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Thoughts on Medha Dakshinamurthy

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Pranaam Sanjay and Rama Narayanan,


That was an illuminating discussion. The discussion on Kala Chakra is very interesting!


I just want to add my 2 cents regarding the meaning of "Medha Dakshinamurthy".


Dakshina not only means "south" as you are discussing, but it means "right" (opposite of "left") too. Of course, when one faces east, one's right hand side is in the southern direction and that may be why the right hand is called "dakshina hastam".


Medha means intelligence. What is the seat of intelligence? Normally we consider the brain as the seat of intelligence. Dakshinaamurthy is dakshina+amurthy. Amurthy means a formless entity. So "Medha Dakshinaamurthy" may be roughly translated as "the formless entity in the right brain". What is it?


If we study the basics of yoga and modern neuroscience, this can become clearer.


The right half of the brain controls the left part of the nervous system and the left half of the brain controls the right part of the nervous system. There is a cross over in the medulla. Though Lord Medha Dakshinamurthy's name is associated with the right side (dakshina), he is depicted as sitting with his left (vaama) leg up.


Modern science says that structured logic is performed by the left half of the brain and inutition and unstructured logic is performed in the right half of brain. That may be why left-handed cricket batsmen tend to look more free-flowing, intuitive and elegant (e.g. David Gower, WV Raman, Brian Lara, Sourav Ganguly etc). The nervous reflexes associated with left part of the body (and hence the right brain) are used by them more pre-dominently and hence the reflexes are more intuitive.


In Yoga, the nervous channels of Pingala and Ida are associated with fire and water (Sun and Moon). In terms of modern terminology, they correspond to sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. One system plays a stimulating (fiery) role and the other plays a soothing (watery) role. Structured logic is fiery in nature and unstructured intuition is watery in nature.


Medha Dakshinamurthy is depicted as a guru who teaches without speaking a word. He sits in jnaana mudra in silence and knowledge comes automatically. This seems to point at the intuition within us, which taps to the universal source of knowledge! This intuition that contributes to unstructured learning is "the formless entity of the right brain" and it gives us knowledge thru silence. Medha Dakshinamurthy is stationed in our right brain as the formless entity called intuition and teaches us everything.


Lord Medha Dakshinamurthy is often portrayed as teaching to four youthful sons of Brahma, who epitomize spiritual purity - Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanatkumara. These are the rulers of the four chaturthamsas of signs (like dasa dikpalakas for dasamsa). I have always felt that Chaturthamsa (D-4) is not used to its fullest by most astrologers. Chaturthamsa shows "bhagya" according to Parasara. If one restricts "bhagya" to the residence, one cannot understand why chaturthamsas are ruled by these four Kumaras. Anyway, I will write my thoughts on what these four Kumaras symbolize and also the chaturthamsa links in an email later.


One thought before I finish. Many beejaksharas (seed syllables) used in mantras have rakaara or lakaara, which activate/feed the sympathetic and parasympathetic channels. Ra is fiery and La is watery. For example, "Kreem" and "Kleem" have totally different purposes, though they are very similar. Similarly, "Shreem" and "Shleem" have totally different purposes. Ancient Hindu sages and Yogis carefully studied and chronicled the impact of various sounds on various subtle energy channels. Today, people look at mantra sastra as some kind of magic that helps one fulfil cheap material desires and they forget the most essential basics of mantra sastra. The ultimate purpose of mantra and tantra is to control oneself and rise spiritually.


Let me end this rather long-winding rambling with a beejakshara that can activate the right brain. Try meditating on the beeja "dhleem" in jnaana mudra for a few hours and you'll see the difference!


May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha-------------------------------Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org


SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org-------------------------------

varahamihira , "Sanjay Rath" <guruji@s...> wrote:Jaya JagannathaDear Ram NarayanThere are some concepts we need to be clear about first. I am addingcomments below your mail.With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath CenterR15B Gangaram Hospital RoadNew Delhi 110060, India <http://srath.com> http://srath.com, +91-11-25717162* * *


rama narayanan [ <sree88ganesha>sree88ganesha]Friday, May 20, 2005 8:38 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: My shloka




Dear Sanjay, Visti, Hari & Prabhakaran,


Namaste. Please refer the previous mail in connection with Ista and Mantra.Visti had a question about usage of Mantra addressing Kartikeya as Ista.Sanjay had stated that he preferred Ista to be Sowmya and that if KartikeyaMantra is to be given, then an additional beeja relating to removal ofpoison may be added.


