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Sri Krishna Jataka - is this the right one?

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Lakshmi,


At 04:07 AM 9/7/04 -0700, you wrote:



Robert Ji,


It is a great honour indeed to

receive a reply from you and let me not waste any more time in expressing

my admiration for you and your


Thank you for your kind words and compliments. They are much




always wondered whether the charts were apt enough for a

Mahapurusha who was eulogized as “Krishnastu bhagavan swayam” ? Are these

charts commensurate with the enigmatic power & personality of

the Shodasa Kala Prapoorna ?

Naturally the means of judgement and interpretations of horoscopes

designed for human beings cannot completely measure up to those of

Avataras such as Sri Krsna and Sri Caitanya. For example, Krsna had

10 sons by each of his 16,108 wives. In the chart suggested for Sri

Krsna, 5th house is occupied by its lord in exaltation with Jupiter, with

Mercury strong in the Navamsa in the 9th house as well. But how can

this explain that many sons? Your explanation of His possessing all

Ashta siddhis in full is very good, yet this also cannot explain his

lifting Govardhana giri with this little finger as a mere child.

However, there are some guidelines given in classical literatures re:

charts of avataras which could well match the chart as that proposed for

Sri Krsna.


For example, in Jataka Parijata (4.97), Vaidyanatha Diksita makes the

following statements:


“If the Sun, Jupiter and Mars are in the

9th house from the lagna; if the Navamsa

they occupy is owned by the 9th house and

also by Saturn (viz. Capricorn and Aquarius), while the Navamsa occupied

by these three planets are in Vargottamamsa; and if the Moon occupies the

lagna in strength, the person born will be blessed with a happy life

ending with the end of the world.”


This verse can represent different meanings to different scholars. Yet,

some guidelines emerge from it nevertheless so far as our understanding

of the charts of avataras is concerned. Some reasonable variations

on the above may be:


The 9th is the house of dharma, and

its karakas are the Sun and Jupiter. There could be a relationship

between all of these by aspect as well as lordship. For example, in

the charts of both Sri Krsna and Sri Caitanya, the

9th lord in Navamsa aspects the Sun.

In Krsna's chart, this occurs in both the Rasi as well as Navamsa.

Further, planets may be in Capricorn, or Capricorn may be in the

9th house of rasi or Navamsa, or Sun, Mars

and Jupiter may be aspected by the lord of Capricorn, Saturn. This

latter occurrence applies in the Navamsa chart of Sri Caitanya, while the

former one occurs in the Navamsa chart of Sri Krsna.


The reference to “living until the end of the world,”

may not exclusively apply to yuga-avataras alone, but can apply to

Shaktyavesa-avataras also, such as Vyasadeva and others. As

is shown in the chart of Sri Krsna, “living to the end of the

yuga” is another translation given by some scholars which applies

verbatim, in that the Kali-yuga began at the precise moment of His

passing from this world.


The sign of Capricorn is especially mentioned for yuga-avataras,

as this is the debilitation sign of Jupiter, which represents

dharma. Since such avataras appear when dharma is

diminished in human society (yada yada hi dharmasya, glanih....) it is

appropriate that Jupiter occupy that sign in Their Rasi or Navamsa



In this connection, the chart of Sri Krsna is significant because,

although He appeared in Dvapara-yuga, He did so just prior to the

onset of kali-yuga (125 years earlier), the astrological sign for

which is Capricorn, according to the Kalachakra. His appearance was

indicative of the end of the yuga at which time He set the stage

for the knowledge of dharma in the age of Kali through the

speaking of the Bhagavad-gita. It is interesting therefore,

that Jupiter is in the 9th house of the

proposed Navamsa in the chart of Sri Krsna and in the sign of Capricorn

as well. In the Navamsa, there is a parivartana yoga between 9th

lord and 8th lord, with Jupiter and 5th lord Mercury remaining in the 9th

house. Again, Sun, Mars, and Jupiter aspect the 9th house/Capricorn

in the rasi chart, while two of three do so in his Navamsa. These

facts can indicate His elaborations on the path of dharma as antidotes to

the onset of adharma expected in the on-coming age of Kali.


