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RE: Jyotirlinga - Sri Rama & Krishna show the way

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om gurave namahDear Nitish,

The mantras should have a serious basis for choise and not as random as the nakshatra or rasi dispositor of the nodes. The nodes will be in a sign for 18 months (18 again!) and all the people born during this period will have the same Ju-Me definition as myself. So to say that we were all born due to the activation of the Ra-Ke in this sign is wrong. A finer definition comes from the D-108 chart and D-144 chart and in any case this is not the Jyotirlinga mantra. Jyotirlingas are identified with the 12 signs and specifically 12 SUN signs not the nodal signs. The nodal signs show the place where we really need the blessings of a satguru to deliver us from the enveloping darkness. You should be looking at the Sun sign and the suns placement for the jyotirlinga mantras.

The argument about your AK being my BK and so on is not acceptable. My BK Pt.Kashinatha Rath has already left this world and I await another BK caused by the aspect of Venus and Ketu on the Sun in the navamsa. Naturally He will come during Ketu-Venus or some such period when my karma is to manifest. He is the one who will be the BK. Please realise that we Jyotishi are not qualified for the status of BK. We are merely guardins of the door of the 12th house (perhaps like Ganesha at best).

The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and thereby making the graha like Vishnu. I cite the examples of the Somanatha Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva forgives the sins of the Moon and exalts him to be able to give 16 Kalas for the appearance of Sri Krishna in this planet. Naturally Sri Krishna established the Somanatha Jyotirlinga as a mark of gratitude. Similarly the Sun gets its highest rays due to the Rameswara Jyotirlinga and at that stage and state represents Lord Rama. The grateful Lord established the Rameshwara Jyotirlinga. Rameswara is associated with the sign Aries which is also the birth month for Hanuman (Rudra/Shiva avatar associated with the Rameshwara linga). Similarly Somanatha is associated with Taurus, Rishi Atri and so on.

Worship of lord Shiva is the path to self realisation and is one of the steps to God realisation. It is not an end in itself (who knows where the end is, and those who knew did not have the words to tell). Thus the question is which rays are we to understand, what is to be exalted?

In the chart of Sri Rama, all planets are exalted, yet the blessed lord chose the Sun? Why?? Look at the houses defining the self - as we are looking at self realisation. The lagna, Arudha Lagna [and Karaka lagna?under research] are to be considered for this purpose. Now, Rama had exalted Jupiter and Moon in Lagna and exalted Sun in AL. The Sun was chosen - why? Because among the houses the 10th is the strongest and the Sun in 10 is stronger than the Jupiter and Moon in lagna to define the self.

Now come to Sri Krishna's chart - once again we have two exalted planets defining the self. Moon exalted in Lagna and Mercury exalted in the Arudha lagna in 5th house. The natural order of strengths of houses is 10, 7, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 8, then the dusthanas. So the lagna is naturally stronger to define the self and the exalted Moon defines Krishna avatara.

Now look at my chart - I have Jupiter is lagna and Ketu in exaltation in 10th house in AL. Which planet defines the self and what is the Jyotirlinga I must worship?

Now what happens if there are no planets in lagna or Arudha lagna? Then what do we do?

Nistish, your mail has started an invaluable thread...keep the lamp burning.Best WishesSanjay RathWeb Pages: http://srath.com http://.orgSJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]Wednesday, February 16, 2005 11:27 AMSanjay RathRe: |Sri Varaha| Visions||Om Tat Sat||Dear Sanjay Ji, There is no magic indeed but an application of laws of Prakriti that I have been studying from the Paramahansa Yoganandas' commentary on Gita - God Talks with Arjuna. The statement of cause-effect indifference was from the monastic philosophy of Adi Shankaracharya. The basis is Ra-Ke nakshatra dispositors i.e. Ju and Ve respectively in your case, which move the reel (of duality) of Cosmic Motion Picture (as Paramahansa calls it) through the Magnetic Spine (Ra-Ke axis again) of Causal body in form of emanations of cosmic light of Ju and Ve for you (Also, of Me and Ju as Ra-Ke are placed in these rashis). This happens seemlessly with the cosmic light received by Agya chakra (connected to Cosmic consciousness through Sahasrara), which acts as the Sun of Internal Solar system as mentioned in Autobiography of a yogi. The Jyotirlingam mantra are chosen because Shiva at agya chakra holds the cords (Ida and Pingala nadis) of the two - Cause and Effect- extending through the Astral body through Anahata Chakra, which takes the shape of the physical body, and ending at Mooladhara chakra (mouth of Brahma) manifesting itself in the Physical world as 4 cosmic colours of 4 Sanskrit alphabets on the 4 leaves of Mooladhara chakra...which therefore become the source of all physical knowledge (Mercury as lord of Mooladhara can ever have). In all, there are 48 leaves/maruts of the first 5 chakras, the 49th being Marichi (orKrishna) which takes a yogi out of the body consciousness and beyond matter-time-space into Nirbikalpa Samadhi. In the 360 degree zodiac, there are 18 such sets of causal colour pairs [yours is Ju-Ve, mine is Ra-Ke :(] that I found on analysis and they are same as 18 Gotras and 18 chapters of Bhagvad Gita. I would be able to write a book linking the kundalini Yoga(internal) to Jyotisha (external), once my experiences consummate at the end of the running Atma Karaka Kendradi Dasha of Sun and I acheive a glimpse of Samadhi for which I am doing all this. I introduced these mantras to you (my AK is your BK) just as Visti introduced Om Namah Shivaya Namo BhimaShakaraya mantra to me (his AK is my BK) which gave a cosmic trigger to my stupid life journey. I hope and I have tried to make myself as clear as possible and am still experimenting with these things, creating different jyotisha yogas internally (in mind and thought) and observing their effect to help me rise up in the superconsciousness by replacing some of the bullock cart techniques of Kriya yoga of Paramahansa Yogananada with mantras. Ofcourse, all this is jugglery and "Om Tat Sat" is the only real mantra. But these mantras give the realizations/experiences to devotee when he most needs them and free him from the self-created/artificial bounds of destiny :). I cannot, really, wait for Jupiter dasha to commence to change my destiny.Best regards,nitishOn Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:20:28 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:>>> om gurave namah> Dear Nitish> No magic please - tell me the reason and basis for the choise of mantra.> Best Wishes> Sanjay Rath> Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org SJC Puri: 212> Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269>> > Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]> Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:25 PM> guruji Re: |Sri Varaha| Visions>> Dear Sanjay ji,> Your dream was a very illustrious one indeed. However, it remains> within the realms of Cause and Effect. So, I looked at your chart and> found two mantras for you, i.e. to help the soul get through the Cause> and Effect relationship of Prakriti faster than what the dashas in the> chart will bring out slowly!>> The mantras are:> 1. Om Namah Shivaya Namo Omkareshwaraya || 2. Om Namah Shivaya Namo> Tryambakkeswaraya ||>> These are to be done alternately like 1,2,1,2... as Cause is same as> Effect and Effect is not-different from Cause. From personal> experience, I have found Cause-Effect mantras to be working for me.> You may do these at your discretion.>> Wish you good luck in all your endeavours, best regards, nitish>> On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 10:14:09 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:> >> >> >> >> >> > om gurave namah> >> > Dear Lakshmi> >> > I cannot describe the glorious dream I had of Ekajata (Tara) on that> > night and woke up on that Thursday morning shouting - I have seen> > Kali! I have seen Kali! he is so beautiful...I was lying unconscious> > when I tried to stop a group of people from destroying something and> > they bashed me up and then she had appeared...and in a strange> > manner the head of the chief of the hooligans was in her hand and> > she plucked a hair from her head and dropped in on my unconscious> > body. I am still reeling under that feeling. Visti and others here> > in Delhi have tried to analyse it. Zoran is sure that it is a mark> > of new life ...any comments> are welcome.> >> > Best Wishes> >> > Sanjay Rath> >> > Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org> >> > SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269> >> >> >> > ________________________________> > lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh]> > Thursday, February 03, 2005 7:49 PM> > varahamihira > > |Sri Varaha| Visions> >> >> >> > Om Gurave Namah> >> >> >> > Dear All,> >> >> >> > Namaste.> >> >> >> > I wanted to share with you the queer incident, which happened at> > 10.30am this morning. Today is Thursday, so as usual, we performed> > Rudraabhishekam to Lord Shiva, Sri chakram and Shirdi Sai Baba among> > a host of other vigrahams. Ramesh left for office and I wanted to> > clear up> the pooja room,> > after a few minutes of meditation on Sri Vidya. When I opened my eyes,> I> > found the pale yellow water (mixture of milk, turmeric and sandalood> > paste) in the basin mysteriously lit up by sunlight. This golden> > light in turn fell on Shirdi Sai, making him glow with a pale> > golden, ethereal light amidst the glowing water. This morning it was> > quite cloudy in Tirupati and strangely the sunlight fell only on the> > abhishekam> water and Shirdi Sai, nowhere else.> > It was such an indescribably beautiful sight, and I gazed> > transfixed, unaware of tears coursing down my cheeks. And,> > unconsciously I thought of Guru and pisces. Of Sanjayji. Thought I must write this on the list.> >> >> >> > Somehow for the past 2-3 days I have been thinking of 3rd February,> > for no apparent reason. That date seems stuck in my mind, I really> > dont> know why.> > Can any one help me out? I have attached the dream chart.> >> >> >> > A few months back, I think just around the time I wrote on> > Vedic-astrology list about Lord Venkateswara, around 5.30-6pm I> > wandered into our car parking, facing east, and suddenly I looked up> > to see a resplendent cloud formation (Sun was about to set in the> > west) resembling Lord Vishnu reclining on the seshatalpam. I could> > clearly make out the two upper hands holding the sankham and chakram> > and there was no doubt in my mind that it was indeed He. I hurriedly> called my younger son and showed the same to him.> >> >> >> > While I have always been notorious about my "dreams", I am quite> > level headed and certainly not known to hallucinate when I am awake.> > So, I am really starled by these events and request your help.> >> >> >> > Regards,> >> > Lakshmi> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > |Om Tat Sat|> > http://www.varahamihira> >> >> >> >> > ________________________________> > > > Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'> >> >> >> > |Om Tat Sat|> > http://www.varahamihira> >> >> > ________________________________> >

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Dear shri Sanjayji,


Sashtanga Pranam,


I cite the

examples of the Somanatha

Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva forgives the sins of

the Moon and exalts him to

be able to give 16 Kalas for the appearance of Sri

Krishna in this planet.


Sir, I am just getting into your discussion and ask

you the question about the shodash kala. Jyotirlinga

determination is based on the once one twelth part of

the unexpired portion of the tithi. So the portion in

which a particular person is born in the world (during

that portion of the jyotirlinga)will have 21 diffeent

MCs and naturally the 16 shodash kalas of the moon wil

decide the avatara who will perform the karma rightly

or who will rule or who will be the master of the

karma for which he is being created.


So the question arises out of which 16

(21X16=336)rathe total 336 lagnas arising in the

complete world each is going to have the process of

forgiving of the sins as there Jyotirlinga will be the

same. There purpose of creation will be same no doubt

but is there any philosophy or deciding factor on

deciding who will be the real avatar or king of the

karmas for which he is born?


I think your reply will definitely bring the better

understanding of the shodash kalas of the moon and its

relevance to the concept of jyotirlinga. Sir, please

do reply.


Yours shishya


Dewavrat Buit

--- Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:


> om gurave namah

> Dear Nitish,


> The mantras should have a serious basis for choise

> and not as random as the

> nakshatra or rasi dispositor of the nodes. The nodes

> will be in a sign for

> 18 months (18 again!) and all the people born during

> this period will have

> the same Ju-Me definition as myself. So to say that

> we were all born due to

> the activation of the Ra-Ke in this sign is wrong. A

> finer definition comes

> from the D-108 chart and D-144 chart and in any case

> this is not the

> Jyotirlinga mantra. Jyotirlingas are identified with

> the 12 signs and

> specifically 12 SUN signs not the nodal signs. The

> nodal signs show the

> place where we really need the blessings of a

> satguru to deliver us from the

> enveloping darkness. You should be looking at the

> Sun sign and the suns

> placement for the jyotirlinga mantras.


> The argument about your AK being my BK and so on is

> not acceptable. My BK

> Pt.Kashinatha Rath has already left this world and I

> await another BK caused

> by the aspect of Venus and Ketu on the Sun in the

> navamsa. Naturally He will

> come during Ketu-Venus or some such period when my

> karma is to manifest. He

> is the one who will be the BK. Please realise that

> we Jyotishi are not

> qualified for the status of BK. We are merely

> guardins of the door of the

> 12th house (perhaps like Ganesha at best).


> The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of

> exalting the planet and

> thereby making the graha like Vishnu. I cite the

> examples of the Somanatha

> Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva forgives the sins of

> the Moon and exalts him to

> be able to give 16 Kalas for the appearance of Sri

> Krishna in this planet.

> Naturally Sri Krishna established the Somanatha

> Jyotirlinga as a mark of

> gratitude. Similarly the Sun gets its highest rays

> due to the Rameswara

> Jyotirlinga and at that stage and state represents

> Lord Rama. The grateful

> Lord established the Rameshwara Jyotirlinga.

> Rameswara is associated with

> the sign Aries which is also the birth month for

> Hanuman (Rudra/Shiva avatar

> associated with the Rameshwara linga). Similarly

> Somanatha is associated

> with Taurus, Rishi Atri and so on.


> Worship of lord Shiva is the path to self

> realisation and is one of the

> steps to God realisation. It is not an end in itself

> (who knows where the

> end is, and those who knew did not have the words to

> tell). Thus the

> question is which rays are we to understand, what is

> to be exalted?


