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RE: Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish

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General rule:

" With reference to the soul, we analyze the Karakamsa Lagna of the

native. With reference to the intellect, we analyze the Navamsa Lagna of

the native "

This is the primary thing to look at in the navamsa.


Abilities are in relation to intellect so we use navamsa lagna. Ista is

in reference to the soul so we use Karakamsa. We don't need to be

jeevamuktas to see the chart from the karakamsa. The soul is always

guiding, we all have souls. Thoughts arise in the mind from much deeper.

The body is the chariot, Arjuna is the mind and Krsna is the soul.

Worship of the ishta is allowing Krsna to guide. You don't need to be

jeevamukta to use the ista in the jeevamuktamsa, you use the ista to get

to jeevamuktamsa. The Ista mantra is the invocation of the

jeevamuktamsa. Notice also that the Ista mantras Sanjay recommended in

the west coast conferences in 2002 are all dwadakshari (12 syllable), so

they are activating the 12th house from karakamsa.


You asked about 12th from D-1 Lagnesh in Navamsa, this is not generally

used. The D-1 lagnesh is used in the Navamsa is like any other planet.

For example, in my chart Mercury is lagnesh. It is placed in Aquarius in

my navamsa. Aquarius is my Rasi 9th house, so Mercury will have a strong

effect on 9th house activities, my father is a businessman. Moon is in

Leo in my navamsa, which is the 3rd house in my rasi, this means Moon

will have a strong effect on the 3rd house, my younger brother works in

the healing/medical profession. Notice that this technique effects the



We can also use the signs to see how a planet is affecting our own life.

My Mercury is in Virgo in the Rasi, and in Aquarius in the Navamsa, this

is 6 signs away. So I will get 6th house results in the Mahadasa of

Mercury. Moon is in Aries in Rasi and Leo in Navamsa, 5 signs away, so I

will get 5th house results in Moon Mahadasa, (and let me tell you, I'm

running Moon:).


More important than 12th from D-1 lagnesh in D-9 is 12th house from the

D-1 lagna in D-9 which is called Vyayamsa. This is a general view point

from lagnamsa.


LAGNAMSA (D-1 lagna in Navamsa)

The lagnamsa will show the direction of intelligence, what you prefer,

and your choices, ie. Jupiter in daramsa will make a person prefer an

educated spouse, saturn in sukhamsa will make a person prefer or like

old houses.


We can analyze the lagnamsa with reference to the purva punya. A planet

in the lagnamsa will have a strong stamp on a person, a planet in

daramsa will have a strong influence on one's partner. What this stamp

is must be seen from the D-60 (not D-9).


The main house to see is the 2nd from the lagnamsa. It will show the

direction of your dhi relative to karmas (works done in this world).

Jaimini says that lagnamsa in the 11th house will lead a person to moksa

(because 12th is 2nd). Lagnamsa in 10th makes a person always focused on

gains, lagnamsa in 9th makes a person always focused on work. We look at

2nd because it is 10th from the 5th.




This is from Sanjay's lecture on Navamsa at the 2003 ACVA Conference in

Sedona, Arizona. Tapes available from ACVA.


2.2 Rasi Tulya Navamsa (bhava-amsa)

Rasi-tulya navamsa is also called Bhava sucaka navamsa and it's the

navamsa chart as perceived from the Rasi lagna. If the native has Pisces

Lagna, then we would see the position of the planets in navamsa with

reference to Pisces Lagna.

The above classification has been used freely in Dhruva Nadi. A

different classification has been used in Deva Keralam. In this

classification more emphasis has been laid on presence of planets in

kendra and kona.

Some examples from Deva Keralam:

1. If navamsa rasi of Venus falls in Kendra in rasi chart, a kind

of Raja-Yoga is formed.

2. A planet occupying an angular navamsa will bring royal


This classification is very important and useful in judging Raja-Yogas

and worth of a chart. If more planets fall in Bhagyamsa (9th), Karmamsa

(10th), Labhamsa (11th), Lagnamsa (1st) or Sukhamsa (4th, the native

leads a happy and prosperous life.

Conversely if more planets occupy Shashtamsa (6th), Nidhanamsa (8th) or

Vyayamsa (12th) the native may confront many difficulties in life.


Namah Sivaya




Nitish Arya [yeeahoo_99]

Monday, December 22, 2003 12:57 PM


Cc: dubey_keshav

RE: |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new cloth (Ishta Devata) ?

- to freedom


Dear freedom,

Thanks for quoting from Chandrakalanadi. I have a

question from you.

What do u think about the 12th house from the

position of D-1 ascendant lord in D-9? What

importance/use does it have, in comparison to 12th

from karakamsa in deciding the direction of life of a

native, while we are still not jeevanmuktas (say, 90%+

people of the world)?

If you explain with an example, it will be a great

help to my understanding.





--- Freedom <freedom wrote:



> " freedom " on the net!!!! What dirt are you trying to

> talk on me Jay. Just

> joking:)


> Hare Rama Krsna


> Just noting that in Chandrakalanadi the 12th house

> to the karakamsa is

> called jivanmuktamsa. Jiva is soul, mukta is

> liberation, amsa is division.

> It is the division that indicates how /where the

> soul will get moksa. We are

> taken to moksa by the Ishta.

> Also the 9th house from karakamsa is called

> viGYanamsa. viGYana is higher

> wisdom. So it is the amsa of higher wisdon/learning

> which we are guided to

> by Dharma devata.

> Namah Sivaya

> Freedom



> J.-Weiss [jayhw]

> Tuesday, December 16, 2003 12:17 PM

> varahamihira

> Re: |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new

> cloth (Ishta Devata) ?


> Dear Nitin,


> Yes, it surprised me too, which was the reason I

> brought it up.

> I simply don't understand how one can place such a

> generalized stuff on the

> net as it does more harm than good...

> Well, I guess thats the price of " freedom " on the

> net ...


> Kind regards

> /Jay Weiss

> http://www.alvicomm.com




> -

> " Nitin Khanna " <sjvc

> <varahamihira >

> Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:57 AM

> |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new cloth

> (Ishta Devata) ?



> > |Jai Durga Maa|

> >

> > Dear Jay,

> >

> > I was a little surprised by how generic this

> method is. Equally generic

> are are readings here. If we are to go by this

> method, then consider the

> possibility that time stands still on particular

> days, and the dynamism of

> the Stars are frozen.

> >

> > If we are in agreement to the above, then the

> calculation of the Navamsa

> and the planets reflected therein would be identical

> to all.

> >

> > Consider December 29, 2003 in Wayne, NJ, USA.

> >


> > Time: 12AM

> >

> > 1) A chart with birth time at 12AM has the

> AtmaKaraka as Moon

> > Moon is in Gemini Navamsa.

> >

> > 2) 12th from Moon is Ketu / Venus in Taurus, in

> the Navamsa.

> >

> > 3) As per the principles I have understood, the

> Ishta would be symbollic

> of the combination listed in (2).

> >

> >

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> >

> > 1) A chart with birth time at 12PM has the

> AtMakaKaraka as Jupiter.

> > Jupiter is in Scorpio Navamsa.

> >

> > 2) 12th from Jupiter has Libra, with no planet in

> it in the Navamsa.

> >

> > 3) As per the principles I have understood, the

> Ishta would be symbollic

> of the combination listed in (2).

> >

> >

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> >

> > Tha Jaimini Sutras are very deep and the

> introductory chapters even

> outline why the verses are in the number of lines

> they are, amongst other

> subtleties.

> >

> >



> >

> > The Ishta is at the level of the SOUL....... that

> what has been described

> on the site is on the mundane level (similar to the

> experiences of the

> Lagnesh / and perhaps the Moon.)