Further to these principles, the yuga-avataras typically appear at the

end of the yuga, because dharma in each yuga is

greatly compromised by demonic forces during such times. Dharma

diminishes by 25% with each in-coming yuga. For this reason, Sri

Krsna, as well as Sri Ramacandra, worshipped Lord Shiva during the course

of Their lilas. (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva respectively are

worshipped at the beginning, the middle and the end of each yuga.)



Sri Caitanya did not appear at the end of the kali-yuga, and

thus technically speaking, He was not the yuga-avatara for that age.

Instead, He is referred to as a lila-avatara or pastime

incarnation. His incarnation, however, served the purpose of

promoting the yuga-dharma for the age of Kali. He worshipped

Shiva at a specific juncture during His Antya-lila (pastimes occurring in

the final segment of His lifetime). Symbolically, this showed that His

incarnation served to promote the dharma of the kali-yuga.

If you read my book, you will note that in Sri Caitanya's

chart, exalted ninth lord occupies the Kali-yuga rasi of Capricorn in

exaltation, again indicating that the purpose of His incarnation is to

vigorously promote dharma in the form of the Sankirtana yajna in the age

of Kali. That both Sri Krsna and Sri Caitanya are one and the

same, is evident from Shastric references, while the parallels between

Their charts are poignant as well.


Further, Vaidyanatha goes on to say that the Moon in great strength

should occupy the lagna in the charts of Vishnu-avataras. This is

evident in that of Sri Krsna (Vargottama in Vrishabha rasi), Sri

Ramacandra (Kartaka rasi), and also in that of Sri Caitanya (Simha



Anyway, I always thought lifting of

“Govardhana-giri” is more attributable to Saturn (Sri Koorma)

in 7th house, Scorpio. Coincidentally, even Hanuman,

identified with this sign, is known to have lifted the Sanjeevi Parvatam.

Here, what is defeated is not Indra, but the rather the indriyas. I also

see Rahu (Varaha moorthy) in trines to Saturn, actively supporting this

act. Adisesha, Adi Varaha and Sri koorma are supposed to be bearing

the entire weight of the Universe and are responsible for its

stability, so Scorpio the 8th sign and yoga karaka

Saturn together sum up this extraordinary feat of Sri


These are all very good points, and I agree. However, if you look

closely at the combination of Jupiter/Mercury, it is evident that they

are in Graha-yuddha, i.e. a war ensued between Indra and Krsna's bhaktas

because the latter thought that performance of yajna on behalf of Indra

was ludicrous when Sri Vishnu Himself was walking in their midst as the

child Krsna! Out of anger, Indra waged war in the form of sending

torrential rains, a fact which could easily have defeated those cow

herdsmen had Krsna not lifted the Govardhana hill to protect them.

In this instance, Jupiter (Indra) wins the graha-yuddha, yet in spite of

this, Krsna protects His devotees unconditionally and thus Indra was

defeated. In this way the sweet Will of lord circumvented what was

obviously seen in the horoscope. The symbolism here may be,

as you say, that the Indriyas (senses) were defeated instead, indicating

Sri Krsna's preeminence as Yogeswara, or the master of all



Further, Saturn has a more important role in Krsna's chart as the

Amatyakaraka. You will note in the Navamsa that AK Sun and AMK

Saturn (the yogakaraka also) are in mutual aspect. This occurs in

Sri Caitanya's chart too, except therein Saturn is the AK, whereas Sun is

the AMK. So Krsna - the form of a king, diplomat, and scholar

(Sun), spoke the Bhagavad-gita, which elucidates the four-fold path of

yoga culminating in Bhakti-yoga (Karma-yoga, Jnana-yoga, Dhyana-yoga, and

Bhakti-yoga). Sri Caitanya, on the other hand, assumed the role of

a Sannyasi (renunciate) (AK Saturn), while teaching the brilliant

Bhagavat Purana (Puran-arkah), which elaborated on the principles of

dharma set forth in the Bhagavad-gita. That both functions were

served in their respective lilas is fascinating in view of the Sun/Saturn

Raja-yoga as AK/AMK reversing positions respectively.


Anyway, there are so many sides of the question as to the correctness of

Krsna's chart and I'm sure time will allow further evidences and

investigations into this subject.


Thanks for your elucidations too!


