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Exaltation of Graha's

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Hari Om Namo Viswarupaya




I have pondered this question for some time and have looked,

questioned, etc. yet I still do not have a comfort level of

clarity with the following:

---> Various Graha are exalted in specific Rasi and Nakshatra

yet why one rasi is chosen over another still alludes me.


EXAMPLE #1: Surya, karaka for Atman is exalted in Aries and

Nakshatra owned by Ketu.

---> I can understand that Ketu has the ability to exalt Atman

as it brings moksha to for on desiring mumukshutva

BUT why in Aries? If I were picking a Rasi , I would choose

Sagittarius, Owned by Guru ( displeller of darkness) and in a firery

sign ( again purification and Guru's office or Moolatrikona), and

Moola Nakshatra , owned by Ketu.


EXAMPLE #2: Chandra, karaka for mind is exalted in Taurus and

Nakshatra owned by the other luminary , Surya.

WHY Taurus? An earth sign. Why is Krittika Nakshatra and Taurus more

attractive then Virgo Rasi Owned by Mercury, and Uttara Phalguni

Nakshatra? another Nakshatras owned by Surya.


Any insight to this ( and other Graha positions of exaltation) will

help me with key foundational appreciation of Jyotish.


Pranams on Ashunya Shayan Dwitiya, Day of Lakshmi and Vishnu


Frank in San Diego

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In a message dated 07/03/2004 5:18:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, frank_in_sandiego writes:


Namaste Frank,


This topic has come up many times and of course its difficult to have an answer that is fully satisfying. Ramdas Rao gave us a beautiful story from Skanda Purana which tells us that the Ashwini Kumaras are the twin children of Surya Deva and they are also the Vaidyas of the zodiac. I wish we could have such stories/leelas for the other grahas.


Yes, we can rationalize and say that the exaltation rasi is its place of greatest happiness, the moolatrikona the place where a planet fulfills its dharma, its own sign is home, and its place of debilitation is where the planet is least happy. And of course this is valuable but the story from the Puranas is the knowledge from the Rishis.


I will look for this posting if you don't have it.




Namaste,I have pondered this question for some time and have looked,questioned, etc. yet I still do not have a comfort level ofclarity with the following:---> Various Graha are exalted in specific Rasi and Nakshatra yet why one rasi is chosen over another still alludes me.EXAMPLE #1: Surya, karaka for Atman is exalted in Aries and Nakshatra owned by Ketu.---> I can understand that Ketu has the ability to exalt Atman as it brings moksha to for on desiring mumukshutvaBUT why in Aries? If I were picking a Rasi , I would choose Sagittarius, Owned by Guru ( displeller of darkness) and in a firery sign ( again purification and Guru's office or Moolatrikona), and Moola Nakshatra , owned by Ketu.EXAMPLE #2: Chandra, karaka for mind is exalted in Taurus and Nakshatra owned by the other luminary , Surya.WHY Taurus? An earth sign. Why is Krittika Nakshatra and Taurus more attractive then Virgo Rasi Owned by Mercury, and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra? another Nakshatras owned by Surya.Any insight to this ( and other Graha positions of exaltation) will help me with key foundational appreciation of Jyotish.Pranams on Ashunya Shayan Dwitiya, Day of Lakshmi and VishnuFrank in San Diego



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Nasaste Frank,


J.N. Basin, in his Astrology in the Vedas gave his opinion.



"The Sun is considered by astrology in its highest point of exaltation, when occupying the 10th degree of Aries belongs to the asterism Ashvini, whose lord is the planet Ketu, who is recognized by astrology as the significator of the state of moksha. As explained elsewhere, the sign Aries belonging to Mars represents sinful surroundings. Thus the Sun when in Moksha is unaffected by sinful and testing atmosphere of the sinful Mars."



"Astrologically speaking the Moon is considered as in 'exaltation' when located in the 3rd degree of Taurus. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Krittika, whose lord is the Sun. Now the Sun being the 'Atma' or the self it is clear that the Moon representing the mind is in its highest state when it has realized the soul [or Atma] (when it is in Brahmakar Vriti). The test of this state of exaltation is afforded by the sign Taurus - the sign belonging to the 'Luxurious' Venus. In other words, mind in the realized state (the Moon in exaltation) is not tempted by luxurious surroundings. It is because of her competence to realize 'Brahm' - the supreme spirit, that the Moon has been called by the Veda as the king among those who realize God."



