Guest guest Posted January 26, 2005 Report Share Posted January 26, 2005 || Om Gurave Namah || Dear Friends, India had couple of recent disasters which prompted me to look into the Annual Full Moon and Amavasya chart. More than the Amavasya Chart I found the Full moon chart more expressive of the current events. Which, is understandable as Amavasya chart is more for financial matters. Notable Points are, 1. 5th lord for Praja (Citizens) is debilitated in 2nd house in Rasi, Navamsa and Rudramsa. Indicating the sad events for people. 2. Hora Lord is Jupiter. It's in Mrityu Shashtiamsa and in Varuna Varuna spoke indicates suffering for people. It's in innermost spoke which should have not given so much suffering as seen but consider other points. And, Jupiter is dispositor of 5th(Praja) lord 3. There is a eclipse in 3 and 9th house which indicates bad fortune and maybe some adharma being followed? (by rulers?) 4. Saturn with malefics mars afflicting 5th house of Praja Now for the dasa, Taking compressed Vimshottari dasa as per Tithi, Tsunami happened in Sun-Rahu Dasa-Antar which is eclipsed in 3th house. Temple pilgrom disaster happened in Moon-Mercury, Moon is also eclipsed by ketu in 9th. If you take compressed Narayana Dasa, Tsunami happened in Pisces dasa which is having Debilitated mercury and lorded by Hora lord Jupiter. Pisces stands for oceans Pilgrim Disaster happed in Leo dasa, which is having Jupiter dispositor of Mercury Praja lord and Leo is for hills. India Annual Full Moon Chart Date: May 5, 2004 Time: 2:03:59 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 77 E 12' 00 " , 28 N 36' 00 " New Delhi, India Altitude: 0.00 meters Lunar Yr-Mo: Tarana - Vaisakha Tithi: Krishna Pratipat (Su) (100.00% left) Vedic Weekday: Tuesday (Ma) Nakshatra: Visakha (Ju) (94.08% left) Yoga: Vyatipata (Ra) (38.16% left) Karana: Balava (Mo) (100.00% left) Hora Lord: Jupiter (5 min sign: Ar) Mahakala Hora: Saturn (5 min sign: Vi) Kaala Lord: Jupiter (Mahakala: Jupiter) Sunrise: 5:42:00 (May 4) Sunset: 18:54:20 (May 4) Janma Ghatis: 50.9155 Ayanamsa: 23-54-52.02 Sidereal Time: 16:35:01 Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa Lagna 6 Aq 29' 58.19 " Dhan 4 Aq Sc Sun - MK 20 Ar 47' 22.68 " Bhar 3 Ar Li Moon - BK 20 Li 47' 22.68 " Visa 1 Li Ar Mars - DK 4 Ge 30' 10.29 " Mrig 4 Ge Sc Mercury - AmK 27 Pi 56' 29.62 " Reva 4 Pi Pi Jupiter ® - PK 15 Le 00' 01.07 " PPha 1 Le Le Venus - AK 29 Ta 11' 01.09 " Mrig 2 Ta Vi Saturn - PiK 15 Ge 17' 43.86 " Ardr 3 Ge Aq Rahu - GK 17 Ar 10' 33.42 " Bhar 2 Ar Vi Ketu 17 Li 10' 33.42 " Swat 4 Li Pi Maandi 29 Li 08' 02.21 " Visa 3 Li Ge Gulika 20 Li 30' 13.02 " Visa 1 Li Ar Uranus 12 Aq 20' 31.88 " Sata 2 Aq Cp Neptune 21 Cp 26' 10.36 " Srav 4 Cp Cn Pluto ® 27 Sc 53' 49.06 " Jye 4 Sc Pi Bhava Lagna 25 Aq 27' 37.96 " PBha 2 Aq Ta Hora Lagna 0 Cp 57' 12.21 " USha 2 Cp Cp Ghati Lagna 17 Cn 25' 54.97 " Asre 1 Cn Sg Vighati Lagna 9 Ar 49' 28.77 " Aswi 3 Ar Ge Varnada Lagna 6 Sc 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Sc Le Sree Lagna 27 Aq 49' 10.59 " PBha 3 Aq Ge Pranapada Lagna 10 Ar 38' 47.75 " Aswi 4 Ar Cn Indu Lagna 20 Ta 47' 22.68 " Rohi 4 Ta Cn Dhooma 4 Vi 07' 22.68 " UPha 3 Vi Aq Vyatipata 25 Li 52' 37.32 " Visa 2 Li Ta Parivesha 25 Ar 52' 37.32 " Bhar 4 Ar Sc Indra Chapa 4 Pi 07' 22.68 " UBha 1 Pi Le Upaketu 20 Pi 47' 22.68 " Reva 2 Pi Cp Kaala 4 Sg 18' 23.14 " Mool 2 Sg Ta Mrityu 15 Cp 49' 22.25 " Srav 2 Cp Ta Artha Prahara 11 Aq 34' 58.31 " Sata 2 Aq Cp Yama Ghantaka 10 Pi 05' 42.85 " UBha 3 Pi Li Prana Sphuta 23 Cp 00' 03.95 " Srav 4 Cp Cn Deha Sphuta 6 Ar 49' 14.47 " Aswi 3 Ar Ge Mrityu Sphuta 14 Pi 18' 53.82 " UBha 4 Pi Sc Sookshma TriSphuta 14 Cp 08' 12.25 " Srav 2 Cp Ta TriSphuta 17 Pi 47' 33.89 " Reva 1 Pi Sg ChatusSphuta 8 Ar 34' 56.57 " Aswi 3 Ar Ge PanchaSphuta 25 