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Jaya Jagannath

SJC Books and Lecture Cds and Mp's 2002-2004

Dear Jyotisa,

Please save this post for future referencePLease note my new e-mail and business mail



SJC Books I have currently available

1) Crux of Vedic Astrology

2) Narayana Dasa

3) Vimsottari and Udu Dasa

4) Upadesa Sutras

5) Varga Chakra

6) Vedic Remedies (out of stock)

7) Introduction to Vedic Astrology(out of stock)


Each $13.00

Shipping within USA

1 book = 4.00 priority mail

Each book thereafter add $2.00




SJC Conference in Puri India, 2004

(2) Mp3s $50.00



2004 SJC West Coast Conference Sunnyvale, CA. Aug 21-29th

( Mp3's for this whole conference are $100.

include $4.00 shipping within USA for priority mail


Sanjay Rath- lectures on:

1) Navamsa-5cds

2)Prashna- 4cds

3)Sarvatobadra Chakra-3cds

4)Vimsottari Dasa-4cds


Robert Koch-

1)Charts of Mystics, Astrologers and Healers-4cds

2)Sudasa Timing of Prosperity-2cds


Dr. Brendan Feeley-

1)Ayurveda and Disease-5cds

2)Disease and the Body-2cds


Sat Siri Khalsa-

1)Yoga Pravesh for Predictions-4cdsThe Yoga is one of the 5 constituents of the Panchang, thecollection of factors ruled by the five elements which makes up the essentials in the classical way of reading a chart. The Yoga is the sum of the Sun and Moon longitudes, and, being the etheric limb of the panchang, is ruled by Jupiter, who presides over Akash, the element of Ether. Each year just as we experience a solar return or varshaphal, wealso experience a Yoga Pravesh, when the exact Sun/Moon relationship existing in the birth chart returns for the given year. This moment is extremely revealing for the important issues to be faced in the ensuing year. Matters which Jupiter concerns itself with, such as fortune in general, progeny, learning and spiritual growth, material expansion, financial gain and loss, can be predicted with the aid of

the Yoga Pravesh.The class will explain how to calculate the Yoga and the Yoga Pravesh and shed some light on how to use this most important part of the Panchang to make specific predictions.


Sarbani Sarkar-

1)Nama Tatva-2cds


Visti Larsen-

1)Kasinath Hora Chart-2cds

2)Sudasa Calculations-2cds


4)Drekkana Chart-2cds


Freedom Cole-

1)Interpretations of Arudhas by house, etc-3cds


Raghunadha Rao Nemani-

1)Dasamsa –The D10 Chart, part1- 2cds


Raghunadha Rao Nemani and Sanjay Rath

2)Dasamsa part 2- with examples- 2cds



Individual Cds w/covers $5.00 PER disk




2003 SJC Annual West Coast Conference in Sunnyvale, Calif.

Aug 17-21st 2003

Main conference and Relationship seminar Mp3 set of 5 disks= $125.


SJC-CD12 “Atmakaraka” Sanjay Rath -Part 1) Thorough discussion and big handouts on “Atmakaraka” -in signs, amsas, in debil. 8/17/03

Part 2) “Disappearing Charakarakas” Learn the significance of competing Charakarakas, how to use for predictions 8/20/03 4 Cd Set $24.


SJC-CD13- “Sastyamsa the D-60 Chart” Sanjay Rath Shows us how to Interpret your past birth. Examples 2 Cd Set 8/21/03 $12.


SJC-CD14- “Saptaloka and Tala”- Sanjay Rath teaches how to understand a Punya chart or Time of death charts w/examples and describes the soul journey from body to other planes of existence of hells and heavenly places. 3 Cd Set 8/19/03 $18.


SJC-CD15- “The Badhaka” Visti Larsen gives a great class on understanding the concept of the Badhaka or the sources of obstruction for each rasi’s affairs. 2 Cd Set

8/19/03 $12.


SJC-CD16-“Karaka Kendradi Dasa” Or, mapping the Progress of the soul. Visti Larsen introduces us to a new Dasa ment for predicting significant events on our souls progress through life. 2 Cd Set 8/17/03 $18.


SJC-CD17- “Spirituality in Jyotish” and the Charts of Avataras. SJC head Robert Koch gives us the clues and indications of spirituality in a chart and using some great personalities as examples.5 Cd Set 8/18/03 $25.


SJC-CD18-“The Vimsamsa or D-20 chart- Robert Koch teaches How to read/ interpret the D-20 chart for religiousity,devotion,gurus,etc spiritual development.

2 Cd Set 8/21/03 $12.


SJC-CD19- “Mantra Bhava” Sarbani Sarkar- explains the deep significance of the 5th house and its use in prescribing mantras 2 Cd Set 8/20/03 $12.

SJC-CD20- “Counseling with AV” Phyl Chubb shows how to use the Asthtakavarga scheme in counseling your clients with astrology 1 Cd $5.


SJC-CD21- “Disease and the 8th house” Introduction to disease and 8th house ties given by Phyl Chubb 1 Cd $5. 24cds $143.


