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` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Lakshmi Ji,


You might have seen my mail regarding the visions regarding what Sanjaya Ji has seen.I have used Nadi Technics in my interpretation.As you said, Mother Kali has nullified or in a true sense,SHE has accepted him as his favourite son and the new changes will be seen very soon ,may be within 10-15 days.Now to complete the transformation, Lord Ardha Narishwara has to appear in his visions.

I hope this helps.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Sanjayji,


Infact, I have this strange feeling that but for that frail thread of karma (hair) meant for still binding you to earth and your duty, I don't think you would have woken up at all! Kali Ma had burnt away all your past karmas and perhaps you would have remained in that state of ecstasy forever had it not been for that single strand!


In your D-60, Sun, Saturn and Mars are in the same position as in my vision chart ! Infact, your dream, my vision and your shastyamsa chart throw up very interesting similarities.



Lakshmilakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Gurudeva,


Ofcourse it is your Guru (Sun-BK) who is sitting in Sahasraara (in the vision chart Sun is in Sravana nakshatra - the janma nakshatra of Sri Vamana, who represents the highest growth), and is activating the your Aagnya chakra. In Vamana avatar also, it was the head of Emperor Bali, which was attacked. In my vision chart Sun is Matri Karaka and is in the nakshatra ruled by moon, so it was Mother as Sun / Guru, who had chased away the approaching eclipse.


Though the enemies are defeated, Guruji, honestly, according to me, the dropping of the hair on you, indicates that still some negative karma is left behind, which needs to be worked away by you yourself and the new life is to be dedicated for this purpose. I may be wrong, ofcourse, and look forward to your corrections.




Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:


om gurave namah


Dear Lakshmi

Guru sits in the highest Sahasrara and the pouring of His compassion ignites the Agya chakra...it is the wisdom coming from the head that helps us to see through the third eye, just like the knowledge of Jyotish that really ignites the third eye. Remember Jyotish is Veda chaksyu and this includes the third eye.

People who worhsip te divine mother feel that the pouring is of the mantras from the throat to the heart like an offering made by a singer which touches every heart. It is a way of looking and your views are as correct as Ram Narayan's. Point is what is the standpoint from where we are looking.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269





lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh] Monday, February 07, 2005 9:25 PMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: Visions


Om Gurave namah


Namaste Ram,


You are very correct that the vision talked about Shiva-Shaktyaika Swaroopam. But, when it comes to activation of chkras, I feel aagnya chakra might be more correct. If the sunlight symbolizes Pingala and the abhishekam water is Ida, the lunar energy, the reflected light is Sushumna and it lights up the Guru...ruler of Aagnya chakra, which, I think, is yellow in color. This is the Tretaagni and the mukta Triveni. Incidentally, the light from Sun which invests Moon with luminence is also called Sushumna Kala!


Waiting for your corrections.






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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ramdas Rao ji,


Yes, you have already stated, in your wonderful analysis, that Mother had absolved Guruji of all past sins. But my feeling is that She still wanted him to be bound to earth for fulfilling certain karmic obligations, hence that strand of hair. Isn't hair supposed to be Maayaa?


Waiting for your corrections,





Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:






` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Lakshmi Ji,


You might have seen my mail regarding the visions regarding what Sanjaya Ji has seen.I have used Nadi Technics in my interpretation.As you said, Mother Kali has nullified or in a true sense,SHE has accepted him as his favourite son and the new changes will be seen very soon ,may be within 10-15 days.Now to complete the transformation, Lord Ardha Narishwara has to appear in his visions.

I hope this helps.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Sanjayji,


Infact, I have this strange feeling that but for that frail thread of karma (hair) meant for still binding you to earth and your duty, I don't think you would have woken up at all! Kali Ma had burnt away all your past karmas and perhaps you would have remained in that state of ecstasy forever had it not been for that single strand!


In your D-60, Sun, Saturn and Mars are in the same position as in my vision chart ! Infact, your dream, my vision and your shastyamsa chart throw up very interesting similarities.



Lakshmilakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Gurudeva,


Ofcourse it is your Guru (Sun-BK) who is sitting in Sahasraara (in the vision chart Sun is in Sravana nakshatra - the janma nakshatra of Sri Vamana, who represents the highest growth), and is activating the your Aagnya chakra. In Vamana avatar also, it was the head of Emperor Bali, which was attacked. In my vision chart Sun is Matri Karaka and is in the nakshatra ruled by moon, so it was Mother as Sun / Guru, who had chased away the approaching eclipse.


Though the enemies are defeated, Guruji, honestly, according to me, the dropping of the hair on you, indicates that still some negative karma is left behind, which needs to be worked away by you yourself and the new life is to be dedicated for this purpose. I may be wrong, ofcourse, and look forward to your corrections.




Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:


om gurave namah


Dear Lakshmi

Guru sits in the highest Sahasrara and the pouring of His compassion ignites the Agya chakra...it is the wisdom coming from the head that helps us to see through the third eye, just like the knowledge of Jyotish that really ignites the third eye. Remember Jyotish is Veda chaksyu and this includes the third eye.

People who worhsip te divine mother feel that the pouring is of the mantras from the throat to the heart like an offering made by a singer which touches every heart. It is a way of looking and your views are as correct as Ram Narayan's. Point is what is the standpoint from where we are looking.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269





lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh] Monday, February 07, 2005 9:25 PMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: Visions


Om Gurave namah


Namaste Ram,


You are very correct that the vision talked about Shiva-Shaktyaika Swaroopam. But, when it comes to activation of chkras, I feel aagnya chakra might be more correct. If the sunlight symbolizes Pingala and the abhishekam water is Ida, the lunar energy, the reflected light is Sushumna and it lights up the Guru...ruler of Aagnya chakra, which, I think, is yellow in color. This is the Tretaagni and the mukta Triveni. Incidentally, the light from Sun which invests Moon with luminence is also called Sushumna Kala!


Waiting for your corrections.






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Dear Paji,


Namaste. Sorry for the delay in responding. Let me tell you something interesting about kundalini.


Kundala connotes ear ring. Kundalini is the Mother who is recognised with the ear ring. So Kundalini is verily Matha/Mother.


Thirukadaiyur is a place in TamilNadu near Mayiladhuthurai/Kumbakonam. The deity in the temple in Thirukadaiyur is called as Abhirami and her spouse is called as Kalasamharamurthi. tHE TEMPLE IS IN POSSESSION OF MOOLA YANTRA OF MAHAMRITYUNJAYA. There lived a poor panchanga reader/brahmin called as Subramani. His duty was to mark the arrival of important periods of festivities associated with temple activities like pournima, pradosha period etc. He was a great devotee of Mother Abhirami. Once, sitting in front of her in the temple premises he entered into trance when the then king Sarabhoji of Tanjore arrived. As he was lost in trance he could not recognise the arrival of the king. As usual the fault finders in the temple in order to get the recognition of the king told him that this person runs after women in the temple and that he is unfit to hold any post in the temple. The King wanted to test the veracity of the

statements/allegations hurled against Subramani. He asked his minister to test his duty consciousness by putting a question as to what was the thithi on that day. When the Minister forcibly disturbed and posed the question on Subramani as to what the ruling thithi was he(Subramani) said it was pournamasi/poornima. The actual thithi prevailing on that day was Amavasya. Having understood his state of mind the king came up to the conclusion that Subramani was to be punished for deriliction of duty. He ordered the Minister that if at Night Poorna chandrika was not visible then Subramani was to be burnt alive.


