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NG U ALL=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ANarasimha P.V.R. Ra=

o <pvr=0Avedic astrology ; sohamsa@gro=

ups.com; =0AWednesday, July 23, 2008 2:39=

:17 AM=0A[vedic astrology] US Presidential Election 2008 Predictio=

n=0A=0A=0ANamaste friends,=0A=0AI finally got time in the last few weeks to=

look at the charts of the candidates for US presidential election 2008. Th=

e issue was that both had controversial birthtimes and I needed to spend so=

me time looking at various events using multiple techniques and using vario=

us birthtimes in the vicinity of the given birthtimes, in order to convince=

myself of one birthtime and rectify it further.=0A=0AAs I have a decent le=

vel of confidence in the data now, I will venture to make a prediction. I w=

ill give all the detailed astrological analysis that went into this birthti=

me picking, birthtime fine-tuning and prediction process. Those who just wa=

nt to read the " prediction " can directly go to the end.=0A=0A* * *=0A=0ABir=

thtime of Barack Obama=0A=0ASeveral birthtimes were floated for Barack Obam=

a in the past. But, when I tried to justify the events in his using a small=

fine-tuning of the birthtime in the vicinity of the reported birthtime, I =

was not successful with any time. Something or the other was amiss.=0A=0AHo=

wever, someone sent me the 7:24 birthtime in late June. I found it satisfac=

tory. It explained all the events I was trying to verify. I will give a few=

quick comments using this chart.=0A=0ABirthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24 pm (1=

0 hrs west of GMT), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (157 deg 51' 30 " W, 21 deg 18' 25=

" N).=0A=0ACapricorn lagna with Saturn and Jupiter gives him pragmatism and=

also some optimism and idealism. Saturn in Capricorn lagna with Jupiter is=

a classical dhana yoga taught by Parasara and he became rich in Jupiter da=

sa. Aspect of Mercury and Sun on lagna and 1st/2nd/3rd lords gives some cha=

rm, finesse and eloquence. Exalted Moon in 5th and Saturn in lagna give mas=

s following. The 10th lord Venus is in a navamsa of Jupiter and it gave him=

a teaching profession first. Saturn aspects 10th in rasi and is the 9th/10=

th lord in dasamsa and occupies 5th with Sun and Rahu. This made him a poli=

tical activist, reformer and leader.=0A=0AHis father left his mother and hi=

s mother raised him alone. In rasi chart, 9th lord is afflicted by 8th lord=

.. In D-12, lagna lord is debilitated in 12th from 9th lord showing abandonm=

ent by father. On the other hand, 4th lord and lagna lord are in mutual tri=

nes and are friends. From the arudha pada of the 9th lord, Rahu is in 8th w=

ith a debilitated planet and Jupiter is the 2nd lord in 3rd. Rahu-Jupiter a=

ntardasa killed father.=0A=0AThe 9th house in chaturvimsamsa (D-24) shows b=

achelor education. It contains debilitated Sun and he studied political sci=

ence. During Rahu-Jupiter antardasa, he did bachelors degree. Jupiter has a=

rgala on Sun. This was also the D-24 Narayana dasa of Taurus, which aspects=

Sun in Libra.=0A=0AThe 2nd house in D-24 shows next level of education and=

it is owned by Jupiter. During the D-24 Narayana dasa of Cp, which contain=

s Jupiter, he went to Harvard law school. In 1990, he was elected as the fi=

rst African American president of Harvard Law Review. This was Venus antard=

asa. In D-24, Venus is a yogakaraka in a friendly sign in lagna. He also ow=

ns arudha lagna (image and status) and A5 (arudha pada of 5th, tangible rec=

ognition of abilities). In the 1989-90 annual Tithi Pravesha (soli-lunar re=

turn) chart, Jupiter's annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa gave this unique distin=

