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RE: smoking habit

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam BruyatDear Raj,I am a student like you. I think we both will wait till we hear from learned members.RegardsRameshrajagoopalan.n [ennraj]Tuesday, March 02, 2004 3:08 PMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking habbitDear Sir, Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strongdoubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars stillno use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearingcoral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & suntoo(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not ablelive this.hari om nahmo narayanaraj--- Ramesh Gangaramani<ramesh.gangaramani wrote:> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat>> Dear Raj,>> Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva and> it is placed in Gemini> which represents element air. These two combined may> show smoking habit.> Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka for> throat! I may have included> Sun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fire> element, also as giving similar> indication but I am not sure!>> I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!> My Sun however is in> Cancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd house> with Mars, fortunately> aspected by Jupiter.>> I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardon> me if I am completely> wrong.>> Best Regards> Ramesh>>>> > rajagoopalan.n [ennraj]> Tuesday, March 02, 2004 2:03 PM> ;> varahamihira ;> Vedic Astrology > |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit>>> Dear guru & learned members,> I have doubt in my chart . Which planet cause> smoking> habit & drifting mind in my horoscope. I have> deblited> mercury in my 12th house & mars & Saturn in 3rd house.> The habit caused due to mars or deblited Buddha??.> Pl through me some light in this reg . my> intensation> is if I find out the root cause I will chat the> planet> mantra or gayatri & try to get away from this killing> habit.> My details of chart:> 18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-> tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40>> ADVANCE THANKS ,> HARI OM NAMAHO NARAYANA,> RAJ>>> =====>>> > > Search - Find what youre looking for faster> http://search.>>> |Om Tat Sat|> http://www.varahamihira>

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Om Gurave Namah



Dear Raj



You had said " my intention is if I find out the root cause I will

chant the planet mantra or gayatri & try to get away from this killing

habit. " Since you have also said that you have tried but have failed

to stop, here is a remedy first.


The very fact that you have mentioned that you will chant a mantra or

the Gayatri to get rid of smoking shows that Guru is guiding you. If

you have been properly initiated it is fine. Else, you should be

initiated with the Gayatri mantra. Reading Gayatri mantra from a book

will not and never work. Once you start the Gayatri you will need no

other mantra to protect you from any evil. The root cause for any

evil or sin will be removed.



Then, whenever you have an urge to smoke, STOP. Chant the Gayatri

mantra atleast once! Now try to smoke. You WON'T be able to. The

thought that you will pollute your mouth, which chanted the most

sacred and most powerful Gayatri mantra will stop you from smoking.

This applies to any wrong or evil that our mind propels us to do or

even think. Continue chanting...


Remember in Gayatri you are invoking the Sun. And remember, Sri

Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, " of all mantras, I am the Gayatri "


I heard this from my Guru- an exponent of the Gayatri mantra.

There have been many who have benefitted from this remedy. I had

recommended this to a non-stop smoker- a Commercial Director of one

of India's largest Ad agency (these guys are supposedly over-stressed

and smoke it out!!) and believe me, the remedy is working like a

charm. And, there will be no withdrawal symptoms.


Our Gurudeva Pt Sanjay Rath has also dealt with the Gayatri Mantra in

his book VRA and I think you can find more about it on his website as



The Greatness of Gayatri-as explained by various sages and reproduced

in various books:



" The way honey is the essence of flowers, and butter of milk, in the

same manner Gayatri is the essence of all the Vedas. Gayatri when

realized is verily the Kamadhenu - the celestial wish-fulfilling

cow. Ganga cleanses the sins of this worldly body; Gayatri purifies

the soul. The worship of god bereft of Gayatri is like going out to

beg food leaving the meals laid out before you. Gayatri is the

greatest means of extending your spiritual powers and successful

accomplishment of good ends. There is nothing greater than Gayatri

for this purpose.. "


--- Veda Vyasa


" Even divinities like Brahma pray to Gayatri because Gayatri makes

possible the realization of Brahman. Gayatri removes from you the

propensity to evil actions. "


--- Rishi Bharadwaja


" Even fools, criminals and men with unstable minds are able to

attain enlightenment by the power of Gayatri. When that is so, then

the worship of Gayatri by the firm and pure minded persons will

surely lead them to self knowledge and self-realisation. "


--- Sage Vashishtha



" Gayatri is the Mother of the Vedas and the destroyer of all sins.

There is nothing more purifying on earth than the Gayatri Mantra. The

Japa of Gayatri brings the same fruit as the recitation of all the

Vedas with the Angas. This single Mantra repeated sincerely and with

a clear conscience brings the Supreme Good, which is liberation or

emancipation from the wheel of birth and death. "


--- Swami Sivananda


I reproduce below English translation of a discourse delivered in

tamil by one of the greatest sages of recent times, respected and

revered by all, HH Sri Sri Chandrasekara Saraswathi Swamigal (1894-

1994), the Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam.


" Gayatri is the mother of all the Vedic Mantras. People who chant the

Gayatri Mantra with affection and devotion are protected. Gaayantam

traayate yasmaat Gayatri tyabhidhiyate.


If the Brahmin keeps the fire of Mantras always burning in him, there

will be universal welfare. He must be able to help people in trouble

with his Mantric power. He lives in vain indeed if he turns away a

man who seeks his help, excusing himself thus: " I do the same things

that you do. I possess only such power as you have. "


Today, the fire of Mantric power has been put out, or perhaps it is

like dying embers. But may be, a spark of the old fire still gives

off a dim light. It must be made to burn brighter, so that one day,

it may become a blaze.


This spark is the Gayatri Mantra which has been handed down to us

through the ages. At least on Sundays, all those who wear the sacred

thread must do Gayatri Japa a thousand times. They must take every

care to see that their body is kept pure and fit to absorb the

Mantric power.


The Gayatri Mantra contains in itself the spirit and energy of all

the Vedic Mantras. Indeed it imparts power to the other Mantras.

Without Gayatri Japa, the chanting of all other Mantras would be



Only by the intense repetition of the Gayatri Mantra shall we be able

to master the Vedic Mantras. Gayatri is essential to the Self and its

Japa must not be given up at any time.


Gayatri must be worshipped as a Mother.

The Vedas proclaim Gayatri to be such a Mother.


The benefit we derive from the Gayatri Mantra is the cleansing of the

mind - Chitta suddhi. Even other Mantras have this ultimate purpose.

However, Chitta suddhi is the direct result of Gayatri Japa.


Let us all pray to the Lord that the fire of the Mantras is never

extinguished in us, and that it will keep burning brighter and

brighter. "


Now, Raj, extinguish the cigarette and light up your life- start

chanting the Gayatri mantra.


I however, respect your astrological interest with regard to smoking.

More on that later.


May the Mother Gayatri inspire and enlighten our intellect


R. Kasthuri Rangan

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||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


Namaste Rangan,


Excellent collection of quotes on the Savitur Gayatri. Pandit Sanjay Rath is, you will agree, an expert in Mantra Shastra particularly the Gayatri but he has exalted Rahu in 4th, which causes argala on 3rd house and Ra aspects Cancer as well as its lord Moon...hmm does this not indicate asthma (Ra aspects lagna lord as well)? Ah well, the pains of adding to the bank of karma...


I think Rajagoopalan need not worry as long as his thinking and motives are pure and he remains committed to pursuing the path of knowledge & helping others.