> In the chart of Sri Rama, all planets are exalted,

> yet the blessed lord

> chose the Sun? Why?? Look at the houses defining the

> self - as we are

> looking at self realisation. The lagna, Arudha Lagna

> [and Karaka lagna?under

> research] are to be considered for this purpose.

> Now, Rama had exalted

> Jupiter and Moon in Lagna and exalted Sun in AL. The

> Sun was chosen - why?

> Because among the houses the 10th is the strongest

> and the Sun in 10 is

> stronger than the Jupiter and Moon in lagna to

> define the self.


> Now come to Sri Krishna's chart - once again we have

> two exalted planets

> defining the self. Moon exalted in Lagna and Mercury

> exalted in the Arudha

> lagna in 5th house. The natural order of strengths

> of houses is 10, 7, 4, 1,

> 5, 9, 2, 8, then the dusthanas. So the lagna is

> naturally stronger to define

> the self and the exalted Moon defines Krishna

> avatara.


> Now look at my chart - I have Jupiter is lagna and

> Ketu in exaltation in

> 10th house in AL. Which planet defines the self and

> what is the Jyotirlinga

> I must worship?


> Now what happens if there are no planets in lagna or

> Arudha lagna? Then what

> do we do?


> Nistish, your mail has started an invaluable

> thread...keep the lamp burning.

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> Web Pages: <http://srath.com> http://srath.com

> <http://.org>

> http://.org

> SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India

> +91.6752.226269




> Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]

> Wednesday, February 16, 2005 11:27 AM

> Sanjay Rath

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Visions


> ||Om Tat Sat||

> Dear Sanjay Ji,

> There is no magic indeed but an application of

> laws of Prakriti that I

> have been studying from the Paramahansa Yoganandas'

> commentary on Gita - God

> Talks with Arjuna. The statement of cause-effect

> indifference was from the

> monastic philosophy of Adi Shankaracharya.

> The basis is Ra-Ke nakshatra dispositors i.e. Ju

> and Ve respectively in

> your case, which move the reel (of duality) of

> Cosmic Motion Picture (as

> Paramahansa calls it) through the Magnetic Spine

> (Ra-Ke axis again) of

> Causal body in form of emanations of cosmic light of

> Ju and Ve for you

> (Also, of Me and Ju as Ra-Ke are placed in these

> rashis). This happens

> seemlessly with the cosmic light received by Agya

> chakra (connected to

> Cosmic consciousness through Sahasrara), which acts

> as the Sun of Internal

> Solar system as mentioned in Autobiography of a

> yogi.

> The Jyotirlingam mantra are chosen because Shiva

> at agya chakra holds the

> cords (Ida and Pingala nadis) of the two - Cause and

> Effect

> - extending through the Astral body through Anahata

> Chakra, which takes the

> shape of the physical body, and ending at Mooladhara

> chakra (mouth of

> Brahma) manifesting itself in the Physical world as

> 4 cosmic colours of 4

> Sanskrit alphabets on the 4 leaves of Mooladhara

> chakra...which therefore

> become the source of all physical knowledge (Mercury

> as lord of Mooladhara

> can ever have). In all, there are 48 leaves/maruts

> of the first 5 chakras,

> the 49th being Marichi (or

> Krishna) which takes a yogi out of the body

> consciousness and beyond

> matter-time-space into Nirbikalpa Samadhi.

> In the 360 degree zodiac, there are 18 such sets

> of causal colour pairs

> [yours is Ju-Ve, mine is Ra-Ke :(] that I found on

> analysis and they are

> same as 18 Gotras and 18 chapters of Bhagvad Gita.

> I would be able to write a book linking the

> kundalini Yoga

> (internal) to Jyotisha (external), once my

> experiences consummate at the end

> of the running Atma Karaka Kendradi Dasha of Sun and

> I acheive a glimpse of

> Samadhi for which I am doing all this.

> I introduced these mantras to you (my AK is your

> BK) just as Visti

> introduced Om Namah Shivaya Namo BhimaShakaraya

> mantra to me (his AK is my

> BK) which gave a cosmic trigger to my stupid life

> journey.

> I hope and I have tried to make myself as clear as

> possible and am still

> experimenting with these things, creating different

> jyotisha yogas

> internally (in mind and thought) and observing their

> effect to help me rise

> up in the superconsciousness by replacing some of

> the bullock cart

> techniques of Kriya yoga of Paramahansa Yogananada

> with mantras.

> Ofcourse, all this is jugglery and " Om Tat Sat "

> is the only real mantra.

> But these mantras give the realizations/experiences

> to devotee when he most

> needs them and free him from the

> self-created/artificial

=== message truncated ===







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||Om Tat Sat||

Dear Sanjay Ji,

Thank you for your enlightening mail !! Please read my notes to

your mail and before I write more, I hereby disclaim that people

reciting Jyotirlingam mantra and mantra sequences, after reading this

mail, will be responsible for themselves, whatever their experiences

be. Also, please note that my writing doesn't intend to hurt anybody,

else I wouldn't be writing all this on this list.


> The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and

> thereby making the graha like Vishnu.


I have nothing to comment on this statement. Over past one month, I

have had a

few of my direct and directed (with Jyotirlingam mantras and rising

horas, rising

ascendant degrees) experiences of life-force modulations which are enough to

prove to me what they really do.


Jyotirlingam mantras work at pranic level and reveal the paths

(astral nadis) of flow of life-force till those paths are clear enough

by repeated flow of life-forces, till the flow gets smooth.

That is why Jyotirlingam => Signifying the source of creation on the

" Path of Light " (Please see last line of the mail).


Mantra Yoga in itself is one and most powerful way to deeper Dhyan,

when life-force doesn't disturb the person, nor the mind or the

intellect finally till samadhi is attained (Patanjali right).


I have found that beeja mantras of planets are, however powerful

because of directed Shiva-Rupas and Shakti-Rupas combined specifically

for attaining Siddhis', but puny where overall smooth upliftment of a

persons' pranic being is concerned on the Path of Light, which is

achieved easily by Jyotirlingam mantras. [Note that Ve (ruling

Swadhishthana/Pranamaya Kosha) is nakshatra dispositor of Ve, Ma and

Ju in my chart and hence these mantras came to me naturally and will

be with me till I completely control Pranashakti.]


Finally, I still maintain, that all these mantras are jugglery, and

OM TAT SAT is the only real mantra as mentioned in the Gita, after a

person has heard cosmic sound of " AUM " in his deepest meditations and

for those who don't seek pranic experiences.


Whether that means becoming like Vishnu, I know not. But, it

would make one like Shiva is something I am biased to think about till

my experiments and experiences culminate.


> The mantras should have a serious basis for choise and not as random as the

> nakshatra or rasi dispositor of the nodes.


What is random becomes rhythmic, when one has a directed life-force

experience, (ebb and tide) associated with it. In any case, God has

given human souls enough freedom to choose what helps a person on his

path because all paths lead to God.


You will know it for yourself with the vibrations in astral nadis or

astral body at the

chant of Jyotirlingam mantras of nakshatra dispositors of Ra and Ke or

of other

planets, provided your third eye first frees itself of constant

binding to matter

consciousness by Shakti Jagran at MoolaDhara Chakra.


Recitation of Shakti Yoga mantras(Nageshwaraya -> Somnathaya) after

Shiva Yoga mantras (Vishwanatha->Rameshwaraya) result in the awakening

of Kundalini at Mooladhara. All these things convince us that we are

not the physical body but a more free astral, causal body and actually

a soul which is bound in these three bodies. Please take caution not

to unnecessarily eclipse the Sun and Moon by doing wrong sequences,

because Ra->Su and Ke->Mo cause inner solar and lunar eclipses

resulting in closing of Pingala and Ida nadis at the two ends of Agya

and Mooladhara, forcing the shakti through Sushumna nadi if it is

awakened already.


> The nodes will be in a sign for

> 18 months (18 again!) and all the people born during this period will have

> the same Ju-Me definition as myself.


Yes that is true.

We cannot really help with the fact that all human beings in the

world have just

one God, if we concentrate so much on the numbers than the knowledge they

carry. Why are there are only 4 DNA base pairs and still creates

some of the most complicated molecular strutcures known to mankind is

a question in the same spirit and any learned biologist is required to

answer that to me.


> So to say that we were all born due to

> the activation of the Ra-Ke in this sign is wrong.


It is equally wrong that we were all born from activation of just 12

Sun signs, a sign for half billion people moving on this earth right


Well, it is not difficult to understand that the pranic shakti is

the print of ones' individuality as the nadi-jyotish authors would

know. Swadhisthana associated with Prana shakti is also associated

directly with Hiranyagarbha and Bindu from where all creations and

forms come forth. So, nakshatra dispositors influences ones' Prana

shakti directly and therefore, nakshatra-dispositors of Ra-Ke bear the

Karmic footprint of an individual.


> A finer definition comes

> from the D-108 chart and D-144 chart and in any case this is not the

> Jyotirlinga mantra.


Fineness doesn't lie in charts but the ability, of soul guided

intellect, to understand them. Whether it is this case or that, has to

be proved to oneself and subsequently to others.

If you understand D-108 and D-144 (without personally understanding

nadis), which are nothing but nadi jyotish and nadis carry prana

shakti, modulated by the recitation of Jyotirlingam mantras. That is

the starting point to the secret of those charts, and am not

interested in seeking them in comparison to seeking God first.


In any case, Jyotisha cannot go beyond the nadi-Jyotish because

Manomaya Kosha is not bound by time and space of Jyotish, while a

self-concentrating Yogi will find Shiva as the source of cause-effect

principles governing " their-seeming-life-journery " and Brahman as the

real identity of their beingness.


> Jyotirlingas are identified with the 12 signs

> and specifically 12 SUN signs not the nodal signs.


Nodes or any other planets all fall in the same set of Sun signs,

that is their limits and Sun is the source of all Prana Shakti.


Jyotirlingam mantras are not meant to reinforce the destinies of

billions of human

beings, but to liberate the soul with the cosmic light of the God.

What I understand now, is that I can create any " Jyotisha Yoga " in

my bodys' Inner Solar System with the help of these mantras and thus

govern how my life-force should flow through my chakras, no sun, Moon

or Jupiter of the Sky has any power against my will to do my way on

this mortal mayaic body.


Anyways, thanks for all your arguments made here without conducting

adequate personal experiments with life-force.


I just want to do better than what planets can do for me, and faster

than them, in my term of life that God has decided.


> The nodal signs show the

> place where we really need the blessings of a satguru to deliver us from the

> enveloping darkness. You should be looking at the Sun sign and the suns

> placement for the jyotirlinga mantras.


> The argument about your AK being my BK and so on is not acceptable.


My stance has been misunderstood and now misinterpreted.


If it is for the primary cause (and fault) of some difficult

emotional entanglements of yours, Krishna will guide you like he

guided Arjuna.

Otherwise, it doesn't help to point-out others for not being able to

help foster ones' level and direction of understanding.


> My BK

> Pt.Kashinatha Rath has already left this world and I await another BK caused

> by the aspect of Venus and Ketu on the Sun in the navamsa. Naturally He will

> come during Ketu-Venus or some such period when my karma is to manifest. He

> is the one who will be the BK.


If you want to stay on the slow path of your earth-bound dasha

systems, it is a choice you make and no-body is going to deter you

from this, as has happened so far. They wouldn't think of doing this

to/for a so nice sanjay ji!!

Take it as an Omen (and not an emotional one), and move on the scene

of both inner and outer cosmic drama.


> Please realise that we Jyotishi are not

> qualified for the status of BK.


Please understand that I don't, preferably and really, identify

myself as a Jyotishi than a soul, and only in that spirit have I used

the Chara-BK and Chara-AK.


> We are merely guardins of the door of the 12th house (perhaps like Ganesha at



I am not here to guard any door nor hold any keys.


If Ganesha has that job, it is better he does it than my asking him

for a job-replacement.

May be you arbitrarily (or through some archaic or unidentified

logic) assign a job to your soul first, and then preach it to other

souls as well, but I have enough consideration for not taking

Ganeshas' Job.


In any case, if 12th house is not the Mooladhara chakra, then

Ganesha is not guarding it.


Please note the difference between Entry door and Exit door. You

never find Guards at the Exit door of Theaters for a reason which is

readily understandable to all of us.

You are writing this mail so emotionally, that I can feel it while

writing my answers.


> The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and

> thereby making the graha like Vishnu. I cite the examples of the Somanatha

> Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva forgives the sins of the Moon and exalts him to

> be able to give 16 Kalas for the appearance of Sri Krishna in this planet.

> Naturally Sri Krishna established the Somanatha Jyotirlinga as a mark of

> gratitude. Similarly the Sun gets its highest rays due to the Rameswara

> Jyotirlinga and at that stage and state represents Lord Rama. The grateful

> Lord established the Rameshwara Jyotirlinga. Rameswara is associated with

> the sign Aries which is also the birth month for Hanuman (Rudra/Shiva avatar

> associated with the Rameshwara linga). Similarly Somanatha is associated

> with Taurus, Rishi Atri and so on.


Please please, please, your associations and stories, however true,

are so elemental that I don't feel any life-force there. It is simply

life-force-less jyotish.


Don't bind the human souls and destinies to the limitations of the

natal charts, when the limitations are there only to serve the purpose

of role-definition of this cosmic drama. We are free beings and

everybody on this earth has all the potential to reach Godliness on

this earth itself, within this life. Planets should not be an

obstruction but a guide and help for direction in illusion of Maya.


> Worship of lord Shiva is the path to self realisation and is one of the

> steps to God realisation.


Agreed. But Shiva only shows the path, one still has to replace the

Ego with God consciousness at ones' own will and pace. The sooner one

starts, earlier it is reached.


> It is not an end in itself (who knows where the

> end is, and those who knew did not have the words to tell).