ction, which proved useful later in his life. In D-24, Jupiter is the 9th l=

ord in 9th in moolatrikona giving fortune. In D-10, he is the lagna and 10t=

h lord exalted in 5th.=0A=0AHe got married in Oct 1992 in Rahu-Venus antard=

asa. Rahu is the 7th lord in navamsa (D-9). Venus is his dispositor and als=

o the karaka of marriage. In the D-9 of 1992-93 annual TP chart, Mercury is=

in 7th and aspects 7th lord in lagna. From Moon and Venus, he is the 7th l=

ord in 2nd. He aspects UL too. His annual TA dasa gave marriage.=0A=0AHe ha=

d children in Jupiter-Jupiter and Jupiter-Mercury. The two children are sho=

wn by the 5th and 7th lords. The 5th lord Mars is in Aquarius alone showing=

a female child and debilitated 7th lord Mercury joins Ketu, again showing =

a female child. Both his children are girls. The 5th and 5th lord are aspec=

ted by Jupiter while the 7th lord is Mercury. So the antardasas are Jupiter=

and Mercury. The dasa is of Jupiter, who is the significator of children a=

nd happens to be the lagna lord in 9th in D-7.=0A=0AIn 1996, he was elected=

to Illinois state senate. Though the election was in 1996-97, decision of =

Alice Palmer to endorse him was in 1995. When she lost the congress seat to=

Jesse Jackson, Jr, she wanted her Illionois senate seat back. When Obama r=

efused, Palmer actually contested against him! Then Obama challeged the bal=

lot signatures of his opponents and all applications including Palmer's wer=

e rejected. Thus Obama won the democratic primary in March 1996 unopposed. =

The victory over the republican candidate later in November 1996 was a mere=

formality. The real thing was winning the primary in 1996. In the 1995-96 =

annual TP chart, the 4th/9th lord Venus and 5th lord Mercury have a conjunc=

tion within half a degree in the 5th house of power! In D-10, arudha padas =

of 5th and 10th houses conjoin in Leo lagna and lord Sun is exalted in 9th,=

aspected by the 5th lord Sun. His election was in Jupiter-Jupiter antardas=

a as per natal Vimsottari. Jupiter is the 5th

lord from arudha lagna and also owns A5.=0A=0AIn 1998, he was re-elected c=

omfortably. In the annual TP chart, 9th and 10th lords Sun and Mercury are =

together. In D-10, 5th house has 5th lord Jupiter in moolatrikona with Merc=

ury who owns A5 and A10. Mercury dasa gave the re-election victory.=0A=0AOn=

2000 March 21, he lost the democratic primary for US congress to incumbent=

Bobby Rush. He wanted a jump from being in Illinois senate to US congress,=

but failed. This was in Rahu dasa as per annual TA dasa. Rahu afflicts Sun=

in rasi chart of annual TP chart, within half a degree. In D-10, Rahu is w=

ith Sun in 12th (i.e. marana karaka sthana for Sun). He lost power.=0A=0AIn=

Jupiter-Mercury antardasa in 2002, he came back to power by going back to =

Illinois senate. This time, democrats regained majority after a decade in t=

he minority. Obama gained an important chairmanship in state senate and bui=

lt his legislature portfolio. This was a very important development in his =

career. In D-10, Mercury is the 5th lord in 11th from AL and he aspects A5.=

In rasi, 6th lord Mercury, 8th lord Sun and 12th lord Jupiter are on 1st-7=

th axis. Viparita raja yoga is formed if only dusthana lords join a dusthan=

a without others or if dusthana lords join in a quadrant with lagna lord. H=

ere the second kind is formed. Both Jupiter and Mercury take part in it. In=

the annual TP chart of 2002-03, 9th lord Jupiter and 4th lord Venus give a=

raja yoga in 11th, in the 7th from AL. A5 (tangible articles reflecting on=

recognition) , A9 (tangible articles reflecting on fortune) and A3 (tangib=

le articles reflecting on initiative) are together in lagna,

showing a year of fortune, power and initiative. He used the position to i=

ntroduce new legislature and build up his portfolio for future campaigns.=

=0A=0AHe came to national prominence with a rousing speech at the last DNC =

in July 2004 and it was in Venus antardasa. Venus is the 5th and 10th lord =

in rasi chart. In D-10, he is the lagna lord in AL. Annual TP chart of 2003=

-04 has 1st, 7th, 9th and 10th lords together in 8th (suddenness) in rasi a=

nd also Gaja-Kesari yoga in in D-10 and the sudden success/fame came in the=

year.=0A=0AIn Nov 2004 in the same Venus antardasa, he was elected to US s=

enate. In the annual TP chart of 2004-05, 5th lord Saturn and 9th lord Venu=

s are in 10th. In D-10, yogakaraka Saturn is in 10th in own house. The 5th =

lord Mercury occupies A5 in the 5th house from AL and his annual TA dasa ga=

ve the electoral victory.=0A=0AAn acclaimed book by him called " The Audacit=

y of Hope " was published in October 2006 in Jupiter-Venus- Mercury pratyant=

ardasa. Venus is the owner of A3 (a tangible article reflecting on one's co=

mmunication skills, e.g. books) and Mercury is the karaka of writing.=0A=0A=

In his annual TP return chart of 2007-08, dasamsa has 10th lord Jupiter in =

10th with 9th lord and aspected by 7th lord Mercury in own sign. Jupiter's =

annual dasa during Jan 7-March 9, 2008 catapulted him to the front-runner p=

osition. Rahu is the 12th lord who afflicts this combination and his dasa d=

uring March 9-April 17, 2008 prolonged the battle. Venus dasa brought his p=

rimary victory. Venus is the lagna lord with yogakaraka Saturn giving a raj=

a yoga in 4th and in AL in rasi chart. In D-10, he occupies moolatrikona in=

8th and gives sudden developments. He is in A5 and in the 5th from AL. So =

the victory makes sense.=0A=0A* * *=0A=0ABirthtime of John McCain=0A=0AThou=

gh there is a 11 am birthtime in circulation, it makes no sense when checke=

d with life events. I took the 9 am birthtime and rectified it by 8 minutes=

..=0A=0ABirthdata: 1936 August 29, 9:08:10 am (5:00 west of GMT), 79 deg 52'=

W, 9 deg 22' N=0A=0ALagna is Virgo with Mercury in it. He is an intelligen=

t and logical man. Debilitated Ketu is in AL in intellectual Gemini and he =

is seen as a maverick and an unconventional politician. He has vargottama l=

agna and has a strong individuality. Because of vargottama lagna, Sataabdik=

a dasa applies and it works better than Vimsottari dasa.=0A=0AHe was marrie=

d on 1965 July 3. This was Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per Sataabdika dasa=