". . . Mars gets exalted astrologically in the 28th degree of Capricorn. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Dhanishta, whose lord is Mars himself. The sign to which Mars is exalted, viz., Capricorn belongs to Saturn, who is bitter enemy to Mars. It is, as it should be, for a soldier in the real sense of the term, shows his best conduct as a soldier while in the enemy's camp. If he can retain his valor and character as a soldier there, nothing more could be imagined about him. This is exactly what happens. for Dhanishta being Mar's own nakshatra, he is in possession of himself even in the enemy's camp (Capricorn)."



"Astrology says that Mercury is exalted in the 15th degree of Virgo. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Hasta, whose lord is the Moon. Mercury is highly intellectual. In general 'Feelings' do not go well with intellect. If intellect retains logic and yet is compassionate to the consideration of others, nothing could be more 'Exalted' about it. To cite an example from the modern world, if the intellectual users of the atomic bomb can be compassionate towards humanity, it would do great credit to their intellect. Thus if the planet Mercury gets compassionate feelings of the Moon without losing its intellectual acumen denoted by the sign Virgo, Mercury can be considered really in exaltation. The rationale of the exaltation of Mercury is in perfect consonance with moral, spiritual and psychological principles."



"In accordance with the shloka number 13 of Chapter 1 of Brihat Jatak, . . . Jupiter gets exalted astrologically in the 5th degree of Cancer. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Pusya, whose lord is Saturn. Saturn is the symbol of the absence of worldly goods, of 'Shoonya' emptiness, etc. Jupiter the Spiritual planet naturally feels exalted in the state of 'Shoonya' or 'Samadhi'. The sign Cancer belonging to the wealthy, fickle and sexy Moon is incapable of disturbing Jupiter in his state of Samadhi and affords a testing ground for this spiritual planet. Thus the fixation of the 5th degree of Cancer as the highest exaltation point for Jupiter is based on very valid spiritual grounds."



" . . . Venus gets exalted in the 27th degree of Pisces. This degree relates to the nakshatra Revati, whose lord is the planet Mercury. Being a planet most given to luxury and enjoyment, Venus hardly likes the company of moral people. In Pisces, belonging to the spiritual and moral planet Jupiter, it feels ill at ease, and yet since Venus is in the nakshatra of the learned Mercury, Venus learns 'Sense' in spite of being in the moral surroundings of Jupiter, denoted by the sign Pisces. To talk sense in the uncongenial spiritual circumstances is thus what constitutes exalted behavior for Venus."



" . . . Saturn gets exalted in the 20th degree of Libra. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Swati, whose lord is Rahu. Now Rahu acts like Saturn itself. In other words Rahu is as much a factor of poverty as Saturn is. In the sign Libra, Saturn is in a luxurious position which can turn its head, poor as he is. But in exaltation Saturn still remains content in the nakshatra or Rahu, it friend and does not forget its days of poverty. For a poor man not to be intoxicated by the possession of wealth is really an achievement that makes it exalted in the real meaning of the term."


Sanjay gave a lecture (I cannot remember which conference) where he discussed the exaltations of the planets (in passing) in connection with Jyotrlingas and the unfolding conception relationship between the Sun and the Moon.


I've seen more on this and if I can find it I will pass it on.


Best Regards,





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Dear Robben an excellent piece of information from you. Mr. Bhasin

however, does not explain why only a certain degree within an asterism

is parmoccha. An asterism is spread over 13.20 degrees, is it not?

There is something more than this, as the reason of parmoccha degrees.


think it has to do more with the way a planet shines at a particular

degree. I could be wrong.