Harirkrangan <rkr wrote:

Om Gurave NamahDear RajYou had said " my intention is if I find out the root cause I will chant the planet mantra or gayatri & try to get away from this killing habit." Since you have also said that you have tried but have failed to stop, here is a remedy first. The very fact that you have mentioned that you will chant a mantra or the Gayatri to get rid of smoking shows that Guru is guiding you. If you have been properly initiated it is fine. Else, you should be initiated with the Gayatri mantra. Reading Gayatri mantra from a book will not and never work. Once you start the Gayatri you will need no other mantra to protect you from any evil. The root cause for any evil or sin will be removed.Remedy:Then, whenever you have an urge to smoke, STOP. Chant the Gayatri mantra atleast

once! Now try to smoke. You WON'T be able to. The thought that you will pollute your mouth, which chanted the most sacred and most powerful Gayatri mantra will stop you from smoking. This applies to any wrong or evil that our mind propels us to do or even think. Continue chanting...Remember in Gayatri you are invoking the Sun. And remember, Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, "of all mantras, I am the Gayatri"I heard this from my Guru- an exponent of the Gayatri mantra.There have been many who have benefitted from this remedy. I had recommended this to a non-stop smoker- a Commercial Director of one of India's largest Ad agency (these guys are supposedly over-stressed and smoke it out!!) and believe me, the remedy is working like a charm. And, there will be no withdrawal symptoms.Our Gurudeva Pt Sanjay Rath has also dealt with the Gayatri Mantra in his book VRA and I think you can find more about it on his website as

well.The Greatness of Gayatri-as explained by various sages and reproduced in various books:"The way honey is the essence of flowers, and butter of milk, in thesame manner Gayatri is the essence of all the Vedas. Gayatri whenrealized is verily the Kamadhenu - the celestial wish-fulfillingcow. Ganga cleanses the sins of this worldly body; Gayatri purifiesthe soul. The worship of god bereft of Gayatri is like going out tobeg food leaving the meals laid out before you. Gayatri is thegreatest means of extending your spiritual powers and successfulaccomplishment of good ends. There is nothing greater than Gayatrifor this purpose.."--- Veda Vyasa"Even divinities like Brahma pray to Gayatri because Gayatri makespossible the realization of Brahman. Gayatri removes from you thepropensity to evil actions."--- Rishi Bharadwaja"Even fools, criminals and men with unstable minds are able

toattain enlightenment by the power of Gayatri. When that is so, thenthe worship of Gayatri by the firm and pure minded persons willsurely lead them to self knowledge and self-realisation."--- Sage Vashishtha"Gayatri is the Mother of the Vedas and the destroyer of all sins. There is nothing more purifying on earth than the Gayatri Mantra. The Japa of Gayatri brings the same fruit as the recitation of all the Vedas with the Angas. This single Mantra repeated sincerely and with a clear conscience brings the Supreme Good, which is liberation or emancipation from the wheel of birth and death."--- Swami SivanandaI reproduce below English translation of a discourse delivered in tamil by one of the greatest sages of recent times, respected and revered by all, HH Sri Sri Chandrasekara Saraswathi Swamigal (1894-1994), the Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam."Gayatri is the mother of all the Vedic

Mantras. People who chant the Gayatri Mantra with affection and devotion are protected. Gaayantam traayate yasmaat Gayatri tyabhidhiyate.If the Brahmin keeps the fire of Mantras always burning in him, there will be universal welfare. He must be able to help people in trouble with his Mantric power. He lives in vain indeed if he turns away a man who seeks his help, excusing himself thus: "I do the same things that you do. I possess only such power as you have."Today, the fire of Mantric power has been put out, or perhaps it is like dying embers. But may be, a spark of the old fire still gives off a dim light. It must be made to burn brighter, so that one day, it may become a blaze.This spark is the Gayatri Mantra which has been handed down to us through the ages. At least on Sundays, all those who wear the sacred thread must do Gayatri Japa a thousand times. They must take every care to see that their body is

kept pure and fit to absorb the Mantric power.The Gayatri Mantra contains in itself the spirit and energy of all the Vedic Mantras. Indeed it imparts power to the other Mantras. Without Gayatri Japa, the chanting of all other Mantras would be futile.Only by the intense repetition of the Gayatri Mantra shall we be able to master the Vedic Mantras. Gayatri is essential to the Self and its Japa must not be given up at any time.Gayatri must be worshipped as a Mother.The Vedas proclaim Gayatri to be such a Mother.The benefit we derive from the Gayatri Mantra is the cleansing of the mind - Chitta suddhi. Even other Mantras have this ultimate purpose. However, Chitta suddhi is the direct result of Gayatri Japa.Let us all pray to the Lord that the fire of the Mantras is never extinguished in us, and that it will keep burning brighter and brighter."Now, Raj, extinguish the cigarette and light up your

life- start chanting the Gayatri mantra. I however, respect your astrological interest with regard to smoking. More on that later.May the Mother Gayatri inspire and enlighten our intellect SincerelyR. Kasthuri Rangan|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira


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Dear sir,

Many thanks for the remedy . (I cant express my thanks

in words). I am having full confidence now . I know

now iam able to live this soon. I got proper

bramauppdasa of gayatri . I will chat this

regularly. Once again thanks sir.\


Hari om namho narayana


--- rkrangan <rkr wrote:

> Om Gurave Namah



> Dear Raj



> You had said " my intention is if I find out the

> root cause I will

> chant the planet mantra or gayatri & try to get away

> from this killing

> habit. " Since you have also said that you have

> tried but have failed

> to stop, here is a remedy first.


> The very fact that you have mentioned that you will

> chant a mantra or

> the Gayatri to get rid of smoking shows that Guru is

> guiding you. If

> you have been properly initiated it is fine. Else,

> you should be

> initiated with the Gayatri mantra. Reading Gayatri

> mantra from a book

> will not and never work. Once you start the Gayatri

> you will need no

> other mantra to protect you from any evil. The root

> cause for any

> evil or sin will be removed.


> Remedy:

> Then, whenever you have an urge to smoke, STOP.

> Chant the Gayatri

> mantra atleast once! Now try to smoke. You WON'T be

> able to. The

> thought that you will pollute your mouth, which

> chanted the most

> sacred and most powerful Gayatri mantra will stop

> you from smoking.

> This applies to any wrong or evil that our mind

> propels us to do or

> even think. Continue chanting...


> Remember in Gayatri you are invoking the Sun. And

> remember, Sri

> Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, " of all mantras, I am

> the Gayatri "


> I heard this from my Guru- an exponent of the

> Gayatri mantra.

> There have been many who have benefitted from this

> remedy. I had

> recommended this to a non-stop smoker- a Commercial

> Director of one

> of India's largest Ad agency (these guys are

> supposedly over-stressed

> and smoke it out!!) and believe me, the remedy is

> working like a

> charm. And, there will be no withdrawal symptoms.


> Our Gurudeva Pt Sanjay Rath has also dealt with the

> Gayatri Mantra in

> his book VRA and I think you can find more about it

> on his website as

> well.


> The Greatness of Gayatri-as explained by various

> sages and reproduced

> in various books:



> " The way honey is the essence of flowers, and butter

> of milk, in the

> same manner Gayatri is the essence of all the Vedas.