> >

> >

> > Just for fun (others may ignore, if not in a

> humorous mood)...

> >

> > The Ishta as revealted to me is Jupiter in my

> Navamsa.

> >

> > Let's see how the reading spans out for me?

> > (I thought more on the philosophy behind these,

> rather than the

> interpretations. I'm sure the author may be hinting

> at some buried

> principles, bur could not conclude anything...)

> >

> > (I was born April 25, and Durga Ma is the one to

> grant me emancipation,

> according to the site)

> >

> > You like to shop a great deal and specifically

> look for bargains.

> > [Nope. Rahu in 12th makes me an impulsive spender]

> >

> > You are a great cook and will make a great chef .

> > [i am not a great cook. I am still living a

> bachelor's life, and will

> probably not make a great chef.]

> >

> > Any dishes prepared by you will be tasty.

> > [sure, when I prepare them.... :P]

> >

> > You are advised to always serve food to reap good

> karmas.

> > [i am currently homeless, under the protecition of

> my relatives. When I

> get my kitchen, you are welcome for a meal.]

> >

> > Anyone who visits your home and are fed will bless

> you with prosperity.

> > [i hope so. More so is the hope that even those

> who I cannot feed will

> bless me.

> >

> > I am reminded of Shri Krishna who had half a grain

> of rice and fed the

> world, on Draupadi's request. The other half fed

> some Sadhus who were

> invited for a meal.

> >

> > Nowhere am I compared to this, but I still hope.

> > :P

> >

> >

> > You do not like to deal with work that involves

> much calculations.

> > [My work doesn't involve much calculations, and

> hence I cannot comment.

> Yes, though, math is not the strongest of skills I

> have.]

> >

> > You have a kind heart and are very helpful

> (sometimes too much).

> > [Everyone on this list has a kind heart, according

> to me. Sometimes too

> much -- yes. Can be said for all.]

> >

> > Others may take advantage of your kindness.

> > [Anyone can take advantage of one's kindness.

> People who have Rahu as

> AtmaKaraka can probably attest to this.]

> >

> > You are a very religious person.

> > [No, I am not religious. I consider myself deeply

> spiritual.]

> >

> > You have a great voice and may become a famous

> singer.

> > [My AtmaKaraka is Mercury, with Ketu in the 6th

> House of Pisces (mute

> sign). I have little vaach siddhi, and don't talk

> much. I don't have the

> pitch, intonation, frequency or other things I could

> consider

=== message truncated ===





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|Om Tat Sat|




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Dear freedom,

Thanks. You are very good at astrology. Extending

the karakamsa and ishta related set of rules, it is

easy to see that 12th from lagna lord of D-1 will show

the intellectual bindings one has regarding himself,

and related deity. For an intellectual it is important

to get rid of them as it is the intellect commits the

first mistake (ketu) i.e. indistinction between

permanent and temporary.

Ofcourse, the momentum to continue with ones'

mistakes comes from attachments to objects of desire

that occurs in heart and is represented by AK.

Otherwise, an unattached intellectual can easily

discard all that is temporary from his intellectual






--- Freedom <freedom wrote:


> General rule:

> " With reference to the soul, we analyze the

> Karakamsa Lagna of the

> native. With reference to the intellect, we analyze

> the Navamsa Lagna of

> the native "

> This is the primary thing to look at in the navamsa.


> Abilities are in relation to intellect so we use

> navamsa lagna. Ista is

> in reference to the soul so we use Karakamsa. We

> don't need to be

> jeevamuktas to see the chart from the karakamsa. The

> soul is always

> guiding, we all have souls. Thoughts arise in the

> mind from much deeper.

> The body is the chariot, Arjuna is the mind and

> Krsna is the soul.

> Worship of the ishta is allowing Krsna to guide. You

> don't need to be

> jeevamukta to use the ista in the jeevamuktamsa, you

> use the ista to get

> to jeevamuktamsa. The Ista mantra is the invocation

> of the

> jeevamuktamsa. Notice also that the Ista mantras

> Sanjay recommended in

> the west coast conferences in 2002 are all

> dwadakshari (12 syllable), so

> they are activating the 12th house from karakamsa.


> You asked about 12th from D-1 Lagnesh in Navamsa,

> this is not generally

> used. The D-1 lagnesh is used in the Navamsa is like

> any other planet.

> For example, in my chart Mercury is lagnesh. It is

> placed in Aquarius in

> my navamsa. Aquarius is my Rasi 9th house, so

> Mercury will have a strong

> effect on 9th house activities, my father is a

> businessman. Moon is in

> Leo in my navamsa, which is the 3rd house in my

> rasi, this means Moon

> will have a strong effect on the 3rd house, my

> younger brother works in

> the healing/medical profession. Notice that this

> technique effects the

> karakas.


> We can also use the signs to see how a planet is

> affecting our own life.

> My Mercury is in Virgo in the Rasi, and in Aquarius

> in the Navamsa, this

> is 6 signs away. So I will get 6th house results in

> the Mahadasa of

> Mercury. Moon is in Aries in Rasi and Leo in

> Navamsa, 5 signs away, so I

> will get 5th house results in Moon Mahadasa, (and

> let me tell you, I'm

> running Moon:).


> More important than 12th from D-1 lagnesh in D-9 is

> 12th house from the

> D-1 lagna in D-9 which is called Vyayamsa. This is a

> general view point

> from lagnamsa.


> LAGNAMSA (D-1 lagna in Navamsa)

> The lagnamsa will show the direction of

> intelligence, what you prefer,

> and your choices, ie. Jupiter in daramsa will make a

> person prefer an

> educated spouse, saturn in sukhamsa will make a

> person prefer or like

> old houses.


> We can analyze the lagnamsa with reference to the

> purva punya. A planet

> in the lagnamsa will have a strong stamp on a

> person, a planet in

> daramsa will have a strong influence on one's

> partner. What this stamp

> is must be seen from the D-60 (not D-9).


> The main house to see is the 2nd from the lagnamsa.

> It will show the

> direction of your dhi relative to karmas (works done

> in this world).

> Jaimini says that lagnamsa in the 11th house will

> lead a person to moksa

> (because 12th is 2nd). Lagnamsa in 10th makes a

> person always focused on

> gains, lagnamsa in 9th makes a person always focused

> on work. We look at

> 2nd because it is 10th from the 5th.




> This is from Sanjay's lecture on Navamsa at the 2003

> ACVA Conference in

> Sedona, Arizona. Tapes available from ACVA.


> 2.2 Rasi Tulya Navamsa (bhava-amsa)

> Rasi-tulya navamsa is also called Bhava sucaka

> navamsa and it's the

> navamsa chart as perceived from the Rasi lagna. If

> the native has Pisces

> Lagna, then we would see the position of the planets

> in navamsa with

> reference to Pisces Lagna.

> The above classification has been used freely in

> Dhruva Nadi. A

> different classification has been used in Deva

> Keralam. In this

> classification more emphasis has been laid on

> presence of planets in

> kendra and kona.

> Some examples from Deva Keralam:

> 1. If navamsa rasi of Venus falls in Kendra in rasi

> chart, a kind

> of Raja-Yoga is formed.

> 2. A planet occupying an angular navamsa will bring

> royal

> authority.

> This classification is very important and useful in

> judging Raja-Yogas

> and worth of a chart. If more planets fall in

> Bhagyamsa (9th), Karmamsa

> (10th), Labhamsa (11th), Lagnamsa (1st) or Sukhamsa

> (4th, the native

> leads a happy and prosperous life.

> Conversely if more planets occupy Shashtamsa (6th),

> Nidhanamsa (8th) or

> Vyayamsa (12th) the native may confront many

> difficulties in life.


