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Vivienne and Knox Jolie-Pitt — Brad and Angelina’s Twins

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Dear friends,

If you are interested in the recent twin birth of Brad and Angelina, please read

my analysis below.

Fortune at Birth (Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's twins)

As the whole world know, these twin Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline bring

their fortune to their parents, and here is my analysis for these infants how

they are fortunate at birth.

Since their birth time apart only a minute, I just calculate as per their birth

certificate, which is 15:52 PM. CET, which is 2 hours different from GMT.














3:52 PM

















Natal Analysis.


Ascendant is 19 Lib 42, Moon 5 Scorpio 3.

-          Sun- the Mulatrikona lord of H11, significator of wealth is

well placed at H9, which is the significator of the destiny on the basis of past

lives, and sudden gain. It is obviously indicates that the twins, along with

their past good karma bring the fortune to the family. Moreover, the Jupiter, MT

lord of H3 placing at its Mulatrikona house is closely aspecting the Sun. It

makes the Sun strong. Again, for the MEP of MT house of the Sun, H11 was closely

conjucted by Mars (functional Benefic planet for being MT lord of H7)  and

Saturn (Functional Benefic Planet being MT lord of H5). Moreover, and being very

closely aspected by Jupiter  (MT lord of H3). So, the MT house of Sun was

strong and that consequently make the Sun strong again. The Jupiter, a natural

benefic and functional benefic is very closely influencing the MEP of H9 and MEP

of H11 simultaneously. Since there is no affliction to the Sun, MEP of its MT

house and its

placement, the twin will be very successful throughout their lives and they

will be doing the charity work across the globe like their mother.


-          The Moon-the MT lord of H10 is placed at H2. This is also

the ideal placement for the career life. Again, it is under the close aspect of

Mars, MT lord of H7. They are going to be in public life which will give them

good financial status and prosperity. Now, here is one thing to look into. The

H10, MT house of the Moon has been closely aspected by Rahu. We need to find out

what sort of result will be given by Rahu. The placement of Rahu is at H4 which

is owned by Saturn, which is the MT lord of H5. And Rahu is in with the

Dhanishtha Nakshatra, ruled by Mars, MT lord of H7, placed at H11. Since Rahu is

the bringing the nature of functional Benefic. In this way, I believe that the

Rahu will not harm them, it will give them the cleverness and acting ability

instead. The MEP of H2, which signifies the financial status and prosperity is

closely aspected by Mars, MT lord of H7. It symbolize they will prosper by

active role in public related

career. From the Moon analysis, I can conclude that they will be again

celebrity status just like their parents and will have very good financial



-          The Mars- MT lord of H7, placed at H11. Good place for

business, partnership and public related dealing again. Among all the planets,

the Mars is the strongest because of receiving the beneficial score from

Functional Benefic planets to its MT house and MEP of its house of placement.

However, it is debilitated in Navamsa.  Let’s see how Mars got the beneficial

scores. Mars is exactly conjucted with Saturn, MT lord of H5, and there is no

affliction. MEP of its MT house, ie H7, is very closely aspected by Jupiter, MT

lord of H3 and absolutely free from the influence of FM planets. Again, MEP of

H11, receiving the multiple benefic from Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, with the

strength of 81%, 95%, and 72% respectively. The children will be very active in

their business which is going to be prosperous.



-          The Mercury- MT lord of H12, placed at H9. It resides at its

own sign. It did not destroy the house of its placement even though it is the

functional malefic planet. It simply means that they are leading the comfortable

life full of luxury and exploring the journey where they are interested in.

Again, the MEP of MT house of Mercury, i.e H12, is under the influence of Rahu,

which might bring them to foreign countries. And, the H9, is under the close

influence of Sun, MT lord of H11 and the Jupiter, MT lord H3.  Since Mercury

can be considered strong, the twins are blessed with good analytical thinking

ability and they are destined to be comfortable throughout their lives.


-          The  Jupiter- MT lord of H3, placed at its MT house, it

reinforce the strength of its own house by residing very close to its MEP and

being closely aspected by Sun, MT lord of H11. They will possess the knowledge

which drives them in to venture and create their accumulative wealth again.



-          The Venus- MT lord of H1, again well placed in H10. However,

its 30% combusted and debiliated at Navamsa. H1, the MT house of Venus is free

from affliction but receiving the strength from the Sun, MT lord of H11.

However, the H10, the placement of Venus is under the close influence of both

Rahu and Ketu. So, it is likely that during the period of Rahu and venus, there

might be drug related activities.


-          The Saturn- MT lord H5, again well placed at H11. Saturn is

exactly conjucted with Mars, MT lord of H7 and no affliction. The MEP of its MT

house H5 is closely aspected by Mars, again. H11 is receiving the

multi-beneficial strength from the Functional Benefic planets which are Mars,

Jupiter, Saturn. So, the twin will have good education and they are going to be

long-lived persons.


Dasa Analysis

- When twins are born, the Dasa period is Saturn-Saturn-Rahu. As I have

explained above, the Saturn is strong and Rahu is giving the popularity and

astute nature. They bring their karma wealth not only to their parents, but for

the world society as well.


Khin (Numan)






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