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Dear Hari,


Hare Rama Krsna!


I don't really follow your statement of Guru entering into a new

sastyamsa, and depending on that new sastyamsa he will give a different

result. Where do you have that concept from? According to my

understanding, the sastyamsa of Guru is for a life time, and changes will

occur by changing the body and entering a new incarnation. This body we

have now is determined to have the full set of reactions from previous

activities, and choices we have done and made in previous incarnations.

Btw, my ayanamsa puts Sanjay's Guru in Bhrashta sastyamsa.



Dhira Krsna dasa,





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om gurave namah

Dear Dhira Krishna

I am reading a book titled muddle of the ayanamsa and when I read about your

ayanamsa, just like Narasimha had tried to give us his ayanamsa some time

back...all I have to say 'et tu Brute!'.

We really don't need another one right now till we have definitely proved

that the others are wrong. Lahiri and Krishnamurthy Ayanamsa gives Kulaghna

shastyamsa for Jupiter while Raman Ayanamsa gives Yaksha, Deva-datta

Ayanamsa gives Bhrasta which seems to be what you use and Fagan Ayanamsa

gives Vahni (fire). So what is the basis of choosing one over another? Lso

you will observe that the position of Jupiter is going to change from one of

exaltation in the D60 to other signs...what is the basis for the choise?

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269




Dhira Krsna BCS [Dhira.Krsna.BCS]

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 3:01 AM


|Sri Varaha| Visions



Dear Hari,


Hare Rama Krsna!


I don't really follow your statement of Guru entering into a new sastyamsa,

and depending on that new sastyamsa he will give a different result. Where

do you have that concept from? According to my understanding, the sastyamsa

of Guru is for a life time, and changes will occur by changing the body and

entering a new incarnation. This body we have now is determined to have the

full set of reactions from previous activities, and choices we have done and

made in previous incarnations.

Btw, my ayanamsa puts Sanjay's Guru in Bhrashta sastyamsa.



Dhira Krsna dasa,








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Dear Lakshmi & Paji,


Namaste. i am happy to note the happiness vibrating in the story and in the glory of SriMata.


You are aware that the Lalitha Sahasranamam concludes with the following "SRISIVA SIVASAKTHYAIKYAROOPINI LALITHAMBIKA". When you see Mata as SriSiva you will agree with the usage of the word Kundala. Mata Abirami is Adisakthi/Parasakthi/Lalithambika. Thadanga is just an ear ring connoting only one half while kundala connotes purna(sivasakthi / kameswarakameswari). i do not think there is anything seriously wrong in saying that kundalini means the godess with a kundala - the coiled earring. The ear ring has three and half coils. The three refers to the three gunas and the half portion is the seat of ego. The other half is Siva with whom she should unite. There is another meaning to the three and half coil. It means Akara, Ukara , Makara and Anuswara(half portion).


The intention of the word Kundala is to bringforth the subtle secret that there exists vital connection between the point where ear is pierced and kundalini. The ear is full of important nadis. You pierce the ear lobe in the right place you can easily prevent 'hydrocele'. Doesn't Mithuna indicate ears? Is not Rahu found exalted there? If we take further steps we can understand it better. karana means ear as well as half of thithi. Thithi is the distance between Sun & Moon. What does this mean? How to cover up the distance between the luminaries? The first half is by Mantra and the second half is dyana(listening/karana). This means the distance is equally divided between Sabda and Nisabda. Ears represent the sabda kunda(pit). The other meaning of Veda is to pierce. Vedas are known as aparusheya and is transcending time/kala by shifting their positions from mouth to ears and ears to mouth.


The other intention of the story was to impress upon the fact that there is no need to perform elaborate rituals(separate kundalini jagran practices) when you have undying faith on Mata and that she listens to all our stories and rushes to our rescue in times of danger. What one needs to do is to pray fervently and wait patiently to listen to her sweet voice(Madura bashini - madhu + ra(m) = honey + fire - the sweetness of honey is realised instantly and not after digestion - the bees[effect of repeated faithful addresses / prayers] have already done the job for us). From the amount of knowledge she continously bestows you can know that chakras are being crossed without any pain/effort.


