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Via Sarbani Sarkar Rath -- Karka for VIth house

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" Sarbani Sarkar Rath " <sarbani

Sat, 14 Apr 2007 22:44:21 +0530


Shri Brahmadaru Smarami


Dear Nitin,


This mail of mine did not reach Varahamihira. Can you please forward it?



Best Regards,


Sarbani Sarkar Rath

http://sarbani.com <http://sarbani.com/>







Sarbani Sarkar Rath [sarbani]

Saturday, April 14, 2007 6:52 PM

'varahamihira '

RE: |Sri Varaha| Karka for VIth house



Shri Brahmadaru Smarami


Dear Shailesh and Rafal,


Thanks a lot for your discussions. I am unsubscribing from this group.


talk in Sohamsa.


Best Regards,


Sarbani Sarkar Rath

http://sarbani.com <http://sarbani.com/>







A.R. [bonamente108]

Saturday, April 14, 2007 6:37 PM


Re: |Sri Varaha| Karka for VIth house





We've got involved in a nice discussion re VI H. karakas, supported by

excellent Sanjay's article " Path of karaka'- the thread was enlightening

before we started sabotaging it-

One would think that we all have read Sanjay's article BEFORE posting

'disagreement', now I see that Sarbani's reminder of the said article

resolved the problem! Which shouldn't have existed in the first place,


not exist, if we could only stop empty rhetoric /for good/. Posts like


discourage honest discussion and people interested in meaningful

exchange of

knowledge. Who has that much time to defend the obvious, explain same


over and over again, 'serve' readily available knowledge to one person


times...Hope this won't stop this fine discussion, I personally benefited


Regards, A.


Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:


hare rama krsna


Dear Shailesh,


Fine..We can go here further & further without any results. Just ask




Rafal Gendarz

SJC Guru

www.rohinaa. <http://www.rohinaa.com/> com

(+48) 503 44 18 18


Shailesh C Chadha napisa³(a):



|| Om Gurave Namah | Om Namo Narayanaya ||


Namaste Rafal,


Sorry, but once again, I disagree.


I have highest regard for Sanjay ji's teachings - he is my direct Guru in

this parampara - and he tells us to fall back to BPHS when in doubt.


If you do value Sanjay jis teaching more than 'some sastra', please


that Sanjay ji has always held that no teacher is above BPHS.


I would like to repeat that if our, our our Guru's line of argument/

thinking leads us to any conclusion that is contrary to BPHS, then we


conclude that we are missing some clue.


It would be dishonest on our part to selectively, and subjectively, qoute

'some sastra' when it suits our line of thinking - but when it does

not, say

that " Parasara we have today is the work of one person who was gathering

this from many pandits in villages " .


Agreed that " So there is sastra in form of codes but there is Guru who


me the unzipped version of knowledge and that is what I use in my Jyotish "

but Gurus explanations have to be within the ambit of the original 'codes'

contained in the sastra - zipped cow cannot become unzipped monkey.


Many of the examples, etc., quoted could be also explained by


the respective dignities/ lordships/ stregths/ aspects, instead of turning

the jyotish fundamentals on their head.


And please always remeber, we all are in this forum and SJC to improve our

understanding of this deep science - not to dogmatically defend our


beliefs and prejudices. It applies to me, as it does to every one else.




- Shailesh




Rafal <starsuponme Gendarz

varahamihira@ <varahamihira >

Friday, April 13, 2007 8:12 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Karka for VIth house


hare rama krsna


Dear Shaileshji,


It depends what You value more Mercury or Jupiter - this was one of the

discusion in room in Serbija where Sanjayji told us about importance of

sastra vs importance of Guru - of course I belong to the second category.

There can be many examples where the Parampara help us to understand the

Sastra's and of course Parasara we have today is the work of one

person who

was gathering this from many pandits in villages. If Sanjayji tell me that

Sani is PRIMARY SIGNIFICATOR then for me this is the main authority


I have faith and knowledge for Sanjayji Sani Atmakaraka -

tradition/parampara. If the BPHS tell me that some yoga in twelfth bhava

gives moksha, then Parampara tells me that I should treat Karakamsa as the

Lagna, if Parasara/Brhat Jataka tells me to look at Surya or Moon in

D3 for

previous loka then Parampara also comes and helps me see which Dreshkon I

should open. So there is sastra in form of codes but there is Guru who


me the unzipped version of knowledge and that is what I use in my

Jyotish. I

respect Your way of approach but Im sure my Guru cant be wrong and

also some

sastra defend this point of view.




Rafal Gendarz

SJC Guru

www.rohinaa. <http://www.rohinaa.com/> com

(+48) 503 44 18 18


Shailesh Chadha napisa³(a):



|| Om Gurave Namah | Om Namo Narayanaya ||


Namaste Rafal,


Yes, of course there is a link between Hardwork and Weakness.


Excess of hardwork may lead to temporary weakness; on the otherhand


leads to inability to undertake hardwork.


But how is this fact relevant to the thread - which is about primary

significator for the 6th house?


And how does this fact over-rule the teachings of BPHS, which teachs that

Mars is the significator of 6th house.


Later savants may have added Saturn - and it could be in line with

your line

of reasoning about shad-ripus.


Even then, at best, Saturn can be described as a co-significator.


No teacher; or arguement can be greater that Parasara's teachings; at best

it indicates our own ignorance - or inability to correctly decipher

Parasara's teachings.




- Shailesh.



On 13 Apr 2007 00:28:50 -0700, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@

<starsuponme wp.pl> wrote:


+om namo bhagavate vasudevaya+



Dear Shaileshji, Namaskar


There is a link between hard work and weakness, as the hard work is


when the objective is not realised. All shadripu have its own


and has karaka(venus-kama, mercury-jelousy, mars-anger, ketu-moha etc) and

own bhava (2-kama,3-krodha etc). Now this will be more clear when we learn

about 1) nakshatra's & 2) lord of the year (samvatsara is represented by

Sani), in these scheme we see that Nakshatra of Jupiter will show area of

mastership & strength while the Sani will show our weakness. This is

teaching of my Guruji. Hope this helps.



Rafal Gendarz

www.rohinaa. <http://www.rohinaa.com/> com






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