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fertility of men and D-7

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Hare Krishna

Dear Freinds,

I've read about whether women can produce children,BUT

can anyone tell me in detail what they know of proceativity of a man?

Also ,

2) in men that cant produce, what have you seen in the D-7??

Also ,

3)I'd like to see a chart or two of a man whose wife(unbeknown to

him)concieved children by another man.


Ive read in COVA and in 3 hundred important combinations.etc, but im

looking for your first hand info.

6th lord connected with 5th lord, influence of sat and rahu on 5th

house, etc etc.


Or charts of men who are raising children as their own that were

sired by another man ,etc.(ie wife had an affair)


I've had several men ask me for readings where they are suspicious

that their children arent theirs, however they dont want to make a

scene unless there is a possiblity(hence consulting an astrologer)

has anybody come across this??

Yes we can see in their chart if wife is likely to go outside

marriage, but such things can occur as a one time event as well..?

Which might not show up as a promincious wife.

Thanks for any input,

lakshmi k.

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Rama Krsna|


Lakshmi, Namaskar

Have you

forgotten the technique of seeing the Sun’s relationship with A3, A9, As3

and As9? It also applies to men u’know.


techinique of seeing Merc, Sat and Venus in trines to Saptamsa Lagna, also

applies to men.



Chintamani quotes the rule you mentioned: 7th lord in the 6th,

and associated with 6th and 5th lords causes the spouse

of the native to have a child from another. I wrote it in my Kalatra Karaka-paper

for the west coast 2003. There should also be some examples of infidelity in


Best wishes,












Visti Larsen

















10 November 2004 19:13


|Sri Varaha| fertility of

men and D-7




Hare Krishna

Dear Freinds,

I've read about whether women can produce


can anyone tell me in detail what they know of

proceativity of a man?

Also ,

2) in men that cant produce, what have you seen in

the D-7??

Also ,

3)I'd like to see a chart or two of a man whose

wife(unbeknown to

him)concieved children by another man.


Ive read in COVA and in 3 hundred important

combinations.etc, but im

looking for your first hand info.

6th lord connected with 5th lord, influence of sat

and rahu on 5th

house, etc etc.


Or charts of men who are raising children as their

own that were

sired by another man ,etc.(ie wife had an affair)


I've had several men ask me for readings where

they are suspicious

that their children arent theirs, however they

dont want to make a

scene unless there is a possiblity(hence

consulting an astrologer)

has anybody come across this??

Yes we can see in their chart if wife is likely to

go outside

marriage, but such things can occur as a one time

event as well..?

Which might not show up as a promincious wife.

Thanks for any input,

lakshmi k.









|Om Tat Sat|








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Hare Krishna

Dear Visti-

thanks, I wasnt sure if there were different criterion for men as

all the examples i found were for womens charts.

Also I WAS listening to your excellent class on relationships from

last year 03 on west coast and studying your nice handout(shivs also

was a real resource for unusual sex topics- but not much specific

for this)

In the old archives there was one post about children wherein

you werent sure about panchamsa?also? Any thoughts.

Do we have any charts for men around?

If anyone has some links to old posts regarding this let me know.

Somewhere along the line i missed how to tell if the children are

not ones own from the saptamsa chart.Sanjay had said he would teach

it but as far as i know i dont remember it.

I met a man who found out 2 out of the 4 children he raised arent

sired by him(when his wife went for a divorce) he was devastated

having thought they were his all along.But DNA shows otherwise(

by the way- the judge is still making him pay child support even

though they arent his!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ( he for all intents and

purposes was their father " )


2) The thing is, a man might be virile himself,

BUT his wife might have conceived the child from someone,,, else.

And just because a wife cheats doesnt mean her children are from the

lover, i need more ways to check..

Can THIS be seen from saptamsa?of men as in above

PLease clarify = thanks



varahamihira , " Visti Larsen " <visti@s...>


> |Hare Rama Krsna|


> Dear Lakshmi, Namaskar


> Have you forgotten the technique of seeing the Sun's relationship

with A3,

> A9, As3 and As9? It also applies to men u'know.


> The techinique of seeing Merc, Sat and Venus in trines to Saptamsa


> also applies to men.




> Sarvartha Chintamani quotes the rule you mentioned: 7th lord in

the 6th, and

> associated with 6th and 5th lords causes the spouse of the native

to have a

> child from another. I wrote it in my Kalatra Karaka-paper for the

west coast

> 2003. There should also be some examples of infidelity in it.


> Best wishes,






> Visti Larsen

> <visti@s...> visti@s...




> lakshmisyama [lakshmikary@n...]

> 10 November 2004 19:13

> varahamihira

> |Sri Varaha| fertility of men and D-7





> Hare Krishna

> Dear Freinds,

> I've read about whether women can produce children,BUT

> can anyone tell me in detail what they know of proceativity of a


> Also ,

> 2) in men that cant produce, what have you seen in the D-7??