> Gayatri when

> realized is verily the Kamadhenu - the celestial

> wish-fulfilling

> cow. Ganga cleanses the sins of this worldly body;

> Gayatri purifies

> the soul. The worship of god bereft of Gayatri is

> like going out to

> beg food leaving the meals laid out before you.

> Gayatri is the

> greatest means of extending your spiritual powers

> and successful

> accomplishment of good ends. There is nothing

> greater than Gayatri

> for this purpose.. "


> --- Veda Vyasa


> " Even divinities like Brahma pray to Gayatri because

> Gayatri makes

> possible the realization of Brahman. Gayatri removes

> from you the

> propensity to evil actions. "


> --- Rishi Bharadwaja


> " Even fools, criminals and men with unstable minds

> are able to

> attain enlightenment by the power of Gayatri. When

> that is so, then

> the worship of Gayatri by the firm and pure minded

> persons will

> surely lead them to self knowledge and

> self-realisation. "


> --- Sage Vashishtha



> " Gayatri is the Mother of the Vedas and the

> destroyer of all sins.

> There is nothing more purifying on earth than the

> Gayatri Mantra. The

> Japa of Gayatri brings the same fruit as the

> recitation of all the

> Vedas with the Angas. This single Mantra repeated

> sincerely and with

> a clear conscience brings the Supreme Good, which is

> liberation or

> emancipation from the wheel of birth and death. "


> --- Swami Sivananda


> I reproduce below English translation of a discourse

> delivered in

> tamil by one of the greatest sages of recent times,

> respected and

> revered by all, HH Sri Sri Chandrasekara Saraswathi

> Swamigal (1894-

> 1994), the Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam.


> " Gayatri is the mother of all the Vedic Mantras.

> People who chant the

> Gayatri Mantra with affection and devotion are

> protected. Gaayantam

> traayate yasmaat Gayatri tyabhidhiyate.


> If the Brahmin keeps the fire of Mantras always

> burning in him, there

> will be universal welfare. He must be able to help

> people in trouble

> with his Mantric power. He lives in vain indeed if

> he turns away a

> man who seeks his help, excusing himself thus: " I do

> the same things

> that you do. I possess only such power as you have. "


> Today, the fire of Mantric power has been put out,

> or perhaps it is

> like dying embers. But may be, a spark of the old

> fire still gives

> off a dim light. It must be made to burn brighter,

> so that one day,

> it may become a blaze.


> This spark is the Gayatri Mantra which has been

> handed down to us

> through the ages. At least on Sundays, all those who

> wear the sacred

> thread must do Gayatri Japa a thousand times. They

> must take every

> care to see that their body is kept pure and fit to

> absorb the

> Mantric power.


> The Gayatri Mantra contains in itself the spirit and

> energy of all

> the Vedic Mantras. Indeed it imparts power to the

> other Mantras.

> Without Gayatri Japa, the chanting of all other

> Mantras would be

> futile.


> Only by the intense repetition of the Gayatri Mantra

> shall we be able

> to master the Vedic Mantras. Gayatri is essential to

> the Self and its

> Japa must not be given up at any time.


> Gayatri must be worshipped as a Mother.

> The Vedas proclaim Gayatri to be such a Mother.


> The benefit we derive from the Gayatri Mantra is the

> cleansing of the

> mind - Chitta suddhi. Even other Mantras have this

> ultimate purpose.

> However, Chitta suddhi is the direct result of

> Gayatri Japa.


> Let us all pray to the Lord that the fire of the

> Mantras is never

> extinguished in us, and that it will keep burning

> brighter and

> brighter. "


> Now, Raj, extinguish the cigarette and light up your

> life- start

> chanting the Gayatri mantra.


> I however, respect your astrological interest with

> regard to smoking.


=== message truncated ===





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Hare Rama Krishna


Namaste Raj,


Can you please publish your birth details, or please send

your chart in JHD format to my private mail box.


I would like to see and understand the reasons for this smoking




Raghunadha Rao



varahamihira , " rajagoopalan.n " <ennraj>


> Dear sir,

> Many thanks for the remedy . (I cant express my thanks

> in words). I am having full confidence now . I know

> now iam able to live this soon. I got proper

> bramauppdasa of gayatri . I will chat this

> regularly. Once again thanks sir.\


> Hari om namho narayana


> --- rkrangan <rkr@m...> wrote:

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> >

> > Dear Raj

> >

> >

> > You had said " my intention is if I find out the

> > root cause I will

> > chant the planet mantra or gayatri & try to get away

> > from this killing

> > habit. " Since you have also said that you have

> > tried but have failed

> > to stop, here is a remedy first.

> >

> > The very fact that you have mentioned that you will

> > chant a mantra or

> > the Gayatri to get rid of smoking shows that Guru is

> > guiding you. If

> > you have been properly initiated it is fine. Else,

> > you should be

> > initiated with the Gayatri mantra. Reading Gayatri

> > mantra from a book

> > will not and never work. Once you start the Gayatri

> > you will need no

> > other mantra to protect you from any evil. The root

> > cause for any

> > evil or sin will be removed.

> >

> > Remedy:

> > Then, whenever you have an urge to smoke, STOP.

> > Chant the Gayatri

> > mantra atleast once! Now try to smoke. You WON'T be

> > able to. The

> > thought that you will pollute your mouth, which

> > chanted the most

> > sacred and most powerful Gayatri mantra will stop

> > you from smoking.

> > This applies to any wrong or evil that our mind

> > propels us to do or

> > even think. Continue chanting...

> >

> > Remember in Gayatri you are invoking the Sun. And

> > remember, Sri

> > Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, " of all mantras, I am

> > the Gayatri "

> >

> > I heard this from my Guru- an exponent of the

> > Gayatri mantra.

> > There have been many who have benefitted from this

> > remedy. I had

> > recommended this to a non-stop smoker- a Commercial

> > Director of one

> > of India's largest Ad agency (these guys are

> > supposedly over-stressed

> > and smoke it out!!) and believe me, the remedy is

> > working like a

> > charm. And, there will be no withdrawal symptoms.

> >

> > Our Gurudeva Pt Sanjay Rath has also dealt with the

> > Gayatri Mantra in

> > his book VRA and I think you can find more about it

> > on his website as

> > well.

> >

> > The Greatness of Gayatri-as explained by various

> > sages and reproduced

> > in various books:

> >

> >

> > " The way honey is the essence of flowers, and butter

> > of milk, in the

> > same manner Gayatri is the essence of all the Vedas.

> > Gayatri when

> > realized is verily the Kamadhenu - the celestial

> > wish-fulfilling

> > cow. Ganga cleanses the sins of this worldly body;

> > Gayatri purifies

> > the soul. The worship of god bereft of Gayatri is

> > like going out to

> > beg food leaving the meals laid out before you.

> > Gayatri is the

> > greatest means of extending your spiritual powers

> > and successful

> > accomplishment of good ends. There is nothing

> > greater than Gayatri

> > for this purpose.. "

> >

> > --- Veda Vyasa

> >

> > " Even divinities like Brahma pray to Gayatri because

> > Gayatri makes

> > possible the realization of Brahman. Gayatri removes

> > from you the

> > propensity to evil actions. "

> >

> > --- Rishi Bharadwaja

> >

> > " Even fools, criminals and men with unstable minds

> > are able to

> > attain enlightenment by the power of Gayatri. When

> > that is so, then

> > the worship of Gayatri by the firm and pure minded

> > persons will

> > surely lead them to self knowledge and

> > self-realisation. "

> >

> > --- Sage Vashishtha

> >

> >

> > " Gayatri is the Mother of the Vedas and the

> > destroyer of all sins.