Robben Hixson wrote:


Nasaste Frank,


J.N. Basin, in his Astrology in the Vedas gave his




"The Sun is considered by astrology in its highest point of

exaltation, when occupying the 10th degree of Aries belongs to the

asterism Ashvini, whose lord is the planet Ketu, who is recognized by

astrology as the significator of the state of moksha. As explained

elsewhere, the sign Aries belonging to Mars represents sinful

surroundings. Thus the Sun when in Moksha is unaffected by sinful and

testing atmosphere of the sinful Mars."



"Astrologically speaking the Moon is considered as in

'exaltation' when located in the 3rd degree of Taurus. This degree

belongs to the nakshatra Krittika, whose lord is the Sun. Now the Sun

being the 'Atma' or the self it is clear that the Moon representing the

mind is in its highest state when it has realized the soul [or Atma]

(when it is in Brahmakar Vriti). The test of this state of exaltation

is afforded by the sign Taurus - the sign belonging to the 'Luxurious'

Venus. In other words, mind in the realized state (the Moon in

exaltation) is not tempted by luxurious surroundings. It is because of

her competence to realize 'Brahm' - the supreme spirit, that the Moon

has been called by the Veda as the king among those who realize God."



". . . Mars gets exalted astrologically in the 28th degree of

Capricorn. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Dhanishta, whose lord

is Mars himself. The sign to which Mars is exalted, viz., Capricorn

belongs to Saturn, who is bitter enemy to Mars. It is, as it should be,

for a soldier in the real sense of the term, shows his best conduct as

a soldier while in the enemy's camp. If he can retain his valor and

character as a soldier there, nothing more could be imagined about him.

This is exactly what happens. for Dhanishta being Mar's own nakshatra,

he is in possession of himself even in the enemy's camp (Capricorn)."



"Astrology says that Mercury is exalted in the 15th degree of

Virgo. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Hasta, whose lord is the

Moon. Mercury is highly intellectual. In general 'Feelings' do not go

well with intellect. If intellect retains logic and yet is

compassionate to the consideration of others, nothing could be more

'Exalted' about it. To cite an example from the modern world, if the

intellectual users of the atomic bomb can be compassionate towards

humanity, it would do great credit to their intellect. Thus if the

planet Mercury gets compassionate feelings of the Moon without losing

its intellectual acumen denoted by the sign Virgo, Mercury can be

considered really in exaltation. The rationale of the exaltation of

Mercury is in perfect consonance with moral, spiritual and

psychological principles."



"In accordance with the shloka number 13 of Chapter 1 of Brihat

Jatak, . . . Jupiter gets exalted astrologically in the 5th degree of

Cancer. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Pusya, whose lord is

Saturn. Saturn is the symbol of the absence of worldly goods, of

'Shoonya' emptiness, etc. Jupiter the Spiritual planet naturally feels

exalted in the state of 'Shoonya' or 'Samadhi'. The sign Cancer

belonging to the wealthy, fickle and sexy Moon is incapable of

disturbing Jupiter in his state of Samadhi and affords a testing ground

for this spiritual planet. Thus the fixation of the 5th degree of

Cancer as the highest exaltation point for Jupiter is based on very

valid spiritual grounds."



" . . . Venus gets exalted in the 27th degree of Pisces. This

degree relates to the nakshatra Revati, whose lord is the planet

Mercury. Being a planet most given to luxury and enjoyment, Venus

hardly likes the company of moral people. In Pisces, belonging to the

spiritual and moral planet Jupiter, it feels ill at ease, and yet since

Venus is in the nakshatra of the learned Mercury, Venus learns 'Sense'

in spite of being in the moral surroundings of Jupiter, denoted by the

sign Pisces. To talk sense in the uncongenial spiritual circumstances

is thus what constitutes exalted behavior for Venus."



" . . . Saturn gets exalted in the 20th degree of Libra. This

degree belongs to the nakshatra Swati, whose lord is Rahu. Now Rahu

acts like Saturn itself. In other words Rahu is as much a factor of

poverty as Saturn is. In the sign Libra, Saturn is in a luxurious

position which can turn its head, poor as he is. But in exaltation

Saturn still remains content in the nakshatra or Rahu, it friend and

does not forget its days of poverty. For a poor man not to be

intoxicated by the possession of wealth is really an achievement that

makes it exalted in the real meaning of the term."


