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Answers to Lesson-5 Assignments

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Respected Visti Guruji and other Gurujis and Dear Members!


Please correct my answers to Lesson-5 Assignments and provide your

valuable comments so that I can learn more. I have attemped these

questions basically with the intention of identifying Vipareetha Raja

Yoga, Pravaraja Yoga and Vipareetha Praraja Yoga as I am still not

conversant with the Dasa System and other General Predictions

regarding with deaths of relations etcs. I need to learn those with

the able guidance of Visti Guruji and other learned members. Please

kindly forgive me for all my wrong assessment wherever I made

mistakes as I am still a naive. I know my answers are only half but

as I need to learn more I will be able to answer the remaining half

once I learn more. I also I have skipped Lesson 4 assignment on Dream

Analysis as it is too advanced for me at this stage.


Thanks and Regards,








1. What is the meaning of the word Rajayoga? Explain with examples.


Rajayoga is the conjuction or aspect of the planets which

will rise the native to higher status in terms of fame or wealth or

ruling powers. Rajayoga can be caused by planets in strenth. For

example Tarus and Libra lagna Saturn is Yoga Karaka as Saturn being

the lord of Kendra and Kona Simultaneous. If this yogakaraka saturn

conjoins/aspects Hora Lagna, Gati Lagna and transfers its power to

the Lagna Lord or Atmakara then the native will rise higher in the

life. As per Sage Parasara, Rajyoga is caused by the relationship

between Karakamsa Lagna and Janma Lagna or conjuction/aspect of Atma

Karaka and Putra Karak etc. (Infact I have to study in detail about

the the Raja Yoga, which I intended to do once I post the answers

this Assignment which is basically dealing with Vipareeta Raja Yoga.)

Apart from the benefic combinations as given above, even the

conjuction of the lords of dusthana can cause Rajayoga under certain

conditions. Such yoga is called Vipareeta Rajayoga as it is caused by

the lords of dusthanas becoming week and distryoing each other

causing good to the native. As the loss of somebody is gain of

someother ones, when the dusthana lords are conjoin together they end

up fighting with each other and ultimately they destroy each other

and become week their loss is gained causing Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused due to any of the following


Case A) When the lords of dusthanas conjoin in Dusthana. And

also these lords become week by their dibility in Rasi/Navamsa. In

this condition native will rise with the death/fall of the enemy.

Case B) When the lords of the dusthanas conjoin in

Kendra/Kona and strong by being exalted in Rasi/Navamsa. In this

condition the planets causing VRY should aspect/conjoin Lagna Lord or

Atmakaraka so that transfer of the takes place to the native. In this

condition native will rise with the death/fall of the ally.

Case C) Also Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused by the placement of

debilitated/week and Yogakaraka Saturn in the dusthanas. This is due

to the fact that Saturn is the significator of the Dusthanas and its

placement in Dusthanas will destroy the dusthana affairs causing it

very week.

Case D) Also Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused by the placement of

strong Malefics in 3rd / 6th houses from the Arudha Lagna. As the 3rd

and 6th houses indicates the Parakrama and wars, placement of the

malefic planets in this houses will give courage and victory over the

enemy. As the placement of the malefics happen to be in Arudha Lagna

which indicates what will rise in the material plane, native become a

great victor in material life. Malefic planets place in the 3rd/6th

house should be strong enough for the fructification of the Vipareeta

Rajayoga of this kind.

Case E) Also Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused by the placement of

the benefic planets in 3rd / 6th house from the Arudha Lagana if they

are very week. This is due to the reason that the placement of

benefic planets in 3rd/6th house makes native of humble and spiritual

natured and if these benefic planets happen to be very week they it

gives the opposite rises the native in material world.

In all the above mentioned condutions conjuction of the

exalted planets and yogadas will confirm the Vipareeta Raja Yoga.



2. What is the meaning of Pravrajya Yoga? Do illustrate.


Pravrajya Yoga is the combination of the planets which will

make the native renounce all the materialistic comforts and live a

saintly life. For example simultaneously aspect/conjuction of Saturn,

Venus and Ketu on 4th house can cause a person renounce everything

and lead the moksha marga.

Similarly under certain combinations which can give Raja Yoga

but the planets involved become too week then they give the opposite

results leading the person to renounce and such a yoga is called

Vipareeta Pravarajya Yoga

Vipareetha Pravarajya Yoga is caused by the placement of week

malefic planets in the 3rd or 6th houses from the Arudha Lagna. As

the Arudha Lagna indicates the status of the native as seen by the

world (ie., matieral success), placement of Malefic planets in the

3rd and 6th from the Arudha Lagna give Parakrama to the native and

Victory over the enemy. If these malefic planets happend to be very

week then the opposite results are given i.e, it leads to the

Vipareetha Pravrajya Yoga.




3. Would you consider your own horoscope one of Rajyoga or Pravrajya

Yoga, or is there too much confusion??


Instead of my own horoscope I am taking the horoscope of one

of my friends to identify the Rajayoga and/Pravrajya Yogas. Birth

details are as following.

Date of birth : 03rd of September, 1975.

Time of birth : 05:00:00 AM (IST)

Longitude : 78 E 50

Latitude : 13 N 50


Following are the Rasi and Navamsa Charts



| | | Ket | |

| | | | |

| | JupR | Mar | |

| | | | |

| | | GL | |


| | | |

| Glk | | Sat Moo |

| | | |

| Mnd | | HL BL |

| | | |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | Asc |

| | | |

| | | VenR |

| | | |

| | | Sun |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| | Rah | | Mer |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | JupR | | |

| BL | | | Mar |

| | Asc | VenR | |

| Glk | | | Mnd |

| | Mer | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| | | Rah |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

| | | GL |

| | | |

| Ket | | Sat |

| | | |

| | | Sun |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| | HL | | Moo |

| | | | |

| | | | |





As the lord of the 6th house Saturn and lord of the 4th House

moon conjoin in in the 12th house satisfies the first rule Vipareetha

Rajayoga. As the conjuction takes place in dusthana, the dusthana

lords invoved should be ween by being in Debility in Rasi/Navamsa. As

Moon is in its own rasi Cancer gains strength and hence Vipareeta

Raja Yoga strength reduces a bit.

As the Saturn owns the 7th from Lagna & Ghati Lagna placed in

Hora langna qualifies as Yogada. As the presence of the yogada

confirms the fructification of VRY native may gain wealth as the Hora

Lagna is prominently involved. As per the Vipareetha Raja Yoga rules

concerned with this dusthana lord conjuction in dusthana, native will

rise with the death of enemy representing the planets involved in VRY.