After sometime when Subramani regained physical consciousness he was told of the visit of the king and the irresponsible answer he had given to the king and that he was likely to be burnt alive if Poorna Chandrika did not arise. Subramani simply smiled looking at the face of Mother Abhirami.


At the stroke of Sandhya the commander-in-chief was ordered to bring Subramani to the court. A large fire was set beneath a swing/jhula tied up and Subramani was made to stand on it. If Poorna chandrika did not appear the ropes of the swing would be cut and Subramani would be burnt alive. From the innermost core of the heart Subramani sang andhathi. Andhathi means the last word of the first verse would be the beginning of the second verse. This means the end and beginning are one and the same. The verse that flowed from his mouth was spontaneous. The people who had assembled there to watch the sight were awe struck with the rendition. As the intensity of the verse and the number increased beyond 75 Mother threw her Kundala which shone in the sky as Poorna chandrika. This was visible to not only the king but to all those who had assembled there. It was a grand sight. The King fell at the feet of Subramani and Subramani was given the name

of Abhirami Bhattar from then on.


i had given this story only to point out that the kundala is an ear ring and that Kundalini is Mata. It is the wish and will of the Mata that always prevail. The developments that are taking place within the individual become visible to general public if Mata wants to manifest herself. It means that the Atmakaraka cannot direct or instruct Mata over her actions. As the intensity of prayer and heart throb/inner pulsations increase there is lot of heat developing within. This is akin to the flames that come up from havana kunda/pit. Considering the sacrifices/atma(AK) nivedana Mata is kind enough to rise/manifest.





Mata need not come back to Mooladhara. Mata can stay at any level to help her child to evolve. Afterall she has descended(descending - avatara - 7th house - Sani is exalted - it is through Sani the swabava of the native is brought out - the act of ripening takes place - once the ripening is complete the fruit can take a decision to severe the vriksha sambanda) on her own volition.


If you observe Naths(Goraknath etc.,) they give an ear ring to their chosen shishyas(the ones whom they have groomed). The subtle hint about kundala and kundalini shakthi can be noticed here.


Every one might have heard Sri Venkatesa Suprabatham that echoes in the holy seven hills of Tirumala(Mata Lakshmi pranams). People think that it is the wake up call or alarm bell. If the divine activities are to commence(kartavyam deivam ahnikam) in the seven hills(the path of kundalini) then the AK Rama has to cooperate. Who can wake up the sleeping jiva? It is the Mother Kausalya(kausalya suprajarama). By repeated hearing of this suprabatham sometimes unconsciously we may take a sankalpa that Mata Kausalya should help in waking us up. Mata is ever kind and she responds to even unconsciously placed sankalpas.


Dear Sanjay,


i thankyou for your kind response amidst your busy schedule. it is here i wanted to pass on a flash that occured to me yesterday which i conveyed to Mata Sarbani. All the beeja aksharas of the chakras come under the domain of Chandrama. The path is called as Sakthipath. From the nights of narka(na+arkaha - no sunlight)/avidhya to wake up illumined should we not consider the Moonrise!? As we do the calculation for bhavalagna / Horalagna/ Ghati lagna with reference to Sunrise i received an impulse to calculate similar such sensitive points with reference to Moonrise and note their activation in rasi/navamsa/dasamsa(mahatphalam) vimsamsa through the mediums of dasas and transits. i am just passing on the impulse as it is. If you have time please do respond.




You may be aware ketu has a command over hair(upadesa sutras 1.3.14). Is it not a honour to apply the dust of the holy feet of Mata on the forehead? If that being the case is it appropriate to consider the hair as inauspicious/indicative of negative sesha karmas? It is the hair from the scalp/head of Mata. It is to be considered as an antidote for malevidyas(hair is used to finish of somebody) practised for dulling the dhi sakthi. You know from the chart of Sanjay the nodes will partake in the negative activities of badhaka Buda echoed through Mars( Mars is placed in kendras to nodes in rasi chart - principle of paraspara karakas - in rudramsa you will find Mars combining with Buda & Sani) similar to the participation of nodes with refrence to dhi sakthi Guru. Guru sits in Lagna. Guru signifies Tara. There is war/battle of good & evil forces seen in the chart(Devi Mahatmya can be seen). Mata's act of plucking her hair and throwing

at the unconscious body is to be considered as sanjeevani(deva moolika - herb of divine loka) with the sole purpose of revival.




i am sorry for the length of this mail. i do not know the codes of this group as to what should be the length of mail. i only wanted to bring out certain points. If the members feel that lengthy mails should not be sent i shall definitely adhere to the rules.


Best wishes.


Astrologically & Spiritually yours,



Chandrashekhar <chandrashekhar46 wrote:

Dear Ram,You may certainly call me that if you feel comfortable that way. Perhaps my phrasing of the questions was not right. What I meant was, the Kundalini arises it self, on awakening, from Muladhara and depending on the extent of Sadhana and ability to be an outside witness to one's thought processes, it can travel through various Chakras, called piercing of Chakra (Bhedan). Shaktipaat, by Guru enables the shishya to attempt to do this , no doubt and as you said the time for the travel is different for an individual, some may not even complete the journey. This much is right and no confusion about that part at all.My query was, does arisen Kundalini have the ability to reside in one of the Chakras (below Sahasraar Level) that are passed (Bhedan), or does it return to Muladhara till its next awakening? My understanding is that till it reaches

Sahasrara Chakra it would return to Muladhara, till next Sadhana.When Chakra Bhedan occurs certain impurities are removed from the Sadhaka. One may get some Siddhis during this time and if one starts using them (these are perhaps allegorically referred to as the Apsaras that Indra used to send to divert {enamour is the allegory} Rishis from their Sadhana), further progress is hindered. Even for those who have been able to pierce ( Bhedan) all Chakras, only some are able to be established in Yoga when it can reside in Sahasrara permanently and constant Amrita Varshav occurs, so that is flows freely through all Chakras. These yogis, if I am not mistaken, are known as Urdhvadrishti.Looking forward to your post.Chandrashekhar.rama narayanan wrote:




Dear paji(may i call you so? i feel the name Chandrasekarji keeps me at greater distance),


Namaste. Pilgrimage(shakthipath) begun is considered as pilgrimage begun only. Taking into consideration the distance involved change of dress(death) during the course of pilgrimage is allowed. If the person takes more time in each centres allured by the beauty of that spot he will naturally have to take greater time to reach the final abode. i believe this group consists of all those who had already begun their pilgrimage.


Not everyone can consider himself as King Vikramaditya who cut asunder the 7 pitchers in one stroke and dived headlong against the javelin in the watery spot nearby with the sole intention of having the darshan of MA KALI then and there.


When the vairaghya is strong and the concentration is fierce then all the 7 chakras can be dealt with in one janma itself. Then in that case the question that would only remain to be answered is to have the darshan/anubava now or later.


As regards the other question as to activation of other chakras staying happily at Mooladhara the answer is that such a situation is akin to obtainment of information of various pilgrim centres from the tourist office(books/references). You may consider that the pilgrimage has not yet begun.


