learned members,> > Often we get confused about our purpose in life,- why we have come here, what was the intension of the Supreme Being to send us in this lovely and terrible world! No amount of knowledge found in the books of philosophy can give us satisfaction. A revelation, a spiritual understanding can only quench our thirst for this secrete knowledge.> > In last year's West Coast Conference, Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath had revealed the way to this sacred knowledge. He told that , the Jyotirlinga associated with the tithi of a person, is the giver of this knowledge. If one constantly does the " Japa" of the Mantra associated with the Jyotirlinga , this knowledge comes easily. > > ......I confused in understanding this. Would anyone please make me understand what Guruji wanted to say i.e. how to find out the Jyotirlinga associated with the Janma Tithi.> > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee. |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Dear Anna, I mentioned 25 in several places and typed 23 in ONE place by mistake (in the latest example). You latched on to my typo! :-) It IS 25. When seeing the purpose of one's creation, don't pay attention to badhaka sthana. Also, don't think that the 8th house is the house of death and hence the purpose of creation is to die (you said it in previous mail :-) ). Every person has a non-trivial purpose of creation. The 11th house in your case shows friendship, bringing harmony to people etc. If I know who occupies it and where Venus is etc, I can say more. Why don't you give your birthdata? May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > OOPS- > Dear Sarajit, > > Wrong calculation bellow, sorry. > Please have a look at this one calculation, I didn't see the whole thread before. Now I follow what Narasimha wrote > My t.left is 89,01%- minus 100=10.99 times 3=32,97 > 32,97: 23=1,3 > -------------- > Taurus: 11H, Ve badhakesh > > I see somebody mentioned dividing by 25, I chose to go by Narasimha. > Please tell me if it's correct. > Hope I did wrong again! > Badhaka stana life purpose, oh what a glorious life! > Warmest wishes, > Anna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Pranaams Robert, That is how I too did it first. Once I saw promise, I immediately put it in software to test it on many more charts. Whenever I think of something, I always test it on 3-4 examples using hand- computation. When I like what I see, I change the software to test it on tens of charts. When Anna said her tithi sign was in 8th house and that it showed that her purpose of creation was to die :-)), I immediately remembered you. You have BTS (bhukta tithi sphuta) in Taurus in rasi chart, i.e. in the 8th house. Of course, that doesn't mean you were created to die. The 8th house not only shows suffering, but shows contemplation and austerities. It also shows occult knowledge. Especially, in your D-24, BTS is in Gemini, the 11th house of learning occult subjects and its lord Mercury is in own sign in 2nd. Clearly, learning occult subjects (esp astrology) is one of the purposes Shiva and Shakti had in mind when they came together and created you. As far as D-20 is concerned, BTS is in the 6th house with 5th lord Sun in it. Shows devoted service. This should also answer Jay's question from another angle. Two persons with BTS falling in the 8th house in rasi chart may have different purposes in life, as determined by the divisional charts. Can anybody guess where BTS falls in Sanjay's D-10 (karma)? Of course, in the 3rd house of writing! Can anybody guess where BTS falls in Sanjay's D-24 (knowledge)? Of course, in the 12th house of giving! May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > Dear Narasimha, > > At 08:31 PM 10/23/03 +0000, you wrote: > > >Anyway, I quickly hacked it in to JHora. If there is interest, I > >could just leave it in JHora code, so that people get it in the next > >version. While I was at it, I just added the sphuta (not just rasi). > >The exact sphuta can be computed based on bhukta tithi and it can be > >shown in all divisional charts! > > That's great work, and I appreciated the example charts you gave in your > other email. I made good use of the " Special Point " feature in JHora (the > version that you sent to SJC gurus), which I believe you will make > available to others in the next upgrade. Using that, I calculated the > Bhukta Tithi Sphuta first by hand, and then entered it as a Special > Point. Then, I could get it in all of the divisional > charts. Beautiful! Thanks for your work on this....... > > Best wishes, > Robert Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Sarajitji, Thank you very much for an elaborate analysis. This looks like my chart! I am giving below my feedback. If Jayji has identical placement, it will be interesting to read his feedback too. I honestly do not have clear answers for my purpose of life! As regards occult, I got interested in Palmistry during college days but moved away from it after after a while. My interest in study of astrology is less than a year old. I waited for a while to check if it was a passing phase. I have since enrolled as a student of Guru Chandrashekharji and taken the study more seriously. I do have reasonably strong links with my wife and mother (both long distance! since I live away) but need to figure out their connection with my purpose of life. I moved away from my birthplace and now abroad, essentially career related moves. It is however possible that 'living abroad' may contribute to achieving the purpose f life eventually. Just a point! Ketu would be my 4th lord (I presume mention of it as 3rd lord is just an error). May be that fits better too! Thank you again and kind regards Ramesh Sarajit Poddar [sarajit]Friday, October 24, 2003 5:26 AMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Jay, Very clearly spelt out that we just cannot conclude 12 groups of purpose of life from 12 signs. So I suggested why not look into the Planets occupying those signs and those who are aspecting. Probably they can give some clue. If this is true that the sign shows purpose of life, then how easily we can achieve it can be seen from how well the lord is placed and how the Kendra, Konas and the Upachayas from the sign is placed with. Here I am just applying the standard rules and Only Assuming that they might be true as they are logical. Lets see how well it fits in to your chart. For easy reference I am pasting the chart below: +--------------+ |Ra | | |Ma AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |GL | |Su Me | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |JuR | |As Ve | | | |Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Md |Gk |HL |Mo Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+ 8th is the house of occult and there is something related to it which shows your purpose. 8th house is placed with Rahu who happens to be the 7th lord and aspected by Mars, Moon and Ketu who happen to be 4th/ 9th lord, 12th and 3rd lord respectively. This shows that your wife is very strongly related to the purpose of your birth. 7th lord going to the 8th house is not a good indication for the marital life. Added to this the aspect of 4th and 9th brings in the relations of Mother and father also. 9th and 12th shows that you shall be able to fulfill the purpose of life abroad. 3rd lords aspect shows that the brothers are also involved in some way. Its difficult to find out from all these what exactly is the purpose of life, but it shows it revolves around your wife, parents and brothers. Possibly you owe a tremendous sense of duty towards them. Now how successful you are in fulfilling your purpose can “possibly” seen from the placement of the lord of the sign, Jupiter. Jupiter is Debilitated showing, immense difficulties that shall cross your ways. But retrograde, showing that those will disappear the way they come. The upachayas from Pisces have Venus, Saturn and Jupiter himself, showing their indications shall always help you out in fulfilling your purpose and they would indicate, falling into relationships, hard work and broad mindedness and wisdom. You shall be helped by the planets in the Kendras, if they are benefics and here Moon becomes very important. Probably your mother is most instrumental in helping you out in fulfilling the purpose we are discussing. Hope I am not way off the mark. Best Wishes Sarajit J. Weiss [jayhw] Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:57 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Narasimha, Sarajit and members, Indeed another fascinating topic of Jyotish but doesn't that 'simply' leave us (again?) with only 12 groups of "purpose of this life" ? Please enlighten me/us. Kindest regards Jay Weiss - Ramesh Gangaramani varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:30 AM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Sarajitji, I would like to know my purpose of life too. My tithi left is 2.78%, hence spent is 97.22%. As per this my Jyotirlingam will be indicated by 12th sign which is Pisces! I am a Leo lagna and Pisces is my 8th house. What would be the purpose of my life? One of the earlier mails indicated Triyambekshwara as my Jyotirlinga that I should pray. Is that right? Thank you for your help and kind regards Ramesh Sarajit Poddar [sarajit]Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:27 AMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Dilipda, The percentage of Tithi already spent is 86.23% according to your calculation. Just find what is 86.23% of 12 and you have 10.34 as the reminder. Round up and you have 11 as the Jyotirlingam indicating sign. This is kedarnath as you said and represent 5th house. The mission is knowledge and mantra. What else? See what else is indicated by placement of the planets there and the aspects! Best Wishes Sarajit drdilip [drdilip] Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:35 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life II NAMAH SHIVAAYA II Dear Narasimha ji Namaste, Any topic of jyotish gets a new dimension and a higher meaning when you explain. Thanks for explaining so nicely! In my chart, JHL 5 shows krishna saptami and 13.77 % of it is left. This is subtracted from 100 , and we get 86.23. 