> Thus the

> question is which rays are we to understand, what is to be exalted?


Do you really know how and why exaltation happens?


Thank god, I know it now from my direct personal experiences, so

that I am not asking such questions, which in itself is the only thing

one can do if one doesn't know (even I will do the same).


I know, now, the reasons for deepest exaltation and debilitation

degrees of all planets including Ra-Ke as I experience an immediate

ascent of attention with prana-shakti to BrahmaRandhra when 5 degree

Cancer rises on the ascendant, or 3 degree Taurus does so.

And this happens, scientifically, rationally, repeatedly, and all

the science jargon.


I am experiencing the effects of hora lord, day lord, affecting my

chakras in a definite and repeated manner, which all become pronounced

with the recitation of specific Jyotirlingam mantras in a specific

sequence and ofcourse the cosmic sound of " AUM " .


Just a proof of my experiences, is that I have found that deepest

exaltation degree of Rahu is 29 degree Gemini and of Ketu is 29 degree

Sagittarius. When this degree rises on the ascendant, the whole being

starts rising to the head and attracted to the Center of the Agya



> In the chart of Sri Rama, all planets are exalted, yet the blessed lord

> chose the Sun? Why?? Look at the houses defining the self - as we are

> looking at self realisation. The lagna, Arudha Lagna [and Karaka lagna?under

> research] are to be considered for this purpose. Now, Rama had exalted

> Jupiter and Moon in Lagna and exalted Sun in AL. The Sun was chosen - why?

> Because among the houses the 10th is the strongest and the Sun in 10 is

> stronger than the Jupiter and Moon in lagna to define the self.


> Now come to Sri Krishna's chart - once again we have two exalted planets

> defining the self. Moon exalted in Lagna and Mercury exalted in the Arudha

> lagna in 5th house. The natural order of strengths of houses is 10, 7, 4, 1,

> 5, 9, 2, 8, then the dusthanas. So the lagna is naturally stronger to define

> the self and the exalted Moon defines Krishna avatara.


You don't need to prove that Krishna was an avatara by looking at

his horoscope, than by reading Gita. Else nobody except Jyotishas

would have ever understood Gita, a thing not really an avatara

intended to happen.

The primary mistake made in consideration and comparison of charts

of Rama, Krishna and Yours together is lack of the crucial contextual

information of the Yuga that these charts are functioning in.


> Now look at my chart - I have Jupiter is lagna and Ketu in exaltation in

> 10th house in AL. Which planet defines the self and what is the Jyotirlinga

> I must worship?


Please don't ask me questions that you can and should answer for yourself.

There is no must to worshipping of Jyotirlingam, or anything else

for that matter. It is your personal choice, but the thumb rule is

that planets cause imbalance along the dualistic 1-7 axis and the

corresponding chakras, so it is important to worship those of the 6

cerebro-spinal axis (12 by duality) which are most afflicted.

The one where AK is placed, when worshipped, causes the most peace in


In the linear geometry of Physical Spine, the seqence of sign to

chakra mapping is this as I have found:


3-9 => Agya chakra, Rulers none but Sun and Moon exist as two nadis

and create three things: matter consciousness, Time and Space.

2-8 => Ruler Jupiter...




10-4 => Mooladhara, ruler Mercury

The two hemispheres are extension of Agya and the Sahasrara is

beyond this and lies above BrahmaRandhra.

In the spherical geometry of Head, Agya is centre and Cancer falls

straight up passing through BrahmaRandhra (Thus the sign of God, and

Omkareshwar is where Adi shankara met his Guru first). Gemini falls to

the right side and Leo to the left of Cancer and so on. They are

activated one by one when one does the relevant Jyotirlingam mantras.


Anyways, why do you worry when God will make sure that you get what

you need in this physical world (Jupiter in lagna) and leave the world

for the cosmic kingdom when you are bored of it (Ketu in 10th).


You worry only because of your matter bound spiritual eye, that

planets placed in lagna and AL signify and that is too much for the

soul to carry till 43rd,44th year when the age of Ra-Ke is over and

the spiritual eye is freed from having to constantly look at the lower

Vishuddha Chakra (Ruler Jupiter).


Note that jupiter rules Vishuddha, as from my personal experiences

of invocation of Brihaspati Gayatri and Brihaspati Beeja Mantra with

Jalandhar Bandh. Also, because it rules the element ether. Jupiter,

ruling elemental ether, is not situated in Sahasrara chakra, above the

Sun and Moon in Agya (creating time and space consciousness), but is

responsible for maintaining the integrity (holding together) of the

body atoms at all the lower chakras and hence the greatest benefic for

the mortals.


Please don't teach me reverse Jyotish from outer to inner as I

cannot take it any more. Jyotish is just a tool for my

self-realization and it has to come from inner being to outer world as

a side-effect to signify my spiritual progress and nourishment of

Heart chakra. You have established the same flow for yourself, and you

should not put other people in a reverse flow situation, if they are

sufficiently advanced in Yoga.


I could never classify myself as a Jyotisha or a Software engg...but

today I know that I have a job of a yogi who also knows Jyotisha at

heart. Infact, thank you sanjay for catalyzing the removal of last

strains of doubt from my heart for progress on this path.


Now, about the compariosn that you can make very clear to yourself

on the basis of the Yuga we are in and the one we are heading towards.

The current Yuga is Ascending Treta Yuga of the great equinoctial

cycle as Sri Yukteswar Giri, Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, mentions

in his book " The Holy Science " . And, you find that people around are

starting to realize their souls' magnetism (that runs nadis in astral

bodies) compared to the matter bound consciousness of previous

Ascending Kali Yuga. [Matter consciousness or Maya is created as an

illusion cast by the Gods' magnetism and dure to Kalpa Cycles, God

cannot help the magnetism to manifest itself as matter consciousness

giving birth to the physical universe, which is actually the physical

body of God. It is we soul, Gods' image, that need to realize that we,

as souls, also possess the same magnetism and should get rid of Gods'

Maya as a first step to God-realization. In terms of Kundalini Yoga,

we need to reverse the flow of life-force centered at Swadhisthana

with the help of Manipura ruler Mars.]


FYI, I free my third eye by listening to Kalabhairava Stotra (remedy

for Ra dasha), Vishwanatha Stotra and AUM interleaved to smoothen the

flow of energy generated as matter consciousness is gradually freed.


One day, when people will enter the Dwapara and Satya Yuga and they

will directly meditate on Agya Chakra, AUM and God consciousness and

all my findings will be obsolete/replaced.

But I know that it has to be like this in the scheme of things, as

laws of Prakriti govern the entire creation through the magnetism of

lord. If God has put me on the stage of cosmic drama in this Yuga

after you, let it be so.


As for your jyotirlingam worship: You should worship Bhimashankaraya

for peace and happiness that your AK is trying to find in the dry sign

of Capricorn.


> Now what happens if there are no planets in lagna or Arudha lagna? Then what

> do we do?


We don't do anything but meditate to know by soul-intuition on what

to do. We will get inner guidance.

Now, stop looking at my chart with that much curiosity, I know that

there is nothing in it.

If my chart had enough ebb and tide other featureful yogas, I

wouldn't have made efforts, in my inner solar system, to make me feel

exalted, debilitated, eclipsed and energized.

Also, I would have lived my life as comfortably as Pisces Jupiter

and Exalted Ketu can give. Thank god, Saturn is not my AK, otherwise I

would have worried incessantly about this world and the other even

amidst the comforts of world and knowledge of Para Vidya :P.


On another note, and as a matter of fact, Jupiter in my conception

chart was in Cancer and retrograde, which is why I am explaining

things like a stupid when I know it is unnecessary. And this mail is

the last one for all such explanations. Just to finish off the

relevant karma to start off the inner journey, I will write a book on

" Inner Jyotisha " i.e. one that takes a person inside smoothly " to

avoid unnecessary disturbances on my Time to God.


> Nistish, your mail has started an invaluable thread...keep the lamp burning.


What do I do here with such false identifications...when everything

happens by the light of God.


Please read Gita commentary where Paramahansa mentions that in

deepest ecstasy, he found life-force as a ray of light which goes up

to agya and through it to God consciousness, from where the body is

seen as a miniscule speck of light.


Best regards,




On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 09:46:27 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:



> om gurave namah

> Dear Nitish,


> The mantras should have a serious basis for choise and not as random as the

> nakshatra or rasi dispositor of the nodes. The nodes will be in a sign for

> 18 months (18 again!) and all the people born during this period will have

> the same Ju-Me definition as myself. So to say that we were all born due to

> the activation of the Ra-Ke in this sign is wrong. A finer definition comes

> from the D-108 chart and D-144 chart and in any case this is not the

> Jyotirlinga mantra. Jyotirlingas are identified with the 12 signs and

> specifically 12 SUN signs not the nodal signs. The nodal signs show the

> place where we really need the blessings of a satguru to deliver us from the

> enveloping darkness. You should be looking at the Sun sign and the suns

> placement for the jyotirlinga mantras.


> The argument about your AK being my BK and so on is not acceptable. My BK

> Pt.Kashinatha Rath has already left this world and I await another BK caused

> by the aspect of Venus and Ketu on the Sun in the navamsa. Naturally He will

> come during Ketu-Venus or some such period when my karma is to manifest. He

> is the one who will be the BK. Please realise that we Jyotishi are not

> qualified for the status of BK. We are merely guardins of the door of the

> 12th house (perhaps like Ganesha at best).


> The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and

> thereby making the graha like Vishnu. I cite the examples of the Somanatha

> Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva forgives the sins of the Moon and exalts him to

> be able to give 16 Kalas for the appearance of Sri Krishna in this planet.

> Naturally Sri Krishna established the Somanatha Jyotirlinga as a mark of

> gratitude. Similarly the Sun gets its highest rays due to the Rameswara

> Jyotirlinga and at that stage and state represents Lord Rama. The grateful

> Lord established the Rameshwara Jyotirlinga. Rameswara is associated with

> the sign Aries which is also the birth month for Hanuman (Rudra/Shiva avatar

> associated with the Rameshwara linga). Similarly Somanatha is associated

> with Taurus, Rishi Atri and so on.


> Worship of lord Shiva is the path to self realisation and is one of the

> steps to God realisation. It is not an end in itself (who knows where the

> end is, and those who knew did not have the words to tell). Thus the

> question is which rays are we to understand, what is to be exalted?


> In the chart of Sri Rama, all planets are exalted, yet the blessed lord

> chose the Sun? Why?? Look at the houses defining the self - as we are

> looking at self realisation. The lagna, Arudha Lagna [and Karaka lagna?under

> research] are to be considered for this purpose. Now, Rama had exalted

> Jupiter and Moon in Lagna and exalted Sun in AL. The Sun was chosen - why?

> Because among the houses the 10th is the strongest and the Sun in 10 is

> stronger than the Jupiter and Moon in lagna to define the self.


> Now come to Sri Krishna's chart - once again we have two exalted planets

> defining the self. Moon exalted in Lagna and Mercury exalted in the Arudha

> lagna in 5th house. The natural order of strengths of houses is 10, 7, 4, 1,

> 5, 9, 2, 8, then the dusthanas. So the lagna is naturally stronger to define

> the self and the exalted Moon defines Krishna avatara.


> Now look at my chart - I have Jupiter is lagna and Ketu in exaltation in

> 10th house in AL. Which planet defines the self and what is the Jyotirlinga

> I must worship?


> Now what happens if there are no planets in lagna or Arudha lagna? Then what

> do we do?


> Nistish, your mail has started an invaluable thread...keep the lamp burning.

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

> SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269




> Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]

> Wednesday, February 16, 2005 11:27 AM

> Sanjay Rath

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Visions


> ||Om Tat Sat||

> Dear Sanjay Ji,

> There is no magic indeed but an application of laws of Prakriti that I

> have been studying from the Paramahansa Yoganandas' commentary on Gita - God

> Talks with Arjuna. The statement of cause-effect indifference was from the

> monastic philosophy of Adi Shankaracharya.

> The basis is Ra-Ke nakshatra dispositors i.e. Ju and Ve respectively in

> your case, which move the reel (of duality) of Cosmic Motion Picture (as

> Paramahansa calls it) through the Magnetic Spine (Ra-Ke axis again) of

> Causal body in form of emanations of cosmic light of Ju and Ve for you

> (Also, of Me and Ju as Ra-Ke are placed in these rashis). This happens

> seemlessly with the cosmic light received by Agya chakra (connected to

> Cosmic consciousness through Sahasrara), which acts as the Sun of Internal

> Solar system as mentioned in Autobiography of a yogi.

> The Jyotirlingam mantra are chosen because Shiva at agya chakra holds the

> cords (Ida and Pingala nadis) of the two - Cause and Effect

> - extending through the Astral body through Anahata Chakra, which takes the

> shape of the physical body, and ending at Mooladhara chakra (mouth of

> Brahma) manifesting itself in the Physical world as 4 cosmic colours of 4

> Sanskrit alphabets on the 4 leaves of Mooladhara chakra...which therefore

> become the source of all physical knowledge (Mercury as lord of Mooladhara

> can ever have). In all, there are 48 leaves/maruts of the first 5 chakras,

> the 49th being Marichi (or

> Krishna) which takes a yogi out of the body consciousness and beyond

> matter-time-space into Nirbikalpa Samadhi.

> In the 360 degree zodiac, there are 18 such sets of causal colour pairs

> [yours is Ju-Ve, mine is Ra-Ke :(] that I found on analysis and they are

> same as 18 Gotras and 18 chapters of Bhagvad Gita.

> I would be able to write a book linking the kundalini Yoga

> (internal) to Jyotisha (external), once my experiences consummate at the end

> of the running Atma Karaka Kendradi Dasha of Sun and I acheive a glimpse of

> Samadhi for which I am doing all this.