Sanjay gave a lecture (I cannot remember which conference) where

he discussed the exaltations of the planets (in passing) in connection

with Jyotrlingas and the unfolding conception relationship between the

Sun and the Moon.


I've seen more on this and if I can find it I will pass it on.


Best Regards,







|Om Tat Sat|


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Hari Om Namo Viswarupaya



Namaste Brendan (et.al)

thank you all for helping with this *foundational* question...

I agree, there is something deeper to why the Graha's are

exalted or debilited. ( I thank Robben for the additonal insight

as it adds another layer of understanding).


If you can direct me to the proper Purana (or Upanishad) I will

be glad to read and review; or if you have a PDF or Word document

you can forward, that too is greatly apprecited.


Thank you all again...

Frank in San Diego


varahamihira , Bpfeeley@A... wrote:


> In a message dated 07/03/2004 5:18:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> frank_in_sandiego@c... writes:


> Namaste Frank,


> This topic has come up many times and of course its difficult to

have an

> answer that is fully satisfying. Ramdas Rao gave us a beautiful

story from

> Skanda Purana which tells us that the Ashwini Kumaras are the twin

children of

> Surya Deva and they are also the Vaidyas of the zodiac. I wish we

could have

> such stories/leelas for the other grahas.


> Yes, we can rationalize and say that the exaltation rasi is its

place of

> greatest happiness, the moolatrikona the place where a planet

fulfills its

> dharma, its own sign is home, and its place of debilitation is

where the planet is

> least happy. And of course this is valuable but the story from the

Puranas is

> the knowledge from the Rishis.


> I will look for this posting if you don't have it.


> Regards,

> Brendan


> Namaste,

> I have pondered this question for some time and have looked,

> questioned, etc. yet I still do not have a comfort level of

> clarity with the following:

> ---> Various Graha are exalted in specific Rasi and Nakshatra

> yet why one rasi is chosen over another still alludes me.


> EXAMPLE #1: Surya, karaka for Atman is exalted in Aries and

> Nakshatra owned by Ketu.

> ---> I can understand that Ketu has the ability to exalt Atman

> as it brings moksha to for on desiring mumukshutva

> BUT why in Aries? If I were picking a Rasi , I would choose

> Sagittarius, Owned by Guru ( displeller of darkness) and in a


> sign ( again purification and Guru's office or Moolatrikona), and

> Moola Nakshatra , owned by Ketu.


> EXAMPLE #2: Chandra, karaka for mind is exalted in Taurus and

> Nakshatra owned by the other luminary , Surya.

> WHY Taurus? An earth sign. Why is Krittika Nakshatra and Taurus


> attractive then Virgo Rasi Owned by Mercury, and Uttara Phalguni

> Nakshatra? another Nakshatras owned by Surya.


> Any insight to this ( and other Graha positions of exaltation)


> help me with key foundational appreciation of Jyotish.


> Pranams on Ashunya Shayan Dwitiya, Day of Lakshmi and Vishnu


> Frank in San Diego

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|Hare Räma Kåñëa|

Dear Robben,

Brendan, Chandrashekarji and others, Namaskar


The planets

effulgence or shine is based on the relative position of the Graha between the Sun

and the earth, and hence its ability to reflect light. That is not sufficient

as a Graha in theory could be combust (hence devoid of rays from the earths

viewpoint) whilst placed in its exaltation sign.














Visti Larsen















Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

04 July 2004 11:31


Re: |Sri Varaha|

Exaltation of Graha's



Dear Robben an excellent piece of information from

you. Mr. Bhasin however, does not explain why only a certain degree within an

asterism is parmoccha. An asterism is spread over 13.20 degrees, is it not?

There is something more than this, as the reason of parmoccha degrees. I

think it has to do more with the way a planet shines at a particular degree. I

could be wrong.



Robben Hixson wrote:




Nasaste Frank,







Basin, in his Astrology in the Vedas gave his opinion.