If one approaches as an asura(su+ra = good fire while asura is bad fire meaning bad intentions) with an intention to control her he has to naturally face the consequence (i think Paji was trying to describe this state). In an ordinary person Kundalini is asleep at the base of the spine and so Shiva is bereft of Sakthi. Kundalini is described as 'vidyut lata(lightning creeper) - a bolt of billions of volts of energy which would splinter or incinerate any ordinary tree. In an ordinary individual the ego resides at the lower end of the spinal cord because gravity has full power over her. To liberate the ego from restrictions one need to face the force of gravity through strenuous penance. Indiscriminate awakening of the kundalini is very dangerous. To make Kundalini rise from the tip of the spine one must create enough pressure to force Her out of the Muladhara Chakra. The upward motion will continue only so long as the pressure remains, without it

Kundalini drops back down to the bottom due to gravity. (i hope i have clarified the two different approaches - Paji).


To sum up, approaching the Mother as her dutiful son she takes on the lead. There is no problem. She decides the place of her stay. Approaching the Mother with an intention to control her leads one to trouble.



When the Mother throws her hair it means she has some intentions. i think you will agree with this point. You have made an observation that Mother has seen some left over Karma of Sanjay(am i correct) to be perfomed. Is there not a difference between Sanjay performing the karma with his own intentions and Sanjay performing the karma as per her Mother's intentions? After all what is this dream about? Is it not a revelation to Sanjay that hereinafterwards that he will have to perform his duty with an awareness of Mother's Hand behind him? Is it not an indication to Sanjay that he is under the beautiful and ever widening watchful eyes of Mother which do not wink?


In absolute terms there is nothing wrong.What is Maya? It is Mata + yajna(sacrifice). Mother is ever merciful and giving is her swabava. From the standpoint of loss if one shifts one's focus to sacrifice Maya can be understood and worshipped.

i am really enjoying your active participation and responses. i am only trying to clarify statements made by me. Please do not think i am trying to teach.


By the way do you know anything about the other hidden chakras and nirvikalpa samadhi.


If you feel this thread as boring and needs to be discontinued please feel free to tell me.


Warm regards and respects.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ram,


That's a lovely story indeed about Mother and Her unflinching support to the devotees. I wanted to reply yesterday itself, but was caught in a rush...of guest & functions etc. Ofcourse, thouroughly enjoyed myself.


However, I have a few thoughts to share. As far as i know, the ear ring worn by Mother is known as "Thaatanka" and not Kundala. Lalithaa Sahasranaamam says


"Thaatanka yugaleebhootha thapanodupamandalaa"


If you take Soundarya Lahari...there also in the 28th sloka, the last line goes as

"....thava janani thaatanka mahimaa"


I agree with the meaning of kundalini as given by Chandra sekhar ji. Kundala is an earring worn by men, by Shiva and not by Shaankari. Ofcourse, when Kunadalini reaches Sahasraara, initially it is shiva+shakti...the ardha naareeswara, being spoken about so eloquently by Ramdas Raoji, but thereafter the energy becomes inherent part of Shiva...(Hamso Naamah Sadaashivah). So, it is Mother as Shiva and the chaitanya in Shiva who threw the Kundala into the sky. If you take into account the Maha mrityunjaya yantra in the temple, you'd understand it more.


I think for Moon to gain full strength of Pournima, the shodasa Nityas which reside in Sun on amavasya day have to go back to the moon. Here, Shiva as Sun is investing his ear-ring with the full complement of nityas so, it shines like the full moon.


Ram, if you notice my other mails, I too have been saying that the hair is used as a mode of revival, for bringing Guruji back to earth, with renewed vigour and for specific purpose. I am unable to understand why Mother's hair can not be treated as Maayaa, when She Herself is Maaya tattwa RoopiNi? But, She leads us to the Truth too...isn't She known as "Shiva gjnyaana pradaayini ? As Her devotees, we must recognise Her true nature. And, hair is supposed to be an especially sensuous part of a woman. Lalithaa sahasranaamam talks of Mother's hair "champakaashoka punaagasaugandhika lasatkacha"...Mother holds the power of the arrows of Manmadha in Her fragrant, lustrous hair. Also, please think why hair is always the first thing to be addressed in all penances, saadhanas etc.