> Namah Sivaya




> Nitish Arya [yeeahoo_99]

> Monday, December 22, 2003 12:57 PM

> varahamihira

> Cc: dubey_keshav

> RE: |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new

> cloth (Ishta Devata) ?

> - to freedom


> Dear freedom,

> Thanks for quoting from Chandrakalanadi. I have a

> question from you.

> What do u think about the 12th house from the

> position of D-1 ascendant lord in D-9? What

> importance/use does it have, in comparison to 12th

> from karakamsa in deciding the direction of life of

> a

> native, while we are still not jeevanmuktas (say,

> 90%+

> people of the world)?

> If you explain with an example, it will be a

> great

> help to my understanding.

> regards,

> nitish



> --- Freedom <freedom wrote:

> >

> >

> > " freedom " on the net!!!! What dirt are you trying

> to

> > talk on me Jay. Just

> > joking:)

> >

> > Hare Rama Krsna

> >

> > Just noting that in Chandrakalanadi the 12th house

> > to the karakamsa is

> > called jivanmuktamsa. Jiva is soul, mukta is

> > liberation, amsa is division.

> > It is the division that indicates how /where the

> > soul will get moksa. We are

> > taken to moksa by the Ishta.

> > Also the 9th house from karakamsa is called

> > viGYanamsa. viGYana is higher

> > wisdom. So it is the amsa of higher

> wisdon/learning

> > which we are guided to

> > by Dharma devata.

> > Namah Sivaya

> > Freedom

> >

> >

> > J.-Weiss [jayhw]

> > Tuesday, December 16, 2003 12:17 PM

> > varahamihira

> > Re: |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new

> > cloth (Ishta Devata) ?

> >

> > Dear Nitin,

> >


=== message truncated ===





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::Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya::Dear Freedom

Can I have the references in the deva keralam that says that venus placed in quadrants to Lagnamsa (i.e. in the navamsas of signs that are in kendra to lagna of Rasi chart) gives a rajyoga. Is this for all Lagna and all nadiamsa?

Will any planet occupying an angular position instead of Venus bring rajayoga as mentioned in the mail? I wonder really. I thought it just shows the preferences.

Take an example - Aries Lagna with Sun in Aries in Rasi and Libra in navamsa..will this bring rajyoga or the reverse? So, we are to consider the status and yogas as well. Now, will any planet in a kendra tulya amsa indicate the rajayoga or does it just show the preferences of the native.

If you can give the quote from Deva keralam, we can analyse it here.Best Regards,Sanjay RathSJC-Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri -752001, India----------------------------OM TAT SAT---------------------------





Friday, December 26, 2003 12:53 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish

This is from Sanjay's lecture on Navamsa at the 2003 ACVA Conference inSedona, Arizona. Tapes available from ACVA.2.2 Rasi Tulya Navamsa (bhava-amsa)Rasi-tulya navamsa is also called Bhava sucaka navamsa and it's thenavamsa chart as perceived from the Rasi lagna. If the native has PiscesLagna, then we would see the position of the planets in navamsa withreference to Pisces Lagna.The above classification has been used freely in Dhruva Nadi. Adifferent classification has been used in Deva Keralam. In thisclassification more emphasis has been laid on presence of planets inkendra and kona.Some examples from Deva Keralam:1. If navamsa rasi of Venus falls in Kendra in rasi chart, a kindof Raja-Yoga is formed.2. A planet occupying an angular navamsa will bring royalauthority. This classification is very important and useful in judging Raja-Yogasand worth of a chart. If more planets fall in Bhagyamsa (9th), Karmamsa(10th), Labhamsa (11th), Lagnamsa (1st) or Sukhamsa (4th, the nativeleads a happy and prosperous life. Conversely if more planets occupy Shashtamsa (6th), Nidhanamsa (8th) orVyayamsa (12th) the native may confront many difficulties in life.Namah Sivaya

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Hare Rama Krsna


I do not have a copy of Deva Keralam with

me in my present location, but Parashara does mention in his chapter on Raja

yogas vs 22 of Santhanam’s translation:

If the AK is in a benefic’s

Rasi/Navamsa, the native will be wealthy. If there are benefics in angles from

Karakamsa Lagna, he will become a king.

subharaashoa shubhaaMshe cha kaarako dhanavaan


tadaMshakendreShu shubhe

nuunaM raajaa prajaayate..22..

If this aplies to

Karakamsa why not similar in the lagnamsa,as the person will have a preference

for kingly things in their life, or high standards those areas of life

(kendra). The lagnamsa shows the preferences/choices, won’t these lead one

to make choices to lead one to be like a king (if the planets have strength).

Why does Parashara put so much emphasis on kendra in general?


Namah Sivaya




Sanjay Rath


Saturday, December 27, 2003

6:48 PM


Re: |Sri Varaha|

Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish






::Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya::

Dear Freedom



Can I have the references in the

deva keralam that says that venus placed in quadrants to Lagnamsa (i.e. in the

navamsas of signs that are in kendra to lagna of Rasi chart) gives a rajyoga.

Is this for all Lagna and all nadiamsa?



Will any planet occupying an angular

position instead of Venus bring rajayoga as mentioned in the mail? I wonder

really. I thought it just shows the preferences.



Take an example - Aries Lagna with

Sun in Aries in Rasi and Libra in navamsa..will this bring rajyoga or the

reverse? So, we are to consider the status and yogas as well. Now, will any

planet in a kendra tulya amsa indicate the rajayoga or does it just show the

preferences of the native.



If you can give the quote from Deva keralam,

we can analyse it here.

Best Regards,

Sanjay Rath

SJC-Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri -752001, India

----------------------------OM TAT SAT---------------------------
















December 26, 2003 12:53 PM



RE: |Sri

Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish






General rule:

" With

reference to the soul, we analyze the Karakamsa Lagna of the native. With

reference to the intellect, we analyze the Navamsa Lagna of the native "

This is the primary thing to look at in the navamsa.



are in relation to intellect so we use navamsa lagna. Ista is in reference to

the soul so we use Karakamsa. We don't need to be jeevamuktas to see the chart

from the karakamsa. The soul is always guiding, we all have souls. Thoughts

arise in the mind from much deeper. The body is the chariot, Arjuna is the mind

and Krsna is the soul. Worship of the ishta is allowing Krsna to guide. You

don't need to be jeevamukta to use the ista in the jeevamuktamsa, you use the

ista to get to jeevamuktamsa. The Ista mantra is the invocation of the

jeevamuktamsa. Notice also that the Ista mantras Sanjay recommended in the west

coast conferences in 2002 are all dwadakshari (12 syllable), so they are

activating the 12th house from karakamsa.



asked about 12th from D-1 Lagnesh in Navamsa, this is not generally used. The

D-1 lagnesh is used in the Navamsa is like any other planet. For example, in my

chart Mercury is lagnesh. It is placed in Aquarius in my navamsa. Aquarius is

my Rasi 9th house, so Mercury will have a strong effect on 9th house

activities, my father is a businessman. Moon is in Leo in my navamsa, which is

the 3rd house in my rasi, this means Moon will have a strong effect on the 3rd

house, my younger brother works in the healing/medical profession. Notice that

this technique effects the karakas.



can also use the signs to see how a planet is affecting our own life. My

Mercury is in Virgo in the Rasi, and in Aquarius in the Navamsa, this is 6

signs away. So I will get 6th house results in the Mahadasa of Mercury. Moon is

in Aries in Rasi and Leo in Navamsa, 5 signs away, so I will get 5th house

results in Moon Mahadasa, (and let me tell you, I'm running Moon:).



important than 12th from D-1 lagnesh in D-9 is 12th house from the D-1 lagna in

D-9 which is called Vyayamsa. This is a general view point from lagnamsa.



