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Babaji -Chart Analysis by RR

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` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Sunil,

Thanks for your comments on my analysis on the chart of Mahavatar Babaji.

1) You may be knowing Shukra is the planet for beauty and youthfulness.So when Shukra occupies Lagna by Parivartana which is his own house of Vrishabha Rashi which also indicates 2nd house in natural zodiac,Babaji had a beautiful face and youthful appearance throughout his life.

2) As you said 8th house is house of occult but 9th lord in kendra /trikona to Guru gives special powers of mystical knowledge through which one can perform some miracles.Here in this case Lagna Lord Shukra and 9th lord Shani attract each other through Parivartana Yoga ie.,Shani sitting in Shukra's Swakshetra and Shukra is called as SARVA SHAASTRA PRAVAKTAARA with all secret and Maya Vidya and so such a Shani getting aspect from Guru indicates the native acquired special mystical powers from Upasana of Shakti Maata.

In Sanjay Ji's chart Shani (V) is in 11th house from Meena Lagna and is in his own house of Makara Rasi.Now this Makara Rasi is in Southern direction and Guru in Meena rashi is in Northern direction.Now as per Nadi techniques when Shani becomes vakra , we have to consider it from its previous house also and as a result Shani comes in contact with Ketu whose sign dispositor Guru is in his Swakshetra.Such kind of planetary combination is called MOKSHA-KARMA GURU YOGA.This clearly fits for Sanjay Ji.Now as Ketu is connected with Shani by its Vakra position and Ketu's sign dispositor is Guru who is in his Swakshetra ,it indicates Sanjay Ji is born in the same family again to propagate the Vedic knowledge in the entire world.As the Yoga states, Shri Sanjay Ji does not have any interest in materialistic matters and in a sense he is having Vairagya connected with such things and by performing such deeds like spreading/teaching of Jyotish knowledge to

the world, his Atma wants to achieve Moksha.

Now again coming to Mahavatar Babaji's chart, you might have noticed Guru and Surya,Chandra and Budha are posited in Jala tattwa Rasi of Vrischika Rasi which is in Northern direction and Shukra who is in Makara in Southern direction indicate his birth took place near a river or any natural water lake where there is situated Godess Mother also.Also all the 4 planets are in Vrischika Rasi which indicates a big river is flowing near his birth place. This is my additional analysis for the chart of babaji.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.jjnet2000_in <jjnet2000_in wrote:

Dear Ramadasji,That was a brilliant analysis. Maybe I love it more since I am biased on the issue of Babaji.Coming to ur analysis which is a bit too technical for me, I would attempt to ask some queries, at the right places below:Dear Sunil,Thanks for the mail.But as you said,if this Siddha Purusha is still living,then who am I to write his chart analysis ?Lord Krishna was born on Krishna Paksha ,Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra but here this divine Yogi's Lagna Nakshatra is Rohini,Tithi was Krishna Paksha,Chaturdashi and so the Nakshatra becomes Anuradha which is the 17th Nakshatra in the 27 Nakshatra group. 1+ 7 is 8 which indicates an Occult number and so this Divine Avataar is also a Yogi with super Human powers.Sunil John: 1) yes number 8 is regarded as a very karmic number and also as a mystical

number, in chinese lore i think it has some special significance due to the eternal shape of 8.This is only my general interpretation and may be wrong as this Yogi is still living.Now Lagna is Vrishabha ,a Sthira Rasi and a Karma Tattwa Rasi considered from Natural Zodiac and Karma Karaka Shani (V) posited there indicates he has taken birth to help the labour or poor people.Now Lagna Lord Shukra who is in 9th house is in Parivartana with Shani (V) who is in Lagna and so Shani (V) goes to his swakshetra of Makara Rasi and Shukra goes to Vrishabha indicating the native is always looks youthful and handsome.Sunil John: :)) I think thats a nice way to explain his ever lasting youthfulness, I was wondering if u would pinpoint that - thanks for pointing it out to us.Now 5th lord Budha is with 3rd lord Chandra indicates the native is a sattwic by nature.Also Budha,the 5th lord strong is in a Kendra

ie.,7th house indicates the native is a Vidwan.Guru in Kendra also indicates the native is learned in Veda Shastras.Now just see the planetary combinations in Vrischika Rasi which is the 8th sign of Zodiac,a Moksha tattwa sign.Guru,Budha,Chandra and Surya which is 7th house,the native is devoid of marital happiness and is devoted to Spirituality.The 9th lord is in Kendra to Guru and this indicates the native acquires Mystical knolwedge. Also Guru in Gopuramsha indicates he knows past,present and future.5th lord Budha with Guru in Kendra indicates he can guess the thoughts of others.Sunil John: Sir, why is the importance of the 9th lord for being in kendra to Guru, I mean what has the night lord got to do with mystical knowledge, I thought it was the 8th, pls clarify.Now if we see the Navamsha chart,most of the planets are in Swakshetra or powerful.Lagna Navamsha falls in Karka Rasi aspected by Shani (V) from his

