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Mantra Lesson

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Pranaam guruji, gurus and list members,


I am attempting the guru Sanjay ji’s mantra exercise. Please guide me

wherever you find ignorance.


Guru Sanjay ji's exercise:


1. om namo bhagavate vaasudevaaya

words = 4

om na-mo bha-ga-va-te vaa-su-de-vaa-ya

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

letters = 12

Energy of this mantra is taken from the 4th house and invested in 12th

house. Mantra Devta sits in 8th bhava.


2. om namah shivaaya

words = 3

om na-mah shi-vaa-ya

1 2 3 4 5 6

letters = 6

Energy is taken from the 3rd house and invested in the 6th house. Shiva

sits in the 9th.


3. om kshraum namo bhagavate narasimhaaya

words = 5

om kshra-um na-mo bha-ga-va-te na-ra-sim-haa-ya

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

letters = 14 (2nd Bhava)

Mantra Devta will sit in 11th house. Energy of this mantra is taken from the

5th and invested in the 2nd. Mantra Devta 'Narasimhaa' will

empower 11th house.


4. om bhur namo bhagavate vyankateshaaya

words = 5

om bhur na-mo bha-ga-va-te vyan-ka-te-shaa-ya

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

letters = 13 (1st Bhava)

Mantra Devta will sit in 10th house. Energy of this mantra is taken from the

5th and invested in the 1st. Mantra Devta 'Narasimhaa' will

empower the 10th house of karma.


5. brm brhaspataye namah

words = 3

brm br-ha-spa-ta-ye na-mah

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

letters = 8

Mantra Devta will sit in 1st house. Energies will flow from

3rd and be invested in the 8th - Dharma and Mantra Devta will purify

native's efforts being in

3rd. Native will do purify parakrama to accomplish knowledge of the vedas.

Brahaspati will guide his actions to achieve knowledge in this



6. om namo bhagavate rudraaya

words = 4

om na-mo bha-ga-va-te ru-draa-ya

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

letters = 10

Mantra Devta will sit in 4th house (hridaya). Energy will flow from the 4th

house and be invested in the 10th house of Karma while Mantra Devta 'Rudra'

sits in the 4th house.


7. om namo bhagavate mahaamatsyaaya

words = 4

om na-mo bha-ga-va-te ma-haa-mats-yaa-ya

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

letters = 12

Mantra energy is invested from the 4th to the the 12th house. Mantra Devta

'MahaMatasya' will sit in 8th house of 'hidden things'.


8. gajamukha siddhirastu

words = 2

ga-ja-mu-kha sid-dhi-ras-tu

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

letters = 8

Mantra Devta Ganesha will sit in 2nd. Mantra Devta - Ganesh will do Vaak

Shudhdhi. It will start from the 2nd and be invested in the 8th.


9. hare raama krsNa

words = 3

ha-re raa-ma krs-Na

1 2 3 4 5 6

letters = 6

Energy is taken from the 3rd house and invested in the 6th house.

Mantra Devta will sit in 9th house of Dharma.



10. om hrim shrim krim paramesvari kaalike svaahaa

words = 7

om hrim shrim krim pa-ra-me-sva-ri kaa-li-ke svaa-haa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

letters = 14 (2nd house)

Seat of Mantra Devata – 9

Mantra Devata will sit in the 9th. Mantra Devata Ma Kali sits in the 9th

house and helps us in our dharma marga. The energy of this mantra is taken

from the 7nd house and is invested in the 2nd house.

What are the spiritual implications of this?


11. om namo bhagavate akuparaaya

words = 4

om na-mo bha-ga-va-te a-ku-pa-raa-ya

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

letters = 12

Energy of this mantra is taken from the 4th house and invested in the 12th

house. Mantra devata resides in the 8th house.


12. vyam vedavyaasaaya namah

words = 3

vyam ve-da-vyaa-saa-ya na-mah

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

letters = 8

Energy of the mantra is taken from the 3rd house and invested in the 8th

house. Mantra Devata resides in the 12th house of moksha.




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