Ar 45' 29.99 " Bhar 4 Ar Sc V2 6 Ge 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Ge Sc V3 6 Pi 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Pi Sg V4 6 Ge 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Ge Pi V5 6 Sc 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Sc Ar V6 6 Li 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Li Cn V7 6 Cn 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Cn Le V8 6 Aq 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Aq Sc V9 6 Pi 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Pi Sg V10 6 Aq 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Aq Pi V11 6 Cn 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Cn Ar V12 6 Li 29' 58.19 " Aswi 1 Li Cn Kunda 16 Pi 27' 33.03 " UBha 4 Pi Sc +--------------+ |Me |Su Ra |Ve |Ma Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |As | |GL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |HL | |JuR | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | | |Mo Ke | | | | |Md Gk | | | | |AL | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+ Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Jup Jup 2004-05-02 Sat 2004-05-08 Merc 2004-05-15 Ket 2004-05-22 Ven 2004-05-25 Sun 2004-06-02 Moon 2004-06-04 Mars 2004-06-07 Rah 2004-06-10 Sat Sat 2004-06-18 Merc 2004-06-27 Ket 2004-07-04 Ven 2004-07-07 Sun 2004-07-17 Moon 2004-07-20 Mars 2004-07-25 Rah 2004-07-28 Jup 2004-08-05 Merc Merc 2004-08-13 Ket 2004-08-20 Ven 2004-08-23 Sun 2004-08-31 Moon 2004-09-02 Mars 2004-09-07 Rah 2004-09-10 Jup 2004-09-17 Sat 2004-09-24 Ket Ket 2004-10-01 Ven 2004-10-03 Sun 2004-10-07 Moon 2004-10-08 Mars 2004-10-10 Rah 2004-10-11 Jup 2004-10-14 Sat 2004-10-16 Merc 2004-10-19 Ven Ven 2004-10-22 Sun 2004-11-01 Moon 2004-11-05 Mars 2004-11-10 Rah 2004-11-13 Jup 2004-11-21 Sat 2004-11-29 Merc 2004-12-09 Ket 2004-12-17 Sun Sun 2004-12-20 Moon 2004-12-21 Mars 2004-12-23 Rah 2004-12-24 Jup 2004-12-27 Sat 2004-12-29 Merc 2005-01-01 Ket 2005-01-04 Ven 2005-01-05 Moon Moon 2005-01-08 Mars 2005-01-10 Rah 2005-01-11 Jup 2005-01-15 Sat 2005-01-20 Merc 2005-01-25 Ket 2005-01-29 Ven 2005-01-31 Sun 2005-02-05 Mars Mars 2005-02-06 Rah 2005-02-07 Jup 2005-02-10 Sat 2005-02-13 Merc 2005-02-16 Ket 2005-02-19 Ven 2005-02-21 Sun 2005-02-24 Moon 2005-02-25 Rah Rah 2005-02-27 Jup 2005-03-07 Sat 2005-03-13 Merc 2005-03-22 Ket 2005-03-30 Ven 2005-04-02 Sun 2005-04-10 Moon 2005-04-13 Mars 2005-04-18 Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Maha Dasas: Le: 2004-05-05 (2:03:59) - 2004-05-19 (10:22:38) Cp: 2004-05-19 (10:22:38) - 2004-06-08 (15:00:32) Ge: 2004-06-08 (15:00:32) - 2004-07-02 (16:39:25) Sc: 2004-07-02 (16:39:25) - 2004-07-23 (22:22:58) Ar: 2004-07-23 (22:22:58) - 2004-07-29 (10:06:31) Vi: 2004-07-29 (10:06:31) - 2004-08-13 (1:59:38) Aq: 2004-08-13 (1:59:38) - 2004-09-05 (5:33:24) Cn: 2004-09-05 (5:33:24) - 2004-10-01 (18:41:32) Sg: 2004-10-01 (18:41:32) - 2004-10-25 (8:48:52) Ta: 2004-10-25 (8:48:52) - 2004-11-30 (8:26:05) Li: 2004-11-30 (8:26:05) - 2004-12-20 (10:01:53) Pi: 2004-12-20 (10:01:53) - 2005-01-10 (17:33:21) Le: 2005-01-10 (17:33:21) - 2005-02-01 (1:20:50) Cp: 2005-02-01 (1:20:50) - 2005-02-14 (16:20:38) Ge: 2005-02-14 (16:20:38) - 2005-02-27 (13:36:10) Sc: 2005-02-27 (13:36:10) - 2005-03-13 (9:12:12) Ar: 2005-03-13 (9:12:12) - 2005-04-12 (0:37:30) Vi: 2005-04-12 (0:37:30) - 2005-05-02 (20:44:52) Aq: 2005-05-02 (20:44:52) - 2005-05-14 (22:55:55) Cn: 2005-05-14 (22:55:55) - 2005-05-24 (1:48:43) Sg: 2005-05-24 (1:48:43) - 2005-06-04 (1:22:49) Ta: 2005-06-04 (1:22:49) - 2005-06-04 (1:22:49) Li: 2005-06-04 (1:22:49) - 2005-06-19 (18:14:08) Pi: 2005-06-19 (18:14:08) - 2005-07-03 (12:28:33) Warm Regards Sanjay P Om Tat Sat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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