86.23*3= 258.69. Dividing it by 25 , we get 10 and some fraction, rounding it up, we get 11. Thus the sign in my case is aquarius. The jyotirlinga is kedarnath. Aquarius is my 5th house in rasi chart. What is the purpose then of my creation? Mantra sadhana ? Devotion to Lord ? Please explain. Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. - pvr108 varahamihira Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:07 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Om Namashshivaayai Cha NamashshivaayaDear Karen,Namaste.As the mantra I wrote at the beginning says, Moon and Sun symbolize Shivaa (Parvati) and Shiva respectively. It is their union that produces us all, for various purposes. Your mail captured it well and you remembered Sanjay's teaching so well.BTW, there is an easier way to compute this, if you have JHLite.In JHora or JHoraLite, look at the % of tithi left (both give it). Subtract the number from 100. Multiply the result with 3. Divide the resulting number by 25 and round it up to get an integer. That gives the index to the sign (1=Ar, 2=Ta and so on).Example: In my chart, JHoraLite shows Krishna Chaturdasi and shows the % of tithi left as 85.99%. Now, subtracting 85.99 from 100, I get 100-85.99=14.01. Multiplying with 3, I get 14.01x3=42.03. Dividing 42.03 by 25, I get (1+some fraction). Rounding it *up*, the integer I get is 2. So the sign in my case is Taurus (2nd sign).This sign shows the purpose of one's creation. In my case, Taurus is my 9th house as well as Lagnamsaka. It shows dharma as the purpose of my creation by my parents.Sanjay spoke on this in great detail last year at the west coast seminar too. Get those CDs from Lakshmi!There is one more thing. I don't remember if this was recorded in any of the CD's or not, but Sanjay mentioned using AK and AmK instead of Sun and Moon too (I remember that the first time Sanjay mentioned it was when we were all driving to Lakshmi's house one evening for dinner, but he may have mentioned it in a subsequent class too. I am not sure). Sun and Moon show the natural (naisargika/viswa/universal) atma and mana. They are relevant as far as creation (nisarga) is concerned. Naisargika karakatwas are lorded by Brahma, while chara karakwas are ruled by Vishnu. The individual atma and mana are shown by AK and AmK. They are more relevant as far as one's activities and spiritual progress are concerned (which are a Vishnu thing and not a Brahma thing)!!Sanjay mentioned doing similar calculations based on AK and AmK too. I leave it to you to interpret this...May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> II OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA II> > Dear Dr. Dilip,> > I heard Sanjay-ji speak of this in this year's East Coast conference briefly. This is what I remember and I hope any errors will be corrected.> > One tithi is defined as 12 degrees of movement of the Moon with respect to the Sun. Each of the 12 degrees that make up a single tithi can be assigned to each of the 12 rasi depending on the portion of the tithi that has passed. The sign of the derived rasi will determine the jyotirlinga.> > Sanjay-ji used his own chart as an example. The chart is attached for reference in .jhd format. > > Moon 19 Aq 58= 319.81 degrees> Sun 21Cn 05= 111.07> > moon-sun= 208.8/ 12 degrees=> > 17.408 > > So 17 tithis have passed and is currently in 18 tithi. Or in other words, 3rd day of the dark half subtracting 15. Most software will do this part..> > 17 tithis x 12 degree/tithi = 204> 208.8- 204= 4.4 degrees into the tithi> Converting this to signs starting from Aries. Fours have passed and the correct sign based on janma tithi is 5 sign i.e Leo.> > The jyotirlinga for Leo, as given in VRA is Dhusaneswar.> > This is my understanding of how the jyotirlinga of the tithi is computed. You helped me by writing that this jyotirlinga is the giver of sacred knowledge. I'm wondering if there is also a benefit to one's health as well.> > Best Wishes,> Karen> > > Dear Gurus and learned members,> > Often we get confused about our purpose in life,- why we have come here, what was the intension of the Supreme Being to send us in this lovely and terrible world! No amount of knowledge found in the books of philosophy can give us satisfaction. A revelation, a spiritual understanding can only quench our thirst for this secrete knowledge.> > In last year's West Coast Conference, Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath had revealed the way to this sacred knowledge. He told that , the Jyotirlinga associated with the tithi of a person, is the giver of this knowledge. If one constantly does the " Japa" of the Mantra associated with the Jyotirlinga , this knowledge comes easily. > > ......I confused in understanding this. Would anyone please make me understand what Guruji wanted to say i.e. how to find out the Jyotirlinga associated with the Janma Tithi.> > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Pranaam PVR, how to calculate DTS manually? regards jk - " pvr108 " <pvr <varahamihira > Friday, October 24, 2003 11:34 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life > Pranaams Robert, > > That is how I too did it first. Once I saw promise, I immediately > put it in software to test it on many more charts. Whenever I think > of something, I always test it on 3-4 examples using hand- > computation. When I like what I see, I change the software to test > it on tens of charts. > > When Anna said her tithi sign was in 8th house and that it showed > that her purpose of creation was to die :-)), I immediately > remembered you. You have BTS (bhukta tithi sphuta) in Taurus in rasi > chart, i.e. in the 8th house. Of course, that doesn't mean you were > created to die. The 8th house not only shows suffering, but shows > contemplation and austerities. It also shows occult knowledge. > Especially, in your D-24, BTS is in Gemini, the 11th house of > learning occult subjects and its lord Mercury is in own sign in 2nd. > Clearly, learning occult subjects (esp astrology) is one of the > purposes Shiva and Shakti had in mind when they came together and > created you. As far as D-20 is concerned, BTS is in the 6th house > with 5th lord Sun in it. Shows devoted service. > > This should also answer Jay's question from another angle. Two > persons with BTS falling in the 8th house in rasi chart may have > different purposes in life, as determined by the divisional charts. > > Can anybody guess where BTS falls in Sanjay's D-10 (karma)? Of > course, in the 3rd house of writing! > > Can anybody guess where BTS falls in Sanjay's D-24 (knowledge)? Of > course, in the 12th house of giving! > > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > Narasimha > > > Dear Narasimha, > > > > At 08:31 PM 10/23/03 +0000, you wrote: > > > > >Anyway, I quickly hacked it in to JHora. If there is interest, I > > >could just leave it in JHora code, so that people get it in the > next > > >version. While I was at it, I just added the sphuta (not just > rasi). > > >The exact sphuta can be computed based on bhukta tithi and it can > be > > >shown in all divisional charts! > > > > That's great work, and I appreciated the example charts you gave > in your > > other email. I made good use of the " Special Point " feature in > JHora (the > > version that you sent to SJC gurus), which I believe you will make > > available to others in the next upgrade. Using that, I calculated > the > > Bhukta Tithi Sphuta first by hand, and then entered it as a > Special > > Point. Then, I could get it in all of the divisional > > charts. Beautiful! Thanks for your work on this....... > > > > Best wishes, > > Robert > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > http://www.varahamihira > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Pranaam JK, > Pranaam PVR, > > how to calculate DTS manually? > > regards > > jk In my chart, tithi % left, as given by JHora is 85.99%. So bhukta tithi % is 100-85.99=14.01%. Multiplied by 3, it gives 42.03. Divided by 25, it gives 42.03/25 = 1.6812. This means Bhukta Tithi Sphuta finished 1.6812 signs, i.e. finished 1 sign (Ar) and 0.6812 of the second sign (Ta). Earlier, we