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In the divine science of astrology, the lst house stands for


creation, 2nd house for sustenance and promotion, and the


3rd house for destruction.

Then starts the second triplicity, where the 4th house


stands for creation, 5th for its maintenance and promotion,


and 6th house for its destruction.

Next comes the 3rd triplicity with the 7th house stands for


creation 8th for its sustenance and 9th for its destruction.

Lastly comes the 4th triplicity with the tenth house as for


creation , 11th for its maintenance and 12 for its



At this stage you are likely to raise an objection, as to how


this order can apply to the sets, when for example 9th house


is not one of destruction. But if you keep in mind the fact----


the order of creation, sustenance and destruction relates


only to the particular trait of triplicity. Donated by the first


house in the triplicity, you will understand the logic behind


the whole theory. Let us make the point more clear.

The first house of the horoscope repreents the first part of


the " KALA PURUSHA " i.e, the head and the brain. Hence the


first triplicity relates to the brain.

The 4th house represents the " SUKHA " or comforts and as


such the second triplicity relates to " pleasure " .

The 7th house represents " sex " and therefore the third


triplicity is concerned with sex.

Similarly the last triplicity starts with tenth house--- the


house of " karma " and therefore, concerned with karam.

Let us go into the question in more detail.

The first house represents the brain. The second is the


sustenance and maintenace of the brain. This work is


performed by education in the schools and colleges. The


third house stands for confusions, of mind.

The third house therefore, rightly stands for the destruction


of the brain power.

The 4th house stands for comforts and plasures. The 5th is


the house of exuberance of plasure and its enrichment. It is


for reason that pleasure resorts such as the cinema the


theatre and the clubs all are represented by th 5th house of


the horoscope. The 6th house of the horoscope stands for


the enemies, the hurdles and oppositions in life. The


atmosphere of enmity obviously destroys pleasure.

The 7th house relates to sex. The second to the 7th i.e,


8th is the enrichment and excess of sex. The 8th house is


one of sin and is intimately related to the sin connected with


the sex the 9th house is the destruction of sex in as much as


this house stands for morality and spitituality, which do not


encourage sex at all.

The last triplicity starts with the tenth house ---- the house


of karma. the 11th is the most developed and enriched form


of karma i.e, the selfless karma. The last house in triplicity


i.e, 12th stands for the destruction of all karma wheather


good or bad. The last house is the house of moksha which


its very definition requires the cessation of all karmas, in


order to stop the wheel of birth and death.

The above discussion has served one very good purpose. It


has proved that the third house stands for the destruction of


the brain, the 6th destruction of pleasures, 9th destruction


of sex and the 12th for destruction of all karmas.

The sequence of thought, pleasure, sex and karma is also ,


we think, a natural psychological sequence. All thoughts

that arise in the human mind are inextricably woven with the


idea of getting shkha or comfort in the positive sense of


achieving it or in th negative sense of getting it by avoiding



After the idea seeking pleasure has arisen we naturally


seek the means to satsfy our desire for the pleasure. For


that purpose we seek the company of others for the sex and


finally we engage ourselves in karmas. We are, of course


caught in th vicious circle of samskaras followed by desire


and karma, then again samskars, desires and karamas,


unless we get by the grace of God the capacity of the third


eye, see through the net of karmas and first going through


the process of good karmas followed by selfless karmas and


then get out of the karmas altogather.

The arrangement of the 12th house of the horoscope in the


evolutionary order, with each triplicity denoting a stage in


life , is thus tribute to the wisdom of the vedic pioneers of


the science of astrolgy and attracts us to this divine science


for study and benefit. thanks(AZEEM)

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