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visti uvacha

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Visti uvacha



It was a pleasant surprise for a jyotish student like me who finds

no time for jyotish conferences to get a call from sjc guru visti to

fix up an appointment with sjc delhi students.

Finally when we met , he looked very much like a `swami ji' wearing

saffron t-shirt & a dhoti with a prominent bright aura. Then, he

stares at my rudraksha & ask how many faced it was. I

said, `..3'. `3,hmm…good choice! For jyotisha..ha?' I said `not

really' .

· rudraksha : before wearing any rudraksha, check its deity &

planet associated with it. Like in my case, 3 faced rudraksha is for

agni. On the other hand , both agni tatwa planets are in 6th from

al. wearing a agni rudraksha would increase the fire, which plays

the role of provoking materialistic desires. Hence, I should not be

wearing it if I want to be spiritual & control materialistic

desires. Second, if still I want to wear it to get a boost in wealth

& prosperity, I should not wear it in silver, it should be worn in

gold, as agni is associated. Similarly, compatibility of other

rudraksha beads can also be checked with regard to planetary

placement & its role.

· Then, officially we started with the topic of the day. How

to deal with `basics'? these seemingly basics contain the most

astounding secrets, one needs to reveal through meditation &

understanding. There is lagna, which signifies a man walking on the

street. If there are planets in 3rd, it will show tasks it has to

complete; planets in 6th will show enemies it has to encounter. Paka

lagna shows intelligence. Tatkalika maitri should be seen from paka

lagna. Planets in 2,3,4,10,11 & 12 will support your thoughts.

Planets in paka lagna, 5,6,7,8, & 9 from paka lagna will oppose it.

Planets in 4 are deceptive as some day they will move to 5th & join

opposition. Especially , malefic in 4th are considered very bad. As

that will indicate deception. Benefics even if they join opposition,

they wont cause any harm. Malefic lagna lord shows one's pushy

nature; such people can be frivolous, cruel, hard hearted & mean if

there is no benefic aspect. Benefic lagna lord shows vice versa. One

must apply common sense here & check other aspects too. Paka lagna

makes you recognize & discriminate. It is good if there are benefics

in paka lagna.

· Arudha lagna is how you interact with the society. 3rd & 6th

shows how you react to situations. 2 & 11 th house is important for

wealth. Benefics are desirable in 2 & 8th from arudha lagna. Whereas

any planet benefic or malefic , exalted or debilitated gives good

results in 11th. Benefics in 3rd & 6th makes one tolerant & react

mildly to situations; whereas malefics in these houses makes one

react in mean ways to protect own interests. If mars & sun are

there, one will be aggressive & violent. If Saturn is there, then he

will take help of cheating & lies to gain; rahu is worst, it can

create havoc if its there. 4th from al shows sukha, only benefics

are desirable here. Any planet in 12th is bad as it will show losses

and expenditures. 7th from al shows doors to maya, hence any

exalted/swagrahi planet here will bestow success in material world.

At the same time planet in 7th from al will also oppose the al.

benefics like Jupiter & moon in 10 from al give everlasting fame.

Any planet or even an upagraha in 9th house protects the arudha

lagna, & it proves to be a blessing.

· Technique for checking sambandha : check char darakaraka &

7th lord from al (rasi) in trines to 7th house in navamsa chart. The

one, which is in trines to 7th house or is lord of 7th will show the

first relationship, or show the ongoing relationship in its dasa.

Then, one can see the next set of trines to look for second planet.

· Bhava significations: as we know 7th house is for

relationships, marriage & sex. 12 th there from that is 6th is the

house of Virgo, hence representing virginity. So, if 6th lord goes

to a quadrant, it will influence the lagna to be a celibate. If 7th

lord is in quadrants, then vice-versa. If both are in quadrants,

then person will get into relationship & in short time he will be

out of it. This will go on. Now, if 6th lord is in 10th, it will be

profession that will make the person stay out of relationships. If

its in 4th, then house/mother, if its in 7th, the spouse herself

will make person reluctant to relationship. Trines show desires. If

7th lord is in trine & 6th is in quadrant, then the person will be

praying for getting into a relationship, but fail to get into one.

In case of pisces lagna, the sun becomes the 6th lord, which is

naturally very strong. Hence, the tendency to remain celibate is

very strong in them.


He also talked about tatwa in brief, which I will include in my next


-Prashant narang

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