Best wishes,







" Robert A. Koch " <rk



Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Lakshmi,


In my book I devoted the entire last chapter to the charts of Lords Sri Krsna and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There are various evidences from Vedic shastras regarding Krsna's birth, and many of these were examined vis a vis birth data supporting vargottama Taurus lagna. For example, in that chart, 8th lord Jupiter conjoins exalted 5th lord Mercury in the 5th house, which is equal to the AL. Sanjay's comment on this is that the Govardhana Lila wherein Indra (Jupiter) sought to punish the Krsna bhaktas in Vrndavana, is thus symbolized. By lifting the Govardhana hill, Krsna's fame thereof became inscribed for an eternity. Another point is that Krsna was " born " in prison, while shortly thereafter was carried under cover of night to Vrndavana. You know the reasons for this, as given in the Srimad Bhagavatam. In the Taurus rising chart, this is supported by way of 12th lord Mars in debilitation with Rahu, joining lagna lord Venus in the third house. The rasi drishti of yogakaraka Saturn demonstrates the intent of King Kamsa to kill Krsna, the reasons for which He was taken to shelter among the cowherds community of Vrndavana. Also, a vargottama Mars in Cancer can indicate the fact that Krsna did not fight in the battle of Kuruksetra (although He alone was responsible for The Pandava victory), and also he did not fight when kidnapping Rukmini who wished to become His wife. Finally, Sanjay had revealed various significant facts about the simultaneous Atmakaraka and Ishta-devata as given in the Navamsa thus rectified, as well as quotes from the Puranas regarding what planetary positions should apply in the charts of Avataras.


In the final analysis, Pandits will continue to argue on this chart given its importance, as well as the dub! iousness of birth data almost 5 thousand years old. Ultimately you will see the correct chart after much sadhana. In the same way that Krsna reveals Himself to Bhaktas after many lifetimes of Sukriti (pious activity), He also will reveal Himself in any manner He wishes to a pure devotee, including through the Jyotish chart.


Anyway, if you wish to receive an advance copy of this chapter, let me know, and I will send it to you. Otherwise, my book will come out in about two month's time.


Take care,

Hare Krsna,




|Om Tat Sat|








|Om Tat Sat|





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Om Gurave Namah

Namaste Robert ji,

Thank you for your fascinating reply about Sri Krishna’s and Sri Chaitanya’s charts. I admire your sagacity and spiritual maturity. As you have said, debates will continue to rage, but at the heart of all these debates will be the constant thought about Krishna tattwa…dhyeyam Sripathi roopamajasram…and that alone would one day redeem this soul from these often silly cyclic doubts.

While I humbly accept that our human parameters are grossly inadequate to judge divine incarnations & purposes, I am again confused by the charts of Sri Rama and Buddha, which are so obviously brilliant as to unmistakably belong to Mahatmas. Why shouldn’t it be so in the case of Krishna too, or is His all-pervasive Maya still operational?

Now, Sir, if look at the chart cast by Raman, you’d see a lot of common features between the charts of Sri Rama, Sri Krishna and Gautama Budhha, which I feel should be so, as they are all manifestations of the same Divine Energy. There is the same strong link of Moon with the lagna, there is the same conjunction/aspect of Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and Moon. Mars is also powerful in all the three charts, if you take the neechabhanga of Mars into account in Krishna’s chart. It is this Mars, the Lord of Scorpio, placed in the 3rd house, that powers his physical prowess and remarkable leelas. I am sure you’d noticed that Krishna’s 3rd house is heavily loaded with planets that represent incarnations like

Varaha, Narasimha and Parasurama, all famous for their physical strength and valour.

If we look at the classical definition of the term “Bhagavan” as the One possessing 1)Aishwarya 2) Dharma 3) Yashas 4) Shri 5) Gynana 6) Vairagya, then astrologically we are talking about tapasya resulting in ashta siddhis (Mars+Ketu), Dharma (Jupiter+Sun), Fame (Sun + Moon), Wealth (Jupiter), Wisdom (Jupiter) and Detachment (Saturn). So, the strength of these planets is essential evidence of Bhagavat-tattwa manifestation. Interestingly, in the version of Srimad bhagavatam I have, the author used the seemingly contrary terms, Dharma and Veerya, to

describe the same quality, which is actually right as the true end of all Parakrama / beginnings/ copulation (3rd house) is upholding of Dharma 99th house), and so is the case with all the houses. Perhaps that’s why all the planets are given the responsibility of looking at the 7th house from them, so they do not lose sight of their real goal!