With respect and warm regards,


Astrologically & Affectionately yours,


p.s.ramanarayanan.Chandrashekhar <chandrashekhar46 wrote:

Dear Lakshmi/Ram,Does Kundalini rising through Chakras stops at a particular Chakra? Is it possible to get only one Chakra to be activated, excluding Muladhara where it resides, till it arises?Regards,Chandrashekhar.lakshmi ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ram,


Thanks for your thought provoking reply. I had always associated this particular vision with Sanjayji and not with me at all. I am only a receiver of the message.


Aagnya chakra is the only place where the three nadis meet in the body apart from Mooladhaara (you are very very correct about turmeric), resulting in great awareness. As you are a Devi Bhaktha yourself, I am sure you know that aagnya chakra represents the culmination of first stage in evolution, and from Aagnya chakra to Sahasraara is the second stage comprising of 9 sookshma levels spanning from Bindu in the forehead (not to be confused with Maha Bindu, which is Parabrahma and is above Unmana) to Unmanaa.


Hence mooladhara and aagnya are both supposed to be yellow in colour. Perhaps, this could be the reason, in Navagraha stotras, both Mercury and Jupiter are described as "peetha varNam, peetha gandham, peetha pushpam, peetha maalyambaradharam, peetha chatra dhwaja pathaakaadi shobhitam"! I always wondered why it wasn't "grass-green" colour for Mercury? Perhaps this could also be one of the the reasons for digbala of both Mercury and Jupiter in the East...because they do represent the two distinct beginings in spiritual evolution. Perhaps this is also the reason that VishNu (Mercury) and DakshiNaa Murthy (Jupiter) both wear yellow! Well, I better stop here:--))

Ram, the thought of rankings of chakras was very far from my mind, because I know that Aagnya chakra is a new begining, but still a begining, and beyond it there lies a much more difficult path ahead to Total Realisation.

BTW, I am running Rahu-Venus-Sun vimsottari dasa and Libra-Taurus Narayana dasa, apart from Drigdasa of virgo ...all connected to Venus! Taurus contains my AK too! so, I think your observation about Venus giving the visions is very very correct! Thanks for solving my puzzle.


Do you think transit of Jupiter over natal Venus in virgo could also aid the visions, because it is akin to neechabhanga of venus and in my natal chart, it is again Jupiter who causes the neechabhanga of venus. Do you think there is a connection?


With affectionate regards,


rama narayanan <sree88ganesha wrote:





Dear Sri Mata Lakshmi,


Namaste. Please do not feel anything about the rankings attributed to chakras. i just wanted to say what took place at that moment.


Turmeric represent the prithvi/mooladhara - Buda

Water/Milk represent the swadhistana - Venus

Sunlight/reflection indicates transfer/transport.

Recognition of reflection on Sai by Chaitanya/consciousness is the indication of activation of Manipura - Sun.


Can there be creation without recognition of the created? Can there be recognition without Sun?It is the beauty of manipura where the individual realises the creative spark of divinity within.


As the creator hides(the word hides reflects only the state of awareness and the truth is that Lord does not hide) himself in the creation the seer recognises initially the created first and the creator next. This is what is explained in the manduka gathi in kalachakra dasa where the frog jumps from Kanya to Kataka sighting the Brhama atop the Lotus hanging over the ksheer sagar. The moment the creator is recognised the vision slides down through the stem of the Lotus(crawling like a snake - the gathi is described as Sarpa in kalachakra dasa ) to reach the Nabhi(Hiranya garbha/Simha) of Narayana. The moment the realisation takes place the Hiranya garba within the chaitanya hatches and the gyana soars like the kukuta(chicken/cock/hen) from Simha to Mithuna.


Don't you agree that the day of realisation is the actual birth date? Manipura is the original abode(nakshatra mandala called as swar loka).

In fact you will find the above three planets conjoin in the 2nd house of your natal chart. Sun is your 9th lord. Buda is your 10th lord and Venus is your 11th lord. Don't you feel that 9th,10th & 11th are the initiating houses for drig dasa and the word drik means visions! You are running the drig dasa of Kanya where your Arudha lagna is located alongwith Venus(excellent period).


Await March when Kumba antardasa takes over in drig dasa scheme.


May Mother Bless.


Best wishes.


Astrologically & Spiritually yours,

p.s.ramanarayanan.lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave namah


Namaste Ram,


You are very correct that the vision talked about Shiva-Shaktyaika Swaroopam. But, when it comes to activation of chkras, I feel aagnya chakra might be more correct. If the sunlight symbolizes Pingala and the abhishekam water is Ida, the lunar energy, the reflected light is Sushumna and it lights up the Guru...ruler of Aagnya chakra, which, I think, is yellow in color. This is the Tretaagni and the mukta Triveni. Incidentally, the light from Sun which invests Moon with luminence is also called Sushumna Kala!


Waiting for your corrections.





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Pranaams Punditji and list,

by 3rd I had meant the date and not the house. My mistake. I was

looking at the transit of Guru on the 3rd of feb.

forever yours indebt,



varahamihira , " Sanjay Rath " <guruji@s...>





> om gurave namah

> Dear Vivek

> Excellent point really. I missed that and admire your pointing this


> Why third? What lagna did you take

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

> SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269




> vivekvshetty [vivekvshetty]

> Monday, February 07, 2005 1:42 PM

> varahamihira

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Visions




> Pranaams Punditji and list,

> Please notice the transit of Jupiter on the 3rd, it had just

retrograded and

> was almost stationary. The same as in your natal chart, Aspecting


> Jupiter ( Bhavatarini ). Jupiter has gone to deep meditation.

> Truly yours,

> Vivek. V. Shetty.



> varahamihira , " Sanjay Rath " <guruji@s...>


> >

> >

> >

> > om gurave namah

> >

> > Dear Lakshmi

> >

> > I cannot describe the glorious dream I had of Ekajata (Tara) on


> night

> > and woke up on that Thursday morning shouting - I have seen Kali!


> > have seen Kali! he is so beautiful...I was lying unconscious when


> > tried

> to stop

> > a group of people from destroying something and they bashed me up

> and then

> > she had appeared...and in a strange manner the head of the chief


> > the hooligans was in her hand and she plucked a hair from her

head and

> dropped

> > in on my unconscious body. I am still reeling under that feeling.

> Visti and

> > others here in Delhi have tried to analyse it. Zoran is sure that


> is a

> > mark of new life ...any comments are welcome.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> >

> > Sanjay Rath

> >

> > Web Pages: http://srath.com <http://srath.com/>

> > http://.org <http://.org/>

> >

> > SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh]

> > Thursday, February 03, 2005 7:49 PM

> > varahamihira

> > |Sri Varaha| Visions

> >

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> >

> >

> > Namaste.

> >

> >

> >

> > I wanted to share with you the queer incident, which happened at

> > 10.30am this morning. Today is Thursday, so as usual, we performed

> Rudraabhishekam

> > to Lord Shiva, Sri chakram and Shirdi Sai Baba among a host of


> > vigrahams. Ramesh left for office and I wanted to clear up the


> room,

> > after a few minutes of meditation on Sri Vidya. When I opened


> eyes, I

> > found the pale yellow water (mixture of milk, turmeric and


> paste)

> > in the basin mysteriously lit up by sunlight. This golden light in

> turn fell

> > on Shirdi Sai, making him glow with a pale golden, ethereal light

> amidst the

> > glowing water. This morning it was quite cloudy in Tirupati and

> strangely

> > the sunlight fell only on the abhishekam water and Shirdi Sai,

> nowhere else.

