Guest guest Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 || Om Gurave Namah || Dear Ramdasji and Jyotishas, I am trying to read on Muhurtha (BV Raman, Muhurtha Chintamani) etc. There so many rules given on element of Panchanga. Which element of Panchanga should be given more focus?. How should it be related to Natal chart?. Which rule is more important when we want to weigh and remove certain rules due to lack of availabilty? Like basics like 8th house and relevent karya house should be empty in Muhurtha.When we dont get it for quite some time what to do?. Which planets are 'ok' or be in the karya bhava?. Certains rules given in say by Vidyanatha dikshitar like Sun when it transits house with Maximum ashtakavarga of Mercury will be very good for commencing education. When Transit Lagna is that of the sign of Natal Jupiter then Nisheka will be good. And I think Kalyana verma states that Hora (or Vara, Maasa) ruled by the Bhava of Natal chart will give maximum results. I think I am missing some basics about Muhurtha. I would like somebody to write an article about this (Even I am trying to research and write one). Where basics from Panchanga should be given, Like tithi is jala tatwa, Nakshatra is vayu tatwa etc. Warm Regards Sanjay P Om tat sat varahamihira , Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao> wrote: > > ` nmae naray[ay, > > om namo n�r�ya��ya| > > Dear Kanupriya, > > Sorry for the delay in my mail.Here are my views about Nisheka Lagna Muhurta and its details as per Muhurta Classics : > > > > > > MARRIAGE- NISHEKA (FIRST SEXUAL UNION) > > Nakshatra : > > Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Svati, Anuradha, Mula, Uttarashadha, Sravana, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati are favorable. Ashvini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, and Dhanishta are middling. The remaining should be avoided. > > > > Tara : > > The Janma Nakshatra and the 10th and 19th from there should particularly be avoided. > > > > Tithi : > > All Tithis except the 4th, 8th, 9th, 14th and 15th are favorable. > > > > Vara : > > Avoid the Varas of malefics. > > > > Lagna : > > Vrishabha, Mithuna, Kataka, Simha, Kanya, Tula and Meena are favorable while the others should be avoided. If there is no planet in the 8th house, then Dhanu and Kumbha are okay. > > > > Navamsha: The Navamshas of the Chandra, Budha, Guru and Shukra are favorable, while those of Shani, Kuja and the Surya should be avoided. > > > > Bhavas : > > The Lagna and 8th should be unoccupied. (Some astrologers emphasize that the Lagna must not be occupied, others emphasize that the 8th should be vacant. A malefic should certainly not be in the Lagna, and as a general rule the 8th shouldbe unoccupied.) > > > > The 7th House determines the nature of the intercourse. Malefics influencing indicate that the union will be consummated under, or after quarrelling. Benefics influencing indicate that the union will be happy. The sexual union resembles the Rashi of the 7th. > > > > Other Informations : > > Intercourse during the first four days of menses, during which the woman is bleeding, is said to lead to serious ill effects. The first day proves fatal to the husband; the second day affects the longevity of the woman; the third day causes abortion; the fourth day produces a poor, stupid, houseless, miserable and short-lived son bereft of good habits, and impairs the vital energy of the father. > > > > According to Kalaprakasika: " The bedchamber should be in a comfortable place decorated and kept fragrant with sandalwood, flowers etc, and provided with water taken from sacred rivers. Above all, there should be nothing to disturb the peace of mind of the couple. " > > > > Menses: If the woman's menses begins while the Moon is in an Anupachaya (Houses other than 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th) aspected by or joined with Kuja, the menses can result in conception. If menses occurs when the Chandra is in an Upachaya, conception is not likely to occur. > > > > Ritu Dina (Days of the Woman's Menstrual Cycle) > > Sexual intercourse during each of the sixteen days from the first day of the menstrual period is said to have a specific effect. Intercourse during odd days tends to create female children, on even days male children. > > > > Intercourse during the first four days of menses, during which the woman is bleeding, is said to lead to serious ill effects. The first day proves fatal to the husband; the second day affects the longevity of the woman; the third day causes abortion; the fourth day produces a poor, stupid, houseless, miserable and short-lived son bereft of good habits, and impairs the vital energy of the father. > > Intercourse on the fifth day gives birth to a daughter; the sixth day favors a son who promotes posterity; the seventh day brings forth a daughter who will not bear children; the eighth day gives birth to a noble son; the ninth day gives birth to a wicked girl; the tenth day promises a praiseworthy son; the eleventh day gives birth to an unrighteous girl; the twelfth day grants a virtuous son; the thirteenth day grants a virtuous daughter; the fourteenth gives birth to a son rich in grains and gold; the fifteenth day brings forth a daughter that will not live long; and the sixteenth day gives birth to a son of all-embracing intelligence. Sexual union should be indulged in only on days that bear favorable results so that the progeny may be noble. > > > > Planetary Lords of the Months of Pregnancy > > A particular planet rules each month of pregnancy, and during each month different