> > There is nothing more purifying on earth than the

> > Gayatri Mantra. The

> > Japa of Gayatri brings the same fruit as the

> > recitation of all the

> > Vedas with the Angas. This single Mantra repeated

> > sincerely and with

> > a clear conscience brings the Supreme Good, which is

> > liberation or

> > emancipation from the wheel of birth and death. "

> >

> > --- Swami Sivananda

> >

> > I reproduce below English translation of a discourse

> > delivered in

> > tamil by one of the greatest sages of recent times,

> > respected and

> > revered by all, HH Sri Sri Chandrasekara Saraswathi

> > Swamigal (1894-

> > 1994), the Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam.

> >

> > " Gayatri is the mother of all the Vedic Mantras.

> > People who chant the

> > Gayatri Mantra with affection and devotion are

> > protected. Gaayantam

> > traayate yasmaat Gayatri tyabhidhiyate.

> >

> > If the Brahmin keeps the fire of Mantras always

> > burning in him, there

> > will be universal welfare. He must be able to help

> > people in trouble

> > with his Mantric power. He lives in vain indeed if

> > he turns away a

> > man who seeks his help, excusing himself thus: " I do

> > the same things

> > that you do. I possess only such power as you have. "

> >

> > Today, the fire of Mantric power has been put out,

> > or perhaps it is

> > like dying embers. But may be, a spark of the old

> > fire still gives

> > off a dim light. It must be made to burn brighter,

> > so that one day,

> > it may become a blaze.

> >

> > This spark is the Gayatri Mantra which has been

> > handed down to us

> > through the ages. At least on Sundays, all those who

> > wear the sacred

> > thread must do Gayatri Japa a thousand times. They

> > must take every

> > care to see that their body is kept pure and fit to

> > absorb the

> > Mantric power.

> >

> > The Gayatri Mantra contains in itself the spirit and

> > energy of all

> > the Vedic Mantras. Indeed it imparts power to the

> > other Mantras.

> > Without Gayatri Japa, the chanting of all other

> > Mantras would be

> > futile.

> >

> > Only by the intense repetition of the Gayatri Mantra

> > shall we be able

> > to master the Vedic Mantras. Gayatri is essential to

> > the Self and its

> > Japa must not be given up at any time.

> >

> > Gayatri must be worshipped as a Mother.

> > The Vedas proclaim Gayatri to be such a Mother.

> >

> > The benefit we derive from the Gayatri Mantra is the

> > cleansing of the

> > mind - Chitta suddhi. Even other Mantras have this

> > ultimate purpose.

> > However, Chitta suddhi is the direct result of

> > Gayatri Japa.

> >

> > Let us all pray to the Lord that the fire of the

> > Mantras is never

> > extinguished in us, and that it will keep burning

> > brighter and

> > brighter. "

> >

> > Now, Raj, extinguish the cigarette and light up your

> > life- start

> > chanting the Gayatri mantra.

> >

> > I however, respect your astrological interest with

> > regard to smoking.

> >

> === message truncated ===





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Satyam Bruyat priyam Bruyat


Dear Shri Chandrashekharji,


My apologies for a hasty remark! The birth details however were given in Raj's mail. I am reproducing them for ready reference.


My details of chart:18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40

I am also enclosing his chart. Hope it gets through.


Kind regards






Chandrashekhar [boxdel]Wednesday, March 03, 2004 12:26 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| smoking habbitDear Raj/ Ramesh,Is it really possible to give indications, without taking into consideration Bhavadhipati, in absence of Lagna information?Chandrashekhar.rajagoopalan.n wrote:

Dear Sir,

Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strong

doubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars still

no use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearing

coral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & sun

too(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not able

live this.

hari om nahmo narayana


--- Ramesh Gangaramani

<ramesh.gangaramani wrote:


Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat

Dear Raj,

Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva and

it is placed in Gemini

which represents element air. These two combined may

show smoking habit.

Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka for

throat! I may have included

Sun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fire

element, also as giving similar

indication but I am not sure!

I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!

My Sun however is in

Cancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd house

with Mars, fortunately

aspected by Jupiter.

I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardon

me if I am completely


Best Regards


|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Jaya Jagannatha


If we add 2 minutes to birth time, the 10th

house in D-30 changes, which gives a better picture.















Ramesh Gangaramani


03 March 2004 15:22


RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking




Satyam Bruyat priyam







Dear Shri







My apologies for a hasty

remark! The birth details however were given in Raj's mail. I am reproducing

them for ready reference.






My details of chart:

18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-

tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40



I am also enclosing his

chart. Hope it gets through.






Kind regards


















Wednesday, March 03, 2004

12:26 AM


Re: |Sri Varaha| smoking


Dear Raj/ Ramesh,

Is it really possible to give indications, without taking into consideration

Bhavadhipati, in absence of Lagna information?



rajagoopalan.n wrote:



Dear Sir, Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strongdoubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars stillno use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearingcoral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & suntoo(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not ablelive this. hari om nahmo narayanaraj--- Ramesh Gangaramani<ramesh.gangaramani wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Raj, Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva andit is placed in Geminiwhich represents element air. These two combined mayshow smoking habit.Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka forthroat! I may have includedSun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fireelement, also as giving similarindication but I am not sure! I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!My Sun however is inCancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd housewith Mars, fortunatelyaspected by Jupiter. I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardonme if I am completelywrong. Best RegardsRamesh





Tat Sat|






|Om Tat Sat|


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Dear ramesh,

No reason to get perturbed and thank you for the Chart. The reason I

made the comment is that it has always been my personal opinion

that Saturn has to be involved with Lagna in some way or other for a

person to have some habits relating to intoxicants. This Saturn also

tends for the Jataka to want to leave the habit, which eventually he

does. In Raj's horoscope you see Saturn associate Mars who is lagna

Lord. Again Sat- Mars in 7th in Navamsha aspecting Lagna. So the theory

appears to work. I should think strengthening Sun, Lord of the 5th

should help. Look at aspect of Moon on 5th, attracting Kendradhipati




Ramesh Gangaramani wrote:



Satyam Bruyat priyam Bruyat


Dear Shri Chandrashekharji,


My apologies for a hasty remark! The birth

details however were given in Raj's mail. I am reproducing them for

ready reference.



details of chart:

18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-

tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40


I am also enclosing his chart. Hope it gets



Kind regards







Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

Wednesday, March 03, 2004 12:26 AM


Re: |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit



Dear Raj/ Ramesh,

Is it really possible to give indications, without taking into

consideration Bhavadhipati, in absence of Lagna information?



rajagoopalan.n wrote:


Dear Sir,

Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strong

doubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars still

no use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearing

coral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & sun

too(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not able

live this.

hari om nahmo narayana


--- Ramesh Gangaramani

<ramesh.gangaramani wrote:



Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat

Dear Raj,

Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva and

it is placed in Gemini

which represents element air. These two combined may

show smoking habit.

Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka for

throat! I may have included

Sun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fire

element, also as giving similar

indication but I am not sure!