only took the rasi (Ta) and left it at that. Now take the exact fraction (0.6812) to find the longitude. Convert 0.6812 of Taurus into a longitude (sphuta). You get 0.6812 x 30 = 20.436. So BTS (bhukta tithi sphuta) is at 20.436 degrees in Taurus, i.e. 20 deg 26' in Ta. Then you can work out the signs occupied by this sphuta in various divisions. JHora latest version has a feature which can show any special longitude you enter in all charts. Robert was talking about that. May Jupiter's light shine on us, PVR Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Pranaams Narasimha, At 06:04 AM 10/24/03 +0000, you wrote: >Pranaams Robert, > >That is how I too did it first. Once I saw promise, I immediately >put it in software to test it on many more charts. Whenever I think >of something, I always test it on 3-4 examples using hand- >computation. When I like what I see, I change the software to test >it on tens of charts. As you were going over the example charts with BTS yesterday, I thought that it would probably be easy for you to provide that point as an option to be entered in all charts in JHora. Still, that would take a *little* bit of the fun out! Once one knows the formulas for determining the Bhukta Tithi Sphuta, then entering that longitude at the Special Points feature (in the next version of JHora) is real easy and gives you the point in any varga chart. Anyway, whatever you decide to do, this opens the doors to some exciting research. >When Anna said her tithi sign was in 8th house and that it showed >that her purpose of creation was to die :-)), I immediately >remembered you. You have BTS (bhukta tithi sphuta) in Taurus in rasi >chart, i.e. in the 8th house. Of course, that doesn't mean you were >created to die. The 8th house not only shows suffering, but shows >contemplation and austerities. It also shows occult knowledge. >Especially, in your D-24, BTS is in Gemini, the 11th house of >learning occult subjects and its lord Mercury is in own sign in 2nd. >Clearly, learning occult subjects (esp astrology) is one of the >purposes Shiva and Shakti had in mind when they came together and >created you. As far as D-20 is concerned, BTS is in the 6th house >with 5th lord Sun in it. Shows devoted service. Thanks for taking the time to look at my chart vis a vis BTS. A couple of points here: First, I think you might have a different birth time for me as I use (08:24 AM PST, 9/18/1947, San Francisco, CA.), as the lagna of my D-24 is Virgo, and not Leo. Anyway, this would put the BTS (15:05:56 Taurus) for me , in the 11th house Cancer with Jupiter and Mars. From Cn, Jupiter rules the 9th and is in the BTS lagna, while AK Mars is the yogakaraka. This definitely suggests what Shiva and Shakti might have had in mind for me so far as education and studies are concerned! RE: D-20: The lagna for me in D20 is again different from what you have. I have Taurus as the D-20 Lagna, which puts the BTS in the 6th house in the sign of Libra. From that vantage point, so many years involvement in ashram and temple environments, as well as service of my guru, can be seen by way of 9th and 10th lords Mercury and Moon in Parivartana. The aspect of yogakaraka Saturn to the 6th and BTS, as well as 4th from BTS, made it a very austere, yogic environment, wherein the guru's strict teachings were followed very obediently by the devotees there. RE: Rasi BTS: Yes, like Anna, I struggled a bit with the purpose of creation falling in the 8th house with Rahu! Sanjay's teachings on this, however, also indicated that the thoughts of the parents at the moment of conception determine the outcome of the birth of the child. Thus the circumstances leading to such thoughts at the moment of conception, are also indicated by the BTS and all the factors influencing it. I was actually conceived out of wedlock, and thus my mother gave me up for adoption at birth. So I never knew my biological parents. Rahu in the BTS thus indicated the *nature* of the conception and birth also. Karma lead me to pursue a path in life that was completely foreign to my adoptive parents and family, although this was the right path. In this regard, the Raja-yoga forming by way of mutual rasi drishti between 10th lord Moon in the lagna, and AMK Rahu in the 8th is interesting. The yoga between Venus (lord of BTS and lagna), and 9th lord Mercury in the 12th, enabled me to acquire a guru from a foreign country, live in India, and pursue the Vedic lifestyle - all of which are Rahuvian in nature, as compared to what the rest of my culture followed! BTS joining the 9th house in Dasamsa, with D-10 lord Venus (in exchange with 9th lord Mercury), shows the same story, except more directly, as the spiritual path and career was dedicated to the specific Deities of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. Anyway, thanks for listening - the BTS shows to be very poignant from both Rasi and varga charts in outlining the purpose of life and incarnation.......Interesting! Best wishes, Robert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA visit <> Ph: 541.318.0248 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Hare Rama Krishna Dear Sai, I think you have the calculations wrong. Lets take your example, 1) Balance of tithi - 7.59 % 2) 100 - 7.59 = 92.41 which has transpired 3) Multiply 92.41 X 3 = 277.23 and divide by 25 which gives 11.0892 4) the sign here is Pisces as we round 11.0892 to 12 5)The fraction of .0892 X 30 gives the exact sphuta - 2.6760 Degrees in Pisces. The 23 was a typo. Another way is to take the transpired percentage and multiply it by 12. In this case 92.41 % X 12 = 11.0892. All that PVR is doing is to divide both the numerator 12 and denominator 100 by 4. Both are same. Hare Krishna SudharsanSaikumar <astrossk wrote: Namasthe Narasimha, A have a question(may be a stupid one). The balance of tithi when I was born was 7.59 % If I multiply it by 3 I get 22.77. Rounding it off to the next integer makes it 23. Now, if I divide it by 23, I get a reminder of 1. What does this mean. The focus is myself or the physical body of mine? I am kind of confused. Please help. Sai"pvr108" <pvr2003/10/23 20:32:04varahamihira Cc: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of lifeDear Dilip ji,You can take many examples.(1) Take Srila Prabhupada. His "% tithi left" as perJHora is 60.11. We get 39.89% by subtracting from 100.Times 3 is about 120. Divided by 23, it gives 4+fraction.So his "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo (5th sign).Leo also happens to be the 9th house in his chart andlagna lord Jupiter, 9th lord Sun and Ketu occupy it!Clearly, the reason for his creation was establishment ofsanatana dharma and construction temples.(2) Take Sanjay ji. His "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo. Itcontains Mercury. One purpose for his creation waswriting and spreading scholarship. Lord of Leo, Sun! , isin 5th house with 8th lord, showing occult knowledge. Sospreading occult knowledge is his purpose.(3) My "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Ta, in the 9th house. Itis empty and its lord Venus joins 10th lord giving DKYoga.Thus, upholding dharma and performing dharmik karma is mypurpose in life.(4) Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, the greatest spiritualleader of the last century, had "bhukta tithi rasi" in Sc.Its lord Ketu takes part in a tapaswi yoga on Vi-Pi axis,involving AK (Saturn) and AmK (Venus). Sc contains neechaMoon in AL, aspected by Saturn. Thus, his purpose in lifewas to renounce and do tapasya (as tapaswi yoga involvesAK, this tapasya is of the highest order).(5) Pope John Paul II has "bhukta tithi rasi" in Vi, the12th house containing AK. The 12th is the house of givingand liberation. It is also the house of tapasya. Its lordMercury is again associated with Tapaswi yoga (he's withVen! us and Ketu, while Saturn aspects them from a trine).Thus, his pur pose in life too was to do tapasya and beliberated.[Warning: What follows is my own research.]In fact, I realized that what we find here is not just arasi, but a point. We can map the duration of tithi tothe zodiac and find the exact point and find its positionin all divisional charts. Even though one's creation takesplace in the physical plane by the coming together ofShiva (father) and Shakti (mother), why should one'spurpose of creation be defined only in the physical plane?Why can't it be defined in other vargas?For example, take Swami Vivekananda and Sanjay ji. Bothhave the bhukta tithi rasi in different houses and withdifferent planets. But, if you see dasamsa, you'll see asimilarity. "Bhukta tithi sphuta" is in the 3rd house indasamsa for both. Both were created to make contributionto the society with their writings!Legendary astrologer and author Prof. B.V. Raman andserial killer ! Jeffrey Dahmer both have bhukta tithi rasiin the 3rd house in rasi chart. However, the former hasbhukta tithi sphuta in the 10th house in navamsa and inthe 5th house in dasamsa (with 3rd lord Sun in it). Thelatter had it in 12th house in navams and in 8th housein dasamsa. Accordingly, the contribution expected fromthem in society was different!I suggest to interested researchers that the exactlongitude of "bhukta tithi sphuta" can be worked out andits placement in various divisions can be examined toclearly understand the purpose of one's creation.May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> It would be nice if you kindly give an example with any chart. > > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Namasthe Narasimha, A have a question(may be a stupid one). The balance of tithi when I was born was 7.59 % If I multiply it by 3 I get 22.77. Rounding it off to the next integer makes it 23. Now, if I divide it by 23, I get a reminder of 1. What does this mean. The focus is myself or the physical body of mine? I am kind of confused. Please help. Sai"pvr108" <pvr2003/10/23 20:32:04varahamihira Cc: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of lifeDear Dilip ji,You can take many examples.