Ram, in Guruji's chart, ketu is exalted in the 10th house, in AL and in navamsa lagna. Ketu is an extremely important & defining planet in his chart. If Mother wants to tie guruji to earthly concerns, for the sake of further / fully realising his dharma (Ketu -co lord of 9H in rasi, posited in navamsa lagna and in 9H from D-60 lagna) and karma, why should we feel bad about it? Even Avatara Purushas had to incur some curse / negative karma to bring them to earth to discharge their dharma, and I don't think Guruji is different.


BTW, I too always felt that Tirumala Hills are like the 7 chakras leading to the Lord...especially as at the begining of the first hill (mooladhara), we see Ganesha sitting guard! The whole story about Adi sesha, coiled around Meru and Vaayu deva fighting for supremacy, is an allegory of yoga vidya!





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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ram,


I am very happy to receive your reply on ratha saptami day...the day of Light. I am sure that both of us realize that these discussions are only our feeble attempts at defining the Eternal Enigma that is Mother. Ofcourse, It goes without saying that I too am really enjoying this discussion, because I am a party to it. I think it is for the other members to say if they are enjoying the discussions or not.

Ram, I had already written in my earlier mail that it was Mother as Shivaa, who had thrown the kundala into the sky, because on Amavsya, She is truly combust & has no separate entity and the One with the power to manifest Her again is only Shiva /Sun, because it is His will that gives Her a form...Ekoham bahusyaam.


On amaavasya, Mother is beyond the three and half coils of A, U,M and Bindu...She is Naadaa, the Primal Vibration, which can only be felt and not seen. (S)He is at this moment the Mahaa Bindu, which is beyond Sahasraara. She is Isaana...the unseen upward face from which the naada of Vedas flowed..they are certainly apaurusheya, because, the earthly ear can only catch the cadences of the manifest words, but the cadences of meaning can truly be understood & conveyed only by an intellect directed inwards. As you have beautifully explained, it is the internal nissabda, which is very very important. Externally you can be in the midst of a screaming mob, but internally you can still be alone...lost in the soaring silence.... that's apaurusheya.


Ram, I also feel the thithi and the ruling deity of the thithi explain a lot of things. For illustrating my point further, the Devi ruling Pournima is Kaameshwari and astro-distance on this day between Sun and Moon is 7 houses. Now, you can see why the 7th house is that of spouse and is the strongest house in the kaama trikona. This is the principle of dwaita & desire I was talking about. Infact, the ardha-naareeswara tattwa is truly reflected on Ashtami day, where the thithi, both in waning and waxing halves is ruled by Twarita.It is this unchanging moon that adorns the crest of Chandra Sekhara(i) and one can immediately understand why Moon is considered auspicious from Ashtami to ashtami!


I do know about the hidden chakras and nirvikalpa samadhi, but my interest is only academic, because as you have rightly pointed out when you are with Her, there is no need to get involved in kundalini-awakening practises. Because, what else do you need?


"Lakshmi, .... You have made an observation that Mother has seen some left over Karma of Sanjay(am i correct) to be perfomed. Is there not a difference between Sanjay performing the karma with his own intentions and Sanjay performing the karma as per her Mother's intentions? "


Ram, here I must confess something. I suddenly realize that all along I have been talking only from the perspective of Mother and never from that of Sanjay. I am sorry...



With Affectionate regards,





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ram,


That's a lovely story indeed about Mother and Her unflinching support to the devotees. I wanted to reply yesterday itself, but was caught in a rush...of guest & functions etc. Ofcourse, thouroughly enjoyed myself.


However, I have a few thoughts to share. As far as i know, the ear ring worn by Mother is known as "Thaatanka" and not Kundala. Lalithaa Sahasranaamam says


"Thaatanka yugaleebhootha thapanodupamandalaa"


If you take Soundarya Lahari...there also in the 28th sloka, the last line goes as

"....thava janani thaatanka mahimaa"


I agree with the meaning of kundalini as given by Chandra sekhar ji. Kundala is an earring worn by men, by Shiva and not by Shaankari. Ofcourse, when Kunadalini reaches Sahasraara, initially it is shiva+shakti...the ardha naareeswara, being spoken about so eloquently by Ramdas Raoji, but thereafter the energy becomes inherent part of Shiva...(Hamso Naamah Sadaashivah). So, it is Mother as Shiva and the chaitanya in Shiva who threw the Kundala into the sky. If you take into account the Maha mrityunjaya yantra in the temple, you'd understand it more.