As Moon represents the people in the form of mother

(maternal/patenrnal aunties etc.,) and Saturn representing the people

in the forms of elder co-borns, may represent Vipareetha Rajayoga

with the people inimical to the native in those forms represented by

the Moon or Saturn.



4. Case Study: Male born 4th September 1969 at 1:52':37 " AM IST at

Delhi, India. What happened to the native in his 5th year of age and

how was Rahu dasa for him? Is there Vipareeta Rajyoga in this chart?


Scenario 1: VRY due to conjuction of Dusthana Lords

As per the rules of the Vipareeta Rajayoga, lords of the two

evil houses coinjoin in the evil house. I.e., Lord of 3rd House Sun

is coinjoined with the lord of the 6th house Ketu (Co-lord of

Scorpio) in 3rd house. This satisfies the first rule of the VRY that

the lords of the evil houses should conjoin. Also as these two

conjoin in a evil house (3rd house) it partially satisfies the 2nd

rule of the VRY. As per the second rule of the VRY if the dusthana

houses lord conjoin in another dusthana, they need to be week by

their placement in debility either in Rasi/Navamsa. As sun being in

his own Rasi (Simha Rasi) that too in simha upto first 20 degrees

happens to be moola trikona Sun is strong. One can consider the

decrease in strength of the Sun by its placement in Virgo. (Sun

considers Mercury as its enemy) Hence one can consider that Sun has

reduced its strength to some extent but still it is not very week.

Also Ketu being placed in Dhanur Rasi in Navamsa makes it strong.

Hence second half of the 2nd rule of the Vipareeta Raja Yoga is not

satisfied then VRY is not very strong and hence will function only

for short duration if at all it can fructify. But the absence of

Yogadas or absence of any debilitated conjuction with Sun and Ketu

rules makes VRY further week hence one can rule out the VRY due to

this combition.

Saturn being placed in Hora Lagna and 7th from Ghati Lagna.

Also Saturn aspects the Lagna and Ghati Lagna with Graha Dristi. Can

we consider Saturn as Yogada due to these reasons? Ofcourse Saturn

neither owns Hora Lagna/Ghati Lagna nor owns 7th from any of these.

If so then I am sure that VRY will function during the Dasa of

Sun/Ketu and Antar Dasa of Saturn, or during the Dasa of Saturn and

Antardasa of Saturn/Ketu. Hence plece clarify whether Saturn can be

given the status similar to Yogada.?


Scenario 2: VRY due to the placement of Malefics in 3rd or

6th from Arudha Lagna

As per this Vipareeta Raja Yoga rule the placement of strong

Malefic(s) in 3rd or 6th from the Arudha Lagna confers the Raja Yoga

in the reverse form i.e., Vipareeta Raja Yoga, as Arudha Lagna

represents everything about the person in the Materialistic Plane,

placement of Malefics in 3rd / 6th House from Arudha pada makes

native successful in the Materialistic place as these it boosts the

Paraakrama of the native if placed in 3rd from AL and victory against

enemies if placed in 6th from AL.

As Rahu is placed in the 6th house from Arudha Lagna

satisfies the first of of this Vipareeta Raja Yoga condition, also

Rahu being placed in his own Rasi (Kumbha Rasi) and as being

conjoined with Moon in Navamsa makes it strong hence satisfies the

second half condition of the Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

Also Mars is placed in the 3rd house from Arudha Lagna in his

own Rasi Scorpio gives combination for the Vipareeta Rajayoga.

Out of the two Vipareeta Raja Yoga formed, Rahu is more

strong as Rahu aspects Hora lagna & Ghati Lagna by Rasi Drishti and

Lagna and Ghati Lagna with Graha Dristi. As the influence of the Rahu

on the Ghati Lagna is more prominent will give the ruling powers/fame

to the native during the Dasas of Rahu (?). (Similar results are

shown even during Mars dasas/antar dasas). Rahu Dasa and Mars

Antardasa or vice versa can give powerful Vipareet Rajayoga Results.

Hence Vimsottari dasa period between 20th of February 1973 and 17th

of April 1973 can give powerful VRY due to Mars Dasa and Rahu






5. Case study: Male born 5th January 1934 at 10:17' AM IST at

Allahabad, India. His chart is given below. Is there VRY in this

chart? If so, when and how shall it function. If not, why not? He

became a Cabinet Minister with the advent of Jupiter dasa. How did

Jupiter in the 8th house give such excellent results?


NOTE: I did not get Makara Navamsa Lagna for the time of

birth 10:17 am IST. Instead time 9:55 am IST gives the Navamsa lagna

has given in the document. Hence I took time as 09:55 am IST as the

birth time to bring the Navamsa in synchronization with the one that

is given in the assignment.

As 12th house lord Sanidev and 3rd house lord Mangal conjoin

in the 12th house i.e., dusthana lords conjoin in dusthana qualifies

the first rule of Vipareeta Raja Yoga. For such combination planets

in such conjuction should be week by being debilitated either in Rasi

or Navamsa. As Mars is placed in its exaltation rasi and also Saturn

is placed in its rasi which gives it strength hence second condition

for that VRY that the planets in VRY combination need to be weak is

not met. Hence Vipareeta Rajayoga is not present but native will

surely rise high in life due to the conjuction of dusthana lord in


I do not know the reason behind why the native become cabinet

minister during Jupiter Dasa. But when we consider the Arudha Lagna,

Sun and Merucry are placed in the Arudha Lagna. Sun being a royal

planet gives the native ruling powers also Jupiter is placed in 10th

from Arudha Lagna, could this be the reason why the native become the

cabinet minister during the Jupiter Dasa (?)



6. Case study: Female born on 23 January 1950, 6:15' AM IST 77E26,

28N40 Ghaziabad, India. Is there VRY in this chart? Is widowhood

indicated? If so, then at what age can it be expected and how would

her spouse pass away? Hint: Her husband was a top politician in India.


As 3rd house co-lord Rahu conjoins with 8th house lord Moon

in the Kendra satisfies the first condition of the VRY. As per the

second condition, these planets need to be strong in Rasi/Navamsa and

should transfer its power to Lagna/Lagna Lord / Atma Karaka. Rahu is

exalted in Saggitarius Rasi in Navamsa while Moon being in 4th has

directional strength and hence strong. As both Moon and Rahu aspects

Lagna and AtmaKaraka placed in Lagna with Rasi drishti indicats the

transfer of VRY powers by the Dusthana Lords to native.