I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!

My Sun however is in

Cancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd house

with Mars, fortunately

aspected by Jupiter.

I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardon

me if I am completely


Best Regards








|Om Tat Sat|






|Om Tat Sat|


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Hare Rama Krsna

I agree, there must be some connection of

Saturn to the lagna OR the Arudha lagna. When it is in association with lagna the

person takes intoxicants with their own intentions, when in association with AL it will

show the person is in a situation where intoxicants are used. I noticed he has

Saturn and Mars aspecting his AL, this

can show his smoking is a social habit and to break it will require he avoids

situations where others are smoking. As it is also in association with lagna

lord he takes this of his own will as well.

Someone gave Gyatri as a remedy, I’m

sure it will work by virtue of the Gyatri power alone. But since the Lagna

(karaka Sun) is not aspected by Shani, I would not have advised an upaya with

the Sun. Saturn is conj Paka lagna (karaka Jupiter)

so a Guru mantra would be effective, Jupiter is also aspecting both Saturn/Mars

and AL by graha drishti, and the lagna by rasi drishti, and Jupiter is conj AL karaka Moon.

Gyatri will work good

for a support as Sun is exalted in the Somanath Drekkana

lagna. Exaltation of the Somanath Lagnesh or uccha graha placed in lagna will make

a person very health conscious, opposite for a neecha situation. There are two

problems in the Somanath D-3 (his attitude towards health), the Sun may be

uccha in lagna but its lord Mars is neecha and conj Shani, also Sun is conj

Rahu. So strengthening the Sun will help give better attitude to his body and

give clarity of how to achieve the high level of health he tries to believe in.

Namah Sivaya


Somanath D-3


| \

/ \

/ |

| \



/ |

| \



/ |

| \ / Su \ / |


\ /

\ /



x HL As GL x



/ \

/ \


| / \ Ra / \ |

| /



\ |

| / Sa \ 1 /

\ |

| /

\ /

\ |






| \

/ \

/ |

| \ AL / \

/ |

| \



/ |

| Gk \ /




|Ve \ /

\ /


|Mo Ju x



|Md / \ / \


| / \




| /



\ |

| /


/ Me \ |

| /

\ /

\ |








Thursday, March 04, 2004

2:13 AM


Re: |Sri Varaha| smoking



Dear ramesh,

No reason to get perturbed and thank you for the Chart. The reason I made the

comment is that it has always been my personal

opinion that Saturn has to be involved with Lagna in some way or other for a person

to have some habits relating to intoxicants. This Saturn also tends for the

Jataka to want to leave the habit, which eventually he does. In Raj's horoscope

you see Saturn associate Mars who is lagna Lord. Again Sat- Mars in 7th in

Navamsha aspecting Lagna. So the theory appears to work. I should think

strengthening Sun, Lord of the 5th should help. Look at aspect of Moon on 5th,

attracting Kendradhipati Dosha.



Ramesh Gangaramani wrote:




Satyam Bruyat priyam







Dear Shri







My apologies for a hasty

remark! The birth details however were given in Raj's mail. I am reproducing

them for ready reference.






My details of chart:

18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-

tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40



I am also enclosing his

chart. Hope it gets through.






Kind regards
















Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

12:26 AM


Re: |Sri Varaha| smoking


Dear Raj/ Ramesh,

Is it really possible to give indications, without taking into consideration

Bhavadhipati, in absence of Lagna information?



rajagoopalan.n wrote:



Dear Sir, Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strongdoubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars stillno use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearingcoral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & suntoo(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not ablelive this. hari om nahmo narayanaraj--- Ramesh Gangaramani<ramesh.gangaramani wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Raj, Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva andit is placed in Geminiwhich represents element air. These two combined mayshow smoking habit.Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka forthroat! I may have includedSun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fireelement, also as giving similarindication but I am not sure! I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!My Sun however is inCancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd housewith Mars, fortunatelyaspected by Jupiter. I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardonme if I am completelywrong. Best RegardsRamesh





Tat Sat|






|Om Tat Sat|







Tat Sat|


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hari om nahmo narayana,

Thanks for the analyses. in this i just have some

doubts .i agree with strengthening the Sun(sun is my

pallna devtha & jup is my ishta devetha & both are best

benefic to Aries lagna). so iam doing siva pooja daily

(with water ,milk, holy ash,rose water, ganga

water) & also chanting samba sadasiva mantar 108 times

daily basics.(given by Mr.sanjay rath ji in the list

). in addtion maha mitrunjamantra+gayatri mantra

regularly chanting (the remedy suggested by mr.kasturi

ragan is wonderful . now iam confident i can live

this smoking habit & also ekkadesi fasting also iam

doing (on ekkadesi I fast till sunset after that I

will have food) & regularly visiting Shiva temple every

day. (in Saturday I light lamp for navagragha in shiva

temple). This are remedys I did & doing on regular

basics.(one thing I want specify here after catching

lotus feet of shiva my life start moving in upward

direction.. before I struggle a lot).

Now iam going strat the war again with the support of

gayatri mantra(will sun stone help me in this??)

Many thanks once again

Hari om nahmo narayana


--- Freedom <freedom wrote:

> Hare Rama Krsna

> I agree, there must be some connection of Saturn to

> the lagna OR the

> Arudha lagna. When it is in association with lagna

> the person takes

> intoxicants with their own intentions, when in

> association with AL it

> will show the person is in a situation where

> intoxicants are used. I

> noticed he has Saturn and Mars aspecting his AL,

> this can show his

> smoking is a social habit and to break it will

> require he avoids

> situations where others are smoking. As it is also

> in association with

> lagna lord he takes this of his own will as well.

> Someone gave Gyatri as a remedy, I'm sure it will

> work by virtue of the

> Gyatri power alone. But since the Lagna (karaka Sun)

> is not aspected by

> Shani, I would not have advised an upaya with the

> Sun. Saturn is conj

> Paka lagna (karaka Jupiter) so a Guru mantra would

> be effective, Jupiter

> is also aspecting both Saturn/Mars and AL by graha

> drishti, and the

> lagna by rasi drishti, and Jupiter is conj AL karaka

> Moon.

> Gyatri will work good for a support as Sun is

> exalted in the Somanath

> Drekkana lagna. Exaltation of the Somanath Lagnesh

> or uccha graha placed

> in lagna will make a person very health conscious,

> opposite for a neecha

> situation. There are two problems in the Somanath

> D-3 (his attitude

> towards health), the Sun may be uccha in lagna but

> its lord Mars is

> neecha and conj Shani, also Sun is conj Rahu. So

> strengthening the Sun

> will help give better attitude to his body and give

> clarity of how to

> achieve the high level of health he tries to believe

> in.

> Namah Sivaya


> Drekkana Somanath D-3

> +--------------+

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / Su \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | x HL As GL x |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ Ra / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / Sa \ 1 / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | Ma x Ke |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ AL / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | Gk \ / \ / |

> |Ve \ / \ / |

> |Mo Ju x x |

> |Md / \ / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ / Me \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> +--------------+




> Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

> Thursday, March 04, 2004 2:13 AM

> varahamihira

> Re: |Sri Varaha| smoking habit


> Dear ramesh,

> No reason to get perturbed and thank you for the

> Chart. The reason I

> made the comment is that it has always been my

> personal opinion that

> Saturn has to be involved with Lagna in some way or

> other for a person

> to have some habits relating to intoxicants. This

> Saturn also tends for

> the Jataka to want to leave the habit, which

> eventually he does. In

> Raj's horoscope you see Saturn associate Mars who is

> lagna Lord. Again

> Sat- Mars in 7th in Navamsha aspecting Lagna. So the

> theory appears to

> work. I should think strengthening Sun, Lord of the

> 5th should help.