> > It was such an indescribably beautiful sight, and I gazed


> > unaware of tears coursing down my cheeks. And, unconsciously I

> thought of

> > Guru and pisces. Of Sanjayji. Thought I must write this on the


> >

> >

> >

> > Somehow for the past 2-3 days I have been thinking of 3rd


> for no

> > apparent reason. That date seems stuck in my mind, I really dont

> know why.

> > Can any one help me out? I have attached the dream chart.

> >

> >

> >

> > A few months back, I think just around the time I wrote on

> Vedic-astrology

> > list about Lord Venkateswara, around 5.30-6pm I wandered into

our car

> > parking, facing east, and suddenly I looked up to see a


> cloud

> > formation (Sun was about to set in the west) resembling Lord


> > reclining on the seshatalpam. I could clearly make out the two


> hands

> > holding the sankham and chakram and there was no doubt in my mind

> that it

> > was indeed He. I hurriedly called my younger son and showed the


> to him.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > While I have always been notorious about my " dreams " , I am quite


> > headed and certainly not known to hallucinate when I am awake.

So, I

> > am really starled by these events and request your help.

> >

> >

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Lakshmi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > |Om Tat Sat|

> > http://www.varahamihira

> >

> >

> >

> >

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` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Lakshmi Ji,

Thanks for your mail.In the dream,Mother Kali touching the body of unconscious Sanjay Ji indicates that She is giving a hint to him that " Awake from the Maya of this physical world and look at Me and I will solve all your problems." As per me as soon as Sanjay Ji starts chanting of the 1st Shloka from Saundarya Lahari numerous times, I am sure very soon he will be able to see another vision of Lord Ardha Narishwara thus indicating Mother Shakti has joined with Her consort Shiva and he feels something entirely different and be happy smiling.As soon as this another vision appears to him,then nobody will be able to predict from his Chart as SHE only decides everything in his life.

As per Nadi Technics, his Chara AK Shani (V) in Makara is to be considered also from its previous house of Dhanu where Ketu is placed indicating Mother Kali will bestow Raja Yoga of higher order.He may not become a Sanyasi but he leaves everything and come to the Feet of Mother Kali.

I hope this helps .

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ramdas Rao ji,


Yes, you have already stated, in your wonderful analysis, that Mother had absolved Guruji of all past sins. But my feeling is that She still wanted him to be bound to earth for fulfilling certain karmic obligations, hence that strand of hair. Isn't hair supposed to be Maayaa?


Waiting for your corrections,





Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:






` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Lakshmi Ji,


You might have seen my mail regarding the visions regarding what Sanjaya Ji has seen.I have used Nadi Technics in my interpretation.As you said, Mother Kali has nullified or in a true sense,SHE has accepted him as his favourite son and the new changes will be seen very soon ,may be within 10-15 days.Now to complete the transformation, Lord Ardha Narishwara has to appear in his visions.

I hope this helps.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Sanjayji,


Infact, I have this strange feeling that but for that frail thread of karma (hair) meant for still binding you to earth and your duty, I don't think you would have woken up at all! Kali Ma had burnt away all your past karmas and perhaps you would have remained in that state of ecstasy forever had it not been for that single strand!


In your D-60, Sun, Saturn and Mars are in the same position as in my vision chart ! Infact, your dream, my vision and your shastyamsa chart throw up very interesting similarities.



Lakshmilakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Gurudeva,


Ofcourse it is your Guru (Sun-BK) who is sitting in Sahasraara (in the vision chart Sun is in Sravana nakshatra - the janma nakshatra of Sri Vamana, who represents the highest growth), and is activating the your Aagnya chakra. In Vamana avatar also, it was the head of Emperor Bali, which was attacked. In my vision chart Sun is Matri Karaka and is in the nakshatra ruled by moon, so it was Mother as Sun / Guru, who had chased away the approaching eclipse.


Though the enemies are defeated, Guruji, honestly, according to me, the dropping of the hair on you, indicates that still some negative karma is left behind, which needs to be worked away by you yourself and the new life is to be dedicated for this purpose. I may be wrong, ofcourse, and look forward to your corrections.




Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:


om gurave namah


Dear Lakshmi

Guru sits in the highest Sahasrara and the pouring of His compassion ignites the Agya chakra...it is the wisdom coming from the head that helps us to see through the third eye, just like the knowledge of Jyotish that really ignites the third eye. Remember Jyotish is Veda chaksyu and this includes the third eye.

People who worhsip te divine mother feel that the pouring is of the mantras from the throat to the heart like an offering made by a singer which touches every heart. It is a way of looking and your views are as correct as Ram Narayan's. Point is what is the standpoint from where we are looking.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269





lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh] Monday, February 07, 2005 9:25 PMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: Visions


Om Gurave namah


Namaste Ram,


You are very correct that the vision talked about Shiva-Shaktyaika Swaroopam. But, when it comes to activation of chkras, I feel aagnya chakra might be more correct. If the sunlight symbolizes Pingala and the abhishekam water is Ida, the lunar energy, the reflected light is Sushumna and it lights up the Guru...ruler of Aagnya chakra, which, I think, is yellow in color. This is the Tretaagni and the mukta Triveni. Incidentally, the light from Sun which invests Moon with luminence is also called Sushumna Kala!


Waiting for your corrections.






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Dear Ram Narayanan,


An excellent story, no doubt, it explains the grace of Mother

Abhirami on a true devotee. However one can

also go in trance when Prana (as against Kundalini Shakti or chit

Shakti) arises. The allegory to Kundal of Mata is very nice.


Kundalini is however represented by being in the form of a coil

(serpent) with 3and 1/2 turns ( representing the three gunas and states

and 1/2 representing transcendence which is above all triads) situate

at the Kanda, closing the Brahma dwara. If I remember my scriptures

right Kunda-lin means coiled or serpent. It is also said that rising of

Kundalini is rising of Shakti from Moolaadhar drawn by the Shiva in

Sahasrara. When it leaves a Chakra the part becomes cold till it

reaches Sahasrara when only the crown is a bit warm and rest of body is

corpse like cold. To come to awakened state the yogi brings it

down. It is also said that when uncontrolled it is like Kali trampling

Shiva on burial ground. Controlled the fire of Kundalini is like Durga

the giver of Boon.


You will perhaps now understand why I referred to Kundalini returning

for persons who are involved in day to day affairs. Rest of the things

I do not wish to disclose on a public list as attempts to awaken

Kundalini, without a Guru's guidance can cause serious problems. For

a yogi whose Kundalini has reached Sahasrara, release from the body to

submerge with Brahman is welcome and he may not pray for his life to be

saved. Anyway as you are aware that state of awakening of Kundalini

is between a Sadhaka and the Brahman and certainly not to be revealed.





rama narayanan wrote:





Dear Paji,


Namaste. Sorry for the delay in responding. Let me tell you

something interesting about kundalini.


Kundala connotes ear ring. Kundalini is the Mother who is

recognised with the ear ring. So Kundalini is verily Matha/Mother.