> I introduced these mantras to you (my AK is your BK) just as Visti

> introduced Om Namah Shivaya Namo BhimaShakaraya mantra to me (his AK is my

> BK) which gave a cosmic trigger to my stupid life journey.

> I hope and I have tried to make myself as clear as possible and am still

> experimenting with these things, creating different jyotisha yogas

> internally (in mind and thought) and observing their effect to help me rise

> up in the superconsciousness by replacing some of the bullock cart

> techniques of Kriya yoga of Paramahansa Yogananada with mantras.

> Ofcourse, all this is jugglery and " Om Tat Sat " is the only real mantra.

> But these mantras give the realizations/experiences to devotee when he most

> needs them and free him from the self-created/artificial bounds of destiny

> :). I cannot, really, wait for Jupiter dasha to commence to change my

> destiny.


> Best regards,

> nitish


> On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:20:28 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:

> >

> >

> > om gurave namah

> > Dear Nitish

> > No magic please - tell me the reason and basis for the choise of mantra.

> > Best Wishes

> > Sanjay Rath

> > Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org SJC Puri: 212

> > Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269

> >

> >

> > Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]

> > Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:25 PM

> > guruji

> > Re: |Sri Varaha| Visions

> >

> > Dear Sanjay ji,

> > Your dream was a very illustrious one indeed. However, it remains

> > within the realms of Cause and Effect. So, I looked at your chart and

> > found two mantras for you, i.e. to help the soul get through the Cause

> > and Effect relationship of Prakriti faster than what the dashas in the

> > chart will bring out slowly!

> >

> > The mantras are:

> > 1. Om Namah Shivaya Namo Omkareshwaraya || 2. Om Namah Shivaya Namo

> > Tryambakkeswaraya ||

> >

> > These are to be done alternately like 1,2,1,2... as Cause is same as

> > Effect and Effect is not-different from Cause. From personal

> > experience, I have found Cause-Effect mantras to be working for me.

> > You may do these at your discretion.

> >

> > Wish you good luck in all your endeavours, best regards, nitish

> >

> > On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 10:14:09 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > om gurave namah

> > >

> > > Dear Lakshmi

> > >

> > > I cannot describe the glorious dream I had of Ekajata (Tara) on that

> > > night and woke up on that Thursday morning shouting - I have seen

> > > Kali! I have seen Kali! he is so beautiful...I was lying unconscious

> > > when I tried to stop a group of people from destroying something and

> > > they bashed me up and then she had appeared...and in a strange

> > > manner the head of the chief of the hooligans was in her hand and

> > > she plucked a hair from her head and dropped in on my unconscious

> > > body. I am still reeling under that feeling. Visti and others here

> > > in Delhi have tried to analyse it. Zoran is sure that it is a mark

> > > of new life ...any comments

> > are welcome.

> > >

> > > Best Wishes

> > >

> > > Sanjay Rath

> > >

> > > Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

> > >

> > > SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh]

> > > Thursday, February 03, 2005 7:49 PM

> > > varahamihira

> > > |Sri Varaha| Visions

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Gurave Namah

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I wanted to share with you the queer incident, which happened at

> > > 10.30am this morning. Today is Thursday, so as usual, we performed

> > > Rudraabhishekam to Lord Shiva, Sri chakram and Shirdi Sai Baba among

> > > a host of other vigrahams. Ramesh left for office and I wanted to

> > > clear up

> > the pooja room,

> > > after a few minutes of meditation on Sri Vidya. When I opened my

> eyes,

> > I

> > > found the pale yellow water (mixture of milk, turmeric and sandalood

> > > paste) in the basin mysteriously lit up by sunlight. This golden

> > > light in turn fell on Shirdi Sai, making him glow with a pale

> > > golden, ethereal light amidst the glowing water. This morning it was

> > > quite cloudy in Tirupati and strangely the sunlight fell only on the

> > > abhishekam

> > water and Shirdi Sai, nowhere else.

> > > It was such an indescribably beautiful sight, and I gazed

> > > transfixed, unaware of tears coursing down my cheeks. And,

> > > unconsciously I thought of Guru and pisces. Of Sanjayji. Thought I must

> write this on the list.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Somehow for the past 2-3 days I have been thinking of 3rd February,

> > > for no apparent reason. That date seems stuck in my mind, I really

> > > dont

> > know why.

> > > Can any one help me out? I have attached the dream chart.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > A few months back, I think just around the time I wrote on

> > > Vedic-astrology list about Lord Venkateswara, around 5.30-6pm I

> > > wandered into our car parking, facing east, and suddenly I looked up

> > > to see a resplendent cloud formation (Sun was about to set in the

> > > west) resembling Lord Vishnu reclining on the seshatalpam. I could

> > > clearly make out the two upper hands holding the sankham and chakram

> > > and there was no doubt in my mind that it was indeed He. I hurriedly

> > called my younger son and showed the same to him.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > While I have always been notorious about my " dreams " , I am quite

> > > level headed and certainly not known to hallucinate when I am awake.

> > > So, I am really starled by these events and request your help.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Lakshmi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > |Om Tat Sat|

> > > http://www.varahamihira

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > >

> > > Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > |Om Tat Sat|

> > > http://www.varahamihira

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > >

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om gurave namah

Dear Nitish

You are going overboard. If you say that you have got some special powers by

reciting a mantra for a few days then so be it and if you are trying to say

that I am following a slow 'tortoise' path and that you have found a fast

track to emancipation, then go ahead. In fact the US is full of 'one week

moksha' programs - really fast track ones. I am not taking Ganesha's job but

an only a servant trying to work for the great master of the siddha's.


Someday you will realise the futility of the statement " and will be with me

till I completely control Pranashakti. " and then shed your ahamkara and bow

to Jagannath Mahaprabhu with " Hari om tat sat " . You have no control, don't

think that you are the doer. The one who tells you so is himself in illusion

and darkness. Tell him to bow to Jagannath Mahaprabhu and shed his ahamkara.


This discussion has completely veered from Jyotish into an egocentric one so

let it end here Nitish. Sad really as I thought that you will come up with

some nice Jyotish related points.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269




Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]

Friday, February 18, 2005 1:37 PM


Cc: nitish.arya

Re: |Sri Varaha| Jyotirlinga - Sri Rama & Krishna show the way



||Om Tat Sat||

Dear Sanjay Ji,

Thank you for your enlightening mail !! Please read my notes to your mail

and before I write more, I hereby disclaim that people reciting Jyotirlingam

mantra and mantra sequences, after reading this mail, will be responsible

for themselves, whatever their experiences be. Also, please note that my

writing doesn't intend to hurt anybody, else I wouldn't be writing all this

on this list.


> The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and

> thereby making the graha like Vishnu.


I have nothing to comment on this statement. Over past one month, I have

had a few of my direct and directed (with Jyotirlingam mantras and rising

horas, rising ascendant degrees) experiences of life-force modulations which

are enough to prove to me what they really do.


Jyotirlingam mantras work at pranic level and reveal the paths (astral

nadis) of flow of life-force till those paths are clear enough by repeated

flow of life-forces, till the flow gets smooth.

That is why Jyotirlingam => Signifying the source of creation on the " Path

of Light " (Please see last line of the mail).


Mantra Yoga in itself is one and most powerful way to deeper Dhyan, when

life-force doesn't disturb the person, nor the mind or the intellect finally

till samadhi is attained (Patanjali right).


I have found that beeja mantras of planets are, however powerful because

of directed Shiva-Rupas and Shakti-Rupas combined specifically for attaining

Siddhis', but puny where overall smooth upliftment of a persons' pranic

being is concerned on the Path of Light, which is achieved easily by

Jyotirlingam mantras. [Note that Ve (ruling Swadhishthana/Pranamaya Kosha)

is nakshatra dispositor of Ve, Ma and Ju in my chart and hence these mantras

came to me naturally and will be with me till I completely control



Finally, I still maintain, that all these mantras are jugglery, and OM TAT

SAT is the only real mantra as mentioned in the Gita, after a person has

heard cosmic sound of " AUM " in his deepest meditations and for those who

don't seek pranic experiences.


Whether that means becoming like Vishnu, I know not. But, it would

make one like Shiva is something I am biased to think about till my

experiments and experiences culminate.


> The mantras should have a serious basis for choise and not as random

> as the nakshatra or rasi dispositor of the nodes.


What is random becomes rhythmic, when one has a directed life-force

experience, (ebb and tide) associated with it. In any case, God has given

human souls enough freedom to choose what helps a person on his path because

all paths lead to God.


You will know it for yourself with the vibrations in astral nadis or

astral body at the chant of Jyotirlingam mantras of nakshatra dispositors of

Ra and Ke or of other planets, provided your third eye first frees itself

of constant binding to matter consciousness by Shakti Jagran at MoolaDhara



Recitation of Shakti Yoga mantras(Nageshwaraya -> Somnathaya) after Shiva

Yoga mantras (Vishwanatha->Rameshwaraya) result in the awakening of

Kundalini at Mooladhara. All these things convince us that we are not the

physical body but a more free astral, causal body and actually a soul which

is bound in these three bodies. Please take caution not to unnecessarily

eclipse the Sun and Moon by doing wrong sequences, because Ra->Su and Ke->Mo

cause inner solar and lunar eclipses resulting in closing of Pingala and Ida

nadis at the two ends of Agya and Mooladhara, forcing the shakti through

Sushumna nadi if it is awakened already.


> The nodes will be in a sign for

> 18 months (18 again!) and all the people born during this period will

> have the same Ju-Me definition as myself.


Yes that is true.

We cannot really help with the fact that all human beings in the world

have just

one God, if we concentrate so much on the numbers than the knowledge they

carry. Why are there are only 4 DNA base pairs and still creates some of

the most complicated molecular strutcures known to mankind is a question in

the same spirit and any learned biologist is required to answer that to me.


> So to say that we were all born due to the activation of the Ra-Ke in

> this sign is wrong.


It is equally wrong that we were all born from activation of just 12 Sun

signs, a sign for half billion people moving on this earth right now.

Well, it is not difficult to understand that the pranic shakti is the

print of ones' individuality as the nadi-jyotish authors would know.

Swadhisthana associated with Prana shakti is also associated directly with

Hiranyagarbha and Bindu from where all creations and forms come forth. So,

nakshatra dispositors influences ones' Prana shakti directly and therefore,

nakshatra-dispositors of Ra-Ke bear the Karmic footprint of an individual.


> A finer definition comes

> from the D-108 chart and D-144 chart and in any case this is not the

> Jyotirlinga mantra.


Fineness doesn't lie in charts but the ability, of soul guided intellect,

to understand them. Whether it is this case or that, has to be proved to

oneself and subsequently to others.

If you understand D-108 and D-144 (without personally understanding

nadis), which are nothing but nadi jyotish and nadis carry prana shakti,

modulated by the recitation of Jyotirlingam mantras. That is the starting

point to the secret of those charts, and am not interested in seeking them

in comparison to seeking God first.


In any case, Jyotisha cannot go beyond the nadi-Jyotish because Manomaya

Kosha is not bound by time and space of Jyotish, while a self-concentrating

Yogi will find Shiva as the source of cause-effect principles governing

" their-seeming-life-journery " and Brahman as the real identity of their



> Jyotirlingas are identified with the 12 signs and specifically 12 SUN

> signs not the nodal signs.


Nodes or any other planets all fall in the same set of Sun signs, that is

their limits and Sun is the source of all Prana Shakti.


Jyotirlingam mantras are not meant to reinforce the destinies of billions

of human beings, but to liberate the soul with the cosmic light of the God.

What I understand now, is that I can create any " Jyotisha Yoga " in my

bodys' Inner Solar System with the help of these mantras and thus govern how

my life-force should flow through my chakras, no sun, Moon or Jupiter of the

Sky has any power against my will to do my way on this mortal mayaic body.


Anyways, thanks for all your arguments made here without conducting

adequate personal experiments with life-force.


I just want to do better than what planets can do for me, and faster than

them, in my term of life that God has decided.


> The nodal signs show the

> place where we really need the blessings of a satguru to deliver us

> from the enveloping darkness. You should be looking at the Sun sign

> and the suns placement for the jyotirlinga mantras.


> The argument about your AK being my BK and so on is not acceptable.


My stance has been misunderstood and now misinterpreted.


If it is for the primary cause (and fault) of some difficult emotional

entanglements of yours, Krishna will guide you like he guided Arjuna.

Otherwise, it doesn't help to point-out others for not being able to help

foster ones' level and direction of understanding.


> My BK

> Pt.Kashinatha Rath has already left this world and I await another BK

> caused by the aspect of Venus and Ketu on the Sun in the navamsa.

> Naturally He will come during Ketu-Venus or some such period when my

> karma is to manifest. He is the one who will be the BK.


If you want to stay on the slow path of your earth-bound dasha systems, it

is a choice you make and no-body is going to deter you from this, as has

happened so far. They wouldn't think of doing this to/for a so nice sanjay


Take it as an Omen (and not an emotional one), and move on the scene of

both inner and outer cosmic drama.


> Please realise that we Jyotishi are not qualified for the status of

> BK.


Please understand that I don't, preferably and really, identify myself as

a Jyotishi than a soul, and only in that spirit have I used the Chara-BK and



> We are merely guardins of the door of the 12th house (perhaps like Ganesha

at best).


I am not here to guard any door nor hold any keys.


If Ganesha has that job, it is better he does it than my asking him for a


May be you arbitrarily (or through some archaic or unidentified

logic) assign a job to your soul first, and then preach it to other souls as

well, but I have enough consideration for not taking Ganeshas' Job.


In any case, if 12th house is not the Mooladhara chakra, then Ganesha is

not guarding it.