" The Sun is considered by astrology in its

highest point of exaltation, when occupying the 10th degree of Aries belongs to

the asterism Ashvini, whose lord is the planet Ketu, who is recognized by

astrology as the significator of the state of moksha. As explained elsewhere,

the sign Aries belonging to Mars represents sinful surroundings. Thus the Sun

when in Moksha is unaffected by sinful and testing atmosphere of the

sinful Mars. "









" Astrologically speaking the Moon is considered

as in 'exaltation' when located in the 3rd degree of Taurus. This degree

belongs to the nakshatra Krittika, whose lord is the Sun. Now the Sun being the

'Atma' or the self it is clear that the Moon representing the mind is in its

highest state when it has realized the soul [or Atma] (when it is in Brahmakar

Vriti). The test of this state of exaltation is afforded by the sign Taurus -

the sign belonging to the 'Luxurious' Venus. In other words, mind in the

realized state (the Moon in exaltation) is not tempted by luxurious surroundings.

It is because of her competence to realize 'Brahm' - the supreme spirit, that

the Moon has been called by the Veda as the king among those who realize

God. "









" . . . Mars gets exalted astrologically in the

28th degree of Capricorn. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Dhanishta, whose

lord is Mars himself. The sign to which Mars is exalted, viz., Capricorn

belongs to Saturn, who is bitter enemy to Mars. It is, as it should be, for a

soldier in the real sense of the term, shows his best conduct as a soldier

while in the enemy's camp. If he can retain his valor and character as a

soldier there, nothing more could be imagined about him. This is exactly what

happens. for Dhanishta being Mar's own nakshatra, he is in possession of

himself even in the enemy's camp (Capricorn). "









" Astrology says that Mercury is exalted in the

15th degree of Virgo. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Hasta, whose lord is

the Moon. Mercury is highly intellectual. In general 'Feelings' do not go well

with intellect. If intellect retains logic and yet is compassionate to the

consideration of others, nothing could be more 'Exalted' about it. To cite an

example from the modern world, if the intellectual users of the atomic bomb can

be compassionate towards humanity, it would do great credit to their intellect.

Thus if the planet Mercury gets compassionate feelings of the Moon without

losing its intellectual acumen denoted by the sign Virgo, Mercury can be

considered really in exaltation. The rationale of the exaltation of Mercury is

in perfect consonance with moral, spiritual and psychological principles. "









" In accordance with the shloka number 13 of

Chapter 1 of Brihat Jatak, . . . Jupiter gets exalted astrologically in the 5th

degree of Cancer. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Pusya, whose lord is

Saturn. Saturn is the symbol of the absence of worldly goods, of 'Shoonya'

emptiness, etc. Jupiter the Spiritual planet naturally feels exalted in the

state of 'Shoonya' or 'Samadhi'. The sign Cancer belonging to the wealthy,

fickle and sexy Moon is incapable of disturbing Jupiter in his state of Samadhi

and affords a testing ground for this spiritual planet. Thus the fixation of

the 5th degree of Cancer as the highest exaltation point for Jupiter is based

on very valid spiritual grounds. "









" . . . Venus gets exalted in the 27th degree of

Pisces. This degree relates to the nakshatra Revati, whose lord is the planet

Mercury. Being a planet most given to luxury and enjoyment, Venus hardly likes

the company of moral people. In Pisces, belonging to the spiritual and moral

planet Jupiter, it feels ill at ease, and yet since Venus is in the nakshatra

of the learned Mercury, Venus learns 'Sense' in spite of being in the moral

surroundings of Jupiter, denoted by the sign Pisces. To talk sense in the

uncongenial spiritual circumstances is thus what constitutes exalted behavior

for Venus. "









" . . . Saturn gets exalted in the 20th degree of

Libra. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Swati, whose lord is Rahu. Now Rahu

acts like Saturn itself. In other words Rahu is as much a factor of poverty as

Saturn is. In the sign Libra, Saturn is in a luxurious position which can turn

its head, poor as he is. But in exaltation Saturn still remains content in the

nakshatra or Rahu, it friend and does not forget its days of poverty. For a

poor man not to be intoxicated by the possession of wealth is really an

achievement that makes it exalted in the real meaning of the term. "






Sanjay gave a lecture (I cannot remember which conference)

where he discussed the exaltations of the planets (in passing) in

connection with Jyotrlingas and the unfolding conception relationship between

the Sun and the Moon.