(1) Take Srila Prabhupada. His "% tithi left" as perJHora is 60.11. We get 39.89% by subtracting from 100.Times 3 is about 120. Divided by 23, it gives 4+fraction.So his "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo (5th sign).Leo also happens to be the 9th house in his chart andlagna lord Jupiter, 9th lord Sun and Ketu occupy it!Clearly, the reason for his creation was establishment ofsanatana dharma and construction temples.(2) Take Sanjay ji. His "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo. Itcontains Mercury. One purpose for his creation waswriting and spreading scholarship. Lord of Leo, Sun! , isin 5th house with 8th lord, showing occult knowledge. Sospreading occult knowledge is his purpose.(3) My "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Ta, in the 9th house. Itis empty and its lord Venus joins 10th lord giving DKYoga.Thus, upholding dharma and performing dharmik karma is mypurpose in life.(4) Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, the greatest spiritualleader of the last century, had "bhukta tithi rasi" in Sc.Its lord Ketu takes part in a tapaswi yoga on Vi-Pi axis,involving AK (Saturn) and AmK (Venus). Sc contains neechaMoon in AL, aspected by Saturn. Thus, his purpose in lifewas to renounce and do tapasya (as tapaswi yoga involvesAK, this tapasya is of the highest order).(5) Pope John Paul II has "bhukta tithi rasi" in Vi, the12th house containing AK. The 12th is the house of givingand liberation. It is also the house of tapasya. Its lordMercury is again associated with Tapaswi yoga (he's withVen! us and Ketu, while Saturn aspects them from a trine).Thus, his pur pose in life too was to do tapasya and beliberated.[Warning: What follows is my own research.]In fact, I realized that what we find here is not just arasi, but a point. We can map the duration of tithi tothe zodiac and find the exact point and find its positionin all divisional charts. Even though one's creation takesplace in the physical plane by the coming together ofShiva (father) and Shakti (mother), why should one'spurpose of creation be defined only in the physical plane?Why can't it be defined in other vargas?For example, take Swami Vivekananda and Sanjay ji. Bothhave the bhukta tithi rasi in different houses and withdifferent planets. But, if you see dasamsa, you'll see asimilarity. "Bhukta tithi sphuta" is in the 3rd house indasamsa for both. Both were created to make contributionto the society with their writings!Legendary astrologer and author Prof. B.V. Raman andserial killer ! Jeffrey Dahmer both have bhukta tithi rasiin the 3rd house in rasi chart. However, the former hasbhukta tithi sphuta in the 10th house in navamsa and inthe 5th house in dasamsa (with 3rd lord Sun in it). Thelatter had it in 12th house in navams and in 8th housein dasamsa. Accordingly, the contribution expected fromthem in society was different!I suggest to interested researchers that the exactlongitude of "bhukta tithi sphuta" can be worked out andits placement in various divisions can be examined toclearly understand the purpose of one's creation.May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> It would be nice if you kindly give an example with any chart. > > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2003 Report Share Posted October 24, 2003 Dear Narasimha, It's my mistake, I didn't read all the messages, so much insulting hoax stuff coming these days- reducing men on their anatomical assets, man should refuse to be thus humiliated /propagate men's revolution?why not ?11th H?) Result in both cases is Ta-my 11th H, with Venus in 6th along with Me- Venus is in Sag in Ketu Naksetra, mercury there in Venus Naks. thus carring it's energy. Friends, 'large groups'/as 11thH would imply/ have been very important to me. I consider this more important than you might guess based on my nonchalant tone- I also think if the person finds himself/herself out of his life purpose the whole structure suffers. But please let me ask you another question: Along the same line, we can search for YL of say-SUN,etc.. why not ?/for vitality, health../ How would we go about that? If at all? Thanks again, Anna - pvr108 varahamihira Friday, October 24, 2003 1:29 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Anna,I mentioned 25 in several places and typed 23 in ONE place by mistake (in the latest example). You latched on to my typo! :-) It IS 25.When seeing the purpose of one's creation, don't pay attention to badhaka sthana. Also, don't think that the 8th house is the house of death and hence the purpose of creation is to die (you said it in previous mail :-) ). Every person has a non-trivial purpose of creation.The 11th house in your case shows friendship, bringing harmony to people etc. If I know who occupies it and where Venus is etc, I can say more. Why don't you give your birthdata?May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> OOPS- > Dear Sarajit,> > Wrong calculation bellow, sorry.> Please have a look at this one calculation, I didn't see the whole thread before. Now I follow what Narasimha wrote> My t.left is 89,01%- minus 100=10.99 times 3=32,97> 32,97: 23=1,3> --------------> Taurus: 11H, Ve badhakesh> > I see somebody mentioned dividing by 25, I chose to go by Narasimha.> Please tell me if it's correct.> Hope I did wrong again!> Badhaka stana life purpose, oh what a glorious life!> Warmest wishes,> Anna|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 25, 2003 Report Share Posted October 25, 2003 || Jaya Jagannath || Dear Anna, Your calculation is fine.. but you should have divided 32.97 by 25. But whatever it is the end result is perfectly fine. It comes to Taurus. Actually the derivation of the formula is based on X% * 12 which becomes (X / 100)* 12 and finally it becomes (X / 25) * 3. Now what do you get from this? What is your purpose of life that you can think of based on this calculation? Best Wishes Sarajit N.Anna [anmar] Friday, October 24, 2003 12:41 PM varahamihira Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life OOPS- Dear Sarajit, Wrong calculation bellow, sorry. Please have a look at this one calculation, I didn't see the whole thread before. Now I follow what Narasimha wrote My t.left is 89,01%- minus 100=10.99 times 3=32,97 32,97: 23=1,3 -------------- Taurus: 11H, Ve badhakesh I see somebody mentioned dividing by 25, I chose to go by Narasimha. Please tell me if it's correct. Hope I did wrong again! Badhaka stana life purpose, oh what a glorious life! Warmest wishes, Anna - N.Anna varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 11:03 PM Fw: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life cont'... ....before in Swati stellium, on October 25, in Libra, Rahu gets all the nectar left - N.Anna varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 10:55 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Sarajit and all, Interesting topic indeed- seems we all, no mater how old we are, struggle with that 'purpose in life'. ...Till recently I thought I knew my purpose of life-Now, however I am not sure what it was all about...And I have a hard proof of my ignorance here at hands: 11th H- AQ is my 8th, with Rahu there, lord of eight? With my rectified chart, as per KP Rahu will be Lagna sub-lord /I do have as per my self-assessment, lots of AQ " flavour- idealism " - as per others' ass. as well/ Is death purpose of life- ??ha, ha.. Please correct me and enlighten me before I get to face 'the purpose of life' in less than a year /89.01% left- 11H-which is 8th/ Thanks a lot, Anna - Sarajit Poddar varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:25 PM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath || Dear Jay, Very clearly spelt out that we just cannot conclude 12 groups of purpose of life from 12 signs. So I suggested why not look into the Planets occupying those signs and those who are aspecting. Probably they can give some clue. If this is true that the sign shows purpose of life, then how easily we can achieve it can be seen from how well the lord is placed and how the Kendra, Konas and the Upachayas from the sign is placed with. Here I am just applying the standard rules and Only Assuming that they might be true as they are logical. Lets see how well it fits in to your chart. For easy reference I am pasting the chart below: +--------------+ |Ra | | |Ma AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |GL | |Su Me | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |JuR | |As Ve | | | |Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Md |Gk |HL |Mo Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+ 8th is the house of occult and there is something related to it which shows your purpose. 