(D-1 lagna in Navamsa)


lagnamsa will show the direction of intelligence, what you prefer, and your

choices, ie. Jupiter in daramsa will make a person prefer an educated spouse,

saturn in sukhamsa will make a person prefer or like old houses.



can analyze the lagnamsa with reference to the purva punya. A planet in the

lagnamsa will have a strong stamp on a person, a planet in daramsa will have a

strong influence on one's partner. What this stamp is must be seen from the

D-60 (not D-9).



main house to see is the 2nd from the lagnamsa. It will show the direction of

your dhi relative to karmas (works done in this world). Jaimini says that

lagnamsa in the 11th house will lead a person to moksa (because 12th is 2nd).

Lagnamsa in 10th makes a person always focused on gains, lagnamsa in 9th makes

a person always focused on work. We look at 2nd because it is 10th from the






is from Sanjay's lecture on Navamsa at the 2003 ACVA Conference in Sedona,


Tapes available from ACVA.


2.2 Rasi Tulya Navamsa (bhava-amsa)


navamsa is also called Bhava sucaka navamsa and it's the navamsa chart as

perceived from the Rasi lagna. If the native has Pisces Lagna, then we would

see the position of the planets in navamsa with reference to Pisces Lagna. The above classification has been used

freely in Dhruva Nadi. A different classification has been used in Deva

Keralam. In this classification more emphasis has been laid on presence of

planets in kendra and kona. Some

examples from Deva Keralam:

1. If navamsa rasi of Venus falls in

Kendra in rasi chart, a kind


Raja-Yoga is formed.

2. A planet occupying an angular

navamsa will bring royal




classification is very important and useful in judging Raja-Yogas and worth of

a chart. If more planets fall in Bhagyamsa (9th), Karmamsa (10th), Labhamsa

(11th), Lagnamsa (1st) or Sukhamsa (4th, the native leads a happy and

prosperous life.


if more planets occupy Shashtamsa (6th), Nidhanamsa (8th) or Vyayamsa (12th)

the native may confront many difficulties in life.









Nitish Arya [yeeahoo_99]




December 22, 2003 12:57 PM






RE: |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new cloth (Ishta Devata) ?


to freedom




Thanks for quoting from

Chandrakalanadi. I have a


from you.

What do u think about the 12th

house from the


of D-1 ascendant lord in D-9? What


does it have, in comparison to 12th


karakamsa in deciding the direction of life of a


while we are still not jeevanmuktas (say, 90%+


of the world)?

If you explain with an example, it

will be a great


to my understanding.





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Dear Freedom,

I think the " tadaMshakendre " refers to quadrant wrt Navamsha Lagna , and

not Karakamsha.




Freedom wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna


> I do not have a copy of Deva Keralam with me in my present location,

> but Parashara does mention in his chapter on Raja yogas vs 22 of

> Santhanam’s translation:


> If the AK is in a benefic’s Rasi/Navamsa, the native will be wealthy.

> If there are benefics in angles from Karakamsa Lagna, he will become a

> king.


> subharaashoa shubhaaMshe cha kaarako dhanavaan bhavet.


> tadaMshakendreShu shubhe nuunaM raajaa prajaayate..22..


> If this aplies to Karakamsa why not similar in the lagnamsa,as the

> person will have a preference for kingly things in their life, or high

> standards those areas of life (kendra). The lagnamsa shows the

> preferences/choices, won’t these lead one to make choices to lead one

> to be like a king (if the planets have strength). Why does Parashara

> put so much emphasis on kendra in general?


> Namah Sivaya


> Freedom



> ** Sanjay Rath [srath]

> *Sent:* Saturday, December 27, 2003 6:48 PM

> *To:* varahamihira

> *Subject:* Re: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish


> ::Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya::

> Dear Freedom


> Can I have the references in the deva keralam that says that venus

> placed in quadrants to Lagnamsa (i.e. in the navamsas of signs that

> are in kendra to lagna of Rasi chart) gives a rajyoga. Is this for all

> Lagna and all nadiamsa?


> Will any planet occupying an angular position instead of Venus bring

> rajayoga as mentioned in the mail? I wonder really. I thought it just

> shows the preferences.


> Take an example - Aries Lagna with Sun in Aries in Rasi and Libra in

> navamsa..will this bring rajyoga or the reverse? So, we are to

> consider the status and yogas as well. Now, will any planet in a

> kendra tulya amsa indicate the rajayoga or does it just show the

> preferences of the native.


> If you can give the quote from Deva keralam, we can analyse it here.

> Best Regards,

> Sanjay Rath

> SJC-Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri -752001, India

> ----------------------------OM TAT SAT---------------------------


> -


> ** Freedom <freedom


> *To:* varahamihira

> <varahamihira >


> *Sent:* Friday, December 26, 2003 12:53 PM


> *Subject:* RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish



> General rule:


> " With reference to the soul, we analyze the Karakamsa Lagna of the

> native. With reference to the intellect, we analyze the Navamsa

> Lagna of the native " This is the primary thing to look at in the

> navamsa.


> Abilities are in relation to intellect so we use navamsa lagna.

> Ista is in reference to the soul so we use Karakamsa. We don't

> need to be jeevamuktas to see the chart from the karakamsa. The

> soul is always guiding, we all have souls. Thoughts arise in the

> mind from much deeper. The body is the chariot, Arjuna is the mind

> and Krsna is the soul. Worship of the ishta is allowing Krsna to

> guide. You don't need to be jeevamukta to use the ista in the

> jeevamuktamsa, you use the ista to get to jeevamuktamsa. The Ista

> mantra is the invocation of the jeevamuktamsa. Notice also that

> the Ista mantras Sanjay recommended in the west coast conferences

> in 2002 are all dwadakshari (12 syllable), so they are activating

> the 12th house from karakamsa.


> You asked about 12th from D-1 Lagnesh in Navamsa, this is not

> generally used. The D-1 lagnesh is used in the Navamsa is like any

> other planet. For example, in my chart Mercury is lagnesh. It is

> placed in Aquarius in my navamsa. Aquarius is my Rasi 9th house,

> so Mercury will have a strong effect on 9th house activities, my

> father is a businessman. Moon is in Leo in my navamsa, which is

> the 3rd house in my rasi, this means Moon will have a strong

> effect on the 3rd house, my younger brother works in the

> healing/medical profession. Notice that this technique effects the

> karakas.


> We can also use the signs to see how a planet is affecting our own

> life. My Mercury is in Virgo in the Rasi, and in Aquarius in the

> Navamsa, this is 6 signs away. So I will get 6th house results in

> the Mahadasa of Mercury. Moon is in Aries in Rasi and Leo in

> Navamsa, 5 signs away, so I will get 5th house results in Moon

> Mahadasa, (and let me tell you, I'm running Moon:).


> More important than 12th from D-1 lagnesh in D-9 is 12th house

> from the D-1 lagna in D-9 which is called Vyayamsa. This is a

> general view point from lagnamsa.


> LAGNAMSA (D-1 lagna in Navamsa)


> The lagnamsa will show the direction of intelligence, what you

> prefer, and your choices, ie. Jupiter in daramsa will make a

> person prefer an educated spouse, saturn in sukhamsa will make a

> person prefer or like old houses.


> We can analyze the lagnamsa with reference to the purva punya. A

> planet in the lagnamsa will have a strong stamp on a person, a

> planet in daramsa will have a strong influence on one's partner.

> What this stamp is must be seen from the D-60 (not D-9).


> The main house to see is the 2nd from the lagnamsa. It will show

> the direction of your dhi relative to karmas (works done in this

> world). Jaimini says that lagnamsa in the 11th house will lead a

> person to moksa (because 12th is 2nd). Lagnamsa in 10th makes a

> person always focused on gains, lagnamsa in 9th makes a person

> always focused on work. We look at 2nd because it is 10th from the

> 5th.