Please note the difference between Entry door and Exit door. You never

find Guards at the Exit door of Theaters for a reason which is readily

understandable to all of us.

You are writing this mail so emotionally, that I can feel it while writing

my answers.


> The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and

> thereby making the graha like Vishnu. I cite the examples of the

> Somanatha Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva forgives the sins of the Moon

> and exalts him to be able to give 16 Kalas for the appearance of Sri

Krishna in this planet.

> Naturally Sri Krishna established the Somanatha Jyotirlinga as a mark

> of gratitude. Similarly the Sun gets its highest rays due to the

> Rameswara Jyotirlinga and at that stage and state represents Lord

> Rama. The grateful Lord established the Rameshwara Jyotirlinga.

> Rameswara is associated with the sign Aries which is also the birth

> month for Hanuman (Rudra/Shiva avatar associated with the Rameshwara

> linga). Similarly Somanatha is associated with Taurus, Rishi Atri and so



Please please, please, your associations and stories, however true, are

so elemental that I don't feel any life-force there. It is simply

life-force-less jyotish.


Don't bind the human souls and destinies to the limitations of the natal

charts, when the limitations are there only to serve the purpose of

role-definition of this cosmic drama. We are free beings and everybody on

this earth has all the potential to reach Godliness on this earth itself,

within this life. Planets should not be an obstruction but a guide and help

for direction in illusion of Maya.


> Worship of lord Shiva is the path to self realisation and is one of

> the steps to God realisation.


Agreed. But Shiva only shows the path, one still has to replace the Ego

with God consciousness at ones' own will and pace. The sooner one starts,

earlier it is reached.


> It is not an end in itself (who knows where the end is, and those who

> knew did not have the words to tell).


> Thus the

> question is which rays are we to understand, what is to be exalted?


Do you really know how and why exaltation happens?


Thank god, I know it now from my direct personal experiences, so that I am

not asking such questions, which in itself is the only thing one can do if

one doesn't know (even I will do the same).


I know, now, the reasons for deepest exaltation and debilitation degrees

of all planets including Ra-Ke as I experience an immediate ascent of

attention with prana-shakti to BrahmaRandhra when 5 degree Cancer rises on

the ascendant, or 3 degree Taurus does so.

And this happens, scientifically, rationally, repeatedly, and all the

science jargon.


I am experiencing the effects of hora lord, day lord, affecting my chakras

in a definite and repeated manner, which all become pronounced with the

recitation of specific Jyotirlingam mantras in a specific sequence and

ofcourse the cosmic sound of " AUM " .


Just a proof of my experiences, is that I have found that deepest

exaltation degree of Rahu is 29 degree Gemini and of Ketu is 29 degree

Sagittarius. When this degree rises on the ascendant, the whole being starts

rising to the head and attracted to the Center of the Agya Chakra.


> In the chart of Sri Rama, all planets are exalted, yet the blessed

> lord chose the Sun? Why?? Look at the houses defining the self - as we

> are looking at self realisation. The lagna, Arudha Lagna [and Karaka

> lagna?under research] are to be considered for this purpose. Now, Rama

> had exalted Jupiter and Moon in Lagna and exalted Sun in AL. The Sun was

chosen - why?

> Because among the houses the 10th is the strongest and the Sun in 10

> is stronger than the Jupiter and Moon in lagna to define the self.


> Now come to Sri Krishna's chart - once again we have two exalted

> planets defining the self. Moon exalted in Lagna and Mercury exalted

> in the Arudha lagna in 5th house. The natural order of strengths of

> houses is 10, 7, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 8, then the dusthanas. So the lagna is

> naturally stronger to define the self and the exalted Moon defines Krishna



You don't need to prove that Krishna was an avatara by looking at his

horoscope, than by reading Gita. Else nobody except Jyotishas would have

ever understood Gita, a thing not really an avatara intended to happen.

The primary mistake made in consideration and comparison of charts of

Rama, Krishna and Yours together is lack of the crucial contextual

information of the Yuga that these charts are functioning in.


> Now look at my chart - I have Jupiter is lagna and Ketu in exaltation

> in 10th house in AL. Which planet defines the self and what is the

> Jyotirlinga I must worship?


Please don't ask me questions that you can and should answer for yourself.

There is no must to worshipping of Jyotirlingam, or anything else for that

matter. It is your personal choice, but the thumb rule is that planets cause

imbalance along the dualistic 1-7 axis and the corresponding chakras, so it

is important to worship those of the 6 cerebro-spinal axis (12 by duality)

which are most afflicted.

The one where AK is placed, when worshipped, causes the most peace in


In the linear geometry of Physical Spine, the seqence of sign to chakra

mapping is this as I have found:


3-9 => Agya chakra, Rulers none but Sun and Moon exist as two nadis and

create three things: matter consciousness, Time and Space.

2-8 => Ruler Jupiter...




10-4 => Mooladhara, ruler Mercury

The two hemispheres are extension of Agya and the Sahasrara is beyond this

and lies above BrahmaRandhra.

In the spherical geometry of Head, Agya is centre and Cancer falls

straight up passing through BrahmaRandhra (Thus the sign of God, and

Omkareshwar is where Adi shankara met his Guru first). Gemini falls to the

right side and Leo to the left of Cancer and so on. They are activated one

by one when one does the relevant Jyotirlingam mantras.


Anyways, why do you worry when God will make sure that you get what you

need in this physical world (Jupiter in lagna) and leave the world for the

cosmic kingdom when you are bored of it (Ketu in 10th).


You worry only because of your matter bound spiritual eye, that planets

placed in lagna and AL signify and that is too much for the soul to carry

till 43rd,44th year when the age of Ra-Ke is over and the spiritual eye is

freed from having to constantly look at the lower Vishuddha Chakra (Ruler



Note that jupiter rules Vishuddha, as from my personal experiences of

invocation of Brihaspati Gayatri and Brihaspati Beeja Mantra with Jalandhar

Bandh. Also, because it rules the element ether. Jupiter, ruling elemental

ether, is not situated in Sahasrara chakra, above the Sun and Moon in Agya

(creating time and space consciousness), but is responsible for maintaining

the integrity (holding together) of the body atoms at all the lower chakras

and hence the greatest benefic for the mortals.


Please don't teach me reverse Jyotish from outer to inner as I cannot take

it any more. Jyotish is just a tool for my self-realization and it has to

come from inner being to outer world as a side-effect to signify my

spiritual progress and nourishment of Heart chakra. You have established the

same flow for yourself, and you should not put other people in a reverse

flow situation, if they are sufficiently advanced in Yoga.


I could never classify myself as a Jyotisha or a Software engg...but today

I know that I have a job of a yogi who also knows Jyotisha at heart.

Infact, thank you sanjay for catalyzing the removal of last strains of doubt

from my heart for progress on this path.


Now, about the compariosn that you can make very clear to yourself on the

basis of the Yuga we are in and the one we are heading towards.

The current Yuga is Ascending Treta Yuga of the great equinoctial cycle as

Sri Yukteswar Giri, Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, mentions in his book " The

Holy Science " . And, you find that people around are starting to realize

their souls' magnetism (that runs nadis in astral

bodies) compared to the matter bound consciousness of previous Ascending

Kali Yuga. [Matter consciousness or Maya is created as an illusion cast by

the Gods' magnetism and dure to Kalpa Cycles, God cannot help the magnetism

to manifest itself as matter consciousness giving birth to the physical

universe, which is actually the physical body of God. It is we soul, Gods'

image, that need to realize that we, as souls, also possess the same

magnetism and should get rid of Gods'

Maya as a first step to God-realization. In terms of Kundalini Yoga, we need

to reverse the flow of life-force centered at Swadhisthana with the help of

Manipura ruler Mars.]


FYI, I free my third eye by listening to Kalabhairava Stotra (remedy for

Ra dasha), Vishwanatha Stotra and AUM interleaved to smoothen the flow of

energy generated as matter consciousness is gradually freed.


One day, when people will enter the Dwapara and Satya Yuga and they will

directly meditate on Agya Chakra, AUM and God consciousness and all my

findings will be obsolete/replaced.

But I know that it has to be like this in the scheme of things, as laws of

Prakriti govern the entire creation through the magnetism of lord. If God

has put me on the stage of cosmic drama in this Yuga after you, let it be



As for your jyotirlingam worship: You should worship Bhimashankaraya for

peace and happiness that your AK is trying to find in the dry sign of



> Now what happens if there are no planets in lagna or Arudha lagna?

> Then what do we do?


We don't do anything but meditate to know by soul-intuition on what to do.

We will get inner guidance.

Now, stop looking at my chart with that much curiosity, I know that there

is nothing in it.

If my chart had enough ebb and tide other featureful yogas, I wouldn't

have made efforts, in my inner solar system, to make me feel exalted,

debilitated, eclipsed and energized.

Also, I would have lived my life as comfortably as Pisces Jupiter and

Exalted Ketu can give. Thank god, Saturn is not my AK, otherwise I would

have worried incessantly about this world and the other even amidst the

comforts of world and knowledge of Para Vidya :P.


On another note, and as a matter of fact, Jupiter in my conception chart

was in Cancer and retrograde, which is why I am explaining things like a

stupid when I know it is unnecessary. And this mail is the last one for all

such explanations. Just to finish off the relevant karma to start off the

inner journey, I will write a book on " Inner Jyotisha " i.e. one that takes a

person inside smoothly " to avoid unnecessary disturbances on my Time to



> Nistish, your mail has started an invaluable thread...keep the lamp



What do I do here with such false identifications...when everything

happens by the light of God.


Please read Gita commentary where Paramahansa mentions that in deepest

ecstasy, he found life-force as a ray of light which goes up to agya and

through it to God consciousness, from where the body is seen as a miniscule

speck of light.


Best regards,




On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 09:46:27 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:



> om gurave namah

> Dear Nitish,


> The mantras should have a serious basis for choise and not as random

> as the nakshatra or rasi dispositor of the nodes. The nodes will be in

> a sign for

> 18 months (18 again!) and all the people born during this period will

> have the same Ju-Me definition as myself. So to say that we were all

> born due to the activation of the Ra-Ke in this sign is wrong. A finer

> definition comes from the D-108 chart and D-144 chart and in any case

> this is not the Jyotirlinga mantra. Jyotirlingas are identified with

> the 12 signs and specifically 12 SUN signs not the nodal signs. The

> nodal signs show the place where we really need the blessings of a

> satguru to deliver us from the enveloping darkness. You should be

> looking at the Sun sign and the suns placement for the jyotirlinga



> The argument about your AK being my BK and so on is not acceptable. My

> BK Pt.Kashinatha Rath has already left this world and I await another

> BK caused by the aspect of Venus and Ketu on the Sun in the navamsa.

> Naturally He will come during Ketu-Venus or some such period when my

> karma is to manifest. He is the one who will be the BK. Please realise

> that we Jyotishi are not qualified for the status of BK. We are merely

> guardins of the door of the 12th house (perhaps like Ganesha at best).


> The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and

> thereby making the graha like Vishnu. I cite the examples of the

> Somanatha Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva forgives the sins of the Moon

> and exalts him to be able to give 16 Kalas for the appearance of Sri

Krishna in this planet.

> Naturally Sri Krishna established the Somanatha Jyotirlinga as a mark

> of gratitude. Similarly the Sun gets its highest rays due to the

> Rameswara Jyotirlinga and at that stage and state represents Lord

> Rama. The grateful Lord established the Rameshwara Jyotirlinga.

> Rameswara is associated with the sign Aries which is also the birth

> month for Hanuman (Rudra/Shiva avatar associated with the Rameshwara

> linga). Similarly Somanatha is associated with Taurus, Rishi Atri and so



> Worship of lord Shiva is the path to self realisation and is one of

> the steps to God realisation. It is not an end in itself (who knows

> where the end is, and those who knew did not have the words to tell).

> Thus the question is which rays are we to understand, what is to be



> In the chart of Sri Rama, all planets are exalted, yet the blessed

> lord chose the Sun? Why?? Look at the houses defining the self - as we

> are looking at self realisation. The lagna, Arudha Lagna [and Karaka

> lagna?under research] are to be considered for this purpose. Now, Rama

> had exalted Jupiter and Moon in Lagna and exalted Sun in AL. The Sun was

chosen - why?

> Because among the houses the 10th is the strongest and the Sun in 10

> is stronger than the Jupiter and Moon in lagna to define the self.


> Now come to Sri Krishna's chart - once again we have two exalted

> planets defining the self. Moon exalted in Lagna and Mercury exalted

> in the Arudha lagna in 5th house. The natural order of strengths of

> houses is 10, 7, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 8, then the dusthanas. So the lagna is

> naturally stronger to define the self and the exalted Moon defines Krishna



> Now look at my chart - I have Jupiter is lagna and Ketu in exaltation

> in 10th house in AL. Which planet defines the self and what is the

> Jyotirlinga I must worship?


> Now what happens if there are no planets in lagna or Arudha lagna?

> Then what do we do?


> Nistish, your mail has started an invaluable thread...keep the lamp


> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org SJC Puri: 212

> Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269




> Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]

> Wednesday, February 16, 2005 11:27 AM

> Sanjay Rath

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Visions


> ||Om Tat Sat||

> Dear Sanjay Ji,

> There is no magic indeed but an application of laws of Prakriti

> that I have been studying from the Paramahansa Yoganandas' commentary

> on Gita - God Talks with Arjuna. The statement of cause-effect

> indifference was from the monastic philosophy of Adi Shankaracharya.