Now we see a mail coming up in the form of a 'Dakshinamoorthy Shloka' byNarasimha(Mars). i was wondering the way the Almighty carefully takes upeach wave of vibration and strokes it affectionately!


Mars is extremely comfortable in South/dakshin. Makara is the exaltationsthana of Mars where dakshinayana ends and uttarayana begins. Makara is thekshetra where Guru expresses himself through Mars. Mars reminds me ofDakshinamoorthy. You may feel as to why Yama should be linked toDakshinamoorthy! Yama the controller is dharmaswaroopi. Gyana means completetransformation(8th house related activity - Vimsamsa).


<<Rath: The Kalachakra directions are based on *who blocks what* or on *whocontrols what*. Thats what Kala is all about. The NE direction has thedigbala of Jupiterwhereas Rahu sits in the NE doorway in the Kalachakra. Sonaturally Rahu's job is to block the access or path to Guru. Similarly Marshas the digbala or fighting and killing strength (Mrityu is the son of Mars)in the southern direction and the God of Peace Jupiter/Guru has the power toblock or control this destruction and is made to sit in the southerndirection. This powerful form of the Guru that blocks death and destructionis Dakshinamurthy and this is not Mars but Jupiter.


Yama is not linked to Dakshinamurthy in any way to the best of my knowledge.Yama is the God of death and is linked to Saturn and as you have pointed outthis direction is also linked to the sign Capricorn which ruled burialgrounds and burning ghats for dead bodies. Hence Yama is linked to southerndirection due to the *sign* Capricorn which rules the places for the dead.Similarly Indra the king of the Gods sits in the eastern direction as Mesha(Aries) is the Royal sign of the natural zodiac and the king must sit herein the eastern direction.


In conclusion, Dakshinamurthy is the Guru bala of the Kalachakra to blockthe digbala of Mars and Yama is linked to saturn through the sign Capricorn.Indra is linked to the eastern direction due to Arieswhich is the royalsign.>>


Karma-dahana(burning of karmas) paves the way for Gyana. Mars sits outsidethe dakshinayana boundary while Guru(Sadasiva) sits outside the Uttarayanaboundary. One can visualise this easily. Guru is debilitated in Makara. Thisis akin to the embrace of Sadasiva and Skanda and an upliftment of Skandha.In kataka you will see Skandha existing in the third eye of the Lord as a'tilaka'. Third eye is the origin/womb (garbha) of Agniputra. Makara is theexpression of Agni.


Skanda gave explanation for Pranava and was called as Sivagurunathan. Thisdoes not mean that the Almighty Sadasiva who is the cause doesnot know themeaning of Pranava. This was done to honour the Agniputra Skanda byconferring upon him the Gurutwa. Skandha who was handed the Velayudha by MAParasakthi did not kill the asura Surapadma but transformed him. Thephysiology of the asura ofcourse underwent a change. One half becameKukutta(cock) and the other half becameMayura(peacock). The cock(AK/ahankara { concept of 'I'} of the asura) tookup a place in the dwaja(flag) while the peacock(mamakara (concept of 'mine'}became his vahana/vehicle.


<<Rath:Yes thats right. I may add that Kartikeya is Sivagurunathan due to theMahavakya's he spoke of (refer Shiva Purana). Thats why Kukuti vrata andMayuri vrata...ok it fits wonderfully into the Bagala tantra and Somanatha(head of Shiva).>>


If Subrahmanya is considered as the sarpa/snake then he is the highest formof Sarpa known as Kundalini.


<<Rath: Thats for all deities, lets not get carried away.>>


Kundalini jagran is for the seeker who has the vairaghya. Here in comes thebrilliance of Sanjay where he feels that Mantras are not mere sounds.Mantras are meant for transformation. This Subramanya invocation is sure togive results.


When the Guru who is to give the mantra is not ready yet then the mantra isnot to be given. i feel this is the message which Sanjay wanted to convey.


There is so much to say in this but the mail is becoming lengthier.


<<Rath: Go on Ram, you are speaking sense. People insisting on mantras likebargaining for bread is a sad state.