Thirukadaiyur is a place in TamilNadu near

Mayiladhuthurai/Kumbakonam. The deity in the temple in Thirukadaiyur

is called as Abhirami and her spouse is called as


MAHAMRITYUNJAYA. There lived a poor panchanga reader/brahmin called as

Subramani. His duty was to mark the arrival of important periods of

festivities associated with temple activities like pournima, pradosha

period etc. He was a great devotee of Mother Abhirami. Once, sitting

in front of her in the temple premises he entered into trance when the

then king Sarabhoji of Tanjore arrived. As he was lost in trance he

could not recognise the arrival of the king. As usual the fault

finders in the temple in order to get the recognition of the king told

him that this person runs after women in the temple and that he is

unfit to hold any post in the temple. The King wanted to test the

veracity of the statements/allegations hurled against Subramani. He

asked his minister to test his duty consciousness by putting a question

as to what was the thithi on that day. When the Minister forcibly

disturbed and posed the question on Subramani as to what the ruling

thithi was he(Subramani) said it was pournamasi/poornima. The actual

thithi prevailing on that day was Amavasya. Having understood his state

of mind the king came up to the conclusion that Subramani was to be

punished for deriliction of duty. He ordered the Minister that if at

Night Poorna chandrika was not visible then Subramani was to be burnt



After sometime when Subramani regained physical consciousness he

was told of the visit of the king and the irresponsible answer he had

given to the king and that he was likely to be burnt alive

if Poorna Chandrika did not arise. Subramani simply smiled looking at

the face of Mother Abhirami.


At the stroke of Sandhya the commander-in-chief was ordered to

bring Subramani to the court. A large fire was set beneath a

swing/jhula tied up and Subramani was made to stand on it. If Poorna

chandrika did not appear the ropes of the swing would be cut and

Subramani would be burnt alive. From the innermost core of the heart

Subramani sang andhathi. Andhathi means the last word of the first

verse would be the beginning of the second verse. This means the end

and beginning are one and the same. The verse that flowed from his

mouth was spontaneous. The people who had assembled there to watch the

sight were awe struck with the rendition. As the intensity of the

verse and the number increased beyond 75 Mother threw her Kundala which

shone in the sky as Poorna chandrika. This was visible to not only the

king but to all those who had assembled there. It was a grand sight.

The King fell at the feet of Subramani and Subramani was given the name

of Abhirami Bhattar from then on.


i had given this story only to point out that the kundala is an

ear ring and that Kundalini is Mata. It is the wish and will of the

Mata that always prevail. The developments that are taking place

within the individual become visible to general public if Mata wants to

manifest herself. It means that the Atmakaraka cannot direct or

instruct Mata over her actions. As the intensity of prayer and heart

throb/inner pulsations increase there is lot of heat developing

within. This is akin to the flames that come up from havana

kunda/pit. Considering the sacrifices/atma(AK) nivedana Mata is kind

enough to rise/manifest.






Mata need not come back to Mooladhara. Mata can stay at any

level to help her child to evolve. Afterall she has

descended(descending - avatara - 7th house - Sani is

exalted - it is through Sani the swabava of the native is brought out -

the act of ripening takes place - once the ripening is complete the

fruit can take a decision to severe the vriksha sambanda) on her own



If you observe Naths(Goraknath etc.,) they give an ear ring to

their chosen shishyas(the ones whom they have groomed). The subtle hint

about kundala and kundalini shakthi can be noticed here.


Every one might have heard Sri Venkatesa Suprabatham that echoes

in the holy seven hills of Tirumala(Mata Lakshmi pranams). People think

that it is the wake up call or alarm bell. If the divine activities are

to commence(kartavyam deivam ahnikam) in the seven hills(the path of

kundalini) then the AK Rama has to cooperate. Who can wake up the

sleeping jiva? It is the Mother Kausalya(kausalya suprajarama). By

repeated hearing of this suprabatham sometimes unconsciously we may

take a sankalpa that Mata Kausalya should help in waking us up. Mata is

ever kind and she responds to even unconsciously placed sankalpas.


Dear Sanjay,


i thankyou for your kind response amidst your busy schedule. it

is here i wanted to pass on a flash that occured to me yesterday which

i conveyed to Mata Sarbani. All the beeja aksharas of the chakras come

under the domain of Chandrama. The path is called as Sakthipath. From

the nights of narka(na+arkaha - no sunlight)/avidhya to wake up

illumined should we not consider the Moonrise!? As we do the

calculation for bhavalagna / Horalagna/ Ghati lagna with reference to

Sunrise i received an impulse to calculate similar such sensitive

points with reference to Moonrise and note their activation in

rasi/navamsa/dasamsa(mahatphalam) vimsamsa through the mediums of dasas

and transits. i am just passing on the impulse as it is. If you have

time please do respond.




You may be aware ketu has a command over hair(upadesa sutras

1.3.14). Is it not a honour to apply the dust of the holy feet of Mata

on the forehead? If that being the case is it appropriate to consider

the hair as inauspicious/indicative of negative sesha karmas? It is

the hair from the scalp/head of Mata. It is to be considered as an

antidote for malevidyas(hair is used to finish of somebody) practised

for dulling the dhi sakthi. You know from the chart of Sanjay the nodes

will partake in the negative activities of badhaka Buda echoed

through Mars( Mars is placed in kendras to nodes in rasi chart -

principle of paraspara karakas - in rudramsa you will find Mars

combining with Buda & Sani) similar to the participation of nodes

with refrence to dhi sakthi Guru. Guru sits in Lagna. Guru signifies

Tara. There is war/battle of good & evil forces seen in the

chart(Devi Mahatmya can be seen). Mata's act of plucking her hair and

throwing at the unconscious body is to be considered as sanjeevani(deva

moolika - herb of divine loka) with the sole purpose of revival.




i am sorry for the length of this mail. i do not know the codes

of this group as to what should be the length of mail. i only wanted to

bring out certain points. If the members feel that lengthy mails

should not be sent i shall definitely adhere to the rules.


Best wishes.


Astrologically & Spiritually yours,





Chandrashekhar <chandrashekhar46





You may certainly call me that if you feel comfortable that way.


Perhaps my phrasing of the questions was not right. What I meant was,

the Kundalini arises it self, on awakening, from Muladhara and

depending on the extent of Sadhana and ability to be an outside witness

to one's thought processes, it can travel through various Chakras,

called piercing of Chakra (Bhedan). Shaktipaat, by Guru enables the

shishya to attempt to do this , no doubt and as you said the time for

the travel is different for an individual, some may not even complete

the journey. This much is right and no confusion about that part at all.


My query was, does arisen Kundalini have the ability to reside in one

of the Chakras (below Sahasraar Level) that are passed (Bhedan), or

does it return to Muladhara till its next awakening?


My understanding is that till it reaches Sahasrara Chakra it would

return to Muladhara, till next Sadhana.When Chakra Bhedan occurs

certain impurities are removed from the Sadhaka. One may get some

Siddhis during this time and if one starts using them (these are

perhaps allegorically referred to as the Apsaras that Indra used to

send to divert {enamour is the allegory} Rishis from their Sadhana),

further progress is hindered. Even for those who have been able to

pierce ( Bhedan) all Chakras, only some are able to be

established in Yoga when it can reside in Sahasrara permanently and

constant Amrita Varshav occurs, so that is flows freely through all

Chakras. These yogis, if I am not mistaken, are known as Urdhvadrishti.


