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RE: #2 The old king in new cloth (Ishta Devata) ? - to freedom

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Dear freedom,

Thanks for quoting from Chandrakalanadi. I have a

question from you.

What do u think about the 12th house from the

position of D-1 ascendant lord in D-9? What

importance/use does it have, in comparison to 12th

from karakamsa in deciding the direction of life of a

native, while we are still not jeevanmuktas (say, 90%+

people of the world)?

If you explain with an example, it will be a great

help to my understanding.



--- Freedom <freedom wrote:



> " freedom " on the net!!!! What dirt are you trying to

> talk on me Jay. Just

> joking:)


> Hare Rama Krsna


> Just noting that in Chandrakalanadi the 12th house

> to the karakamsa is

> called jivanmuktamsa. Jiva is soul, mukta is

> liberation, amsa is division.

> It is the division that indicates how /where the

> soul will get moksa. We are

> taken to moksa by the Ishta.

> Also the 9th house from karakamsa is called

> viGYanamsa. viGYana is higher

> wisdom. So it is the amsa of higher wisdon/learning

> which we are guided to

> by Dharma devata.

> Namah Sivaya

> Freedom



> J.-Weiss [jayhw]

> Tuesday, December 16, 2003 12:17 PM

> varahamihira

> Re: |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new

> cloth (Ishta Devata) ?


> Dear Nitin,


> Yes, it surprised me too, which was the reason I

> brought it up.

> I simply don't understand how one can place such a

> generalized stuff on the

> net as it does more harm than good...

> Well, I guess thats the price of " freedom " on the

> net ...


> Kind regards

> /Jay Weiss

> http://www.alvicomm.com




> -

> " Nitin Khanna " <sjvc

> <varahamihira >

> Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:57 AM

> |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new cloth

> (Ishta Devata) ?



> > |Jai Durga Maa|

> >

> > Dear Jay,

> >

> > I was a little surprised by how generic this

> method is. Equally generic

> are are readings here. If we are to go by this

> method, then consider the

> possibility that time stands still on particular

> days, and the dynamism of

> the Stars are frozen.

> >

> > If we are in agreement to the above, then the

> calculation of the Navamsa

> and the planets reflected therein would be identical

> to all.

> >

> > Consider December 29, 2003 in Wayne, NJ, USA.

> >


> > Time: 12AM

> >

> > 1) A chart with birth time at 12AM has the

> AtmaKaraka as Moon

> > Moon is in Gemini Navamsa.

> >

> > 2) 12th from Moon is Ketu / Venus in Taurus, in

> the Navamsa.

> >

> > 3) As per the principles I have understood, the

> Ishta would be symbollic

> of the combination listed in (2).

> >

> >

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> >

> > 1) A chart with birth time at 12PM has the

> AtMakaKaraka as Jupiter.

> > Jupiter is in Scorpio Navamsa.

> >

> > 2) 12th from Jupiter has Libra, with no planet in

> it in the Navamsa.

> >

> > 3) As per the principles I have understood, the

> Ishta would be symbollic

> of the combination listed in (2).

> >

> >

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> >

> > Tha Jaimini Sutras are very deep and the

> introductory chapters even

> outline why the verses are in the number of lines

> they are, amongst other

> subtleties.

> >

> >



> >

> > The Ishta is at the level of the SOUL....... that

> what has been described

> on the site is on the mundane level (similar to the

> experiences of the

> Lagnesh / and perhaps the Moon.)

> >

> >

> > Just for fun (others may ignore, if not in a

> humorous mood)...

> >

> > The Ishta as revealted to me is Jupiter in my

> Navamsa.

> >

> > Let's see how the reading spans out for me?

> > (I thought more on the philosophy behind these,

> rather than the

> interpretations. I'm sure the author may be hinting

> at some buried

> principles, bur could not conclude anything...)

> >

> > (I was born April 25, and Durga Ma is the one to

> grant me emancipation,

> according to the site)

> >

> > You like to shop a great deal and specifically

> look for bargains.

> > [Nope. Rahu in 12th makes me an impulsive spender]

> >

> > You are a great cook and will make a great chef .

> > [i am not a great cook. I am still living a

> bachelor's life, and will

> probably not make a great chef.]

> >

> > Any dishes prepared by you will be tasty.

> > [sure, when I prepare them.... :P]

> >

> > You are advised to always serve food to reap good

> karmas.

> > [i am currently homeless, under the protecition of

> my relatives. When I

> get my kitchen, you are welcome for a meal.]

> >

> > Anyone who visits your home and are fed will bless

> you with prosperity.

> > [i hope so. More so is the hope that even those

> who I cannot feed will

> bless me.

> >

> > I am reminded of Shri Krishna who had half a grain

> of rice and fed the

> world, on Draupadi's request. The other half fed

> some Sadhus who were

> invited for a meal.

> >

> > Nowhere am I compared to this, but I still hope.

> > :P

> >

> >

> > You do not like to deal with work that involves

> much calculations.

> > [My work doesn't involve much calculations, and

> hence I cannot comment.

> Yes, though, math is not the strongest of skills I

> have.]

> >

> > You have a kind heart and are very helpful

> (sometimes too much).

> > [Everyone on this list has a kind heart, according

> to me. Sometimes too

> much -- yes. Can be said for all.]

> >

> > Others may take advantage of your kindness.

> > [Anyone can take advantage of one's kindness.

> People who have Rahu as

> AtmaKaraka can probably attest to this.]

> >

> > You are a very religious person.

> > [No, I am not religious. I consider myself deeply

> spiritual.]

> >

> > You have a great voice and may become a famous

> singer.

> > [My AtmaKaraka is Mercury, with Ketu in the 6th

> House of Pisces (mute

> sign). I have little vaach siddhi, and don't talk

> much. I don't have the

> pitch, intonation, frequency or other things I could

> consider

=== message truncated ===





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