primary development occurs: > > > > Month Lord Primary Development > > 1st Month Shukra Union of sperm and ovum > > 2nd Month Kuja Solidification of embryo > > 3rd Month Guru Sprouting of organs and body parts > > 4th Month Surya Bone formation > > 5th Month Chandra Skin formation > > 6th Month Shani Hair > > 7th Month Budha Sensation > > 8th Month Lagna Lord Hunger and thirst > > 9th Month Chandra Desire to leave the womb > > 10th Month Surya Prasava (delivery) > > In the 1st month, union of the male fluid and female fluid take place; this is the most " liquid " state that the embryo will be in. Shukra rules the sperm and fluids in the body and thus Venus rules this first month. In the 2nd month the embryo solidifies into a fetus, and becomes a compact mass with all of its organs minutely formed. Kuja rules this small, contracted mass. In the 3rd month the organs and limbs sprout to more significant proportions and the sex of the child is determined. Guru rules this month during which the compact mass begins to first significantly expand. During the 4th month bone formation is primary, rule by the Surya, the lord of the bones. In the 5th month, governed by the Chandra, the skin surrounding the organs and the body form, resulting in greater self-consciousness. In the 6th month hair growth is significant and the nervous system leading to the skin is fully developed. Shani, lord of nerves, rules the 6th month. In the 7th month, ruled by Budha, the > fetus becomes sensitive to its surroundings and begins to cognize. In the 8th month the infant becomes very aware of the sensation of hunger and thirst, takes more in through the umbilical cord and begins the final huge growth spurt. The 8th month is ruled by the Lagna lord, the lord of the body, which is then growing rapidly. In the 9th month, ruled by the Chandra, there is excitement, movement and the desire to leave the womb, and in the 10th month, ruled by the Surya, the fetus separates from its mother and individuality is born. > > > > The months of which the lords are weak or afflicted become difficult months in the pregnancy, and the months during which abortion may occur. Planets most like to cause miscarriage are those weak, combust or afflicted by malefics and in a malefic Rashi, inimical Rashi, debilitation, or with a malefic in the Navamsha If a planet is weak at the time of impregnation, then the development that occurs in its month will be low, or problematic. From the third month onwards the woman develops tastes to eat according to the disposition of the monthly lords. > > Combinations > > Conception > > The following combinations at the time of intercourse indicate that conception will or won't occur: > > 1. Guru in the 1st, 5th or 9th indicates that conception will occur. > > 2. The Surya, Chandra, Shukra and Kuja in own Navamshas and not combust indicate that conception will occur, especially if they are in Upachayas. > > 3. If the transiting Surya and Shukra are in even Navamshas and in Upachayas in the man's horoscope, conception is likely to occur. > > 4. If the transiting Chandra and Kuja are in even Navamshas and in Upachayas in the woman's horoscope, conception is likely to occur. > > 5. The transiting Chandra in an Upachaya in the woman's horoscope joined or aspected by a male planet leads to conception. > > 6. The Chandra and a male planet in the Lagna indicate that conception is likely. > > 7. Jupiter in own Rashi or Navamsha on a favorable Vara indicates that conception is likely. > > 8. The Surya, Chandra and Shukra in malefic Rashis or inimical Rashis while other planets are in benefic Rashis indicate that conception will not occur unless Guru is in the Lagna. > > > > Abortion > > 1. If a planet is overcome in war, combust or afflicted, miscarriage may take place in the month of the defeated planet. > > 2. Shani and Kuja in the Lagna cause miscarriage. > > 3. The Chandra in the Rashi or Kuja or Shani may cause miscarriage. > > Safe Pregnancy > > 1. The Chandra in the Lagna indicates a safe pregnancy. > > 2. Budha, Guru, Shukra or the Surya aspecting the Lagna indicate a safe pregnancy. > > 3. If benefics join the Lagna and Chandra, or if the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th from them are occupied by benefics, or if malefics are in the 3rd and 11th, while the Surya aspects the Lagna or the Chandra (some sources want the malefics in the 3rd and 11th to be aspected by the Sun), the pregnancy will be safe and happy. (The more of these indications the better the pregnancy.) > > Harm to the Couple > > The following combinations at the time of intercourse indicate that harm will befall one of the couple. These harmful results occur in the month of the planet (as given above) that is weak or afflicted. > > 1. Kuja or Shani in the 7th from the Surya indicates that the man will become ill; if Kuja and Shani are one in the 2nd and the other in the 12th from the Surya, the man will die; or if one of Kuja or Shani joins the Surya while the other aspects, the man will die. > > 2. Kuja or Shani in the 7th from the Chandra indicates that the woman will become ill; if Kuja and Shani are one in the 2nd and the other in the 12th from the Chandra, the woman will die; or if one of Kuja or Shani joins the Chandra while the other aspects, the woman will die. > > 3. Malefics in the 12th without benefic aspect indicates that the woman dies. > > 4. Shani in the Lagna aspected by Kuja or the malefic Chandra indicates that the woman dies. > > 5. If both the Lagna and Chandra are hemmed by malefics, the woman dies in pregnancy. > > 6. If, from the Lagna or