I think for Moon to gain full strength of Pournima, the shodasa Nityas which reside in Sun on amavasya day have to go back to the moon. Here, Shiva as Sun is investing his ear-ring with the full complement of nityas so, it shines like the full moon.


Ram, if you notice my other mails, I too have been saying that the hair is used as a mode of revival, for bringing Guruji back to earth, with renewed vigour and for specific purpose. I am unable to understand why Mother's hair can not be treated as Maayaa, when She Herself is Maaya tattwa RoopiNi? But, She leads us to the Truth too...isn't She known as "Shiva gjnyaana pradaayini ? As Her devotees, we must recognise Her true nature. And, hair is supposed to be an especially sensuous part of a woman. Lalithaa sahasranaamam talks of Mother's hair "champakaashoka punaagasaugandhika lasatkacha"...Mother holds the power of the arrows of Manmadha in Her fragrant, lustrous hair. Also, please think why hair is always the first thing to be addressed in all penances, saadhanas etc.


Ram, in Guruji's chart, ketu is exalted in the 10th house, in AL and in navamsa lagna. Ketu is an extremely important & defining planet in his chart. If Mother wants to tie guruji to earthly concerns, for the sake of further / fully realising his dharma (Ketu -co lord of 9H in rasi, posited in navamsa lagna and in 9H from D-60 lagna) and karma, why should we feel bad about it? Even Avatara Purushas had to incur some curse / negative karma to bring them to earth to discharge their dharma, and I don't think Guruji is different.


BTW, I too always felt that Tirumala Hills are like the 7 chakras leading to the Lord...especially as at the begining of the first hill (mooladhara), we see Ganesha sitting guard! The whole story about Adi sesha, coiled around Meru and Vaayu deva fighting for supremacy, is an allegory of yoga vidya!





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Dear ChandraSekhar Ji,

Just a point to point out a point in your pointwise mail :).


While Mata/Shakti is not different from Shiva, none of them are

parts of Brahman but manifested Prakriti. And no one has ever

understood what Prakriti is, but how it functions according to certain

laws i.e. Cause and Effect. Hence, there is no point wasting time in

understanding Prakriti, but Brahman only, which is the only reality

behind the Swabhava.


Also, thank you very much for pointing out that Grief is part of

Maya. Indeed, Brahman is always Sat-Chit-Ananda.





On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 00:51:39 +0530, Chandrashekhar

<chandrashekhar46 wrote:

> Dear Ramnarayanan,


> Yes in a way you can say so. There is no harm in equating Mata's kundala as

> Kundalini. However Karana and Karna are two different things. Former is

> Karana related to 1/2 of Tithi and later, that is Karna is ear. Again I

> think Veda that you call as piercing is Vedha. Veda has its root in Vid and

> means revealed.


> I have never seen Mata and Shiva as different deities. I always see them as

> one. I have also never seen Kundalini as anything other than Mata half of

> Brahman wanting to unite with Shiva half of Brahman, conceptually, as they

> are in essence, indivisible. For me Mata in her entirety is Chitishakti,

> waiting to meet Shiva.


> I agree that with the grace of Mata and praying to her fervently and with

> utmost faith, she can relieve us of all our misfortunes.


> You are right in understanding what I was hinting at. It is also necessary

> to understand that for a true Yogi, whose Kundalini is fixed in Sahasrara,

> even grief is part of Maya and he is beyond seeking Mata's intervention to

> relieve his of his troubles. I am reiterating this so that one understands

> the true nature of yoga and does not fall prey to the quick fix Kundalini

> classes being run now a days and then get into trouble. Remember what the

> Lord says in Bhagvadgita Adhyaya 2 Sh56 and Adhyaya 8 Sh. 23 to 27.



> He further says:





> Chandrashekhar


> rama narayanan wrote:





> Dear Lakshmi & Paji,


> Namaste. i am happy to note the happiness vibrating in the story and in the

> glory of SriMata.


> You are aware that the Lalitha Sahasranamam concludes with the following


> you will agree with the usage of the word Kundala. Mata Abirami is

> Adisakthi/Parasakthi/Lalithambika. Thadanga is just an ear ring connoting

> only one half while kundala connotes purna(sivasakthi / kameswarakameswari).