2003 West Coast “Relationship Seminar: Sunnyvale, CA. Aug 22-24th


SJC-CD22- part1) “Argala” Introduction to understanding Argala with Visti Larsen.

part2) “Love, Marriage and Relationships” Visti brilliantly leads us into the basics and more of relationships, marriage, and related topics like arudhas for spouse and/or lovers etc. 4 Cds 8/22/03 $24.


SJC-CD23-“The Navamsa” Sex, Love, illicit affairs - Shiv Pujan skillfully discusses taboo and other sexual relationships and habits, in a matter of fact, yet humorous style. Handouts with examples 4 Cds 8/23/03 $24.


SJC-CD24-“Sambandha” Relationships-pt1) Sanjay Rath shows how to judge marital, business connections etc. pt2)“Ghataka” Who is your ghatak? Potentially destructive relationships. 5 Cds 8/24/03 $30.


13 Total for Cds of JUST Relationship seminar”= $78.

Get ALL of the main confer . INDIVIDUAL Cd’s and the relationship

seminar too $173. plus $6.00 priority mail charge




2002 East Coast

Narayana and Udu dasa Sanjay Rath and Narasimha Rao


Only as Mp3=$25.



2002-West Coast Conference held in Ukiah and Redwood Valley, Calif.

MP3 Set $100. shipping within USA include $4.00


SJC-CD01” Foundations of Jyotish” Sanjay covers numerous topics-The Lokas, devas, mantra, chakras, Rudras, 12Adhityas, For persons new (alot of this you haven’t

heard elsewhere)Handout pgs Speaker Sanjay Rath -Ukiah, Ca,. 5hrs . 8/22/02 . 4cds $24.

SJC-CD02 -“Drig Dasa” – Timing spiritual events, Ascetic yogas-Robert Koch probes into a great Saints charts- Includes excel. 25pg handout on calculating and interpretation of Drig Dasa and Ascetic yogas with chart examples. Sanjay joins in the discussion

Ukiah, Ca 4.5h 8/23/02 4 $24.


SJC-CD03 - “Shoola Dasa”-Applicability, interpretations, calculations explained by Dr. Brendan Feeley. Sanjay Rah provides added insights into longevity matters,

Incudes a thorough 17pg handout with instructions with calculations

Ukiah, Ca 4.80 8/24/02 5 $30.


SJC-CD04-” Nakshatra”- Use of thenakshatras in interpretation plus handout- Using the nakshatra rulerships for deeper meanings class given by Sat Siri Khalsa. Ukiah.

2.5 8/25/02 3 $18.


SJC-CD05- “Remedial Measures”- In depth understanding to every type of curse imaginable, flaws in tithi, and many other chart afflictions w/ a number of examples explained by Sanjay Rath. A must for every beginning astrologer. Includes handouts

Ukiah,Ca 3hrs 8/25/02 3 $18.


SJC-CD06- “Tithi Pravesha Chart” Narasimha Rao clearly explains how to make accurate predictions using a yearly T.P chart. Sanjay contributes his insights. Includes

the 24pg class handout w/ calulations explained w/ many examples

Ukiah, Ca 4.5 8/26/02 5 $30.


SJC-CD07- “Questions and Answers” further discussions from the conf answerd by Sanjay Rath. Origin of zodiacal systems, reversing mantras, gandanta, time through the nakshatras, Ca 2.5 8/27/02 2 $12.


SJC-CD08- “Extended Conference Talks” in redwood Valley. Sanjay Rath covers many important concepts. The Atma and Creation-Jyotirlingas, Rasas, Atma, Saptamsa Chart 1/7division, Isthadevata, AK, karakamsa. 2hrs 8/28/02 2 $12.


SJC-CD09 “-Dasa,Gati & Yoga”- Homework-Lesson Cont Answers, Rasas, jyotirlingas Clintons chart, shadripu tones, different dasa, Mundaka dasa described, Ayur Viparet yog timing yogas, Sanjay Rath R.V. 2.25 8/29/02 2 $12


SJC-CD-10- Saptamsa,Moola & Gati-Homework Lesson- In depth examination of F.D. Roosevelts chart by Sanjay Rath, learn how to determine the sex and timing of children, characteristics of the spouse. Timing events and curses using Moola Dasa with examples, Mrityunjaya Mantra, finding the curse(bad karmas) in Christopher Reeves chart, and

much more. Includes homework questions so you can attempt as well. Redwood Valley, 8/30/02thru8/31/02 5 $30.


SJC-CD-11- Bhavat Bhavam, How to Identify Curses- Sanjay Rath .A Continuation of the previous days talks with emphasis on how to prescribe a mantra, and remedies.

Redwood Valley, 9/1/02 2 $12.

SJC-MP3- Udu and Vimsottari Dasa –Sanjay Rath /Narasimha Rao N.J 8/02 1 $24.




Lakshmi Kary


SJC secretary West Coast


Just send me an inquiry for e-mail for ship costs if outside USA. Note: I can now send Mp3s through USPS “Global Priority” envelope for $9.00 to many countries.

Items are shipping next business ,usually.


MAKE checks payable to:

Rama Publications

P.O. Box 144

Redwood Valley,

Calif. 95470

You can make a payment through Pay Pal payable to ramapublications

For overseas orders and help with postage costs contact Lakshmi directly lakshmikary


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