As the Mercury is the lord of the 7th house indicates the

husband. As Strong dusthana lords aspecting both 7th house Gemini and

its lord Mercury placed in Lagna indicates the High status(?). As the

2nd from the UL is occupied by the Saturn a malefic planet hence

indicates the seperation from Husband. (?) As the sthira karaka for

the husband is jupiter indicates the death of the husband. As jupiter

is debilitated in Makara Rasi moreover being placed with Functional

malefic Venus (owner of 6th and 11th house) hence may indicate the

troubles during Venus Dasa and Pratyantardasa(?). Widow hood can be

expected during the Venus dasa starting from November, 1990.

As per the rule if the Vipareetha Rajayoga takes place by the

placement of Dusthana lords in Kendra, Native can attain the power

with the ally/friend/relative. Hence once can expect the

fructification of the Vipareetha Rajaya with the death of her

husband. As the Lagna Lord Jupiter is not too strong and the presence

of clear Yogadas in the chart indicates Vipareeta Rajaya but of a

little lesser state.




7. Case study: Male born:19 December 1954 at 00:20' AM at Delhi,

India. Is there VRY? What happened with the advent of Saturn Dasa.

Answer: 12th Lord Sun and 6th co-lord Rahu being placed in Kendra in

4th house satisfies the first condition of the Vipareeta Rajayoga.

For such combinations, lords involved need to be strong for the

fructification of the Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Rahu is strong by being

placed in its exaltation Rasi in Saggitarius. Sun is also strong by

being placed in its Exaltation Rasi in Navamsa.

Mars being the lord of 7th from Hora Lagna aspecting Ghatika

Lagna with Rasi Drishti and Hora Lagna and Laga with graha drishti

(4th and 8th aspects respectively). Hence the presence of Yogada

confirms the fructification of the VRY. Moreover the aspect of

Exalted Saturn on Rahu and Sun confirms the Fructification of the

Vipareetha Raja Yoga. Moreover Jupiter is also exalted in Cancer Sign

in 11th house.

Hence native can rise in the life during the Rahu/Sun dasas

and antardas. As per the rule of the VRY of this kind native gain

with the death of allry/friend. As Sun represents father and Rahu

represents the Maternal Grand parents, native may gain the powers due

to the death of father/paternal grand parents.

Also the graha drishti of exalted Saturn on the VRY

combination also give the Raja Yoga durings its Dasa and Antardasas.

As Saturn being the lord of the 5th house indicating fan following

and 4th being the house indicating politics is it the native rose

high in the politics with the advent of Saturn Dasa (?).



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::Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya::

Dear PK

some comments under your mail

With best regards,

Sanjay Rath


Maling address: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India; Tel: 91.6752.226269; webpages: http://srath.com






PK [pkvirus99] Sunday, February 22, 2004 8:04 PMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Answers to Lesson-5 Assignments


HARE RAMA KRISHNA*****************OM KRISHNA GURU***************OM NAMO NAARAAYANAAYAA**********************Respected Visti Guruji and other Gurujis and Dear Members!.....................................................................1. What is the meaning of the word Rajayoga? Explain with examples.Answer: Rajayoga is the conjuction or aspect of the planets which will rise the native to higher status in terms of fame or wealth or ruling powers. Rajayoga can be caused by planets in strenth. For example Tarus and Libra lagna Saturn is Yoga Karaka as Saturn being the lord of Kendra and Kona Simultaneous. If this yogakaraka saturn conjoins/aspects Hora Lagna, Gati Lagna and transfers its power to the Lagna Lord or Atmakara then the native will rise higher in the life. As per Sage Parasara, Rajyoga is caused by the relationship between Karakamsa Lagna and Janma Lagna or conjuction/aspect of Atma Karaka and Putra Karak etc. (Infact I have to study in detail about the the Raja Yoga, which I intended to do once I post the answers this Assignment which is basically dealing with Vipareeta Raja Yoga.)[sanjay Rath:] A yoga that results in the association of the factors defining the self with the King (Raja) is called Rajayoga. Since the Sun is the natural King it should be strong. Similarly, combinations where the self associates with the renunciate (Saturn) is called Pravrajya yoga and for this Saturn shoud be strong.

[sanjay Rath:] For Taurus lagna or Libra, Saturn in the 12th house causes Rajayoga while in strength in the 9th it can give pravrajya...be careful with Saturn and Rajayogas. Apart from the benefic combinations as given above, even the conjuction of the lords of dusthana can cause Rajayoga under certain conditions. Such yoga is called Vipareeta Rajayoga as it is caused by the lords of dusthanas becoming week and distryoing each other causing good to the native. As the loss of somebody is gain of someother ones, when the dusthana lords are conjoin together they end up fighting with each other and ultimately they destroy each other and become week their loss is gained causing Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused due to any of the following combinations. Case A) When the lords of dusthanas conjoin in Dusthana. And also these lords become week by their dibility in Rasi/Navamsa. In this condition native will rise with the death/fall of the enemy. Case B) When the lords of the dusthanas conjoin in Kendra/Kona and strong by being exalted in Rasi/Navamsa. In this condition the planets causing VRY should aspect/conjoin Lagna Lord or Atmakaraka so that transfer of the takes place to the native. In this condition native will rise with the death/fall of the ally. Case C) Also Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused by the placement of debilitated/week and Yogakaraka Saturn in the dusthanas. This is due to the fact that Saturn is the significator of the Dusthanas and its placement in Dusthanas will destroy the dusthana affairs causing it very week. Case D) Also Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused by the placement of strong Malefics in 3rd / 6th houses from the Arudha Lagna. As the 3rd and 6th houses indicates the Parakrama and wars, placement of the malefic planets in this houses will give courage and victory over the enemy. As the placement of the malefics happen to be in Arudha Lagna which indicates what will rise in the material plane, native become a great victor in material life. Malefic planets place in the 3rd/6th house should be strong enough for the fructification of the Vipareeta Rajayoga of this kind. Case E) Also Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused by the placement of the benefic planets in 3rd / 6th house from the Arudha Lagana if they are very week. This is due to the reason that the placement of benefic planets in 3rd/6th house makes native of humble and spiritual natured and if these benefic planets happen to be very week they it gives the opposite rises the native in material world. In all the above mentioned condutions conjuction of the exalted planets and yogadas will confirm the Vipareeta Raja Yoga.[sanjay Rath:] Good assessment. 2. What is the meaning of Pravrajya Yoga? Do illustrate.Answer: Pravrajya Yoga is the combination of the planets which will make the native renounce all the materialistic comforts and live a saintly life. For example simultaneously aspect/conjuction of Saturn, Venus and Ketu on 4th house can cause a person renounce everything and lead the moksha marga.[sanjay Rath:] Why 4th house? I think Saturn & Ketu in the 4th house will give TRUCKS and such large elephant kind of Vehicles.