> i do not think there is anything seriously wrong in saying that kundalini

> means the godess with a kundala - the coiled earring. The ear ring has

> three and half coils. The three refers to the three gunas and the half

> portion is the seat of ego. The other half is Siva with whom she should

> unite. There is another meaning to the three and half coil. It means Akara,

> Ukara , Makara and Anuswara(half portion).


> The intention of the word Kundala is to bringforth the subtle secret that

> there exists vital connection between the point where ear is pierced and

> kundalini. The ear is full of important nadis. You pierce the ear lobe in

> the right place you can easily prevent 'hydrocele'. Doesn't Mithuna

> indicate ears? Is not Rahu found exalted there? If we take further steps we

> can understand it better. karana means ear as well as half of thithi.

> Thithi is the distance between Sun & Moon. What does this mean? How to

> cover up the distance between the luminaries? The first half is by Mantra

> and the second half is dyana(listening/karana). This means the distance is

> equally divided between Sabda and Nisabda. Ears represent the sabda

> kunda(pit). The other meaning of Veda is to pierce. Vedas are known as

> aparusheya and is transcending time/kala by shifting their positions from

> mouth to ears and ears to mouth.


> The other intention of the story was to impress upon the fact that there is

> no need to perform elaborate rituals(separate kundalini jagran practices)

> when you have undying faith on Mata and that she listens to all our stories

> and rushes to our rescue in times of danger. What one needs to do is to pray

> fervently and wait patiently to listen to her sweet voice(Madura bashini -

> madhu + ra(m) = honey + fire - the sweetness of honey is realised instantly

> and not after digestion - the bees[effect of repeated faithful addresses /

> prayers] have already done the job for us). From the amount of knowledge she

> continously bestows you can know that chakras are being crossed without any

> pain/effort.


> If one approaches as an asura(su+ra = good fire while asura is bad fire

> meaning bad intentions) with an intention to control her he has to naturally

> face the consequence (i think Paji was trying to describe this state). In

> an ordinary person Kundalini is asleep at the base of the spine and so Shiva

> is bereft of Sakthi. Kundalini is described as 'vidyut lata(lightning

> creeper) - a bolt of billions of volts of energy which would splinter or

> incinerate any ordinary tree. In an ordinary individual the ego resides at

> the lower end of the spinal cord because gravity has full power over her. To

> liberate the ego from restrictions one need to face the force of gravity

> through strenuous penance. Indiscriminate awakening of the kundalini is

> very dangerous. To make Kundalini rise from the tip of the spine one must

> create enough pressure to force Her out of the Muladhara Chakra. The upward

> motion will continue only so long as the pressure remains, without it

> Kundalini drops back down to the bottom due to gravity. (i hope i have

> clarified the two different approaches - Paji).


> To sum up, approaching the Mother as her dutiful son she takes on the lead.

> There is no problem. She decides the place of her stay. Approaching the

> Mother with an intention to control her leads one to trouble.


> Lakshmi,

> When the Mother throws her hair it means she has some intentions. i think

> you will agree with this point. You have made an observation that Mother has

> seen some left over Karma of Sanjay(am i correct) to be perfomed. Is there

> not a difference between Sanjay performing the karma with his own intentions

> and Sanjay performing the karma as per her Mother's intentions? After all

> what is this dream about? Is it not a revelation to Sanjay that

> hereinafterwards that he will have to perform his duty with an awareness of

> Mother's Hand behind him? Is it not an indication to Sanjay that he is under

> the beautiful and ever widening watchful eyes of Mother which do not wink?


> In absolute terms there is nothing wrong.What is Maya? It is Mata +

> yajna(sacrifice). Mother is ever merciful and giving is her swabava. From

> the standpoint of loss if one shifts one's focus to sacrifice Maya can be

> understood and worshipped.

> i am really enjoying your active participation and responses. i am only

> trying to clarify statements made by me. Please do not think i am trying to

> teach.


> By the way do you know anything about the other hidden chakras and

> nirvikalpa samadhi.


> If you feel this thread as boring and needs to be discontinued please feel

> free to tell me.


> Warm regards and respects.


> p.s.ramanarayanan.




> lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

> Om Gurave Namah


> Namaste Ram,


> That's a lovely story indeed about Mother and Her unflinching support to the

> devotees. I wanted to reply yesterday itself, but was caught in a rush...of

> guest & functions etc. Ofcourse, thouroughly enjoyed myself.


