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Tattwa Gyana - To Visti

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti,


Namaste. Nice to have you respond. It seems like old times again. I realize how much we all have missed you. My answers below.


Visti: The qoute you have derived from Varga Chakra, is probably my writing. This relates more to the As9 and As3, which are the Arudhas of 3rd and 9th from the Suns placement - these are important in bringing other Atmas into the world.. There is a whole system of Arudhas from the Sun and Moon.


Lakshmi: Ofcourse, I was quoting you and was mighty proud to do so. Your knowledge makes you eminently quotable and I am sure there would be a lot of occasions when people would quote you.


Visti: Parasara and Saravali both agree that the Sun gives Atmagyana... but how to use this in charts?... theres more to this.

Lakshmi: Is it the Sun’s placement in the 5th house from navamsa lagna / karakamsa lagna and in siddhamsa that gives knowledge about Bhagavadgita & atma gyana? Or are there some more dictums?


Visti: According to the Vishnu Purana, the Tattwas/Bhutas were created through the merging of Neela shakti with the ahamkara….

This exact statement is clarified again when we learn about the Ashta Vasu in the Satapata Brahmana, where the Sun and Moon are differentiated from the 5 Tattvas, but here the Sun and Moon find their places as Grahas, and not as Narayana with Sakti, which was the higher form.


Lakshmi: Yes, yes, I do agree. You call it neela shakti, I call it tamas, but both of us are basically talking about the same thing.

I think I too have written about the differentiation between the luminaries and the rest of the grahas in one of my earlier mails to Hari (BTW, thanks a lot, Hari, for your appreciation. Please pardon me for not responding earlier).


Visti: The light emanating from the Sun is Constant. It is only due to the earths motion that it seems to wax and wane through a day. The Moons movement through its waxing and waning states gives us the 3 types of Sakti. This type of differentiation is actually Rajasic in nature, and thats why Mercury is a very rajasic planet being that it differentiates in forms of Vishnu. But the Moon is clear that all her forms are that of the Mother, and unlike Mercury, Moon is nor more or less malefic due to its association with planets, but becomes more or less malefic due to her various states of sakti, which have and will always be based on the 3 types of Gunas.

This and its never-ending Yoga with the Father - the Paramatma... This is why the Tithis are so important.


Lakshmi: I have never doubted that Sun and Moon are saattwik, but my statement was that they are not untinged by rajasik and tamasic qualities. In Bhagavadgita, Sri Krishna indicates that rajas binds one to “action” and isn’t Sun very strong in 10th house, which indicates action? I have also observed in a lot of charts where the sun is placed in 10th house, there is total involvement in work, to the exclusion of everything else.

In the same chapter Sri Krishna states that “aprakasa” nature is tamasic. Doesn’t Moon get lost once in a while, ofcourse, from a terrestrial point of view? If this earthly reference point is not valid, then why talk about Amavasya dosha in Jyotish?


Visti: So is Sri Krishna, referring to Brhaspati as a Graha or as the DevaGuru? He states very clearly that among divine priests, he is Brhaspati. Not among Grahas. Does he says Shukraacharya or Bhrigu among seers? i believe he said Bhrgu. Gunas are not included because Gunas are manifest as tangible through the Tattvas.

Lakshmi: In all our discussions and generally in Jyotish, we do keep talking about planets and gods, symbolically and interchangeably, all the while. When I say that Jupiter is wise, I am obviously referring to his nature and stature as Devaguru. I wouldn’t get a clue about his wisdom by looking at Jupiter, the planet. If you feel that the sheer size of Jupiter itself would indicate his wisdom, then perhaps it is not true. Kumbhakarna is huge, but is he wise? So is the case with a lot of us :--))

Visti: Tattva is all about Sambandha. The Tattva Doshas causes Bad Sambandha and this bad sambandha is a result of a lack of Akasha Tattva, especially between Agni-Jala and Prthvi-Vayu. due to this bad sambandha we experience bad relationships with other atmas and also conflicts within ourself. This is all seen from Karakamsa and is abit detailed.. THis is probably what you dreamt, and i will wait for Guruji to teach this.

Lakshmi: I also eagerly await Guruji’s lesson on this. Please do share it with all of us.

Visti: The gunas are also equal, they are just different states of consciousness.

Lakshmi: No, Visti, I don’t think so. There is no ambiguity about Sattwa guna being the best. It is very much there in Chapter-14 of Bhagavadgita.

Visti: By offering the Pancha Tattva we are increasing the auspiciousness of the Tattvas and hence removing the Tattva Doshas. this just increases prosperity, not spirituality.

Lakshmi: No. When we are offering pancha tattwa in worship, we are surrendering ourselves whole and soul to God. In totality. It is the ultimate “Sharanagati”. After this will there persist any doshas, physically or otherwise? Doesn’t He say in Gita that whoever takes total refuge in Him, leaving aside all religiosity/philosophy, The Lord Himself would wipe away the sins of that person and steer him to moksha?

Visti: In turya avastha, there is not even talk of Tattvas, as this implies a connection with the indriyas through which we experience the tattvas. Turya avastha is complete detachment from the tattvas, so i can't accept this example.


Lakshmi: Yes, in turyavastha there is no sense of body, no sense of indriyas, no sense of mind, no sense of anything at all. Because there are all so much in equilibrium that one forgets them. Will you remember routine matters as long as they proceed smoothly? Only if something goes amiss in your routine, you would bother about it.

Likewise, in true tranquility nothing is noticed or remembered. A placid pool is like a mirror. It just reflects whatever is placed near it. There is no judgement, no attachment and no aversion either. It is only in a state of disturbance that things get noticed and, worse still, get distorted.


Visti: I don't agree with your thinking - Its usually Mars which burns down houses, or a Jupiter in 3rd house (Karaka Mars). Btw the Devata, Adhi-devata and Pratyadi Devata for the Sun are; Aditya, Agni and Shiva respectively.


Lakshmi: Lot of houses burn in summer also. But, yes, Sun is more of a “Mahat Dyuti”. He is not Agni in the strict sense of the term. BTW, don’t you think that Mars needs a channel/medium/agent to manifest his agni tattwa?


Visti: … i stated what my guruji has taught me in the past - The finger we wear the gems on are based on the Ayanas, not the Grahas ruling their fingers. Otherwise we might have to wear gems on the thumb or even on the left hand!

Oh and everyone in delhi seems to think that Pokraj should be worn on the index finger... just because Jupiter lords it... No other reason.


Lakshmi: Oh, are the “Ayanas” responsible for deciding the finger? I never knew this! Thanks for letting me know. I think I should head straight for a crash course from Swee in all matters gems! BTW, even in South India, pushyaraga is usually worn on the index finger.


Thanks and regards,





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