> This is from Sanjay's lecture on Navamsa at the 2003 ACVA

> Conference in Sedona, Arizona. Tapes available from ACVA.


> 2.2 Rasi Tulya Navamsa (bhava-amsa)


> Rasi-tulya navamsa is also called Bhava sucaka navamsa and it's

> the navamsa chart as perceived from the Rasi lagna. If the native

> has Pisces Lagna, then we would see the position of the planets in

> navamsa with reference to Pisces Lagna. The above classification

> has been used freely in Dhruva Nadi. A different classification

> has been used in Deva Keralam. In this classification more

> emphasis has been laid on presence of planets in kendra and kona.

> Some examples from Deva Keralam:


> 1. If navamsa rasi of Venus falls in Kendra in rasi chart, a kind


> of Raja-Yoga is formed.


> 2. A planet occupying an angular navamsa will bring royal


> authority.


> This classification is very important and useful in judging

> Raja-Yogas and worth of a chart. If more planets fall in Bhagyamsa

> (9th), Karmamsa (10th), Labhamsa (11th), Lagnamsa (1st) or

> Sukhamsa (4th, the native leads a happy and prosperous life.


> Conversely if more planets occupy Shashtamsa (6th), Nidhanamsa

> (8th) or Vyayamsa (12th) the native may confront many difficulties

> in life.


> Namah Sivaya




> Nitish Arya [yeeahoo_99]


> Monday, December 22, 2003 12:57 PM


> varahamihira


> Cc: dubey_keshav


> RE: |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new cloth (Ishta

> Devata) ?


> - to freedom


> Dear freedom,


> Thanks for quoting from Chandrakalanadi. I have a


> question from you.


> What do u think about the 12th house from the


> position of D-1 ascendant lord in D-9? What


> importance/use does it have, in comparison to 12th


> from karakamsa in deciding the direction of life of a


> native, while we are still not jeevanmuktas (say, 90%+


> people of the world)?


> If you explain with an example, it will be a great


> help to my understanding.


> regards,


> nitish





> |Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira



> *

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::Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya::Dear Freedom,

Your views are appreciated. The translation is a bit off mark and that is why the problem in the interpretation. The word used in the shloka by Parasara is 'prajaayate' which is derived from the word 'prajaa'. This means procreation , propagation , birth, offspring , children , family , race , posterity , descendants etc and refers to the birth in a royal family or belonging to a royal lineage or such big family in the locality. Jaimini supports this view of Parasara where he states that the Atmakaraka in navamsa lagna i.e. Karakamsa being the same as Lagnamsa confirms birth in a royal family. Thus, the simple translation given is objected to as although it indicates rajayoga, but the actual reference is to the birth in a royal or big family that promises a good childhood.

Lagnamsa shows that which the native will achieve by virtue of his abilities. More on this in the Rajayoga workshop. But suffice is to say that the translation given is not clear and does not reflect the full purport of the statement of Parasara.Best Regards,Sanjay RathSJC-Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri -752001, India----------------------------OM TAT SAT---------------------------

- Freedom


Sunday, December 28, 2003 3:49 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish



Hare Rama Krsna


I do not have a copy of Deva Keralam with me in my present location, but Parashara does mention in his chapter on Raja yogas vs 22 of Santhanam’s translation:

If the AK is in a benefic’s Rasi/Navamsa, the native will be wealthy. If there are benefics in angles from Karakamsa Lagna, he will become a king.

subharaashoa shubhaaMshe cha kaarako dhanavaan bhavet.

tadaMshakendreShu shubhe nuunaM raajaa prajaayate..22..

If this aplies to Karakamsa why not similar in the lagnamsa,as the person will have a preference for kingly things in their life, or high standards those areas of life (kendra). The lagnamsa shows the preferences/choices, won’t these lead one to make choices to lead one to be like a king (if the planets have strength). Why does Parashara put so much emphasis on kendra in general?


Namah Sivaya



Sanjay Rath [srath] Saturday, December 27, 2003 6:48 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish





::Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya::Dear Freedom


Can I have the references in the deva keralam that says that venus placed in quadrants to Lagnamsa (i.e. in the navamsas of signs that are in kendra to lagna of Rasi chart) gives a rajyoga. Is this for all Lagna and all nadiamsa?


Will any planet occupying an angular position instead of Venus bring rajayoga as mentioned in the mail? I wonder really. I thought it just shows the preferences.


Take an example - Aries Lagna with Sun in Aries in Rasi and Libra in navamsa..will this bring rajyoga or the reverse? So, we are to consider the status and yogas as well. Now, will any planet in a kendra tulya amsa indicate the rajayoga or does it just show the preferences of the native.


If you can give the quote from Deva keralam, we can analyse it here.Best Regards,Sanjay RathSJC-Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri -752001, India----------------------------OM TAT SAT---------------------------









Friday, December 26, 2003 12:53 PM


RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish



General rule:

"With reference to the soul, we analyze the Karakamsa Lagna of the native. With reference to the intellect, we analyze the Navamsa Lagna of the native" This is the primary thing to look at in the navamsa.


Abilities are in relation to intellect so we use navamsa lagna. Ista is in reference to the soul so we use Karakamsa. We don't need to be jeevamuktas to see the chart from the karakamsa. The soul is always guiding, we all have souls. Thoughts arise in the mind from much deeper. The body is the chariot, Arjuna is the mind and Krsna is the soul. Worship of the ishta is allowing Krsna to guide. You don't need to be jeevamukta to use the ista in the jeevamuktamsa, you use the ista to get to jeevamuktamsa. The Ista mantra is the invocation of the jeevamuktamsa. Notice also that the Ista mantras Sanjay recommended in the west coast conferences in 2002 are all dwadakshari (12 syllable), so they are activating the 12th house from karakamsa.


You asked about 12th from D-1 Lagnesh in Navamsa, this is not generally used. The D-1 lagnesh is used in the Navamsa is like any other planet. For example, in my chart Mercury is lagnesh. It is placed in Aquarius in my navamsa. Aquarius is my Rasi 9th house, so Mercury will have a strong effect on 9th house activities, my father is a businessman. Moon is in Leo in my navamsa, which is the 3rd house in my rasi, this means Moon will have a strong effect on the 3rd house, my younger brother works in the healing/medical profession. Notice that this technique effects the karakas.


We can also use the signs to see how a planet is affecting our own life. My Mercury is in Virgo in the Rasi, and in Aquarius in the Navamsa, this is 6 signs away. So I will get 6th house results in the Mahadasa of Mercury. Moon is in Aries in Rasi and Leo in Navamsa, 5 signs away, so I will get 5th house results in Moon Mahadasa, (and let me tell you, I'm running Moon:).


More important than 12th from D-1 lagnesh in D-9 is 12th house from the D-1 lagna in D-9 which is called Vyayamsa. This is a general view point from lagnamsa.


LAGNAMSA (D-1 lagna in Navamsa)

The lagnamsa will show the direction of intelligence, what you prefer, and your choices, ie. Jupiter in daramsa will make a person prefer an educated spouse, saturn in sukhamsa will make a person prefer or like old houses.


We can analyze the lagnamsa with reference to the purva punya. A planet in the lagnamsa will have a strong stamp on a person, a planet in daramsa will have a strong influence on one's partner. What this stamp is must be seen from the D-60 (not D-9).


The main house to see is the 2nd from the lagnamsa. It will show the direction of your dhi relative to karmas (works done in this world). Jaimini says that lagnamsa in the 11th house will lead a person to moksa (because 12th is 2nd). Lagnamsa in 10th makes a person always focused on gains, lagnamsa in 9th makes a person always focused on work. We look at 2nd because it is 10th from the 5th.