> However, I have a few thoughts to share. As far as i know, the ear ring worn

> by Mother is known as " Thaatanka " and not Kundala. Lalithaa Sahasranaamam

> says


> " Thaatanka yugaleebhootha thapanodupamandalaa "


> If you take Soundarya Lahari...there also in the 28th sloka, the last line

> goes as

> " ....thava janani thaatanka mahimaa "


> I agree with the meaning of kundalini as given by Chandra sekhar ji. Kundala

> is an earring worn by men, by Shiva and not by Shaankari. Ofcourse, when

> Kunadalini reaches Sahasraara, initially it is shiva+shakti...the ardha

> naareeswara, being spoken about so eloquently by Ramdas Raoji, but

> thereafter the energy becomes inherent part of Shiva...(Hamso Naamah

> Sadaashivah). So, it is Mother as Shiva and the chaitanya in Shiva who threw

> the Kundala into the sky. If you take into account the Maha mrityunjaya

> yantra in the temple, you'd understand it more.


> I think for Moon to gain full strength of Pournima, the shodasa Nityas which

> reside in Sun on amavasya day have to go back to the moon. Here, Shiva as

> Sun is investing his ear-ring with the full complement of nityas so, it

> shines like the full moon.


> Ram, if you notice my other mails, I too have been saying that the hair is

> used as a mode of revival, for bringing Guruji back to earth, with renewed

> vigour and for specific purpose. I am unable to understand why Mother's hair

> can not be treated as Maayaa, when She Herself is Maaya tattwa RoopiNi? But,

> She leads us to the Truth too...isn't She known as " Shiva gjnyaana

> pradaayini ? As Her devotees, we must recognise Her true nature. And, hair

> is supposed to be an especially sensuous part of a woman. Lalithaa

> sahasranaamam talks of Mother's hair " champakaashoka punaagasaugandhika

> lasatkacha " ...Mother holds the power of the arrows of Manmadha in Her

> fragrant, lustrous hair. Also, please think why hair is always the first

> thing to be addressed in all penances, saadhanas etc.


> Ram, in Guruji's chart, ketu is exalted in the 10th house, in AL and in

> navamsa lagna. Ketu is an extremely important & defining planet in his

> chart. If Mother wants to tie guruji to earthly concerns, for the sake of

> further / fully realising his dharma (Ketu -co lord of 9H in rasi, posited

> in navamsa lagna and in 9H from D-60 lagna) and karma, why should we feel

> bad about it? Even Avatara Purushas had to incur some curse / negative karma

> to bring them to earth to discharge their dharma, and I don't think Guruji

> is different.


> BTW, I too always felt that Tirumala Hills are like the 7 chakras leading to

> the Lord...especially as at the begining of the first hill (mooladhara), we

> see Ganesha sitting guard! The whole story about Adi sesha, coiled around

> Meru and Vaayu deva fighting for supremacy, is an allegory of yoga vidya!


> Regards,

> Lakshmi




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Nitish Arya


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Dear Nitish,

I have not understood what you meant by "None of them are part of

Brahman".Please quote your source.




Nitish Arya wrote:


Dear ChandraSekhar Ji,

Just a point to point out a point in your pointwise mail :).


While Mata/Shakti is not different from Shiva, none of them are

parts of Brahman but manifested Prakriti. And no one has ever

understood what Prakriti is, but how it functions according to certain

laws i.e. Cause and Effect. Hence, there is no point wasting time in

understanding Prakriti, but Brahman only, which is the only reality

behind the Swabhava.


Also, thank you very much for pointing out that Grief is part of

Maya. Indeed, Brahman is always Sat-Chit-Ananda.





On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 00:51:39 +0530, Chandrashekhar

<chandrashekhar46 wrote:

> Dear Ramnarayanan,


> Yes in a way you can say so. There is no harm in equating Mata's

kundala as

> Kundalini. However Karana and Karna are two different things.

Former is

> Karana related to 1/2 of Tithi and later, that is Karna is ear.

Again I

> think Veda that you call as piercing is Vedha. Veda has its root

in Vid and

> means revealed.