Now coming to Jupiter’s supposed placement in 5th house, shouldn’t it prove detrimental to progeny? But taking into account the number of sons Krishna had, this is clearly not the case. Jupiter’s debility in navamsa, as you’ve pointed out, should have only made the matters worse, but again it is not so. So, could Jupiter have been in 5th house? Again, is Jupiter more powerful in Virgo than in Leo? Jupiter, as the one born in Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra, is basically a Sun (the word guru also means a sun who removes the darkness of avidya) at heart, which is borne out by the strength he gains by being posited in Lagna, for which Surya is the Karaka.

By the way, I think even Maha Lakshmi is born in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, so, is this the reason for Jupiter being the Karaka for wealth and ruling the northern direction, which belongs to Kubera? Extending the same logic, this could also be the reason for Jupiter’s exaltation in the 4th house, which represents the heart of Narayana.

Further, Sir, I feel that the 4th house (symbolizing heart) is the crux in all incarnations of vishnu. It defines the flavour of a particular avatar. Vishnu’s shakti & personality are centred in the 4th house, hence the importance of moon for all Vishnu avatars. So, the 4th house in Krishna’s chart too holds the key to his personality, not the 5th. The combination of a very strong Sun and Jupiter ( exaltation in the natural 4th house) and the Moon in lagna mutually strengthen one another and it is this Sattwa that inherently shines through the Bhagavadgita. Like the sun’s placement in a particular house indicates the focus

of the person, so does the placement of planets in lagna. In Krishna’s case the focus is undivided and unambiguous. Also, Krishna had elevated performance of action based on dharma and detachment to the level of yoga as can be seen from the yogakaraka Saturn’s placement in Scorpio and the teachings in Bhagavadgita. This is His message for Kaliyuga.

Talking about longevity of divine persons, I feel, it need not be physical always. There are concepts of longevity of influence, longevity of teachings etc, as illustrated in the life of Sri Raghavendra Swamy of Mantralayam.

Sir, I am afraid that my methods of analysis are slightly unorthodox, but they aid my finite understanding. Please pardon the mistakes I may have made in the course of discussion and do let me know them, so I can correct myself.



"Robert A. Koch" <rk wrote:

Om Gurave NamahDear Lakshmi, At 04:07 AM 9/7/04 -0700, you wrote:

Namaste Robert Ji,It is a great honour indeed to receive a reply from you and let me not waste any more time in expressing my admiration for you and your writings..........Thank you for your kind words and compliments. They are much appreciated....

I always wondered whether the charts were apt enough for a Mahapurusha who was eulogized as “Krishnastu bhagavan swayam” ? Are these charts commensurate with the enigmatic power & personality of the Shodasa Kala Prapoorna ? Naturally the means of judgement and interpretations of horoscopes designed for human beings cannot completely measure up to those of Avataras such as Sri Krsna and Sri Caitanya. For example, Krsna had 10 sons by each of his 16,108 wives. In the chart suggested for Sri Krsna, 5th house is occupied by its lord in exaltation with Jupiter, with Mercury strong in the Navamsa in the 9th house as well. But how can this explain that many sons? Your explanation of His possessing all Ashta siddhis in full is very good, yet this also cannot explain his lifting Govardhana giri with this little finger as a mere child. However,

there are some guidelines given in classical literatures re: charts of avataras which could well match the chart as that proposed for Sri Krsna. For example, in Jataka Parijata (4.97), Vaidyanatha Diksita makes the following statements: “If the Sun, Jupiter and Mars are in the 9th house from the lagna; if the Navamsa they occupy is owned by the 9th house and also by Saturn (viz. Capricorn and Aquarius), while the Navamsa occupied by these three planets are in Vargottamamsa; and if the Moon occupies the lagna in strength, the person born will be blessed with a happy life ending with the end of the world.” This verse can represent different meanings to different scholars. Yet, some guidelines emerge from it nevertheless so far as our understanding of the charts of avataras is concerned. Some reasonable variations on the above may be: The 9th is the house of dharma, and its karakas are the Sun and Jupiter. There could be a relationship between all of these by aspect as well as lordship. For example, in the charts of both Sri Krsna and Sri Caitanya, the 9th lord in Navamsa aspects the Sun. In Krsna's chart, this occurs in both the Rasi as well as Navamsa. Further, planets may be in Capricorn, or Capricorn may be in the 9th house of rasi or Navamsa, or Sun, Mars and Jupiter may be aspected by the lord of Capricorn, Saturn. This latter occurrence applies in the Navamsa chart of Sri Caitanya, while the former one occurs in the Navamsa chart of Sri Krsna. The reference to “living until the end of the world,” may not exclusively apply to yuga-avataras alone, but can apply to Shaktyavesa-avataras also, such as Vyasadeva and others. As is shown in the