> The basis is Ra-Ke nakshatra dispositors i.e. Ju and Ve

> respectively in your case, which move the reel (of duality) of Cosmic

> Motion Picture (as Paramahansa calls it) through the Magnetic Spine

> (Ra-Ke axis again) of Causal body in form of emanations of cosmic

> light of Ju and Ve for you (Also, of Me and Ju as Ra-Ke are placed in

> these rashis). This happens seemlessly with the cosmic light received

> by Agya chakra (connected to Cosmic consciousness through Sahasrara),

> which acts as the Sun of Internal Solar system as mentioned in

Autobiography of a yogi.

> The Jyotirlingam mantra are chosen because Shiva at agya chakra

> holds the cords (Ida and Pingala nadis) of the two - Cause and Effect

> - extending through the Astral body through Anahata Chakra, which

> takes the shape of the physical body, and ending at Mooladhara chakra

> (mouth of

> Brahma) manifesting itself in the Physical world as 4 cosmic colours

> of 4 Sanskrit alphabets on the 4 leaves of Mooladhara chakra...which

> therefore become the source of all physical knowledge (Mercury as lord

> of Mooladhara can ever have). In all, there are 48 leaves/maruts of

> the first 5 chakras, the 49th being Marichi (or

> Krishna) which takes a yogi out of the body consciousness and beyond

> matter-time-space into Nirbikalpa Samadhi.

> In the 360 degree zodiac, there are 18 such sets of causal colour

> pairs [yours is Ju-Ve, mine is Ra-Ke :(] that I found on analysis and

> they are same as 18 Gotras and 18 chapters of Bhagvad Gita.

> I would be able to write a book linking the kundalini Yoga

> (internal) to Jyotisha (external), once my experiences consummate at

> the end of the running Atma Karaka Kendradi Dasha of Sun and I acheive

> a glimpse of Samadhi for which I am doing all this.

> I introduced these mantras to you (my AK is your BK) just as Visti

> introduced Om Namah Shivaya Namo BhimaShakaraya mantra to me (his AK

> is my

> BK) which gave a cosmic trigger to my stupid life journey.

> I hope and I have tried to make myself as clear as possible and am

> still experimenting with these things, creating different jyotisha

> yogas internally (in mind and thought) and observing their effect to

> help me rise up in the superconsciousness by replacing some of the

> bullock cart techniques of Kriya yoga of Paramahansa Yogananada with


> Ofcourse, all this is jugglery and " Om Tat Sat " is the only real


> But these mantras give the realizations/experiences to devotee when he

> most needs them and free him from the self-created/artificial bounds

> of destiny :). I cannot, really, wait for Jupiter dasha to commence to

> change my destiny.


> Best regards,

> nitish


> On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:20:28 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:

> >

> >

> > om gurave namah

> > Dear Nitish

> > No magic please - tell me the reason and basis for the choise of mantra.

> > Best Wishes

> > Sanjay Rath

> > Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org SJC Puri: 212

> > Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269

> >

> >

> > Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]

> > Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:25 PM

> > guruji

> > Re: |Sri Varaha| Visions

> >

> > Dear Sanjay ji,

> > Your dream was a very illustrious one indeed. However, it remains

> > within the realms of Cause and Effect. So, I looked at your chart

> > and found two mantras for you, i.e. to help the soul get through the

> > Cause and Effect relationship of Prakriti faster than what the

> > dashas in the chart will bring out slowly!

> >

> > The mantras are:

> > 1. Om Namah Shivaya Namo Omkareshwaraya || 2. Om Namah Shivaya Namo

> > Tryambakkeswaraya ||

> >

> > These are to be done alternately like 1,2,1,2... as Cause is same

> > as Effect and Effect is not-different from Cause. From personal

> > experience, I have found Cause-Effect mantras to be working for me.

> > You may do these at your discretion.

> >

> > Wish you good luck in all your endeavours, best regards, nitish

> >

> > On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 10:14:09 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > om gurave namah

> > >

> > > Dear Lakshmi

> > >

> > > I cannot describe the glorious dream I had of Ekajata (Tara) on

> > > that night and woke up on that Thursday morning shouting - I have

> > > seen Kali! I have seen Kali! he is so beautiful...I was lying

> > > unconscious when I tried to stop a group of people from destroying

> > > something and they bashed me up and then she had appeared...and in

> > > a strange manner the head of the chief of the hooligans was in her

> > > hand and she plucked a hair from her head and dropped in on my

> > > unconscious body. I am still reeling under that feeling. Visti and

> > > others here in Delhi have tried to analyse it. Zoran is sure that

> > > it is a mark of new life ...any comments

> > are welcome.

> > >

> > > Best Wishes

> > >

> > > Sanjay Rath

> > >

> > > Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

> > >

> > > SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India

> > > +91.6752.226269

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh]

> > > Thursday, February 03, 2005 7:49 PM

> > > varahamihira

> > > |Sri Varaha| Visions

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Gurave Namah

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I wanted to share with you the queer incident, which happened at

> > > 10.30am this morning. Today is Thursday, so as usual, we performed

> > > Rudraabhishekam to Lord Shiva, Sri chakram and Shirdi Sai Baba

> > > among a host of other vigrahams. Ramesh left for office and I

> > > wanted to clear up

> > the pooja room,

> > > after a few minutes of meditation on Sri Vidya. When I opened my

> eyes,

> > I

> > > found the pale yellow water (mixture of milk, turmeric and

> > > sandalood

> > > paste) in the basin mysteriously lit up by sunlight. This golden

> > > light in turn fell on Shirdi Sai, making him glow with a pale

> > > golden, ethereal light amidst the glowing water. This morning it

> > > was quite cloudy in Tirupati and strangely the sunlight fell only

> > > on the abhishekam

> > water and Shirdi Sai, nowhere else.

> > > It was such an indescribably beautiful sight, and I gazed

> > > transfixed, unaware of tears coursing down my cheeks. And,

> > > unconsciously I thought of Guru and pisces. Of Sanjayji. Thought I

> > > must

> write this on the list.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Somehow for the past 2-3 days I have been thinking of 3rd

> > > February, for no apparent reason. That date seems stuck in my

> > > mind, I really dont

> > know why.

> > > Can any one help me out? I have attached the dream chart.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > A few months back, I think just around the time I wrote on

> > > Vedic-astrology list about Lord Venkateswara, around 5.30-6pm I

> > > wandered into our car parking, facing east, and suddenly I looked

> > > up to see a resplendent cloud formation (Sun was about to set in

> > > the

> > > west) resembling Lord Vishnu reclining on the seshatalpam. I could

> > > clearly make out the two upper hands holding the sankham and

> > > chakram and there was no doubt in my mind that it was indeed He. I

> > > hurriedly

> > called my younger son and showed the same to him.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > While I have always been notorious about my " dreams " , I am quite

> > > level headed and certainly not known to hallucinate when I am awake.

> > > So, I am really starled by these events and request your help.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Lakshmi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > |Om Tat Sat|

> > > http://www.varahamihira

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > >

> > > Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > |Om Tat Sat|

> > > http://www.varahamihira

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > >

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|| Om Tat Sat ||

Dear Sanjay ji,


> You are going overboard. If you say that you have got some special powers by

> reciting a mantra for a few days then so be it and if you are trying to say

> that I am following a slow 'tortoise' path and that you have found a fast

> track to emancipation, then go ahead. In fact the US is full of 'one week

> moksha' programs - really fast track ones. I am not taking Ganesha's job but

> an only a servant trying to work for the great master of the siddha's.


Your opinions about my reply are heartily welcome as I awaited

them, because I am all ready for bearing pain of such bitter feelings

with my lagna lord Saturn becoming my GK as well as my Ishta. This

situation is one such experience only that helps in removing traces of

those karma that were binding me here on earth.


You may continue thinking that wearing the gemstone of Lagna lord

in right hand ring finger when transit Sun goes to Lagna arouses any

special powers, but, I maintain the arousal of prana-shakti that

caused these experiences in my body for removing the traces of

attachment to body, again associated with my Ishta and lagna lord.


I don't know your level of devotion to God, which alone can decide

the pace of evolution of your soul, so, I never commented out anything

about it. Finally, I did not say anything about your pace or anybody

elses' pace. But only wrote my experiences and interpretations, after

encouragement from your mail, whether they tell my spiritual progress

or not was never my concern.


I am not here to elucidate a " moksha program " for the people but

only talked about my experiences, and therefore, we drop that

extraneous word out of this final mail for sake of clarity.


> Someday you will realise the futility of the statement " and will be with me

> till I completely control Pranashakti. " and then shed your ahamkara and bow

> to Jagannath Mahaprabhu with " Hari om tat sat " . You have no control, don't

> think that you are the doer. The one who tells you so is himself in illusion

> and darkness. Tell him to bow to Jagannath Mahaprabhu and shed his ahamkara.


I know that I am not the doer, but till that realization dawns in

my personal experience, I have no right to say the same thing neither

write it on lists. I cannot claim what I have not experienced yet.


I will not post anything on this list or any other jyotish list

from now onwards, neither give any personal suggestions to anybody for

any reasons whatsoever, and will take only a yogis' path of finishing

my karma in deep meditations, destroy my Karmic bindings and leave for

eternity. This is my conviction to myself and my Ishta.


> This discussion has completely veered from Jyotish into an egocentric one so

> let it end here Nitish. Sad really as I thought that you will come up with

> some nice Jyotish related points.


Jyotish is nobodys' personal property and whether we wish or not

everything ends of its own accord. As far as my reply is concerned, I

didn't expect my personal suggestion mail to you to be thrown on the

list like you did. If it was all junk or perceived to be egocentric,

it should have been trashed at the first place.


After this sequence of events and their outcomes are in front of

me, it is evident that a major karma regarding desire for any occult

knowledge, arising from Samskaras of attachments to body, has been

destroyed completely by my Ishta. Thank you for being the catalyst,

both in kick starting my Jyotish journey as well as ending it here

today. No longer, is it required at my part to do any more karma

related to this organization or Jyotish, so I withdraw all my

associations within my heart. Therefore, this knowledge and these

discussions have no more value, for my soul and with this I throw away

the crutches of Jyotish.


Finally, God is the only Guru because he guides all beings so dear

to him, without asking for their levels of spiritual development and

or orientation. Now, when this head is down before God, there is no

bowing down, to anybody else in the three worlds.


Best regards,




On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 15:34:32 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:




> om gurave namah

> Dear Nitish

> You are going overboard. If you say that you have got some special powers by

> reciting a mantra for a few days then so be it and if you are trying to say

> that I am following a slow 'tortoise' path and that you have found a fast

> track to emancipation, then go ahead. In fact the US is full of 'one week

> moksha' programs - really fast track ones. I am not taking Ganesha's job but

> an only a servant trying to work for the great master of the siddha's.


> Someday you will realise the futility of the statement " and will be with me

> till I completely control Pranashakti. " and then shed your ahamkara and bow

> to Jagannath Mahaprabhu with " Hari om tat sat " . You have no control, don't

> think that you are the doer. The one who tells you so is himself in illusion

> and darkness. Tell him to bow to Jagannath Mahaprabhu and shed his ahamkara.


> This discussion has completely veered from Jyotish into an egocentric one so

> let it end here Nitish. Sad really as I thought that you will come up with

> some nice Jyotish related points.

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

> SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269




> Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]

> Friday, February 18, 2005 1:37 PM

> varahamihira

> Cc: nitish.arya

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Jyotirlinga - Sri Rama & Krishna show the way



> ||Om Tat Sat||

> Dear Sanjay Ji,

> Thank you for your enlightening mail !! Please read my notes to your mail

> and before I write more, I hereby disclaim that people reciting Jyotirlingam

> mantra and mantra sequences, after reading this mail, will be responsible

> for themselves, whatever their experiences be. Also, please note that my

> writing doesn't intend to hurt anybody, else I wouldn't be writing all this

> on this list.


> > The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and

> > thereby making the graha like Vishnu.


> I have nothing to comment on this statement. Over past one month, I have

> had a few of my direct and directed (with Jyotirlingam mantras and rising

> horas, rising ascendant degrees) experiences of life-force modulations which

> are enough to prove to me what they really do.


> Jyotirlingam mantras work at pranic level and reveal the paths (astral

> nadis) of flow of life-force till those paths are clear enough by repeated

> flow of life-forces, till the flow gets smooth.

> That is why Jyotirlingam => Signifying the source of creation on the " Path

> of Light " (Please see last line of the mail).


> Mantra Yoga in itself is one and most powerful way to deeper Dhyan, when

> life-force doesn't disturb the person, nor the mind or the intellect finally

> till samadhi is attained (Patanjali right).


> I have found that beeja mantras of planets are, however powerful because

> of directed Shiva-Rupas and Shakti-Rupas combined specifically for attaining

> Siddhis', but puny where overall smooth upliftment of a persons' pranic

> being is concerned on the Path of Light, which is achieved easily by

> Jyotirlingam mantras. [Note that Ve (ruling Swadhishthana/Pranamaya Kosha)

> is nakshatra dispositor of Ve, Ma and Ju in my chart and hence these mantras

> came to me naturally and will be with me till I completely control

> Pranashakti.]


> Finally, I still maintain, that all these mantras are jugglery, and OM TAT

> SAT is the only real mantra as mentioned in the Gita, after a person has

> heard cosmic sound of " AUM " in his deepest meditations and for those who

> don't seek pranic experiences.


> Whether that means becoming like Vishnu, I know not. But, it would

> make one like Shiva is something I am biased to think about till my

> experiments and experiences culminate.


> > The mantras should have a serious basis for choise and not as random

> > as the nakshatra or rasi dispositor of the nodes.


> What is random becomes rhythmic, when one has a directed life-force

> experience, (ebb and tide) associated with it. In any case, God has given

> human souls enough freedom to choose what helps a person on his path because

> all paths lead to God.