> I have never seen Mata and Shiva as different deities. I always

see them as

> one. I have also never seen Kundalini as anything other than

Mata half of

> Brahman wanting to unite with Shiva half of Brahman, conceptually,

as they

> are in essence, indivisible. For me Mata in her entirety is


> waiting to meet Shiva.


> I agree that with the grace of Mata and praying to her fervently

and with

> utmost faith, she can relieve us of all our misfortunes.


> You are right in understanding what I was hinting at. It is also


> to understand that for a true Yogi, whose Kundalini is fixed in


> even grief is part of Maya and he is beyond seeking Mata's

intervention to

> relieve his of his troubles. I am reiterating this so that one


> the true nature of yoga and does not fall prey to the quick fix


> classes being run now a days and then get into trouble. Remember

what the

> Lord says in Bhagvadgita Adhyaya 2 Sh56 and Adhyaya 8 Sh. 23 to 27.



> He further says:





> Chandrashekhar


> rama narayanan wrote:





> Dear Lakshmi & Paji,


> Namaste. i am happy to note the happiness vibrating in the story

and in the

> glory of SriMata.


> You are aware that the Lalitha Sahasranamam concludes with the



as SriSiva

> you will agree with the usage of the word Kundala. Mata Abirami is

> Adisakthi/Parasakthi/Lalithambika. Thadanga is just an ear ring


> only one half while kundala connotes purna(sivasakthi /


> i do not think there is anything seriously wrong in saying that


> means the godess with a kundala - the coiled earring. The ear

ring has

> three and half coils. The three refers to the three gunas and the


> portion is the seat of ego. The other half is Siva with whom she


> unite. There is another meaning to the three and half coil. It

means Akara,

> Ukara , Makara and Anuswara(half portion).


> The intention of the word Kundala is to bringforth the subtle

secret that

> there exists vital connection between the point where ear is

pierced and

> kundalini. The ear is full of important nadis. You pierce the

ear lobe in

> the right place you can easily prevent 'hydrocele'. Doesn't


> indicate ears? Is not Rahu found exalted there? If we take

further steps we

> can understand it better. karana means ear as well as half of


> Thithi is the distance between Sun & Moon. What does this

mean? How to

> cover up the distance between the luminaries? The first half is

by Mantra

> and the second half is dyana(listening/karana). This means the

distance is

> equally divided between Sabda and Nisabda. Ears represent the sabda

> kunda(pit). The other meaning of Veda is to pierce. Vedas are

known as

> aparusheya and is transcending time/kala by shifting their

positions from

> mouth to ears and ears to mouth.


> The other intention of the story was to impress upon the fact that

there is

> no need to perform elaborate rituals(separate kundalini jagran


> when you have undying faith on Mata and that she listens to all

our stories

> and rushes to our rescue in times of danger. What one needs to do

is to pray

> fervently and wait patiently to listen to her sweet voice(Madura

bashini -

> madhu + ra(m) = honey + fire - the sweetness of honey is realised


> and not after digestion - the bees[effect of repeated faithful

addresses /

> prayers] have already done the job for us). From the amount of

knowledge she

> continously bestows you can know that chakras are being crossed

without any

> pain/effort.


> If one approaches as an asura(su+ra = good fire while asura is bad


> meaning bad intentions) with an intention to control her he has to


> face the consequence (i think Paji was trying to describe this

state). In

> an ordinary person Kundalini is asleep at the base of the spine

and so Shiva

> is bereft of Sakthi. Kundalini is described as 'vidyut


> creeper) - a bolt of billions of volts of energy which would

splinter or

> incinerate any ordinary tree. In an ordinary individual the ego

resides at

> the lower end of the spinal cord because gravity has full power

over her. To

> liberate the ego from restrictions one need to face the force of


> through strenuous penance. Indiscriminate awakening of the

kundalini is

> very dangerous. To make Kundalini rise from the tip of the spine

one must

> create enough pressure to force Her out of the Muladhara Chakra.

The upward

> motion will continue only so long as the pressure remains, without


> Kundalini drops back down to the bottom due to gravity. (i hope i


> clarified the two different approaches - Paji).


> To sum up, approaching the Mother as her dutiful son she takes on

the lead.

> There is no problem. She decides the place of her stay.

Approaching the

> Mother with an intention to control her leads one to trouble.