8th house is placed with Rahu who happens to be the 7th lord and aspected by Mars, Moon and Ketu who happen to be 4th/ 9th lord, 12th and 3rd lord respectively. This shows that your wife is very strongly related to the purpose of your birth. 7th lord going to the 8th house is not a good indication for the marital life. Added to this the aspect of 4th and 9th brings in the relations of Mother and father also. 9th and 12th shows that you shall be able to fulfill the purpose of life abroad. 3rd lords aspect shows that the brothers are also involved in some way. Its difficult to find out from all these what exactly is the purpose of life, but it shows it revolves around your wife, parents and brothers. Possibly you owe a tremendous sense of duty towards them. Now how successful you are in fulfilling your purpose can “possibly” seen from the placement of the lord of the sign, Jupiter. Jupiter is Debilitated showing, immense difficulties that shall cross your ways. But retrograde, showing that those will disappear the way they come. The upachayas from Pisces have Venus, Saturn and Jupiter himself, showing their indications shall always help you out in fulfilling your purpose and they would indicate, falling into relationships, hard work and broad mindedness and wisdom. You shall be helped by the planets in the Kendras, if they are benefics and here Moon becomes very important. Probably your mother is most instrumental in helping you out in fulfilling the purpose we are discussing. Hope I am not way off the mark. Best Wishes Sarajit J. Weiss [jayhw] Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:57 PM varahamihira Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Dear Narasimha, Sarajit and members, Indeed another fascinating topic of Jyotish but doesn't that 'simply' leave us (again?) with only 12 groups of " purpose of this life " ? Please enlighten me/us. Kindest regards Jay Weiss - Ramesh Gangaramani varahamihira Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:30 AM RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Sarajitji, I would like to know my purpose of life too. My tithi left is 2.78%, hence spent is 97.22%. As per this my Jyotirlingam will be indicated by 12th sign which is Pisces! I am a Leo lagna and Pisces is my 8th house. What would be the purpose of my life? One of the earlier mails indicated Triyambekshwara as my Jyotirlinga that I should pray. Is that right? Thank you for your help and kind regards Ramesh Sarajit Poddar [sarajit] Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:27 AM varahamihira RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath || Dear Dilipda, The percentage of Tithi already spent is 86.23% according to your calculation. Just find what is 86.23% of 12 and you have 10.34 as the reminder. Round up and you have 11 as the Jyotirlingam indicating sign. This is kedarnath as you said and represent 5th house. The mission is knowledge and mantra. What else? See what else is indicated by placement of the planets there and the aspects! Best Wishes Sarajit drdilip [drdilip] Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:35 PM varahamihira Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life II NAMAH SHIVAAYA II Dear Narasimha ji Namaste, Any topic of jyotish gets a new dimension and a higher meaning when you explain. Thanks for explaining so nicely! In my chart, JHL 5 shows krishna saptami and 13.77 % of it is left. This is subtracted from 100 , and we get 86.23. 86.23*3= 258.69. Dividing it by 25 , we get 10 and some fraction, rounding it up, we get 11. Thus the sign in my case is aquarius. The jyotirlinga is kedarnath. Aquarius is my 5th house in rasi chart. What is the purpose then of my creation? Mantra sadhana ? Devotion to Lord ? Please explain. Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. - pvr108 varahamihira Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:07 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Om Namashshivaayai Cha Namashshivaaya Dear Karen, Namaste. As the mantra I wrote at the beginning says, Moon and Sun symbolize Shivaa (Parvati) and Shiva respectively. It is their union that produces us all, for various purposes. Your mail captured it well and you remembered Sanjay's teaching so well. BTW, there is an easier way to compute this, if you have JHLite. In JHora or JHoraLite, look at the % of tithi left (both give it). Subtract the number from 100. Multiply the result with 3. Divide the resulting number by 25 and round it up to get an integer. That gives the index to the sign (1=Ar, 2=Ta and so on). Example: In my chart, JHoraLite shows Krishna Chaturdasi and shows the % of tithi left as 85.99%. Now, subtracting 85.99 from 100, I get 100-85.99=14.01. Multiplying with 3, I get 14.01x3=42.03. Dividing 42.03 by 25, I get (1+some fraction). Rounding it *up*, the integer I get is 2. So the sign in my case is Taurus (2nd sign). This sign shows the purpose of one's creation. In my case, Taurus is my 9th house as well as Lagnamsaka. It shows dharma as the purpose of my creation by my parents. Sanjay spoke on this in great detail last year at the west coast seminar too. Get those CDs from Lakshmi! There is one more thing. I don't remember if this was recorded in any of the CD's or not, but Sanjay mentioned using AK and AmK instead of Sun and Moon too (I remember that the first time Sanjay mentioned it was when we were all driving to Lakshmi's house one evening for dinner, but he may have mentioned it in a subsequent class too. I am not sure). Sun and Moon show the natural (naisargika/viswa/universal) atma and mana. They are relevant as far as creation (nisarga) is concerned. Naisargika karakatwas are lorded by Brahma, while chara karakwas are ruled by Vishnu. The individual atma and mana are shown by AK and AmK. They are more relevant as far as one's activities and spiritual progress are concerned (which are a Vishnu thing and not a Brahma thing)!! Sanjay mentioned doing similar calculations based on AK and AmK too. I leave it to you to interpret this... May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > II OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA II > > Dear Dr. Dilip, > > I heard Sanjay-ji speak of this in this year's East Coast conference briefly. This is what I remember and I hope any errors will be corrected. > > One tithi is defined as 12 degrees of movement of the Moon with respect to the Sun. Each of the 12 degrees that make up a single tithi can be assigned to each of the 12 rasi depending on the portion of the tithi that has passed. The sign of the derived rasi will determine the jyotirlinga. > > Sanjay-ji used his own chart as an example. The chart is attached for reference in .jhd format. > > Moon 19 Aq 58= 319.81 degrees > Sun 21Cn 05= 111.07 > > moon-sun= 208.8/ 12 degrees= > > 17.408 > > So 17 tithis have passed and is currently in 18 tithi. Or in other words, 3rd day of the dark half subtracting 15. Most software will do this part.. > > 17 tithis x 12 degree/tithi = 204 > 208.8- 204= 4.4 degrees into the tithi > Converting this to signs starting from Aries. Fours have passed and the correct sign based on janma tithi is 5 sign i.e Leo. > > The jyotirlinga for Leo, as given in VRA is Dhusaneswar. > > This is my understanding of how the jyotirlinga of the tithi is computed. You helped me by writing that this jyotirlinga is the giver of sacred knowledge. I'm wondering if there is also a benefit to one's health as well. > > Best Wishes, > Karen > > > Dear Gurus and learned members, > > Often we get confused about our purpose in life,- why we have come here, what was the intension of the Supreme Being to send us in this lovely and terrible world! No amount of knowledge found in the books of philosophy can give us satisfaction. A revelation, a spiritual understanding can only quench our thirst for this secrete knowledge. > > In last year's West Coast Conference, Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath had revealed the way to this sacred knowledge. He told that , the Jyotirlinga associated with the tithi of a person, is the giver of this knowledge. If one constantly does the " Japa " of the Mantra associated with the Jyotirlinga , this knowledge comes easily. > > ......I confused in understanding this. Would anyone please make me understand what Guruji wanted to say i.e. how to find out the Jyotirlinga associated with the Janma Tithi. > > Warm regards > Dilip Banerjee. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.528 / Virus Database: 324 - Release 10/16/03 |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 25, 2003 Report Share Posted October 25, 2003 ` nmae naray[ay, om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Narasimhaji, Thanks for the explanation.Now in my case, Dhanu Rasi becomes Bhukta Tithi Rasi which is 12th from Lagna and it is empty but its lord Guru Vargaothama in Meena Rasi in 3rd house with 9th lord Budha and 8th lord Surya.So what does this indicate ? Sorry for bothering you. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.pvr108 <pvr wrote: Dear Dilip ji,You can take many examples.(1) Take Srila Prabhupada. His "% tithi left" as perJHora is 60.11. We get 39.89% by subtracting from 100.Times 3 is about 120. Divided by 23, it gives 4+fraction.So his "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo (5th sign).Leo also happens to be the 9th house in his chart andlagna lord Jupiter, 9th lord Sun and Ketu occupy it!Clearly, the reason for his creation was establishment ofsanatana dharma and construction temples.(2) Take Sanjay ji. His "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo. Itcontains Mercury. One purpose for his creation waswriting and spreading scholarship. Lord of Leo, Sun, isin 5th house with 8th lord, showing occult knowledge. Sospreading occult knowledge is his purpose.(3) My "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Ta, in the 9th house. Itis empty and its lord Venus joins 10th lord giving DKYoga.Thus, upholding dharma and performing dharmik karma is mypurpose in life.(4) Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, the greatest spiritualleader of the last century, had "bhukta tithi rasi" in Sc.Its lord Ketu takes part in a tapaswi yoga on Vi-Pi axis,involving AK (Saturn) and AmK (Venus). Sc contains neechaMoon in AL, aspected by Saturn. Thus, his purpose in lifewas to renounce and do tapasya (as tapaswi yoga involvesAK, this tapasya is of the highest order).(5) Pope John Paul II has "bhukta tithi rasi" in Vi, the12th house containing AK. The 12th is the house of givingand liberation. It is also the house of tapasya. Its lordMercury is again associated with Tapaswi yoga (he's withVenus and Ketu, while Saturn aspects them from a trine).Thus, his purpose in life too was to do tapasya and beliberated.[Warning: What follows is my own research.]In fact, I realized that what we find here is not just arasi, but a point. We can map the duration of tithi tothe zodiac and find the exact point and find its positionin all divisional charts. Even though one's creation takesplace in the physical plane by the coming together ofShiva (father) and Shakti (mother), why should one'spurpose of creation be defined only in the physical plane?Why can't it be defined in other vargas?For example, take Swami Vivekananda and Sanjay ji. Bothhave the bhukta tithi rasi in different houses and withdifferent planets. But, if you see dasamsa, you'll see asimilarity. "Bhukta tithi sphuta" is in the 3rd house indasamsa for both. Both were created to make contributionto the society with their writings!Legendary astrologer and author Prof. B.V. Raman andserial killer Jeffrey Dahmer both have bhukta tithi rasiin the 3rd house in rasi chart. However, the former hasbhukta tithi sphuta in the 10th house in navamsa and inthe 5th house in dasamsa (with 3rd lord Sun in it). Thelatter had it in 12th house in navams and in 8th housein dasamsa. Accordingly, the contribution expected fromthem in society was different!I suggest to interested researchers that the exactlongitude of "bhukta tithi sphuta" can be worked out andits placement in various divisions can be examined toclearly understand the purpose of one's creation.May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> It would be nice if you kindly give an example with any chart. > > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 25, 2003 Report Share Posted October 25, 2003 II Sri Krishna SharaNam Mama II Dear Ramadasji, Namaste, Hope, you wont mind if I give a try! First thing is, as your Bhukta Tithi Rasi is Dhanu, Jyotirlinga at Varanasi will give you the knowledge of the purpose of your life. The Mantra is OM NAHAH SHIVAAYA NAMOVISHWANAATHAAYA As your Bhukta tithi rasi falls in 12 th house, your purpose of life is to strive for Moksha. The association of a strong 12 th lord in the Rasi of Rishis ( Meena) with Natural Atmakaaraka Sun who lords the secrete house / occult house/ house of mystery shows this. This indication is further strengthened by the association of mercury , the 9th lord, who also lords your 6th house of service ( Service to Guru ? ) . The association of Jupiter and mercury and Sun can also mean that the purpose of life may be to discover the mystery( 8th house lord ) of Jyotish ( Jupiter+Mercury) through meditation ( 12th lord ) and by following the path of Dharma ( 9th lord ) and service( 6th lord ) to the fellow human beings. In my humble opinion, you may start meditating with the above mentioned Mantra. Lord Viswanath, the lord of your 12th rasi, where Mokshakaraka Ketu gets exalted, will grant you the knowledge of the purpose of your life. When you come to India, if you visit Varanasi and offer your Puja and do Abhisheka , that would be a great thing. At the lotus-feet of Lord Sri Krishna I remain, Dilip. - Ramadas Rao varahamihira Saturday, October 25, 2003 11:37 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life ` nmae naray[ay, om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Narasimhaji, Thanks for the explanation.Now in my case, Dhanu Rasi becomes Bhukta Tithi Rasi which is 12th from Lagna and it is empty but its lord Guru Vargaothama in Meena Rasi in 3rd house with 9th lord Budha and 8th lord Surya.So what does this indicate ? Sorry for bothering you. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.pvr108 <pvr wrote: Dear Dilip ji,You can take many examples.(1) Take Srila Prabhupada. His "% tithi left" as perJHora is 60.11. We get 39.89% by subtracting from 100.Times 3 is about 120. Divided by 23, it gives 4+fraction.So his "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo (5th sign).Leo also happens to be the 9th house in his chart andlagna lord Jupiter, 9th lord Sun and Ketu occupy it!Clearly, the reason for his creation was establishment ofsanatana dharma and construction temples.(2) Take Sanjay ji. His "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo. Itcontains Mercury. One purpose for his creation waswriting and spreading scholarship. Lord of Leo, Sun, isin 5th house with 8th lord, showing occult knowledge. Sospreading occult knowledge is his purpose.(3) My "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Ta, in the 9th house. Itis empty and its lord Venus joins 10th lord giving DKYoga.Thus, upholding dharma and performing dharmik karma is mypurpose in life.(4) Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, the greatest spiritualleader of the last century, had "bhukta tithi rasi" in Sc.Its lord Ketu takes part in a tapaswi yoga on Vi-Pi axis,involving AK (Saturn) and AmK (Venus). Sc contains neechaMoon in AL, aspected by Saturn. Thus, his purpose in lifewas to renounce and do tapasya (as tapaswi yoga involvesAK, this tapasya is of the highest order).(5) Pope John Paul II has "bhukta tithi rasi" in Vi, the12th house containing AK. The 12th is the house of givingand liberation. It is also the house of tapasya. Its lordMercury is again associated with Tapaswi yoga (he's withVenus and Ketu, while Saturn aspects them from a trine).Thus, his purpose in life too was to do tapasya and beliberated.[Warning: What follows is my own research.]In fact, I realized that what we find here is not just arasi, but a point. We can map the duration of tithi tothe zodiac and find the exact point and find its positionin all divisional charts. Even though one's creation takesplace in the physical plane by the coming together ofShiva (father) and Shakti (mother), why should one'spurpose of creation be defined only in the physical plane?Why can't it be defined in other vargas?For example, take Swami Vivekananda and Sanjay ji. Bothhave the bhukta tithi rasi in different houses and withdifferent planets. But, if you see dasamsa, you'll see asimilarity. "Bhukta tithi sphuta" is in the 3rd house indasamsa for both. Both were created to make contributionto the society with their writings!Legendary astrologer and author Prof. B.V. Raman andserial killer Jeffrey Dahmer both have bhukta tithi rasiin the 3rd house in rasi chart. However, the former hasbhukta tithi sphuta in the 10th house in navamsa and inthe 5th house in dasamsa (with 3rd lord Sun in it). Thelatter had it in 12th house in navams and in 8th housein dasamsa. Accordingly, the contribution expected fromthem in society was different!I suggest to interested researchers that the exactlongitude of "bhukta tithi sphuta" can be worked out andits placement in various divisions can be examined toclearly understand the purpose of one's creation.May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> It would be nice if you kindly give an example with any chart. > > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 25, 2003 Report Share Posted October 25, 2003 Dear Jay, I tend to agree with you.My personal opinion is that this is fetching theories too far. They might appear attractive and the Jataka might be happy knowing some lofty purpose for his life. But we should think whether we are really serving the science by this. Please understand that I am neither challenging any body's knowledge nor is it my intention to hurt anyone. However is not the purpose of life to clear off the account