I've seen more on this and if I can find it I will

pass it on.






Best Regards,

















Tat Sat|








Tat Sat|


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Dear Visti,

That is why I think it is its distance from earth at that degree. Let

us hope some astronomer comment on this.




Visti Larsen wrote:








Räma Kåñëa|



Brendan, Chandrashekarji and others, Namaskar




effulgence or shine is based on the relative position of the Graha

between the Sun

and the earth, and hence its ability to reflect light. That is not


as a Graha in theory could be combust (hence devoid of rays from the


viewpoint) whilst placed in its exaltation sign.

















Visti Larsen

















Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

04 July 2004




Re: |Sri


Exaltation of Graha's



Dear Robben an excellent piece

of information from

you. Mr. Bhasin however, does not explain why only a certain degree

within an

asterism is parmoccha. An asterism is spread over 13.20 degrees, is it


There is something more than this, as the reason of parmoccha degrees.


think it has to do more with the way a planet shines at a particular

degree. I

could be wrong.



Robben Hixson wrote:




Nasaste Frank,






J.N. Basin, in his Astrology in the Vedas gave his










"The Sun is considered by

astrology in its

highest point of exaltation, when occupying the 10th degree of Aries

belongs to

the asterism Ashvini, whose lord is the planet Ketu, who is recognized


astrology as the significator of the state of moksha. As explained


the sign Aries belonging to Mars represents sinful surroundings. Thus

the Sun

when in Moksha is unaffected by sinful and testing atmosphere of the

sinful Mars."









"Astrologically speaking the

Moon is considered

as in 'exaltation' when located in the 3rd degree of Taurus. This


belongs to the nakshatra Krittika, whose lord is the Sun. Now the Sun

being the

'Atma' or the self it is clear that the Moon representing the mind is

in its

highest state when it has realized the soul [or Atma] (when it is in


Vriti). The test of this state of exaltation is afforded by the sign

Taurus -

the sign belonging to the 'Luxurious' Venus. In other words, mind in


realized state (the Moon in exaltation) is not tempted by luxurious


It is because of her competence to realize 'Brahm' - the supreme

spirit, that

the Moon has been called by the Veda as the king among those who











". . . Mars gets exalted

astrologically in the

28th degree of Capricorn. This degree belongs to the nakshatra

Dhanishta, whose

lord is Mars himself. The sign to which Mars is exalted, viz.,


belongs to Saturn, who is bitter enemy to Mars. It is, as it should be,

for a

soldier in the real sense of the term, shows his best conduct as a


while in the enemy's camp. If he can retain his valor and character as


soldier there, nothing more could be imagined about him. This is

exactly what

happens. for Dhanishta being Mar's own nakshatra, he is in possession


himself even in the enemy's camp (Capricorn)."









"Astrology says that Mercury

is exalted in the

15th degree of Virgo. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Hasta, whose

lord is

the Moon. Mercury is highly intellectual. In general 'Feelings' do not

go well

with intellect. If intellect retains logic and yet is compassionate to


consideration of others, nothing could be more 'Exalted' about it. To

cite an

example from the modern world, if the intellectual users of the atomic

bomb can

be compassionate towards humanity, it would do great credit to their


Thus if the planet Mercury gets compassionate feelings of the Moon


losing its intellectual acumen denoted by the sign Virgo, Mercury can


considered really in exaltation. The rationale of the exaltation of

Mercury is

in perfect consonance with moral, spiritual and psychological










"In accordance with the shloka

number 13 of

Chapter 1 of Brihat Jatak, . . . Jupiter gets exalted astrologically in

the 5th

degree of Cancer. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Pusya, whose

lord is

Saturn. Saturn is the symbol of the absence of worldly goods, of


emptiness, etc. Jupiter the Spiritual planet naturally feels exalted in


state of 'Shoonya' or 'Samadhi'. The sign Cancer belonging to the


fickle and sexy Moon is incapable of disturbing Jupiter in his state of


and affords a testing ground for this spiritual planet. Thus the

fixation of

the 5th degree of Cancer as the highest exaltation point for Jupiter is


on very valid spiritual grounds."