> Also ,

> 3)I'd like to see a chart or two of a man whose wife(unbeknown to

> him)concieved children by another man.


> Ive read in COVA and in 3 hundred important combinations.etc, but


> looking for your first hand info.

> 6th lord connected with 5th lord, influence of sat and rahu on 5th

> house, etc etc.


> Or charts of men who are raising children as their own that were

> sired by another man ,etc.(ie wife had an affair)


> I've had several men ask me for readings where they are suspicious

> that their children arent theirs, however they dont want to make a

> scene unless there is a possiblity(hence consulting an astrologer)

> has anybody come across this??

> Yes we can see in their chart if wife is likely to go outside

> marriage, but such things can occur as a one time event as well..?

> Which might not show up as a promincious wife.

> Thanks for any input,

> lakshmi k.



|Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira


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Rama Krsna|


Lakshmi, Namaskar
















Visti Larsen

















10 November 2004 23:03


Re: |Sri Varaha|

fertility of men and D-7




Hare Krishna

Dear Visti-

thanks, I wasnt sure if there were different

criterion for men as

all the examples i found were for womens charts.

Also I WAS listening to your excellent class on

relationships from

last year 03 on west coast and studying your nice

handout(shivs also

was a real resource for unusual sex topics- but

not much specific

for this)

In the old archives there was one post about

children wherein

you werent sure about panchamsa?also? Any thoughts.

[Visti] Panchamsa is used to time Räjya Yoga, it has

nothing to do with children.


Do we have any charts for men around?

If anyone has some links to old posts regarding

this let me know.

Somewhere along the line i missed how to tell if

the children are

not ones own from the saptamsa chart.Sanjay

had said he would teach

it but as far as i know i dont remember it.

[Visti] Look for Mercury-Saturn Yoga’s. Having a

child – not- ones own is similar to adoption, only you had no idea you

were adopting. But there must be a Yoga for this in the Räçi. I.e. if 9th

from Upapada has SOME association with the Jara Putra Yoga I mentioned before (7th

lord in 6th and 5th+6th lord associated with

it), then you can make out which marriage the illegitimate child comes from. Then

go to D-7 and identify which child is associated with Mercury and Saturn.


I met a man who found out 2 out of the 4 children

he raised arent

sired by him(when his wife went for a divorce) he

was devastated

having thought they were his all along.But DNA shows otherwise(

by the way- the judge is still making him pay

child support even

though they arent his!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ( he for

all intents and

purposes was their father " )



[Visti] Do you have his chart? For sake of privacy, you

can send it to me personally.


2) The thing is, a man might be virile himself,

BUT his wife might have conceived the child from

someone,,, else.

And just because a wife cheats doesnt mean her

children are from the

lover, i need more ways to check..

Can THIS be seen from saptamsa?of men as in above

[Visti] Yes – if the child is not of your seed/egg,

then Mercury + Saturn must be associated with that child in Saptamsa. Whether

this be through adoption or an extra-marital relation we should see from the Navämça

(to see if the wife will cheat) and Räçi (to see Jara Putra Yoga’s) first.


PLease clarify = thanks



varahamihira , " Visti

Larsen " <visti@s...>


> |Hare Rama Krsna|


> Dear Lakshmi, Namaskar


> Have you forgotten the technique of seeing

the Sun's relationship

with A3,

> A9, As3 and As9? It also applies to men



> The techinique of seeing Merc, Sat and Venus

in trines to Saptamsa


> also applies to men.




> Sarvartha Chintamani quotes the rule you

mentioned: 7th lord in

the 6th, and

> associated with 6th and 5th lords causes the

spouse of the native

to have a

> child from another. I wrote it in my Kalatra

Karaka-paper for the

west coast

> 2003. There should also be some examples of

infidelity in it.


> Best wishes,






> Visti Larsen

> <visti@s...> visti@s...








> _____


> lakshmisyama [lakshmikary@n...]

> 10 November 2004 19:13

> varahamihira

> |Sri Varaha| fertility of men and






> Hare Krishna

> Dear Freinds,

> I've read about whether women can produce


> can anyone tell me in detail what they know

of proceativity of a


> Also ,

> 2) in men that cant produce, what have you

seen in the D-7??

> Also ,

> 3)I'd like to see a chart or two of a man

whose wife(unbeknown to

> him)concieved children by another man.


> Ive read in COVA and in 3 hundred important

combinations.etc, but


> looking for your first hand info.

> 6th lord connected with 5th lord, influence

of sat and rahu on 5th

> house, etc etc.


> Or charts of men who are raising children as

their own that were

> sired by another man ,etc.(ie wife had an



> I've had several men ask me for readings

where they are suspicious

> that their children arent theirs, however

they dont want to make a

> scene unless there is a possiblity(hence

consulting an astrologer)

> has anybody come across this??

> Yes we can see in their chart if wife is

likely to go outside

> marriage, but such things can occur as a one

time event as well..?

> Which might not show up as a promincious


> Thanks for any input,

> lakshmi k.









> |Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira









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