the Chandra, malefics are in the 4th and Kuja is in the 8th, the woman dies. > > 7. If the Surya and Kuja are in the 4th and 12th while the Chandra is a malefic, the woman dies. > > 8. If Kuja is in the 1st and the Surya in the 7th, the woman dies by weapons. > > 9. The Surya and Chandra are hemmed between malefics when the Lagna is not aspected by a benefic indicates that the woman dies. > > 10. The Lagna and 7th occupied by malefics with no benefic aspects indicates that the woman dies. > > 11. Shani and the malefic Chandra in the Lagna aspected by Kuja indicate that the woman dies. > > 12. The Surya and Chandra in the 12th when Kuja is in the 4th and Shukra is between malefics indicates that the woman dies. > > 13. The child in the womb and the mother die if malefics are in the 4th from the Lagna or Chandra while Kuja is in the 7th from the Lagna. > > 14. Kuja in the 4th, the Surya in the 12th, and the Chandra waning with malefics aspecting indicates that the child in the womb and the mother die. > > 15. The Surya in the Lagna when the Chandra is weak indicate that child in the womb and the mother die. > > 16. Kuja in the Lagna with malefics in the 2nd and 12th without benefic aspect indicate that the child in the womb and the mother die. > > 17. If impregnation occurs in the day, the Surya is the Father, Shukra the mother, Shani the paternal uncle and the Chandra the maternal uncle. If at night, Shani is the father, the Chandra the mother, the Surya the paternal uncle and Shukra the maternal aunt. If the planet representing the father or paternal uncle is in odd Rasi, then the father or paternal uncle's well-being is there. If the planet representing the mother or maternal aunt is in an even Rasi, then the mother or maternal aunt's well-being is there. If opposite, they will not be well and other afflictions will have a greater toll. > > Sex of Child > > 1. Male planets aspecting the Lagna on even days from the first day of the woman's menses give birth to male children. Female planets aspecting the Lagna on odd days from the first day of the woman's menses give birth to female children. > > 2. If the Lagna, Surya, Chandra and Guru are in odd Rasis or Navamshas, the child is male. If in even Rashis or Navamshas, the child is female. > > 3. If Shukra, Kuja and the Chandra are in even Rasis, the child is female. > > 4. Shani in odd Bhavas, other than the Lagna, gives male children, in even Bhavas, female children. > > 5. The Surya, Chandra, Shukra and Guru in own Rashi or Navamsha give birth to a son. > > 6. The Surya and Shukra in the Rashis of benefics give birth to a male. > > 7. The Surya and Chandra in Mulatrikona and weak give a female birth. > > 8. The Surya, Chandra, Shukra and Guru in the Lagna aspected by or joined with Kuja gives birth to a son. > > 9. The Lagna and 5th lord joined, mutually aspecting or interchanged gives birth to a male child. > > 10. Budha in the 5th alone and unaspected gives birth to a male child. > > 11. All the male planets in the 6th and/or 11th while the 5th lord is strong gives birth to a male child. > > 12. All seven planets in odd Rasis gives birth to a male child. > > 13. The Surya and Guru strong and in the Vargas of the Surya give birth to a male child. > > 14. A strong male planet in an odd Rashi or Navamsha, joined with the Chandra and aspected by a male planet, in exaltation, or in an angle gives birth to a male. > > 15. A strong male planet in the Lagna in exaltation aspected by a male planet produces a male child. A female planet in the Lagna in exaltation aspected by a female planet produces a female child. > > 16. Kuja, Shukra and the Chandra in the Vargas of the Chandra when the Chandra is weak give birth to a female child. > > 17. Shukra and the Chandra joined in the 5th or 10th gives birth to a female child. > > 18. Shukra and the Chandra in own Rashi or Navamsha give birth to a female child. > > 19. Rahu in the Lagna aspected by the Chandra, or the Chandra in the Lagna aspected by Rahu gives birth to a female child. > > 20. Shukra in an angle or in the Hora of the Chandra gives birth to a female child. > > 21. If the Chandra and Shukra are prominent, the child is female. > > 22. Male planets in odd Rasihs and Navamshas give birth to a male child. Female planets in even Rashis and Navamshas give birth to a female. > > 23. The Navamsha Lagna with a male planet gives birth to a male, with a female planet to a female. > > 24. The Lagna in a feminine Navamsha gives birth to a female, in a male Navamsha a male. > > 25. The Surya and Chandra in mutual aspect (and in odd Rashis according to some), or Shani and Budha in mutual aspect (and in odd Rashis according to some) indicate that a eunuch will be born. (Eunuch need not necessarily refer to a true eunuch, but can be a barren, sterile or impotent person, or a homosexual.) Some sources require the birth to be during the daytime for the Surya and Chandra in mutual aspect to give a eunuch, and for the birth to be in the night time for Shani and Budha in mutual aspect to give birth to a eunuch. > > 26. If Kuja is in an odd Rashi and aspects the Surya, which is in an even Rashi, a eunuch will be born. > > 27. If the Chandra and Lagna are in odd Rashis aspected by Kuja in an even Rashi, a eunuch will be born. > > 28. If the Chandra is in an even Rashi and Budha in an odd Rashi and if they are both aspected by Kuja, a eunuch will be born. > > 29. If Shukra, the Lagna and the Chandra are in male Navamshas, a eunuch will be born. > > 30. The Lagna, Chandra and Budha in odd Rashis and odd Navamshas aspected by Shukra and Shani indicate