chart of Sri Krsna, “living to the end of the yuga” is another translation given by some scholars which applies verbatim, in that the Kali-yuga began at the precise moment of His passing from this world. The sign of Capricorn is especially mentioned for yuga-avataras, as this is the debilitation sign of Jupiter, which represents dharma. Since such avataras appear when dharma is diminished in human society (yada yada hi dharmasya, glanih....) it is appropriate that Jupiter occupy that sign in Their Rasi or Navamsa charts. In this connection, the chart of Sri Krsna is significant because, although He appeared in Dvapara-yuga, He did so just prior to the onset of kali-yuga (125 years earlier), the astrological sign for which is Capricorn, according to the Kalachakra. His appearance was indicative of the end of the yuga at which time He set the stage for the knowledge of dharma

in the age of Kali through the speaking of the Bhagavad-gita. It is interesting therefore, that Jupiter is in the 9th house of the proposed Navamsa in the chart of Sri Krsna and in the sign of Capricorn as well. In the Navamsa, there is a parivartana yoga between 9th lord and 8th lord, with Jupiter and 5th lord Mercury remaining in the 9th house. Again, Sun, Mars, and Jupiter aspect the 9th house/Capricorn in the rasi chart, while two of three do so in his Navamsa. These facts can indicate His elaborations on the path of dharma as antidotes to the onset of adharma expected in the on-coming age of Kali. Further to these principles, the yuga-avataras typically appear at the end of the yuga, because dharma in each yuga is greatly compromised by demonic forces during such times. Dharma diminishes by 25% with each in-coming yuga. For this reason, Sri Krsna, as well as Sri

Ramacandra, worshipped Lord Shiva during the course of Their lilas. (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva respectively are worshipped at the beginning, the middle and the end of each yuga.) Sri Caitanya did not appear at the end of the kali-yuga, and thus technically speaking, He was not the yuga-avatara for that age. Instead, He is referred to as a lila-avatara or pastime incarnation. His incarnation, however, served the purpose of promoting the yuga-dharma for the age of Kali. He worshipped Shiva at a specific juncture during His Antya-lila (pastimes occurring in the final segment of His lifetime). Symbolically, this showed that His incarnation served to promote the dharma of the kali-yuga. If you read my book, you will note that in Sri Caitanya's chart, exalted ninth lord occupies the Kali-yuga rasi of Capricorn in exaltation, again indicating that the purpose of His incarnation is to vigorously promote dharma

in the form of the Sankirtana yajna in the age of Kali. That both Sri Krsna and Sri Caitanya are one and the same, is evident from Shastric references, while the parallels between Their charts are poignant as well. Further, Vaidyanatha goes on to say that the Moon in great strength should occupy the lagna in the charts of Vishnu-avataras. This is evident in that of Sri Krsna (Vargottama in Vrishabha rasi), Sri Ramacandra (Kartaka rasi), and also in that of Sri Caitanya (Simha rasi).