Looking forward to your post.






rama narayanan wrote:





Dear paji(may i call you so? i feel the name Chandrasekarji

keeps me at greater distance),


Namaste. Pilgrimage(shakthipath) begun is considered as

pilgrimage begun only. Taking into consideration the distance involved

change of dress(death) during the course of pilgrimage is allowed. If

the person takes more time in each centres allured by the beauty of

that spot he will naturally have to take greater time to reach the

final abode. i believe this group consists of all those who had already

begun their pilgrimage.


Not everyone can consider himself as King Vikramaditya who

cut asunder the 7 pitchers in one stroke and dived headlong against the

javelin in the watery spot nearby with the sole intention of having the

darshan of MA KALI then and there.


When the vairaghya is strong and the concentration is fierce

then all the 7 chakras can be dealt with in one janma itself. Then in

that case the question that would only remain to be answered is to have

the darshan/anubava now or later.


As regards the other question as to activation of other

chakras staying happily at Mooladhara the answer is that such a

situation is akin to obtainment of information of various pilgrim

centres from the tourist office(books/references). You may consider

that the pilgrimage has not yet begun.


With respect and warm regards,


Astrologically & Affectionately yours,




Chandrashekhar <chandrashekhar46




Does Kundalini rising through Chakras stops at a particular Chakra? Is

it possible to get only one Chakra to be activated, excluding Muladhara

where it resides, till it arises?




lakshmi ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ram,


Thanks for your thought provoking reply. I had always

associated this particular vision with Sanjayji and not with me at all.

I am only a receiver of the message.


Aagnya chakra is the only place where the three nadis

meet in the body apart from Mooladhaara (you are very very correct

about turmeric), resulting in great awareness. As you are a Devi

Bhaktha yourself, I am sure you know that aagnya chakra represents the

culmination of first stage in evolution, and from Aagnya chakra to

Sahasraara is the second stage comprising of 9 sookshma levels spanning

from Bindu in the forehead (not to be confused with Maha Bindu, which

is Parabrahma and is above Unmana) to Unmanaa.


Hence mooladhara and aagnya are both supposed to be

yellow in colour. Perhaps, this could be the reason, in Navagraha

stotras, both Mercury and Jupiter are described as "peetha varNam,

peetha gandham, peetha pushpam, peetha maalyambaradharam, peetha chatra

dhwaja pathaakaadi shobhitam"! I always wondered why it wasn't

"grass-green" colour for Mercury? Perhaps this could also be one of

the the reasons for digbala of both Mercury and Jupiter in the

East...because they do represent the two distinct beginings in

spiritual evolution. Perhaps this is also the reason that VishNu

(Mercury) and DakshiNaa Murthy (Jupiter) both wear yellow! Well, I

better stop here:--))


Ram, the thought of rankings of chakras was very far

from my mind, because I know that Aagnya chakra is a new begining, but

still a begining, and beyond it there lies a much more difficult path

ahead to Total Realisation.

BTW, I am running Rahu-Venus-Sun vimsottari dasa and

Libra-Taurus Narayana dasa, apart from Drigdasa of virgo ...all

connected to Venus! Taurus contains my AK too! so, I think your

observation about Venus giving the visions is very very correct! Thanks

for solving my puzzle.


Do you think transit of Jupiter over natal Venus in

virgo could also aid the visions, because it is akin to neechabhanga of

venus and in my natal chart, it is again Jupiter who causes the

neechabhanga of venus. Do you think there is a connection?


With affectionate regards,



rama narayanan <sree88ganesha






Dear Sri Mata Lakshmi,


Namaste. Please do not feel anything about the

rankings attributed to chakras. i just wanted to say what took place at

that moment.


Turmeric represent the prithvi/mooladhara - Buda

Water/Milk represent the swadhistana - Venus

Sunlight/reflection indicates transfer/transport.

Recognition of reflection on Sai by

Chaitanya/consciousness is the indication of activation of Manipura -



Can there be creation without recognition of the

created? Can there be recognition without Sun?It is the beauty of

manipura where the individual realises the creative spark of divinity



As the creator hides(the word hides reflects only the

state of awareness and the truth is that Lord does not hide) himself in

the creation the seer recognises initially the created first and the

creator next. This is what is explained in the manduka gathi in

kalachakra dasa where the frog jumps from Kanya to Kataka sighting the

Brhama atop the Lotus hanging over the ksheer sagar. The moment the

creator is recognised the vision slides down through the stem of the

Lotus(crawling like a snake - the gathi is described as Sarpa in

kalachakra dasa ) to reach the Nabhi(Hiranya garbha/Simha) of Narayana.

The moment the realisation takes place the Hiranya garba within the

chaitanya hatches and the gyana soars like the kukuta(chicken/cock/hen)

from Simha to Mithuna.


Don't you agree that the day of realisation is the

actual birth date? Manipura is the original abode(nakshatra mandala

called as swar loka).


In fact you will find the above three planets conjoin

in the 2nd house of your natal chart. Sun is your 9th lord. Buda is

your 10th lord and Venus is your 11th lord. Don't you feel that

9th,10th & 11th are the initiating houses for drig dasa and the

word drik means visions! You are running the drig dasa of Kanya where

your Arudha lagna is located alongwith Venus(excellent period).


Await March when Kumba antardasa takes over in drig

dasa scheme.


May Mother Bless.


Best wishes.


Astrologically & Spiritually yours,


lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh



Om Gurave namah


Namaste Ram,


You are very correct that the vision talked about

Shiva-Shaktyaika Swaroopam. But, when it comes to activation of

chkras, I feel aagnya chakra might be more correct. If the sunlight

symbolizes Pingala and the abhishekam water is Ida, the lunar energy,

the reflected light is Sushumna and it lights up the Guru...ruler of

Aagnya chakra, which, I think, is yellow in color. This is the

Tretaagni and the mukta Triveni. Incidentally, the light from Sun which

invests Moon with luminence is also called Sushumna Kala!


Waiting for your corrections.





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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ram,


That's a lovely story indeed about Mother and Her unflinching support to the devotees. I wanted to reply yesterday itself, but was caught in a rush...of guest & functions etc. Ofcourse, thouroughly enjoyed myself.


However, I have a few thoughts to share. As far as i know, the ear ring worn by Mother is known as "Thaatanka" and not Kundala. Lalithaa Sahasranaamam says


"Thaatanka yugaleebhootha thapanodupamandalaa"


If you take Soundarya Lahari...there also in the 28th sloka, the last line goes as

"....thava janani thaatanka mahimaa"


I agree with the meaning of kundalini as given by Chandra sekhar ji. Kundala is an earring worn by men, by Shiva and not by Shaankari. Ofcourse, when Kunadalini reaches Sahasraara, initially it is shiva+shakti...the ardha naareeswara, being spoken about so eloquently by Ramdas Raoji, but thereafter the energy becomes inherent part of Shiva...(Hamso Naamah Sadaashivah). So, it is Mother as Shiva and the chaitanya in Shiva who threw the Kundala into the sky. If you take into account the Maha mrityunjaya yantra in the temple, you'd understand it more.


I think for Moon to gain full strength of Pournima, the shodasa Nityas which reside in Sun on amavasya day have to go back to the moon. Here, Shiva as Sun is investing his ear-ring with the full complement of nityas so, it shines like the full moon.