the birth of a eunuch. > > > > 31. Shani and Kuja in their own Navamshas, or on angles, or in the Navamhsa of the Lagna and the Chandra, or if they are aspecting the Lagna and the Chandra, indicate a eunuch. If Shani and Budha are in male Rashis and Navamshas the eunuch will have a male form, if in even Rashis and Navamshas a female form. > > > > I hope this helps you. > > > > With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, > > Ramadas Rao. > > > > > > kanu priya <kanupriya003> wrote: Om Dakshinamurtaye Namah > Dear Gurus, > I have often being asked by couples about the best time to conceive a baby.Offcourse I doubt one can control this but this makes me think of the Nishekha Lagna.How does one select this chart? Are the general Mahurata rules applied? In this case Jupiter being the karayesh should be strong, 5th house should be empty and no planets in the 8th house.What other principles does one apply? What about the Tithi? I would appreciate any refrences, reading material or guidance on this topic. > > Thanking you. > Best Regards, > Kanupriya. > > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > http://www.varahamihira > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 Om Gurave Namah Namaste Ramdas Rao ji, Thank you for this wonderful and very comprehensive mail. Sir, you have written that Chandra rules the 5 month of skin formation, but isn't Budha more connected to skin than Chandra and hence should logically rule this month? Or am I missing something? Regards, Lakshmi > varahamihira , Ramadas Rao > <ramadasrao> wrote: > > > > ` nmae naray[ay, > > > > om namo n�r�ya��ya| > > > > Dear Kanupriya, > > > > Sorry for the delay in my mail.Here are my views > about Nisheka Lagna > Muhurta and its details as per Muhurta Classics : > > > > > > > > > > > > MARRIAGE- NISHEKA (FIRST SEXUAL UNION) > > > > Nakshatra : > > > > Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Svati, Anuradha, > Mula, Uttarashadha, > Sravana, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati are > favorable. > Ashvini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, and > Dhanishta are > middling. The remaining should be avoided. > > > > > > > > Tara : > > > > The Janma Nakshatra and the 10th and 19th from > there should > particularly be avoided. > > > > > > > > Tithi : > > > > All Tithis except the 4th, 8th, 9th, 14th and 15th > are favorable. > > > > > > > > Vara : > > > > Avoid the Varas of malefics. > > > > > > > > Lagna : > > > > Vrishabha, Mithuna, Kataka, Simha, Kanya, Tula and > Meena are > favorable while the others should be avoided. If > there is no planet > in the 8th house, then Dhanu and Kumbha are okay. > > > > > > > > Navamsha: The Navamshas of the Chandra, Budha, > Guru and Shukra are > favorable, while those of Shani, Kuja and the Surya > should be avoided. > > > > > > > > Bhavas : > > > > The Lagna and 8th should be unoccupied. (Some > astrologers emphasize > that the Lagna must not be occupied, others > emphasize that the 8th > should be vacant. A malefic should certainly not be > in the Lagna, and > as a general rule the 8th shouldbe unoccupied.) > > > > > > > > The 7th House determines the nature of the > intercourse. Malefics > influencing indicate that the union will be > consummated under, or > after quarrelling. Benefics influencing indicate > that the union will > be happy. The sexual union resembles the Rashi of > the 7th. > > > > > > > > Other Informations : > > > > Intercourse during the first four days of menses, > during which the > woman is bleeding, is said to lead to serious ill > effects. The first > day proves fatal to the husband; the second day > affects the longevity > of the woman; the third day causes abortion; the > fourth day produces a > poor, stupid, houseless, miserable and short-lived > son bereft of good > habits, and impairs the vital energy of the father. > > > > > > > > According to Kalaprakasika: " The bedchamber should > be in a > comfortable place decorated and kept fragrant with > sandalwood, flowers > etc, and provided with water taken from sacred > rivers. Above all, > there should be nothing to disturb the peace of mind > of the couple. " > > > > > > > > Menses: If the woman's menses begins while the > Moon is in an > Anupachaya (Houses other than 3rd, 6th, 10th and > 11th) aspected by or > joined with Kuja, the menses can result in > conception. If menses > occurs when the Chandra is in an Upachaya, > conception is not likely to > occur. > > > > > > > > Ritu Dina (Days of the Woman's Menstrual Cycle) > > > > Sexual intercourse during each of the sixteen days > from the first > day of the menstrual period is said to have a > specific effect. > Intercourse during odd days tends to create female > children, on even > days male children. > > > > > > > > Intercourse during the first four days of menses, > during which the > woman is bleeding, is said to lead to serious ill > effects. The first > day proves fatal to the husband; the second day > affects the longevity > of the woman; the third day causes abortion; the > fourth day produces a > poor, stupid, houseless, miserable and short-lived > son bereft of good > === message truncated === Make your home page http://www./r/hs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 ` nmae naray[ay, om namo näräyaëäya| Dear Sanjay P, Thanks for the mail.Now eventhough many of ancient Jyotish Scholars wrote about Muhurta technics, none of them are complete.So I made a research into this Muhurta,then I found Muhurta Chintamani, Muhurta Padavi, Muhurta Madhaveeyam , Nirnaya Sindhu, Kala Prakashika etc.were written