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Gems of 11th from AL etc

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Dear Freedom,

Greetings to you. Thanks so much for ur reply. Pls find my subsequent humble queries below as Sunil


Hare Rama Krsna

My thoughts on the subject, included below:

Dear Astrologers, Ramadasji and Guru Partha and everyone,


Since right now the topic is on gemstone wearing, I would prefer asking a query on it also it shall benefit me personally.


Pls guide my thinking here :-




1. For strengthening a planet we wear gemstone in the right hand.


2. We can wear gemstone in index finger, but there it can result in increase in ego (although increase in ego can be a boon for some)


3. Gem of the 11th from AL if a planet is placed is extremely good. SR says one can easily wear this, without any exception. ”without exception” has to be taken in correct perspective. Without exception it will increase income. But you must look how the planet is placed.Sanjay also says that wearing the 9th lord stone is good for everyone, without exception. But that means it will increase dharma, and bhagya which is positive for everyone, but we still must be careful of other effects depending on placement.

Sunil: Thanks for pointing that out. I guess it means to consider what all the planet is all about, is it the badhakesh, kharesh etc


4. If there is no planet in the 11th from AL, can we recommend the lord of the sign, and in case of Sc or Aq, the lord which ever is stronger. yes, and if there are no planets you can also look at the planet lording the lord of the 11th from AL as well as planets conj the lord of the 11th from AL and aspecting the 11th from AL.

Sunil: thanks for this, i didnt know we could consider other factors. Say for eg if a person has Mars in 11th fm AL, who might be the badhkesh etc, then we can also look at any good planet aspecting that house and recommend that gemstone considering other factors are good. Pls correct my thinking if it is wrong, since I take some time to understand things.


5. For weakening a planet we recommend the stone in the left hand.

This was the practice of Sanjay’s guru. Other’s say that you wear the gem on the right it will help you manifest that planet’s energy outwardly, and on the left will help you take the energy of that planet in internally. I’ve also heard that as the right hand is ruled by Jupiter, planets friendly to Him are good on the right hand, and as Shukra rules the left planets good to Him are good on the left. I’ve also heard to not wear astrological gems on the left at all, as they are like murtis of the grahas and need to be treated as such. So just keep in mind, there are many ways to propitiate a planet, so be careful of the effects of wearing very malefic planet’s stones.

Sunil: Dear Freedom, thanks for the elaborate explanation, as I understand from it there seems to be many contradictory views, I would like to add here that in India, we find many successful people wearing stones in the left hand too, I have seen an astrologer from Bengal ( it is a state in india, known for good astrologers) who uses Suphta Bhava method to time events to the day also recommend gem stones in the left hand. The point is wearing a bad gem can be so detrimental to persons life that I want to learn first what not to prescribe but then there are many contradictory views for a beginner to learn or rather unlearn.

I asked Sanjay whether he has ever recommended a person to wear a negative planet’s stone on the left hand and he said, no, he wouldn’t risk it.

Sunil: I might humbly differ here, it is astonishing to know that when SR propagates wearing of stones in the left hand, why hasnt be recommended in real life.

Also, I have seen him recommend gemstone in left hand at the Nagpur conference, if u are staying with him currently I presume u can recheck. Maybe ur talking to him might inspire him to be kind enough to show more light on this subject on the list.


6. If deb planets stones are to be put we recommend stone in the left hand

If the planet would be beneficial for the person to have strong, why not wear it on the right hand. Often wearing a gemstone is trying to exalt a planet, trying to make it give exalted (or at least better effects). When you wear the 11th from AL gem (or the planet placed therein) you are trying to exalt it.

Sunil: thanks


7. Can we also recommend the stone similarly of the 11th from Indu Lagna since that is the one giving prosperity. Or 11th from Varnada Lagna. The key is understanding what a planet is doing, knowing which planet will help a person succeed all around with out giving too many negative effects, then strengthen it. See where the money is coming from, and strengthen that if the goal is to make more money. See what will give good health and strengthen that if the goal is better health.


a) Can you be kind enough to explain the importance of Varnada Lagna.

b) Also, from your above statement I haven't understood if u have sanctioned the use of stone of 11th from Indu Lagna.

c) also, which one would give more money 11th from AL or 11th from Indu Lagna. One will increase image (also money), the other would increase in more money, maybe more than the one from AL.

Pls correct my thinking here. would be obliged.


8. If 11th from AL has a deb planet so should we recommend a stone to be worn in the left hand, will it still give money??

Debilitated and exalted planets are booth good when it comes to money.

Sunil: Can I request here, if u can relook at the question above once again, the query is which hand Left or Right.

as i understand exalted and benefic means good means of earning money, deb and malefic means inappropriate means of earning money.



9. What happens if that planet stone is in badhak house, will it activate the badhak You must be careful of activating the badhak, see if the badhak house or the lord is giving the real badhak, it is possible to strengthen you obstacles or your opposition. The better your jyotish becomes the better you will be able to recommend a gemstone as you will really see what a planet is doing in the chart.

Sunil: Kindly refurnish ur reconfirmation on this Freedom, if the planet stone is in badhak house would it activate the badha and increase obstructions assuming that the badhak house is giving the real badhak.


10. How do we use Kaal Chakra Table in selection of time to wear any stone, say eg Jup in Cancer, so should it be on Monday during Jup Hora in the Kaala Chakra table. Everything in its proper place, kalachakra is generally used for timing regular pujas to remove negative effects of grahas.

For wearing a gemstone, you use Muhurta rules. Picking a good Muhurta to first put on the stone for wearing will ensure the stone gives good effects. Just like negative compatibility between couples can be pacified with an excellent Muhurta, so too negative effects of gemstones can be removed and positive results guaranteed with a good Muhurta.

Sunil: Sorry I forgot that thing about Kaala Chakra Table and was trying to use it in gemstones wearing also. thanks for correcting me, any snap shot tips from you on selection of muhurta for wearing gemstones.

Thanks very much for ur mail. I might plan to pursue this with a real life example after ur reply, if its ok with u.

Joy, Light and Abundance


Sunil John


11. Kaala chakra table is used to fasten the remedial effects, am i right.


Would be obliged if answered,




With Blessings of the Divine Mother


Sunil John

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