Swakshetra indicates the native is a great Yogi like lord Shiva as Makara is called Ishwaramsha as per Nadi texts.Budh is exalted in Kanya with Chandra,Guru in Tula,Shukra in Kumbha who is more powerful along with Surya in Meena Rasi which also indicates Surya is also powerful in the chart.Now just see Rahu and Ketu are powerless or we can cay debilitated indicating his death can not be predicted .Sunil John: Thanks for the last part, I presume we should also start looking at this way also.This can be seen by the position of Surya in Meena Rasi, a Moksha tattwa rasi and is prior to Mesha Rashi and so his natural Atma Karaka ( Also his Chara AK ) is very strong.Shukra,his natal chart Lagna Lord who is in Kumbha Navamsha which is one house prior to Meena rashi which is his sign of exaltation indicating Lagna lord is also strong.Shani (V) has gone to his own house of makara indicating a great Yogi and Kuja is in

his Moola Trikona Sthana of Mesha rasi who is natal chart's 12th lord indicating Moksha.Now in Navamsha all these planets are beyond the axis of Rahu- Ketu.Rahu is also called eternal time and so this Yogi has a long life and is eternal.Now after checking the Shadbalas of all the planets and their Vimshopaka Balas,Budha is the strongest planet, followed by Guru and Shukra.Now out of these both Budha and Guru are in 7th to Shani (V),the native is a Sanyasi or Yogi of highest order and possibly he may be a Danda Dhara Sanyasi ( Budha is strongest ).Also he might have been a great poet also and might have formulated Bhajans or devotional songs.In the Navamsha Shukra in Kumbhamsha indicates he has mastered all secret sciences and has mystical knowledge ( like Shukracharya ).He might be an Upasaka of Godess Shakthi.Shani (V) in the Lagna indicates this Divine Yogi is a rebirth in this earth.Sunil John: Sir, is this also true

that in whichever chart Sat is R, then if we see which house it is vakri in, then basically it is for that reason the person is born. I have heard that Sat ® can mean a deep desire for rebirth. If i remember correctly then Sanjay ji has Sat R in his 5th house, no doubt he has devoted his life to teaching Vedic sciences. Saraswati,Chamara ,Kahala Yoga,Ichcha Marana Yoga ,Nipuna Yoga and Gaja Kesari Yogas are important Yogas.For Ichcha Marana Yoga ( From Bhava Kutuhalam ),Shani in Lagna,Kuja in Kendra and Rahu in 7th.Here Rahu is in 10th but other 2 conditions are satisfied.Sunil John: Sir, this is the first time I am hearing of this Yoga Ichcha Marana Yoga, but the JHL didn't show it. Considering it is Babaji & many sages who we know have had the power to die at will, many Buddhist monks also had that I presume this Yoga be present in many charts of great sages. As u have explained above, can we do slight

deviation of the Yoga to apply it in charts of saints ( as in this case Rahu is not in the 7th)He was born in Shani - Ketu period and Shani and Ketu are Kendra to each other and so his birth has taken place under Moksha-Karma Yoga.Ketu is in Simha Rasi ruled by Surya and his birth took place in Surya's Pratyantara.Guru Dasa was his last Dasa and Rahu's Antara was the last Antara and so after 2-12-317,he might have taken Samadhi in Himalayas ( ? )In the above lines I have tried to analyse his mystical knowledge and I hope other Gurus will analyse in a different way.The above interpretation is written with the Blessings of Lord Krishna and Mother Bhuvaneshwari.With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Sunil John: Thanks so much for ur wonderful analysis, although I hope i must grasp some part of it, just an analysis on great charts is like nectar. COming to ur last email you are right in the timing, the most imp events

are a) kidnapping around 6 yrs, some say 5 b) Enlightenment at 12 yrs, aided by SAge Agasthayar and Sage Bhoganatharc) Attaining physical immortality at 16 yrs.Roughly all these you have confirmed.I attach below some reading material in link form, for those who have written to me expressing interest in reading about Babaji, who has been first time revealed in Paramhansa Yogananda's monumental book "Autobiography of a Yogi" & other reading material can be found in "Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga tradition, written by Marshall Govindan.http://www.kriyayoga.8m.net/http://www.ananda.org/inspiration/books/ay/index.html ( Free online book Autobiography of a Yogi)http://www.crystalclarity.com/yogananda/33.aspThanking you so much

RamadasjiYours trulySunil JohnRamadas Rao.Dear Sunil,Thanks for the comments on my analysis of Mahavatar Babaji.Now as per me at the age of 6,he was not kidnapped,rather he might have left home in search of GOD.During 209,Shani-Chandra- Shani was running between 8-7-209 and 7-10-209 and Shani being Vakra and placed in the exaltation house of Chandra ( Shani the lord of Makara considered as Eshwaramsha and Chandra HIS consort Parvati Amsha ),so the native might have left the house in search of Lord Shiva and Parvati Devi.At the age of around 16,ie., during Budha- Ketu between 30-4-219 and 26-4-220,he might have got enlightenment.At that time,Guru and Rahu were transitting over his natal Ketu aspecting his Shukra and A5 through Rasi Drishti.So as per my knowledge during that period,he might have seen Mother Godess Shakti and so enlightenment at that age.I hope this helps you.With

Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......


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