> Lakshmi,

> When the Mother throws her hair it means she has some intentions.

i think

> you will agree with this point. You have made an observation that

Mother has

> seen some left over Karma of Sanjay(am i correct) to be perfomed.

Is there

> not a difference between Sanjay performing the karma with his own


> and Sanjay performing the karma as per her Mother's intentions?

After all

> what is this dream about? Is it not a revelation to Sanjay that

> hereinafterwards that he will have to perform his duty with an

awareness of

> Mother's Hand behind him? Is it not an indication to Sanjay that

he is under

> the beautiful and ever widening watchful eyes of Mother which do

not wink?


> In absolute terms there is nothing wrong.What is Maya? It is Mata


> yajna(sacrifice). Mother is ever merciful and giving is her

swabava. From

> the standpoint of loss if one shifts one's focus to sacrifice Maya

can be

> understood and worshipped.

> i am really enjoying your active participation and responses. i

am only

> trying to clarify statements made by me. Please do not think i am

trying to

> teach.


> By the way do you know anything about the other hidden chakras and

> nirvikalpa samadhi.


> If you feel this thread as boring and needs to be discontinued

please feel

> free to tell me.


> Warm regards and respects.


> p.s.ramanarayanan.




> lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

> Om Gurave Namah


> Namaste Ram,


> That's a lovely story indeed about Mother and Her unflinching

support to the

> devotees. I wanted to reply yesterday itself, but was caught in a


> guest & functions etc. Ofcourse, thouroughly enjoyed myself.


> However, I have a few thoughts to share. As far as i know, the ear

ring worn

> by Mother is known as "Thaatanka" and not Kundala. Lalithaa


> says


> "Thaatanka yugaleebhootha thapanodupamandalaa"


> If you take Soundarya Lahari...there also in the 28th sloka, the

last line

> goes as

> "....thava janani thaatanka mahimaa"


> I agree with the meaning of kundalini as given by Chandra sekhar

ji. Kundala

> is an earring worn by men, by Shiva and not by Shaankari.

Ofcourse, when

> Kunadalini reaches Sahasraara, initially it is shiva+shakti...the


> naareeswara, being spoken about so eloquently by Ramdas Raoji, but

> thereafter the energy becomes inherent part of Shiva...(Hamso


> Sadaashivah). So, it is Mother as Shiva and the chaitanya in Shiva

who threw

> the Kundala into the sky. If you take into account the Maha


> yantra in the temple, you'd understand it more.


> I think for Moon to gain full strength of Pournima, the shodasa

Nityas which

> reside in Sun on amavasya day have to go back to the moon. Here,

Shiva as

> Sun is investing his ear-ring with the full complement of nityas

so, it

> shines like the full moon.


> Ram, if you notice my other mails, I too have been saying that the

hair is

> used as a mode of revival, for bringing Guruji back to earth, with


> vigour and for specific purpose. I am unable to understand why

Mother's hair

> can not be treated as Maayaa, when She Herself is Maaya tattwa

RoopiNi? But,

> She leads us to the Truth too...isn't She known as "Shiva gjnyaana

> pradaayini ? As Her devotees, we must recognise Her true nature.

And, hair

> is supposed to be an especially sensuous part of a woman. Lalithaa

> sahasranaamam talks of Mother's hair "champakaashoka


> lasatkacha"...Mother holds the power of the arrows of Manmadha in


> fragrant, lustrous hair. Also, please think why hair is always

the first

> thing to be addressed in all penances, saadhanas etc.


> Ram, in Guruji's chart, ketu is exalted in the 10th house, in AL

and in

> navamsa lagna. Ketu is an extremely important & defining

planet in his

> chart. If Mother wants to tie guruji to earthly concerns, for the

sake of

> further / fully realising his dharma (Ketu -co lord of 9H in rasi,


> in navamsa lagna and in 9H from D-60 lagna) and karma, why should

we feel

> bad about it? Even Avatara Purushas had to incur some curse /

negative karma

> to bring them to earth to discharge their dharma, and I don't

think Guruji

> is different.


> BTW, I too always felt that Tirumala Hills are like the 7 chakras

leading to

> the Lord...especially as at the begining of the first hill

(mooladhara), we

> see Ganesha sitting guard! The whole story about Adi sesha, coiled


> Meru and Vaayu deva fighting for supremacy, is an allegory of yoga



> Regards,

> Lakshmi




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