Similarly under certain combinations which can give Raja Yoga but the planets involved become too week then they give the opposite results leading the person to renounce and such a yoga is called Vipareeta Pravarajya Yoga Vipareetha Pravarajya Yoga is caused by the placement of week malefic planets in the 3rd or 6th houses from the Arudha Lagna. As the Arudha Lagna indicates the status of the native as seen by the world (ie., matieral success), placement of Malefic planets in the 3rd and 6th from the Arudha Lagna give Parakrama to the native and Victory over the enemy. If these malefic planets happend to be very week then the opposite results are given i.e, it leads to the Vipareetha Pravrajya Yoga.[sanjay Rath:] So you say that Viparita Pravrajya occurs when a native is defeated in battle and chased away from his kingdom. Having nothing else to do he becomes a Sadhu!! 3. Would you consider your own horoscope one of Rajyoga or Pravrajya Yoga, or is there too much confusion??Answer: Instead of my own horoscope I am taking the horoscope of one of my friends to identify the Rajayoga and/Pravrajya Yogas. Birth details are as following.[sanjay Rath:] Why did you take the friends chart? So there was some confusion in own chart??

Date of birth : 03rd of September, 1975. Time of birth : 05:00:00 AM (IST) Longitude : 78 E 50 Latitude : 13 N 50 Following are the Rasi and Navamsa Charts+----------------------+| | | Ket | || | | | || | JupR | Mar | || | | | || | | GL | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || Glk | | Sat Moo || | | || Mnd | | HL BL || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | Asc || | | || | | VenR || | | || | | Sun ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | | || | Rah | | Mer || | | | || | | | |+----------------------++----------------------+| | JupR | | || BL | | | Mar || | Asc | VenR | || Glk | | | Mnd || | Mer | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | || | | Rah || | | || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | GL || | | || Ket | | Sat || | | || | | Sun ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | | || | HL | | Moo || | | | || | | | |+----------------------+ As the lord of the 6th house Saturn and lord of the 4th House moon conjoin in in the 12th house satisfies the first rule Vipareetha Rajayoga. As the conjuction takes place in dusthana, the dusthana lords invoved should be ween by being in Debility in Rasi/Navamsa. As Moon is in its own rasi Cancer gains strength and hence Vipareeta Raja Yoga strength reduces a bit. As the Saturn owns the 7th from Lagna & Ghati Lagna placed in Hora langna qualifies as Yogada. As the presence of the yogada confirms the fructification of VRY native may gain wealth as the Hora Lagna is prominently involved. As per the Vipareetha Raja Yoga rules concerned with this dusthana lord conjuction in dusthana, native will rise with the death of enemy representing the planets involved in VRY. As Moon represents the people in the form of mother (maternal/patenrnal aunties etc.,) [sanjay Rath:] Moon is mother , Venus rules aunts.

and Saturn representing the people in the forms of elder co-borns, may represent Vipareetha Rajayoga with the people inimical to the native in those forms represented by the Moon or Saturn.[sanjay Rath:] So what is happening? Is there Rajayoga or Pravrajayoga?? Is the person going to have position and status or renounce the world or do neither and live a normal life...be clear. 4. Case Study: Male born 4th September 1969 at 1:52':37" AM IST at Delhi, India. What happened to the native in his 5th year of age and how was Rahu dasa for him? Is there Vipareeta Rajyoga in this chart?Answer: Scenario 1: VRY due to conjuction of Dusthana Lords As per the rules of the Vipareeta Rajayoga, lords of the two evil houses coinjoin in the evil house. I.e., Lord of 3rd House Sun is coinjoined with the lord of the 6th house Ketu (Co-lord of Scorpio) in 3rd house. This satisfies the first rule of the VRY that the lords of the evil houses should conjoin. Also as these two conjoin in a evil house (3rd house) it partially satisfies the 2nd rule of the VRY. As per the second rule of the VRY if the dusthana houses lord conjoin in another dusthana, they need to be week by their placement in debility either in Rasi/Navamsa. As sun being in his own Rasi (Simha Rasi) that too in simha upto first 20 degrees happens to be moola trikona Sun is strong. One can consider the decrease in strength of the Sun by its placement in Virgo. (Sun considers Mercury as its enemy) Hence one can consider that Sun has reduced its strength to some extent but still it is not very week. Also Ketu being placed in Dhanur Rasi in Navamsa makes it strong. Hence second half of the 2nd rule of the Vipareeta Raja Yoga is not satisfied then VRY is not very strong and hence will function only for short duration if at all it can fructify. But the absence of Yogadas or absence of any debilitated conjuction with Sun and Ketu rules makes VRY further week hence one can rule out the VRY due to this combition. Saturn being placed in Hora Lagna and 7th from Ghati Lagna. Also Saturn aspects the Lagna and Ghati Lagna with Graha Dristi. Can we consider Saturn as Yogada due to these reasons? Ofcourse Saturn neither owns Hora Lagna/Ghati Lagna nor owns 7th from any of these. If so then I am sure that VRY will function during the Dasa of Sun/Ketu and Antar Dasa of Saturn, or during the Dasa of Saturn and Antardasa of Saturn/Ketu. Hence plece clarify whether Saturn can be given the status similar to Yogada.?[sanjay Rath:] No, it has nothing to do with the lagna. The person may associate with powerful people as GL & HL associate with 9th lord but the lagnesh/lagna is away from all this and busy reading with Jupiter. So what do you think happened? Scenario 2: VRY due to the placement of Malefics in 3rd or 6th from Arudha Lagna As per this Vipareeta Raja Yoga rule the placement of strong Malefic(s) in 3rd or 6th from the Arudha Lagna confers the Raja Yoga in the reverse form i.e., Vipareeta Raja Yoga, as Arudha Lagna represents everything about the person in the Materialistic Plane, placement of Malefics in 3rd / 6th House from Arudha pada makes native successful in the Materialistic place as these it boosts the Paraakrama of the native if placed in 3rd from AL and victory against enemies if placed in 6th from AL. As Rahu is placed in the 6th house from Arudha Lagna satisfies the first of of this Vipareeta Raja Yoga condition, also Rahu being placed in his own Rasi (Kumbha Rasi) and as being conjoined with Moon in Navamsa makes it strong hence satisfies the second half condition of the Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Also Mars is placed in the 3rd house from Arudha Lagna in his own Rasi Scorpio gives combination for the Vipareeta Rajayoga. Out of the two Vipareeta Raja Yoga formed, Rahu is more strong as Rahu aspects Hora lagna & Ghati Lagna by Rasi Drishti and Lagna and Ghati Lagna with Graha Dristi. As the influence of the Rahu on the Ghati Lagna is more prominent will give the ruling powers/fame to the native during the Dasas of Rahu (?). (Similar results are shown even during Mars dasas/antar dasas). Rahu Dasa and Mars Antardasa or vice versa can give powerful Vipareet Rajayoga Results. Hence Vimsottari dasa period between 20th of February 1973 and 17th of April 1973 can give powerful VRY due to Mars Dasa and Rahu Antardasa. NOTE: I STILL DO NOT KNOW HOW THE VRY FUNCIONED DURING RAHU DASA.[sanjay Rath:] From AL, Rahu is in the 6th house in exalted navamsa so it shows that some kind of a destruction is taking place. Now Rahu is the 9th lord and is aspecting the Sun..like an eclipse. Rahu is in marana karaka sthana and is highly inimical to Mercury and Jupiter in AL. Further under pachakadi sambandha, planets placed in the 6th from Jupiter will be destroyed by Jupiter. So, Rahu acts like a destroyed planet both from lagna and AL, even though it is in strength. Thus although there was fortune around, he got nothing of it and for 18 years lived a miserable life in a tiny room although, technically he owned lots of property. When Jupiter dasa came, he got this roperty and sudenly hia AL shot up, he had new car, big house..almost like a fort in Delhi etc. The inheritance came through.