> You will know it for yourself with the vibrations in astral nadis or

> astral body at the chant of Jyotirlingam mantras of nakshatra dispositors of

> Ra and Ke or of other planets, provided your third eye first frees itself

> of constant binding to matter consciousness by Shakti Jagran at MoolaDhara

> Chakra.


> Recitation of Shakti Yoga mantras(Nageshwaraya -> Somnathaya) after Shiva

> Yoga mantras (Vishwanatha->Rameshwaraya) result in the awakening of

> Kundalini at Mooladhara. All these things convince us that we are not the

> physical body but a more free astral, causal body and actually a soul which

> is bound in these three bodies. Please take caution not to unnecessarily

> eclipse the Sun and Moon by doing wrong sequences, because Ra->Su and Ke->Mo

> cause inner solar and lunar eclipses resulting in closing of Pingala and Ida

> nadis at the two ends of Agya and Mooladhara, forcing the shakti through

> Sushumna nadi if it is awakened already.


> > The nodes will be in a sign for

> > 18 months (18 again!) and all the people born during this period will

> > have the same Ju-Me definition as myself.


> Yes that is true.

> We cannot really help with the fact that all human beings in the world

> have just

> one God, if we concentrate so much on the numbers than the knowledge they

> carry. Why are there are only 4 DNA base pairs and still creates some of

> the most complicated molecular strutcures known to mankind is a question in

> the same spirit and any learned biologist is required to answer that to me.


> > So to say that we were all born due to the activation of the Ra-Ke in

> > this sign is wrong.


> It is equally wrong that we were all born from activation of just 12 Sun

> signs, a sign for half billion people moving on this earth right now.

> Well, it is not difficult to understand that the pranic shakti is the

> print of ones' individuality as the nadi-jyotish authors would know.

> Swadhisthana associated with Prana shakti is also associated directly with

> Hiranyagarbha and Bindu from where all creations and forms come forth. So,

> nakshatra dispositors influences ones' Prana shakti directly and therefore,

> nakshatra-dispositors of Ra-Ke bear the Karmic footprint of an individual.


> > A finer definition comes

> > from the D-108 chart and D-144 chart and in any case this is not the

> > Jyotirlinga mantra.


> Fineness doesn't lie in charts but the ability, of soul guided intellect,

> to understand them. Whether it is this case or that, has to be proved to

> oneself and subsequently to others.

> If you understand D-108 and D-144 (without personally understanding

> nadis), which are nothing but nadi jyotish and nadis carry prana shakti,

> modulated by the recitation of Jyotirlingam mantras. That is the starting

> point to the secret of those charts, and am not interested in seeking them

> in comparison to seeking God first.


> In any case, Jyotisha cannot go beyond the nadi-Jyotish because Manomaya

> Kosha is not bound by time and space of Jyotish, while a self-concentrating

> Yogi will find Shiva as the source of cause-effect principles governing

> " their-seeming-life-journery " and Brahman as the real identity of their

> beingness.


> > Jyotirlingas are identified with the 12 signs and specifically 12 SUN

> > signs not the nodal signs.


> Nodes or any other planets all fall in the same set of Sun signs, that is

> their limits and Sun is the source of all Prana Shakti.


> Jyotirlingam mantras are not meant to reinforce the destinies of billions

> of human beings, but to liberate the soul with the cosmic light of the God.

> What I understand now, is that I can create any " Jyotisha Yoga " in my

> bodys' Inner Solar System with the help of these mantras and thus govern how

> my life-force should flow through my chakras, no sun, Moon or Jupiter of the

> Sky has any power against my will to do my way on this mortal mayaic body.


> Anyways, thanks for all your arguments made here without conducting

> adequate personal experiments with life-force.


> I just want to do better than what planets can do for me, and faster than

> them, in my term of life that God has decided.


> > The nodal signs show the

> > place where we really need the blessings of a satguru to deliver us

> > from the enveloping darkness. You should be looking at the Sun sign

> > and the suns placement for the jyotirlinga mantras.


> > The argument about your AK being my BK and so on is not acceptable.


> My stance has been misunderstood and now misinterpreted.


> If it is for the primary cause (and fault) of some difficult emotional

> entanglements of yours, Krishna will guide you like he guided Arjuna.

> Otherwise, it doesn't help to point-out others for not being able to help

> foster ones' level and direction of understanding.


> > My BK

> > Pt.Kashinatha Rath has already left this world and I await another BK

> > caused by the aspect of Venus and Ketu on the Sun in the navamsa.

> > Naturally He will come during Ketu-Venus or some such period when my

> > karma is to manifest. He is the one who will be the BK.


> If you want to stay on the slow path of your earth-bound dasha systems, it

> is a choice you make and no-body is going to deter you from this, as has

> happened so far. They wouldn't think of doing this to/for a so nice sanjay

> ji!!

> Take it as an Omen (and not an emotional one), and move on the scene of

> both inner and outer cosmic drama.


> > Please realise that we Jyotishi are not qualified for the status of

> > BK.


> Please understand that I don't, preferably and really, identify myself as

> a Jyotishi than a soul, and only in that spirit have I used the Chara-BK and

> Chara-AK.


> > We are merely guardins of the door of the 12th house (perhaps like Ganesha

> at best).


> I am not here to guard any door nor hold any keys.


> If Ganesha has that job, it is better he does it than my asking him for a

> job-replacement.

> May be you arbitrarily (or through some archaic or unidentified

> logic) assign a job to your soul first, and then preach it to other souls as

> well, but I have enough consideration for not taking Ganeshas' Job.


> In any case, if 12th house is not the Mooladhara chakra, then Ganesha is

> not guarding it.


> Please note the difference between Entry door and Exit door. You never

> find Guards at the Exit door of Theaters for a reason which is readily

> understandable to all of us.

> You are writing this mail so emotionally, that I can feel it while writing

> my answers.


> > The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and

> > thereby making the graha like Vishnu. I cite the examples of the

> > Somanatha Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva forgives the sins of the Moon

> > and exalts him to be able to give 16 Kalas for the appearance of Sri

> Krishna in this planet.

> > Naturally Sri Krishna established the Somanatha Jyotirlinga as a mark

> > of gratitude. Similarly the Sun gets its highest rays due to the

> > Rameswara Jyotirlinga and at that stage and state represents Lord

> > Rama. The grateful Lord established the Rameshwara Jyotirlinga.

> > Rameswara is associated with the sign Aries which is also the birth

> > month for Hanuman (Rudra/Shiva avatar associated with the Rameshwara

> > linga). Similarly Somanatha is associated with Taurus, Rishi Atri and so

> on.


> Please please, please, your associations and stories, however true, are

> so elemental that I don't feel any life-force there. It is simply

> life-force-less jyotish.


> Don't bind the human souls and destinies to the limitations of the natal

> charts, when the limitations are there only to serve the purpose of

> role-definition of this cosmic drama. We are free beings and everybody on

> this earth has all the potential to reach Godliness on this earth itself,

> within this life. Planets should not be an obstruction but a guide and help

> for direction in illusion of Maya.


> > Worship of lord Shiva is the path to self realisation and is one of

> > the steps to God realisation.


> Agreed. But Shiva only shows the path, one still has to replace the Ego

> with God consciousness at ones' own will and pace. The sooner one starts,

> earlier it is reached.


> > It is not an end in itself (who knows where the end is, and those who

> > knew did not have the words to tell).


> > Thus the

> > question is which rays are we to understand, what is to be exalted?


> Do you really know how and why exaltation happens?


> Thank god, I know it now from my direct personal experiences, so that I am

> not asking such questions, which in itself is the only thing one can do if

> one doesn't know (even I will do the same).


> I know, now, the reasons for deepest exaltation and debilitation degrees

> of all planets including Ra-Ke as I experience an immediate ascent of

> attention with prana-shakti to BrahmaRandhra when 5 degree Cancer rises on

> the ascendant, or 3 degree Taurus does so.

> And this happens, scientifically, rationally, repeatedly, and all the

> science jargon.


> I am experiencing the effects of hora lord, day lord, affecting my chakras

> in a definite and repeated manner, which all become pronounced with the

> recitation of specific Jyotirlingam mantras in a specific sequence and

> ofcourse the cosmic sound of " AUM " .


> Just a proof of my experiences, is that I have found that deepest

> exaltation degree of Rahu is 29 degree Gemini and of Ketu is 29 degree

> Sagittarius. When this degree rises on the ascendant, the whole being starts

> rising to the head and attracted to the Center of the Agya Chakra.


> > In the chart of Sri Rama, all planets are exalted, yet the blessed

> > lord chose the Sun? Why?? Look at the houses defining the self - as we

> > are looking at self realisation. The lagna, Arudha Lagna [and Karaka

> > lagna?under research] are to be considered for this purpose. Now, Rama

> > had exalted Jupiter and Moon in Lagna and exalted Sun in AL. The Sun was

> chosen - why?

> > Because among the houses the 10th is the strongest and the Sun in 10

> > is stronger than the Jupiter and Moon in lagna to define the self.


> > Now come to Sri Krishna's chart - once again we have two exalted

> > planets defining the self. Moon exalted in Lagna and Mercury exalted

> > in the Arudha lagna in 5th house. The natural order of strengths of

> > houses is 10, 7, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 8, then the dusthanas. So the lagna is

> > naturally stronger to define the self and the exalted Moon defines Krishna

> avatara.


> You don't need to prove that Krishna was an avatara by looking at his

> horoscope, than by reading Gita. Else nobody except Jyotishas would have

> ever understood Gita, a thing not really an avatara intended to happen.

> The primary mistake made in consideration and comparison of charts of

> Rama, Krishna and Yours together is lack of the crucial contextual

> information of the Yuga that these charts are functioning in.


> > Now look at my chart - I have Jupiter is lagna and Ketu in exaltation

> > in 10th house in AL. Which planet defines the self and what is the

> > Jyotirlinga I must worship?


> Please don't ask me questions that you can and should answer for yourself.

> There is no must to worshipping of Jyotirlingam, or anything else for that

> matter. It is your personal choice, but the thumb rule is that planets cause

> imbalance along the dualistic 1-7 axis and the corresponding chakras, so it

> is important to worship those of the 6 cerebro-spinal axis (12 by duality)

> which are most afflicted.

> The one where AK is placed, when worshipped, causes the most peace in

> prana-shakti.

> In the linear geometry of Physical Spine, the seqence of sign to chakra

> mapping is this as I have found:


> 3-9 => Agya chakra, Rulers none but Sun and Moon exist as two nadis and

> create three things: matter consciousness, Time and Space.

> 2-8 => Ruler Jupiter...

> 1-7

> 12-6

> 11-5

> 10-4 => Mooladhara, ruler Mercury

> The two hemispheres are extension of Agya and the Sahasrara is beyond this

> and lies above BrahmaRandhra.

> In the spherical geometry of Head, Agya is centre and Cancer falls

> straight up passing through BrahmaRandhra (Thus the sign of God, and

> Omkareshwar is where Adi shankara met his Guru first). Gemini falls to the

> right side and Leo to the left of Cancer and so on. They are activated one

> by one when one does the relevant Jyotirlingam mantras.


> Anyways, why do you worry when God will make sure that you get what you

> need in this physical world (Jupiter in lagna) and leave the world for the

> cosmic kingdom when you are bored of it (Ketu in 10th).


> You worry only because of your matter bound spiritual eye, that planets

> placed in lagna and AL signify and that is too much for the soul to carry

> till 43rd,44th year when the age of Ra-Ke is over and the spiritual eye is

> freed from having to constantly look at the lower Vishuddha Chakra (Ruler

> Jupiter).


> Note that jupiter rules Vishuddha, as from my personal experiences of

> invocation of Brihaspati Gayatri and Brihaspati Beeja Mantra with Jalandhar

> Bandh. Also, because it rules the element ether. Jupiter, ruling elemental

> ether, is not situated in Sahasrara chakra, above the Sun and Moon in Agya

> (creating time and space consciousness), but is responsible for maintaining

> the integrity (holding together) of the body atoms at all the lower chakras

> and hence the greatest benefic for the mortals.


> Please don't teach me reverse Jyotish from outer to inner as I cannot take

> it any more. Jyotish is just a tool for my self-realization and it has to

> come from inner being to outer world as a side-effect to signify my

> spiritual progress and nourishment of Heart chakra. You have established the

> same flow for yourself, and you should not put other people in a reverse

> flow situation, if they are sufficiently advanced in Yoga.


> I could never classify myself as a Jyotisha or a Software engg...but today

> I know that I have a job of a yogi who also knows Jyotisha at heart.

> Infact, thank you sanjay for catalyzing the removal of last strains of doubt

> from my heart for progress on this path.


> Now, about the compariosn that you can make very clear to yourself on the

> basis of the Yuga we are in and the one we are heading towards.

> The current Yuga is Ascending Treta Yuga of the great equinoctial cycle as

> Sri Yukteswar Giri, Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, mentions in his book " The

> Holy Science " . And, you find that people around are starting to realize

> their souls' magnetism (that runs nadis in astral

> bodies) compared to the matter bound consciousness of previous Ascending

> Kali Yuga. [Matter consciousness or Maya is created as an illusion cast by

> the Gods' magnetism and dure to Kalpa Cycles, God cannot help the magnetism

> to manifest itself as matter consciousness giving birth to the physical

> universe, which is actually the physical body of God. It is we soul, Gods'

> image, that need to realize that we, as souls, also possess the same

> magnetism and should get rid of Gods'

> Maya as a first step to God-realization. In terms of Kundalini Yoga, we need

> to reverse the flow of life-force centered at Swadhisthana with the help of

> Manipura ruler Mars.]


> FYI, I free my third eye by listening to Kalabhairava Stotra (remedy for

> Ra dasha), Vishwanatha Stotra and AUM interleaved to smoothen the flow of

> energy generated as matter consciousness is gradually freed.