seperately about Muhurta technics. In Muhurtas we have to 1st look into Panchanga feautures and see any bad nakshatra for a certain Muhurta, Yoga, Karana, tithi and Vara etc.But one thing is more important is that Chandra Bala is more important. Whenever I get time, I will write about these Muhurta technics one by one. Please bear with me. With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. sanjaychettiar wrote: || Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Ramdasji and Jyotishas,I am trying to read on Muhurtha (BV Raman, Muhurtha Chintamani) etc.There so many rules given on element of Panchanga. Which element ofPanchanga should be given more focus?. How should it be related toNatal chart?. Which rule is more important when we want to weigh andremove certain rules due to lack of availabilty?Like basics like 8th house and relevent karya house should be empty inMuhurtha.When we dont get it for quite some time what to do?. Whichplanets are 'ok' or be in the karya bhava?.Certains rules given in say by Vidyanatha dikshitar like Sun when ittransits house with Maximum ashtakavarga of Mercury will be very goodfor commencing education.When Transit Lagna is that of the sign of Natal Jupiter then Nishekawill be good.And I think Kalyana verma states that Hora (or Vara, Maasa) ruled bythe Bhava of Natal chart will give maximum results.I think I am missing some basics about Muhurtha. I would like somebodyto write an article about this (Even I am trying to research and writeone). Where basics from Panchanga should be given, Like tithi is jalatatwa, Nakshatra is vayu tatwa etc.Warm RegardsSanjay POm tat satvarahamihira , Ramadas Rao wrote:> > ` nmae naray[ay,> > om namo n�r�ya��ya|> > Dear Kanupriya,> > Sorry for the delay in my mail.Here are my views about Nisheka LagnaMuhurta and its details as per Muhurta Classics :> > > > > > MARRIAGE- NISHEKA (FIRST SEXUAL UNION)> > Nakshatra :> > Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Svati, Anuradha, Mula, Uttarashadha,Sravana, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati are favorable. Ashvini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, and Dhanishta aremiddling. The remaining should be avoided.> > > > Tara :> > The Janma Nakshatra and the 10th and 19th from there shouldparticularly be avoided. > > > > Tithi :> > All Tithis except the 4th, 8th, 9th, 14th and 15th are favorable. > > > > Vara :> > Avoid the Varas of malefics.> > > > Lagna :> > Vrishabha, Mithuna, Kataka, Simha, Kanya, Tula and Meena arefavorable while the others should be avoided. If there is no planetin the 8th house, then Dhanu and Kumbha are okay.> > > > Navamsha: The Navamshas of the Chandra, Budha, Guru and Shukra arefavorable, while those of Shani, Kuja and the Surya should be avoided.> > > > Bhavas :> > The Lagna and 8th should be unoccupied. (Some astrologers emphasizethat the Lagna must not be occupied, others emphasize that the 8thshould be vacant. A malefic should certainly not be in the Lagna, andas a general rule the 8th shouldbe unoccupied.)> > > > The 7th House determines the nature of the intercourse. Maleficsinfluencing indicate that the union will be consummated under, orafter quarrelling. Benefics influencing indicate that the union willbe happy. The sexual union resembles the Rashi of the 7th.> > > > Other Informations :> > Intercourse during the first four days of menses, during which thewoman is bleeding, is said to lead to serious ill effects. The firstday proves fatal to the husband; the second day affects the longevityof the woman; the third day causes abortion; the fourth day produces apoor, stupid, houseless, miserable and short-lived son bereft of goodhabits, and impairs the vital energy of the father. > > > > According to Kalaprakasika: "The bedchamber should be in acomfortable place decorated and kept fragrant with sandalwood, flowersetc, and provided with water taken from sacred rivers. Above all,there should be nothing to disturb the peace of mind of the couple."> > > > Menses: If the woman's menses begins while the Moon is in anAnupachaya (Houses other than 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th) aspected by orjoined with Kuja, the menses can result in conception. If mensesoccurs when the Chandra is in an Upachaya, conception is not likely tooccur.> > > > Ritu Dina (Days of the Woman's Menstrual Cycle)> > Sexual intercourse during each of the sixteen days from the firstday of the menstrual period is said to have a specific effect.Intercourse during odd days tends to create female children, on evendays male children. > > > > Intercourse during the first four days of menses, during which thewoman is bleeding, is said to lead to serious ill effects. The firstday proves fatal to the husband; the second day affects the longevityof the woman; the third day causes abortion; the fourth day produces apoor, stupid, houseless, miserable and short-lived son bereft of goodhabits, and impairs the vital energy of the father. > > Intercourse on the fifth day gives birth to a daughter; the sixthday favors a son who promotes posterity; the seventh day brings fortha daughter who will not bear children; the eighth day gives birth to anoble son; the ninth day gives birth to a wicked girl; the tenth daypromises a praiseworthy son; the eleventh day gives birth to anunrighteous girl; the twelfth day grants a virtuous son; thethirteenth day grants a virtuous daughter; the fourteenth gives birthto a son rich in grains and gold; the fifteenth day brings forth adaughter that will not live long; and the sixteenth day gives birth toa son of all-embracing intelligence. Sexual union should be indulgedin only on days that bear favorable results so that the progeny may benoble.