Mantra is a spontaneous exuberance of pranic shakti of a fellow travellercalled *guru* that follows the churning of karmic ocean by the 54 devas and54 asuras knotting the kundalini snake around the heart lotus mountainwithin our bodies. So many actors are involved in here that it cannot becontrolled. Unless Shiva has drunk the poison, how can the nectar come.Thats why I was suggesting that the poison destroying bijaksara (seedsyllable) be added to the mantra of Skanda so that the native can at firsthave the poison destroyed and then alone come to the light of amrita that isbeing distributed by Mohini. Incidentally the name *mohini* is from Moha andhas the kaama bijakshara as the giver of amrita - kliiM. >>


To sum up, if one is able to identify his Ista through a Guru in a grahathen the navagraha becomes a anugraha/blessing. The jyotisha shouldnecessarily consult his Ista before giving the Ista devatha mantra. Istadevatha Mantras are not mere sounds and are meant for transformation(8thhouse)/complete knowledge.


<<Rath: Yes I insist on this. He who has the light can give light, and ourlight can come from our Ista devata only. The eighth house you mention is asecret I have kept for sometime. Most of the dvadasakshari mantra are of thetype *om namo bhagavate vaasudevaaya* - 4 words, 12 akshara and mantradevata is in 8th house. Thats the key to transformation.>>


Last but not the least Mars has the power and potency to bring back thejeeva to this jambudweepa(mrityu loka - this means whether it is Saylorsborgor it is Mmubai everything comes under Jambudweepa) with a sole intention ofdriving the jeeva to completley realise the helpless state of Ahankara. Themoment the jeeva thinks that he is supreme and that another worldexist(other than Sivasakthi) you are brought to this dweepa/island and tillyou realise theparents(original) you are retained here. The moment you realise, your asuricqualities are converted into a vahana and the ahankara converts itself intoflag of wisdom and the upward surge(rasing) takes place.


Kartikeya is a task master indeed.


Sorry for the length.


Best wishes.


Astrologically & spiritually yours,p.s.ramanarayanan.


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Dear Narasimha,


Namaste. That's good one.


The word Medha means retentiveness (of memory)/

retentive faculty. The Lord Siva is called as

Smarahara. The word Smara connotes remembrance as well

as the God of Love/Kama while the word Hara connotes

removing/taking away. The power of Medha sustained by

the tatva Jala, is evaporated by Agni at the time of

death. The Lord Maheswara applies the basma/ashes as

an act of taking back that super superior power and

returns it back as agni. Mars representing this agni

directs the jeeva to Mrityu loka. The deathless yogis

who are blessed with trikalagyana are all in line with

the illumination of this Medha.


The turyamsa which you talked about indeed has deeper

meanings. The four divisions of the zodiac can be

broadly classified as agni trikonas, earthy trikonas,

vayu trikonas and jala trikonas. The four manasa

putras are linked to the four levels of consciousness

known as jagrat, swapna, sushupti and turya. Agni

trikonas relate to jagrat state(Sanaka), earthy

trikonas relate to state of swapna(Sanatana), vayu

trikona relates to Nidra/sushupti(Kumara) and jala

trikonas relate to Turya(Sananda). The word bhagya

means fate/destiny/ luck/fortune. i am awaiting to

hear from you in this regard Narasimha.


In Tirussur in Kerala there is temple for

'vadakkunatha'. Here Vadakku means North and Natha

means the Lord. That means Lord from the North meaning

Pasupatinath. It is said that this temple owes its

existence on account of Adishankara. i shall tell you

the story in brief. Mother Aryamba and Father Sivaguru

did not have any issue for a long time. They went

around on a pilgrimage and reached the holy kshetra of

Pasupatinath in Nepal. There the Mother Aryamba had a

dream of the Lord asking her to perform anabhisheka

with a ghee which does not melt for progeny. She told

this dream to her husband Sivaguru who told her that

there was some message behind this dream. They bought

a cow and offered prayers to Gopala. Having milked the

cow they processed the same and brought out the ghee.

With prayers in their hearts they poured this ghee on

the Lord with the firm faith that the Lord would

freeze it. The Lord pleased with their faith and

devotion made the ghee freeze on its own and blessed

them with the birth of famous Shankara. They ivited

the Lord to come to South and when the Lord came they

constructed a temple and named the Moorthy as



i wanted to mention about this 'uttaramurthy' also.

Here there is a small message. What is the need to

worship the Lord with a frozen ghee? The

prithivi/earth yields grass which is consumed by the

Cow. This is converted into blood which becomes the

milk. This milk is converted into curd which then is

converted into butter which ultimately becomes ghee.

This ghee is nothing but the 7th transformed state of

the original prithvi.


If we observe closely we understand that Aryambal

actually transferred her frozen state of putra bhagya

into a Sivalinga and offered her sincere prayer which

brought out the fertile mercy of the Lord leading to

the birth of the famous son Shankara.