This is from Sanjay's lecture on Navamsa at the 2003 ACVA Conference in Sedona, Arizona. Tapes available from ACVA.


2.2 Rasi Tulya Navamsa (bhava-amsa)

Rasi-tulya navamsa is also called Bhava sucaka navamsa and it's the navamsa chart as perceived from the Rasi lagna. If the native has Pisces Lagna, then we would see the position of the planets in navamsa with reference to Pisces Lagna. The above classification has been used freely in Dhruva Nadi. A different classification has been used in Deva Keralam. In this classification more emphasis has been laid on presence of planets in kendra and kona. Some examples from Deva Keralam:

1. If navamsa rasi of Venus falls in Kendra in rasi chart, a kind

of Raja-Yoga is formed.

2. A planet occupying an angular navamsa will bring royal


This classification is very important and useful in judging Raja-Yogas and worth of a chart. If more planets fall in Bhagyamsa (9th), Karmamsa (10th), Labhamsa (11th), Lagnamsa (1st) or Sukhamsa (4th, the native leads a happy and prosperous life.

Conversely if more planets occupy Shashtamsa (6th), Nidhanamsa (8th) or Vyayamsa (12th) the native may confront many difficulties in life.


Namah Sivaya




Nitish Arya [yeeahoo_99]

Monday, December 22, 2003 12:57 PM


Cc: dubey_keshav

RE: |Sri Varaha| #2 The old king in new cloth (Ishta Devata) ?

- to freedom


Dear freedom,

Thanks for quoting from Chandrakalanadi. I have a

question from you.

What do u think about the 12th house from the

position of D-1 ascendant lord in D-9? What

importance/use does it have, in comparison to 12th

from karakamsa in deciding the direction of life of a

native, while we are still not jeevanmuktas (say, 90%+

people of the world)?

If you explain with an example, it will be a great

help to my understanding.




|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira



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Pranaam Sanjay,


I hope you are doing well!


I read what you wrote with interest. So, do planets in a kendramsa

from rasi lagna show preferences? Why?


Rasi lagna shows physical existence and quadrants from it show

sustenance/effort (Vishnu) at the physical level (rasi). Planets

occupying those signs in navamsa probably show the sense of dharma

involved in (or affecting) one's physical efforts. Does it make



In my navamsa, Jupiter, Mars, Moon, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are in dual

signs. In your navamsa, Moon and Saturn are in dual signs. We both

have lagnas in dual signs. How will you interpret this?


In Dr. Murli Manohar Joshni's navamsa, Mars in Taurus is the only

planet in fixed signs. Aquarius rises in rasi. What will you say

based on this?


Your sishya,



> ::Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya::

> Dear Freedom

> Can I have the references in the deva keralam that says that venus

placed in quadrants to Lagnamsa (i.e. in the navamsas of signs that

are in kendra to lagna of Rasi chart) gives a rajyoga. Is this for

all Lagna and all nadiamsa?

> Will any planet occupying an angular position instead of Venus

bring rajayoga as mentioned in the mail? I wonder really. I thought

it just shows the preferences.

> Take an example - Aries Lagna with Sun in Aries in Rasi and Libra

in navamsa..will this bring rajyoga or the reverse? So, we are to

consider the status and yogas as well. Now, will any planet in a

kendra tulya amsa indicate the rajayoga or does it just show the

preferences of the native.

> If you can give the quote from Deva keralam, we can analyse it


> Best Regards,

> Sanjay Rath

> SJC-Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri -752001, India

> ----------------------------OM TAT SAT---------------------------

> -

> Freedom

> varahamihira

> Friday, December 26, 2003 12:53 PM

> RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish




> This is from Sanjay's lecture on Navamsa at the 2003 ACVA

Conference in

> Sedona, Arizona. Tapes available from ACVA.


> 2.2 Rasi Tulya Navamsa (bhava-amsa)

> Rasi-tulya navamsa is also called Bhava sucaka navamsa and it's


> navamsa chart as perceived from the Rasi lagna. If the native

has Pisces

> Lagna, then we would see the position of the planets in navamsa


> reference to Pisces Lagna.

> The above classification has been used freely in Dhruva Nadi. A

> different classification has been used in Deva Keralam. In this

> classification more emphasis has been laid on presence of

planets in

> kendra and kona.

> Some examples from Deva Keralam:

> 1. If navamsa rasi of Venus falls in Kendra in rasi chart,

a kind

> of Raja-Yoga is formed.

> 2. A planet occupying an angular navamsa will bring royal

> authority.

> This classification is very important and useful in judging Raja-


> and worth of a chart. If more planets fall in Bhagyamsa (9th),


> (10th), Labhamsa (11th), Lagnamsa (1st) or Sukhamsa (4th, the


> leads a happy and prosperous life.

> Conversely if more planets occupy Shashtamsa (6th), Nidhanamsa

(8th) or

> Vyayamsa (12th) the native may confront many difficulties in



> Namah Sivaya

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Dear Sanjay,

I use Narasimha's post to ask my question so that you can answer both at once /precious time economy:)

Your post made me aware of issues you raised in your Qs, and has opened new ones- in addition to Narasimha's Q 'Why', I have a more basic one, as well: What kind of preferences you are referring to? If say a planet happens to be in rashi/10th- in Navamsha, would that say about career preferences, depending on the nature of the planet placed there? /I happened to have Venus there, for ex/

All the best wishes,

Your disciple,

Anna-"pvr108" Tue, 30 Dec 2003 07:07:20 -0000varahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitishPranaam Sanjay,I hope you are doing well!I read what you wrote with interest. So, do planets in a kendramsa from rasi lagna show preferences? Why?Rasi lagna shows physical existence and quadrants from it show sustenance/effort (Vishnu) at the physical level (rasi). Planets occupying those signs in navamsa probably show the sense of dharma involved in (or affecting) one's physical efforts. Does it make sense?In my navamsa, Jupiter, Mars, Moon, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are in dual signs. In your navamsa, Moon and Saturn are in dual signs. We both have lagnas in dual signs. How will you interpret this?In Dr. Murli Manohar Joshni's navamsa, Mars in Taurus is the only planet in fixed

signs. Aquarius rises in rasi. What will you say based on this?Your sishya,Narasimha> ::Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya::> Dear Freedom> Can I have the references in the deva keralam that says that venus placed in quadrants to Lagnamsa (i.e. in the navamsas of signs that are in kendra to lagna of Rasi chart) gives a rajyoga. Is this for all Lagna and all nadiamsa?> Will any planet occupying an angular position instead of Venus bring rajayoga as mentioned in the mail? I wonder really. I thought it just shows the preferences. > Take an example - Aries Lagna with Sun in Aries in Rasi and Libra in navamsa..will this bring rajyoga or the reverse? So, we are to consider the status and yogas as well. Now, will any planet in a kendra tulya amsa indicate the rajayoga or does it just show the preferences of the native.> If you can give the quote from Deva keralam, we can analyse it here

..> Best Regards,> Sanjay Rath> SJC-Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri -752001, India> ----------------------------OM TAT SAT---------------------------> - > Freedom > varahamihira > Friday, December 26, 2003 12:53 PM> RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish> > > > This is from Sanjay's lecture on Navamsa at the 2003 ACVA Conference in> Sedona, Arizona. Tapes available from ACVA.> > 2.2 Rasi Tulya Navamsa (bhava-amsa)> Rasi-tulya navamsa is also called Bhava sucaka navamsa and it's the> navamsa chart as perceived from the Rasi lagna. If the native has Pisces> Lagna, then we would see the positi

on of the planets in navamsa with> reference to Pisces Lagna.> The above classification has been used freely in Dhruva Nadi. A> different classification has been used in Deva Keralam. In this> classification more emphasis has been laid on presence of planets in> kendra and kona.> Some examples from Deva Keralam:> 1. If navamsa rasi of Venus falls in Kendra in rasi chart, a kind> of Raja-Yoga is formed.> 2. A planet occupying an angular navamsa will bring royal> authority. > This classification is very important and useful in judging Raja-Yogas> and worth of a chart. If more planets fall in Bhagyamsa (9th), Karmamsa> (10th), Labhamsa (11th), Lagnamsa (1st

) or Sukhamsa (4th, the native> leads a happy and prosperous life. > Conversely if more planets occupy Shashtamsa (6th), Nidhanamsa (8th) or> Vyayamsa (12th) the native may confront many difficulties in life.> > Namah Sivaya|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira



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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Nitish,


Yes, I have no doubt that we are saying the same things but might be

with different words. You did a good job with defining the constructs

before using them to express your ideas.