Anyway, I always thought lifting of “Govardhana-giri” is more attributable to Saturn (Sri Koorma) in 7th house, Scorpio. Coincidentally, even Hanuman, identified with this sign, is known to have lifted the Sanjeevi Parvatam. Here, what is defeated is not Indra, but the rather the indriyas. I also see Rahu (Varaha moorthy) in trines to Saturn, actively supporting this act. Adisesha, Adi Varaha and Sri koorma are supposed to be bearing the entire weight of the Universe and are responsible for its stability, so Scorpio the 8th sign and yoga karaka Saturn together sum up this extraordinary feat of Sri Krishna. These are all very good points, and I agree. However, if you look closely at the combination of Jupiter/Mercury, it is evident that they are in Graha-yuddha, i.e. a war ensued between Indra and Krsna's bhaktas because the latter thought that

performance of yajna on behalf of Indra was ludicrous when Sri Vishnu Himself was walking in their midst as the child Krsna! Out of anger, Indra waged war in the form of sending torrential rains, a fact which could easily have defeated those cow herdsmen had Krsna not lifted the Govardhana hill to protect them. In this instance, Jupiter (Indra) wins the graha-yuddha, yet in spite of this, Krsna protects His devotees unconditionally and thus Indra was defeated. In this way the sweet Will of lord circumvented what was obviously seen in the horoscope. The symbolism here may be, as you say, that the Indriyas (senses) were defeated instead, indicating Sri Krsna's preeminence as Yogeswara, or the master of all yogis. Further, Saturn has a more important role in Krsna's chart as the Amatyakaraka. You will note in the Navamsa that AK Sun and AMK Saturn (the yogakaraka also) are in mutual aspect. This occurs in Sri Caitanya's

chart too, except therein Saturn is the AK, whereas Sun is the AMK. So Krsna - the form of a king, diplomat, and scholar (Sun), spoke the Bhagavad-gita, which elucidates the four-fold path of yoga culminating in Bhakti-yoga (Karma-yoga, Jnana-yoga, Dhyana-yoga, and Bhakti-yoga). Sri Caitanya, on the other hand, assumed the role of a Sannyasi (renunciate) (AK Saturn), while teaching the brilliant Bhagavat Purana (Puran-arkah), which elaborated on the principles of dharma set forth in the Bhagavad-gita. That both functions were served in their respective lilas is fascinating in view of the Sun/Saturn Raja-yoga as AK/AMK reversing positions respectively. Anyway, there are so many sides of the question as to the correctness of Krsna's chart and I'm sure time will allow further evidences and investigations into this subject. Thanks for your elucidations too! Best wishes,Robert

Regards,Lakshmi "Robert A. Koch" <rk wrote:

Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Lakshmi,

In my book I devoted the entire last chapter to the charts of Lords Sri Krsna and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There are various evidences from Vedic shastras regarding Krsna's birth, and many of these were examined vis a vis birth data supporting vargottama Taurus lagna. For example, in that chart, 8th lord Jupiter conjoins exalted 5th lord Mercury in the 5th house, which is equal to the AL. Sanjay's comment on this is that the Govardhana Lila wherein Indra (Jupiter) sought to punish the Krsna bhaktas in Vrndavana, is thus symbolized. By lifting the Govardhana hill, Krsna's fame thereof became inscribed for an eternity. Another point is that Krsna was "born" in prison, while shortly thereafter was carried under cover of night to Vrndavana. You know the reasons for this, as given in the Srimad Bhagavatam. In the Taurus rising chart, this is supported by way of 12th lord Mars in debilitation with Rahu, joining lagna lord Venus in the third

house. The rasi drishti of yogakaraka Saturn demonstrates the intent of King Kamsa to kill Krsna, the reasons for which He was taken to shelter among the cowherds community of Vrndavana. Also, a vargottama Mars in Cancer can indicate the fact that Krsna did not fight in the battle of Kuruksetra (although He alone was responsible for The Pandava victory), and also he did not fight when kidnapping Rukmini who wished to become His wife. Finally, Sanjay had revealed various significant facts about the simultaneous Atmakaraka and Ishta-devata as given in the Navamsa thus rectified, as well as quotes from the Puranas regarding what planetary positions should apply in the charts of Avataras.

In the final analysis, Pandits will continue to argue on this chart given its importance, as well as the dub! iousness of birth data almost 5 thousand years old. Ultimately you will see the correct chart after much sadhana. In the same way that Krsna reveals Himself to Bhaktas after many lifetimes of Sukriti (pious activity), He also will reveal Himself in any manner He wishes to a pure devotee, including through the Jyotish chart.

Anyway, if you wish to receive an advance copy of this chapter, let me know, and I will send it to you. Otherwise, my book will come out in about two month's time.

Take care, Hare Krsna, Robert

|Om Tat Sat| http://www.varahamihira |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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