> > > > Planetary Lords of the Months of Pregnancy> > A particular planet rules each month of pregnancy, and during eachmonth different primary development occurs:> > > > Month Lord Primary Development> > 1st Month Shukra Union of sperm and ovum> > 2nd Month Kuja Solidification of embryo> > 3rd Month Guru Sprouting of organsand body parts> > 4th Month Surya Bone formation> > 5th Month Chandra Skin formation> > 6th Month Shani Hair> > 7th Month Budha Sensation > > 8th Month Lagna Lord Hunger and thirst> > 9th Month Chandra Desire to leave the womb> > 10th Month Surya Prasava (delivery)> > In the 1st month, union of the male fluid and female fluid takeplace; this is the most "liquid" state that the embryo will be in.Shukra rules the sperm and fluids in the body and thus Venus rulesthis first month. In the 2nd month the embryo solidifies into a fetus,and becomes a compact mass with all of its organs minutely formed.Kuja rules this small, contracted mass. In the 3rd month the organsand limbs sprout to more significant proportions and the sex of thechild is determined. Guru rules this month during which the compactmass begins to first significantly expand. During the 4th month boneformation is primary, rule by the Surya, the lord of the bones. In the5th month, governed by the Chandra, the skin surrounding the organsand the body form, resulting in greater self-consciousness. In the 6thmonth hair growth is significant and the nervous system leading to theskin is fully developed. Shani, lord of nerves, rules the 6th month.In the 7th month, ruled by Budha, the> fetus becomes sensitive to its surroundings and begins to cognize.In the 8th month the infant becomes very aware of the sensation ofhunger and thirst, takes more in through the umbilical cord and beginsthe final huge growth spurt. The 8th month is ruled by the Lagna lord,the lord of the body, which is then growing rapidly. In the 9th month,ruled by the Chandra, there is excitement, movement and the desire toleave the womb, and in the 10th month, ruled by the Surya, the fetusseparates from its mother and individuality is born.> > > > The months of which the lords are weak or afflicted become difficultmonths in the pregnancy, and the months during which abortion mayoccur. Planets most like to cause miscarriage are those weak, combustor afflicted by malefics and in a malefic Rashi, inimical Rashi,debilitation, or with a malefic in the Navamsha If a planet is weak atthe time of impregnation, then the development that occurs in itsmonth will be low, or problematic. From the third month onwards thewoman develops tastes to eat according to the disposition of themonthly lords.> > Combinations > > Conception> > The following combinations at the time of intercourse indicate thatconception will or won't occur:> > 1. Guru in the 1st, 5th or 9th indicates that conception will occur.> > 2. The Surya, Chandra, Shukra and Kuja in own Navamshas and notcombust indicate that conception will occur, especially if they are inUpachayas.> > 3. If the transiting Surya and Shukra are in even Navamshas and inUpachayas in the man's horoscope, conception is likely to occur.> > 4. If the transiting Chandra and Kuja are in even Navamshas and inUpachayas in the woman's horoscope, conception is likely to occur.> > 5. The transiting Chandra in an Upachaya in the woman's horoscopejoined or aspected by a male planet leads to conception.> > 6. The Chandra and a male planet in the Lagna indicate thatconception is likely.> > 7. Jupiter in own Rashi or Navamsha on a favorable Vara indicatesthat conception is likely.> > 8. The Surya, Chandra and Shukra in malefic Rashis or inimicalRashis while other planets are in benefic Rashis indicate thatconception will not occur unless Guru is in the Lagna.> > > > Abortion> > 1. If a planet is overcome in war, combust or afflicted, miscarriagemay take place in the month of the defeated planet.> > 2. Shani and Kuja in the Lagna cause miscarriage.> > 3. The Chandra in the Rashi or Kuja or Shani may cause miscarriage.> > Safe Pregnancy> > 1. The Chandra in the Lagna indicates a safe pregnancy.> > 2. Budha, Guru, Shukra or the Surya aspecting the Lagna indicate asafe pregnancy.> > 3. If benefics join the Lagna and Chandra, or if the 2nd, 4th, 5th,7th, 9th and 10th from them are occupied by benefics, or if maleficsare in the 3rd and 11th, while the Surya aspects the Lagna or theChandra (some sources want the malefics in the 3rd and 11th to beaspected by the Sun), the pregnancy will be safe and happy. (The moreof these indications the better the pregnancy.)> > Harm to the Couple> > The following combinations at the time of intercourse indicate thatharm will befall one of the couple. These harmful results occur in themonth of the planet (as given above) that is weak or afflicted. > > 1. Kuja or Shani in the 7th from the Surya indicates that the manwill become ill; if Kuja and Shani are one in the 2nd and the other inthe 12th from the Surya, the man will die; or if one of Kuja or Shanijoins the Surya while the other aspects, the man will die.> > 2. Kuja or Shani in the 7th from the Chandra indicates that thewoman will become ill; if Kuja and Shani are one in the 2nd and theother in the 12th from the Chandra, the woman will die; or if one ofKuja or Shani joins the Chandra while the other aspects, the womanwill die.> > 3. Malefics in the 12th without benefic aspect indicates that thewoman dies.> > 4. Shani in the Lagna aspected by Kuja or the malefic Chandraindicates that the woman dies.