of our previous life balance of Papa and Punya ? Again , how do we rationalise between Jyotirlinga worship and Ishta devata worship indicated by Parashara, since Jyotirlingas refer to Shiva's form only ? Regards, Chandrashekhar.. J. Weiss wrote: Dear Narasimha, Sarajit and members, Indeed another fascinating topic of Jyotish but doesn't that 'simply' leave us (again?) with only 12 groups of "purpose of this life" ? Please enlighten me/us. Kindest regards Jay Weiss ----- Original Message ----- Ramesh Gangaramani To: varahamihira Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:30 AM Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Sarajitji, I would like to know my purpose of life too. My tithi left is 2.78%, hence spent is 97.22%. As per this my Jyotirlingam will be indicated by 12th sign which is Pisces! I am a Leo lagna and Pisces is my 8th house. What would be the purpose of my life? One of the earlier mails indicated Triyambekshwara as my Jyotirlinga that I should pray. Is that right? Thank you for your help and kind regards Ramesh Sarajit Poddar [sarajit] Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:27 AM varahamihira RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life || Jaya Jagannath || Dear Dilipda, The percentage of Tithi already spent is 86.23% according to your calculation. Just find what is 86.23% of 12 and you have 10.34 as the reminder. Round up and you have 11 as the Jyotirlingam indicating sign. This is kedarnath as you said and represent 5th house. The mission is knowledge and mantra. What else? See what else is indicated by placement of the planets there and the aspects! Best Wishes Sarajit -----Original Message----- drdilip [drdilip] Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:35 PM To: varahamihira Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life II NAMAH SHIVAAYA II Dear Narasimha ji Namaste, Any topic of jyotish gets a new dimension and a higher meaning when you explain. Thanks for explaining so nicely! In my chart, JHL 5 shows krishna saptami and 13.77 % of it is left. This is subtracted from 100 , and we get 86.23. 86.23*3= 258.69. Dividing it by 25 , we get 10 and some fraction, rounding it up, we get 11. Thus the sign in my case is aquarius. The jyotirlinga is kedarnath. Aquarius is my 5th house in rasi chart. What is the purpose then of my creation? Mantra sadhana ? Devotion to Lord ? Please explain. Warm regards Dilip Banerjee. ----- Original Message ----- pvr108 varahamihira Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:07 AM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life Om Namashshivaayai Cha Namashshivaaya Dear Karen, Namaste. As the mantra I wrote at the beginning says, Moon and Sun symbolize Shivaa (Parvati) and Shiva respectively. It is their union that produces us all, for various purposes. Your mail captured it well and you remembered Sanjay's teaching so well. BTW, there is an easier way to compute this, if you have JHLite. In JHora or JHoraLite, look at the % of tithi left (both give it). Subtract the number from 100. Multiply the result with 3. Divide the resulting number by 25 and round it up to get an integer. That gives the index to the sign (1=Ar, 2=Ta and so on). Example: In my chart, JHoraLite shows Krishna Chaturdasi and shows the % of tithi left as 85.99%. Now, subtracting 85.99 from 100, I get 100-85.99=14.01. Multiplying with 3, I get 14.01x3=42.03. Dividing 42.03 by 25, I get (1+some fraction). Rounding it *up*, the integer I get is 2. So the sign in my case is Taurus (2nd sign). This sign shows the purpose of one's creation. In my case, Taurus is my 9th house as well as Lagnamsaka. It shows dharma as the purpose of my creation by my parents. Sanjay spoke on this in great detail last year at the west coast seminar too. Get those CDs from Lakshmi! There is one more thing. I don't remember if this was recorded in any of the CD's or not, but Sanjay mentioned using AK and AmK instead of Sun and Moon too (I remember that the first time Sanjay mentioned it was when we were all driving to Lakshmi's house one evening for dinner, but he may have mentioned it in a subsequent class too. I am not sure). Sun and Moon show the natural (naisargika/viswa/universal) atma and mana. They are relevant as far as creation (nisarga) is concerned. Naisargika karakatwas are lorded by Brahma, while chara karakwas are ruled by Vishnu. The individual atma and mana are shown by AK and AmK. They are more relevant as far as one's activities and spiritual progress are concerned (which are a Vishnu thing and not a Brahma thing)!! Sanjay mentioned doing similar calculations based on AK and AmK too. I leave it to you to interpret this... May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > II OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA II > > Dear Dr. Dilip, > > I heard Sanjay-ji speak of this in this year's East Coast conference briefly. This is what I remember and I hope any errors will be corrected. > > One tithi is defined as 12 degrees of movement of the Moon with respect to the Sun. Each of the 12 degrees that make up a single tithi can be assigned to each of the 12 rasi depending on the portion of the tithi that has passed. The sign of the derived rasi will determine the jyotirlinga. > > Sanjay-ji used his own chart as an example. The chart is attached for reference in .jhd format. > > Moon 19 Aq 58= 319.81 degrees > Sun 21Cn 05= 111.07 > > moon-sun= 208.8/ 12 degrees= > > 17.408 > > So 17 tithis have passed and is currently in 18 tithi. Or in other words, 3rd day of the dark half subtracting 15. Most software will do this part.. > > 17 tithis x 12 degree/tithi = 204 > 208.8- 204= 4.4 degrees into the tithi > Converting this to signs starting from Aries. Fours have passed and the correct sign based on janma tithi is 5 sign i.e Leo. > > The jyotirlinga for Leo, as given in VRA is Dhusaneswar. > > This is my understanding of how the jyotirlinga of the tithi is computed. You helped me by writing that this jyotirlinga is the giver of sacred knowledge. I'm wondering if there is also a benefit to one's health as well. > > Best Wishes, > Karen > > > Dear Gurus and learned members, > > Often we get confused about our purpose in life,- why we have come here, what was the intension of the Supreme Being to send us in this lovely and terrible world! No amount of knowledge found in the books of philosophy can give us satisfaction. A revelation, a spiritual understanding can only quench our thirst for this secrete knowledge. > > In last year's West Coast Conference, Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath had revealed the way to this sacred knowledge. He told that , the Jyotirlinga associated with the tithi of a person, is the giver of this knowledge. If one constantly does the " Japa" of the Mantra associated with the Jyotirlinga , this knowledge comes easily. > > ......I confused in understanding this. Would anyone please make me understand what Guruji wanted to say i.e. how to find out the Jyotirlinga associated with the Janma Tithi. > > Warm regards > Dilip Banerjee. |Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 25, 2003 Report Share Posted October 25, 2003 ` nmae naray[ay, om namo näräyaëäya| nahm! ktaR hir> ktaR tTpUja kmRcaiolm!, twaip mTk«ta pUja tTàsaden naNywa, tÑi´ tdœ)lm! mým! tTàsadat! pun> pun>, kmRNyasae hravevm! ivZ[aeSt & iÝkr> sda. näham kartä hariù kartä tatpüjä karmacäkhilam| tathäpi matkåtä püjä tatprasädena nänyathä| tadbhakti tadphalam mahyam tatprasädät punaù punaù | karmanyäso harävevam viçëoståptikaraù sadä ||"I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His recurring grace" If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in this way, it pleases Vishnu. --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya Dear Dilip ji, Thanks for your explanation and the way my life is advancing is as per your explanation.Regarding visit to Varanasi,Lord Shiva has to call me there to make his Seva and if it is destined I will visit there. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao."Dr.D.Banerjee" <drdilip wrote: II Sri Krishna SharaNam Mama II Dear Ramadasji, Namaste, Hope, you wont mind if I give a try! First thing is, as your Bhukta Tithi Rasi is Dhanu, Jyotirlinga at Varanasi will give you the knowledge of the purpose of your life. The Mantra is OM NAHAH SHIVAAYA NAMOVISHWANAATHAAYA As your Bhukta tithi rasi falls in 12 th house, your purpose of life is to strive for Moksha. The association of a strong 12 th lord in the Rasi of Rishis ( Meena) with Natural Atmakaaraka Sun who lords the secrete house / occult house/ house of mystery shows this. This indication is further strengthened by the association of mercury , the 9th lord, who also lords your 6th house of service ( Service to Guru ? ) . The association of Jupiter and mercury and Sun can also mean that the purpose of life may be to discover the mystery( 8th house lord ) of Jyotish ( Jupiter+Mercury) through meditation ( 12th lord ) and by following the path of Dharma ( 9th lord ) and service( 6th lord ) to the fellow human beings. In my humble opinion, you may start meditating with the above mentioned Mantra. Lord Viswanath, the lord of your 12th rasi, where Mokshakaraka Ketu gets exalted, will grant you the knowledge of the purpose of your life. When you come to India, if you visit Varanasi and offer your Puja and do Abhisheka , that would be a great thing. At the lotus-feet of Lord Sri Krishna I remain, Dilip. - Ramadas Rao varahamihira Saturday, October 25, 2003 11:37 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life ` nmae naray[ay, om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Narasimhaji, Thanks for the explanation.Now in my case, Dhanu Rasi becomes Bhukta Tithi Rasi which is 12th from Lagna and it is empty but its lord Guru Vargaothama in Meena Rasi in 3rd house with 9th lord Budha and 8th lord Surya.So what does this indicate ? Sorry for bothering you. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.pvr108 <pvr wrote: Dear Dilip ji,You can take many examples.(1) Take Srila Prabhupada. His "% tithi left" as perJHora is 60.11. We get 39.89% by subtracting from 100.Times 3 is about 120. Divided by 23, it gives 4+fraction.So his "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo (5th sign).Leo also happens to be the 9th house in his chart andlagna lord Jupiter, 9th lord Sun and Ketu occupy it!Clearly, the reason for his creation was establishment ofsanatana dharma and construction temples.(2) Take Sanjay ji. His "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Leo. Itcontains Mercury. One purpose for his creation waswriting and spreading scholarship. Lord of Leo, Sun, isin 5th house with 8th lord, showing occult knowledge. Sospreading occult knowledge is his purpose.(3) My "bhukta tithi rasi" is in Ta, in the 9th house. Itis empty and its lord Venus joins 10th lord giving DKYoga.Thus, upholding dharma and performing dharmik karma is mypurpose in life.(4) Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, the greatest spiritualleader of the last century, had "bhukta tithi rasi" in Sc.Its lord Ketu takes part in a tapaswi yoga on Vi-Pi axis,involving AK (Saturn) and AmK (Venus). Sc contains neechaMoon in AL, aspected by Saturn. Thus, his purpose in lifewas to renounce and do tapasya (as tapaswi yoga involvesAK, this tapasya is of the highest order).(5) Pope John Paul II has "bhukta tithi rasi" in Vi, the12th house containing AK. The 12th is the house of givingand liberation. It is also the house of tapasya. Its lordMercury is again associated with Tapaswi yoga (he's withVenus and Ketu, while Saturn aspects them from a trine).Thus, his purpose in life too was to do tapasya and beliberated.[Warning: What follows is my own research.]In fact, I realized that what we find here is not just arasi, but a point. We can map the duration of tithi tothe zodiac and find the exact point and find its positionin all divisional charts. Even though one's creation takesplace in the physical plane by the coming together ofShiva (father) and Shakti (mother), why should one'spurpose of creation be defined only in the physical plane?Why can't it be defined in other vargas?For example, take Swami Vivekananda and Sanjay ji. Bothhave the bhukta tithi rasi in different houses and withdifferent planets. But, if you see dasamsa, you'll see asimilarity. "Bhukta tithi sphuta" is in the 3rd house indasamsa for both. Both were created to make contributionto the society with their writings!Legendary astrologer and author Prof. B.V. Raman andserial killer Jeffrey Dahmer both have bhukta tithi rasiin the 3rd house in rasi chart. However, the former hasbhukta tithi sphuta in the 10th house in navamsa and inthe 5th house in dasamsa (with 3rd lord Sun in it). Thelatter had it in 12th house in navams and in 8th housein dasamsa. Accordingly, the contribution expected fromthem in society was different!I suggest to interested researchers that the exactlongitude of "bhukta tithi sphuta" can be worked out andits placement in various divisions can be examined toclearly understand the purpose of one's creation.May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> It would be nice if you kindly give an example with any chart. > > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 Dear Narasimha, Would you please explain " that the exactlongitude of "bhukta tithi sphuta" can be worked out andits placement in various divisions can be examined toclearly understand the purpose of one's creation.' In all examples I've seen rasi only, irrespectively of points?How would exact points in various vargas add new quality of interpretation- other than rashi placement alone? Do you assume 'potential aspects' or.. [Warning: What follows is my own research.]In fact, I realized that what we find here is not just arasi, but a point. We can map the duration of tithi tothe zodiac and find the exact point and find its positionin all divisional charts. Even though one's creation takesplace in the physical plane by the coming together ofShiva (father) and Shakti (mother), why should one'spurpose of creation be defined only in the physical plane?Why can't it be defined in other vargas?For example, take Swami Vivekananda and Sanjay ji. Bothhave the bhukta tithi rasi in different houses and withdifferent planets. But, if you see dasamsa, you'll see asimilarity. "Bhukta tithi sphuta" is in the 3rd house indasamsa for both. Both were created to make contributionto the society with their writings!- I understand this as tithi rasi happening to be in the same house- degrees not making any difference- or, what's missing in my understaning?Legend ary astrologer and author Prof. B.V. Raman andserial killer ! Jeffrey Dahmer both have bhukta tithi rasiin the 3rd house in rasi chart. However, the former hasbhukta tithi sphuta in the 10th house in navamsa and inthe 5th house in dasamsa (with 3rd lord Sun in it). Thelatter had it in 12th house in navams and in 8th housein dasamsa. Accordingly, the contribution expected fromthem in society was different!I suggest to interested researchers that the exactlongitude of "bhukta tithi sphuta" can be worked out andits placement in various divisions can be examined toclearly understand the purpose of one's creation.May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> It would be nice if you kindly give an example with any chart. > > Warm regards> Dilip Banerjee. |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 Dear Anna, Check out varahamihira/message/10739 May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > Dear Narasimha, > Would you please explain " that the exact > longitude of " bhukta tithi sphuta " can be worked out and > its placement in various divisions can be examined to > clearly understand the purpose of one's creation.' > > In all examples I've seen rasi only, irrespectively of points? > How would exact points in various vargas add new quality of interpretation- other than rashi placement alone? Do you assume 'potential aspects' or.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Shri Narasimhaji, "JHora latest version has a feature which can show anyspecial longitude you enter in all charts. Robert was talking aboutthat." Is the above option available in the latest free version too? I shall appreciate guidance to use it. Best Regards Ramesh pvr108 [pvr]Sunday, October 26, 2003 4:23 PMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of lifeDear Anna,Check outvarahamihira/message/10739May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> Dear Narasimha,> Would you please explain " that the exact> longitude of "bhukta tithi sphuta" can be worked out and> its placement in various divisions can be examined to> clearly understand the purpose of one's creation.'> > In all examples I've seen rasi only, irrespectively of points?> How would exact points in various vargas add new quality of interpretation- other than rashi placement alone? Do you assume 'potential aspects' or..|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2003 Report Share Posted October 26, 2003 Dera PVR, thanks very much for the nice explanation. Regards jk - " pvr108 " <pvr <varahamihira > Friday, October 24, 2003 8:26 PM |Sri Varaha| Re: Jyotirlinga & the knowledge of the purpose of life > Pranaam JK, > > > Pranaam PVR, > > > > how to calculate DTS manually? > > > > regards > > > > jk > > In my chart, tithi % left, as given by JHora is 85.99%. > > So bhukta tithi % is 100-85.99=14.01%. > > Multiplied by 3, it gives 42.03. > > Divided by 25, it gives 42.03/25 = 1.6812. > > This means Bhukta Tithi Sphuta finished 1.6812 signs, i.e. finished 1 > sign (Ar) and 0.6812 of the second sign (Ta). Earlier, we only took > the rasi (Ta) and left it at that. Now take the exact fraction > (0.6812) to find the longitude. > > Convert 0.6812 of Taurus into a longitude (sphuta). You get 0.6812 x > 30 = 20.436. > > So BTS (bhukta tithi sphuta) is at 20.436 degrees in Taurus, i.e. 20 > deg 26' in Ta. > > Then you can work out the signs occupied by this sphuta in various > divisions. JHora latest version has a feature which can show any > special longitude you enter in all charts. Robert was talking about > that. > > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > PVR > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > http://www.varahamihira > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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