.. Jupiter is the 7th lord in D-9 and dispositor of Venus. In the D-9 of 196=

4-65 annual TP chart, 7th lord Mars is in 11th with lagna lord Venus. Annua=

l Tithi Ashtottari (TA) dasa of Mars brought marriage.=0A=0AIn the 1967-68 =

annual TP chart, ruler of the year Moon is in marana karaka sthana in 8th h=

ouse and he is in mrityu bhaga. This was a terrible year that started a 5 y=

ear imprisonment. Also, the 3rd house is in mrityu bhaga and his bravery wa=

s tested badly. Based on natal dasa, it was the beginning of Jupiter dasa. =

Jupiter is the 4th lord of comfort and in marana karaka sthana. In D-4, he =

is in the 12th house in an inimical sign with the 12th lord. This can show =

loss of residential comfort and even imprisonment. In D-10, Jupiter is affl=

icted by a strong Rahu in Aquarius lagna and gives Guru-Chandala yoga. So t=

here was a big setback in career. Antardasa was that of Mars. Mars is the 8=

th lord and occupies A8. He can give an accident. In D-4, he is in the 8th =

house and can deprive of residence. In D-10, he is in 10th and can show an =

acceident/setback in career.=0A=0AHe was released on 1973 March 14. In the =

natal D-4 and rasi, Saturn is in 6th showing a victory and removal of obsta=

cles. His antardasa brought the release. In the annual TP chart of 1972-73,=

9th lord Venus in 10th and 4th lord Jupiter in 4th give a raja yoga and ca=

n show reaching home. Venus-Jupiter antardasa as per annual TA dasa was run=

ning. Jupiter is with Moon in Sagittarius and shows becoming famous.=0A=0AT=

he 10th lord in D-10 is Mars and show military career. Sun is the 7th lord,=

occupies 11th and aspects 5th. Sun antardasa started in 1977 and he served=

as navy's liaison to senate. This was the beginning of his political caree=

r.=0A=0AIn Feb 1980, he was divorced. In the annual TP chart's navamsa, 7th=

lord Jupiter is in 8th. From the 7th house of marriage, Venus is the 8th l=

ord in 7th and is a maraka. He is combust in lagna with Sun. His dasa broug=

ht divorce. Dasa of Moon in 7th brought the second marriage on 1980 May 17.=

In natal navamsa, Venus is the 2nd lord (2nd is the 8th from 7th and shows=

the end of first marriage and also the coming of second marriage). Venus a=

ntardasa brought the divorce and second marriage.=0A=0AHe retired from navy=

on 1981 April 1. Venus is in the 7th house (2nd house from the 6th house o=

f service) in D-10 of annual TP chart. In Venus-Venus, his service ended.=

=0A=0AIn 1982 November, he was elected to US congress from Arizona. In annu=

al TP chart, 10th lord Jupiter and 9th lord Mars are together giving a raja=

yoga. In D-10, lagna lord Sun is in the 5th house of power and 5th lord Ju=

piter aspects Leo lagna from Aquarius. In Jupiter dasa, he was elected to c=

ongress. As per natal dasa, Mercury dasa was running. Mercury is the 5th lo=

rd of power in the 7th house with 10th lord Ketu.=0A=0AIn 1986-87 annual TP=

chart, 5th house has exalted 5th lord Mercury (who is the ruler of the yea=

r). In D-10, 5th lord Venus is in 9th and 9th lord Saturn is exalted in 5th=

.. Moreover, there is Gaja-Kesari yoga on the 10th house axis. Dasa of 10th =

lord Jupiter gave him success in senate elections. As per natal dasa, this =

is Mars dasa. Mars is the 10th lord in the 5th from AL. More importantly, h=

e gives the results of Ketu, who gives raja yoga with Mercury in 7th (5th a=

nd 10th lords together).=0A=0AIn 1999-2000 annual TP chart, lagna lord Moon=

is afflicted by 8th lord Rahu. Other 8th lord Saturn is in 5th house of po=

wer. The 12th lord of loss Mercury is with debilitated Sun and their dispos=

itor Venus happens to be badhakesha and he is retrograde in 2nd. During the=

dasa of exalted Jupiter in D-10 lagna, he did well. But he ran into troubl=