> Look at aspect of Moon on 5th, attracting

> Kendradhipati Dosha.

> Chandrashekhar.


> Ramesh Gangaramani wrote:



> Satyam Bruyat priyam Bruyat


> Dear Shri Chandrashekharji,


> My apologies for a hasty remark! The birth details

> however were given in

> Raj's mail. I am reproducing them for ready

> reference.


> My details of chart:

> 18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-

> tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40

> I am also enclosing his chart. Hope it gets through.


> Kind regards

> Ramesh





> Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

> Wednesday, March 03, 2004 12:26 AM

> varahamihira

> Re: |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit

> Dear Raj/ Ramesh,

> Is it really possible to give indications, without

> taking into

> consideration Bhavadhipati, in absence of Lagna

> information?

> Chandrashekhar.


> rajagoopalan.n wrote:



> Dear Sir,

> Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strong

> doubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars

> still

> no use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearing

> coral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & sun

> too(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not

> able

> live this.


> hari om nahmo narayana

> raj

> --- Ramesh Gangaramani

> <ramesh.gangaramani

> <ramesh.gangaramani wrote:


> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


> Dear Raj,


> Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva and

> it is placed in Gemini

> which represents element air. These two combined may

> show smoking habit.

> Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka for

> throat! I may have included

> Sun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fire

> element, also as giving similar

> indication but I am not sure!


> I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!

> My Sun however is in

> Cancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd house

> with Mars, fortunately

> aspected by Jupiter.


> I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardon

> me if I am completely

> wrong.


> Best Regards

> Ramesh


|Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira




> |Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira



> |Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira





=== message truncated ===





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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Swee,

With time correction, Saturn and Mars move into D30 Lagna in Aquarius. Would Saturn in own MTK sign help? Chandrashekharji often refers to Mars as planet associated with Dhamba. I wonder if 'social habit' identified by Freedom is linked to Dhamba!




Swee Chan [swee]Wednesday, March 03, 2004 6:10 PMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking habit


Jaya Jagannatha


If we add 2 minutes to birth time, the 10th house in D-30 changes, which gives a better picture.




Best wishes,





Ramesh Gangaramani [ramesh.gangaramani] 03 March 2004 15:22varahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking habit



Satyam Bruyat priyam Bruyat




Dear Shri Chandrashekharji,




My apologies for a hasty remark! The birth details however were given in Raj's mail. I am reproducing them for ready reference.




My details of chart:18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40


I am also enclosing his chart. Hope it gets through.




Kind regards










Chandrashekhar [boxdel]Wednesday, March 03, 2004 12:26 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit

Dear Raj/ Ramesh,Is it really possible to give indications, without taking into consideration Bhavadhipati, in absence of Lagna information?Chandrashekhar.rajagoopalan.n wrote:Dear Sir, Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strongdoubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars stillno use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearingcoral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & suntoo(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not ablelive this. hari om nahmo narayanaraj--- Ramesh Gangaramani<ramesh.gangaramani wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Raj, Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva andit is placed in Geminiwhich represents element air. These two combined mayshow smoking habit.Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka forthroat! I may have includedSun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fireelement, also as giving similarindication but I am not sure! I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!My Sun however is inCancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd housewith Mars, fortunatelyaspected by Jupiter. I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardonme if I am completelywrong. Best RegardsRamesh


|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Ramesh,


Bad social habits are linked to the 10th

house in D-30. Also look at the imbalance of the Lagna tatwas

for both rasi and D-30.














Ramesh Gangaramani [ramesh.gangaramani]

05 March 2004 07:13


RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking




Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat






Dear Swee,



With time correction,

Saturn and Mars move into D30 Lagna in Aquarius. Would Saturn in own MTK

sign help? Chandrashekharji often refers to Mars as planet associated with

Dhamba. I wonder if 'social habit' identified by Freedom is linked to












Swee Chan [swee]

Wednesday, March

03, 2004 6:10 PM


RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking


Jaya Jagannatha


If we add 2

minutes to birth time, the 10th house in D-30 changes, which gives a

better picture.




Best wishes,










Ramesh Gangaramani [ramesh.gangaramani]

03 March 2004 15:22


RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking




Satyam Bruyat priyam Bruyat






Dear Shri Chandrashekharji,







apologies for a hasty remark! The birth details however were given in Raj's

mail. I am reproducing them for ready reference.






My details of chart:

18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-

tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40



I am

also enclosing his chart. Hope it gets through.

























Wednesday, March 03, 2004 12:26 AM


Re: |Sri Varaha| smoking


Dear Raj/ Ramesh,

Is it really possible to give indications, without taking into consideration

Bhavadhipati, in absence of Lagna information?



rajagoopalan.n wrote:



Dear Sir, Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strongdoubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars stillno use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearingcoral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & suntoo(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not ablelive this. hari om nahmo narayanaraj--- Ramesh Gangaramani<ramesh.gangaramani wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Raj, Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva andit is placed in Geminiwhich represents element air. These two combined mayshow smoking habit.Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka forthroat! I may have includedSun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fireelement, also as giving similar!indication but I am not sure! I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!My Sun however is inCancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd housewith Mars, fortunatelyaspected by Jupiter. I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardonme if I am completelywrong. Best RegardsRamesh





Tat Sat|






|Om Tat Sat|








|Om Tat







|Om Tat



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Namaste learned people,


Here are a few comments based on my limited experience:


It is my feeling that D-16 is an important chart in seeing any

addictions. Addictions are basically things that give one the sense

of pleasure. They being weaknesses, D-30 is also apt.


Look for malefics afflicting Moon (mind) in D-16. If Moon or the

afflicting malefic is in a shodasamsa ruled by Shiva, it can give

inclination towards a tamasik pleasure. Moon should be afflicted by

Saturn or Rahu. Jupiter (intelligence) should not be in an quadrant

or trine from Moon or otherwise too weak to alleviate and help Moon.


These are the criteria that I can think of.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


> Dear Raj,

> I am a student like you. I think we both will wait till we hear

from learned

> members.

> Regards

> Ramesh



> rajagoopalan.n [ennraj]

> Tuesday, March 02, 2004 3:08 PM

> varahamihira

> RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit



> Dear Sir,

> Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strong

> doubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars still

> no use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearing

> coral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & sun

> too(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not able

> live this.


> hari om nahmo narayana

> raj

> --- Ramesh Gangaramani

> <ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:

> > Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat

> >

> > Dear Raj,

> >

> > Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva and

> > it is placed in Gemini

> > which represents element air. These two combined may

> > show smoking habit.

> > Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka for

> > throat! I may have included

> > Sun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fire

> > element, also as giving similar

> > indication but I am not sure!

> >

> > I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!

> > My Sun however is in

> > Cancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd house

> > with Mars, fortunately

> > aspected by Jupiter.

> >

> > I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardon

> > me if I am completely

> > wrong.