In the game of the Soul and the mind, some gets dominant on ohe other at

different times. Both have their own say in the daily affairs of our

life, our purpose and out final goal. Both understand the reality in

their own sense and one of them is true and one of them is false. I tend

to believe that there is a third party, which takes sides either with

the soul or the Mind, which gives us the understanding of the state of

affairs at that point of time. If it takes the side of the Mind, them we

perceive the false reality whereas if takes the side of the soul, the we

perceive the true reality. We might say that's our intellect.


However, I am more inclined to take intelligence as the agent which

makes us querry and gives the understanding of the things. It always

takes side of the Soul as it is aware of the True reality. However, I

say, if our understanding of True reality is not complete, then I would

not say that the intelligence is taking side of the Mind but, I would

rather say that the intelligence is rather clouded by the Mind and it is

unable to express its true nature. This eliminates the possibility of

any third party called the Intellect which would reconcile with Soul and

Mind and gives us the understanding of the current state of affairs, may

it be based on true reality or false reality.


Whatever I said is however, based on my own understanding. :-)


Best Wishes






Nitish Arya [yeeahoo_99]

Wednesday, December 31, 2003 5:35 PM


Re:|Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa -to nitish


Dear Sarajit,

Your understanding doesn't differ from mine but the

explanation does because you take a different meaning

of three words: intellect, mind and Dhi. I will give

my definition of these three words: -


Intellect is the instrument/faculty of questioning

without identification and is born out of the pure

dualistic nature of consciousness at mooladhara chakra

(mercury ruler). It is certainly diverted to whoever

it gets associated/identified with because it has no

identification of its own.

Mind is the awareness of different sensory

activities. It has no real identification of its own

and hence no nature whatsoever.

Dhi is consciousness of self-sufficiency and is

beyond dualistic explanation. Note that no

intellectual/dualisitic escape is intended.


Using these definitions together I have following


1. Dhi can never make a mistake, by definition.

2. Mind is without identification, by definition,

and its functionality (i.e. moving from one sensory

awareness to another) is often confused for its

existence followed by its mistake.

3. Intellect can not make a mistake in its

functionality of pure questioning, by definition. So

there is no question of first mistake anywhere in the

functionality of the three elements.


Why I said that intellect makes the first mistake

is because of the opinion that it is the only one

which comes under complete control of ahamkara, which

is the principle of identification. And ahamkara, is

again a non-existing principle because it has no

identification of its own.


Ahamkara, by definition and no-definition, is akin

to identification of one object with another object

which in turn is identified as a third object and so



Please note the gradual shift from intellect to

intelligence (which I pick as Dhi) in your mail to

understand the self-approval (a function of Dhi) of

your line of reasoning. There could be a few mistakes

in my own line of reasoning as well in a similar

manner, but I don't have time to sort them out at the




--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajit wrote:




> Sarajit Poddar

> [sarajit]

> Tuesday, December 30, 2003 8:26 AM

> 'varahamihira '

> RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa

> -to nitish


> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Nitish,


> Intellect could be the crude translation of the dhi

> shakti or the

> ability to dicern between the right and the wrong,

> the true and the

> false. Thus, it is more related to the soul than the

> mind.


> We know that we are made of the Soul and Mind,

> besides the gross body.

> Mind is the culprit which makes us belive something

> which isn't. The

> mind get the information from the senses and acts in

> a way so as to

> pacify them. The only one who can put the check on

> the mind's activity

> is the soul and it does it with the help of

> intelligence. So when

> intelligence overcomes the tendency of the mind to

> go along with the

> senses, the person is said to have controlled his

> senses and ready to

> understand things which are beyond perception of the

> mortal senses.


> Hence its not the intelligence which makes the first

> mistake, but it's

> the mind which does.


> Best Wishes

> Sarajit



> Nitish Arya [yeeahoo_99]

> Friday, December 26, 2003 8:26 PM

> varahamihira

> RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa

> -to nitish


> Dear freedom,

> Thanks. You are very good at astrology. Extending

> the karakamsa and ishta related set of rules, it is

> easy to see that 12th from lagna lord of D-1 will

> show

> the intellectual bindings one has regarding himself,

> and related deity. For an intellectual it is

> important

> to get rid of them as it is the intellect commits

> the

> first mistake (ketu) i.e. indistinction between

> permanent and temporary.

> Ofcourse, the momentum to continue with ones'

> mistakes comes from attachments to objects of desire

> that occurs in heart and is represented by AK.

> Otherwise, an unattached intellectual can easily

> discard all that is temporary from his intellectual

> inquiry.


> regards,

> nitish


> --- Freedom <freedom wrote:

> >

> > General rule:

> > " With reference to the soul, we analyze the

> > Karakamsa Lagna of the

> > native. With reference to the intellect, we

> analyze

> > the Navamsa Lagna of

> > the native "

> > This is the primary thing to look at in the

> navamsa.

> >

> > Abilities are in relation to intellect so we use

> > navamsa lagna. Ista is

> > in reference to the soul so we use Karakamsa. We

> > don't need to be

> > jeevamuktas to see the chart from the karakamsa.

> The

> > soul is always

> > guiding, we all have souls. Thoughts arise in the

> > mind from much deeper.

> > The body is the chariot, Arjuna is the mind and

> > Krsna is the soul.

> > Worship of the ishta is allowing Krsna to guide.

> You

> > don't need to be

> > jeevamukta to use the ista in the jeevamuktamsa,

> you

> > use the ista to get

> > to jeevamuktamsa. The Ista mantra is the

> invocation

> > of the

> > jeevamuktamsa. Notice also that the Ista mantras

> > Sanjay recommended in

> > the west coast conferences in 2002 are all

> > dwadakshari (12 syllable), so

> > they are activating the 12th house from karakamsa.

> >

> > You asked about 12th from D-1 Lagnesh in Navamsa,

> > this is not generally

> > used. The D-1 lagnesh is used in the Navamsa is

> like

> > any other planet.

> > For example, in my chart Mercury is lagnesh. It is

> > placed in Aquarius in

> > my navamsa. Aquarius is my Rasi 9th house, so

> > Mercury will have a strong

> > effect on 9th house activities, my father is a

> > businessman. Moon is in

> > Leo in my navamsa, which is the 3rd house in my

> > rasi, this means Moon

> > will have a strong effect on the 3rd house, my

> > younger brother works in

> > the healing/medical profession. Notice that this

> > technique effects the

> > karakas.

> >

> > We can also use the signs to see how a planet is

> > affecting our own life.