Sun is in the 12th from AL indicating loss of father or serious differences with father. Father died in 5th year in the first Pitri shoola dasa of Leo. Examine this in detail now.5. Case study: Male born 5th January 1934 at 10:17' AM IST at Allahabad, India. His chart is given below. Is there VRY in this chart? If so, when and how shall it function. If not, why not? He became a Cabinet Minister with the advent of Jupiter dasa. How did Jupiter in the 8th house give such excellent results?Answer: NOTE: I did not get Makara Navamsa Lagna for the time of birth 10:17 am IST. Instead time 9:55 am IST gives the Navamsa lagna has given in the document. Hence I took time as 09:55 am IST as the birth time to bring the Navamsa in synchronization with the one that is given in the assignment. As 12th house lord Sanidev and 3rd house lord Mangal conjoin in the 12th house i.e., dusthana lords conjoin in dusthana qualifies the first rule of Vipareeta Raja Yoga. For such combination planets in such conjuction should be week by being debilitated either in Rasi or Navamsa. As Mars is placed in its exaltation rasi and also Saturn is placed in its rasi which gives it strength hence second condition for that VRY that the planets in VRY combination need to be weak is not met. Hence Vipareeta Rajayoga is not present but native will surely rise high in life due to the conjuction of dusthana lord in dusthana. I do not know the reason behind why the native become cabinet minister during Jupiter Dasa. But when we consider the Arudha Lagna, Sun and Merucry are placed in the Arudha Lagna. Sun being a royal planet gives the native ruling powers also Jupiter is placed in 10th from Arudha Lagna, could this be the reason why the native become the cabinet minister during the Jupiter Dasa (?)[sanjay Rath:] See the parivartana yoga between Jupiter and Mercury concerning 10th & lagna lords from AL. So realise the importance of Arudha lagna in all his Rajayoga etc inthis world of maya. 6. Case study: Female born on 23 January 1950, 6:15' AM IST 77E26, 28N40 Ghaziabad, India. Is there VRY in this chart? Is widowhood indicated? If so, then at what age can it be expected and how would her spouse pass away? Hint: Her husband was a top politician in India.Answer: As 3rd house co-lord Rahu conjoins with 8th house lord Moon in the Kendra satisfies the first condition of the VRY. As per the second condition, these planets need to be strong in Rasi/Navamsa and should transfer its power to Lagna/Lagna Lord / Atma Karaka. Rahu is exalted in Saggitarius Rasi in Navamsa while Moon being in 4th has directional strength and hence strong. As both Moon and Rahu aspects Lagna and AtmaKaraka placed in Lagna with Rasi drishti indicats the transfer of VRY powers by the Dusthana Lords to native. As the Mercury is the lord of the 7th house indicates the husband. As Strong dusthana lords aspecting both 7th house Gemini and its lord Mercury placed in Lagna indicates the High status(?). As the 2nd from the UL is occupied by the Saturn a malefic planet hence indicates the seperation from Husband. (?) As the sthira karaka for the husband is jupiter indicates the death of the husband. As jupiter is debilitated in Makara Rasi moreover being placed with Functional malefic Venus (owner of 6th and 11th house) hence may indicate the troubles during Venus Dasa and Pratyantardasa(?). Widow hood can be expected during the Venus dasa starting from November, 1990. As per the rule if the Vipareetha Rajayoga takes place by the placement of Dusthana lords in Kendra, Native can attain the power with the ally/friend/relative. Hence once can expect the fructification of the Vipareetha Rajaya with the death of her husband. As the Lagna Lord Jupiter is not too strong and the presence of clear Yogadas in the chart indicates Vipareeta Rajaya but of a little lesser state. NOTE: NEED TO LEARN THE CAUSE OF THE DEATH OF HUSBAND.[sanjay Rath:] Very very good. You got the Venus very correctly..so can it be vehicle accident..see Venus. 7. Case study: Male born:19 December 1954 at 00:20' AM at Delhi, India. Is there VRY? What happened with the advent of Saturn Dasa.Answer: 12th Lord Sun and 6th co-lord Rahu being placed in Kendra in 4th house satisfies the first condition of the Vipareeta Rajayoga. For such combinations, lords involved need to be strong for the fructification of the Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Rahu is strong by being placed in its exaltation Rasi in Saggitarius. Sun is also strong by being placed in its Exaltation Rasi in Navamsa. Mars being the lord of 7th from Hora Lagna aspecting Ghatika Lagna with Rasi Drishti and Hora Lagna and Laga with graha drishti (4th and 8th aspects respectively). Hence the presence of Yogada confirms the fructification of the VRY. Moreover the aspect of Exalted Saturn on Rahu and Sun confirms the Fructification of the Vipareetha Raja Yoga. Moreover Jupiter is also exalted in Cancer Sign in 11th house. Hence native can rise in the life during the Rahu/Sun dasas and antardas. As per the rule of the VRY of this kind native gain with the death of allry/friend. As Sun represents father and Rahu represents the Maternal Grand parents, native may gain the powers due to the death of father/paternal grand parents. Also the graha drishti of exalted Saturn on the VRY combination also give the Raja Yoga durings its Dasa and Antardasas. As Saturn being the lord of the 5th house indicating fan following and 4th being the house indicating politics is it the native rose high in the politics with the advent of Saturn Dasa (?).[sanjay Rath:] No this is totally wrong. Try again and THINK. Be very careful with Saturn.. ....................................................................