Ram, if you notice my other mails, I too have been saying that the hair is used as a mode of revival, for bringing Guruji back to earth, with renewed vigour and for specific purpose. I am unable to understand why Mother's hair can not be treated as Maayaa, when She Herself is Maaya tattwa RoopiNi? But, She leads us to the Truth too...isn't She known as "Shiva gjnyaana pradaayini ? As Her devotees, we must recognise Her true nature. And, hair is supposed to be an especially sensuous part of a woman. Lalithaa sahasranaamam talks of Mother's hair "champakaashoka punaagasaugandhika lasatkacha"...Mother holds the power of the arrows of Manmadha in Her fragrant, lustrous hair. Also, please think why hair is always the first thing to be addressed in all penances, saadhanas etc.


Ram, in Guruji's chart, ketu is exalted in the 10th house, in AL and in navamsa lagna. Ketu is an extremely important & defining planet in his chart. If Mother wants to tie guruji to earthly concerns, for the sake of further / fully realising his dharma (Ketu -co lord of 9H in rasi, posited in navamsa lagna and in 9H from D-60 lagna) and karma, why should we feel bad about it? Even Avatara Purushas had to incur some curse / negative karma to bring them to earth to discharge their dharma, and I don't think Guruji is different.


BTW, I too always felt that Tirumala Hills are like the 7 chakras leading to the Lord...especially as at the begining of the first hill (mooladhara), we see Ganesha sitting guard! The whole story about Adi sesha, coiled around Meru and Vaayu deva fighting for supremacy, is an allegory of yoga vidya!







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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ramdas Rao ji,


I have great faith in your Bhakti and in your vaak-shuddhi. I am sure whatever you have predicted will come to pass and Guruji will soon see that blessed vision of Ardha-Naareeswara. Because he is our Guru, I hope the blessings will in turn percolate to us.


My premise about Maayaa is based on the fact that wherever there is Dwaita, there is desire and there is maayaa woven by tri-gunas. In Advaita there is no maayaa and it is shuddha niraakaara nirguna Parabrahma. That's why Mother's highest form as Maha Tripura Sundari is associated with amaavasya, when she is totally unmanifest.


My thinking could be wrong, so please correct me.







Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao]Sunday, February 13, 2005 12:08 AMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Visions





` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Lakshmi Ji,

Thanks for your mail.In the dream,Mother Kali touching the body of unconscious Sanjay Ji indicates that She is giving a hint to him that " Awake from the Maya of this physical world and look at Me and I will solve all your problems." As per me as soon as Sanjay Ji starts chanting of the 1st Shloka from Saundarya Lahari numerous times, I am sure very soon he will be able to see another vision of Lord Ardha Narishwara thus indicating Mother Shakti has joined with Her consort Shiva and he feels something entirely different and be happy smiling.As soon as this another vision appears to him,then nobody will be able to predict from his Chart as SHE only decides everything in his life.

As per Nadi Technics, his Chara AK Shani (V) in Makara is to be considered also from its previous house of Dhanu where Ketu is placed indicating Mother Kali will bestow Raja Yoga of higher order.He may not become a Sanyasi but he leaves everything and come to the Feet of Mother Kali.

I hope this helps .

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ramdas Rao ji,


Yes, you have already stated, in your wonderful analysis, that Mother had absolved Guruji of all past sins. But my feeling is that She still wanted him to be bound to earth for fulfilling certain karmic obligations, hence that strand of hair. Isn't hair supposed to be Maayaa?


Waiting for your corrections,





Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:






` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Lakshmi Ji,


You might have seen my mail regarding the visions regarding what Sanjaya Ji has seen.I have used Nadi Technics in my interpretation.As you said, Mother Kali has nullified or in a true sense,SHE has accepted him as his favourite son and the new changes will be seen very soon ,may be within 10-15 days.Now to complete the transformation, Lord Ardha Narishwara has to appear in his visions.

I hope this helps.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Sanjayji,


Infact, I have this strange feeling that but for that frail thread of karma (hair) meant for still binding you to earth and your duty, I don't think you would have woken up at all! Kali Ma had burnt away all your past karmas and perhaps you would have remained in that state of ecstasy forever had it not been for that single strand!


In your D-60, Sun, Saturn and Mars are in the same position as in my vision chart ! Infact, your dream, my vision and your shastyamsa chart throw up very interesting similarities.



Lakshmilakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Gurudeva,


Ofcourse it is your Guru (Sun-BK) who is sitting in Sahasraara (in the vision chart Sun is in Sravana nakshatra - the janma nakshatra of Sri Vamana, who represents the highest growth), and is activating the your Aagnya chakra. In Vamana avatar also, it was the head of Emperor Bali, which was attacked. In my vision chart Sun is Matri Karaka and is in the nakshatra ruled by moon, so it was Mother as Sun / Guru, who had chased away the approaching eclipse.


Though the enemies are defeated, Guruji, honestly, according to me, the dropping of the hair on you, indicates that still some negative karma is left behind, which needs to be worked away by you yourself and the new life is to be dedicated for this purpose. I may be wrong, ofcourse, and look forward to your corrections.




Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:


om gurave namah


Dear Lakshmi

Guru sits in the highest Sahasrara and the pouring of His compassion ignites the Agya chakra...it is the wisdom coming from the head that helps us to see through the third eye, just like the knowledge of Jyotish that really ignites the third eye. Remember Jyotish is Veda chaksyu and this includes the third eye.

People who worhsip te divine mother feel that the pouring is of the mantras from the throat to the heart like an offering made by a singer which touches every heart. It is a way of looking and your views are as correct as Ram Narayan's. Point is what is the standpoint from where we are looking.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269





lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh] Monday, February 07, 2005 9:25 PMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: Visions


Om Gurave namah


Namaste Ram,


You are very correct that the vision talked about Shiva-Shaktyaika Swaroopam. But, when it comes to activation of chkras, I feel aagnya chakra might be more correct. If the sunlight symbolizes Pingala and the abhishekam water is Ida, the lunar energy, the reflected light is Sushumna and it lights up the Guru...ruler of Aagnya chakra, which, I think, is yellow in color. This is the Tretaagni and the mukta Triveni. Incidentally, the light from Sun which invests Moon with luminence is also called Sushumna Kala!


Waiting for your corrections.






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Dear Lakshmi,

A nice post indeed.



lakshmi ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ram,


That's a lovely story indeed about Mother and

Her unflinching support to the devotees. I wanted to reply yesterday

itself, but was caught in a rush...of guest & functions etc.

Ofcourse, thouroughly enjoyed myself.


However, I have a few thoughts to share. As far

as i know, the ear ring worn by Mother is known as "Thaatanka" and not

Kundala. Lalithaa Sahasranaamam says


"Thaatanka yugaleebhootha thapanodupamandalaa"


If you take Soundarya Lahari...there also in the

28th sloka, the last line goes as

"....thava janani thaatanka mahimaa"


I agree with the meaning of kundalini as given

by Chandra sekhar ji. Kundala is an earring worn by men, by Shiva and

not by Shaankari. Ofcourse, when Kunadalini reaches Sahasraara,

initially it is shiva+shakti...the ardha naareeswara, being spoken

about so eloquently by Ramdas Raoji, but thereafter the energy becomes

inherent part of Shiva...(Hamso Naamah Sadaashivah). So, it is Mother

as Shiva and the chaitanya in Shiva who threw the Kundala into the sky.