Sorry for the length.


Warm Regards.


Astrologically & spiritually yours,




--- " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr wrote:


> Pranaam Sanjay and Rama Narayanan,


> That was an illuminating discussion. The discussion

> on Kala Chakra is very interesting!


> I just want to add my 2 cents regarding the meaning

> of " Medha Dakshinamurthy " .


> Dakshina not only means " south " as you are

> discussing, but it means " right " (opposite of

> " left " ) too. Of course, when one faces east, one's

> right hand side is in the southern direction and

> that may be why the right hand is called " dakshina

> hastam " .


> Medha means intelligence. What is the seat of

> intelligence? Normally we consider the brain as the

> seat of intelligence. Dakshinaamurthy is

> dakshina+amurthy. Amurthy means a formless entity.

> So " Medha Dakshinaamurthy " may be roughly translated

> as " the formless entity in the right brain " . What is

> it?


> If we study the basics of yoga and modern

> neuroscience, this can become clearer.


> The right half of the brain controls the left part

> of the nervous system and the left half of the brain

> controls the right part of the nervous system. There

> is a cross over in the medulla. Though Lord Medha

> Dakshinamurthy's name is associated with the right

> side (dakshina), he is depicted as sitting with his

> left (vaama) leg up.


> Modern science says that structured logic is

> performed by the left half of the brain and

> inutition and unstructured logic is performed in the

> right half of brain. That may be why left-handed

> cricket batsmen tend to look more free-flowing,

> intuitive and elegant (e.g. David Gower, WV Raman,

> Brian Lara, Sourav Ganguly etc). The nervous

> reflexes associated with left part of the body (and

> hence the right brain) are used by them more

> pre-dominently and hence the reflexes are more

> intuitive.


> In Yoga, the nervous channels of Pingala and Ida are

> associated with fire and water (Sun and Moon). In

> terms of modern terminology, they correspond to

> sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. One

> system plays a stimulating (fiery) role and the

> other plays a soothing (watery) role. Structured

> logic is fiery in nature and unstructured intuition

> is watery in nature.


> Medha Dakshinamurthy is depicted as a guru who

> teaches without speaking a word. He sits in jnaana

> mudra in silence and knowledge comes automatically.

> This seems to point at the intuition within us,

> which taps to the universal source of knowledge!

> This intuition that contributes to unstructured

> learning is " the formless entity of the right brain "

> and it gives us knowledge thru silence. Medha

> Dakshinamurthy is stationed in our right brain as

> the formless entity called intuition and teaches us

> everything.


> Lord Medha Dakshinamurthy is often portrayed as

> teaching to four youthful sons of Brahma, who

> epitomize spiritual purity - Sanaka, Sananda,

> Sanatana and Sanatkumara. These are the rulers of

> the four chaturthamsas of signs (like dasa

> dikpalakas for dasamsa). I have always felt that

> Chaturthamsa (D-4) is not used to its fullest by

> most astrologers. Chaturthamsa shows " bhagya "

> according to Parasara. If one restricts " bhagya " to

> the residence, one cannot understand why

> chaturthamsas are ruled by these four Kumaras.

> Anyway, I will write my thoughts on what these four

> Kumaras symbolize and also the chaturthamsa links in

> an email later.


> One thought before I finish. Many beejaksharas (seed

> syllables) used in mantras have rakaara or lakaara,

> which activate/feed the sympathetic and

> parasympathetic channels. Ra is fiery and La is

> watery. For example, " Kreem " and " Kleem " have

> totally different purposes, though they are very

> similar. Similarly, " Shreem " and " Shleem " have

> totally different purposes. Ancient Hindu sages and

> Yogis carefully studied and chronicled the impact of

> various sounds on various subtle energy channels.

> Today, people look at mantra sastra as some kind of

> magic that helps one fulfil cheap material desires

> and they forget the most essential basics of mantra

> sastra. The ultimate purpose of mantra and tantra is

> to control oneself and rise spiritually.


> Let me end this rather long-winding rambling with a

> beejakshara that can activate the right brain. Try

> meditating on the beeja " dhleem " in jnaana mudra for

> a few hours and you'll see the difference!


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha



> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3):

> http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows):

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org




> varahamihira , " Sanjay Rath "

> <guruji@s...> wrote:

> Jaya Jagannatha

> Dear Ram Narayan

> There are some concepts we need to be clear about

> first. I am adding

> comments below your mail.