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Respected Sanjay Guruji!


I am thankful to you for your valuable comments and

corrections. Infact I could not answer the questions fully in the

first attempt itself as my knowledge is not yet upto the level to

come to a clear understanding of analysing the horoscopes from all

the perspectives. Infact I need to do a lot of work to understand and

retry to answer the questions as you have guided with your valuable

comments. As the comments are from none other than the Guruji of all

the Gurujis, Sanjay Guruji, it has boosted my spirits alot. With the

teachings of Visti Guruji, and with your blessings, I

will try again and come back with the improved answers to the

Lesson#5 though it may take quite some time.

While answering question 3, I did not take my personal

horoscope as it is limiting my learnings.


Thanks and with due respects,





varahamihira , <guruji@s...> wrote:



> ::Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya::

> Dear PK

> some comments under your mail

> With best regards,

> Sanjay Rath


> Maling address: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India; Tel:

> 91.6752.226269; webpages: http://srath.com <http://srath.com/>

> --------------------------------




> _____


> PK [pkvirus99]

> Sunday, February 22, 2004 8:04 PM

> varahamihira

> |Sri Varaha| Answers to Lesson-5 Assignments




> *****************



> ***************



> **********************


> Respected Visti Guruji and other Gurujis and Dear Members!





> ....................................................................




> 1. What is the meaning of the word Rajayoga? Explain with examples.

> Answer:

> Rajayoga is the conjuction or aspect of the planets which

> will rise the native to higher status in terms of fame or wealth or

> ruling powers. Rajayoga can be caused by planets in strenth. For

> example Tarus and Libra lagna Saturn is Yoga Karaka as Saturn being

> the lord of Kendra and Kona Simultaneous. If this yogakaraka saturn

> conjoins/aspects Hora Lagna, Gati Lagna and transfers its power to

> the Lagna Lord or Atmakara then the native will rise higher in the

> life. As per Sage Parasara, Rajyoga is caused by the relationship

> between Karakamsa Lagna and Janma Lagna or conjuction/aspect of


> Karaka and Putra Karak etc. (Infact I have to study in detail about

> the the Raja Yoga, which I intended to do once I post the answers

> this Assignment which is basically dealing with Vipareeta Raja


> [sanjay Rath:] A yoga that results in the association of the factors

> defining the self with the King (Raja) is called Rajayoga. Since

the Sun is

> the natural King it should be strong. Similarly, combinations where

the self

> associates with the renunciate (Saturn) is called Pravrajya yoga

and for

> this Saturn shoud be strong.

> [sanjay Rath:] For Taurus lagna or Libra, Saturn in the 12th house


> Rajayoga while in strength in the 9th it can give pravrajya...be


> with Saturn and Rajayogas.

> Apart from the benefic combinations as given above, even the

> conjuction of the lords of dusthana can cause Rajayoga under


> conditions. Such yoga is called Vipareeta Rajayoga as it is caused


> the lords of dusthanas becoming week and distryoing each other

> causing good to the native. As the loss of somebody is gain of

> someother ones, when the dusthana lords are conjoin together they


> up fighting with each other and ultimately they destroy each other

> and become week their loss is gained causing Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused due to any of the following

> combinations.

> Case A) When the lords of dusthanas conjoin in Dusthana. And

> also these lords become week by their dibility in Rasi/Navamsa. In

> this condition native will rise with the death/fall of the enemy.

> Case B) When the lords of the dusthanas conjoin in

> Kendra/Kona and strong by being exalted in Rasi/Navamsa. In this

> condition the planets causing VRY should aspect/conjoin Lagna Lord


> Atmakaraka so that transfer of the takes place to the native. In


> condition native will rise with the death/fall of the ally.

> Case C) Also Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused by the placement of

> debilitated/week and Yogakaraka Saturn in the dusthanas. This is


> to the fact that Saturn is the significator of the Dusthanas and


> placement in Dusthanas will destroy the dusthana affairs causing it

> very week.

> Case D) Also Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused by the placement of

> strong Malefics in 3rd / 6th houses from the Arudha Lagna. As the


> and 6th houses indicates the Parakrama and wars, placement of the

> malefic planets in this houses will give courage and victory over


> enemy. As the placement of the malefics happen to be in Arudha


> which indicates what will rise in the material plane, native become


> great victor in material life. Malefic planets place in the 3rd/6th

> house should be strong enough for the fructification of the


> Rajayoga of this kind.

> Case E) Also Vipareeta Rajayoga is caused by the placement of

> the benefic planets in 3rd / 6th house from the Arudha Lagana if


> are very week. This is due to the reason that the placement of

> benefic planets in 3rd/6th house makes native of humble and


> natured and if these benefic planets happen to be very week they it

> gives the opposite rises the native in material world.

> In all the above mentioned condutions conjuction of the

> exalted planets and yogadas will confirm the Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> [sanjay Rath:] Good assessment.



> 2. What is the meaning of Pravrajya Yoga? Do illustrate.

> Answer:

> Pravrajya Yoga is the combination of the planets which will

> make the native renounce all the materialistic comforts and live a

> saintly life. For example simultaneously aspect/conjuction of


> Venus and Ketu on 4th house can cause a person renounce everything

> and lead the moksha marga.

> [sanjay Rath:] Why 4th house? I think Saturn & Ketu in the 4th

house will

> give TRUCKS and such large elephant kind of Vehicles.


> Similarly under certain combinations which can give Raja Yoga

> but the planets involved become too week then they give the


> results leading the person to renounce and such a yoga is called

> Vipareeta Pravarajya Yoga

> Vipareetha Pravarajya Yoga is caused by the placement of week

> malefic planets in the 3rd or 6th houses from the Arudha Lagna. As

> the Arudha Lagna indicates the status of the native as seen by the

> world (ie., matieral success), placement of Malefic planets in the

> 3rd and 6th from the Arudha Lagna give Parakrama to the native and

> Victory over the enemy. If these malefic planets happend to be very

> week then the opposite results are given i.e, it leads to the

> Vipareetha Pravrajya Yoga.

> [sanjay Rath:] So you say that Viparita Pravrajya occurs when a

native is

> defeated in battle and chased away from his kingdom. Having nothing

else to

> do he becomes a Sadhu!!