> One day, when people will enter the Dwapara and Satya Yuga and they will

> directly meditate on Agya Chakra, AUM and God consciousness and all my

> findings will be obsolete/replaced.

> But I know that it has to be like this in the scheme of things, as laws of

> Prakriti govern the entire creation through the magnetism of lord. If God

> has put me on the stage of cosmic drama in this Yuga after you, let it be

> so.


> As for your jyotirlingam worship: You should worship Bhimashankaraya for

> peace and happiness that your AK is trying to find in the dry sign of

> Capricorn.


> > Now what happens if there are no planets in lagna or Arudha lagna?

> > Then what do we do?


> We don't do anything but meditate to know by soul-intuition on what to do.

> We will get inner guidance.

> Now, stop looking at my chart with that much curiosity, I know that there

> is nothing in it.

> If my chart had enough ebb and tide other featureful yogas, I wouldn't

> have made efforts, in my inner solar system, to make me feel exalted,

> debilitated, eclipsed and energized.

> Also, I would have lived my life as comfortably as Pisces Jupiter and

> Exalted Ketu can give. Thank god, Saturn is not my AK, otherwise I would

> have worried incessantly about this world and the other even amidst the

> comforts of world and knowledge of Para Vidya :P.


> On another note, and as a matter of fact, Jupiter in my conception chart

> was in Cancer and retrograde, which is why I am explaining things like a

> stupid when I know it is unnecessary. And this mail is the last one for all

> such explanations. Just to finish off the relevant karma to start off the

> inner journey, I will write a book on " Inner Jyotisha " i.e. one that takes a

> person inside smoothly " to avoid unnecessary disturbances on my Time to

> God.


> > Nistish, your mail has started an invaluable thread...keep the lamp

> burning.


> What do I do here with such false identifications...when everything

> happens by the light of God.


> Please read Gita commentary where Paramahansa mentions that in deepest

> ecstasy, he found life-force as a ray of light which goes up to agya and

> through it to God consciousness, from where the body is seen as a miniscule

> speck of light.


> Best regards,

> nitish



> On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 09:46:27 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:

> >

> >

> > om gurave namah

> > Dear Nitish,

> >

> > The mantras should have a serious basis for choise and not as random

> > as the nakshatra or rasi dispositor of the nodes. The nodes will be in

> > a sign for

> > 18 months (18 again!) and all the people born during this period will

> > have the same Ju-Me definition as myself. So to say that we were all

> > born due to the activation of the Ra-Ke in this sign is wrong. A finer

> > definition comes from the D-108 chart and D-144 chart and in any case

> > this is not the Jyotirlinga mantra. Jyotirlingas are identified with

> > the 12 signs and specifically 12 SUN signs not the nodal signs. The

> > nodal signs show the place where we really need the blessings of a

> > satguru to deliver us from the enveloping darkness. You should be

> > looking at the Sun sign and the suns placement for the jyotirlinga

> mantras.

> >

> > The argument about your AK being my BK and so on is not acceptable. My

> > BK Pt.Kashinatha Rath has already left this world and I await another

> > BK caused by the aspect of Venus and Ketu on the Sun in the navamsa.

> > Naturally He will come during Ketu-Venus or some such period when my

> > karma is to manifest. He is the one who will be the BK. Please realise

> > that we Jyotishi are not qualified for the status of BK. We are merely

> > guardins of the door of the 12th house (perhaps like Ganesha at best).

> >

> > The Jyotirlingas have the tremendous power of exalting the planet and

> > thereby making the graha like Vishnu. I cite the examples of the

> > Somanatha Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva forgives the sins of the Moon

> > and exalts him to be able to give 16 Kalas for the appearance of Sri

> Krishna in this planet.

> > Naturally Sri Krishna established the Somanatha Jyotirlinga as a mark

> > of gratitude. Similarly the Sun gets its highest rays due to the

> > Rameswara Jyotirlinga and at that stage and state represents Lord

> > Rama. The grateful Lord established the Rameshwara Jyotirlinga.

> > Rameswara is associated with the sign Aries which is also the birth

> > month for Hanuman (Rudra/Shiva avatar associated with the Rameshwara

> > linga). Similarly Somanatha is associated with Taurus, Rishi Atri and so

> on.

> >

> > Worship of lord Shiva is the path to self realisation and is one of

> > the steps to God realisation. It is not an end in itself (who knows

> > where the end is, and those who knew did not have the words to tell).

> > Thus the question is which rays are we to understand, what is to be

> exalted?

> >

> > In the chart of Sri Rama, all planets are exalted, yet the blessed

> > lord chose the Sun? Why?? Look at the houses defining the self - as we

> > are looking at self realisation. The lagna, Arudha Lagna [and Karaka

> > lagna?under research] are to be considered for this purpose. Now, Rama

> > had exalted Jupiter and Moon in Lagna and exalted Sun in AL. The Sun was

> chosen - why?

> > Because among the houses the 10th is the strongest and the Sun in 10

> > is stronger than the Jupiter and Moon in lagna to define the self.

> >

> > Now come to Sri Krishna's chart - once again we have two exalted

> > planets defining the self. Moon exalted in Lagna and Mercury exalted

> > in the Arudha lagna in 5th house. The natural order of strengths of

> > houses is 10, 7, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 8, then the dusthanas. So the lagna is

> > naturally stronger to define the self and the exalted Moon defines Krishna

> avatara.

> >

> > Now look at my chart - I have Jupiter is lagna and Ketu in exaltation

> > in 10th house in AL. Which planet defines the self and what is the

> > Jyotirlinga I must worship?

> >

> > Now what happens if there are no planets in lagna or Arudha lagna?

> > Then what do we do?

> >

> > Nistish, your mail has started an invaluable thread...keep the lamp

> burning.

> > Best Wishes

> > Sanjay Rath

> > Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org SJC Puri: 212

> > Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269

> >

> >

> >

> > Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]

> > Wednesday, February 16, 2005 11:27 AM

> > Sanjay Rath

> > Re: |Sri Varaha| Visions

> >

> > ||Om Tat Sat||

> > Dear Sanjay Ji,

> > There is no magic indeed but an application of laws of Prakriti

> > that I have been studying from the Paramahansa Yoganandas' commentary

> > on Gita - God Talks with Arjuna. The statement of cause-effect

> > indifference was from the monastic philosophy of Adi Shankaracharya.

> > The basis is Ra-Ke nakshatra dispositors i.e. Ju and Ve

> > respectively in your case, which move the reel (of duality) of Cosmic

> > Motion Picture (as Paramahansa calls it) through the Magnetic Spine

> > (Ra-Ke axis again) of Causal body in form of emanations of cosmic

> > light of Ju and Ve for you (Also, of Me and Ju as Ra-Ke are placed in

> > these rashis). This happens seemlessly with the cosmic light received

> > by Agya chakra (connected to Cosmic consciousness through Sahasrara),

> > which acts as the Sun of Internal Solar system as mentioned in

> Autobiography of a yogi.

> > The Jyotirlingam mantra are chosen because Shiva at agya chakra

> > holds the cords (Ida and Pingala nadis) of the two - Cause and Effect

> > - extending through the Astral body through Anahata Chakra, which

> > takes the shape of the physical body, and ending at Mooladhara chakra

> > (mouth of

> > Brahma) manifesting itself in the Physical world as 4 cosmic colours

> > of 4 Sanskrit alphabets on the 4 leaves of Mooladhara chakra...which

> > therefore become the source of all physical knowledge (Mercury as lord

> > of Mooladhara can ever have). In all, there are 48 leaves/maruts of

> > the first 5 chakras, the 49th being Marichi (or

> > Krishna) which takes a yogi out of the body consciousness and beyond

> > matter-time-space into Nirbikalpa Samadhi.

> > In the 360 degree zodiac, there are 18 such sets of causal colour

> > pairs [yours is Ju-Ve, mine is Ra-Ke :(] that I found on analysis and

> > they are same as 18 Gotras and 18 chapters of Bhagvad Gita.

> > I would be able to write a book linking the kundalini Yoga

> > (internal) to Jyotisha (external), once my experiences consummate at

> > the end of the running Atma Karaka Kendradi Dasha of Sun and I acheive

> > a glimpse of Samadhi for which I am doing all this.

> > I introduced these mantras to you (my AK is your BK) just as Visti

> > introduced Om Namah Shivaya Namo BhimaShakaraya mantra to me (his AK

> > is my

> > BK) which gave a cosmic trigger to my stupid life journey.

> > I hope and I have tried to make myself as clear as possible and am

> > still experimenting with these things, creating different jyotisha

> > yogas internally (in mind and thought) and observing their effect to

> > help me rise up in the superconsciousness by replacing some of the

> > bullock cart techniques of Kriya yoga of Paramahansa Yogananada with

> mantras.

> > Ofcourse, all this is jugglery and " Om Tat Sat " is the only real

> mantra.

> > But these mantras give the realizations/experiences to devotee when he

> > most needs them and free him from the self-created/artificial bounds

> > of destiny :). I cannot, really, wait for Jupiter dasha to commence to

> > change my destiny.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > nitish

> >

> > On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:20:28 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > om gurave namah

> > > Dear Nitish

> > > No magic please - tell me the reason and basis for the choise of mantra.

> > > Best Wishes

> > > Sanjay Rath

> > > Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org SJC Puri: 212

> > > Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India +91.6752.226269

> > >

> > >

> > > Nitish Arya [nitish.arya]

> > > Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:25 PM

> > > guruji

> > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Visions

> > >

> > > Dear Sanjay ji,

> > > Your dream was a very illustrious one indeed. However, it remains

> > > within the realms of Cause and Effect. So, I looked at your chart

> > > and found two mantras for you, i.e. to help the soul get through the

> > > Cause and Effect relationship of Prakriti faster than what the

> > > dashas in the chart will bring out slowly!

> > >

> > > The mantras are:

> > > 1. Om Namah Shivaya Namo Omkareshwaraya || 2. Om Namah Shivaya Namo

> > > Tryambakkeswaraya ||

> > >

> > > These are to be done alternately like 1,2,1,2... as Cause is same

> > > as Effect and Effect is not-different from Cause. From personal

> > > experience, I have found Cause-Effect mantras to be working for me.

> > > You may do these at your discretion.

> > >

> > > Wish you good luck in all your endeavours, best regards, nitish

> > >

> > > On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 10:14:09 +0530, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > om gurave namah

> > > >

> > > > Dear Lakshmi

> > > >

> > > > I cannot describe the glorious dream I had of Ekajata (Tara) on

> > > > that night and woke up on that Thursday morning shouting - I have

> > > > seen Kali! I have seen Kali! he is so beautiful...I was lying

> > > > unconscious when I tried to stop a group of people from destroying

> > > > something and they bashed me up and then she had appeared...and in

> > > > a strange manner the head of the chief of the hooligans was in her

> > > > hand and she plucked a hair from her head and dropped in on my

> > > > unconscious body. I am still reeling under that feeling. Visti and

> > > > others here in Delhi have tried to analyse it. Zoran is sure that

> > > > it is a mark of new life ...any comments

> > > are welcome.

> > > >

> > > > Best Wishes

> > > >

> > > > Sanjay Rath

> > > >

> > > > Web Pages: http://srath.com http://.org

> > > >

> > > > SJC Puri: 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India

> > > > +91.6752.226269

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh]

> > > > Thursday, February 03, 2005 7:49 PM

> > > > varahamihira

> > > > |Sri Varaha| Visions

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Om Gurave Namah

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Namaste.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I wanted to share with you the queer incident, which happened at

> > > > 10.30am this morning. Today is Thursday, so as usual, we performed

> > > > Rudraabhishekam to Lord Shiva, Sri chakram and Shirdi Sai Baba

> > > > among a host of other vigrahams. Ramesh left for office and I

> > > > wanted to clear up

> > > the pooja room,

> > > > after a few minutes of meditation on Sri Vidya. When I opened my

> > eyes,

> > > I

> > > > found the pale yellow water (mixture of milk, turmeric and

> > > > sandalood

> > > > paste) in the basin mysteriously lit up by sunlight. This golden

> > > > light in turn fell on Shirdi Sai, making him glow with a pale

> > > > golden, ethereal light amidst the glowing water. This morning it

> > > > was quite cloudy in Tirupati and strangely the sunlight fell only

> > > > on the abhishekam

> > > water and Shirdi Sai, nowhere else.

> > > > It was such an indescribably beautiful sight, and I gazed

> > > > transfixed, unaware of tears coursing down my cheeks. And,

> > > > unconsciously I thought of Guru and pisces. Of Sanjayji. Thought I

> > > > must

> > write this on the list.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Somehow for the past 2-3 days I have been thinking of 3rd

> > > > February, for no apparent reason. That date seems stuck in my

> > > > mind, I really dont

> > > know why.

> > > > Can any one help me out? I have attached the dream chart.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > A few months back, I think just around the time I wrote on

> > > > Vedic-astrology list about Lord Venkateswara, around 5.30-6pm I

> > > > wandered into our car parking, facing east, and suddenly I looked

> > > > up to see a resplendent cloud formation (Sun was about to set in

> > > > the

> > > > west) resembling Lord Vishnu reclining on the seshatalpam. I could

> > > > clearly make out the two upper hands holding the sankham and

> > > > chakram and there was no doubt in my mind that it was indeed He. I

> > > > hurriedly

> > > called my younger son and showed the same to him.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > While I have always been notorious about my " dreams " , I am quite

> > > > level headed and certainly not known to hallucinate when I am awake.

> > > > So, I am really starled by these events and request your help.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Lakshmi

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > |Om Tat Sat|

> > > > http://www.varahamihira

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > >

> > > > Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > |Om Tat Sat|

> > > > http://www.varahamihira

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > >

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