" . . . Venus gets exalted in

the 27th degree of

Pisces. This degree relates to the nakshatra Revati, whose lord is the


Mercury. Being a planet most given to luxury and enjoyment, Venus

hardly likes

the company of moral people. In Pisces, belonging to the spiritual and


planet Jupiter, it feels ill at ease, and yet since Venus is in the


of the learned Mercury, Venus learns 'Sense' in spite of being in the


surroundings of Jupiter, denoted by the sign Pisces. To talk sense in


uncongenial spiritual circumstances is thus what constitutes exalted


for Venus."









" . . . Saturn gets exalted in

the 20th degree of

Libra. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Swati, whose lord is Rahu.

Now Rahu

acts like Saturn itself. In other words Rahu is as much a factor of

poverty as

Saturn is. In the sign Libra, Saturn is in a luxurious position which

can turn

its head, poor as he is. But in exaltation Saturn still remains content

in the

nakshatra or Rahu, it friend and does not forget its days of poverty.

For a

poor man not to be intoxicated by the possession of wealth is really an

achievement that makes it exalted in the real meaning of the term."






Sanjay gave a lecture (I

cannot remember which conference)

where he discussed the exaltations of the planets (in passing) in

connection with Jyotrlingas and the unfolding conception relationship


the Sun and the Moon.






I've seen more on this and if

I can find it I will

pass it on.






Best Regards,

















Tat Sat|








Tat Sat|









|Om Tat Sat|


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Rama Krsna|


Chandrashekhar, Namaskar

I did some

studying –

There is an

astronomical occurrence called “UCCHA” which has been translated as

Parallax by Astronomers.

This UCCHA is

a moving point, and though very slow, each of the planets have one and they

move at independently different speeds – hence this can’t be the

definition of Exaltation/Uccha from an astrolological perspective.

The nodes

cause the planets to wobble up and down in latitude, whilst the UCCHA causes a

displacement in the planets orbit from its actual path. These two points cause

a correction of the mean position of a planet.

Question of

light is dependant on the Earth-Sun angle, which is ever changing, but isn’t

in conformity with the fixed Zodiacal degree of Exaltation.

So far, from

an astronomical perspective, no point seems to indicate the exaltation or

debilitation degree.













Visti Larsen















Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

04 July 2004 22:13


Re: |Sri Varaha|

Exaltation of Graha's



Dear Visti,

That is why I think it is its distance from earth at that degree. Let us hope

some astronomer comment on this.




Visti Larsen wrote:




Räma Kåñëa|

Dear Robben,

Brendan, Chandrashekarji and others, Namaskar


The planets

effulgence or shine is based on the relative position of the Graha between the

Sun and the earth, and hence its ability to reflect light. That is not

sufficient as a Graha in theory could be combust (hence devoid of rays from the

earths viewpoint) whilst placed in its exaltation sign.















Visti Larsen
















Chandrashekhar [boxdel]


04 July 2004 11:31


Re: |Sri Varaha|

Exaltation of Graha's




Dear Robben an excellent piece of information from

you. Mr. Bhasin however, does not explain why only a certain degree within an

asterism is parmoccha. An asterism is spread over 13.20 degrees, is it not?

There is something more than this, as the reason of parmoccha degrees. I

think it has to do more with the way a planet shines at a particular degree. I

could be wrong.



Robben Hixson wrote:






Nasaste Frank,








in his Astrology in the Vedas

gave his opinion.