> 3. Would you consider your own horoscope one of Rajyoga or


> Yoga, or is there too much confusion??

> Answer:

> Instead of my own horoscope I am taking the horoscope of one

> of my friends to identify the Rajayoga and/Pravrajya Yogas. Birth

> details are as following.

> [sanjay Rath:] Why did you take the friends chart? So there was some

> confusion in own chart??


> Date of birth : 03rd of September, 1975.

> Time of birth : 05:00:00 AM (IST)

> Longitude : 78 E 50

> Latitude : 13 N 50


> Following are the Rasi and Navamsa Charts


> +----------------------+

> | | | Ket | |

> | | | | |

> | | JupR | Mar | |

> | | | | |

> | | | GL | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | Glk | | Sat Moo |

> | | | |

> | Mnd | | HL BL |

> | | | |

> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> | | | Asc |

> | | | |

> | | | VenR |

> | | | |

> | | | Sun |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | Rah | | Mer |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | JupR | | |

> | BL | | | Mar |

> | | Asc | VenR | |

> | Glk | | | Mnd |

> | | Mer | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | Rah |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

> | | | GL |

> | | | |

> | Ket | | Sat |

> | | | |

> | | | Sun |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | HL | | Moo |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+




> As the lord of the 6th house Saturn and lord of the 4th House

> moon conjoin in in the 12th house satisfies the first rule


> Rajayoga. As the conjuction takes place in dusthana, the dusthana

> lords invoved should be ween by being in Debility in Rasi/Navamsa.


> Moon is in its own rasi Cancer gains strength and hence Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga strength reduces a bit.

> As the Saturn owns the 7th from Lagna & Ghati Lagna placed in

> Hora langna qualifies as Yogada. As the presence of the yogada

> confirms the fructification of VRY native may gain wealth as the


> Lagna is prominently involved. As per the Vipareetha Raja Yoga


> concerned with this dusthana lord conjuction in dusthana, native


> rise with the death of enemy representing the planets involved in


> As Moon represents the people in the form of mother

> (maternal/patenrnal aunties etc.,)

> [sanjay Rath:] Moon is mother , Venus rules aunts.

> and Saturn representing the people

> in the forms of elder co-borns, may represent Vipareetha Rajayoga

> with the people inimical to the native in those forms represented


> the Moon or Saturn.

> [sanjay Rath:] So what is happening? Is there Rajayoga or

Pravrajayoga?? Is

> the person going to have position and status or renounce the world

or do

> neither and live a normal life...be clear.



> 4. Case Study: Male born 4th September 1969 at 1:52':37 " AM IST at

> Delhi, India. What happened to the native in his 5th year of age


> how was Rahu dasa for him? Is there Vipareeta Rajyoga in this chart?

> Answer:

> Scenario 1: VRY due to conjuction of Dusthana Lords

> As per the rules of the Vipareeta Rajayoga, lords of the two

> evil houses coinjoin in the evil house. I.e., Lord of 3rd House Sun

> is coinjoined with the lord of the 6th house Ketu (Co-lord of

> Scorpio) in 3rd house. This satisfies the first rule of the VRY


> the lords of the evil houses should conjoin. Also as these two

> conjoin in a evil house (3rd house) it partially satisfies the 2nd

> rule of the VRY. As per the second rule of the VRY if the dusthana

> houses lord conjoin in another dusthana, they need to be week by

> their placement in debility either in Rasi/Navamsa. As sun being in

> his own Rasi (Simha Rasi) that too in simha upto first 20 degrees

> happens to be moola trikona Sun is strong. One can consider the

> decrease in strength of the Sun by its placement in Virgo. (Sun

> considers Mercury as its enemy) Hence one can consider that Sun has

> reduced its strength to some extent but still it is not very week.

> Also Ketu being placed in Dhanur Rasi in Navamsa makes it strong.

> Hence second half of the 2nd rule of the Vipareeta Raja Yoga is not

> satisfied then VRY is not very strong and hence will function only

> for short duration if at all it can fructify. But the absence of

> Yogadas or absence of any debilitated conjuction with Sun and Ketu

> rules makes VRY further week hence one can rule out the VRY due to

> this combition.

> Saturn being placed in Hora Lagna and 7th from Ghati Lagna.

> Also Saturn aspects the Lagna and Ghati Lagna with Graha Dristi.


> we consider Saturn as Yogada due to these reasons? Ofcourse Saturn

> neither owns Hora Lagna/Ghati Lagna nor owns 7th from any of these.

> If so then I am sure that VRY will function during the Dasa of

> Sun/Ketu and Antar Dasa of Saturn, or during the Dasa of Saturn and

> Antardasa of Saturn/Ketu. Hence plece clarify whether Saturn can be

> given the status similar to Yogada.?

> [sanjay Rath:] No, it has nothing to do with the lagna. The person


> associate with powerful people as GL & HL associate with 9th lord

but the

> lagnesh/lagna is away from all this and busy reading with Jupiter.

So what

> do you think happened?


> Scenario 2: VRY due to the placement of Malefics in 3rd or

> 6th from Arudha Lagna

> As per this Vipareeta Raja Yoga rule the placement of strong

> Malefic(s) in 3rd or 6th from the Arudha Lagna confers the Raja


> in the reverse form i.e., Vipareeta Raja Yoga, as Arudha Lagna

> represents everything about the person in the Materialistic Plane,

> placement of Malefics in 3rd / 6th House from Arudha pada makes

> native successful in the Materialistic place as these it boosts the

> Paraakrama of the native if placed in 3rd from AL and victory


> enemies if placed in 6th from AL.

> As Rahu is placed in the 6th house from Arudha Lagna

> satisfies the first of of this Vipareeta Raja Yoga condition, also

> Rahu being placed in his own Rasi (Kumbha Rasi) and as being

> conjoined with Moon in Navamsa makes it strong hence satisfies the

> second half condition of the Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> Also Mars is placed in the 3rd house from Arudha Lagna in his

> own Rasi Scorpio gives combination for the Vipareeta Rajayoga.

> Out of the two Vipareeta Raja Yoga formed, Rahu is more

> strong as Rahu aspects Hora lagna & Ghati Lagna by Rasi Drishti and

> Lagna and Ghati Lagna with Graha Dristi. As the influence of the


> on the Ghati Lagna is more prominent will give the ruling


> to the native during the Dasas of Rahu (?). (Similar results are

> shown even during Mars dasas/antar dasas). Rahu Dasa and Mars

> Antardasa or vice versa can give powerful Vipareet Rajayoga


> Hence Vimsottari dasa period between 20th of February 1973 and 17th

> of April 1973 can give powerful VRY due to Mars Dasa and Rahu

> Antardasa.