> >

> > Best Regards

> > Ramesh

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > rajagoopalan.n [ennraj]

> > Tuesday, March 02, 2004 2:03 PM

> > ;

> > varahamihira ;

> > Vedic Astrology

> > |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit

> >

> >

> > Dear guru & learned members,

> > I have doubt in my chart . Which planet cause

> > smoking

> > habit & drifting mind in my horoscope. I have

> > deblited

> > mercury in my 12th house & mars & Saturn in 3rd house.

> > The habit caused due to mars or deblited Buddha??.

> > Pl through me some light in this reg . my

> > intensation

> > is if I find out the root cause I will chat the

> > planet

> > mantra or gayatri & try to get away from this killing

> > habit.

> > My details of chart:

> > 18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-

> > tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40

> >



> > RAJ

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||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


Namaste Narasimha,


That was brilliant. I wanted to check your principles out immediately on a chart and here is what I found:


+--------------+|Sun Mer | |AL |Moo SatR || | | | || | | | || | | |

|| | | | A3 ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||HL | |Asc Mar || | |GL Glk || |

| || | | || | Shodasamsa | ||-----------| |-----------||Jup Rah | D-16 | ||Ket

| | || | | || | | || | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mnd |Ven | | || | | | || | | | || | |

| || | | | |+--------------+ Moon is indeed in the shodasamsa ruled by Shiva and is conjoined Saturn. Moreover they conjoin in Gemini (an airy sign) and also the 2nd from AL showing some pleasure relating to the face. Finally, this sign is aspected by Rahu indicating that the pleasure is difficult to vanquish. The Dhishakti is in the grip of Rahu and Ketu (karaka for smoke) and given a dose of agni tatva from Mars in Cn lagna. Jupiter is also in the debilitation rasi and this indicates that the personified intelligence may perceive smoking as a means to crank up the brain activity...


I am curious on one point: I took a look at the shodasamsa deity ruling Sa and noticed the lord is Vishnu. What does this mean? Does this mean that when the person smokes, his thoughts are mostly satvic?

Forgive me for any mistakes...



Haripvr108 <pvr wrote:

Namaste learned people,Here are a few comments based on my limited experience:It is my feeling that D-16 is an important chart in seeing any addictions. Addictions are basically things that give one the sense of pleasure. They being weaknesses, D-30 is also apt.Look for malefics afflicting Moon (mind) in D-16. If Moon or the afflicting malefic is in a shodasamsa ruled by Shiva, it can give inclination towards a tamasik pleasure. Moon should be afflicted by Saturn or Rahu. Jupiter (intelligence) should not be in an quadrant or trine from Moon or otherwise too weak to alleviate and help Moon.These are the criteria that I can think of.May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat> > Dear Raj,> I am a student like you. I think we both will wait till we hear

from learned> members.> Regards> Ramesh> > > rajagoopalan.n [ennraj]> Tuesday, March 02, 2004 3:08 PM> varahamihira > RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit> > > Dear Sir,> Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strong> doubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars still> no use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearing> coral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & sun> too(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not able> live this.> > hari om nahmo narayana> raj> --- Ramesh Gangaramani> <ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:> > Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat> >> > Dear Raj,> >> > Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva and> > it is placed in

Gemini> > which represents element air. These two combined may> > show smoking habit.> > Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka for> > throat! I may have included> > Sun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fire> > element, also as giving similar> > indication but I am not sure!> >> > I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!> > My Sun however is in> > Cancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd house> > with Mars, fortunately> > aspected by Jupiter.> >> > I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardon> > me if I am completely> > wrong.> >> > Best Regards> > Ramesh> >> >> >> > > > rajagoopalan.n [ennraj]> > Tuesday, March 02, 2004 2:03 PM> > To:

;> > varahamihira ;> > Vedic Astrology > > |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit> >> >> > Dear guru & learned members,> > I have doubt in my chart . Which planet cause> > smoking> > habit & drifting mind in my horoscope. I have> > deblited> > mercury in my 12th house & mars & Saturn in 3rd house.> > The habit caused due to mars or deblited Buddha??.> > Pl through me some light in this reg . my> > intensation> > is if I find out the root cause I will chat the> > planet> > mantra or gayatri & try to get away from this killing> > habit.> > My details of chart:> > 18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-> > tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40> >> > ADVANCE

THANKS ,> > HARI OM NAMAHO NARAYANA,> > RAJ|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira


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Dear Narasimha and Hari


There might be a few points in Narasimha's analysis that i would like

to debate upon.


First of all Shiva was the one who drank poison for the world, so i

do not understand how Shiva can be attributed for this addiction.

Shodasamsa being in mental plane, can show the attitude of a person

towards " sukha " . There might be people like Chaitanya mahaprabhu who

view Sukha as " SHAVA/SHIVA " , Weaknesses/arishta can be better seen

from d-30,d-6 etc, d-16 is a harmonic for 4th house.

And isn't 4th the cure for illnesses, isnot the fourth lord in d-30

cure for the weaknesses, 4th being 11th from 6th can terminate

illnesses and bring rejuvenation.

best wishes




varahamihira , Hari M <onlyhari> wrote:

> ||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


> Namaste Narasimha,


> That was brilliant. I wanted to check your principles out

immediately on a chart and here is what I found:


> +--------------+

> |Sun Mer | |AL |Moo SatR |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | A3 |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |HL | |Asc Mar |

> | | |GL Glk |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | Shodasamsa | |

> |-----------| |-----------|

> |Jup Rah | D-16 | |

> |Ket | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Mnd |Ven | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> Moon is indeed in the shodasamsa ruled by Shiva and is conjoined

Saturn. Moreover they conjoin in Gemini (an airy sign) and also the

2nd from AL showing some pleasure relating to the face. Finally, this

sign is aspected by Rahu indicating that the pleasure is difficult to

vanquish. The Dhishakti is in the grip of Rahu and Ketu (karaka for

smoke) and given a dose of agni tatva from Mars in Cn lagna. Jupiter

is also in the debilitation rasi and this indicates that the

personified intelligence may perceive smoking as a means to crank up

the brain activity...


> I am curious on one point: I took a look at the shodasamsa deity

ruling Sa and noticed the lord is Vishnu. What does this mean? Does

this mean that when the person smokes, his thoughts are mostly satvic?


> Forgive me for any mistakes...


> regards

> Hari

> pvr108 <pvr@c...> wrote:

> Namaste learned people,


> Here are a few comments based on my limited experience:


> It is my feeling that D-16 is an important chart in seeing any

> addictions. Addictions are basically things that give one the sense

> of pleasure. They being weaknesses, D-30 is also apt.


> Look for malefics afflicting Moon (mind) in D-16. If Moon or the

> afflicting malefic is in a shodasamsa ruled by Shiva, it can give

> inclination towards a tamasik pleasure. Moon should be afflicted by

> Saturn or Rahu. Jupiter (intelligence) should not be in an quadrant

> or trine from Moon or otherwise too weak to alleviate and help Moon.


> These are the criteria that I can think of.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha


> > Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat

> >

> > Dear Raj,

> > I am a student like you. I think we both will wait till we hear

> from learned

> > members.