" The Sun is considered by astrology in its

highest point of exaltation, when occupying the 10th degree of Aries belongs to

the asterism Ashvini, whose lord is the planet Ketu, who is recognized by

astrology as the significator of the state of moksha. As explained elsewhere,

the sign Aries belonging to Mars represents sinful surroundings. Thus the Sun

when in Moksha is unaffected by sinful and testing atmosphere of the

sinful Mars. "









" Astrologically speaking the Moon is considered

as in 'exaltation' when located in the 3rd degree of Taurus. This degree

belongs to the nakshatra Krittika, whose lord is the Sun. Now the Sun being the

'Atma' or the self it is clear that the Moon representing the mind is in its

highest state when it has realized the soul [or Atma] (when it is in Brahmakar

Vriti). The test of this state of exaltation is afforded by the sign Taurus -

the sign belonging to the 'Luxurious' Venus. In other words, mind in the

realized state (the Moon in exaltation) is not tempted by luxurious surroundings.

It is because of her competence to realize 'Brahm' - the supreme spirit, that

the Moon has been called by the Veda as the king among those who realize God. "









" . . . Mars gets exalted astrologically in the

28th degree of Capricorn. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Dhanishta, whose

lord is Mars himself. The sign to which Mars is exalted, viz., Capricorn

belongs to Saturn, who is bitter enemy to Mars. It is, as it should be, for a

soldier in the real sense of the term, shows his best conduct as a soldier

while in the enemy's camp. If he can retain his valor and character as a

soldier there, nothing more could be imagined about him. This is exactly what

happens. for Dhanishta being Mar's own nakshatra, he is in possession of

himself even in the enemy's camp (Capricorn). "









" Astrology says that Mercury is exalted in the

15th degree of Virgo. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Hasta, whose lord is

the Moon. Mercury is highly intellectual. In general 'Feelings' do not go well

with intellect. If intellect retains logic and yet is compassionate to the

consideration of others, nothing could be more 'Exalted' about it. To cite an

example from the modern world, if the intellectual users of the atomic bomb can

be compassionate towards humanity, it would do great credit to their intellect.

Thus if the planet Mercury gets compassionate feelings of the Moon without

losing its intellectual acumen denoted by the sign Virgo, Mercury can be

considered really in exaltation. The rationale of the exaltation of Mercury is

in perfect consonance with moral, spiritual and psychological principles. "









" In accordance with the shloka number 13 of

Chapter 1 of Brihat Jatak, . . . Jupiter gets exalted astrologically in the 5th

degree of Cancer. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Pusya, whose lord is

Saturn. Saturn is the symbol of the absence of worldly goods, of 'Shoonya'

emptiness, etc. Jupiter the Spiritual planet naturally feels exalted in the

state of 'Shoonya' or 'Samadhi'. The sign Cancer belonging to the wealthy,

fickle and sexy Moon is incapable of disturbing Jupiter in his state of Samadhi

and affords a testing ground for this spiritual planet. Thus the fixation of

the 5th degree of Cancer as the highest exaltation point for Jupiter is based

on very valid spiritual grounds. "









" . . . Venus gets exalted in the 27th degree of

Pisces. This degree relates to the nakshatra Revati, whose lord is the planet

Mercury. Being a planet most given to luxury and enjoyment, Venus hardly likes

the company of moral people. In Pisces, belonging to the spiritual and moral

planet Jupiter, it feels ill at ease, and yet since Venus is in the nakshatra

of the learned Mercury, Venus learns 'Sense' in spite of being in the moral

surroundings of Jupiter, denoted by the sign Pisces. To talk sense in the

uncongenial spiritual circumstances is thus what constitutes exalted behavior

for Venus. "









" . . . Saturn gets exalted in the 20th degree of

Libra. This degree belongs to the nakshatra Swati, whose lord is Rahu. Now Rahu

acts like Saturn itself. In other words Rahu is as much a factor of poverty as

Saturn is. In the sign Libra, Saturn is in a luxurious position which can turn

its head, poor as he is. But in exaltation Saturn still remains content in the

nakshatra or Rahu, it friend and does not forget its days of poverty. For a

poor man not to be intoxicated by the possession of wealth is really an

achievement that makes it exalted in the real meaning of the term. "






Sanjay gave a lecture (I cannot remember which conference)

where he discussed the exaltations of the planets (in passing) in

connection with Jyotrlingas and the unfolding conception relationship between

the Sun and the Moon.






I've seen more on this and if I can find it I will

pass it on.






Best Regards,

















Tat Sat|










Tat Sat|












Tat Sat|


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