> > My Mercury is in Virgo in the Rasi, and in

> Aquarius

> > in the Navamsa, this

> > is 6 signs away. So I will get 6th house results

> in

> > the Mahadasa of

> > Mercury. Moon is in Aries in Rasi and Leo in

> > Navamsa, 5 signs away, so I

> > will get 5th house results in Moon Mahadasa, (and

> > let me tell you, I'm

> > running Moon:).

> >

> > More important than 12th from D-1 lagnesh in D-9

> is

> > 12th house from the

> > D-1 lagna in D-9 which is called Vyayamsa. This is

> a

> > general view point

> > from lagnamsa.

> >

> > LAGNAMSA (D-1 lagna in Navamsa)

> > The lagnamsa will show the direction of

> > intelligence, what you prefer,

> > and your choices, ie. Jupiter in daramsa will make

> a

> > person prefer an

> > educated spouse, saturn in sukhamsa will make a

> > person prefer or like

> > old houses.

> >

> > We can analyze the lagnamsa with reference to the

> > purva punya. A planet

> > in the lagnamsa will have a strong stamp on a

> > person, a planet in

> > daramsa will have a strong influence on one's

> > partner. What this stamp

> > is must be seen from the D-60 (not D-9).

> >

> > The main house to see is the 2nd from the

> lagnamsa.

> > It will show the

> > direction of your dhi relative to karmas (works

> done

> > in this world).

> > Jaimini says that lagnamsa in the 11th house will

> > lead a person to moksa

> > (because 12th is 2nd). Lagnamsa in 10th makes a

> > person always focused on

> > gains, lagnamsa in 9th makes a person always

> focused

> > on work. We look at

> > 2nd because it is 10th from the 5th.

> >

> >

> >

> > This is from Sanjay's lecture on Navamsa at the

> 2003

> > ACVA Conference in

> > Sedona, Arizona. Tapes available from ACVA.

> >

> > 2.2 Rasi Tulya Navamsa (bhava-amsa)

> > Rasi-tulya navamsa is also called Bhava sucaka

> > navamsa and it's the

> > navamsa chart as perceived from the Rasi lagna. If

> > the native has Pisces

> > Lagna, then we would see the position of the

> planets

> > in navamsa with

> > reference to Pisces Lagna.


=== message truncated ===





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Dear Sarajit,

Whatever one says is always based on his own

understanding, whether it is quoted from elsewhere or

originally created.

I don't understand what u mean by true reality and

false reality. Why should the two be different from

each other and also different from the one who is


What is the game of soul and mind? How can there be

a possibility of a soul different from mind and


Please explain.




--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajit wrote:

> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Nitish,


> Yes, I have no doubt that we are saying the same

> things but might be

> with different words. You did a good job with

> defining the constructs

> before using them to express your ideas.


> In the game of the Soul and the mind, some gets

> dominant on ohe other at

> different times. Both have their own say in the

> daily affairs of our

> life, our purpose and out final goal. Both

> understand the reality in

> their own sense and one of them is true and one of

> them is false. I tend

> to believe that there is a third party, which takes

> sides either with

> the soul or the Mind, which gives us the

> understanding of the state of

> affairs at that point of time. If it takes the side

> of the Mind, them we

> perceive the false reality whereas if takes the side

> of the soul, the we

> perceive the true reality. We might say that's our

> intellect.


> However, I am more inclined to take intelligence as

> the agent which

> makes us querry and gives the understanding of the

> things. It always

> takes side of the Soul as it is aware of the True

> reality. However, I

> say, if our understanding of True reality is not

> complete, then I would

> not say that the intelligence is taking side of the

> Mind but, I would

> rather say that the intelligence is rather clouded

> by the Mind and it is

> unable to express its true nature. This eliminates

> the possibility of

> any third party called the Intellect which would

> reconcile with Soul and

> Mind and gives us the understanding of the current

> state of affairs, may

> it be based on true reality or false reality.


> Whatever I said is however, based on my own

> understanding. :-)


> Best Wishes

> Sarajit





> Nitish Arya [yeeahoo_99]

> Wednesday, December 31, 2003 5:35 PM

> varahamihira

> Re:|Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and lagnamsa

> -to nitish


> Dear Sarajit,

> Your understanding doesn't differ from mine but

> the

> explanation does because you take a different

> meaning

> of three words: intellect, mind and Dhi. I will give

> my definition of these three words: -


> Intellect is the instrument/faculty of questioning

> without identification and is born out of the pure

> dualistic nature of consciousness at mooladhara

> chakra

> (mercury ruler). It is certainly diverted to whoever

> it gets associated/identified with because it has no

> identification of its own.

> Mind is the awareness of different sensory

> activities. It has no real identification of its own

> and hence no nature whatsoever.

> Dhi is consciousness of self-sufficiency and is

> beyond dualistic explanation. Note that no

> intellectual/dualisitic escape is intended.


> Using these definitions together I have following

> reasoning:

> 1. Dhi can never make a mistake, by definition.

> 2. Mind is without identification, by definition,

> and its functionality (i.e. moving from one sensory

> awareness to another) is often confused for its

> existence followed by its mistake.

> 3. Intellect can not make a mistake in its

> functionality of pure questioning, by definition. So

> there is no question of first mistake anywhere in

> the

> functionality of the three elements.


> Why I said that intellect makes the first

> mistake

> is because of the opinion that it is the only one

> which comes under complete control of ahamkara,

> which

> is the principle of identification. And ahamkara, is

> again a non-existing principle because it has no

> identification of its own.


> Ahamkara, by definition and no-definition, is

> akin

> to identification of one object with another object

> which in turn is identified as a third object and so

> on.


> Please note the gradual shift from intellect to

> intelligence (which I pick as Dhi) in your mail to

> understand the self-approval (a function of Dhi) of

> your line of reasoning. There could be a few

> mistakes

> in my own line of reasoning as well in a similar

> manner, but I don't have time to sort them out at

> the

> instant.

> regards,

> nitish

> --- Sarajit Poddar <sarajit wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Sarajit Poddar

> > [sarajit]

> > Tuesday, December 30, 2003 8:26 AM

> > 'varahamihira '

> > RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and

> lagnamsa

> > -to nitish

> >

> > || Jaya Jagannath ||

> > Dear Nitish,

> >

> > Intellect could be the crude translation of the

> dhi

> > shakti or the

> > ability to dicern between the right and the wrong,

> > the true and the

> > false. Thus, it is more related to the soul than

> the

> > mind.

> >

> > We know that we are made of the Soul and Mind,

> > besides the gross body.

> > Mind is the culprit which makes us belive

> something

> > which isn't. The

> > mind get the information from the senses and acts

> in

> > a way so as to

> > pacify them. The only one who can put the check on

> > the mind's activity

> > is the soul and it does it with the help of

> > intelligence. So when

> > intelligence overcomes the tendency of the mind to

> > go along with the

> > senses, the person is said to have controlled his

> > senses and ready to

> > understand things which are beyond perception of

> the

> > mortal senses.

> >

> > Hence its not the intelligence which makes the

> first

> > mistake, but it's

> > the mind which does.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Sarajit

> >

> >

> > Nitish Arya [yeeahoo_99]

> > Friday, December 26, 2003 8:26 PM

> > varahamihira

> > RE: |Sri Varaha| Jeevamuktamsa and

> lagnamsa

> > -to nitish

> >

> > Dear freedom,

> > Thanks. You are very good at astrology.

> Extending

> > the karakamsa and ishta related set of rules, it

> is

> > easy to see that 12th from lagna lord of D-1 will

> > show

> > the intellectual bindings one has regarding

> himself,

> > and related deity. For an intellectual it is

> > important

> > to get rid of them as it is the intellect commits

> > the

> > first mistake (ketu) i.e. indistinction between

> > permanent and temporary.

> > Ofcourse, the momentum to continue with ones'

> > mistakes comes from attachments to objects of

> desire


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