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Shri Gopal Goel, a clarification on Vakra planets

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Dear Neelam ji,

In your mail Jan29,2008, you wanted me to elaborate on my remark:

" The degree of retrogression should always be considered "

I was proposing to write a article on this subject , as such I refrained to

respond immediately.

As that article is getting delayed , I wish to respond in brief.


Mars to Saturn;

1.Vakra 2. Anuvakra 3. Vikla 4.Manda 5.MANDATRA6.Sama7.Chara 8. Atichara.

These eight motions are directly linked with the angular distance of these

planets with SUN and

viewed or translated into Chesta Bala. and distance of planet from Earth.

This is the reason that makes the Sun Lagna important.





Ph: 09350311433


NEW DELHI-110 076






neelam gupta <neelamgupta07


Tuesday, 29 January, 2008 11:14:29 AM

Re: Shri Gopal Goel, a clarification



Dear Shri Goel Ji,


I would appreciate if you could elaborate on:

The degree of retrogression should always be considered.

Does it mean that we should check as to how far the planet has gone in


or do you link it with the speed of the planet at the time of birth?

And if you may give us a pointer on how it helps in analysis?

I shall be grateful.

Thanks and regards






On 29/01/2008, Jagadish Tuppad <jagadishtuppad@ > wrote:

Shri Gopal Goel


I Went through some of the websites about debilitation, exaltation. moolatrikona


I need one clarification about moolatrikona, What is the kona (degree) for Moon

and Mercury?


God Bless You





Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Friends,

Planets in debility and in enemy houses, when becomes retrograde , act in

strength like exalted planets , this does not mean

that they always acts as auspicious like exalted planets.

The degree of retrogression should always be considered.




Ph: 09350311433


NEW DELHI-110 076






neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com>

ancient_indian_ astrology

Monday, 28 January, 2008 9:47:08 PM

Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] New file uploaded to ancient_indian_




Dear Sreenadh ji,

While we're on this topic, I though its worth knowing what classics have to say

about retrograde planets.

Here's a brief compilation:


Mantreshwar says in Phaldeepika:

Whether the planet is in inimical sign, or neecha sign, if it is retrograde, it

will give results like an exalted planet.

Auspicious results are obtained only if the dashanath is in own sign, or exalted

or retrograde. On the contrary, if the dashanath is debilitated/ in inimical

rashi/combust/ in 6,8,12 houses it gives inauspicious results.

If the dashanath is combust in Gochar, there are inauspicious results whereas it

gives auspicious results if in gochar it transits own house, exalted sign or

turns retrograde.

Similarly Satyacharya says in Satyjatakam:

Whether a planet is in exaltation or in retrogration, the similar results should

be expected.

Varahmihir says:

Planets are exceptionally strong when they're retrograde and samagami (with


In Horasaar, Prithuyash has also talked about retrograde Jupiter. He says that

if Jupiter is retrograde, he has full strength in all the rashis except


In Saravali, Kalyan Verma comments that:

Benefics become extremely strong when retrograde and give kingdom to the native

whereas malefics when retrograde make the native vicious and a wanderer.

Jatak Tatwa similarly says that benefic retrograde is auspicious whereas a

malefic retrograde is inauspicious.

In Sanket Nidhi, hint has been given on which house will get fructified by the

retrograde planet. If mars is retrograde, it gives results of 3rd house from its

natal position, Jupiter will give 5th house results, Mercury gives results

pertaining to 4th house, venus 7th house and Saturn 9th house.

Jain Granth Pakshri says that when retrograde, all planets are as strong as they

are in their Mooltrikon signs.

Love and regards








On 28 Jan 2008 14:36:46 -0000, ancient_indian_ astrology

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