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to SJC articles, lessons,etc sorry some may be outdated

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http://vedicastrologer.org/ Lectures from PVR Narasimha Rao

Sri Jagannath Center http://www..org/

Sanjay Rath http://srath.com and http://srath.com/blog/

and Sarbani Rath web site http://sarbani.com/index.htm

SJC Atri study group http://www..org/sjc_delhi/

Sagittarious Publishing -SJC books -http://sagittariuspublications.com/


Jyotish Digest and sample articles


Visti Larsen-SJC guru lots of articles and lectures for download


Visti study group download lecture-



Lakshmi Kary- SJC guru some books and Mp3s of West Coast SJC conferences


Narasimha Rao-SJC guru and admin http://www.vedicastrologer.org

Narasimha Boston lectures http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Robert Koch- www.robertkoch.com

Zoran SJC guru and SIVA- http://ahimsazr1.wordpress.com/

SJC Serbia http://www.sjc-serbia.com/english/index.html

Dewavrat blog http://jyotisha-shala.blogspot.com/

Partha Saraswathy http://partvinu.tripod.com/parthaastro/index.html


Narayan Iyer http://jyotish.narayaniyer.com

Sanjau Prabhakuran http://jyotish-blog.blogspot.com/


Sarajit Poddar blog spot http://varahamihira.blogspot.com

Andrew Foss http://vedicsoftware.com/Avasthas_files/frame.htm

London Conference free lecture link http://www.htmail4.com/conf


Swee Chan /Gauranga Lessons and Vedic classics BPHS etc


Rafal Gendarz-SJC guru http://www.rohinaa.com/

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org



Goravani Software lessons http://www.goravani.com/lessons/LessMenu.html

Bookstore with inexpensive B.V. Raman books, best prices I've found in Los

Angeles ,reliable and fast shipping as well http://www.bodhitree.com/

Bookstore in India http://www.mlbd.com/index.asp





















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