> > 5. If both the Lagna and Chandra are hemmed by malefics, the womandies in pregnancy.> > 6. If, from the Lagna or the Chandra, malefics are in the 4th andKuja is in the 8th, the woman dies.> > 7. If the Surya and Kuja are in the 4th and 12th while the Chandrais a malefic, the woman dies.> > 8. If Kuja is in the 1st and the Surya in the 7th, the woman dies byweapons.> > 9. The Surya and Chandra are hemmed between malefics when the Lagnais not aspected by a benefic indicates that the woman dies.> > 10. The Lagna and 7th occupied by malefics with no benefic aspectsindicates that the woman dies.> > 11. Shani and the malefic Chandra in the Lagna aspected by Kujaindicate that the woman dies.> > 12. The Surya and Chandra in the 12th when Kuja is in the 4th andShukra is between malefics indicates that the woman dies.> > 13. The child in the womb and the mother die if malefics are in the4th from the Lagna or Chandra while Kuja is in the 7th from the Lagna.> > 14. Kuja in the 4th, the Surya in the 12th, and the Chandra waningwith malefics aspecting indicates that the child in the womb and themother die.> > 15. The Surya in the Lagna when the Chandra is weak indicate thatchild in the womb and the mother die.> > 16. Kuja in the Lagna with malefics in the 2nd and 12th withoutbenefic aspect indicate that the child in the womb and the mother die.> > 17. If impregnation occurs in the day, the Surya is the Father,Shukra the mother, Shani the paternal uncle and the Chandra thematernal uncle. If at night, Shani is the father, the Chandra themother, the Surya the paternal uncle and Shukra the maternal aunt. Ifthe planet representing the father or paternal uncle is in odd Rasi,then the father or paternal uncle's well-being is there. If the planetrepresenting the mother or maternal aunt is in an even Rasi, then themother or maternal aunt's well-being is there. If opposite, they willnot be well and other afflictions will have a greater toll.> > Sex of Child> > 1. Male planets aspecting the Lagna on even days from the first dayof the woman's menses give birth to male children. Female planetsaspecting the Lagna on odd days from the first day of the woman'smenses give birth to female children.> > 2. If the Lagna, Surya, Chandra and Guru are in odd Rasis orNavamshas, the child is male. If in even Rashis or Navamshas, thechild is female.> > 3. If Shukra, Kuja and the Chandra are in even Rasis, the child isfemale.> > 4. Shani in odd Bhavas, other than the Lagna, gives male children,in even Bhavas, female children.> > 5. The Surya, Chandra, Shukra and Guru in own Rashi or Navamsha givebirth to a son.> > 6. The Surya and Shukra in the Rashis of benefics give birth to a male.> > 7. The Surya and Chandra in Mulatrikona and weak give a female birth.> > 8. The Surya, Chandra, Shukra and Guru in the Lagna aspected by orjoined with Kuja gives birth to a son.> > 9. The Lagna and 5th lord joined, mutually aspecting or interchangedgives birth to a male child.> > 10. Budha in the 5th alone and unaspected gives birth to a male child.> > 11. All the male planets in the 6th and/or 11th while the 5th lordis strong gives birth to a male child.> > 12. All seven planets in odd Rasis gives birth to a male child.> > 13. The Surya and Guru strong and in the Vargas of the Surya givebirth to a male child.> > 14. A strong male planet in an odd Rashi or Navamsha, joined withthe Chandra and aspected by a male planet, in exaltation, or in anangle gives birth to a male.> > 15. A strong male planet in the Lagna in exaltation aspected by amale planet produces a male child. A female planet in the Lagna inexaltation aspected by a female planet produces a female child.> > 16. Kuja, Shukra and the Chandra in the Vargas of the Chandra whenthe Chandra is weak give birth to a female child.> > 17. Shukra and the Chandra joined in the 5th or 10th gives birth toa female child.> > 18. Shukra and the Chandra in own Rashi or Navamsha give birth to afemale child.> > 19. Rahu in the Lagna aspected by the Chandra, or the Chandra in theLagna aspected by Rahu gives birth to a female child.> > 20. Shukra in an angle or in the Hora of the Chandra gives birth toa female child.> > 21. If the Chandra and Shukra are prominent, the child is female.> > 22. Male planets in odd Rasihs and Navamshas give birth to a malechild. Female planets in even Rashis and Navamshas give birth to a female.> > 23. The Navamsha Lagna with a male planet gives birth to a male,with a female planet to a female.> > 24. The Lagna in a feminine Navamsha gives birth to a female, in amale Navamsha a male.> > 25. The Surya and Chandra in mutual aspect (and in odd Rashisaccording to some), or Shani and Budha in mutual aspect (and in oddRashis according to some) indicate that a eunuch will be born. (Eunuchneed not necessarily refer to a true eunuch, but can be a barren,sterile or impotent person, or a homosexual.) Some sources require thebirth to be during the daytime for the Surya and Chandra in mutualaspect to give a eunuch, and for the birth to be in the night time forShani and Budha in mutual aspect to give birth to a eunuch.> > 26. If Kuja is in an odd Rashi and aspects the Surya, which is in aneven Rashi, a eunuch will be born.> > 27. If the Chandra and Lagna are in odd Rashis aspected by Kuja inan even Rashi, a eunuch will be born.> > 28. If the Chandra is in an even Rashi and Budha in an odd Rashi andif they are both aspected by Kuja, a eunuch will be born.> > 29. If Shukra, the Lagna and the Chandra are in male Navamshas, aeunuch will be born.> > 30. The Lagna, Chandra and Budha in odd Rashis and odd Navamshasaspected by Shukra and Shani indicate the birth of a eunuch.