> > Regards

> > Ramesh

> >

> >

> > rajagoopalan.n [ennraj]

> > Tuesday, March 02, 2004 3:08 PM

> > varahamihira

> > RE: |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit

> >

> >

> > Dear Sir,

> > Many thanks for analyses . iam also having a strong

> > doubt in mars .i tried with some remedy of mars still

> > no use (like visiting videswarn kovil & wearing

> > coral & regularly chanting kandhashasti kavacham) & sun

> > too(doing shiva pooja daily). but still iam not able

> > live this.

> >

> > hari om nahmo narayana

> > raj

> > --- Ramesh Gangaramani

> > <ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:

> > > Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat

> > >

> > > Dear Raj,

> > >

> > > Let me take a chance. Mars represents Agni tatva and

> > > it is placed in Gemini

> > > which represents element air. These two combined may

> > > show smoking habit.

> > > Mars is placed in 3rd House which is karka for

> > > throat! I may have included

> > > Sun with agni tatwa placement in Aries, Fire

> > > element, also as giving similar

> > > indication but I am not sure!

> > >

> > > I have Mars in Gemini and I was a heavy smoker too!

> > > My Sun however is in

> > > Cancer. I note that you have Saturn in 3rd house

> > > with Mars, fortunately

> > > aspected by Jupiter.

> > >

> > > I have taken a 'shot in the dark', so please pardon

> > > me if I am completely

> > > wrong.

> > >

> > > Best Regards

> > > Ramesh

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > rajagoopalan.n [ennraj]

> > > Tuesday, March 02, 2004 2:03 PM

> > > ;

> > > varahamihira ;

> > > Vedic Astrology

> > > |Sri Varaha| smoking habbit

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear guru & learned members,

> > > I have doubt in my chart . Which planet cause

> > > smoking

> > > habit & drifting mind in my horoscope. I have

> > > deblited

> > > mercury in my 12th house & mars & Saturn in 3rd house.

> > > The habit caused due to mars or deblited Buddha??.

> > > Pl through me some light in this reg . my

> > > intensation

> > > is if I find out the root cause I will chat the

> > > planet

> > > mantra or gayatri & try to get away from this killing

> > > habit.

> > > My details of chart:

> > > 18-04-1974, 6.05 am, place of birth . mannargudi-

> > > tamilnadu longitude: 79E26 lat :10N40

> > >



> > > RAJ





> |Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira




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||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


Dear Partha,


Very good points. Shiva, by the act of drinking the poison, showed that when the situation is hopeless, he alone can lead the way out of the mess. Its for this reason that the mahamrityunjaya mantra is recommended for persons with incurable illness. That however doesnt mean that addictions such as smoking cant be attributed to him! There are some sadhus who follow the ascetic life as embodied by Shiva and who are perpetually high on marijuana and such stuff. Does it mean they are hopeless fellows?


Narasimha very correctly pointed out that smoking, ultimately, is seen as a pleasure. And I raised the query that how can we distinguish the purpose of smoking? Some people smoke out of stress etc Some people smoke simply for the sake of enjoying the flavor etc If D-16 should not be seen for pleasures of "this kind", then what divisional chart should be seen? Lets extend this question further; how may we study some addictions such as coffee or tea drinking? Would you argue that these type of addictions are not related to sukha?



Hari"V.Partha sarathy" <partvinu5 wrote:

Dear Narasimha and HariThere might be a few points in Narasimha's analysis that i would like to debate upon.First of all Shiva was the one who drank poison for the world, so i do not understand how Shiva can be attributed for this addiction.Shodasamsa being in mental plane, can show the attitude of a person towards "sukha". There might be people like Chaitanya mahaprabhu who view Sukha as "SHAVA/SHIVA", Weaknesses/arishta can be better seen from d-30,d-6 etc, d-16 is a harmonic for 4th house.And isn't 4th the cure for illnesses, isnot the fourth lord in d-30 cure for the weaknesses, 4th being 11th from 6th can terminate illnesses and bring rejuvenation.best wishespartha


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Dear Hari


Good points.

But this is from an old mail of Pt.Rath(From my memory ofcourse, i

dont store archives on my desktop), that Chaitanya had many planets

in Shiva Shodasamsa, showing an attitude of renunciation towards


He has Jupiter afflicted by Rahu/ketu-if you can call it as an

afflcition . Shodasamsa can show many things, that we cannot

otherwise understand.

In Swami Vivekanada's chart, there are five planets in 7th house in d-

16, viz saturn-venus-mars-rahu-ketu. What does it indicate.


Jupiter is in 6th house in Shiva, and Moon is in 9th house in shiva

amsa, what can it indicate.

Moon's affliction can be seen in rasi, dreshkana, bhamsa, trimsamsa

to see the kind of weaknesses such as smoking etc. Why Shodasamsa?

best wishes




varahamihira , Hari M <onlyhari> wrote:

> ||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


> Dear Partha,


> Very good points. Shiva, by the act of drinking the poison, showed

that when the situation is hopeless, he alone can lead the way out of

the mess. Its for this reason that the mahamrityunjaya mantra is

recommended for persons with incurable illness. That however doesnt

mean that addictions such as smoking cant be attributed to him! There

are some sadhus who follow the ascetic life as embodied by Shiva and

who are perpetually high on marijuana and such stuff. Does it mean

they are hopeless fellows?


> Narasimha very correctly pointed out that smoking, ultimately, is

seen as a pleasure. And I raised the query that how can we

distinguish the purpose of smoking? Some people smoke out of stress

etc Some people smoke simply for the sake of enjoying the flavor etc

If D-16 should not be seen for pleasures of " this kind " , then what

divisional chart should be seen? Lets extend this question further;

how may we study some addictions such as coffee or tea drinking?

Would you argue that these type of addictions are not related to



> regards

> Hari

> " V.Partha sarathy " <partvinu5> wrote:

> Dear Narasimha and Hari


> There might be a few points in Narasimha's analysis that i would


> to debate upon.


> First of all Shiva was the one who drank poison for the world, so i

> do not understand how Shiva can be attributed for this addiction.

> Shodasamsa being in mental plane, can show the attitude of a person

> towards " sukha " . There might be people like Chaitanya mahaprabhu


> view Sukha as " SHAVA/SHIVA " , Weaknesses/arishta can be better seen

> from d-30,d-6 etc, d-16 is a harmonic for 4th house.

> And isn't 4th the cure for illnesses, isnot the fourth lord in d-30

> cure for the weaknesses, 4th being 11th from 6th can terminate

> illnesses and bring rejuvenation.

> best wishes

> partha






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ear Narasimha and Hari,


I checked this out in my father's chart, who is an addicted smoker. Same:

Moon in Shiva Shodasamsa Gemini in D-16 with Saturn and Mars, Jupiter

retrograde in trines from Moon, but is probably not able to protect Moon,

who is heavily afflicted (Mars is in planetary war with Moon). He did give

up smoking for a period about 3 years, let's see which dasha approx., I

don't remember very well, but it could have been Merc-Sun or Merc-Moon. Or

was it Merc-Jup? Mercury is in 12th from Moon, thus more renouncing in

that period.


Same affliction is there in d-30. By the way, he is suffering his last

days of life now in hospital with a weak heart and lungs completely

destroyed, and still he cannot give up the smoking. His d-30 progression

of lagna is Leo, in trines to Saturn, and having A8. Will he see his next

birthday? I doubt.


For those who like to check, chart is attached.



Dhira Krsna dasa,



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