> With best wishes and warm regards,

> Sanjay Rath

> * * *

> Sri Jagannath CenterR

> 15B Gangaram Hospital Road

> New Delhi 110060, India

> <http://srath.com> http://srath.com,

> +91-11-25717162

> * * *



> rama narayanan [ <sree88ganesha>

> sree88ganesha]

> Friday, May 20, 2005 8:38 AM

> varahamihira

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: My shloka





> Dear Sanjay, Visti, Hari & Prabhakaran,


> Namaste. Please refer the previous mail in

> connection with Ista and Mantra.

> Visti had a question about usage of Mantra

> addressing Kartikeya as Ista.

> Sanjay had stated that he preferred Ista to be

> Sowmya and that if Kartikeya

> Mantra is to be given, then an additional beeja

> relating to removal of

> poison may be added.


> Now we see a mail coming up in the form of a

> 'Dakshinamoorthy Shloka' by

> Narasimha(Mars). i was wondering the way the

> Almighty carefully takes up

> each wave of vibration and strokes it

> affectionately!


> Mars is extremely comfortable in South/dakshin.

> Makara is the exaltation

> sthana of Mars where dakshinayana ends and

> uttarayana begins. Makara is the

> kshetra where Guru expresses himself through Mars.

> Mars reminds me of

> Dakshinamoorthy. You may feel as to why Yama should

> be linked to

> Dakshinamoorthy! Yama the controller is

> dharmaswaroopi. Gyana means complete

> transformation(8th house related activity -

> Vimsamsa).


> <<Rath: The Kalachakra directions are based on *who

> blocks what* or on *who

> controls what*. Thats what Kala is all about. The NE

> direction has the

> digbala of Jupiterwhereas Rahu sits in the NE

> doorway in the Kalachakra. So

> naturally Rahu's job is to block the access or path

> to Guru. Similarly Mars

> has the digbala or fighting and killing strength

> (Mrityu is the son of Mars)

> in the southern direction and the God of Peace

> Jupiter/Guru has the power to

> block or control this destruction and is made to sit

> in the southern

> direction. This powerful form of the Guru that

> blocks death and destruction

> is Dakshinamurthy and this is not Mars but Jupiter.


> Yama is not linked to Dakshinamurthy in any way to

> the best of my knowledge.

> Yama is the God of death and is linked to Saturn and

> as you have pointed out

> this direction is also linked to the sign Capricorn

> which ruled burial

> grounds and burning ghats for dead bodies. Hence

> Yama is linked to southern

> direction due to the *sign* Capricorn which rules

> the places for the dead.

> Similarly Indra the king of the Gods sits in the

> eastern

=== message truncated ===




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Dear Sri Rama Narayanan,


Thank you for your nice thoughts. I just have one comment for now.


> The word Medha means retentiveness (of memory)/> retentive faculty.


I cannot agree. Medha means intelligence, wisdom and intellectual acumen. It is not limited to retentive faculty.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha

List founder & admin-------------------------------Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org


SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org-------------------------------


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Dear Narasimha,


Thank you for your quick response. i am happy that you

have included this all important aspect of retentive

faculty under the domain of Medha. This aspect of

Medha is specifically mentioned in the students

sanskrit english dictionary of Apte.


Going by the katapayadi varga the term Medha refers to

Kumba(11th sign of kalapurusha) the airy sign.This

sign speaks of retention of air in kumba technically

referred to as Kumbaka as per yogic terminlogies.


This refers to highest form of concentration and

conscious spending of every breath, nay, saving of

every breath. When all the sakthi at our disposal are

united to invoke the para sakthi within, the result is

the waking up of Parasiva who is apparently lying in

the jeeva as a 'shava'/corpse. When Parasiva unites

with Parasakthi(7th house of the kalapurusa)the ananda

tandava begins which makes it very difficult for the

onlookers to appreciate genderwise performance(3rd



i am still relishing your statements on 'amurthy' and

intuition. i am looking forward to your write up on



Best wishes.


Astrologically & spiritually yours,




--- " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr wrote:

> Dear Sri Rama Narayanan,


> Thank you for your nice thoughts. I just have one

> comment for now.


> > The word Medha means retentiveness (of memory)/

> > retentive faculty.


> I cannot agree. Medha means intelligence, wisdom and

> intellectual acumen. It is not limited to retentive

> faculty.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

> List founder & admin



> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3):

> http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows):

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org






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