> > > > 31. Shani and Kuja in their own Navamshas, or on angles, or in theNavamhsa of the Lagna and the Chandra, or if they are aspecting theLagna and the Chandra, indicate a eunuch. If Shani and Budha are inmale Rashis and Navamshas the eunuch will have a male form, if in evenRashis and Navamshas a female form.> > > > I hope this helps you.> > > > With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,> > Ramadas Rao.> > > > > > kanu priya wrote: Om Dakshinamurtaye Namah> Dear Gurus,> I have often being asked by couples about thebest time to conceive a baby.Offcourse I doubt one can control thisbut this makes me think of the Nishekha Lagna.How does one select thischart? Are the general Mahurata rules applied? In this case Jupiterbeing the karayesh should be strong, 5th house should be empty and noplanets in the 8th house.What other principles does one apply? Whatabout the Tithi? I would appreciate any refrences, reading material orguidance on this topic.> > Thanking you.> Best Regards,> Kanupriya.> > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat|> http://www.varahamihira > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 ` nmae naray[ay, om namo näräyaëäya| Dear Lakshmi Ji, Thanks for your mail. Eventhough we consider Budha as Karaka for skin in traditional Astrology, but Budha is considered as a planet of sensation and hence the explanation.Chandra is a planet of self consiousness.The Muhurta classics give a lot of rules and I gave only few. I hope this helps you. With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote: Om Gurave NamahNamaste Ramdas Rao ji,Thank you for this wonderful and very comprehensivemail.Sir, you have written that Chandra rules the 5 monthof skin formation, but isn't Budha more connected toskin than Chandra and hence should logically rule thismonth? Or am I missing something?Regards,Lakshmi> varahamihira , Ramadas Rao> wrote:> > > > ` nmae naray[ay,> > > > om namo n�r�ya��ya|> > > > Dear Kanupriya,> > > > Sorry for the delay in my mail.Here are my views> about Nisheka Lagna> Muhurta and its details as per Muhurta Classics :> > > > > > > > > > > > MARRIAGE- NISHEKA (FIRST SEXUAL UNION)> > > > Nakshatra :> > > > Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Svati, Anuradha,> Mula, Uttarashadha,> Sravana, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati are> favorable. > Ashvini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, and> Dhanishta are> middling. The remaining should be avoided.> > > > > > > > Tara :> > > > The Janma Nakshatra and the 10th and 19th from> there should> particularly be avoided. > > > > > > > > Tithi :> > > > All Tithis except the 4th, 8th, 9th, 14th and 15th> are favorable. > > > > > > > > Vara :> > > > Avoid the Varas of malefics.> > > > > > > > Lagna :> > > > Vrishabha, Mithuna, Kataka, Simha, Kanya, Tula and> Meena are> favorable while the others should be avoided. If> there is no planet> in the 8th house, then Dhanu and Kumbha are okay.> > > > > > > > Navamsha: The Navamshas of the Chandra, Budha,> Guru and Shukra are> favorable, while those of Shani, Kuja and the Surya> should be avoided.> > > > > > > > Bhavas :> > > > The Lagna and 8th should be unoccupied. (Some> astrologers emphasize> that the Lagna must not be occupied, others> emphasize that the 8th> should be vacant. A malefic should certainly not be> in the Lagna, and> as a general rule the 8th shouldbe unoccupied.)> > > > > > > > The 7th House determines the nature of the> intercourse. Malefics> influencing indicate that the union will be> consummated under, or> after quarrelling. Benefics influencing indicate> that the union will> be happy. The sexual union resembles the Rashi of> the 7th.> > > > > > > > Other Informations :> > > > Intercourse during the first four days of menses,> during which the> woman is bleeding, is said to lead to serious ill> effects. The first> day proves fatal to the husband; the second day> affects the longevity> of the woman; the third day causes abortion; the> fourth day produces a> poor, stupid, houseless, miserable and short-lived> son bereft of good> habits, and impairs the vital energy of the father. > > > > > > > > According to Kalaprakasika: "The bedchamber should> be in a> comfortable place decorated and kept fragrant with> sandalwood, flowers> etc, and provided with water taken from sacred> rivers. Above all,> there should be nothing to disturb the peace of mind> of the couple."> > > > > > > > Menses: If the woman's menses begins while the> Moon is in an> Anupachaya (Houses other than 3rd, 6th, 10th and> 11th) aspected by or> joined with Kuja, the menses can result in> conception. If menses> occurs when the Chandra is in an Upachaya,> conception is not likely to> occur.> > > > > > > > Ritu Dina (Days of the Woman's Menstrual Cycle)> > > > Sexual intercourse during each of the sixteen days> from the first> day of the menstrual period is said to have a> specific effect.> Intercourse during odd days tends to create female> children, on even> days male children. > > > > > > > > Intercourse during the first four days of menses,> during which the> woman is bleeding, is said to lead to serious ill> effects. The first> day proves fatal to the husband; the second day> affects the longevity> of the woman; the third day causes abortion; the> fourth day produces a> poor, stupid, houseless, miserable and short-lived> son bereft of good> === message truncated === Make your home page http://www./r/hs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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