es in Venus dasa and dropped out.=0A=0AIn 2006-07 annual TP chart, 8th lord=

Mars is in 10th. During Mars dasa in summer, his campaign fell apart.=0A=

=0AIn 2007-08 annual TP chart, 9th lord Jupiter is in 5th and 5th/10th lord=

Mars is in 11th and they aspect each other. In D-10 also, 9th and 10th lor=

ds Jupiter and Mars are in samasaptaka. Amatya karaka Venus is in arudha la=

gna in the 5th house. In the annual TA dasa of Venus, he emerged as the pre=

sumptive replublican nominee.=0A=0A* * *=0A=0ALooking ahead to Election 200=

8=0A=0ARight now, John McCain is running the Saturn dasa Saturn antardasa a=

s per natal Satabdika dasa. Saturn is the 6th lord in 6th in rasi. In D-10,=

he is the lagna lord in the 10th house. He is in 7th from AL. He owns the =

rajya pada (A10). The pratyantardasa at the time of election will be Mercur=

y's. He owns and aspects the 5th house in D-10 and exalted in lagna in rasi=

..=0A=0AThe 2008-09 annual TP chart of John McCain is cast for 2008 Sept 11 =

at 11:06:45 pm. In this chart, 5th lord Mercury is exalted in 5tyh. Lagna l=

ord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 5th hous=

e of power within a 1 deg 10 min arc. This happens in the 9th house of AL (=

arudha lagna)! Mars owns A10, while Mercury owns A5. They happen to be in t=

he 7th house from GL (Ghatika Lagna), which is the seat of power. Rajya sah=

amam falls in Gemini and Mercury owns it.=0A=0AIn D-10 also, lagna lord Ven=

us, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 8th house of su=

dden reversals and A5 is also there. In fact, GL is also with them.=0A=0AAt=

the time of elections, Sun, Mercury and Mars transit in his 10th house.=0A=

=0AThough 2007-08 annual TP chart of McCain is not promising and explains t=

he lacklustre performance in opinion polls until now, it is likely that he =

will pick up steam after Sept 11.=0A=0ANow let us see the chart of Barack O=

bama. Jupiter-Moon antardasa is running. Moon is in the 12th house in D-10 =

and has the potential to give a loss.=0A=0AThe annual TP chart of Barack Ob=

ama is cast for 2008 July 26 at 10:04 pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter =

is also the ruler of the year and he is in moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lo=

rd Moon is exalted in 3rd. These are all good factors. But the 5th house of=

power contains 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus along with 7th lord Mercury=

and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good combination. In D-10, lagna lord Jup=

iter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in 6th and the 5th lord Mars is in=

4th. Neither shows political power.=0A=0AJohn McCain has a considerably hi=

gher chance of winning than Barack Obama.=0A=0A* * *=0A=0AFinal Prediction=

=0A=0AUntil mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But, McCai=

n's campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September and Oct=

ober. John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008.=0A=0AWhen (if=

) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are available, I will re-visit=

this prediction and see if there is any modification. But, as things stand=

now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes of both Obama and McCain a=

nd my expectation is that McCain will win.=0A=0ABest regards,=0ANarasimha=

=0A------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -=0ADo Ga=

napathi Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam=0ASpirituali=

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: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org=0ASri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: htt=

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