> [sanjay Rath:] From AL, Rahu is in the 6th house in exalted navamsa

so it

> shows that some kind of a destruction is taking place. Now Rahu is

the 9th

> lord and is aspecting the Sun..like an eclipse. Rahu is in marana


> sthana and is highly inimical to Mercury and Jupiter in AL. Further


> pachakadi sambandha, planets placed in the 6th from Jupiter will be

> destroyed by Jupiter. So, Rahu acts like a destroyed planet both

from lagna

> and AL, even though it is in strength. Thus although there was


> around, he got nothing of it and for 18 years lived a miserable

life in a

> tiny room although, technically he owned lots of property. When

Jupiter dasa

> came, he got this roperty and sudenly hia AL shot up, he had new

car, big

> house..almost like a fort in Delhi etc. The inheritance came



> Sun is in the 12th from AL indicating loss of father or serious


> with father. Father died in 5th year in the first Pitri shoola dasa

of Leo.

> Examine this in detail now.



> 5. Case study: Male born 5th January 1934 at 10:17' AM IST at

> Allahabad, India. His chart is given below. Is there VRY in this

> chart? If so, when and how shall it function. If not, why not? He

> became a Cabinet Minister with the advent of Jupiter dasa. How did

> Jupiter in the 8th house give such excellent results?

> Answer:

> NOTE: I did not get Makara Navamsa Lagna for the time of

> birth 10:17 am IST. Instead time 9:55 am IST gives the Navamsa


> has given in the document. Hence I took time as 09:55 am IST as the

> birth time to bring the Navamsa in synchronization with the one


> is given in the assignment.

> As 12th house lord Sanidev and 3rd house lord Mangal conjoin

> in the 12th house i.e., dusthana lords conjoin in dusthana


> the first rule of Vipareeta Raja Yoga. For such combination planets

> in such conjuction should be week by being debilitated either in


> or Navamsa. As Mars is placed in its exaltation rasi and also


> is placed in its rasi which gives it strength hence second


> for that VRY that the planets in VRY combination need to be weak is

> not met. Hence Vipareeta Rajayoga is not present but native will

> surely rise high in life due to the conjuction of dusthana lord in

> dusthana.

> I do not know the reason behind why the native become cabinet

> minister during Jupiter Dasa. But when we consider the Arudha


> Sun and Merucry are placed in the Arudha Lagna. Sun being a royal

> planet gives the native ruling powers also Jupiter is placed in


> from Arudha Lagna, could this be the reason why the native become


> cabinet minister during the Jupiter Dasa (?)

> [sanjay Rath:] See the parivartana yoga between Jupiter and Mercury

> concerning 10th & lagna lords from AL. So realise the importance of


> lagna in all his Rajayoga etc inthis world of maya.



> 6. Case study: Female born on 23 January 1950, 6:15' AM IST 77E26,

> 28N40 Ghaziabad, India. Is there VRY in this chart? Is widowhood

> indicated? If so, then at what age can it be expected and how would

> her spouse pass away? Hint: Her husband was a top politician in


> Answer:

> As 3rd house co-lord Rahu conjoins with 8th house lord Moon

> in the Kendra satisfies the first condition of the VRY. As per the

> second condition, these planets need to be strong in Rasi/Navamsa


> should transfer its power to Lagna/Lagna Lord / Atma Karaka. Rahu


> exalted in Saggitarius Rasi in Navamsa while Moon being in 4th has

> directional strength and hence strong. As both Moon and Rahu


> Lagna and AtmaKaraka placed in Lagna with Rasi drishti indicats the

> transfer of VRY powers by the Dusthana Lords to native.

> As the Mercury is the lord of the 7th house indicates the

> husband. As Strong dusthana lords aspecting both 7th house Gemini


> its lord Mercury placed in Lagna indicates the High status(?). As


> 2nd from the UL is occupied by the Saturn a malefic planet hence

> indicates the seperation from Husband. (?) As the sthira karaka for

> the husband is jupiter indicates the death of the husband. As


> is debilitated in Makara Rasi moreover being placed with Functional

> malefic Venus (owner of 6th and 11th house) hence may indicate the

> troubles during Venus Dasa and Pratyantardasa(?). Widow hood can be

> expected during the Venus dasa starting from November, 1990.

> As per the rule if the Vipareetha Rajayoga takes place by the

> placement of Dusthana lords in Kendra, Native can attain the power

> with the ally/friend/relative. Hence once can expect the

> fructification of the Vipareetha Rajaya with the death of her

> husband. As the Lagna Lord Jupiter is not too strong and the


> of clear Yogadas in the chart indicates Vipareeta Rajaya but of a

> little lesser state.


> [sanjay Rath:] Very very good. You got the Venus very correctly..so

can it

> be vehicle accident..see Venus.



> 7. Case study: Male born:19 December 1954 at 00:20' AM at Delhi,

> India. Is there VRY? What happened with the advent of Saturn Dasa.

> Answer: 12th Lord Sun and 6th co-lord Rahu being placed in Kendra


> 4th house satisfies the first condition of the Vipareeta Rajayoga.

> For such combinations, lords involved need to be strong for the

> fructification of the Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Rahu is strong by being

> placed in its exaltation Rasi in Saggitarius. Sun is also strong by

> being placed in its Exaltation Rasi in Navamsa.

> Mars being the lord of 7th from Hora Lagna aspecting Ghatika

> Lagna with Rasi Drishti and Hora Lagna and Laga with graha drishti

> (4th and 8th aspects respectively). Hence the presence of Yogada

> confirms the fructification of the VRY. Moreover the aspect of

> Exalted Saturn on Rahu and Sun confirms the Fructification of the

> Vipareetha Raja Yoga. Moreover Jupiter is also exalted in Cancer


> in 11th house.

> Hence native can rise in the life during the Rahu/Sun dasas

> and antardas. As per the rule of the VRY of this kind native gain

> with the death of allry/friend. As Sun represents father and Rahu

> represents the Maternal Grand parents, native may gain the powers


> to the death of father/paternal grand parents.

> Also the graha drishti of exalted Saturn on the VRY

> combination also give the Raja Yoga durings its Dasa and


> As Saturn being the lord of the 5th house indicating fan following

> and 4th being the house indicating politics is it the native rose

> high in the politics with the advent of Saturn Dasa (?).

> [sanjay Rath:] No this is totally wrong. Try again and THINK. Be


> careful with Saturn..


> ....................................................................

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