If you take into account the Maha mrityunjaya yantra in the temple,

you'd understand it more.


I think for Moon to gain full strength of

Pournima, the shodasa Nityas which reside in Sun on amavasya day have to go back to the moon.

Here, Shiva as Sun is investing his ear-ring with the full complement

of nityas so, it shines like the full moon.


Ram, if you notice my other mails, I too have

been saying that the hair is used as a mode of revival, for bringing

Guruji back to earth, with renewed vigour and for specific purpose. I

am unable to understand why Mother's hair can not be treated as Maayaa,

when She Herself is Maaya tattwa RoopiNi? But, She leads us to the

Truth too...isn't She known as "Shiva gjnyaana pradaayini ? As Her

devotees, we must recognise Her true nature. And, hair is supposed to

be an especially sensuous part of a woman. Lalithaa sahasranaamam talks

of Mother's hair "champakaashoka punaagasaugandhika

lasatkacha"...Mother holds the power of the arrows of Manmadha in Her

fragrant, lustrous hair. Also, please think why hair is always the

first thing to be addressed in all penances, saadhanas etc.


Ram, in Guruji's chart, ketu is exalted in the

10th house, in AL and in navamsa lagna. Ketu is an extremely

important & defining planet in his chart. If Mother wants to tie

guruji to earthly concerns, for the sake of further / fully realising

his dharma (Ketu -co lord of 9H in rasi, posited in navamsa lagna and

in 9H from D-60 lagna) and karma, why should we feel bad about it? Even

Avatara Purushas had to incur some curse / negative karma to bring them

to earth to discharge their dharma, and I don't think Guruji is



BTW, I too always felt that Tirumala Hills are

like the 7 chakras leading to the Lord...especially as at the begining

of the first hill (mooladhara), we see Ganesha sitting guard! The whole

story about Adi sesha, coiled around Meru and Vaayu deva fighting for

supremacy, is an allegory of yoga vidya!









|Om Tat Sat|







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` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Lakshmi Ji,

There is nothing wrong in your mail.But what I meant was Hair representing Ketu who indicates Vairagya/ Moksha etc.when touched by Mother makes a person completely detached to worldly desires.Here Sanjay Ji has told that he was in unconscious mood and Mother Kali was trying to wake him up through her Hair.That clearly indicates that Mother wants to wake him up from revolving round this worldly desires.But now as per me the dream occured when Guru became Vakra, so he has to wait till Guru becomes direct to have complete transformation.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ramdas Rao ji,


I have great faith in your Bhakti and in your vaak-shuddhi. I am sure whatever you have predicted will come to pass and Guruji will soon see that blessed vision of Ardha-Naareeswara. Because he is our Guru, I hope the blessings will in turn percolate to us.


My premise about Maayaa is based on the fact that wherever there is Dwaita, there is desire and there is maayaa woven by tri-gunas. In Advaita there is no maayaa and it is shuddha niraakaara nirguna Parabrahma. That's why Mother's highest form as Maha Tripura Sundari is associated with amaavasya, when she is totally unmanifest.


My thinking could be wrong, so please correct me.







Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao]Sunday, February 13, 2005 12:08 AMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Visions





` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Lakshmi Ji,

Thanks for your mail.In the dream,Mother Kali touching the body of unconscious Sanjay Ji indicates that She is giving a hint to him that " Awake from the Maya of this physical world and look at Me and I will solve all your problems." As per me as soon as Sanjay Ji starts chanting of the 1st Shloka from Saundarya Lahari numerous times, I am sure very soon he will be able to see another vision of Lord Ardha Narishwara thus indicating Mother Shakti has joined with Her consort Shiva and he feels something entirely different and be happy smiling.As soon as this another vision appears to him,then nobody will be able to predict from his Chart as SHE only decides everything in his life.

As per Nadi Technics, his Chara AK Shani (V) in Makara is to be considered also from its previous house of Dhanu where Ketu is placed indicating Mother Kali will bestow Raja Yoga of higher order.He may not become a Sanyasi but he leaves everything and come to the Feet of Mother Kali.

I hope this helps .

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ramdas Rao ji,


Yes, you have already stated, in your wonderful analysis, that Mother had absolved Guruji of all past sins. But my feeling is that She still wanted him to be bound to earth for fulfilling certain karmic obligations, hence that strand of hair. Isn't hair supposed to be Maayaa?


Waiting for your corrections,





Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:






` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Lakshmi Ji,


You might have seen my mail regarding the visions regarding what Sanjaya Ji has seen.I have used Nadi Technics in my interpretation.As you said, Mother Kali has nullified or in a true sense,SHE has accepted him as his favourite son and the new changes will be seen very soon ,may be within 10-15 days.Now to complete the transformation, Lord Ardha Narishwara has to appear in his visions.

I hope this helps.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Sanjayji,


Infact, I have this strange feeling that but for that frail thread of karma (hair) meant for still binding you to earth and your duty, I don't think you would have woken up at all! Kali Ma had burnt away all your past karmas and perhaps you would have remained in that state of ecstasy forever had it not been for that single strand!


In your D-60, Sun, Saturn and Mars are in the same position as in my vision chart ! Infact, your dream, my vision and your shastyamsa chart throw up very interesting similarities.



Lakshmilakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Gurudeva,


Ofcourse it is your Guru (Sun-BK) who is sitting in Sahasraara (in the vision chart Sun is in Sravana nakshatra - the janma nakshatra of Sri Vamana, who represents the highest growth), and is activating the your Aagnya chakra. In Vamana avatar also, it was the head of Emperor Bali, which was attacked. In my vision chart Sun is Matri Karaka and is in the nakshatra ruled by moon, so it was Mother as Sun / Guru, who had chased away the approaching eclipse.


Though the enemies are defeated, Guruji, honestly, according to me, the dropping of the hair on you, indicates that still some negative karma is left behind, which needs to be worked away by you yourself and the new life is to be dedicated for this purpose. I may be wrong, ofcourse, and look forward to your corrections.




Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:


om gurave namah


Dear Lakshmi

Guru sits in the highest Sahasrara and the pouring of His compassion ignites the Agya chakra...it is the wisdom coming from the head that helps us to see through the third eye, just like the knowledge of Jyotish that really ignites the third eye. Remember Jyotish is Veda chaksyu and this includes the third eye.

People who worhsip te divine mother feel that the pouring is of the mantras from the throat to the heart like an offering made by a singer which touches every heart. It is a way of looking and your views are as correct as Ram Narayan's. Point is what is the standpoint from where we are looking.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269





lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh] Monday, February 07, 2005 9:25 PMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: Visions


Om Gurave namah


Namaste Ram,


You are very correct that the vision talked about Shiva-Shaktyaika Swaroopam. But, when it comes to activation of chkras, I feel aagnya chakra might be more correct. If the sunlight symbolizes Pingala and the abhishekam water is Ida, the lunar energy, the reflected light is Sushumna and it lights up the Guru...ruler of Aagnya chakra, which, I think, is yellow in color. This is the Tretaagni and the mukta Triveni. Incidentally, the light from Sun which invests Moon with luminence is also called Sushumna Kala!


Waiting for your corrections.






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